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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mineralogy and geochemistry of Late Archean and Paleoproterozoic granites and pegmatites in the Northern Penokean terrane of Marquette and Dickinson Counties, Michigan

Johnson, Christopher M, Van Daalen, Christopher M 15 December 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on mineralogy, geochemistry, and origin of eight pegmatites and two spatially associated granites of Late Archean and Paleoproterozoic ages located in Marquette and Dickinson Counties, Michigan. Biotite geochemistry reveals that both granites and all pegmatites are peraluminous and have an orogenic signature. However, bulk composition reveals the Humboldt granite is a peraluminous A-type granite and the Bell Creek granite is a peraluminous mix between I-, S-, and A-type granites. The Republic Mine pegmatite appears to be geochemically similar to the Bell Creek granite and Grizzly pegmatite. The Crockley pegmatite is genetically related to the Humboldt granite. The Groveland Mine, Sturgeon River, and Hwy69 pegmatites appear to be a product of the Peavy Pond Complex being contaminated with the Marquette Range Super Group. Contamination and anatexis have made classification of the granites and pegmatites problematic. The Grizzly should be classified as a primitive LCT-type even though this pegmatite lacks characteristic enrichment associated with LCT pegmatites. Mineralogical geochemistry reveals that the Republic Mine is relatively more primitive than other pegmatites and should be classified as a primitive Mixed-type pegmatite. Groveland Mine has mineralogy and geochemistry not normally associated with NYF-type pegmatites and should be classified as Mixed. The Crockley pegmatite should be classified as NYF-type with a primitive LCT overprint. Dolfin, Hwy69, Sturgeon River, and Black River pegmatites should be classified as Rare Element, REE, NYF-type, although the Black River has slight tantalum enrichment expressed in columbite group minerals.

High-frequency tectonic sequences in the Campanian Castlegate Formation during a transition from the Sevier to Laramide orogeny, Utah, U.S.A.

Cross, David B 13 May 2016 (has links)
Though stratigraphic correlations are abundant in the Cordilleran basin-fill, they rarely include along-strike transects providing a spatio-temporal sense of deformation, sediment-supply and subsidence. A new, high-resolution, regional strike-correlation of the Castlegate Formation reveals progressive northward-growth of the San Rafael Swell during two embryonic episodes of Laramide-style deformation in central Utah. The intrabasinal deformation-events produced gentle lithospheric-folding punctuated by erosional-truncation of upwarped regions. The earliest episode occurred at 78 Ma in the southern San Rafael Swell likely causing soft-sediment deformation and stratal-tilting. Following this the alluvial-plain was leveled and rapid, extensive-progradation took place. A second episode, at 75 Ma, where deformation was focused in the northern San Rafael Swell, also caused sediment-liquefaction and erosional beveling. The stratal-tilting and sediment-liquefaction is attributed to seismicity induced by basal-traction between a subducting flat-slab and continental-lithosphere. The south-to north time-transgression of uplift is spatio-temporally consistent with NE-propagation of an oceanic-plateau subducted shallowly beneath the region.

Mesure et suivi spatio-temporel des déplacements de surface dans le nord-ouest de la Turquie, par interférométrie radar à haute résolution : glissement asismique et subsidence / MONITORING OF SURFACE DEFORMATION IN NORTHWEST TURKEY FROM HIGH-RESOLUTION INSAR : FOCUS ON TECTONIC ASEISMIC SLIP AND SUBSIDENCE

