Spelling suggestions: "subject:"teacher’self"" "subject:"teachers’self""
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Teacher Self-efficacy Beliefs Toward Measurement And Evaluation PracticesCeylandag, Fatma Rana 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Teacher self-efficacy refers to teachers&rsquo / belief in their abilities to perform an action. In the present study, a new scale was developed to measure teacher self-efficacy beliefs toward measurement and evaluation practices, called &ldquo / Teacher Self-Efficacy toward Measurement and Evaluation Practices Scale&rdquo / (TEMES). The purpose of this study was to test a model of relationships among teacher self-efficacy toward measurement and evaluation practices, teachers&rsquo / sense of efficacy, year in teaching, and frequency of using traditional and alternative measurement and evaluation tools. Three hundred ninety-four teachers participated in the study. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), Canonical Correlation Analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were conducted to answer the research questions.
CFA provided evidence for five-factor structure of the TEMES. Cronbach&rsquo / s alpha coefficients of these five factors were satisfactory, ranging from .76 to .87. Teachers reported more frequent use of traditional measurement and evaluation tools than alternative tools. Separate MANOVAs yielded non-significant effect of gender on the factors of TEMES, but of teaching level. In addition, findings of canonical correlation analysis indicated that factors of TEMES were correlated with factors of Turkish teachers&rsquo / sense of efficacy scale (TTSES). Results of the SEM indicated that teacher self-efficacy toward measurement and evaluation practices was positively correlated with frequency of using traditional and alternative measurement and evaluation tools. Year of teaching was found to be a non-significant predictor of teachers&rsquo / sense of efficacy, teacher self-efficacy toward measurement and evaluation practices, and frequency of using traditional and alternative measurement and evaluation tools.
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Pre-Service Teachers’ Causal Attributions about FASD and Their Teaching Self-EfficacyAtkinson, Erin M. Unknown Date
No description available.
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Within an experimental vignette design, 224 certified teachers participated in this online study by completing a researcher created rating scale that assessed expectations for a child described in a randomly assigned vignette; a child without mental illness, a child identified with an emotional behavioral disorder, and a child identified as returning from acute psychiatric care. Results from the current study revealed reliable scales; learning, cooperation, self-control, and teacher self-efficacy. Findings indicated teachers reported significantly different expectations for children identified with mental illness in comparison to typical children in the areas of self-control and cooperation; specifically, teachers reported lower expectations for students to use self-control and cooperate if they have a history of the label Emotional Behavioral Disability (EBD). Further, teacher certification in the area of special education was a predictor for ratings of teacher self-efficacy to work with children labeled with EBD or a psychiatric hospitalization. In the whole sample, special education certification was a predictor variable for ratings of expectations for teacher self-efficacy. Years experience also predicted teacher self-efficacy. The results of the current study help support the argument for teachers to receive more training to assist children with mental illness and psychological problems, as participant responses clearly indicated a need for additional training and assistance when presented with challenging cases in the real world.
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Significant Others : A Literature Review on How Peers and Teachers Affect Adolescents in Their Academic LifeValdner, Faith January 2014 (has links)
Students spend most of their waking hours with their teachers and peers, who are considered to be the significant others, that influence their learning motivation and school life. Whether a student likes to go to school or not, whether she can adjust in school and engage in all learning activities, whether she can get good grades or fail depend not only on herself, but on the significant others. In this study, the aim is to find out how and in what ways teachers and peers influence adolescents in their academic life. Forty-one articles were reviewed to discuss around four research questions: What kinds of influences do peers have on adolescents in the academic context? In what ways do teachers’ high expectations affect the students? What kind of teacher-student relationships do students perceive in order to have positive attitudestowards school and have satisfying outcomes? What aspects in adolescents’ academic life are influenced by teachers’ self-efficacy? Teachers and peers are important motivators in students’ academic life. When the school, teacher and parents are aware of the influences from peers and teachers, they are given a chance to improve the factors involved so that students can learn best in a supportive atmosphere and environment.
