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Infart Kv. Vargen 30Lindström, David January 2019 (has links)
Detta examensarbete kommer att gestalta en ny infart på ett kommande bostadsområde i centrala Piteå. Bostadsområdet heter Vargen 30 och i det ligger idag behandlingsenheten Strömgården samt öppna parkeringar och garage till närboende. Ombyggnationerna kommer även att påverka äldreboendet Österbo vilket kommer att framgå i rapporten. Gestaltningen gör jag med underlag från fysisk planering på Piteå kommun, där Kenneth Sjödin visar den vision som de har utifrån det förutsättningar som finns. Förutsättningar innebär viss mån av inskränkningar i planeringen, som jag måste ta hänsyn till. Befintliga byggnader, fordonstransporter etc., måste tas i beräkning. Examensarbetet bygger på ett verkligt projekt, från vision till färdiga bygghandlingar där flera olika alternativ har tagits fram, samt motivering till varför det blev just det förslaget som valdes. Projekteringen innebar arbete med underlag från Piteå kommun där jag fick anpassa projektet till Norconsults riktlinjer vad gäller standarder och former. Kontakt hölls kontinuerligt med ansvarig på Piteå kommun som beslutade hur området skulle planläggas. Arbetsgången har utförligt beskrivits i rapportdelen med bilder samt med mina egna tankegångar rörande den nya infarten. Kommunen antog mitt förslag och byggnationerna förväntas starta sommaren 2019.
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Experimental Study to Reduce CO Emissions in Skellefteå Kraft's 16 MW Bubbling Fluidized Bed BoilerJohansson, William January 2019 (has links)
Skellefteå Kraft has had high CO emissions problems in a bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) boiler in Malå.Statistical emissions data from 2013 to 2019 shows plant average emissions of 1230 ppm. Thisexceeds the recommended 440 ppm (6 % O2) that Naturvårdsverket proposes (Naturvårdsverket,2005). The aim of this project was to identify and map the cause of the BFB boilers high CO yield withthe help of a literature study as well as practical experiments to reduce CO, and; furthermore,suggest possible changes that can be implemented to resolve this problem.A literature study was conducted to gain a better understanding of possible causes of high CO influidized bed combustion of biomass. The results from the literature study showed that bedagglomeration, airflow symmetry, biomass moisture content, biomass particle size and biomass beddistribution all are common factors that can cause high CO emissions.Based on the literature study, statistical data from 2013 – 2019 and employee operator experience aseries of tests, calibrations and experiments were conducted on the boiler. The following methodswere used; Boiler statistical data analysis; Primary, secondary and tertiary airflow mapping;Pneumatic boiler feed system test (biomass bed distribution) and a bed material change test.From the statistical data analysis, it was found that sudden load variations had a minor contributionto the CO emissions. However, load variations were not the biggest contributing factor to high COemissions in the boiler in Malå. The primary, secondary and tertiary airflow were measured andmapped, uneven airflows between left and right were found. By calibration of even air distribution inthe primary systems CO levels were slightly reduced by 14 %. The primary air calibration improvedleft to right boiler air distribution from a 5 % difference to only a 0.7 % difference.A series of 11 tests was conducted on the pneumatic boiler feed system to obtain optimal fueldistribution. The test series that consisted of maximum parameters for transport air, spreading airand casting air obtained the lowest CO emissions levels of 350 ppm. An increase in airflow oftransport air in the pneumatic boiler feed system resulted in more even biomass bed distribution andincreased airflow in the lower secondary zone. This resulted in a dramatic CO emission decrease by63 %. A 45 °C temperature increase was also noticed in the secondary zone, a decrease intemperature before super heater 2 and a decrease in temperature before super heater 1. The changein transport air caused combustion of flue gasses to occur a lot lower in the furnace.This was clearly also documented through visual images taken inside the boiler with a special camerawhile the boiler was in operation. The images taken inside the boiler before and after theadjustments clearly showed that an increase of lower secondary air moves combustion closer to theboiler bed and reduces the CO emissions. The images also showed that uneven combustion wasoccurring in the boiler, as more violent and turbulent combustion was occurring on the right side ofthe boiler. This was an interesting finding as the measured airflow distribution was even in the boiler.This