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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Monitoramento de barragens de contenção de rejeitos da mineração. / Monitoring tailings dams of the mining.

William Gladstone de Freitas Machado 03 December 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação é uma contribuição, através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, sobre o tema instrumentação e monitoramento em empreendimentos de barragens de rejeitos da mineração. Nesta pesquisa apresentam-se os objetivos básicos da instrumentação de barragens e suas características técnicas, metodologia construtiva das barragens de rejeitos e seu monitoramento através de auscultação da instrumentação. Como limitação do trabalho, devido à variedade de instrumentos que podem ser instalados em uma barragem, buscou-se pesquisar os instrumentos de medição de deslocamentos e controle de fluxo percolante, sendo os mais utilizados em barragens de terra e rejeitos. Justifica-se este tema motivado pelos últimos acidentes ocorridos em barragens de contenção de rejeitos, enfatizando a importância e a necessidade permanente da melhoria das condições de segurança e monitoramento das barragens brasileiras. Estes acidentes causam danos à população do entorno da barragem, econômicos ao empreendedor e ambientais. Como resultado obtido nesta pesquisa pode-se concluir que propiciou conhecimento atualizado ao meio técnico nacional de barragens. / This dissertation is a contribution, through a bibliographical research, on the subject of instrumentation and monitoring in enterprises of tailings dams. This research presents the basic objectives of the instrumentation of dams, their technical characteristics, the construction methodology of tailings dams and their monitoring through auscultation of the instrumentation. Due to the variety of instruments that can be installed in a dam, this work was limited to the analysis of two segments, instruments of measurement displacements and those for controlling percolation flow, which are the most commonly used in earth and tailings dams. This study is justified due to recent accidents occurring in tailings dams, which stress the importance and the permanent necessity of the improvement in security and monitoring conditions of Brazilian dams. These accidents cause social, economic and environmental damages to the enterprise. As a result of this research it can be concluded that it contributed with up-to-date knowledge to the national technical dam sector.

The composition and state of gold tailings

Vermeulen, Nicolaas Johannes 10 March 2006 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Thesis (PhD (Civil Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Civil Engineering / unrestricted

Impacts of gold mine waste on the water quality in the West Rand region & the associated risk to Anglogold Ashanti

Sakoane, Malebabo 14 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9612464Y - MSc dissertation - School of Mining Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment / This study was conducted at the West Rand Region, part of South African-based AngloGold operations. The study assesses the impacts of gold mining on the water quality and the change in landuse resulting from the mining activities on the West Rand Region. This was achieved by collecting historical data relating to the tailings dams and both surface and groundwater qualities between 1998 and 2003. The landuse information was gathered from the topographic map of Carltonville and remotely sensed data in the form of aerial photographs, landsat data and ASTER images. The data was analysed in a GIS ILWIS. The sizes of the tailings dams have not changed significantly during the study period. The size of the plantation also shows a decreasing trend due to pollution from the tailings dams. The area surrounding the Anglo Gold mining operations is sparsely-vegetated due to both poor soils and the impacts of mining activities. The surface water quality is poor and this water has negative impacts on the environment following accidental discharges and has potential negative impacts from seepage through the unlined dams. The quality of the groundwater is generally good with the exceptions of BH 18, MBH 8, MBH 5 and MBH 3 whose pollution arises from North mine tailings dams and North boundary dam. MBH 5 shows an improvement in water quality over time. The potential generation of AMD from the tailings dams is inhibited by the neutral pH of the tailings. In order to improve the environment in the West Rand Region and to prevent further pollution, planting of indigenous trees to make up for shrinking plantation and lining of the dams be undertaken. Stricter maintenance and monitoring of both the sewage plants and the dams be implemented to avoid accidental discharges of poor quality water into the environment. A study to accurately quantify the groundwater pollution arising from both the tailings dams and other surface water bodies should be undertaken.

