Spelling suggestions: "subject:"task analysis."" "subject:"ask analysis.""
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Sbírka úloh pro využití tabulkového kalkulátoru pro SŠ / Collection of spreadsheet exercises designed for use in secondary schoolsKafka, Miloš January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create a collection of tasks that would address the students of secondary schools, secondary vocational schools and grammar schools by using a spreadsheet. Collection of tasks will respond to the theoretical background, which is mainly based on the requirements for the knowledge and skills to work with spreadsheets in the curricula of the Czech and Slovak secondary schools and ECDL standards. Other theoretical bases are the analysis of learning tasks in the books, a survey among secondary school teachers, through which we discover how the spreadsheet is used and what tasks the students dealt with this application. Collection of tasks will offer a wide range of tasks of varying difficulty allowing cross-curricular use. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Qu'est-ce que naviguer ? : analyse d'une tâche de pilotage comme préalable à la conception d'un système d'aide à la gestion d'un vol / What is the navigation task ? : analysis of a piloting task in order to design a new flight management systemLacabanne, Marie 17 December 2014 (has links)
Cette étude est fondée sur deux constats dans le domaine du transport aérien : la conception des systèmes automatisés, et notamment du système de gestion de vol, découle d’un point de vue techno-centré ne prenant pas en compte le point de vue des opérateurs ; le système de gestion de vol est un système complexe entrainant une difficulté à l’appréhender pour optimiser l’accès aux fonctions existantes. Cette recherche a pour objectif de fournir des recommandations en vue de la conception d’une nouvelle interface du système de gestion de vol partant d’un point de vue centré sur l’opérateur. Pour cela, deux études ont été menées ayant pour objectif la réalisation d’une analyse cognitive de la tâche de navigation (tâche pour laquelle le système de gestion de vol a été initialement conçu). Pour ce faire, nous avons conduit des entretiens auprès de pilotes aux expériences diverses. Les résultats de ces deux premières études fournissent des éléments d’informations quant aux besoins informationnels des pilotes et nous informent aussi sur les exigences de la tâche et leur impact sur la conscience de la situation des pilotes. A la suite de ces résultats, des recommandations de conception pour une nouvelle interface de système de gestion de vol ont été émises visant à répondre aux besoins informationnels des pilotes et ainsi à améliorer leur conscience de la situation. Ces recommandations ont été testées lors d’une troisième étude. Les résultats enregistrés montrent que la réduction de l’effet de dissociation de l’attention ainsi que la contextualisation de l’information de manière cohérente par rapport à l’activité des pilotes permet d’améliorer leur conscience de la situation. / This study is based on two observations in the airway field: (i) the design of automated systems - particularly of the flight management system - is currently based on a techno-centered point of view that doesn’t take into account the user point of view; (ii) the flight management system is a complex system resulting in a long time of training and in a difficulty in both the knowledge and the access to the existing functions. This study aims to provide design recommendations for a new flight management system interface from the point of view of the pilots. In order to do this, two studies were carried out with the objective to produce a cognitive task analysis, and more particularly a cognitive task analysis of the navigation task (which is the task for which the system was initially created). Interviews were thus conducted with pilots with different experiences. The results of these two first studies provide information on the informational needs of the pilots, on the task requirements as well as on their impacts on the situation awareness of the pilots. Following these results, design recommendations for a new flight management system interface were produced in order to answer to the informational needs of the pilots and thus to improve their situation awareness. These recommendations were tested during a third study. The results show that the decrease of the attention dissociation’s effect as well as the consistency of the information contextualization of the pilot activity improves the situation awareness.
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Division of Labour and Self-Reported Mental Requirements in Human Services: Retail Sale JobsPietrzyk, Ulrike, Rodehacke, Sarah, Hacker, Winfried 07 May 2015 (has links)
Significant associations between self-reported “whole units” of work and self-reported mental task requirements as well as personal outcomes are well known. Also of interest is, however, whether a significant association also exists between the underlying objective assignment of tasks, i.e. the division of labour, and self-reported mental requirements. Such an association would represent a concrete starting point for job design or redesign. We analyzed this question for retail sale jobs as an example of the numerous human service jobs, which usually consist of customer- and object-centred tasks. The study (N = 558 employees) evaluated the potential association between documented assignments of customer-centred and goods-centred activities and employees’ perceived mental requirements, skill utilisation, and learning on the job, as well as mental difficulties. A significant association of moderate effect size between the objective division of labour and self-reported mental job requirements was shown. Theoretical and practical consequences of this association are also discussed.
