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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le traitement fiscal international des organismes de placement collectif / The international tax treatment of collective investment vehicles

Sy, Alassane 09 September 2015 (has links)
Les organismes de placement collectif (OPC) permettent aux investisseurs d'avoir accès à une gestion professionnelle, à la diversification, aux économies d'échelle, à un réinvestissement efficient des revenus et à la liquidité. Les formes juridiques et les systèmes fiscaux des OPC peuvent varier considérablement d'une juridiction à une autre. L'objet de cette thèse est de voir si les investisseurs dans un OPC sont dans la même situation dans laquelle ils se seraient trouvés s'ils avaient investi directement. Contrairement à un contexte national, les investisseurs de portefeuille transfrontaliers ne sont pas placés dans la même situation dans laquelle ils se seraient trouvés si le revenu de placement était réalisé directement. En effet, l'investissement transfrontalier en valeurs mobilières est entravé par des obstacles fiscaux résultant des retenues à la source et des lacunes actuelles de l'allégement conventionnel, en particulier en ce qui concerne les OPC. Afin d'assurer une plus grande sécurité fiscale aux OPC et à leurs investisseurs, diverses solutions possibles à ces difficultés ont alors été abordées. Il a été souligné qu'il faudrait améliorer les conventions de double imposition et les systèmes d'allègement conventionnel en octroyant les avantages soit au niveau de l'OPC soit au niveau de leurs investisseurs. Des perspectives sont également offertes par les règles de non-discrimination en vertu du droit de l'UE à travers notamment les initiatives de la Commission européenne et la jurisprudence de la CJUE. Ces perspectives permettent de suggérer que les États devraient rechercher un accord multilatéral pour abolir les retenues à la source sur les dividendes dans l'État de la source du revenu lorsqu'il est payé à des OPC établis dans d'autres États. Idéalement, tout accord visant à abolir les retenues à la source devrait être combiné à un système d'échange automatique d'informations. Il a été souligné que les inefficacités fiscales favorisent l'innovation financière tels que les produits dérivés et autres instruments financiers qui sont largement utilisés par les gestionnaires d'actifs comme une alternative pour éviter la retenue à la source sur les dividendes. / Collective investment vehicles (CIVs) permit investors to obtain access to professional management, diversification, economies of scale, efficient reinvestment of income and liquidity. The legal forms and tax structures of CIVs may vary considerably from one jurisdiction to another. The purpose of this thesis is to see if CIV investors are in the same position in which they would have been if they had invested directly.Unlike in a domestic context, cross-border portfolio investors are not placed in the same position as if investment income was realised directly. Indeed, cross-border investment in securities is hampered by tax obstacles resulting from withholding taxes and the current deficiencies of treaty relief, especially in relation to collective investment vehicles. In order to provide more certainty to CIVs and underlying investors, various possible remedies to those difficulties have been then addressed. It was highlighted that we should improve double taxation treaties and treaty relief systems by granting benefits either on OPC level either on the level of underlying investors. Perspectives are also offered by non-discrimination rules under EU law, especially through the EU Commission's initiatives and the ECJ cases law. Based on these prospects, it is submitted that the states should seek a multilateral agreement to abolish withholding taxes on dividends in the source state of income, when paid to CIVs established in another states. Optimally, any agreement to abolish withholding taxes should be combined with an automatic exchange of information system. We pointed out that tax inefficiencies promote financial innovation such as derivatives and other financial instruments which are widely used by asset managers as alternatives to avoid dividend withholding tax.

Zdanění stálé provozovny v České republice / Taxation of Permanent Establishment in the Czech Republic

Abrahamová, Eva January 2019 (has links)
Master´s thesis deals with issue of taxation of permanent establishment which come into existence to the resident of a Contracting State on the grounds of construction site in the Czech Republic. The thesis contains an analysis of relevant articles of the double tax treaty with Slovakia and relevant legal regulations of the Czech republic, on the basis of which is proposed the methodology for determining the tax base of the permanent establishment in the Czech Republic.

