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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Challenges faced by staff members in information and communication training at a public university in the Eastern Cape

Ceza, Nomnqophiso Prudencia 07 1900 (has links)
The introduction of e-learning in teaching and learning has necessitated the training of staff members in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This study focuses on the challenges that staff members, who are the facilitators of learning, experience when undergoing training in ICT. The research design employed a qualitative methodology which involved focus groups from a public university. Data was collected from the participants through semi-structured interviews. The findings indicate that the challenges that staff members experienced during ICT training are related to a lack of computer competence, lack of time, an information overload, the non-involvement of staff in the planning of their training, facilitation limitations, lack of technical support and institutional challenges that involve infrastructure. The study further revealed that the principles of adult learning play a reciprocal role in the staff’s professional developmental challenges. In view of these findings, this study offers recommendations for improving the ICT training of staff members. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

The management of staff development programmes at FET colleges in the Gauteng Province

Geel, Pieter Andrew 30 June 2005 (has links)
The fragmented and unequal system of technical and vocational education and training in South Africa is a consequence of the apartheid era. Since 1994 comprehensive legislation has been introduced to create a transformed system of Further Education and Training (FET) guided by the principles of redress, equity and lifelong learning and aimed at producing graduates who can contribute to making South Africa a key player in the global economy. In particular, the Technical College sector requires transformation. This in turn demands new knowledge, attitudes and skills from college managers and educators. Therefore, relevant staff development programmes is a key instrument of change in colleges. Against this background this study examines the management of staff development programmes in FET colleges in Gauteng Province by means of a literature study and an empirical investigation. The former addresses the management of change, human resource management, staff development and organisational development with an emphasis on the application of chaos/complexity theory. Moreover, the dynamic FET landscape in South Africa is sketched and FET policies and legislation since 1994 are discussed. The empirical investigation adopts a qualitative approach using focus group and individual interviews, observation and document analysis to gather data from a small sample of participants: educators and members of senior and middle management. Participants were selected by purposeful sampling from three former Technical Colleges (one previously advantaged and two previously disadvantaged) in Gauteng, which have recently merged to create a new multi-campus college, the Tshwane North College. The findings of the interviews present the experience of participants according to six themes: the management of change; communication during change; stakeholder involvement in change; the impact of FET legislation; human resource management and the role of staff development programmes in this process. These findings were integrated with observations of staff development programmes and their management and analysis of key documents. It was concluded that people are complex and may resist change; during change effective communication, stakeholder participation, adequate funding for staff development and its effective management are essential. Recommendations for the improvement of practice are presented based on the findings of the literature and empirical study. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Education Management)

The development and implementation of an effective mentoring programme to improve job satisfaction among beginner teachers at primary schools in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa

Hugo, Jean-Pierre 13 September 2018 (has links)
Teachers leaving the profession is an ongoing problem; fewer teachers enter the profession each year and the number of teachers leaving the profession has increased. Many teachers listed job satisfaction as a reason for leaving the education profession, whilst citing the lack of mentoring as a cause of job dissatisfaction. Mentoring is known as the planned paring of a more experienced person with a lesser individual to help with the professional development of that individual and reduce teacher turnover. The aim of the study is to explore the impact of an effective mentoring programme at primary schools by developing and implementing such a mentoring programme to support and improve job satisfaction among beginner teachers in the province of Mpumalanga entering the profession for the first time. The following quantitative techniques were used during this study: document analysis and Likert-scale questionnaires, completed by 1 000 male and female teachers (principals, deputy principals, heads of departments, teachers and student teachers) from different races and cultures (20 teachers per school) from 50 randomly selected rural primary schools, private primary schools and Quintile 4 and 5 primary schools in the province of Mpumalanga. The analysis of data enabled me to identify a series of factors that were utilised to develop a mentoring programme that school management can implement in their schools to help beginner teachers to cope in their new work environment in order to improve job satisfaction and improve teacher retention. The factors identified include: aspects of job satisfaction that support leaners in achieving their goals; aspects of school management; the contribution of mentoring programme on the job satisfaction of beginner teachers; the responsibility of a mentor in developing a mentoring programme; the responsibility of a mentee in developing a mentoring programme; the responsibility of schools in developing a mentoring programme and characteristics that should be demonstrated by a mentor. From the data gathered, a mentoring programme was developed, namely the Hugo mentoring model. This model outlined the roles and responsibilities of mentors, mentees and school management throughout the mentoring process. The model also provided steps that should be taken into consideration when organising meetings between mentors and mentees. / Educational Studies / D. Ed.

