Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1echnology discourse"" "subject:"1technology discourse""
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Conceptual metaphor in English popular technology and Greek translationPapadoudi, Dafni January 2010 (has links)
This research project studies the metaphorical conceptualisation of technology in English popular technology magazines and in translation in the respective Greek editions. The focus is on the cognitive linguistic view of metaphor initially presented by Lakoff and Johnson (1980), on the metaphor identification procedure (Pragglejaz Group 2007), and critical metaphor analysis (Charteris-Black 2004). The analysis of the English data identifies 14 main metaphors and 29 submetaphors which contribute to the structure of the target domain of technology. It distinguishes between conventional and novel metaphors, and common and original metaphorical expressions, motivated by correlations in experience between diverse source domains and by the widespread diffusion and impact of technology. The English data also provide insight into the functions of these metaphors in popular technology discourse and reveal evidence to thinking, values and attitudes about technology in the English language. The analysis of the Greek data examines similarities and differences in the conceptualisations between the English and Greek languages and cultures, and finds similarities in the categories of metaphors, frequency of and preference for metaphor use in the source and target languages, and in the majority of metaphorical expressions. Similarities are based on common experiences stemming from experiential co-occurrence or experiential similarity, and on translated experience. Differences are restricted to specific-level metaphors and expressions, motivated by alternative conceptualisations of terminology, cultural specificity and preferential conceptualisations. A set of translation strategies and a number of possible translation effects are also identified. These strategies and effects add to the possibilities of translation variations and the range of translation options, and are used to draw conclusions regarding the similarities and differences between the English and Greek languages and cultures. Consequently, through the identification and description of metaphors in technology magazines and in translation, the study attempts to highlight aspects of the culture of technology, which views technology as a cultural artefact and a producer of its own culture.
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Teknik på Youtube : En diskursanalys av teknik i Youtubevideor / Technology on YoutubeBång, Olivia January 2019 (has links)
Teknikämnet i grundskolans senare år är ett ämne som möter många problem. Ämnet har i sitt innehåll och syfte förändrats en hel del i och med de olika skolreformerna och idag (2018) saknar över hälften av de verksamma lärarna ämnesbehörighet. Det finns behov av att underlätta för dessa obehöriga lärare och hjälpa dem att lättare planera tekniklektioner för att därmed underlätta elevernas lärande. Med utgångspunkten att en viktig aspekt för lärande är att kunna knyta an vardagskunskaper till akademiska kunskaper, ämnade denna undersökning att analysera vilken teknikdiskurs högstadieelever kan få utanför skolan. Denna teknikdiskurs jämfördes sedan med de teknikdiskurser som finns i skolans värld, med syftet att kunskap om teknikdiskurser utanför skolans värld kan stötta lärares planering av teknikämnet. För att ta reda på var elever möter teknikdiskurser under sin fritid, använde sig denna undersökning av videodelningsplattformen Youtube. I stort sett alla svenska ungdomar mellan 12-15 år använder Youtube, och 86 % av dem använder den varje dag. Vid olika svenska prisutdelningar vann den svenska Youtubern och Influencern Therese Lindgren titlar som Årets Youtuber och Barnens favoritvloggar. Även Therese Lindgrens Youtubeserie, ”Therese testar teknik”, vann pris som årets serie. Detta pekar mot att Therese Lindgren och hennes serie ”Therese testar teknik”, är populär bland ungdomar och kan påverka deras syn på teknik. Ett urval av avsnitten av serien ”Therese testar teknik” valdes ut för analys för att ta reda på vilken teknikdiskurs som fanns representerade i dessa videor och hur de förhöll sig gentemot den diskurs som finns i skolans värld. Resultatet visade att videorna presenterade teknik på ett jämförbart sätt med skolan. Videorna motsatte sig inte skolans bild av teknik, men diskurserna hade olika fokus. Teknik i videorna representerades som artefakter och system av artefakter som användes i en aktivitet för att lösa ett problem eller en uppgift, som påverkades av naturvetenskap och påverkade samhället. Förutom de diskurser som kunde jämföras med skolan, förmedlar videorna även känslor kring teknik, genom Thereses icke-verbala handlingar. Therese förmedlar teknik som roligt, spännande och exalterande, något som kan påverka ungdomars egna inställningar till teknikämnet. / Technology as a subject in Swedish high schools faces many problems. The subjects purpose and content has gone through significant changes over the years, and today (2018) less than half of all active teachers possess the right qualifications. There is therefore a need to aid these teachers in planning and executing their classes, to ensure a quality education for our pupils. With the assumption that a big part of learning is to be able to connect knowledge gathered outside of school to the academic knowledge acquired in school, the purpose of this paper was to analyse which technological discourses high school pupils could acquire outside of school. These discourses were then compared to the technological discourses that can be found in schools, to help aid the technology teachers’ planning of their classes. To find out where pupils are exposed to technology discourses on their free time, this paper looked to the social video-sharing platform, Youtube. Practically all Swedish kids between the ages of 12 to 15 use Youtube, and 86 % of them use it every day. At Swedish award shows the Swedish Youtuber and Influencer Therese Lindgren won titles such as Youtuber of the year and the Kids favourite vlogger. Therese Lindgrens Youtube series, “Therese testar teknik”, won the title of Series of the year. This seems to tell us that Therese Lindgren and her show “Therese testar teknik” are popular among kids and could potentially influence their view of technology. A selection of episodes from the series were picked to be analysed, to find out which technological discourse was represented in these videos, and how it compared to the discourses in schools. The results showed that the videos presented technology comparable to schools, but with some differences in focus. In the videos, technology was presented as the artefacts and systems of artefacts used in an activity to solve a problem or a task, that were affected by natural sciences and affected society. Aside from the parts of the technology discourse that was comparable to the ones in schools, the videos also presented emotions connected to technology, through non-verbal communication. The videos presented technology as something fun and exciting, something that can influence the viewers’ own attitude towards technology.
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