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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Singen als Dialog zwischen menschlicher Kommunikation und musikalischer Bildung

Jank, Birgit January 2013 (has links)
1. Vorbemerkungen 2. Was ist das Besondere am Singen? 3. Wo liegen Probleme und Herausforderungen in der Lied- und Singearbeit? 4. Wie kann eine gute Liedarbeit gestaltet werden? 5. Gibt es heute noch unterschiedliche Lied- und Singekulturen im Osten und im Westen Deutschlands? 6. Literatur

Binnendifferenzierung im Musikunterricht

Walf, Leonard January 2013 (has links)
1. Individuelle Förderung als Hauptbestandteil der Binnendifferenzierung 2. Binnendifferenzierung in der Praxis 3. Binnendifferenzierung als Chance für den Musikunterricht 4. Literatur

„Belcantare Brandenburg“ – ein zweites „Primacanta“? : Vergleichende Betrachtung zweier lehrerfortbildender Singprojekte

Maier, Olga January 2013 (has links)
1. Die „Primacanta“-Konzeption 2. Erläuterungen zu den Vergleichbarkeiten und den Unterschieden beider Projekte 3. Literatur 4. Internetquellen

Einzelcoaching als Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe. Wie man musikdidaktische Lehrerkompetenzen gezielt unterstützt und fördert

Assinger, Eva Katharina January 2013 (has links)
1. Was ist Coaching? 2. Fachdidaktisches Coaching 3. Coaching im Projekt „Belcantare Brandenburg“ 4. Evaluation und Weiterentwicklung der Coachingprozesse 5. Literatur

Entwicklungsfelder in der Singarbeit der Teilnehmer von „Belcantare Brandenburg“

Buschmann, Jana January 2013 (has links)
1. Merkmale und Arbeitsfelder des Singens 2. Entwicklungsfelder der Projektteilnehmer 3. Schülerbewertungen gewähren erste Erkenntnisse zur Qualität der schulischen Singarbeit 4. Literatur 5. Internetquellen

Ausgewählte bilanzierende Einblicke zum Projekt „Belcantare Brandenburg“

Buschmann, Jana, Jank, Birgit January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Learning environment in Thailand : A case study regarding teaching methods and motivation in a Thai school.

Åkesson, Stina, Vallin, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of our case study is to illustrate what teaching methods the teachers in an elementary school in southern Thailand use and if they motivate the students and in that case, how they do it. In the background we briefly report about Thailand, their school system and their development. The following presentation processes previous research that has been made within our chosen subjects. The theories are linked to our research questions, such as teaching methods, learning environments and approaches to motivate the students. Through a qualitative method ten observations have been conducted and the result of our observations have been analyzed and discussed. The result shows that the teachers in our case study use very personal and different teaching methods. The Ministry of education (2006) describes that the educational reform that took place in Thailand should develop teachers’ education methods to be more student-centered. The result of our observation shows that the teachers are in different stages in this development. Some of the teachers have much to develop before they reach this goal. The teachers also motivate the students differently. Some teachers motivated the students through external motivation where the goal was to pass the examiner’s tests, while others used the students’ internal motivation. The results cannot be generalized for all schools in Thailand. Since the study is relatively small, it only shows how a part of the teachers implemented their teaching at the school where the study was conducted.

Fiction and the Syllabus : A Qualitative Study of the Teaching of Fiction as Related to the Syllabus for English in Swedish Junior High School

Backlund, Jenny January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how fiction in English is taught in Swedish Junior High Schools with the present syllabus as a focus. I compare the present syllabus with the previous one in order to observe what changes English language teaching has undergone in regards to the teaching of fiction. Seven English teachers from different parts of Sweden discuss what role fiction has in their classroom, why they teach fiction and how the teaching of fiction is realized in practice. The reading literacy and frequency of reading are also analyzed in contrast with the increased consumption of technology. The results were consistent with research and statistics as presented in this study. The notion of students as individuals with individual needs and interests was consistent among the informants as was the awareness of the necessity of introducing reading as an everyday activity in the compulsory school.