Professional development in full-service schools in Dr Ruth S Mompati District in North-West Province

Mobara, Nafiza 11 1900 (has links)
The primary aim of the study is to investigate the effectiveness of professional teacher development for a group of teachers at full-service schools (FSSs), who are the implementers of inclusive education according to Education White Paper 6, the inclusive education policy in South Africa. The researcher used ontological and epistemological assumptions, as well as specific social research methodologies. This created a scientific grounding for the findings of the study. The methodology included a qualitative research approach and research design. Focus group interviews and observation were used for data collection. In this study purposive sampling was used. The participants in this study were chosen because of their teaching experience at full-service schools; sampling was therefore done with a purpose. Phenomenology is used in the study to decide what happens in the lived experiences of the focus group interviewees, who were teachers at full-service schools. This helped the researcher to better understand the needs and problems of the participants. During qualitative data analysis the information was organised, arranged and prepared systematically and classified into themes and categories and then coding followed. The analysis showed that in the absence of an appropriate model for professional teacher development for FSSs, the teachers at the schools were not in a position to implement inclusive education adequately. The researcher proposes a framework that is based on the ecological systems theory of Bronfenbrenner, taking the intervention collaborative framework designed by the researcher based on findings and recommendations into consideration. The collaboration among stakeholders in the different levels would encourage teamwork in the development of the FSS teacher. The full-service school teacher is influenced by various elements, the learner with diverse needs in the classroom, members of the management team, the school-based support team and colleagues at school. Members of the district-based support team, the school governing body, as well as members from the wider school community all have an influence on a teacher’s development as a professional person. / Inclusive Education / D. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Staff development for innovative teaching and learning at the University of South Africa

Isabirye, Anthony Kiryagana 02 1900 (has links)
The evolution of technologies used for learning in open distance learning (ODL) has compelled academics to upgrade their teaching skills and competencies in order to teach in an ever-changing environment. While the earlier ODL generations were characterised by the use of written, printed texts, radio, television, print media and postal services, the current generations are characterised by the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance teaching and learning. This study explored the experiences of academics who participated in the staff development courses for innovative teaching and learning at the University of South Africa. To explore the experiences, a qualitative research design of a phenomenological genre was adopted. Using interviews, data was collected from six purposively selected academics and analysed following Giorgi’s phenomenological methods. The academics’ experiences and concerns provided some insight into their development needs and how they would have liked to have been developed for innovative teaching. It emerged that staff development provided valuable knowledge, skills and competencies, enabling and promoting innovative forms of e-teaching and learning. These experiences and concerns were synthesised into a staff development framework consisting of four phases: Orientation; Learning; Acquisition of skills and Competencies; and Performance indicating that effective staff development requires that participants are initially orientated to the training programme before exposure to authentic learning activities. Through this exposure they acquire the vital online teaching skills and competencies thereby enhancing their performance as online teachers. The staff development framework indicated further that for effective staff development to take place, the different phases should not only be supported by university management but also by an evaluation mechanism to establish whether the objectives in each phase have been achieved. It also emerged that time played an important role in staff development, as the duration of each phase and the development intervention as a whole affects how well academics are able to acquire and perfect their teaching skills. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Implementation of the curriculum and assessment policy statements in selected primary schools in Limpopo Province

Molepo, Verrah Mmotong 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore the implementation of the curriculum and assessment policy statements in the selected primary schools in Limpopo Province. An empirical investigation following qualitative approach was carried out to investigate the views of teachers from two primary schools in Capricorn District. Two curriculum advisors were interviewed as well as five teachers to find out their views and experiences on the CAPS training and implementation issues and challenges. The study confirms that teachers are not well prepared to meet the challenges of the CAPS. The time set aside for training is limited, the resources needed to support teachers and the implementation are inadequate and some of the trainers are not well prepared. The study recommends that the Department of Basic Education continues engaging with trainers, school management teams, teachers and learners and determine specific strategies, based on the school contexts, to improve the provision of training, resources and support to enable effective and efficient curriculum implementation. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / M. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Articulação de tecnologias de informação e comunicação - TIC, no ensino de biologia para estudo interdisciplinar de uma área urbana: ilha dos Valadares-PR