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Teacher Self-Efficacy and Student Achievement: From Measurement Clarifications to Multilevel Regression ModelingMartin, Emilie 12 June 2017 (has links)
Le Sentiment d'Efficacité Personnelle (SEP) des enseignants fait référence aux croyances que se font ces derniers de leur capacité à accomplir avec succès les tâches liées à leur mission d'enseignement. Le premier objectif de notre recherche vise à répondre aux critiques qui déplorent le manque de validation rigoureuse dont les échelles de SEP ont généralement fait l'objet. Pour ce faire, nous testons, sur base d’analyses factorielles confirmatoires, la validité de trois échelles couramment utilisées dans la littérature anglo-saxonne. La première échelle de mesure, intitulée "Teacher Efficacy Scale" (Gibson & Dembo, 1986) se compose de deux dimensions: le sentiment d’efficacité personnelle mesurant la croyance qu'un enseignant se fait de sa capacité à influencer les apprentissages des élèves, et le sentiment d’efficacité générale mesurant la croyance selon laquelle le corps enseignant est capable d'apporter des changements chez les élèves, en dépit des contraintes extérieures au milieu scolaire. La deuxième échelle intitulée "Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale" (Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, 2001), mesure le SEP des enseignants selon trois dimensions: l’engagement des élèves, les stratégies d’enseignements et la gestion de la classe. Cette échelle se veut plus spécifique et davantage liée aux différentes tâches pédagogiques auxquelles sont confrontés les enseignants. Enfin, comme le SEP des enseignants n’est pas forcément uniforme à travers les différentes matières enseignées, la troisième échelle de mesure se focalise sur la perception de leur capacité à enseigner les mathématiques. Cette échelle, inspirée de la mesure de McGee et al. (2014) intitulée "Self-Efficacy for Teaching Mathematics Instrument", a été adaptée pour mieux refléter les compétences en mathématiques enseignées dans l’enseignement secondaire de la FW-B. L’échelle distingue trois groupes de compétences: les nombres, les grandeurs et le traitement de données.Une fois ces trois échelles validées, le second objectif de la thèse est d’évaluer dans quelle mesure le SEP des enseignants influence la réussite en mathématiques des élèves de 2e secondaire au CE1D. Nous examinerons l’impact potentiel des différentes dimensions du SEP et émettons l’hypothèse que le SEP des enseignants influence positivement les performances des élèves, mais que l’ampleur de la relation varie selon la dimension étudiée. Cette hypothèse est testée sur base d’une analyse statistique multiniveaux. L’intérêt de cette méthode est qu’elle permet de modéliser l’influence du SEP des enseignants tout en tenant compte des caractéristiques propres aux élèves et aux classes.Nos données sont issues d’une vaste enquête que nous avons organisée au cours de l’année scolaire 2014-2015 au sein des écoles secondaires de la FW-B. Un échantillon représentatif de 164 écoles secondaires a été sélectionné de manière aléatoire. Au sein de ces écoles, tous les élèves de 2e secondaire et leurs enseignants de mathématiques ont été invités à répondre à un questionnaire. Le questionnaire adressé aux élèves était constitué de questions sociodémographiques et d’une épreuve de mathématiques destinée à mesurer les acquis des élèves en début d’année scolaire. Le questionnaire enseignant nous a permis quant à lui de recueillir un ensemble d’information sur leur SEP, leurs attitudes et leurs pratiques pédagogiques. Enfin, grâce à une convention conclue avec l’Administration Générale de l'Enseignement et de la Recherche Scientifique de la FW-B, nous avons eu l’opportunité de coupler nos données aux résultats obtenus, par les élèves de notre échantillon, au CE1D. Notre échantillon final se constitue de 10395 élèves, 598 classes, 388 enseignants et 103 écoles secondaires. Les résultats de nos analyses factorielles confirmatoires remettent en question la validité de la "Teacher Efficacy Scale" développée par Gibson et Dembo en 1986. Ce manque de validité peut s'expliquer par le fait que, contrairement aux deux autres échelles, cette dernière ne reflète pas de manière assez précise la diversité et la complexité du métier d'enseignant. Elle ne permet donc pas de mesurer la concept de sentiment d'efficacité personnelle des enseignants tel que conceptualisé dans la théorie sociocognitive de Bandura (1997). Ces résultats confirment l'idée selon laquelle le sentiment d'efficacité personnelle des enseignants est un concept multidimensionnel qui ne peut pas se mesurer de manière globale. La mesure du sentiment d'efficacité personnelle des enseignants doit être spécifiquement associée à une tâche pédagogique ou à une matière d'enseignement. Cette conclusion va dans le sens des recommandations Bandura qui précise que les croyances d'efficacité doivent être mesurées en relation avec un domaine d’activités précis. Enfin, les résultats de nos analyses multiniveau ne confirment pas la relation direct entre le sentiment d'efficacité personnelle des enseignants et la réussite scolaire des élèves. Aucune des trois dimensions étudiées ne sont significativement liées aux résultats en mathématiques des élèves de 2e secondaire. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Teacher Burnout, Self-Efficacy, and the Identification and Referral of At-Risk StudentsKerry-Henkel, Laura, Kerry-Henkel, Laura January 2017 (has links)
