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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Search for the Higgs Boson Decaying to Two Tau Leptons in Proton-Antiproton Collisions at a Center of Mass Energy of 1.96 TeV

Elagin, Andrey 2011 December 1900 (has links)
A search for the Higgs boson decaying to tau tau using 7.8 fb^-1 of pp collisions at 1.96 TeV collected with CDF II detector is presented. The search is sensitive to four production mechanisms of the Higgs boson: ggH, WH, ZH and VBF. Modes where one tau decay leptonically, and another decay, hadronically, are considered. Two novel techniques are developed and used in the search. A Probabilistic Particle Flow Algorithm is used for energy measurements of the hadronic tau candidates. The signal is discriminated from backgrounds by the Missing Mass Calculator, which allows for full invariant mass reconstruction of tau tau pair. The data are found to be consistent with the background only hypothesis. Therefore a 95% confidence level upper limit on the Standard Model Higgs boson cross section was set. At M_H=120 GeV/c^2 observed limit is 14.9 x sigma_SM x Br(H -> tau tau).

A search for neutrinoless tau decays to three leptons

Kolb, Jeffrey A., 1979- 06 1900 (has links)
xix, 140 p. ; ill. (some col.) A print copy of this thesis is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / Using approximately 350 million à + à - pair events recorded with the BaBar detector at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center between 1999 and 2006, a search has been made for neutrinoless, lepton-flavor violating tau decays to three lighter leptons. All six decay modes consistent with conservation of electric charge and energy have been considered. With signal selection efficiencies of 5-12%, we obtain 90% confidence level upper limits on the branching fraction B (à [arrow right] [cursive l][cursive l][cursive l]) in the range (4 - 8) à 10 -8 . / Adviser: Eric Torrence

A search for Higgs bosons in final states with multiple tau leptons at the DZero experiment

Suter, Louise January 2013 (has links)
Two searches for the production of Higgs bosons decaying into tau and mu leptons, using data collected with the DZero detector at the Fermilab Tevatron p-bar(p)collider, are presented. A search for the pair production of doubly charged Higgs bosons in the processq-bar(q) to H^{++}H^{--}, where H^{++} decays to tau-tau, mu-mu or tau-mu lepton pairs, with an integrated luminosity of up to L= 7.0 fb^{-1}, is presented. No significant excess of data over the expected SM background is observed and the results are used to set 95\% C.L. limits on the pair production cross section of doubly charged Higgs bosons in the range 90 < M_{H^{++}} < 200 GeV. A second search for the production of the Standard Model Higgs boson in the final state tau-tau-mu+X is presented, using an integrated luminosity of L=8.6 fb^{-1}. Again no significant excess of data is observed over the background expectation and 95% C.L. limits are set on the observed cross section relative to the Standard Model prediction, in the range 100 < M_{H} < 200 GeV.

Measurement of the Z—>TlTh cross-section and search for the standard model vector boson fusion produced Higgs —>TlTh at ATLAS

Larner, Aimee Bridget January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a cross-section measurement of the Z -+ TeTh process performed using the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The data used were collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV during 2010 and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 36 pb-I. This measurement uses the final state where one T lepton decays leptonically, to an electron or muon, plus neutrinos, and the other T lepton decays hadronically. The "(* / Z -+ a, It and di-boson background processes are estimated using Monte Carlo simulation, the W -+ TV Monte Carlo background prediction is estimated using a semi data-driven method. The multijet background is estimated with a fully data-driven 'ABCD' method using three exclusive control regions built by inverting uncorrelated requirements on the isolation of the electron or muon and the product of the electric charge of the identified electron or muon and hadronically decayed T lepton. The measured cross-sections in each channel are corrected for the individual branching ratios and yield the total cross-section a(Z -+ TT, minv 66 - 116 GeV) = 1142 ± 135.5(stat.) ± 206.2(syst.) ± 40. 19(1umi.) ± 3.6(theo.) pb for the electron channel and a(Z -+ TT, minv 66 - 116 GeV) = 857.6 ± 81.4(stat.) ± 132.5(syst.) ± 30.19(lumi.) ± 2.8(theo.) pb for the muon channel, where the invariant mass of the Z boson is between 66 and 116 GeV. These are in good agreement with the theoretical prediction of960 ± 49.5 pb. Performing a measurement of a well-known Standard Model process using the ATLAS de- tector in this new high energy regime is essential for validating the T lepton identification in particular, which is essential for any new physics search such as H -+ TeTh' A cut-based analysis for the Vector Boson Fusion produced Higgs boson decaying to two T leptons channel is introduced and the possibility of using the more complex analysis technique, the Matrix Element method, to increase sensitivity is discussed.