Shortcomings of and recommendations to improve double taxation relief mechanisms: a study of South African resident companies engaged in the exploration for and production of oil and gas outside of South Africa

Futter, Alison Jane 12 January 2022 (has links)
South African resident companies engaged in the exploration for and production of oil and gas outside of South Africa are subject to double taxation. This thesis evaluates whether South African resident companies engaged in the exploration for and production of oil and gas outside of South Africa receive full relief from double taxation in South Africa. The thesis provides a qualitative examination of the fundamental legal designs used for the allocation of the right to mine oil and gas and the fiscal regimes applied to the taxation of oil and gas mining at the source. The thesis explores the basis for taxation of foreign oil and gas income in South Africa and the remedies for double taxation in terms of the domestic tax legislation. Assuming that a tax treaty exists between South Africa and the host government, qualification for double taxation relief and classification of income in terms of a double taxation agreement (DTA) are evaluated. It is anticipated that a South African resident Oil and Gas company will choose the most favourable method and form of double tax relief when filing its corporate tax return in South Africa based on the commercial impact thereof. To aid in this decision, the thesis contrasts the quantum of the double tax relief under the domestic tax legislation with that available under the DTA. Using an adaptation of the IMF's FARI methodology, a quantitative analysis of the economic impact for a South African resident Oil and Gas company mining in Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana and, Nigeria is examined. The thesis concludes that there are circumstances where South African resident Oil and Gas companies are unable to achieve full double tax relief under the domestic tax legislation and make recommendations (where applicable) for amendments to the domestic tax legislation to achieve a form of full double tax relief as close as possible to the single tax principle.

Conflits de normes entre conventions fiscales et Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne. / conflicts of norms between Tax treaties and the treaty on the functionning of the European Union.

Nicolas, Miguel 11 December 2013 (has links)
Les Etats membres de l'Union européenne, sont soumis à un certain nombre d'obligations résultant de leur adhésion à l'Union européenne. Ils sont notamment obligés de se conformer au droit de l'Union européenne. Dans le même temps, ces Etats ont conclus un certain nombre de conventions internationales dans différents domaines avec d'autres Etats, notamment des conventions fiscales, dans le cadre de l'élimination des doubles impositions et de la lutte contre l'évasion et la fraude fiscale internationale. L'application de ces conventions fiscales par les Etats membres de l'Union européenne, de manière simultanée avec leurs obligations au regard du droit de l'Union européenne vont engendrer des conflits de normes. Ces conflits de normes surviendront notamment du fait, de certaines incompatibilités des conventions fiscales au regard du droit de l'Union européenne. Par conséquent, les Etats membres de l'Union européenne seront dans l'incapacité de pouvoir honorer simultanément leurs obligations à l'égard de ces deux normes, car du fait de ces incompatibilités, il est impossible de les appliquer simultanément. L'Etat membre ne pourra appliquer qu'une seule de ces normes, ce qui entraînera de ce fait, une violation de l'autre norme, et potentiellement engagera la responsabilité de l'Etat membre. Il s'agit par conséquent de déterminer quels sont ces conflits de normes entre conventions fiscales et Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne et comment ils peuvent être résolus. L'étude du droit de l'Union européenne au travers du Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne, montre que son apport à la résolution des conflits de normes est très limité. En outre, l'étude du droit international notamment au travers de la Convention de Vienne de 1969 sur le droit des traités, nous montre que son apport à la résolution des conflits de normes est assez inefficace.Ainsi, les solutions traditionnellement présentées dans le cadre de la résolution des conflits de normes apparaissent fort désuètes au regard de la complexité et de l'évolution des conflits de normes contemporains.Par conséquent, on essaie d'apporter à travers cette étude un certains nombres de solutions innovantes pouvant résoudre ces conflits de normes, d'une part dans un cadre général et d'autre part dans des cadres spécifiques. / Members States of the European Union are subject to a number of obligations arising from their accession to the European Union. They are especially obliged to comply with the law of the European Union. At the same time, these States have concluded a number of international conventions in different fields with other states, including tax treaties, through the elimination of double taxation and the fight against tax avoidance and international tax evasion. The application of these treaties by members States of the European Union, simultaneously with their obligations under the law of the European Union will lead to conflicts of norms. These conflicts of norms occur especially because of some incompatibilities tax treaties under the law of the European Union. Therefore, members States of the European Union will not be able to be able to meet their obligations with respect to these two norms as a result of these inconsistencies simultaneously, it is impossible to apply simultaneously. The Member State may apply one of these norms, resulting thus a violation of other norms, and potentially be the responsibility of the Member State. It is therefore to determine what these normative conflicts between tax treaties and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and how they can be solved are. The study of the law of the European Union through the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union shows that its contribution to conflict resolution of norms is very limited. In addition, the study of international law, particularly through the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, shows that its contribution to conflict resolution of norms is quite inefficient.Thus, the solutions traditionally presented in the context of conflict resolution of norms appear very outdated in terms of the complexity and evolution of conflicts of contemporary norms.Therefore, we try to bring through this study a certain number of innovative solutions to solve these conflicting norms, first in a general framework and the other in specific settings.

