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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of some translation problems of terms from English to Xitsonga with special reference to South Africal law.

Nxumalo, Wendy Shihlamariso 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.) --University of Limpopo, 2008. / The study analyses some of the translation problems of terms from English to Xitsonga, taking into consideration the translation work done thus far with special reference to South African law. The study is divided into six chapters: Chapter one is the introduction. It indicates the aim and rationale behind its study. It also highlights the methodology to be used, scope, terminological work done thus far and a brief definition of significant themes that are of importance to the study, which include “Terminology, Language for General Purpose, Language for Specific Purpose, Translation, Semantics and Indigenous law”. The chapter will also have a summary. Chapter two outlines some of the translation problems of terms from English to Xitsonga. In order to achieve this, the study will look into some of the translation work on terminology done thus far. A summary to the chapter will be given. Chapter three is about some of the terminology of the South African Law, where the translation problems outlined in chapter 2 will guide with the translation of the terminology of this law. These terms will be defined in English, summarised in Xitsonga which will then assist with the equivalents of these terms in Xitsonga. The chapter will also be summarised. Chapter four gives the summary of all the terms which have been used to bring forth this analysis, guided by the translation problems found in chapter 2. A summary to this chapter will be given. Chapter five is the general conclusion of the study and recommendations. Chapter six lists cited materials in the study. / University of Limpopo.

An investigation into the use of the Oswestry Disability Index in a Zulu speaking population. A pilot study

Grebe, Christelle 29 January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.(Physiotherapy)), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, 2009 / Background Lower back pain (LBP) is a very prevalent and potentially disabling condition throughout the world not excluding South Africa. Most people in South Africa make use of Government hospitals making the results of this research applicable to the general population. Questionnaires like the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) are easy and effective research tools to assess disability from LBP but most of them are developed in English. In South Africa however, many people are often not literate in English or struggle to fill in a questionnaire correctly without some assistance. This is possibly due to the previous education system adopted by the Apartheid government, variety of different cultures and the 11 official languages. Objectives To formulate a culturally adapted English version of the ODI suitable for possible use in the Zulu speaking population. Secondly, to establish whether there is a relationship between the degree of assistance needed to fill in the questionnaire and the level of education of the subject. Thirdly, to measure the internal consistency of the modified ODI and lastly to identify inconsistencies when using a translator for data collection. Study Design Explorative cross-sectional study Methods Cultural adaptation of the ODI was done suitable for the Zulu speaking population. Recordings were made of the participants filling in the modified ODI to identify problematic questions and inconsistencies in translations offered by the research assistant. The amount of assistance needed for each participant was scored with a rating scale and relationships were shown with regards to level of education. The internal consistency of the modified ODI was determined. Results A culturally adapted English version of the ODI was produced and problematic phrases altered. Two groups were identified from the data collection process; the assisted (20) and the Independent group (36).Overall the assisted group had lower levels of education and needed up to 100% assistance with the questionnaire compared with the Independent group. The overall Internal consistency of the questionnaire was found to be 0.8183 (Chronbach alpha) which is considered as good reliability. Inconsistencies with translations were identified and reported. Conclusion A significant amount of the target population needed assistance when filling in the English ODI despite the cultural adaptation thereof. This may be due to lower levels of education and the fact that they were mostly schooled in Zulu. Making use of a translator may not be the most reliable form of data collection but keeping in mind the literacy levels in South Africa, it may be a more accurate way of collecting correct data from individuals compared with incurring massive costs in translating of documents into a target language.

Informal register in prose fiction and problems of translation into Lithuanian: an analysis of feminist bestsellers Sex and the City and Lipstick Jungle by Candice Bushnell / Kalbos paribių vertimo problemos grožinėje literatūroje: Candice Bushnell feministinių bestselerių „Seksas ir miestas“ ir „Lūpdažių džiunglės“ analizė