Teachers face great demands on their time, energy, and level of commitment. Previous studies have established that high numbers of teachers leave the profession each year due to burnout. Burnout is frequently caused by difficulties with classroom management and behavior problems, as well as time pressures, and social isolation. Despite these obstacles, other teachers have been able to maintain positivity and dedication in their practice. Teachers' sense of self-efficacy has been found to be a predictor of better job satisfaction, less burnout, and more positive and productive interactions with students. The current study examined how burnout and self-efficacy may interact and how they might impact teachers' referral of at-risk students for additional school supports. Additionally, this study examined whether burnout and self-efficacy impacted teachers' identification of at-risk students using a screening measure developed to improve the school's ability to identify and start interventions for students experiencing difficulties. Results found a moderate correlation among burnout and self-efficacy, whereby teachers with higher self-efficacy experienced less burnout. Higher teacher self-efficacy was correlated with fewer referrals for students to the student support team and the identification of fewer students at-risk for emotional difficulties. Higher teacher burnout was not correlated with number of referrals but was found to be associated with the identification of more students at-risk for emotional difficulties as well as the number of total students identified as at-risk overall. Implications for practice, limitations, and future research directions are also discussed.
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Professional Development and Teacher Self-Efficacy in Supporting Students with Special NeedsJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: The purpose of the Inclusive Instruction Program (IIP) action research study was to explore the potential relationship between a new professional development cluster and general education teacher self-efficacy in supporting students with special needs. The IIP was designed to address teacher areas of needs as identified in a prior cycle of action research. During the needs assessment cycle, teachers suggested that they needed help with differentiation, behavior management, collaboration, and progress monitoring. As a result of this information, the IIP study workshops were developed around these topics. The study was grounded in a constructivist framework with aspects of self-efficacy and sensemaking theories being explored. The literature review includes studies centered on professional development for teachers in special education related topics. The IIP study participants included 11 fourth through sixth grade general education teachers. Participants completed a presurvey, attended four workshops over the course of six weeks, and completed a postsurvey. Before each workshop participants wrote journal reflections, and after each of the workshops participants completed feedback forms. Six of the 11 study participants were randomly selected to complete 30-minute individual interviews. The results of the study indicated that providing participants with professional development in special education related topics did increase their self-efficacy. Additionally, study findings revealed that participants made sense of their professional learning with individual reflection and collaboration with peers and administration to further discuss and integrate into their individual practice. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Administration and Supervision 2019
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Sustainable Change in a Teaching Career: A Self-Study of an Evolving Music Educator’s JourneyJanuary 2020 (has links)
abstract: The purpose of the study is to examine how professional growth is sustained over time through exploring a teacher’s narrative of personal and professional growth. The central question of this dissertation is: What creates sustainable and continuous positive professional change and growth in a teacher’s professional life? In this study, I discuss my journey towards understanding my practice while teaching a collegiate course and the implications of my journey for continual professional and personal growth. I used self-study methods to interrogate the personal, professional, and contextual experiences that shaped my thinking about teaching, learning, and my practice. The process of reflection was prompted by various data sources, including journal entries, storytelling, memory work, an experience matrix, concept-mapping, and education-related life histories. This self-study also includes action research projects that I conducted while teaching a college course over seven semesters. Data for action research projects included student reflective writing, observations of their learning, video recordings of group project meetings, and student value-creation stories.