CFC-reglerna : -en studie av den svenska CFC-lagstiftningen och dess förenlighet med internationella åtaganden i form av skatteavtal baserade på OECD:s modellavtal beträffande inkomst och förmögenhet

Furlan, Karolina January 2007 (has links)
Den svenska CFC-lagstiftningens förenlighet med internationella åtaganden i form av skatteavtal baserade på OECD:s modellavtal har varit ett omdiskuterat ämne inom svensk lagstiftning under mer än ett decennium. Tvistigheten kring CFC-lagstiftningens förenlighet med skatteavtal förekommer också i andra medlemsstater av OECD. Den svenska CFC-lagstiftningen tillämpas sedan 1 januari 2004. Rättsföljden av lagstiftningen framgår av 39 a kap. 13 § IL. Syftet med CFC-lagstiftningen är att förhindra en erosion av den svenska skattebasen. Utan CFC-lagstiftning skulle en skattebetalare kunna etablera företag i lågbeskattde jurisdiktioner enbart i syfte att minska den totala skattebördan. Genom att tillämpa CFC-lagstiftningen beskattas en delägare löpande för sitt innehav i den utländska juridiska personen. Enligt förarbeten är CFC-lagstiftningen förenlig med de svenska skatteavtalen. Lagstiftaren lägger stor vikt vid ordalydelsen i kommentarerna till OECD:s modellavtal. OECD rekommenderar medlemsstaterna att tillämpa lagstiftningen. Uppsatsen visar att CFC-lagstiftningen är förenlig med skatteavtal baserade på OECD:s modellavtal. Syftet med skatteavtal är att förhindra juridisk dubbelbeskattning. CFC-lagstiftningen ger upphov till ekonomisk dubbelbeskattning. Diskussionen gällande CFC-lagstiftningens förenlighet med skatteavtal beror på kommentarernas rättsliga verkan samt därtill framställda anmärkningar. / The Swedish CFC legislation and its compatibility with international commitments in form of tax treaties based on OECD Model have been disputed in the Swedish legislation for more than a decade. Whether CFC legislation is compatible with tax treaties is also disputed in many other Member States of the OECD. The Swedish controlled foreign company legislation entered into force on 1 January 2004. The legal effect of the legislation is covered in chapter 39 a, section 10 of the Swedish Income Tax Act. The basic purpose of CFC legislation is to prevent an erosion of the Swedish tax basis. Without CFC regulations a taxpayer would be free to establish companies in low-tax jurisdictions for the sole purpose of reducing the overall tax burden. By applying the legislation a Swedish resident shareholder will be taxed on all the income that is attributed from a foreign subsidiary, regardless of when the income is distributed. In the preparatory works the government argues that the CFC legislation is compatible with Sweden’s tax treaties, based on OECD Model. The government’s opinion is mostly based on the statement in the Commentary to the OECD Model. The legislation is recommended by the OECD. This thesis concludes that the CFC legislation is compatible with tax treaties based on the OECD Model. The purpose with tax treaties is to avoid juridical double taxation. The CFC-legislation gives rise to economic double taxation. Therefore the legislation can be justified. The discussion of the CFC legislation compatible with tax treaties depends of the relevance of the Commentary but also on observations given to the Commentaries.

CFC-reglerna : -en studie av den svenska CFC-lagstiftningen och dess förenlighet med internationella åtaganden i form av skatteavtal baserade på OECD:s modellavtal beträffande inkomst och förmögenhet