Aslan, Gokhan 30 April 2019 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est centré sur la détection et la surveillance de la déformation de surface dans le nord-ouest de la Turquie, induite par une variété de phénomènes naturels (telles que l'activité tectonique, les glissements de terrain lents, etc.) et anthropiques (extraction des eaux souterraines, activités de construction, etc.), et sur l’analyse des mécanismes de déformation associés et de leurs conséquences pour l’environnement. Ce travail est basé sur le calcul de séries temporelles de déplacement du sol par interférométrie radar à synthèse d’ouverture (InSAR) afin d'analyser l'évolution des déplacements du sol, pour trois cas d’études associés à différents phénomènes géophysiques et processus sous-jacents. L’objectif de cette thèse est double : (1) révéler et quantifier les caractéristiques spatio-temporelles du glissement asismique le long de la rupture du séisme d’Izmit du 17 août 1999, et discuter de leur relation potentielle avec les propriétés de la faille (lithologie, géologie); (2) étudier la subsidence du sol dans des zones urbaines ou des zones exploitées par l'homme, induite par divers facteurs, et discuter des rôles relatifs de la tectonique, de la lithologie et des activités anthropiques dans ce mouvement du sol.Dans la première étude de cas, j’ai combiné des mesures InSAR, à partir d’images radar TerraSAR-X (bande X) et Sentinel-1 AB (bande C) acquises sur la période 2011-2017, à des mesures GPS en champ proche, effectuées tous les six mois à partir de 2014 jusqu'en 2016, ainsi qu’à des mesures de creepmeter, pour analyser le champ de vitesse en surface autour de la NAF, après le tremblement de terre d'Izmit de 1999. Les champs de vitesse moyenne horizontale InSAR révèlent que le taux de fluage (« creep ») sur le segment central de la rupture d'Izmit continue de décroître, plus de 19 ans après le séisme, ce qui concorde globalement avec les modèles de décroissance logarithmique des glissements post-sismiques de type « afterslip ». Le long de la section de la faille rompue à une vitesse « supershear » lors du séisme d'Izmit, le fluage se poursuit à une vitesse pouvant atteindre 8 mm / an. Un événement transitoire significatif, avec un fluage en accélération, est également détecté en décembre 2016 sur la série temporelle Sentinel-1, en accord avec les mesures d’un creepmeter installé près de la zone où la vitesse de fluage est maximum. Il est associé à un déplacement de surface total de 10 mm accumulé en un mois seulement.La deuxième cas d’étude porte sur l'identification et la mesure de la déformation du sol long-terme à Istanbul à partir d'une série InSAR couvrant près de 25 ans d'observations radar par satellite (1992-2017). Cette série temporelle InSAR a été calculée à partir d'images radar de plusieurs satellites (ERS-1, ERS-2, Envisat, Sentinel-1 A, B) afin d'étudier l'étendue spatiale et le taux de subsidence du sol dans la mégapole d'Istanbul.Dans le troisième cas d’étude, une série InSAR est calculée pour quantifier la subsidence de la plaine de Bursa (sud de la région de Marmara en Turquie), auparavant interprétée comme d’origine tectonique. Dans cette étude, StaMPS est utilisé pour traiter des séries d'images radar Sentinel 1 A-B acquises entre 2014 et 2017 le long d’orbites ascendantes et descendantse. Le champ de vitesse verticale obtenu après décomposition des champs de vitesse en ligne de visée sur deux traces complémentaires révèle que la plaine de Bursa s'affaisse à des vitesses allant jusqu'à 25 mm / an. A l’est, le signal de subsidence le plus important dans le bassin forme une ellipse allongée est-ouest et est limité par une plaine alluviale Quaternaire subsidant à environ 10 mm / an. Ces observations indiquent que l'accélération récente de la subsidence est principalement due aux activités anthropiques plutôt qu'aux mouvements tectoniques régionaux. / The aim of this thesis is centered on the detection and monitoring of surface deformation in northwest Turkey induced by a variety of natural (such as tectonic activity, slow moving-landslides, etc.) and anthropogenic (ground water extraction, construction activities, etc.) hazards and on the analysis of the related deformation mechanisms and their environmental consequences. In this work, I computed Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) time series to examine ground deformation evolution for three different case studies associated to different geophysical phenomena and underlying processes. The focus of this thesis is two-fold : (1) to reveal and monitor the spatio-temporal characteristics of aseismic slip along the August 17, 1999 Mw 7.4 Izmit earthquake rupture, and discuss its potential relationship with lithology and geology (2) to investigate ground subsidence in urban or human-exploited areas induced by various factors, and discuss the relative roles of tectonics, lithology and anthropogenic activities in such ground motion.In the first case-study, I combined InSAR measurements, based on X-band TerraSAR-X and C-band Sentinel-1 A-B radar images acquired over the period 2011-2017, with near field GPS measurements, performed every 6 months from 2014 to 2016, as well as creep meter measurements to examine the surface velocity field around the NAF after the 1999 Izmit earthquake. In this study, the Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers InSAR package (StaMPS) was employed to process series of Sentinel 1 A-B (acquired along ascending and descending orbits) and TerraSAR-X (ascending orbits) radar images. The InSAR horizontal mean velocity fields reveal that the creep rate on the central segment of the 1999 Izmit fault rupture continues to decay, more than 19 years after the earthquake, in overall agreement with models of postseismic afterslip rate decaying logarithmically with time. Along the fault section that experienced a supershear velocity rupture during the Izmit earthquake, creep continues with a rate up to ~ 8 mm/yr. A significant transient event with accelerating creep is detected in December 2016 on the Sentinel-1 time series, consistent with creepmeter measurements, near the maximum creep rate location. It is associated with a total surface slip of 10 mm released in one month only. The second case study deals with the identification and measurement of secular ground deformation in Istanbul from a long-term InSAR time-series spanning almost 25 years of satellite radar observations (1992-2017). This InSAR time series was computed from radar images of multiple satellites (ERS-1, ERS-2, Envisat, Sentinel-1 A, B) in order to investigate the spatial extent and rate of ground subsidence in the megacity of Istanbul.In the third case study, InSAR time-series analysis is calculated for quantifying the subsidence of the Bursa Plain (southern Marmara region of Turkey), which has been interpreted as resulting from tectonic motions in the region. In this study, the StaMPS is employed to process series of Sentinel 1 A-B radar images acquired between 2014 and 2017 along both ascending and descending orbits. The vertical velocity field obtained after decomposition of line-of-sight velocity fields on the two tracks reveals that the Bursa plain is subsiding at rates up to 25 mm/yr. The most prominent subsidence signal in the basin forms an east-west elongated ellipse of deformation in the east, and is bounded by a Quaternary alluvial plain undergoing average vertical subsidence at ~10 mm/yr. The InSAR time series within the observation period is well correlated with changes in the depth of the ground water. These observations indicate that the recent acceleration of subsidence is mainly due to anthropogenic activities rather than tectonic motion.