Hadronic spectrum of tau lepton to antipion-neutral pion-tau neutrino decays

Rahmat, Rahmat, 1974- 09 1900 (has links)
xix, 149 p. ; ill. (some col.) A print copy of this title is available through the UO Libraries. Search the library catalog for the location and call number. / We report on a study of the invariant mass spectrum of the hadronic system in à - [arrow right] à - à 0 à à à à à ½ à decays. This study was performed using data obtained with the BABAR detector operating at the PEP-II e + e - collider. We present fits to phenomenological models in which resonance parameters associated with the à (770), à '(1450) and à "(1700) mesons are determined. We also discuss the implications of our data with regard to estimates of the hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. / Adviser: Eric Torrence

Search for heavy neutral Higgs bosons decaying into the fully hadronic di-tau final state with ATLAS

Märker, Max 01 February 2022 (has links)
Obwohl das Standardmodell der Teilchenphysik eines der erfolgreichsten physikalischen Theorien der modernen Geschichte ist, wurden schon früh viele theoretische Erweiterung entwickelt, welche versuchen, die offenen Fragen des Standardmodells zu lösen. So bietet das Standardmodell keine Erklärung für die Existenz der dunklen Materie oder eine vereinheitlichte Theorie der fundamentalen Wechselwirkungen an. Viele der Modelle erweitern das Standardmodell mit zusätzlichen Symmetrien wie zum Beispiel der Supersymmetrie. Die einfachste supersymmetrische Erweiterung des Standardmodells ist das Minimal Supersymmetrische Standardmodell (MSSM). Diese Modelle sagen die Existenz eines zweiten Higgs-Dublette Feldes voraus, welches die Präsenz zusätzliche Higgs-Bosonen zur Folge hätte. Daher ist die Suche nach zusätzlichen Higgs-Bosonen ein wichtiges Fenster zur Suche nach Physik jenseits des Standardmodells. In dieser Arbeit wird die Suche nach zusätzlichen, schweren und neutralen A und H Higgs-Bosonen im voll-hadronischen di-Tau Zerfallskanal präsentiert. Die Suche basiert auf dem vollständigen LHC Run-2 Datensatz, aufgezeichnet vom ATLAS Detektor in der Zeit von 2015 bis 2018. Die aufgezeichneten Daten entsprechen einer intrigierten Luminosität von 139 fb^−1 . Da kein signifikanter Überschuss an Daten im Verhältnis zur Untergrundabschätzung beobachtet wurde, werden die Resultate der Suche in Form von Ausschlussgrenzen auf den Wirkungsquerschnitt mal dem Verzweigungsverhältnis für Higgs-Bosonen mit Massen zwischen 200 GeV und 2500 GeV, welche via Gluon-Gluon-Fusion oder b-assoziierter Produktion generiert wurden, angegeben. Die Ausschlussgrenzen werden berechnet mit einem Vertrauensniveau von 95 %. Die Resultate des voll-hadronischen Zerfallskanals werden kombiniert mit denen des semi-leptonischen Zerfallskanals und anschließend in den m_A-tanβ Parameterraum des hMSSM Modells als auch weiterer mh125 Modellvarianten transformiert. Die kombinierten Ausschlussgrenzen im Parameterraum des hMSSM Modells werden mit jener vorherigen Analysen publiziert durch die ATLAS und CMS Kollaboration verglichen, welche auf einem vorläufigen Run-2 Datensatz basieren. Im Verhältnis zu den vorherigen Resultaten von ATLAS (CMS) wurde eine signifikante Verbesserung von 10 % (11 %) für m A = 500 GeV bis hin zu 63 % (67 %) für m_A = 1200 GeV beobachtet. Des Weiteren wird in dieser Arbeit ein neuartiger Algorithmus, basierend auf moderner rekurrenten neuronalen Netzen vorgestellt, welcher Spuren im inneren Detektor des ATLAS Experiments hadronisch zerfallenden Tauonen zuordnen kann. Die Zuordnung der Spuren zu Tauonenzerfällen ist ein integraler Bestandteil der Rekonstruktion hadronisch zerfallender Tau-Leptonen bei ATLAS und liefert wichtige Informationen über dessen Ladung und Zerfallsmultiplizität. Durch Verwendung neuronaler Netze kann ein erheblicher Zuwachs in der Rekonstruktionseffizienz von 10 % und 20 % für hadronische Tauonzerfälle mit einer Zerfallsmultiplizität von 1 und 3 erreicht werden. Aufgrund dieser Verbesserungen erreicht der neue Algorithmus eine Rekonstruktionseffizienz nahe der maximal möglichen Effizienz. Zusätzlich ist es möglich, durch Ausnutzen der inhärenten Flexibilität neuronaler Netze das Training so zu verändern, dass die Netze unterschiedliches verhalten auf QCD Untergrund aufweisen. Es werden zwei Trainingskonfigurationen beschrieben, welche für die offline Datenanalyse oder die Anwendung in Trigger-Entscheidungen optimiert wurden. / Although the Standard Model of particle physics is one of the most successful and well-tested theories in physics, many extensions to the Standard Model were proposed that aim to resolve its shortcomings. Many of these models extend the Standard Model by adding additional symmetries such as Supersymmetry with one of the simplest being the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). Supersymmetric models also require the presence of a second Higgs-doublet field which predicts the existence of additional Higgs bosons. Hence, the search for these additional Higgs bosons provides an important window into investigating physics beyond the Standard Model. In this thesis, the search for additional heavy neutral Higgs bosons A and H decaying into a fully hadronic tau lepton pair is presented based on 139 fb^−1 of data taken by the ATLAS detector during the full LHC Run-2 data taking period from 2015 to 2018. Since no significant excess of data with respect to the background estimation was found, the results are presented in terms of 95 % CL upper exclusion limits on the cross-section times branching ratio for Higgs bosons produced via gluon-gluon fusion and b-associated production. Different Higgs boson mass hypotheses are taken into account ranging from 200 GeV to 2500 GeV. A combination with the semi-leptonic search channel is performed whose exclusion limits are transformed into the m_A-tanβ parameter space of the hMSSM and various mh125 benchmark model scenarios. The combined exclusion limit set in the hMSSM model is compared to the previous publications by the ATLAS and CMS collaboration based on early Run-2 data of 36.1 fb^−1 and 35.9 fb^−1 respectively. Compared to previous exclusion limits set by ATLAS (CMS) for the hMSSM scenario, significant improvements are observed ranging between 11 % (10 %) at m_A = 500 GeV up to 63 % (67 %) at m_A = 1200 GeV. In addition to the Higgs boson search, a novel algorithm is presented to identify and select charged particle tracks reconstructed in the ATLAS inner detector originating from hadronic tau lepton decays. The identification of these tracks is an important part of the tau lepton reconstruction and identification at ATLAS and provides information about the decay multiplicity and charge of the tau lepton. By deploying state-of-the-art recurrent neural networks the reconstruction efficiency for tau leptons with a true decay multiplicity of 1 and 3 charged hadrons improves by about 10 % and 20 % respectively. With this improvement, the neural networks achieve a reconstruction efficiency close to the maximum efficiency possible. By exploiting the flexibility of the neural networks, they can be optimized for both offline data analysis and fast software trigger applications.