Kranauskaitė, Agnė 05 August 2008 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyze informal register in prose fiction. The analysis focuses on the representation of text messaging, foreigners’ oral discourse, swear words and references to sexual activities, as well as parts of the body in both the original and translation of feminist bestsellers Sex and the City (1997) and Lipstick Jungle (2005) by Candice Bushnell. The analysis is based on the theory of feminist bestseller and the use of spoken discourse in written language. The paper is divided into six parts and also includes eight appendices. Part One introduces the aim of the paper and gives a short summary of the feminist bestsellers Sex and the City (1997) and Lipstick Jungle (2005) by Candice Bushnell. Part Two presents a short history of feminist bestseller and outlines the theoretical background for the analysis. Part Three focuses on the informal register in prose fiction, namely in the feminist bestsellers. Further, Part Four discusses the differences between spoken and written language, as well as ways to imitate spoken language in the literary translation. An analysis of the cases found in the two feminist bestsellers is presented in Part Five where Chapter 5.1 presents the problems concerning texting and is further divided into Section 5.1.1 which is devoted to the theoretical approach to translating text messages and Section 5.1.2 which analyses the examples of text messages. Chapter 5.2 introduces different perspectives on language interference and... [to full text] / Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti kalbos paribius grožinėje literatūroje. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama trumpųjų žinučių, užsieniečių šnekamajai kalbai, keiksmažodžiams ir žodynui, kuriuo įvardinamos seksualinės sueitys ir kūno dalys; pavyzdžiai analizei paimti iš tos pačios autorės, Candice Bushnell, dviejų feministinių bestselerių „Seksas ir miestas“ (1997) ir „Lūpdažių džiunglės“ (2005). Darbą sudaro šešios pagrindinės dalys ir dešimt priedų. Pirmojoje dalyje pristatomas darbo tikslas ir pateikiamos trumpos knygų santraukos. Antrojoje dalyje pristatoma feministinių bestselerių istorija ir pateikiama teorinė medžiaga, kuria bus remiamasi praktinėje dalyje. Trečioji dalis dėmesį skiria kalbos paribiams grožinėje literatūroje, šiuo atveju, feministiniams bestseliariams. Kitoje, ketvirtoje dalyje aptariami skirtumai tarp sakytinės ir rašytinės kalbos bei būdai, kuriais rašytinėje kalboje imituojama sakytinė kalba, verčiant grožinę literatūrą. Feministiniuose bestseleriuose „Seksas ir miestas“ (1997) ir „Lūpdažių džiunglės“ (2005) rasti pavyzdžiai nagrinėjami penktojoje dalyje. Skyrius 5.1 skiriamas trumpųjų žinučių rašymo teorinei apžvalgai, kuri pateikiama poskyryje 5.1.1, o poskyris 5.1.2 skiriamas praktinei žinučių rašymo analizei. Skyrius 5.2 pristato kalbos interferenciją ir yra padalintas į poskyrį 5.2.1, kur pateikiama teorija bei poskyrį 5.2.2, kur nagrinėjami užsieniečių: japono ir prancūzo, kurie šneka angliškai, kalbos pavyzdžiai. Skyrius 5.3 skirtas vertimo problemoms, su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Problems Related to the Translation of Symbols and Metaphors: Analysis of Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome and its Translation into Lithuanian / Simbolių ir metaforų vertimo problemos: Edith Wharton romano "Itenas Fromas" vertimo į lietuvių kalbą analizė

