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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The bubble funnel : A visualisation concept designed to increase understanding of user funnels

Karpefors, Max January 2019 (has links)
To understand user acquisition is of major importance for digital service providers. Drawing on a case study at Hedvig AB, this thesis presents how a user funnel can be visualised in, to my knowledge, a novel way to increase the understanding of the inflow of users. The design is human-centred and research methods include, among others, semi-structured interviews and evaluation sessions. The visualisation is developed for the web with JavaScript and D3. In contrast to previous solutions, this visualisation takes advantage of motion and combines the state of the art representation of a user funnel with a bubble chart. This approach is a step away from the static visualisation and a step towards a more engaging and interactive solution to communicate and analyse data. Two main ideas of usage are presented: one for simulation of historical data and one for live data. Mainly, this visualisation provides a clear overview of a whole user funnel, it addresses user cohorts in different ways and it efficiently shows where users drop-off.

Utvärdering av effektoptimerad solcellsanläggning : En jämförelse mellan verkliga driftdata och simuleringar för Gillberga gård, samt för- och nackdelar med effektoptimering

Arnkvaern, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

An Online Catalog of Tools and Techniques for Teaching

Barac, Tijana, Navér, Norah, Nystrand, Filip, Ryan, Elisabeth January 2019 (has links)
There are many different techniques and tools to make education more diverse. Finding information about these techniques and tools though is not always easy. To help teachers in their education, this project is about creating a website that functions as an online catalog of tools and techniques. Our main focus is the interface of the website, making the catalog easy to use. The target group is teachers at Uppsala University. To find the best implementation the design of the interface, we began by creating different user stories and building a prototype. The prototype was tested by friends and family of the project team. With feedback from the test, the interface was built, the implementation was then tested by users from the target group. The result was a well-tested website with an, according to the result from the user tests, easy-to-use design. The result was considered useful by the stakeholders. The website will be used by The Council for Educational Development at the Faculty of Science and Technology at Uppsala University (TUR). / Det finns många olika tekniker och hjälpmedel för att göra undervisning mer modern men det är inte alltid lätt att hitta information om dessa metoder. För att underlätta för lärare i deras undervisning, är detta ett projekt med mål att skapa en hemsida som fungerar som en online-katalog med tekniker och hjälpmedel. Huvudfokuset är att skapa ett gränssnitt till hemsidan för att göra katalogen lättanvänd. Målgruppen är lärare och föreläsare på Uppsala Universitet. För att hitta den bästa designlösningen till gränssnittet, började vi med att skapa olika användarhistorier och med att bygga en prototyp. Prototypen testades av vänner och familj till projektgruppen. Med kritik från testen byggdes gränssnittet, det implementerade gränssnittet testades sen av personer från målgruppen. Resultat var en vältestad hemsida som, enligt resultat från användartesterna, hade en design som var lätt att använda. Resultatet ansågs även vara användbart av projektets intressenter. Hemsidan kommer att tas i bruk teknisk-naturvetenskapliga fakultetens universitetspedagogiska råd på Uppsala Universitet (TUR).

Surveillance Using Facial Recognition and Social Media Data

Eriksson, Pontus, Nordström, Carl, Troshin, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
People share more and more on social media, aware that they are being surveilled but unaware of the scope and the ways that their data is processed. Large amounts of resources are dedicated to performing the surveillance, both in terms of labor and computation. This project explores the scope of data collection and processing by showing that it is possible to gather, process, and store data from the social media platforms Twitter and Reddit in real-time using only a personal computer. The focus was to use facial recognition to find specific individuals in the stream of data, but the data collected can be used for other purposes. We have also explored the ethical concerns regarding both the collection and processing of such data. / Människor delar mer och mer på social medier medvetna om att de blir övervakade, men omedvetna om i vilken utsträckning och på vilka sätt datan är processad. Idag används mycket resurser för att urföra dessa uppgifter. Med det här projektet visar vi att det är möjligt att samla in, processa och spara data från sociala medierna Reddit och Twitter i realtid genom att enbart använda en persondator. Vårat fokus har varit att använda ansiktsigenkänning för att identifiera specifika individer från en dataström, men datan kan användas för andra syften. Vi har också kollat på de etiska dilemman som dyker upp i samband med insamling och processning av sådan data.