Furlan, Karolina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Den svenska CFC-lagstiftningens förenlighet med internationella åtaganden i form av skatteavtal baserade på OECD:s modellavtal har varit ett omdiskuterat ämne inom svensk lagstiftning under mer än ett decennium. Tvistigheten kring CFC-lagstiftningens förenlighet med skatteavtal förekommer också i andra medlemsstater av OECD.</p><p>Den svenska CFC-lagstiftningen tillämpas sedan 1 januari 2004. Rättsföljden av lagstiftningen framgår av 39 a kap. 13 § IL. Syftet med CFC-lagstiftningen är att förhindra en erosion av den svenska skattebasen. Utan CFC-lagstiftning skulle en skattebetalare kunna etablera företag i lågbeskattde jurisdiktioner enbart i syfte att minska den totala skattebördan. Genom att tillämpa CFC-lagstiftningen beskattas en delägare löpande för sitt innehav i den utländska juridiska personen.</p><p>Enligt förarbeten är CFC-lagstiftningen förenlig med de svenska skatteavtalen. Lagstiftaren lägger stor vikt vid ordalydelsen i kommentarerna till OECD:s modellavtal. OECD rekommenderar medlemsstaterna att tillämpa lagstiftningen.</p><p>Uppsatsen visar att CFC-lagstiftningen är förenlig med skatteavtal baserade på OECD:s modellavtal. Syftet med skatteavtal är att förhindra juridisk dubbelbeskattning. CFC-lagstiftningen ger upphov till ekonomisk dubbelbeskattning. Diskussionen gällande CFC-lagstiftningens förenlighet med skatteavtal beror på kommentarernas rättsliga verkan samt därtill framställda anmärkningar.</p> / <p>The Swedish CFC legislation and its compatibility with international commitments in form of tax treaties based on OECD Model have been disputed in the Swedish legislation for more than a decade. Whether CFC legislation is compatible with tax treaties is also disputed in many other Member States of the OECD.</p><p>The Swedish controlled foreign company legislation entered into force on 1 January 2004. The legal effect of the legislation is covered in chapter 39 a, section 10 of the Swedish Income Tax Act. The basic purpose of CFC legislation is to prevent an erosion of the Swedish tax basis. Without CFC regulations a taxpayer would be free to establish companies in low-tax jurisdictions for the sole purpose of reducing the overall tax burden. By applying the legislation a Swedish resident shareholder will be taxed on all the income that is attributed from a foreign subsidiary, regardless of when the income is distributed.</p><p>In the preparatory works the government argues that the CFC legislation is compatible with Sweden’s tax treaties, based on OECD Model. The government’s opinion is mostly based on the statement in the Commentary to the OECD Model. The legislation is recommended by the OECD.</p><p>This thesis concludes that the CFC legislation is compatible with tax treaties based on the OECD Model. The purpose with tax treaties is to avoid juridical double taxation. The CFC-legislation gives rise to economic double taxation. Therefore the legislation can be justified. The discussion of the CFC legislation compatible with tax treaties depends of the relevance of the Commentary but also on observations given to the Commentaries.</p>

Estate planning : the impact of estate duty and capital gains tax on offshore assets / C. Bornman

Bornman, Christine January 2010 (has links)
Death and taxes are unavoidable. In terms of the current legislation both estate duty and capital gains tax (hereinafter referred to as 'CGT') are levied upon death. The South African National Treasury is reconsidering taxes on death as estate duty contributes minuscule revenue, and its administration is cumbersome. Worldwide taxation is based on either source or residence. Because of the R3 500 000 exemption from estate duty, only wealthy individuals are generally subject to estate duty. Wealthy individuals make use of the annual R4 000 000 foreign investment capital allowance by owning offshore property. The aim of this study is to document how death taxes are currently levied on an estate which holds offshore property, given the perception that foreign property is exempt from death duties, and also to consider the impact on taxes payable on offshore property at death if estate duty were to be abolished. These objectives cannot be achieved without a thorough understanding of the development and future of estate duty, the impact of CGT on death, how selected foreign countries levy taxes upon death, and how residents of South Africa are taxed on property situated within foreign countries. When CGT was introduced in 2001 the estate duty rate was reduced and it is likely that, if estate duty is repealed, the rate of CGT will be increased. In South Africa, residents are taxed on worldwide income and capital gains. The international perspective is that the foreign country has the sovereignty to levy taxes on a person who owns property situated within its boundaries. An estate which holds offshore property may also be subject to estate duty in terms of the tax law of that country which results in double taxation in the hands of the deceased estate. South Africa has concluded international agreements with a number of foreign countries through double tax agreements and estate tax treaties to prevent double taxation. In terms of the Estate Duty Act, and in some of the treaties, a rebate is allowed in respect of foreign estate taxes paid. However, if estate duty is abolished, the deceased estate may be liable for estate tax in the foreign country where the assets are situated and the deceased estate may not qualify for any rebate in South Africa in respect of foreign taxes paid. Hence, the abolition may have detrimental consequences on the liquidity requirements, and on the heirs, in cases where offshore property is involved. It is vital that proper estate and tax planning advice is given before a resident acquires offshore property as the tax implications may be enormous. The current impact of estate duty and CGT on a resident who owns offshore assets is that the said taxes will be levied either here in South Africa or in the foreign country. The effect of capital transfer tax on a resident with an offshore asset can never be underestimated. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tax))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Estate planning : the impact of estate duty and capital gains tax on offshore assets / C. Bornman

