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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Respostas fisiol?gicas durante teste de caminhada dos 6 minutos em mulheres com diferentes n?veis de adiposidade

Felipe, Renata Carlos 10 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:16:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RenataCF_DISSERT.pdf: 1884253 bytes, checksum: 242ade1c330f7bacb146d513badd6f21 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-10 / Backgroud: Obesity is a major public health problem and is related to the low physical capacity when obese are compared to no-obese people, however the cause of this limitation is not completely understood. The measurement associated of physiological response to the telemetric 6MWT adds information of metabolic and respiratory system for diagnose of the functional limitation. Objective: Analyze physiological, metabolic and ventilatory responses in women with different body fat during the 6MWT. Methods: 32 women (8 non-obese, 8 Overweight, 8 Obese and 8 morbidly obese) were evaluated for anthropometry, lung function and exercise capacity. Results: Morbidly obese walked the shortest distance (400.2?38.7m), had lower VO2/Kg (12.75?3.20l/Kg/min) and lower R (0.74? 0.11) in the 6MWT compared to other groups. Analyses of metabolic (VO2 and VCO2) and respiratory (VE, VT and BF) during the test did not identify differences between groups. The evaluation of cardiac function (O2 pulse) found higher values in the OM (12.3 ? 4.9ml/bat). Conclusion: The OM had worse performance in the 6MWT compared to other groups. The physical performance may be reduced in this population related to a protocol-dependent response because the speed of 6MWT is self-adjusted allows the individual himself select the intensity of the test, making it set at a speed where there is energy saving / Introdu??o: A obesidade ? um importante problema de sa?de p?blica sendo relacionada ao baixo rendimento em atividades f?sicas quando obesos s?o comparados a normopesos, entretanto a causa dessa limita??o n?o ? totalmente esclarecida. A associa??o de medidas telem?tricas da resposta fisiol?gica ao TC6M agrega informa??es do sistema metab?lico e respirat?rio para o diagn?stico da limita??o funcional. Objetivo: analisar as respostas fisiol?gicas metab?lica, ventilat?ria e cardiovascular de mulheres com diferentes perfis de adiposidade durante o TC6M. M?todo: 32 mulheres (8 normopeso-NP, 8 Sobrepeso-SP, 8 Obesas-OB e 8 Obesas M?rbidas-OM) foram avaliadas quanto ? antropometria, fun??o pulmonar e capacidade de exerc?cio. Resultados: As OM caminharam a menor dist?ncia (400.2?38.7m), obtiveram menor VO2/Kg (12.75?3.20l/Kg/min) e menor R (0.74?0.11) no TC6M em rela??o aos demais grupos. A an?lise do comportamento metab?lico (VO2 e VCO2) e respirat?rio (VE, VC e FR) durante o teste n?o identificou diferen?a entre os grupos. A avalia??o da fun??o card?aca (pulso de O2) encontrou maiores valores nas OM (12.3?4.9ml/frequ?ncia). Conclus?o: As OM apresentaram pior desempenho no TC6M em rela??o aos demais grupos. O desempenho f?sico reduzido nessa popula??o pode estar relacionado a uma resposta protocolo-dependente, pois a velocidade auto-ajustada do TC6M permite que o pr?prio indiv?duo selecione a intensidade do teste, fazendo com que seja selecionada uma velocidade onde haja economia energ?tica

Avalia??o das vari?veis cardiovasculares, capacidade de caminhar e n?vel de atividade f?sica de obesos m?rbidos antes e depois da cirurgia bari?trica