Šilova, Julija 06 August 2008 (has links)
This thesis discusses the use of symbolic elements and metaphors in Edith Wharton’s novel Ethan Forme and analyzes the problems related to rendering them into Lithuanian. Edith Wharton (1862-1937) is a famous turn of the century American writer whose works describe the life of the American nation in the period between the end of the Civil War and the beginning of the First World War. Ethan Frome (1911) describes a poor farmer of New-England village whose marital entrapment and desperate love for his wife’s cousin Mattie eventually lead him to committing suicide which does not kill him but leaves him crippled for the whole life. The study is based on the following two translation theories: the theory suggested by Hasan Ghazala (2003) which is applied to the analysis of translation of metaphors in the novel, and the theory designed by Jean Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet (1958) used in the analysis of translation of symbols. The present thesis is divided into five main parts and has one appendix. Part one introduces the main topic and aims, provides the main biographical facts about the author and critical view on the novel. Part two presents the socio-historical and biographical context for Edith Wharton’s Ethan Frome. Part three reveals the issues of theoretical background and theoretical approaches to the main concepts of a symbol and metaphor. Here, the working definition of symbol is provided referring to Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs (1989), Clarence Hugh Holman (198... [to full text] / Šiame darbe nagrinėjamos simbolių ir metaforų vertimo problemos, analizuojant Edith Wharton romaną „Itenas Fromas“ ir jo vertimą į lietuvių kalbą. Edith Wharton (1862-1937) – yra žymi Amerikiečių literatūros klasikė, kurios literatūriniuose kūriniuose yra aprašomas Amerikos tautos gyvenimo laikotarpis nuo Pilietinio karo pabaigos iki Pirmojo pasaulinio karo pradžios. Romanas „Itenas Fromas“ (1911) – tai istorija apie eilinį Naujosios Anglijos fermerį, kuris, vedęs tironišką žmoną, kantriai tempia vedybinio gyvenimo naštą. Darbas remiasi dviem pagrindinėmis vertimo teorijomis: Hasano Ghazala (2003) pasiūlyta teorija, kuri yra taikoma metaforų vertimo analizei, ir Jean Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet (1958) vertimo strategijų teorija, taikoma simbolių vertimo analizei. Darbą sudaro penkios pagrindinės dalys ir vienas priedas. Pirmoje dalyje pristatoma pagrindinė tema, autoriaus biografiniai duomenys ir kritikų nuomonė apie romaną „Itenas Fromas“. Antroje dalyje nagrinėjamas socio-istorinis romano kontekstas. Trečią dalį sudaro teorinė medžiaga bei simbolio ir metaforos apibrėžimas, remiantis Edgaro V. Robertso and Henry E. Jacobso (1989), Clarence Hugh Holmano (1980) ir Edwino Gentzlerio (2000) teorijomis. Ketvirtoje dalyje analizuojamos romane rastos metaforos ir simboliai, nagrinėjamos jų vertimo iš anglų į lietuvių kalbą problemos. Penktoje dalyje aptariamos tyrimo išvados. Priede pateikiama romano „Itenas Fromas“ siužeto santrauka.

Problems and Issues in Machine Translation: the Case of Translation from English to Lithuanian / Mašininio Vertimo Problemos ir Klausimai Vertimų iš Anglų Kalbos į Lietuvių Kalbą Pavyzdžiu

Stalmačenkaitė, Viktorija 27 June 2013 (has links)
Bachelor thesis focuses on problems and issues of machine translation while translating texts of different genres. The theoretical part of the paper covers such topics as the notion of machine translation (MT), its most crucial mistakes and the notion of text genres in the English language. The practical part consists of the analysis of 5 different texts pointing out the most severe mistakes detected in the output of MT. Conclusions drawn after the analysis showed that MT requires further improvment and more thorough investigation. / Bakalauro darbas aptaria mašininio vertimo problemas verčiant įvairių stilių tekstus. Teorinė dalis aptaria tokias temas, kaip mašininio vertimo (MV) samprata ir šio reiškinio pačias svarbiausias klaidas, taip pat šioje dalyje aptariama teksto stiliaus samprata. Praktinėje dalyje buvo analizuojami 5 skirtingų stilių tekstai ir aptariamos pačios ryškiausios ir svarbiausios klaidos šiuose tekstuose. Išvados paaiškėjusios po tyrimo atskleidė, kad MV sistemą dar reikia tobulinti ir atlikti išsamesnius tyrimus.

Traduire un portrait de Paris : Une étude sur les problèmes de traduction d’un récit de voyage du français au suédois / Translating a portrait of Paris : A study on Translation Problems from French into Swedish in a travel book

Zomegnan, Elisabet January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to investigate the translation problems translating a travel book about Paris, with cultural and historic connotations, from French, source language, into Swedish, target language. The method that is used is Nords’ text analysis model, which is functionalist and pragmatic. Her theory of action is based on Vermeers’ skopos theorie and on Reiss’ text typology. Nords’ looping model includes analysis, transfer and synthesis. She focuses on three important aspects which are the translation brief, the role of the source-text analysis and the importance of the functional hierarchy of translation problems. Nord proposes two different translation strategies: Documentary translation and Instrumental translation. The first one is source text oriented and the second one is target text oriented. Our study focuses on pragmatic and cultural equivalence concerning the different aspects as style, lexis (vocabulary) and syntax in the source language and the translation into the target language. The purpose of the translation is target text oriented which means that different strategies, as adaptations and explanations, are used in the target text. The conclusions that are drawn from this study are that historical and cultural connotations, that are present in the source text, require a deep knowledge on the French culture and language, this being a necessary competence for the translator to produce a comprehensible translation for the target text audience.