suggests that there is a major leakage in the air distribution pipes on the left side of the boiler.By reducing the airflow to the right section and increasing airflow to maximum on the left, an evenairflow distribution was obtained resulting in a more even combustion throughout the entire boiler.An increase in bed material change frequency from 1 time (3 % regeneration of total bed mass) to 3times (9 % regeneration of total bed mass) resulted in a CO emission decrease by 20 %. During thebed material change test bed agglomerates were observed which may explain the possible emissionsimprovement as the bed material was changed more frequently.All different tests were conducted independently of each other. The change that resulted in thehighest CO reduction was the increase of transport air to the secondary zone. Emissions werereduced by a total of 68 % as the transport air was set to maximum flow, the sand was changed threetimes and the primary airflow from left to right was even. The proposed adjustments will likely alsoincrease the boiler efficiency and reduce the maintenance of super heater 1, super heater 2 as wellas the economizer. The boiler produces around 400 ppm at 6 % O2 after the changes have beenimplemented. This is significantly lower compared to the original operation settings that during 2013to February 2019 have produced a CO emission of 1230 ppm (on average). The significant COdecrease in Skellefteå Kraft’s boiler has opened opportunity to operate the boiler with lower excessair which ultimately decreases exhaust heat losses. If Skellefteå Kraft were to succeed in operatingthe boiler at 3 % O2 excess, a sum of 255 kkr could be saved annually.The following recommendations are given in order to achieve low CO emissions:- Increase the bed material change frequency.- Clean pneumatic airflow system during summer stop annually.- Ensure airflow symmetry within the boiler is achieved annually.- Increase airflow to lower secondary zone.- Use recommended airflows for pneumatic boiler feed system.- Invest in a buffer tank to reduce load variation by Setra Sawmill.- Reduce secondary air nozzle size to increase combustion air in the middle of the boiler.- Increase the feed port ramp angle to increase biomass casting length in the boiler.- Investigate left side secondary air flow (possible leakage suggested)
1523 |
Transportvagn för dragprovsmaskinPham, Tuan Anh, Kristiansson, Robin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Data management for decision making in production developmentJayadeep, Ravuri January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: To deepen the understanding of data management for decision making in production development by analysing the multidisciplinary literature Research guiding question: •“How data management has been used in the current literature, for supporting decision making in production development?”.•“what are the hindering factorsfor data management in production development?”. Method: A systematic literature review is the research method forthis thesis. The source for the literature is from Scopus digital database. Conclusion: In context of the thesis, a descriptiveanalysisis performed tounderstand the efforts madeon the dimensions of “Focus area in manufacturing”, “Type of contributions”and the “Type of research”in the finalised literature. Ageneral cyclic procedure on data-driven decision-making is presented.Thematicanalysisisperformed in the areas of data acquisition, data analysis,decisional making systems and the type of decisions,to know how data management was performed for decision making in production development andtheobtainedthemes weresummarized as results.Also,thematicanalysiswas performedonthe challenges in data acquisition, data analysis,anddecisional making systems, thereafter,the obtained themes were summarizedandpresentedas hindering factors todata management for decision making inproduction development.
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Environmental and economicalsavings with different vehicletypesAsk, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how Anticimex in Australiacan make the best possible return on investment with consideration toreducing carbon dioxide equivalent for its present vehicle fleet.Beyond this analyse does the thesis conduct a strategic analyse inwhich region in Australia is the best place to invest in an electricvehicle fleet. Renault Kango MAXI Z.E has been chosen as an electricvehicle to investigate this question. In regard to the analyses themethod has taken in the aspect subsidiary conditions for Anticimexoperational business. The results indicate that for Anticimex presentvehicle fleet, Isuzu D-MAX 1.9D is the best model in regard toenvironment and economical aspects and the best region to carry out afuture electric fleet is Tasmania.