An environmental management plan for the Merriespruit slimes dam disaster area

Duvenhage, Theunis Johannes 10 September 2012 (has links)
M.Sc. / The Merriespruit Tailings dam disaster killed seventeen (17) people and covered a part of Virginia with approximately 2.5 million cubic metres of tailings, causing such an emotional uproar that all resources were focused on repairing the dam and addressing some of the social issues. Little attention was given to the environment. The identified need in this study was therefore to investigate the consequences of the disaster on the environment, a need which derives from the uniqueness of this particular disaster and its consequences. The Department of Minerals and Energy require the submission of an Environmental Management Program Report (EMPR) on all prospecting and mining operations. It is clear that, in the compilation of such an EMPR, Harmony Gold Mine neglected to establish a Management Plan to regulate the physical impact of the disaster on the environment, mainly because no attention was given to disasters in the Aide-Memoir. A Management Plan was established by adapting existing formats of management plans to the uniqueness of this disaster. By following the procedure stipulated in the Management Plan it can be ensured that Environmental Management requirements will be effectively integrated into either the project management actions and contracts or operational systems and processes for the following issues: • Water management • Storm water control • Waste management • Dust • Aesthetics and socio-economic implications • Rehabilitation of the area. The investigation showed that the disaster exerted a definite negative influence on the environment, which can be managed by taking preventative measures stipulated in the Management Plan. However, one of the main issues identified in this study is that storm water management has been problematic for a period of time. It is therefore noted that some attention should be given to establishing a wetland system to contain the storm water runoff. Although this study does not focus on the socio-economic impacts in detail, it is recommended that these impacts are considered as it is evidently problematic. The primary aim of this study was to compile an EMP in order to manage, and possibly mitigate, the physical impact of the disaster on the immediate environment, an aim which clearly was accomplished. Harmony Gold Mine can benefit from the compilation of this EMT, as management goals were set and feasible means of achieving them were specified.

Dammsäkerhetsutvärdering samt utformning av dammregister och felrapporteringssystem för svenska gruvdammar / Dam Safety Evaluation and Development of a Database for Swedish Tailings Dams