Lopes, Thiago Jambo Alves 25 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:16:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoJAL_DISSERT.pdf: 946704 bytes, checksum: e827cc09ae18a75d76980a58fe6e619b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-25 / Morbidly obese patients present an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and perceived exertion besides lower walking ability compared to normal weight people. However, little is known about how these variables are presented after bariatric surgery. Moreover, despite the distance walked during the six-minute walk (6MWT) improve after surgery is not well established if the level of physical activity influences this improvement. Objective: To evaluate cardiovascular performance, perceived effort, ability of walking and physical activity level of patients with morbid obesity before and after bariatric surgery. Methods: The cardiovascular performance, perception of effort, the ability to walk and level of physical activity were assessed in 22 patients before (BMI = 50.4 kg/m2) and after (BMI = 34.8 kg/m2) bariatric surgery through the 6MWT. The heart rate, blood pressure and perceived exertion were assessed at rest, at the end of the 6MWT and in the second minute post-test (HR recovery). The ability to walk was measured by total distance walked at the end of the test while the level of physical activity was estimated by applying the Baecke questionnaire, analyzing domains occupation, leisure and locomotion and leisure and physical activity. Results: The HR at rest and recovery decreased significantly (91.2 ? 15.8 bpm vs. 71.9 ? 9.8 bpm, 99.5 ? 15.3 bpm vs 82.5 ? 11.1 bpm, respectively), as well as all the arterial pressure and perceived exertion after surgery. The distance achieved by the patients increased by 58.4 m (p = 0.001) postoperatively. Time postoperatively had correlation with the percentage of excess weight lost (r = 0.48, p = 0.02), BMI (r =- 0.68, p = 0.001) and the Baecke (r = 0.52, p = 0.01) which did not happen with the distance walked (r = 0.37, p = 0.09). Despite weight loss, patients showed no difference in the level of physical activity in any of the areas before and after surgery. Conclusion: The cardiovascular performance, the perception of effort and ability to walk seem to improve after bariatric surgery. However, despite improvement in the ability to walk by the distance achieved in the 6MWT after weight loss, this is not reflected in an increase in physical activity level of obese patients after surgery / Obesos m?rbidos apresentam aumento da freq??ncia card?aca, da press?o arterial e da percep??o do esfor?o al?m de baixa capacidade de caminhar em rela??o a pessoas eutr?ficas. No entanto, pouco se sabe como essas vari?veis se apresentam ap?s a realiza??o da cirurgia bari?trica. Al?m disso, apesar da dist?ncia percorrida no teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6M) melhorar ap?s a cirurgia, ainda n?o est? bem estabelecido como o n?vel de atividade f?sica influencia nesta melhora. Objetivo: Avaliar o desempenho cardiovascular, a percep??o do esfor?o, a capacidade de caminhar e o n?vel de atividade f?sica de pacientes portadores de obesidade m?rbida antes e depois da cirurgia bari?trica. M?todos: O desempenho cardiovascular, a percep??o do esfor?o, a capacidade de caminhar e o n?vel de atividade f?sica foram avaliados em 22 pacientes antes (IMC=50,4kg/m2) e ap?s (IMC=34,8kg/m2) a cirurgia bari?trica atrav?s do TC6M. A FC, a press?o arterial e a percep??o do esfor?o foram avaliados no repouso, ao final do TC6M e no segundo minuto p?s-teste (FC recupera??o). J? a capacidade de caminhar foi aferida atrav?s da dist?ncia total caminhada ao final do TC6M enquanto o n?vel de atividade f?sica foi estimado pela aplica??o do Question?rio de Baecke, analisando os dom?nios ocupa??o, lazer e locomo??o e lazer e atividade f?sica. Resultados: A FC de repouso e recupera??o diminu?ram significativamente (91,2?15,8 bpm vs 71,9?9,8 bpm; 99,5?15,3 bpm vs 82,5?11,1 bpm, respectivamente), assim como todos os valores de press?o arterial e percep??o de esfor?o ap?s a cirurgia. J? a dist?ncia atingida pelos pacientes aumentou em 58,4 m (p=0,001) no p?soperat?rio. O tempo de p?s-operat?rio obteve correla??o com o percentual de excesso de peso perdido (r=0,48;p=0,02), com o IMC (r=-0,68;p=0,001) e com o Baecke (r=0,52;p=0,01), no entanto n?o teve rela??o com a dist?ncia caminhada (r=0,37;p=0,09). Outrossim, a despeito da perda ponderal, os pacientes n?o apresentaram diferen?a no n?vel de atividade f?sica em nenhum dos dom?nios antes e depois da cirurgia. Conclus?o: O desempenho cardiovascular, a percep??o do esfor?o e a capacidade de caminhar parecem melhorar ap?s a realiza??o da cirurgia bari?trica. No entanto, apesar da xii melhora na capacidade de caminhar pela dist?ncia alcan?ada no TC6M ap?s a perda de peso, isso n?o repercutiu em aumento no n?vel de atividade f?sica dos obesos depois da cirurgia

Avalia??o da capacidade de caminhar do portador de obesidade m?rbida utilizando teste de caminhada de 6 minutos