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Entwicklung und Evaluation von fehlerspezifischem informativem tutoriellem Feedback (ITF) für die schriftliche SubtraktionHuth, Katja 07 December 2004 (has links)
Obwohl das Angebot von Feedback in Lehr-Lernsituationen eine wichtige instruktionale Maßnahme darstellt,um Lernende in ihrem Lernprozess zu unterstützen, wird dessen Potenzial in multimedialen Lernumgebungen nur selten optimal genutzt. Feedback, welches in aller Regel im Anschluss an die Bearbeitung von Lernaufgaben bereitgestellt wird und den Lerner über die Qualität seiner Aufgabenbearbeitung informiert, beschränkt sich häufig auf die Bereitstellung einer richtig/falsch Rückmeldung mit einem sich anschließenden, zusätzlichen Lösungsversuch bzw. der Präsentation der richtigen Lösung. Als prototypisch für diese Art der Feedbackgestaltung erweist sich das in mathematischer Grundschulsoftware implementierte Feedback. Der Lerner erhält weder Informationen zu dem Ort und der Art des Fehlers noch einen Hinweis auf die korrekte Lösungsstrategie. Vor diesem Hintergrund bestand ein zentrales Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit in der Entwicklung von fehlerspezifischem informativem tutoriellem Feedback (ITF) für die schriftliche Subtraktion auf der Grundlage des heuristischen Feedbackmodells von Narciss (2004) und der aus diesem Modell abgeleiteten Gestaltungsprinzipien für ITF. Obwohl allgemein erwartet wird, dass informatives Feedback lernwirksamer ist als Feedback, welches nur die richtige Lösung präsentiert, konnte diese Annahme durch die Ergebnisse der empirischen Feedbackforschung bisher nicht bestätigt werden. So ist die Feedbackforschung durch eine inkonsistente Befundlage gekennzeichnet. Vor diesem empirischen Hintergrund bestand ein weiteres zentrales Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit in der Überprüfung der Effektivität des entwickelten fehlerspezifischen ITFs hinsichtlich verschiedener Lern- und motivationaler Parameter. Fehlerspezifisches ITF zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass bei fehlerhaften Aufgabenlösungen Informationen angeboten werden, die auf der Grundlage einer kognitiven Anforderungs- und Fehleranalyse als korrekturrelevant identifiziert worden waren. Diese korrekturrelevanten Informationen werden dem Lernenden ohne Bekanntgabe der korrekten Lösung präsentiert, so dass sich dieser dazu aufgefordert sieht, die bereitgestellten strategischen Informationen in einem erneuten Lösungsversuch unmittelbar anzuwenden. In zwei Studien mit Viertklässlern wurde dieses computergestützte ITF im Hinblick auf seine Lern- und motivationale Wirksamkeit evaluiert. In der ersten Studie (N = 30) erfolgte diese Evaluation gegen eine Feedbackbedingung, welche das üblicherweise in mathematischer Lernsoftware realisierte Knowledge of Response und Knowledge of Correct Response (KR-KCR) Feedback präsentierte. In der zweiten Studie (N = 105) wurden zwei zusätzliche Feedbackbedingungen "Knowledge about Mistake (KR-KM) und Knowledge on How to proceed (KR-KH)" aufgenommen. Diese sind in ihrem Informationsgehalt zwischen dem ITF und dem KR-KCR Feedbackalgorithmus anzusiedeln. Die Ergebnisse beider Studien bestätigen die postulierte Lern- und motivationale Wirksamkeit des fehlerspezifischen ITFs für die schriftliche Subtraktion. Besonders im Vergleich zu der wenig informativen KR-KCR Feedbackbedingung konnten in beiden Studien signifikante Wirksamkeitsunterschiede nachgewiesen werden. Auch im Vergleich zu den komplexeren Feedbackformen Knowledge about mistake (KR-KM) und Knowledge on how to proceed (KR-KH) konnten für die Schüler der ITF Bedingung bessere Leistungen beobachtet werden, auch wenn diese Unterschiede nur partiell signifikant wurden. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Untersuchungen zeigen, dass es möglich ist, auf der Grundlage des von Narciss (2004) vorgestellten Feedbackmodells und der aus diesem Feedbackmodell abgeleiteten Gestaltungsprinzipien lern- und motivationsförderliches ITF zu entwickeln. So liefern die Ergebnisse beider Studien erste empirische Belege für die Annahme, dass informatives Feedback nicht nur den Lernprozess unterstützt, sondern auch motivationsförderlich wirkt. / Feedback is considered to be an important factor to promote learning and motivation with computer-based training tools. However the findings of studies on the effectiveness of feedback are rather inconsistent. One reason for these inconsistent findings might be that the implementation of feedback is more based on intuition than on well-founded design principles. Therefore the aims of the present work was (1) to develop theoretical well-founded elaborated feedback forms for a procedural skill like the written subtraction, (2) to implement them in an adaptive feedback algorithm that induces the mindful processing of feedback, and (3) to evaluate this elaborated feedback regarding his impact on learning and motivation. Using results from prior feedback research and from cognitive task and error analysis of written subtraction tasks, information relevant to the correction of typical systematic errors (e.g. location of error, source of error, type of error and hints to the correct solution strategy) were selected. This information was used to design different types of bug-related feedback messages. These different feedback messages were arranged in an adaptive bug-related algorithm presenting three levels of feedback with increasing informational value to support the learner in finding the correct solution on his own. Because the developed feedback allows assisted multiple response attempts for an item by providing relevant information for error correction, but no immediate Knowledge of Correct Response (KCR) feedback, and by encouraging the learner to apply the corrective information to a further attempt, this kind of feedback was called bug-related "informative tutoring feedback (ITF)". In two computer-based learning experiments cognitive and motivational effects of this bug-related ITF were evaluated with forth-grade students with difficulties in written subtraction. In the first study (N=30) the bug-related ITF was compared to the effects of a standard Knowledge of Result-Knowledge of Correct Response feedback (KR-KCR) algorithm. In the second study (N=105) two additional feedback algorithms - Knowledge about Mistake (KR-KM) und Knowledge on How to proceed (KR-KH) - were implemented. These both feedback algorithms range between the bug-related ITF and the simple KR-KCR feedback regarding to their amount of information. In both studies significant positive effects of the bug-related ITF compared to the KR-KCR feedback could be found. Regarding to the more informative KR-KM and KR-KH feedback a positive effect of the bug-related ITF could be showed sporadic. These results are discussed in detail.
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A New Approach for Automated Feature SelectionGocht, Andreas 05 April 2019 (has links)
Feature selection or variable selection is an important step in different machine learning tasks. In a traditional approach, users specify the amount of features, which shall be selected. Afterwards, algorithm select features by using scores like the Joint Mutual Information (JMI). If users do not know the exact amount of features to select, they need to evaluate the full learning chain for different feature counts in order to determine, which amount leads to the lowest training error. To overcome this drawback, we extend the JMI score and mitigate the flaw by introducing a stopping criterion to the selection algorithm that can be specified depending on the learning task. With this, we enable developers to carry out the feature selection task before the actual learning is done. We call our new score Historical Joint Mutual Information (HJMI). Additionally, we compare our new algorithm, using the novel HJMI score, against traditional algorithms, which use the JMI score. With this, we demonstrate that the HJMI-based algorithm is able to automatically select a reasonable amount of features: Our approach delivers results as good as traditional approaches and sometimes even outperforms them, as it is not limited to a certain step size for feature evaluation.