Isaksson, Nils, Lundström, Helena January 2005 (has links)
<p>A lot of mine waste rock and tailings arise from all mining processes and have to be stored in an appropriate way. Tailings are deposited in impoundments retained by tailings dams. The objective of tailings dams is to retain the slurry from the mining process and in that way prevent spill into the surroundings that might be harmful for the environment. Tailings dams are often constructed as staged embankments so that construction costs and demand of materials are spread more evenly over the period of deposition.</p><p>The objective of this thesis has been to compile information about and evaluate events at Swedish tailings dams and also to develop a collective database for all Swedish mining companies for all tailings dams and all events that occur at tailings dams.</p><p>Information about 60 events at Swedish tailings dams has been gathered and evaluated. The evaluation has been performed by comparison between and analysis of individual parameters and also by use of a multivariate statistical method called PLS. The statistical analysis shows a decrease in the numbers of events during the last five years, which indicates improved dam safety within the mining industry. The analysis also shows that severe events and the human factor might be related when it comes to the initiating cause of the event. Further relations between the parameters and the severity of the events can be seen from the PLS-analysis, for example that low and short tailings dams to a greater extent are subjected to severe events. To be able to draw more reliable conclusions further studies with a more complete basic data are needed.</p><p>This work has shown a need of a collective database within the Swedish mining industry for tailings dams and occurring events at tailings dams so that more complete basic data could be obtained for future studies. A structure for such a database has been developed in Microsoft Access 2000. The aim of the database is to facilitate feedback within the mining industry and to gather comprehensive data for future statistical evaluations.</p> / <p>Vid alla gruvprocesser skapas stora mängder restprodukter i form av gråberg och anrikningssand som måste tas om hand på lämpligt sätt. Anrikningssanden deponeras tillsammans med vatten från gruvprocessen i magasin omgärdade av dammvallar, s.k. gruvdammar. Gruvdammar har som syfte att hålla kvar anrikningssand och vatten och måste vara stabila så att de skyddar omgivningen från utsläpp av anrikningssand som skulle kunna vara skadligt för miljön. En gruvdamm byggs ofta upp i etapper eftersom byggkostnaderna och behovet av dammfyllnadsmaterial då sprids över tiden.</p><p>Syftet med arbetet har varit att sammanställa och utvärdera händelser vid svenska gruvdammar samt att utforma ett för gruvindustrin gemensamt dammregister och felrapporteringssystem.</p><p>60 händelser vid svenska gruvdammar har sammanställts och utvärderats. Utvärderingen har genomförts dels genom att enskilda parametrar jämförts och analyserats och dels med hjälp av den multivariata analysmetoden PLS. Den statistiska analysen visar på en minskning i antal händelser under de senaste fem åren, vilket tyder på ett förbättrat dammsäkerhetsarbete inom gruvindustrin. Analysen har kunnat uppvisa ett samband mellan allvarliga händelser och den mänskliga faktorn när det gäller vad det är som initierat händelserna. Genom PLS-analysen har ytterligare samband mellan de undersökta parametrarna och allvarlighetsgraden av händelserna kunnat utläsas, bl.a. visar analysen att låga och korta dammar i större utsträckning drabbas av allvarliga händelser jämfört med höga och långa dammar. För att säkra slutsatser ska kunna dras krävs dock vidare studier med ett mer komplett statistiskt underlag.</p><p>Examensarbetet har påvisat ett behov av ett branchgemensamt damm- och felrapporteringsregister för att ett mer komplett underlag ska kunna erhållas i framtiden. En färdig databasstruktur för ett sådant dammregister och felrapporteringsregister för svenska gruvdammar har utformats. Databasen är uppbyggd i Microsoft Access 2000 och är tänkt att underlätta erfarenhetsåterföring inom branschen samt att ge ett underlag för framtida statistiska undersökningar.</p>

Tailings pond seepage and sulfate equilibrium in the Pima mining district, Pima County, Arizona

Scovill, Georgia Lynn, 1962- January 1988 (has links)
Mining activity is suspected of contributing sulfate and total dissolved solids (TDS) to ground water downgradient of the Pima mining district. High ionic concentrations in tailing impoundments suggest that tailings-pond recharge may be a source of the contamination. Experiments indicated that sulfate is not significantly produced by inorganic sulfide oxidation in the tailings ponds. Tailings pond water chemistries were compared with historical water quality analyses in the Pima district. The U.S.G.S. computer program PHREEQE modeled saturation indices for anhydrite, calcite, fluorite, and gypsum in water chemistries throughout the study area. Well water downgradient of the mines had lower saturation indices than tailings pond water which discredits the claim that tailings-pond recharge is acquiring salts as it percolates to the aquifer. Evidence supports the opinion that tailings pond seepage is contributing to the sulfate and TDS content in ground water downgradient of the ponds.