Bornman, Christine January 2010 (has links)
Death and taxes are unavoidable. In terms of the current legislation both estate duty and capital gains tax (hereinafter referred to as 'CGT') are levied upon death. The South African National Treasury is reconsidering taxes on death as estate duty contributes minuscule revenue, and its administration is cumbersome. Worldwide taxation is based on either source or residence. Because of the R3 500 000 exemption from estate duty, only wealthy individuals are generally subject to estate duty. Wealthy individuals make use of the annual R4 000 000 foreign investment capital allowance by owning offshore property. The aim of this study is to document how death taxes are currently levied on an estate which holds offshore property, given the perception that foreign property is exempt from death duties, and also to consider the impact on taxes payable on offshore property at death if estate duty were to be abolished. These objectives cannot be achieved without a thorough understanding of the development and future of estate duty, the impact of CGT on death, how selected foreign countries levy taxes upon death, and how residents of South Africa are taxed on property situated within foreign countries. When CGT was introduced in 2001 the estate duty rate was reduced and it is likely that, if estate duty is repealed, the rate of CGT will be increased. In South Africa, residents are taxed on worldwide income and capital gains. The international perspective is that the foreign country has the sovereignty to levy taxes on a person who owns property situated within its boundaries. An estate which holds offshore property may also be subject to estate duty in terms of the tax law of that country which results in double taxation in the hands of the deceased estate. South Africa has concluded international agreements with a number of foreign countries through double tax agreements and estate tax treaties to prevent double taxation. In terms of the Estate Duty Act, and in some of the treaties, a rebate is allowed in respect of foreign estate taxes paid. However, if estate duty is abolished, the deceased estate may be liable for estate tax in the foreign country where the assets are situated and the deceased estate may not qualify for any rebate in South Africa in respect of foreign taxes paid. Hence, the abolition may have detrimental consequences on the liquidity requirements, and on the heirs, in cases where offshore property is involved. It is vital that proper estate and tax planning advice is given before a resident acquires offshore property as the tax implications may be enormous. The current impact of estate duty and CGT on a resident who owns offshore assets is that the said taxes will be levied either here in South Africa or in the foreign country. The effect of capital transfer tax on a resident with an offshore asset can never be underestimated. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tax))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Tax Treaties and the Allocation of Taxing Rights with Developing Countries

Paolini, Dimitri, Pistone, Pasquale, Pulina, Giuseppe, Zagler, Martin January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Worldwide income taxation in the country of residence is a legal dogma of international taxation. We question this dogma from the perspective of relations between developed and developing countries from a legal and economic perspective, and make a modern and fair proposal for tax treaties. We will show under which conditions a developing and a developed country will voluntarily sign a tax treaty where information is exchanged truthfully and whether they should share revenues. Moreover, we will demonstrate how the conclusion of a tax treaty can assist in the implementation of a tax audit system. / Series: WU International Taxation Research Paper Series

A Legal and Economic Analysis of Austria's Double Tax Treaty Network with Developing Countries

Braun, Julia, Fuentes Hernandez, Daniel 31 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
To what degree developing countries gain from signing double tax treaties is being hotly debated. In this paper, we analyze the Austrian tax treaty policy. Combining legal and economic perspectives, we find that developing countries are likely to expect both positive and negative impacts from signing a double tax treaty (DTT) with Austria. On the one hand, the results of our econometric analysis suggest that middle-income countries that sign a DTT with Austria may expect an increased number of foreign direct investment projects from Austrian companies. On the other hand, the signatory states may suffer from limited withholding taxation rights established in the DTTs for the source country, which could lead to reduced tax revenues in the developing countries. (authors' abstract) / Series: WU International Taxation Research Paper Series

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