Interactive Visualization of Solar Energy Data

Borg, Isak, Dixelius, August, Östlund, David January 2019 (has links)
Sweden has one of the lowest solar energy productions in Europe even though the weather conditions are comparable to Europe’s largest solar energy producer. Although the majority of the Swedish population is in favour of spending more money on services that can limit climate change, the growth of installed solar cells is slower than that of other countries with similar climate in Europe. To inspire people to install solar panels we created an interactive map with information regarding the solar parks in Uppland, a county in Sweden. Our goal was that this system would help spread awareness of the fact that solar parks work efficiently in Sweden. The program was then installed on a tablet which was put in a public space together with an LED installation to reach as broad of an audience as possible. To draw the passer by’s attention, the LED installation was connected to the map which shows the energy production of the selected solar park in a colour scale. / Sverige har en av de lägsta produktionen av solenergi i Europa trots att deras väderförhållanden är jämförbara med Europas största producenter av solenergi. Även fast majoriteten av Sveriges befolkning är villiga att spendera mer pengar på tjänster som kan begränsa klimatförändringar är tillväxten av nya solpaneler långsammare än i andra Europeiska länder med liknande klimat. För att inspirera personer att installara solpaneler har vi skapat en interaktiv karta med information gällande solparker i Uppland. Vårt mål är att programmet skulle öka medvetenheten om solparkers effektivitet i Sverige. Programmet blev sedan installerat på en surfplatta som monterades på en offentlig plats tillsammans med en LED-installation för att nå en så omfattande publik som möjligt. För att dra till sig förbipasserandes uppmärksamhet så kopplades LED-installationen till kartan som visar energiproduktionen hos den valda solparken i en färgskala.

Mobilapplikation för ökad medvetenhet om FNs hållbarhetsmål

Bälter, Mattias, Harjuniemi, Daniel, Widlund, Matilda January 2019 (has links)
Today’s society and public opinion is driven by ratings in, for example, movies, restaurants and companies. More than 50 percent of the population look for good ratings within these areas to decide whether or not they want to watch the movie, eat at the restaurant or to interact with the company. In this project we used the society’s way of valuing ratings to encourage companies to work towards the UN's global goals. We also strove to create awareness among individuals how companies work with these goals. We have created a mobile application where individuals can rate companies' work with the UN’s sustainability goals. The mobileapplication generates a rating based on six out of the seventeen global sustainability goals which we have chosen to focus on during this project. Through our application, users can see ratings about how companies are working with the UN’s global goals. By creating a platform where ratings are used to help increase awareness about how companies work towards these goals, we want to get more companies to pay attention to and help solve the climate crisis, inequality and the rest of the UN's sustainability goals. / Dagens samhälle och individers åsikter är drivna av recensioner inom, till exempel, filmer, restauranger och företag. Mer än 50 procent av befolkningen letar efter bra recensioner inom dessa områden för att bestämma sig huruvida de vill se på filmen, äta på restaurangen eller ta kontakt med företaget. I vårt projekt har vi nyttjat samhällets sätt att värdesätta recensioner för att uppmuntra företag att jobba med FN:s hållbarhetsmål. Vi ville även skapa en medvetenhet hos privatpersoner hur företagen jobbar med hållbarhetsmålen. I vårt projekt har vi skapat en mobilapplikation där individer kan betygsätta företags arbete med FNs hållbarhetsmål. Mobilapplikationen genererar en recension baserat på sex av FN:s hållbarhets mål som vi valt att fokusera på i vårt projekt. Användare kan genom vår applikation se recensioner hos företag hur de jobbar med FN:s hållbarhetsmål. Genom att skapa en applikation där recensioner används för att utöka medvetenhet om hur företag jobbar mot dessa mål, vill vi få fler företag att uppmärksamma och hjälpa till med klimatkrisen, ojämlikheten och de resterande av FN:s hållbarhetsmål.

Asset Finder: A Search Tool forFinding Relevant Graphical AssetsUsing Automated Image Labelling