Lago, Sheyla Thatiane Santos do 30 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:16:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SheylaTSL.pdf: 1123530 bytes, checksum: 9d193a5e8ae6cbd93482dabd85a41d69 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-30 / Introduction: The ability to walk is impaired in obese by anthropometric factors (BMI and height), musculoskeletal pain and level of inactivity. Little is known about the influence of body adiposity and the acute response of the cardiovascular system during whole the 6-minute walk test (6mWT). Objective: To evaluate the effect of anthropometric measures (BMI and WHR waist-to-hip ratio), the effort heart and inactivity in ability to walk the morbidly obese. Materials and Methods: a total 36 morbidly obese (36.23 + 11.82 years old, BMI 49.16 kg/m2) were recruited from outpatient department of treatment of obesity and bariatric surgery in University Hospital Onofre Lopes and anthropometric measurements of obesity (BMI and WHR), pulmonary function, pattern habitual physical activity (Baecke Questionnaire) and walking capacity (6mWT). The patient was checking to measure: heart rate (HR), breathing frequency (BF), peripheral oxygen saturation, level of perceived exertion, systemic arterial pressure and duplo-produto (DP), moreover the average speed development and total distance walking. The data were analysed between gender and pattern of body adiposity, measuring the behavior minute by minute of walking. The Pearson and Spearmam correlation coefficients were calculated, and stepwise multiple Regression examined the predictors of walking capacity. All analyses were performed en software Statistic 6.0. Results: 20 obese patients had abdominal adiposity (WHR = 1.01), waist circumference was 135.8 cm in women (25) and 139.8 cm in men (10). Walked to the end of 6mWT 412.43 m, with no differences between gender and adiposity. The total distance walked by obesity alone was explained by BMI (45%), HR in the sixth minute (43%), the Baecke (24%) and fatigue (-23%). 88.6% of obese (31) performed the test above 60% of maximal HR, while the peak HR achieved at 5-minute of 6mWT. Systemic arterial pressure and DP rised after walking, but with no differences between gender and adiposity. Conclusion: The walk of obese didn?t suffers influence of gender or the pattern of body adiposity. The final distance walked is attributed to excess body weight, stress heart, the feeling of effort required by physical activity and level of sedentary to obese. With a minute of walking, the obeses achieved a range of intensity cardiovascular trainning / Introdu??o: A capacidade de caminhar dos obesos ? prejudicada pelo ?ndice de Massa Corporal (IMC), dores osteomioarticulares e n?vel de sedentarismo. Pouco se sabe sobre a influ?ncia do perfil da adiposidade corporal, do g?nero e da resposta aguda do sistema cardiovascular sobre a capacidade de caminhada do obeso. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de medidas antropom?tricas (IMC e WHR, waist-to-hip ratio), esfor?o card?aco e sedentarismo sobre a capacidade de caminhada de portadores de obesidade m?rbida. Materiais e M?todos: Entre setembro de 2007 e setembro de 2008, 36 obesos m?rbidos (idade 36,23 + 11,82; IMC 49,16 kg/m2) foram recrutados no ambulat?rio de tratamento da obesidade e cirurgia bari?trica do Hospital Universit?rio Onofre Lopes e avaliados quanto marcadores antropom?tricos de obesidade, fun??o pulmonar, n?vel de atividade f?sica habitual (Question?rio de Baecke) e capacidade de caminhar (TC6M). O paciente era monitorado para verificar: freq??ncia card?aca (FC) e respirat?ria (FR), satura??o perif?rica de oxig?nio, n?vel de esfor?o percebido, press?o arterial sist?mica (PA) e duplo-produto (DP). Durante a caminhada, ainda mensurava-se a velocidade m?dia desenvolvida e dist?ncia total percorrida pelos portadores de obesidade m?rbida. Os dados foram analisados entre os g?neros e o tipo de distribui??o de gordura corporal, avaliando o comportamento das vari?veis a cada minuto caminhado. As correla??es de Pearson e Spearmam foram analisadas. A Regress?o M?ltipla buscou preditores da capacidade de caminhada. Foi utilizado o software Statistic 6.0 para an?lise estat?stica. Resultados: 20 obesos tinham adiposidade abdominal (WHR = 1,01), circunfer?ncia da cintura de 135,8 cm nas mulheres (25) e de 139,8 cm nos homens (10). Durante TC6M, foi caminhada uma dist?ncia de 412,43 m, sem diferen?as entre g?nero ou adiposidade. Essa dist?ncia total percorrida foi explicada isoladamente pelo IMC (45%), FC no sexto minuto (43%), Baecke (24%) e fadiga (-23%). 88,6% dos obesos (31) realizaram o teste acima de 60% da FCM?xima, sendo o pico de FC atingido aos 5 minutos de caminhada. PA e DP aumentaram significativamente com a caminhada, mas sem diferen?as entre g?nero ou adiposidade. Conclus?o: A acaminhada dos obesos m?rbidos n?o sofre influ?ncia do g?nero ou do perfil de adiposidade corporal. A dist?ncia final percorrida ? atribu?da ao excesso de peso corporal, estress card?aco, sensa??o de esfor?o imposta pela caminhada e ao n?vel de sedentarismo pr?vio do obeso. Dentro de 1 minuto de caminhada, os obesos atingem uma zona de treinamento cardiovascular

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