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Energikartläggning av smältverk 08 : En fallstudie över Sandvik ABHellström, Emma January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Liquified Natural Gas Marine Fuel : Naturally Occuring Radioactive Material / Flytande Naturgas - Marint bränsle : Naturligt Förekommande Radioaktivt MaterialDelashob, Hemen, Elmström, Björn January 2019 (has links)
There seems to be enough information available on how different types of radiation may affect human health. There also seems to be adequate research made about NORM and how to handle this phenomenon. The image put forth by this study shows that the appearance of NORM within affected industries do not appear surprising or difficult to deal with. On the contrary it seems to be a well-known issue and safety measures have been adapted accordingly. It appears as if these issues have been overlooked regarding the systems where LNG is being used as a marine fuel. There is not enough data to conclude whether NORM is an issue or not in such systems.
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Separation of isomers by enclathrationPatel, Leena Desiree January 2014 (has links)
Thesis presented for the degree of Magister Technologiae: Chemistry in the Faculty of Applied Sciences at the CAPE PENINSULA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY / The separation of isomers with similar chemical structures is one of the most difficult procedures in chemistry. This is because their physical and chemical properties are generally so similar that most of the common techniques are not successful. In such situations one employs host-guest chemistry, as a tool of separation technology.
In this thesis three aromatic hydrocarbon host compounds 9,9’-bianthryl (H1), 9,9’-spirobifluorene (H2) and trans-2,3-dibenzoylspiro(cyclopropane-1,9’-fluorene) (H3) were investigated in terms of their selectivity towards heterocyclic aromatic compounds (pyridine, PYR; piperidine, PIP; morpholine, MOR and 1,4-dioxane, DIO), cyclohexanone derivative compounds (cyclohexanone, CYHA; 2-methylcyclohexanone, 2-MCYHA; 3-methylcyclohexanone, 3-MCYHA and 4-methylcyclohexanone, 4-MCYHA) and the xylene isomers (ortho-xylene, ox; meta-xylene, mx and para-xylene, px). The H1, H2 and H3 host compounds were combined with a series of the heterocyclic compounds and six inclusion compounds were formed: H1•MOR, H2•2PYR, H2•PIP, H2•MOR, H2•DIO and H3•PYR. In the second part the derivatives of cyclohexanone formed inclusion compounds with the hosts H1 and H2. The H1•2CYHA, H1•ANT, H1•0.5(2-MCYHA) and H3•CYHA structures were obtained. In the third part the H1 formed clathrates with ox and px; H2 and H3 only formed clathrates with px and ox respectively. The following four structures were obtained: H1•0.5ox, H1•0.5px, H2•0.5px and H3•ox and were analysed by single crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXD), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR), thermal gravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
It wasconcluded that H2 discriminates between the four heterocyclic compounds as follows: PIP > MOR ≈ DIO ≈ PYR and this can be explained by the 1H-NMR results and the packing features. In analysis of the xylene isomers, it was found that the three hydrocarbon host compounds H1, H2 and H3 efficiently discriminate between the isomers by forming inclusion compounds. H1 enclathrates both ox and px but prefers the former. This can be explained in terms of the packing features and lattice energies. H2 and H3 only enclathrate px and ox respectively. It was concluded that host compounds with small conformational movements are potentially good in selective inclusion.
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Computer-aided system for the selection of sieve diameters to size sort cling peach halves for canningVan der Merwe, Herman B January 1991 (has links)
Thesis (Laureatus in Technology ( Food))-- Cape Technikon, 1991 / This dissertation reports on a three prong approach to obtain new
knowledge on the interdependent effects which buyers' specifications,
peach crop attributes and sieve stack arrangement have on the masses
of peach halves sorted into classes of average diameter. Applying
statistical methods and using suitable application computer programs
a computer-aided system was developed to improve on the manual
selection of sieve diameters. It was concluded that size sorting
peach halves for the purpose of mass classification is inaccurate and
counter-productive. It is suggested that modern technology be
employed to develop a method to determine peach half masses
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IT-forensikens utmaningar med molntjänsterKarlsson, Simon, Rothman, Carl January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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