Mechanical Behavior of Tailings : Laboratory Tests from a Swedish Tailings Dam

Bhanbhro, Riaz January 2017 (has links)
Tailings is leftover material from mining industry and is produced in huge quantities approximately 70-99% of the ore production.  Tailings material is stored as impoundments by constructing tailings dams which are often constructed with tailings material itself. Tailings are artificial material and the mechanical behavior of tailings material upon loading is different as compared to natural soil materials. There are number of dam failures reported every year which has severe impact on inhabitants and environment nearby. Considering the failures of tailings dams and consequences there is a need to understand the tailings material in depth for safe existence of these dams. The confident dam design can assure the safe existence of tailings dams for long term as these dams are presumed to function for generations to come. The material properties in tailings dams can change during operation due to raising of new layer. Raised new layer can change stress level, which in turn may change the material properties in terms of strength, pore pressures, grain sizes etc. Today mostly tailings dam are designed by performing analysis for safety for existing and future rasings as well. These analyses are based upon a for certain factor of safety. Not very much can be done with design and analysis for tailings material if the material is not described very well. Understanding of tailings material in depth can provide help for detailed material parameters which later can be used in safety assessment for future raising and changed conditions in dam. This study presents the work carried out on tailings material from a Swedish tailings dam. The study is conducted on undisturbed and disturbed tailings material. The undisturbed tests are carried out to understand material properties as per in-situ conditions. Whereas disturbed materials are used to created different materials with different particles sizes. Initially in this study the basic properties of tailings materials are studied e.g. specific gravity, phase relationships, particle sizes, particle shapes and shear behavior on collected samples at various depths. During direct shear tests, the unexpected vertical height reductions were observed, these results are presented in this study. The comparison of strength parameters by direct shear and triaxial tests on material from various depths is also done and presented. Based on results from direct shear, triaxial and oedometer tests on uniform sized tailings material; the evaluation of primary and secondary deformations and particle breakage and effect of vertical loads is also carried out and presented. The study also includes the comparison of strength parameters for each particles size. The breakage of particles is analyzed by sieving the material after direct shear tests followed by a particle shape study. The effect of deposition on shear strength parameters is also studied by construction of samples with different angle of deposition of material. The strength parameters of uniform sized particles in triaxial tests are also evaluated and discussed.

Flotação do carvão contido no rejeito da barragem El Cantor. / Froth flotation of a coal tailing

Ruiz, Astrid Sofia 17 April 2009 (has links)
Os processos envolvidos no beneficiamento do carvão produzem efeitos nocivos para o meio ambiente, principalmente pela quantidade e natureza dos rejeitos que são gerados. Estes rejeitos comumente denominados piritosos, mesmo não apresentando altos conteúdos de pirita, constituem um material ácido que causa efeitos nocivos ao meio ambiente, principalmente aos corpos dágua. Estes rejeitos geralmente são depositados em barragens de rejeitos. Operações de beneficiamento como a flotação, consagrada na recuperação de finos, podem desempenhar um importante papel no processo de recuperação destes rejeitos de partículas ultrafinas. O rejeito carbonoso estudado nesta pesquisa provém da barragem de rejeitos El Cantor, localizada na Colômbia, na mina El Cerrejón. O processo de beneficiamento envolve ciclones de meio denso e espirais. A caracterização revelou que o material possuim teor de cinzas de 56% e poder calorífico de 5.800 BTU/lb, o teor de enxofre é 1,2%. Em termos de granulometria o material é considerado ultrafino já que 63% é menor que 0,014 mm. O conteúdo de matéria carbonosa deste rejeito é facilmente recuperado por flotação, como se demonstra neste trabalho. É possível recuperar 74% da matéria carbonosa e obter um produto com 7,3% de cinzas e poder calorífico de 14.225 BTU/lb em base seca. / The processes involved in coal preparation generate harmful effects to the environment, mainly due to the quantity and nature of the wastes that are generated. These tailings generally called pyritic, not even showing high content of pyrite are an acid material, harmful to the environment. These tailings are usually disposed of in tailings dams. Froth flotation will be important as a coal preparation process to recover these ultrafine particles. The tailings, studied in this work come from a process involving dense medium cyclones and spirals. They have an ash content of 56% and a calorific value of 5,800 BTU / lb, the sulfur content is 1.2%. In terms of size the material is considered as ultrafine as 63% is less than 0.014 mm. The coal matter content of these tails is easily recovered by froth flotation, as evidenced in this work. It is possible to recover 74% of the coal matter and to obtain a product with 7.3% ash and calorific value of 14,225 BTU / lb in dry basis.