Through reflection on how my personal, professional, and contextual knowledge of teaching developed, I examine how the values I held, the inquiries I undertook, and the communities in which I engaged affected my learning about teaching and shaped both my continuing professional development and who I am becoming as a teacher. Values that emerged in my teaching practice included: creating a student-friendly learning atmosphere, building a learning community, and being a reflective learner. Change agency functioned as a teacher lens and impacted student learning. I also analyzed patterns between my instructional plans, actions, and learning experiences in multiple professional communities. Professional and personal development relied not only on formal learning but was also promoted by informal learning opportunities and a personal learning process.
Findings suggest that teachers’ attempts to engage with external resources and awareness of their personal orientations as internal resources appear essential for sustainable change in teaching practice. Teacher professional growth requires exercising positive personal qualities, such as confidence, compassion, and courage, as well as resilience as an educator and a lifelong learner. Teacher reflection and self-study play a pivotal role in enabling teachers to sustain professional growth. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Music Education 2020
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Faktorer i lärarutbildningen som stärker lärar-self-efficacyLinder, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Bemästrande erfarenheter, indirekt erfarenhet, verbal övertalning samt fysiologiskt och emotionellt tillstånd är informationskällor som inverkar på lärar-self-efficacy. Syftet med undersökningen var att undersöka samband mellan faktorer i lärarutbildningen och lärar-self-efficacy. Vid datainsamlingen gjordes en enkätundersökning, där 63 lärarstudenter, varav 42 kvinnor, deltog. Det undersöktes ifall det fanns samband mellan lärar-self-efficacy och underliggande faktorer i lärarutbildningen, kopplat till de fyra informationskällorna av self-efficacy. Resultatet visade att ju mer positiva erfarenheter och positivt stöd som lärarstudenterna upplever i sin utbildning, desto mer kommer deras lärar-self-efficacy att öka. En multipel linjär regressionsanalys visade att verbal övertalning bidrar med 33.9 % till studenternas lärar-self-efficacy. Det visades även att bemästrande erfarenheter, i form av antal terminer och praktikveckor, är en bidragande faktor till lärarstudenternas lärar-self-efficacy. Informationskällorna bemästrande erfarenheter och verbal övertalning, är därmed de mest centrala delarna i lärarutbildningen och i stärkandet av lärarstudenternas lärar-self-efficacy.
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Teachers' Experiences That Influence Their Self-efficacy to Foster Student CreativityWilson, Kim K. 01 January 2018 (has links)
Creativity has been included in student learning and model teaching standards with little systematic attention on the preparedness of current practitioners to implement such expectations. This qualitative case study is conducted to discover what knowledge and skills teachers perceived to be necessary to implement practices that foster and develop student creativity with a strong sense of self-efficacy. A purposeful sample of 58 teachers from 4 Arkansas A+ (ARA+) network schools shared their perceptions of how creativity-fostering professional development (PD) influenced their sense of self-efficacy to foster creativity and answer the research questions. Data were collected using questionnaires, individual interviews, and focus groups and analyzed through comparative analysis of open-ended responses. Findings showed that teachers who reported attending ARA+ PD had a positive influence on their sense of self-efficacy to foster creativity through shared applicable ideas and permissible risk taking. Establishing infrastructure for the creative process was determined to be the most salient knowledge and an increase in flexible thinking was the most salient skill. Conclusions drawn from teachers' experiences could provide an opportunity for positive social change through insightful recommendations. Creativity-fostering strategies, such as brainstorming procedures, were recommended for both professional interactions and for classroom instruction. Conclusions and proposed recommendations promote a deeper understanding of how efficacious beliefs towards creativity integration among practitioners could improve systematic efforts to address the imperative call for teachers to develop creativity skills within students.
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