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Augmented Reality in Lunar Extravehicular Activities: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Industry Readiness, User Experience, and the Work EnvironmentVishnuvardhan Selvakumar (17593110) 11 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This research explores the potential of AR for lunar missions via the xEMU spacesuit. A market analysis of commercial off-the-shelf AR devices identifies technological trends and constraints that inform the architectural decisions for AR integration with the xEMU. User evaluations in simulated work environments ensure lunar informatics align with crew needs. Drawing insights from human-in-the-loop testing of COTS AR devices, qualitative test results underscore the importance of display optimization, occlusion management, and environmental considerations for enhancing the AR experience during lunar EVAs. Grounded in a task analysis from JETT3 analog testing, crew workflows and communication dynamics are baselined, underscoring the vital role of communication and collaboration. Integrating AR into the EVA work environment holds the potential to streamline decision-making, improve navigation, and enhance overall efficiency, but may come with unintended operational consequences. The human-centered approach prioritizes crew involvement, ensuring that technology remains a facilitator rather than an encumbering element in lunar exploration. The study's significance lies in advancing AR technology for lunar EVAs, guiding hardware design, and enabling seamless integration into the EVA work environment. AR holds promise in reshaping the human-technology relationship, empowering crew members, maximizing science output, and contributing to the next chapter in lunar exploration.</p>
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Peak-Power Aware Lifetime Reliability Improvement in Fault-Tolerant Mixed-Criticality SystemsNavardi, Mozhgan, Ranjbar, Behnaz, Rohbani, Nezam, Ejlali, Alireza, Kumar, Akash 27 February 2024 (has links)
Mixed-Criticality Systems (MCSs) include tasks with multiple levels of criticality and different modes of operation. These systems bring benefits such as energy and resource saving while ensuring safe operation. However, management of available resources in order to achieve high utilization, low power consumption, and required reliability level is challenging in MCSs. In many cases, there is a trade-off between these goals. For instance, although using fault-tolerance techniques, such as replication, leads to improving the timing reliability, it increases power consumption and can threaten life-time reliability. In this work, we introduce an approach named Life−timePeakPower management inMixed−Criticalitysystems (LPP-MC) to guarantee reliability, along with peak power reduction. This approach maps the tasks using a novel metric called Reliability-Power Metric (RPM). The LPP-MC approach uses this metric to balance the power consumption of different processor cores and to improve the life-time of a chip. Moreover, to guarantee the timing reliability of MCSs, a fault-tolerance technique, called task re-execution, is utilized in this approach. We evaluate the proposed approach by a real avionics task set, and various synthetic task sets. The experimental results show that the proposed approach mitigates the aging rate and reduces peak power by up to 20.6% and 17.6%, respectively, compared to state-of-the-art.
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Task-based assessment for specific purpose Sesotho for personnel in the small business corporationLombaard, Malinda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This study is concerned with a task-based analysis of specific purposes Sesotho learning tasks for the learning and teaching of Sesotho as a second language by personnel of the small business development corporation. A range of authentic tasks in Sesotho has been constructed to demonstrate authentic specific purpose learning and teaching, and hence assessment tasks for personnel in the small business development corporation.
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Vyhledávání informací v mobilním prostředí / Information Seeking in the Mobile EnvironmentMatula, Kamil January 2022 (has links)
MATULA, Kamil. Information Seeking in the Mobile Environment. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav informačních studií a knihovnictví, 2021. Ph.D. Thesis. Supervisor PhDr. et Bc. Jindra Planková, Ph.D. Abstract The dissertation thesis deals with information seeking in mobile environment using smartphone. For this purpose, a qualitative research is conducted, devided into two consecutive research activities. In the first activity are used semistructured interviews to collect the data and the grounded theory is used for data analysis. In the second activity are used methods "thinking aloud" and practical information seeking based on model scenarios. Results of the second research activity are evaluated by thematic analysis and task analysis. The findings have broadenend and deepend the state of current knowledge concerning the information seeking in the mobile environment. We consider exploration of limiting factors that affect information seeking in mobile environment as one of the most beneficial result as well as discovery of two extreme styles of information seeking in mobile environment. Keywords Information Behaviour; Information Seeking; Information Retrieval; Mobile En- vironment; Mobile Information and Communication Technologies; Qualitative Research; Semistructured Interview; Thinking...
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Situation awareness and the selection of interruption handling strategies during the medication administration process : a qualitative studySitterding, Mary Cathryn January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Medication administration error remains a leading cause of preventable death. A
gap exists in understanding attentional dynamics, such as nurse situation awareness (SA)
while managing interruptions during medication administration. The aim was to describe
SA during medication administration and interruption handling strategies. A crosssectional,
descriptive design was used. Cognitive task analysis (CTA) methods informed
analysis of 230 interruptions. Themes were analyzed by SA level. The nature of the
stimuli noticed emerged as a Level 1 theme, in contrast to themes of uncertainty,
relevance, and expectations (Level 2 themes). Projected or anticipated interventions
(Level 3 themes) reflected workload balance between team and patient foregrounds. The
prevalence of cognitive time-sharing during the medication administration process was
significant or may be remarkable. Findings substantiated the importance of the concept of
SA within nursing as well as the contribution of CTA in understanding the cognitive
work of nursing during medication administration.
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