Dammsäkerhetsutvärdering samt utformning av dammregister och felrapporteringssystem för svenska gruvdammar / Dam Safety Evaluation and Development of a Database for Swedish Tailings Dams

Isaksson, Nils, Lundström, Helena January 2005 (has links)
A lot of mine waste rock and tailings arise from all mining processes and have to be stored in an appropriate way. Tailings are deposited in impoundments retained by tailings dams. The objective of tailings dams is to retain the slurry from the mining process and in that way prevent spill into the surroundings that might be harmful for the environment. Tailings dams are often constructed as staged embankments so that construction costs and demand of materials are spread more evenly over the period of deposition. The objective of this thesis has been to compile information about and evaluate events at Swedish tailings dams and also to develop a collective database for all Swedish mining companies for all tailings dams and all events that occur at tailings dams. Information about 60 events at Swedish tailings dams has been gathered and evaluated. The evaluation has been performed by comparison between and analysis of individual parameters and also by use of a multivariate statistical method called PLS. The statistical analysis shows a decrease in the numbers of events during the last five years, which indicates improved dam safety within the mining industry. The analysis also shows that severe events and the human factor might be related when it comes to the initiating cause of the event. Further relations between the parameters and the severity of the events can be seen from the PLS-analysis, for example that low and short tailings dams to a greater extent are subjected to severe events. To be able to draw more reliable conclusions further studies with a more complete basic data are needed. This work has shown a need of a collective database within the Swedish mining industry for tailings dams and occurring events at tailings dams so that more complete basic data could be obtained for future studies. A structure for such a database has been developed in Microsoft Access 2000. The aim of the database is to facilitate feedback within the mining industry and to gather comprehensive data for future statistical evaluations. / Vid alla gruvprocesser skapas stora mängder restprodukter i form av gråberg och anrikningssand som måste tas om hand på lämpligt sätt. Anrikningssanden deponeras tillsammans med vatten från gruvprocessen i magasin omgärdade av dammvallar, s.k. gruvdammar. Gruvdammar har som syfte att hålla kvar anrikningssand och vatten och måste vara stabila så att de skyddar omgivningen från utsläpp av anrikningssand som skulle kunna vara skadligt för miljön. En gruvdamm byggs ofta upp i etapper eftersom byggkostnaderna och behovet av dammfyllnadsmaterial då sprids över tiden. Syftet med arbetet har varit att sammanställa och utvärdera händelser vid svenska gruvdammar samt att utforma ett för gruvindustrin gemensamt dammregister och felrapporteringssystem. 60 händelser vid svenska gruvdammar har sammanställts och utvärderats. Utvärderingen har genomförts dels genom att enskilda parametrar jämförts och analyserats och dels med hjälp av den multivariata analysmetoden PLS. Den statistiska analysen visar på en minskning i antal händelser under de senaste fem åren, vilket tyder på ett förbättrat dammsäkerhetsarbete inom gruvindustrin. Analysen har kunnat uppvisa ett samband mellan allvarliga händelser och den mänskliga faktorn när det gäller vad det är som initierat händelserna. Genom PLS-analysen har ytterligare samband mellan de undersökta parametrarna och allvarlighetsgraden av händelserna kunnat utläsas, bl.a. visar analysen att låga och korta dammar i större utsträckning drabbas av allvarliga händelser jämfört med höga och långa dammar. För att säkra slutsatser ska kunna dras krävs dock vidare studier med ett mer komplett statistiskt underlag. Examensarbetet har påvisat ett behov av ett branchgemensamt damm- och felrapporteringsregister för att ett mer komplett underlag ska kunna erhållas i framtiden. En färdig databasstruktur för ett sådant dammregister och felrapporteringsregister för svenska gruvdammar har utformats. Databasen är uppbyggd i Microsoft Access 2000 och är tänkt att underlätta erfarenhetsåterföring inom branschen samt att ge ett underlag för framtida statistiska undersökningar.

Direct measurement of pore fluid suction in gold mine tailings

Van Heerden, Jacobus Hendrik Francois. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M. Eng.(Geotechnical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references.

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