Kringlan - en programmeringsövning  med visualisering och problematisering av for-loopar

Kronnäs, Magnus January 2010 (has links)
In this report, I examine a part of the teaching of computer programming in a Swedish ”gymnasium”, carried out through the course ”Programmering A”. In this beginner course, students, often in heterogeneous groups, are taught the basics of using a programming language. However, quite a few pupils are facing problems in completing the course. Especially, the construction and use of ”for-loops” (in the programming language C++) seems to be hard to master. The report focus on the making and practising of a student-oriented excercise, which uses both visual and problem-oriented means to teach ”for-looping” in a way that makes learning easier, and also stimulates the students' creativity. Pros and cons with this excercise are discussed in the report, within the theoretical framework of the mathematician Papert and his ”constructionism”, as well as with some Swedish constructionist studies. The report is based on a qualitative study of three small student groups performing the excercise, at a ”gymnasium” in Sweden.

Kinestetisk lärstil och lärares undervisningsmetoder : En intervjustudie om möjligheter och hinder för att främja lärandet / Kinesthetic thinking in mathematics teaching : A interview study about possibilities and impediments too promote learning

Larsson, Linda, Larsson, Marie January 2008 (has links)
<p>Resumé</p><p>Studiens syfte var att se om det fanns möjligheter till att kunna anpassa undervisningen i ett klassrum för alla de individuella behov som ryms där. För att finna ett lämpligt svar på ovanstående fundering, beslutade författarna sig för att ta reda på vilka olika undervisningsätt det finns för de elever som lär kinestetiskt, alltså genom att få röra på sig i undervisningen. Detta gjordes genom att lärarna fick ett fiktivt case att utgå ifrån.</p><p>Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ inriktning mot ett fenomenografiskt angreppsätt. Författarna valde att göra kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare i skolan.</p><p>Författarnas tolkningar av lärarnas svar är att de gärna skulle vilja arbeta mer i grupper inom klasserna för att kunna tillgodose alla elevers lärande. Detta gäller inte enbart det kinestetiska lärandet. Arbetssättet av lärarna skiljde sig inte nämnvärt åt, eleverna med det kinestetiska lärandet skulle ha tillgång till en stor mängd konkret material som både lockar till att bygga, fritt eller efter ritningar, samt till att konstruera mönster, vilket är matematikens bas. Lärarna försökte göra undervisningen så varierande som möjligt för att ta tillvara på elevernas förmågor. I olika teman vävdes matematiken in och användes även utomhus. Där kunde eleverna sortera föremål, leta siffror, uppskatta antal och leta efter geometriska former som var av vikt för de som lär kinestetiskt.</p><p>Resultatet visar att det var läraren som måste använda en undervisnings stil som passade eleverna med det kinestetiska lärandet, det vill säga att undervisningen inte skulle ske på lärarens villkor utan på elevernas. Det var även viktigt att använda olika metoder som läraren själv trodde på, för annars tror inte eleverna att de kommer att lyckas i sitt lärande.</p> / <p>Abstract</p><p>The purpose of the study was to study if there are some possibilities for adjust teaching in a classroom for all individual needs. To find a suitable answer for the above thoughts, the authors decided to find out more about which different teaching methods there are for student who learn kinesthetic, in other words the students who needs to budge in the teaching. This was done through a fictitious case which was left to the teachers to assume from.</p><p>The study was done with a qualitative direction with a phenomenographics approach. The authors conducted qualitative interviews with some teachers in school.</p><p>The authors’ interpretation from the teachers’ answer is that they want to work more within groups in the classes for satisfying all the students learning. These were pertaining not to only the student who learns kinesthetic according to the interviews. The way of teaching didn’t differ between the teachers, and, the students, who learn by the kinesthetic way, should have access to a big part of concrete material, entice to build, free or after plan, and they entice to design model, which is the mathematics basis. The teachers tried to do the teaching as rich of variation as possible to take care of the students’ abilities. In different themes the mathematics was interweaved and used outdoors. There the students could classify object, look for figure, estimate quantity and look for forms of geometry. This was very important for those who learn by the kinesthetic way.</p><p>The result shows that it is the teachers who have to use teaching styles which fits the student, who learn by the kinesthetic way. It means that the teaching should concern more to the students’ conditions than the teachers. It is also important that the teachers use different methods which the teacher believes in, otherwise the student don’t believe neither and don’t success in their learning.</p>

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