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An investigation of factors that may influence computer applications of physical education teachers within Florida's public school systemUnknown Date (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to identify factors that may support or impede computer application in physical education within the Florida public school system. It was revealed in the review of literature that physical education is the lowest in computer application of all the curriculum areas (Parks, 1993, Florida DOE). A questionnaire was developed specifically to answer the research questions and was sent to a stratified random sample (1,098) of Florida physical educators. / After the data were analyzed using multiple regression and descriptive statistics, it revealed information that led to the following conclusions: (a) A relationship exists between computer use and factors identified as: paperwork demands, attitude toward computer use, willingness to change, basic computer knowledge, hours of training, and accessibility. The greatest contribution to computer use was "attitude toward computer use." (b) The "Crown" region of the state of Florida had the highest reported percentage of computer application for physical education specialists. (c) The "Panhandle" region of the state of Florida had the lowest reported percentage of computer application for physical education specialists. (d) A relationship exists between computer use and methods of computer knowledge acquisition. (e) A relationship exists between attitude and methods of computer knowledge acquisition. (f) No relationship exists between willingness to change and methods of computer knowledge acquisition. (g) A relationship exists between basic computer knowledge and methods of computer knowledge acquisition. (h) More physical education specialists attribute lower computer application to lack of training and experience than any other single factor. (i) Physical education specialists are using computers to a greater degree than previously indicated through the current literature. (j) Physical education specialists have greatest access to "Apple" computers at school. (k) The most common uses for computers by physical education specialists are word processing and spreadsheet applications. (l) The most common physical education specific use for computers is "fitness assessment and testing programs." (m) The "self taught" and "computer course(s)" methods of computer knowledge acquisition are the most conducive for computer applications. / These conclusions should give specific insight for further research that may be helpful in promoting computer implementation in physical education. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 55-07, Section: A, page: 1868. / Major Professor: Charles Imwold. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1994.
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Effects of fabric grain alignment on garment drapeUnknown Date (has links)
Drape is a fabric characteristic defined as a fabric's ability to hang gracefully. Occasionally problems in garment drape occur affecting a garment's final appearance. Undesirable garment drape often occurs because of the manufacturer's desire to save fabric by positioning patterns more closely in the marker. This study was designed to investigate apparel industry specifications affecting the resultant drape of garments, and to subjectively and objectively measure the relationship of grain alignment to fabric and garment drape. / A mailed, random national survey of 990 apparel manufacturers was conducted. Data from 70 surveys were analyzed. Fifty-two respondents made markers at the surveyed establishment, and twenty-three of these tilted patterns off-grain in their markers. / Data obtained from the survey were utilized to establish tilt values for quantitative analysis of fabric drape and shear properties. Twelve tilt combinations were examined. No significant differences were found between the drape coefficients of control drape samples and those with tilt variations. Generally, all three shear values increased as tilt angles increased across all fabrics. Bending and shearing properties were significantly correlated with each other, but not with drape coefficient values. / Subjective evaluations of fabric and garment drape were conducted. Twenty-one apparel design students participated in the study by evaluating fabrics draped on a pedestal and skirts constructed in each tilt variation. Fabric drape amount was more highly correlated with the drape coefficient than was drape preference. Students were unable to correctly evaluate off-grain skirts consistently. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 55-08, Section: B, page: 3269. / Major Professor: Mary Ann Moore. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1994.
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Anticipation and abstraction in problem-solving in a Logo environmentUnknown Date (has links)
The general purpose of the study was to build a model of the processes of constructing conceptual knowledge during mathematical problem solving, focusing on the internal activities and meanings students give to problems while in the process of problem solving on the computer. Specifically, it proposed a model of the roles played by abstraction and anticipation in the problem-solving process, and investigates other factors that may affect problem-solving performance in a Logo computer microworld. Questions investigated include: (1) What types of experiences occur prior to students constructing abstractions of an experience and moving towards anticipation? (2) How does the cognitive style of field independence influence students abstractions and anticipations? / The explanation of the role played by abstraction and anticipation in mathematical problem solving is guided by the constructivist perspective that learning is an internal activity where learners must actively, through experiences and investigations, construct their own knowledge. In the process of constructing knowledge, learners advance through increasingly higher levels of abstraction in order to internalize processes and structures. / The subjects for the Logo problem-solving interviews come from the eighth grade class of a small private school. All were given the Group Embedded Figures Test to measure their degree of field independence, and were given instruction in basic Logo programming. The format of the assigned tasks provided an opportunity to observe different ways that solvers construct and utilize conceptual knowledge during problem solving. A detailed case study was prepared for each student by analyzing the verbal and video protocols. Different abstract levels of solution activity were inferred from the solvers actions. / The results generally indicated a direct relationship between degree of field-independence/dependence and success with problem solving for those students with extreme measures of these cognitive qualities. Also noted was a relationship between the amount and quality of reflection and abstraction with problem solving. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 55-01, Section: A, page: 0058. / Major Professor: Janice L. Flake. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1994.