Costa, Karla Patrícia Gomes 30 March 2015 (has links)
Acompanha: Articulação de tecnologias de informação e comunicação, TIC, no ensino de biologia para estudo interdisciplinar de uma área urbana: ilha dos Valadares-PR / As transformações sociais e tecnológicas contemporâneas fizeram emergir a necessidade por mudanças significativas no sistema educacional, citam-se: a análise do perfil dos sujeitos, estrutura e enfoque curricular, expectativas de aprendizagem, formação inicial e continuada dos docentes, inserção de Tecnologiasde Informação e Comunicação - TIC no planejamento e na prática pedagógica, abordagens metodológicas ativas, interdisciplinares e contextualizadas. A partir desse contexto, a pesquisa desenvolvida propôs a análise do potencial interdisciplinar e contextualizador das TIC, representadas pela Internet e pelo software Google Earth® no ensino de Biologia com ênfase ao estudo multitemático de uma área urbana. Contemplou uma amostra de 11 estudantes cursistas do 3o ano do Ensino Médio de uma instituição da rede privada de ensino do município de Paranaguá-PR, na qual a pesquisadora é regente. A área de estudo foi a Ilha dos Valadares, localizada no mesmo município e sua seleção ocorreu porque a mesma apresenta aspectos propícios ao desenvolvimento da proposta, tais como: localização, peculiaridades do processo de ocupação antrópica, densidade demográfica, pressão sobre ecossistemas vulneráveis e especificidades do contexto social, ambiental e cultural. O referencial teórico que subsidiou essa dissertação está vinculado à interdisciplinaridade e contextualização sócio-histórica, aliando-os a adequações metodológicas com o uso de TIC, através da análise do software Google Earth® e do site Laifi segundo critérios pedagógicos e ergonômicos.A estratégia de metodologia utilizada neste trabalho foi o estudo de caso, por ter um objeto de pesquisa definido, e a pesquisa-ação, uma vez que lança aos estudantes o desafio de usar as tecnologias já referidas para traçar um perfil abrangente da área estudada. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados aplicados foram: questionários diagnóstico e avaliativo, construção de um arquivo de registro para os trabalhos dos estudantes com o software, observação participante e focus group que permearam os eventos de aprendizagem ofertados durante o trabalho: seminário sobre sensoriamento remoto, apresentação inicial da área de estudo, oficina com o software Google Earth®, saída de campo pela baía de Paranaguá, pesquisa bibliográfica e socialização dos resultados em uma rede social denominada Laifi e um mural para atender a comunidade escolar.Observou-se que a maioria dos estudantes não possuía conhecimentos a respeito da área, mas seu interesse foi crescente durante o desenvolvimento dos trabalhos, trazendo sugestões para discussão e explorando outras áreas do conhecimento, demonstrando o potencial interdisciplinar e contextualizador das TIC utilizadas. Também foi possível identificar o desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades dos estudantes durante o trabalho. São produtos da pesquisa: uma sequência didática, postagem no Laifi na categoria educação e cultura e um tutorial para o uso do software que pode ser adaptado pelos professores de acordo com área pretendida. / Contemporary social and technological changes have made emerge the need for significant changes in the education system, we can mention the analysis of the personal characteristics, structure and curriculum focus, learning expectations, initial and continuing training of teachers, Information Technologies and insertion Communication - ICT in planning and teaching practice, active methodological approaches, interdisciplinary and contextualized. From this context, the research developed proposed the analysis of the interdisciplinary potential and contextualizing of ICT, represented by the Internet and Google Earth® software in teaching biology with emphasis on multi-theme study of an urban area. Included a sample of 11 course participants of the 3rd year students of the High School of an institution of private schools in the city of Paranaguá, in which the researcher is regent. The study area was that of Valadares Island, located in the same municipality and their selection was because it presents favorable aspects to the development of the proposal, such as location, peculiarities of human occupation process, population density, pressure on vulnerable ecosystems and specificities the social, environmental and cultural context. The theoretical framework that supported this thesis is linked to interdisciplinary and socio-historical context, combining them to methodological adjustments with the use of ICT by analyzing Google Earth® software and site Laifi second pedagogical and ergonomic criteria. The methodology strategy used was the case study, to have a defined research object, and action research, once it launches to students the challenge of using the technologies mentioned above to chart a comprehensive profile of the studied area. The applied data collection instruments were: diagnosis and evaluation questionnaires, building a log file to the work of the students with the software, participant observation and focus group that permeated the learning events offered at work: seminar on remote sensing, initial presentation of the study area, workshop with Google Earth® software, field trip across the bay of Paranaguá, literature and socialization of results in a social network called Laifi and a wall to meet the school community. It was observed that most students had no knowledge about the area, but his interest was increasing during the development of the work, bringing suggestions for discussion and exploring other areas of knowledge, demonstrating the interdisciplinary potential and contextualizing of ICT used. It was also possible to identify the development of skills and abilities of students at work. Are research products: a didactic sequence, posting Laifi in the category education and culture and a tutorial for using the software that can be adapted by teachers according to desired area.