Predictions for the Search for AnomalousCouplings of Gauge Bosons and Leptons ine^+e^- - scattering

Biebel, Jochen 30 April 2001 (has links)
Die Auswirkungen von anomalen Kopplungen bei den Prozessen der W-Paar- und der ZZ-Erzeugung werden untersucht. Analytische Ausdruecke fuer die differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitte werden fuer beide Prozesse abgeleitet und numerische Ergebnisse werden praesentiert. Die analytischen Ergebnisse zur W-Paarerzeugung wurden in das Fortranprogramm GENTLE eingebaut, waehrend die Ergebnisse zur ZZ-Erzeugung in einem separaten Program ZAC zur Verfuegung stehen. Die numerischen Resultate werden mit den Vorhersagen des Standardmodells verglichen. Bei der W-Paarerzeugung sind Strahlungskorrekturen durch den Strukturfunktionszugang im Rahmen der Anfangszustandsabstrahlung beruecksichtig worden. Die Auswirkungen eines anomalen magnetischen Momentes a_tau des tau-Leptons auf die Endzustandsabstrahlung im Prozess der tau-Paarproduktion bei LEP1 wurden untersucht. Dieser Prozess erlaubt die Bestimmung des experimentellen Limits fuer das anomale magnetische Moment a_tau. Als ein Ergebnis erhalten wir, dass Beitraege, die linear in a_tau sind und als klein angesehen wurden, bei den heutigen Limits nicht mehr vernachlaessigt werden koennen. / Predictions are made for the effects of anomalous couplings in the processes of W-pair and ZZ production. Analytical expressions for the differential cross-sections are derived in both cases and numerical results are presented. The analytical results for W-pair production were implemented into the Fortran program GENTLE, while the ZZ production results are available in the stand-alone program ZAC. The numerical results are compared with the Standard Model predictions. For W-pair production radiative corrections are considered by using the structure function approach for the description of initial state radiation. Effects of an anomalous magnetic moment a_tau of the tau-lepton to the final state radiation in the process of tau-pair production at LEP1 are examined. This process allows to determine experimental limits for the anomalous magnetic moment of the tau. As a result we find that contributions linear in a_tau, which were believed to be small, cannot be neglegted at the present limits.

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