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The primary purpose of this study was to determine the effects of various presentations of objectives on learning a set of four acid-base chemistry lessons presented on a microcomputer interactive videodisc (MCIV) system. Focusing on the possibilities of how objectives could be presented to the learner, this researcher analyzed and compared the achievement of 132 high school chemistry students receiving MCIV instruction, randomly assigned into three groups: (1) those presented with lesson objectives, identified as objectives, through text; (2) those presented with objectives through text and visualization, or (3) those who heard only the goals, stated on audio track, but no objectives. Several weeks before the study began, a pretest was administered by the chemistry teachers. Students were scheduled to work individually with the system for six class periods. The three treatments were contained on separate lesson diskettes. Students in the two groups with objectives were first shown a screen which briefly explained what objectives were. Those in the "text only" condition were shown the objectives for a lesson, one at a time, by computer text. Those in the "text plus visualization" group were also shown each objective, but were then shown a visualization of it, such as a still frame, a graph, a formula, or a video sequence. Those in the "goals only" group heard only a general statement of the goals of the lesson. After completing the lessons, the students' learning of verbal information and intellectual skills was assessed by an objectives-referenced posttest. An analysis of covariance, with the pretest as the covariate, revealed no significant differences among the groups. / Time data were collected and analyzed; again, there were no significant differences among treatment groups in the amount of time spent on the instructional materials, nor was there a correlation between time and posttest score. Furthermore, chi square analyses indicated no significant differences among treatment groups on their responses to attitudinal items in the questionnaire. However, the majority of students were very positive about their experiences with the MCIV lessons. Lack of significant results might have been because of the effects of such an instructional novelty, or because of the structured materials being used. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 48-02, Section: A, page: 0370. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1987.
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Oxidation products of unsaturated fatty acids in foods cause rancid flavor and limit the storage stability of food products. Even though many synthetic antioxidants are used, increasing interest has been directed towards the utilization of normal food constituents having antioxidative properties. / In aqueous lysine-sucrose model systems, the effects of reaction time, pH and molar ratio were studied on the formation of non-enzymatic browning reaction (NBR) products. The extent of sucrose hydrolysis was measured and the antioxidant effect of NBR products on linoleic acid emulsions was examined. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra were obtained at various stages of browning. / Sucrose produced NMR products with lysine in an aqueous system at 100(DEGREES)C. The C-13 NMR spectra indicated that the NBR started when sucrose and lysine were dissolved in water. The C-13 NMR spectra also showed that heating did not have an effect on the gross composition of polymeric species. The absorbance at 480 nm of 0.75 M lysine-sucrose solution heated up to 6 hours increased with reaction times. The pH values of heated lysine-sucrose solution gradually decreased with reaction time. When 0.75 M sucrose or lysine solution was heated separately up to 6 hours, there were no changes in absorbance in pH. In the pH range of 3.52 - 6.35, higher absorbance was obtained from heated lysine-sucrose solution at acidic pH levels than at neutral pH levels. / As the concentration of lysine and sucrose solution was increased, the absorbance increased. At longer reaction times or acidic pH levels, enhanced hydrolysis of sucrose to reducing sugars resulted in more NBR products. NBR products obtained at a longer reaction time, an acidic pH, and higher concentration of reactants showed a darker brown color and were effective in preventing the formation of peroxides. The oxygen uptake of linoleic acid emulsion having NBR products was smaller than that of linoleic acid emulsion without NBR products. Based on these results, it was concluded that sucrose may act as an antioxidant in processed foods containing both amino acids and lipids. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 48-02, Section: B, page: 0312. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--The Florida State University, 1987.