Translating Away Culture: A look at how indirect translation affected the cultural aspects of the book Ur Varselklotet by Simon Stålenhag when it was translated into Japanese using English as a pivot language

Osbäck, Adam January 2021 (has links)
In this case study, the Swedish artbook Ur Varselklotet along with its English direct translation Tales from The Loop and the indirectly translated Japanese version za・rūpu will be examined and compared. This study will be analysing the different translations to see how certain Swedish words from the source text were affected by first being translated into English and then being translated again from the English translation into Japanese. The goal is to better understand what changes may occur during an indirect translation that would impact how the world of the book is presented to the reader. This study concludes that while the characterisation of these words and sentences in the Japanese text shows that they were influenced by how their translation in the mediating text, it is also clear that one cases study is not enough evidence to make any general statements on how the pivot language affects the final target text when used in an indirect translation process.

Komentovaný překlad dokumentárně­historického textu: Vitalij Šentalinskij, Raby Svobody, Moskva 2009 (vybraná část - Pulja vmesto točki. Boris Pil'njak) / Annotated translation of the text of the historical documentary: Vitalij Shentalinskij, Raby svobody, Moskva 2009 (selected part - Pulya vmesto tochki. Boris Pilnyak)

Paton, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this Master Thesis is to present annotated translation of the text from the historical documentary by trilogy author Vitalij Shentalinskij "Raby Svobody". In the commentary attention was paid not only to problems at various language levels, but also to cultural and the other influences. The theoretical part, which is based on Czech and Slovakian theoretical works of Jiri Levy and Anton Popovic, could also help to facilitate deeper understanding the role of the translator and alternative ways of how the translator can de- duce a solution to particular translation problems. Key words: translation, translation problems, cultural facts, Boris Pilnyak, Soviet Union, repressions

Nepřeložitelné ze Sorokina / Untranslatable from Sorokin

Borůvková, Karina January 2019 (has links)
(in English) The present thesis titled "Untranslatable from Sorokin", is applying both theoretical and empirical approach. Particular attention is paid especially to translations from Russian to Czech language. This thesis focuses on common translation problems while working with books of Russian writer Vladimir Sorokin. The introduction to the theoretical part of the present study is devoted to general theoretical framework of translatological analysis of specific translation problems. In next step the most common difficulties are defined and systemized in several groups like author's neologism, foreign language lexicon, etc.. Empirical part of this thesis focuses on solving of particular translation problems and its analysis. These problems are also explained using examples from works of Vladimir Sorokin. The main goal of the thesis is partly to simplify understanding of Sorokin's books, but mainly to ease the work for translators. Various ways of dealing with difficultly translatable or completely untranslatable parts of Sorokin's books can then also help translators who translate another works from different authors.

Pura Vida : A study on translation of proper nouns, figures of speech and terminology in an English travel guide about Costa Rica

Gullström, Sofia January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the difficulties that came up in the translation of an English travel guide about Costa Rica into Swedish, and what strategies may be employed in order to solve them. The focus is on how to handle proper nouns, figures of speech and terminology. In order to gather material for the study an English travel guide about Costa Rica was translated into Swedish and then some of the translation problems encountered during translation were chosen for an in-depth analysis. The analysis is mainly based on Rune Ingo’s and Peter Newmark’s theories, but other sources have also been used as a basis for the discussion.   Proper nouns were mostly handled by transference of the names in their original forms into the TT as well as transference in combination with a functional or descriptive equivalent. Where appropriate, some proper nouns were translated with recognized Swedish translations or partially translated and partially transferred. Many metaphors and idioms were translated into corresponding figurative expressions found in the target language. When this was not possible, they were either translated word-for-word, provided that they still conveyed the meaning of the ST metaphor or idiom, or translated with a non-figurative expression. In order to make up for lost figurative expressions, one non-figurative expression was translated with a metaphor. Regarding terminology, terms were mostly translated with corresponding terms found in Swedish bilingual dictionaries or other resources on the Internet. However, some terms had to be transferred from the ST in their original forms or translated with less specific words, since no corresponding terms could be found in the target language. The findings show that several different strategies were used to handle translation of proper nouns, figures of speech and terminology in this specific travel guide and which strategy to use depends on situational factors.

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