Düring, Max Perea, Gildebrand, Anton, Linghede, Markus January 2019 (has links)
The creation of digital 3D-environments appears in a variety of contexts such as movie making, video game development, advertising, architecture, infrastructure planning and education. When creating these environments it is sometimes necessary to search for graphical assets in big digital libraries by trying different search terms. The goal of this project is to provide an alternative way to find graphical assets by creating a tool called Asset Finder that allows the user to search using images instead of words. The Asset Finder uses image labelling provided by the Google Vision API to find relevant search terms. The tool then uses synonyms and related words to increase the amount of search terms using the WordNet database. Finally the results are presented in order of relevance using a score system. The tool is a web application with an interface that is easy to use. The results of this project show an application that is able to achieve good results in some of the test cases. / Skapande av 3D-miljöer dyker upp i en mängd olika kontexter som till exempel filmskapande, spelutveckling, reklam, arkitektur, infrastrukturplanering och utbildning. När man skapar dessa miljöer är det ibland nödvändigt att söka efter 3D-modeller i stora digitala bibliotek och att försöka hitta söktermer som matchar modellen som du försöker hitta. Målet med detta projekt är att förse ett alternativt sätt att hitta dessa modeller genom att skapa ett verktyg kallat Asset Finder som tillåter användaren att söka genom bilder istället för ord. Asset Finder använder sig av bildtaggning som tillhandahålls av Google Vision API för att hitta relevanta söktermer. Verktyget använder sig sedan av synonymer och relaterade ord för att öka mängden söktermer genom WordNet-databasen. Till slut används ett poängsystem för att presentera resultaten sorterade efter relevans. Verktyget är en webbapplikation som ämnas vara enkel att använda. Resultatet av detta projekt är en applikation som kan åstadkomma goda resultat i vissa av testfallen.


Unknown Date (has links)
The effects of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on tomato flavor were studied. Field-grown Walter c.v. tomatoes were treated with three levels of nitrogen and potassium. Soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity (TA), volatile flavor compounds, and sensory evaluation of overall flavor were studied. / Taste panel tests indicated that the lower fertilization level (100 lb/A N- 150 lb/A K) yielded tomatoes with a more desirable flavor. Tomatoes grown at the two higher levels of fertilization (200 lb/A N-300 lb/A K; 300 lb/A N-450 lb/A K) did not differ in flavor. Soluble solids and TA were found to increase with increasing levels of N and K. There was a modest trend toward lower pH values in tomatoes grown at lower fertilization levels. Although no qualitative differences were observed among volatiles from the three treatments, several compounds were found to change quantitatively with treatment. MS and GC enrichment were used to tentatively identify these volatiles. Hexenal, 2-hexanone, 2,4-hexadienal, benzaldehyde, phenylacetaldehyde, beta-ionone and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one were found to increase with increasing levels of N and K fertilization. Farnesol isomers appeared maximally in treatment II and eugenol decreased with increasing fertilization. / This study indicates that tomatoes treated with high levels of N and K do not exhibit desirable flavor despite an increase in both TA and soluble solids. This may be due to the intrusion of undesirable flavors from volatiles whose production is increased under conditions of high N and K fertilization. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 43-10, Section: B, page: 3182. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1982.


Unknown Date (has links)
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 40-07, Section: B, page: 3077. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1979.


Unknown Date (has links)
The present study was designed to achieve three goals: (1) to investigate some physical properties of the crude antimicrobial substance (lactobulgarican) produced by Lactobacillus bulgaricus, (2) to test the effect of several types of sugar present in the growth medium of L. bulgaricus on production of lactobulgarican, and (3) to purify and characterize the pure lactobulgarican. / Lactobulgarican was located extracellularly and was more active toward gram-negative than -positive organisms. It had an optimum pH of 4.0. It was reversibly inactivated at pH range of 5.0-12.0 but irreversibly inactivated at pH 1.0. At the optimum pH, lactobulgarican was highly thermostable. It was also stable to refrigerated storage up to 18 days. / Carbohydrate-free formula, with a given type of sugar added, was used to test the effect of sugar on lactobulgarican production. Among the sugars tested, glucose produced the lowest pH value and the largest inhibition zone under a short incubation period, i.e., 48-hours. Under a long incubation period, i.e., 96-hours, both glucose and lactose, at the same concentration, produced comparable results. A ninety-six hour incubation period was the best one among those tested. Fructose and sucrose were not fermented by L. bulgaricus, and did not produce any inhibition zones. / Reversed phase HPLC column was used to purify lactobulgarican. Lactobulgarican did not contain lactic acid or hydrogen peroxide. The UV spectrum of lactobulgarican produced two broad peaks at 198 and 274 nm. Negative and positive chemical ionization mass spectra produced peaks at m/e 181, 180, 163 and 179, 91, 88, 57, respectively. The biuret test for lactobulgarican was negative. Results from the UV and mass spectra indicated the possible presence of a hexose and a phenol-containing compound, possibly phenylalanine. The molecular weight of lactobulgarican was (LESSTHEQ) 507. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 46-01, Section: B, page: 0012. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1984.

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