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Evaluation of natural wax for green packaging applicationsRibas Garriga, Mariona January 2019 (has links)
Society has become more aware of the negative environmental impact of the petroleum-based packaging materials (e.g. plastics) used in the food industry. Therefore, cleaner and more sustainable packaging with ecological zero-impact is in demand. One of the solutions for this problem could be the use of natural wax-impregnated paper. It has been recently demonstrated that wax obtained from arctic berries may be a good candidate for this application. This project is intended to define the properties of this wax which are essential for the food-packaging application and evaluate if berry wax can fulfil those requirements. For this reason, physical characterization of different natural waxes has been conducted and compared. On the one hand, it has been concluded that pure arctic berry wax presents similar thermal parameters to commercially available natural waxes. In addition, mechanical testing and barrier properties of paper substrates coated with beeswax and lingonberry have been successfully carried out. During the testing, wax-coated samples showed interesting results in terms of good barrier properties, which is the key factor to be a promising alternative for food packaging applications. Nevertheless, further research should be conducted in order to study other barrier properties and mechanical performance of these natural wax-impregnated papers. In addition, it would be of great interest to investigate more precise coating procedures in order to obtain the optimum way for coating paper substrates with natural waxes.
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ViaFriction vinter : Vid Ramböll Sverige ABDomlazhanova, Saiera January 2019 (has links)
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Arkitektonisk flexibilitet i det industriella byggandetEckman, Carolin January 2019 (has links)
Under 1900-talet har byggbranschen utvecklats till en ekonomiskt driven marknadmed politiska styrmedel. För att hantera marknadens olika krav på funktioner och ekonomi, tillämpas fördelaktigt en industriell byggprocess. Den industriella processens utveckling baseras på standardisering och repetition, vilket är begränsande fören flexibel arkitektur. Motsättningen mellan den industriella byggprocessen och gestaltningensbehov av flexibilitet kan hanteras med olika typlösningar av byggnadsdelar, som tillsammans bildar en enhetlig byggnadsvolym.Projektet behandlar takfotens utformning för Lindbäcks industriella byggsystem. Genom en iterativ process, har föreslagna ritningar säkerställts mot såväl byggsystemetsom mot kundens estetiska behov. Projektet innehåller en historisk utredning gällande takfotens utveckling under 1900-talet.Den beskriver hur samhällsförhållanden har präglat arkitektens roll i byggandet och hur byggnadernas estetik har påverkats av det. Genom att studera hur en idé realiseras, har takfotens roll för byggnadens estetiska uttryck definierats. Den industriella byggprocessenbörta hänsyn till både inre och yttre effektivitet. Den inre effektiviteten beaktas genom typlösningar som är kompatibla med entreprenörensproduktionssystemoch den yttre effektiviteten beaktas genom lösningar som är eniga med deras kundsegment.Marknadens estetiska krav har undersökts genom såväl arkitektpriser som erhållna markanvisningar i för Lindbäcksintressanta områden. Analysen av den prisbelönta arkitekturen avser att urskiljabredden av dagens estetiska ideal medan markanvisningar identifierarvilka estetiskabehovsomkundernahar.Genom triangulering har en typologistudie av olika takfotssiluetter upprättats. Siluetterna utrycker mötet mellan fasad och tak, vilka har resulterat i fyraolika uttryck. Uttrycken underbyggsfrånsamhällets minimalistiska trend och Lindbäcks efterfrågade stadsmässighet i gestaltningen.Med hänsyn till inre och yttre effektivitet har typlösningarnas antal minimerats. De stödjer ettförändrat uttryck,utan atti stor utsträckningpåverka produktionens standardiseradeprocess. Genomatt erbjuda detaljlösningarsom följer marknadens efterfrågade estetikkommer behovet av projektspecifika lösningar att minska. Detta innebär att arkitekterna kan platsanpassa byggnader som är realiserbara och att produktionen effektiviseras. / During the 1900s, the construction industry has evolved into an economically driven market with political instruments. To handle the market's different requirements for functions and economics, an industrial building process is advantageously applied. The industrial process's development is based on standardization and repetition, which is restrictive of flexible architecture. The contradiction between the industrial construction process and the design needs for flexibility can be handled with different types of building components, which together form a unitary building volume.The project dealswith the design of the eaves for Lindbäcks industrial building system. Through an iterative process, proposed drawings have been secured against both the building system and the customer's aesthetic needs.The project contains a historical survey of the development of the roof foot during the 20th century. It describes how social conditions have characterized the role of architect in the construction and how the aesthetics of the buildings have been influenced by it. By studying how an idea is realized, the role of the roof foot has been defined for the aesthetic expression of the building.The industrial construction process should take into account both internal and external efficiency. Internal efficiency is taken into account by type solutions that are compatible with the contractor's production system and the external efficiency is taken into account through solutions that are consistent with their customer segments. The market's aesthetic requirements have been investigated by both architectural prizes and landmarks obtained in Lindbäcks interesting areas. The analysis of the award-winning architecture aims to distinguish the breadth of today's aesthetic ideals while landmarks identify the aesthetic needs of the customers.Through triangulation, a typology study of various eavessilos has been established. The silhouettes express the meeting between facade and ceilings, which have resulted in four different expressions. The expressions are supported by society's minimalist trend and Lindbäcks sought-after urbanism in the form.With regard to internal and external efficiency, the number of typewriters has been minimized. They support a changed expression, without greatly affecting the standardized process of production. By offering retail solutions that follow the market's demanding aesthetics, the need for project-specific solutions will decrease. This means that the architects can adapt buildings that are realizable and that production is streamlined.