Challenges faced by staff members in information and communication training at a public university in the Eastern Cape

Ceza, Nomnqophiso Prudencia 07 1900 (has links)
The introduction of e-learning in teaching and learning has necessitated the training of staff members in Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This study focuses on the challenges that staff members, who are the facilitators of learning, experience when undergoing training in ICT. The research design employed a qualitative methodology which involved focus groups from a public university. Data was collected from the participants through semi-structured interviews. The findings indicate that the challenges that staff members experienced during ICT training are related to a lack of computer competence, lack of time, an information overload, the non-involvement of staff in the planning of their training, facilitation limitations, lack of technical support and institutional challenges that involve infrastructure. The study further revealed that the principles of adult learning play a reciprocal role in the staff’s professional developmental challenges. In view of these findings, this study offers recommendations for improving the ICT training of staff members. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

Towards an effective and empathetic student support system in an open and distance education and e-learning environment : a case study from a developing country context

Modise, Mpho-Entle Puleng 02 1900 (has links)
Faced with the influx of emerging technologies, educators must continuously equip themselves with the necessary skills to effectively impact on today’s learners. Central to successful curriculum reform and student retention is the realisation that educators need to engage in continuous professional development, to meet the learners’ needs. The purpose of this research study is to explore and study how educators’ skills, knowledge and experience in e-learning can contribute to the successful achievement of the institution’s and students’ educational goals and to the design of a quality support system in an ODeL environment in a developing country. A mixed-method research approach was adopted. The target population was the University of South Africa (Unisa) academic staff members who enrolled for an elearning programme with the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) between the year 2012 and 2014. Convenience non-probability sampling was used and a total of 60 candidates were invited to participate in the study. Most of the participants pointed to the empathetic support they received from the relevant UMUC staff and also indicated that they are now ready to create an empathetic learning environment for their own students at Unisa. It is the premise of this paper that academics cannot impart and/or transfer what they do not have or know to learners and it gives recommendations on striving towards an effective empathetic students support in distance education and e-learning continuous professional development to effectively impact on today’s learners. The importance of pace, assignment due dates, use of rubrics, turnaround time for feedback, built-in support, and appropriate assessment strategies are also key findings in the report. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Open and Distance Learning (ODL)

Learner support in the provision of distance teaching programmes for under qualified teachers

Segoe, Bobo Aaron 09 1900 (has links)
Presently all over the world, there is a great concern among teachers, parents, organisations, community leaders and higher education lecturers about the problems that beset teaching and learning particularly in the teaching programmes, for example, for under-qualified teachers studying at a distance. Most distance education (DE) programmes are concerned with education of adults and it seems fairly obvious that the research plans should be informed by the theories and research about learning in higher education institutions. In terms of teacher education, such studies could, inter alia, focus on teacher development, curriculum planning, learner support programmes, communication and evaluation of DE. DE itself refers to a field of education that focuses on teaching methods and technology with the aim of delivering teaching, often on an individual basis, to learners who are not physically present in a traditional educational setting such as a classroom. Distance learning is becoming an increasingly popular way of studying, and most universities now provide courses using this mode of teaching and learning. Today’s learners, though, are demanding high quality, consumer-focused and flexible courses and learning resources, and active learner support. This means that providers of DE need to reconsider key issues about learner support systems, to ensure that this is delivered appropriately and effectively. This study focuses on learner support in DE education for under-qualified teachers. The concept, learner support, can be traced far back to Vygotsky’s concept of the zone of proximal development, which refers to a learners’ optimal developmental potential if assistance that is timely and appropriate is provided by another person (Vygotsky, 1978). The appeal of the concept of the zone of proximal development lies in the fact that it directs attention to the need for maximum support in the learning process, and does so in a way that emphasises that good teaching is necessarily responsive to the state of understanding achieved by particular learners. Learner support systems may include the resources that the learner can access in order to engage in the learning process, for example, libraries or the resources that relate to the mediation of the communication process such as the media or technology. This study acknowledges that there are different kinds of learner support structures, but argues that there are critical or main components of support services which are registration support, learner support services, contact sessions, technological support and feedback strategies. Therefore, this study focuses on the role played by these five learner support structures as used in the programmes of DE under-qualified teachers at The University of South Africa (UNISA). Supported by empirical data, this study seeks to argue that instructional designers and tutors in the programmes of under-qualified teachers studying through DE need to ensure quality learning support as learning environments are increasingly designed according to the principles of resource-based and independent learning. In a sustainable learning environment, support must be designed according to principles that ensure that learners progress from teacher-directed activity to self-regulated activity. The challenge to deliver a high-quality learner support system, and for tutors and administrators to assume a central educational role in developing effective distance learning environments, the need for teaching and research is increasingly emphasised in research literature. Finally, it is hoped that this piece of work will help to promote more discussion and debate about the use of learner support programmes in DE institutions in particular, and in teaching and learning in general. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

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