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Väderskydd till cylinderFyhr, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Denna rapport dokumenterar ett examensarbete på grundnivå som har utförts hosföretaget ASSA ABLOYOpening Solutions genom Mälardalens Högskola under VT 2019. Arbetets uppdrag var att hitta ett koncept som ökardriftsäkerheten på företagets runda cylinder. Problemet är att damm, smuts och vatten kommer in inyckelhålet på cylindern som bidrar till att cylindern går trögt eller slutar fungera.Ettav huvudkraven var att konceptet skulle kunna eftermonteras av kund. Projektets huvudsakliga beståndsdelar har varit informationsinsamling, konceptgenerering och konceptutveckling. Informationsinsamlingen har som syfte att skapa en förståelseförproblemet och för arbetets förutsättningar. En viktig grund för konceptutvecklingen har vart kravspecifikationen som fastställdes efter informationsinsamlingen. För att kvalitetssäkra koncepten har ett flertal produktutvecklingsverktyg använts, nära återkoppling med företaget har också underlättat arbetet. Koncepten utvärderades med hjälp av Pugh ́s matris samt tillsammans med företaget och därefter valdes ett koncept ut för vidareutveckling. Resultatet blev ett koncept som består av en cylinderkåpa som monteras på cylindern. Kåpan fungerar som ett väderskydd genom att den täcker nyckelhålet och därför minskar det att damm, smuts och vatten kommer in genom nyckelhålet.För att kunna stoppa i nyckeln i cylindern har en lucka monterats på kåpan som också kan rotera 360 grader.Slutkonceptet presenteras i form av ritningar, renderade bilder och prototyp. Teoretiskt uppfyller konceptet de flesta av kraven. Rekommendationer för fortsatt utveckling är bestämmande av material och därefter göra utförliga hållfasthetstester baserade på prototyp i verkligt material.
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Utvärdering och jämförelse av CO2-kylsystem i en livsmedelsbutikLööf, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Supermarket refrigeration systems are large emitters of high GWP refrigerants, and due to the Montreal protocol and F-gas regulation, which aim to phase out high GWP refrigerants, refrigeration systems with alternative refrigerants must be implemented in order to secure climate friendly and efficient refrigeration. One increasingly more popular alternative is transcritical refrigeration systems using only CO2 as a refrigerant. The aim of this master thesis was to investigate one of these transcritical CO2-systems in order to determine how cooling capacity, power and efficiency varies over a year and what the variations depend on. Another aim was to try to compare the transcritical CO2-system with the two refrigeration systems used earlier in the same supermarket. Simulations based on dimensional data from the manufacturers were executed for the three different systems, and the transcritical CO2-system was simulated over one year, using monthly averages of parameter data. Field measurements of power were also performed in order to determine how simulations and reality corresponded. The simulations with dimensional data indicated that the transcritical system had the best system performance in all categories investigated, although the results depend on the amount of transcritical operation during the year. The transcritical system generally demonstrates better results in the winter, due to a lower ambient temperature, which has a positive effect on parameters crucial to the efficiency of the system, such as condensing pressure and temperature and evaporating temperatures. One advantage of transcritical systems is the possibility to recover heat, but the heat recovery system in the supermarket was non-functioning during the project. It has however been estimated that considerable monetary savings can be obtained with functional heat recovery compared to purchased district heating that is currently used for space and water heating.
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