Estilos estruturais relacionados à tectônica formadora e deformadora da bacia de Jaibaras, Nordeste do Brasil / not available

Garcia, Laura Catalina Roman 29 September 2016 (has links)
A Bacia de Jaibaras, localizada no nordeste do Brasil, faz parte de um sistema de rifts ediacarano a cambriano desenvolvido, em grande parte, sob a Bacia do Parnaíba, como demostram os dados geofísicos. Esta bacia teve o seu desenvolvimento estreitamente ligado ao sistema de falhas do Lineamento Transbrasiliano, representado nas suas bordas. No presente trabalho foi realizada a análise estrutural do preenchimento vulcano-sedimentar da bacia visando à reconstituição da evolução dos campos de paleotensões atuantes durante a sua instalação e deformação. O estudo foi sustentando essencialmente em observações feitas em campo e complementado com o exame de dados de sísmica de reflexão, gravimetria e magnetometría. Deste modo procurou-se contribuir na discussão sobre a classificação da bacia, tópico amplamente discutido mas até então não abordado sob a perspectiva do tectonismo gerador e deformador da Bacia de Jaibaras. A instalação da bacia esteve marcada provavelmente pelo mesmo campo de esforços distensivos de direção NNW-SSE responsável pela intrusão do enxame de diques Coreaú. Em seguida, esta direção regionalmente sofreu rotações que determinaram a continuidade da instalação, deformação e inversão do rift. As estruturas na Formação Pacujá, de idade EdiacaranoCambriano, mecanicamente coerentes com este estágio, compreendem falhas de direção NE-SW reativadas com sentido transcorrente dextral, com componente normal; falhas de direção ENE-WSW sin- e pós-sedimentares e falhas de transferência de direção NW-SE. Associadas à propagação das falhas de direção ENE-WSE sin-sedimentares formaram-se dobras. Dobras também ocorrem em posição transversal a estas falhas relacionadas com deslocamento diferenciais nas rampas de revezamento. Estas estruturas ensejaram a criação de um sistema de drenagem axial, um sistema deltaico associado às rampas de revezamento e cones de talude transversais. Na Formação Parapuí, coetânea, ocorrem múltiplas famílias de veios de calcita. A mais antiga apresenta direção N-S e foi preenchida sob a ação de campo de esforços distensivo na direção ENE-WSW. Posteriormente formaram-se veios de calcita de direção E-W, tentativamente correlacionados com as falhas sin-sedimentares da Formação Pacujá, originadas por uma distensão de direção aproximada N-S. Na Formação Aprazível se registram diques clásticos de idade ordoviciana que seriam coerentes com uma direção distensiva NW-SE. Um campo de esforços compressivo E-W a ENE-WSW atuante a partir do Ordoviciano tardio gerou estruturas transpressivas ao longo de certos segmentos de direção ENE-WSW, ocasionando uma fraca inversão da bacia. Este evento está representado por dobras cônicas de arrastro geradas durante a inversão de falhas normais para reversas, com componente transcorrente. Na Formação Parapuí este evento pode ter determinado a formação de veios de calcita de direção ENE-WSW com componente dextral e veios sigmoidais en échelon com a mesma orientação. Tanto na Formação Pacujá como na Formação Parapuí está registrado um evento final representado por fraturas abertas de orientação aproximada E-W (distensão de direção N-S), que encontrariam correlação com o campo de esforços obtido pela orientação de diques clásticos na Formação Ipu (Siluriano) da Bacia do Parnaíba, assim como o arranjo de juntas híbridas medidas na mesma formação. A importância da atividade de falhas transversais produto das movimentações transcorrentes ao longo do sistema de falhas do Lineamento Transbrasiliano leva a considerar que a cinemática transcorrente foi desencadeadora da subsidência no rift e posteriormente da deformação durante a inversão. Por estes motivos, com relação à classificação da Bacia de Jaibaras considera-se que esta estaria mais próxima de uma bacia de pull-apart do que um rift puro. / The Jaibaras Basin, in northeastern Brasil, is a part of an Ediacaran to Cambrian rift system that branches under the Parnaiba sag basin, as evidenced by geophysical data. The basin is closely related to the Trasnbrasiliano Lineament fault system, represented in both its boundaries. The present study comprises a structural analysis of the volcano-sedimentary infill of the basin, aiming to the reconstruction of the paleostress field evolution responsible for the installation, deformation and inversion of the basin. This analysis was supported by sedimentological observations in the field and complemented with revision of seismic lines, gravimetric and magnetometric maps. The study aims to contribute to the discussion of the classification of the basin, a widely reviewed topic but few times from a sedimentary infill deformation perspective. The Jaibaras Basin initiation was probably related to the samestress field responsible for the intrusion of the Coreaú dyke swarm under a NNW-SSEoriented paleostress field. Subsequently the paleostress field rotated causing both the deformation and inversion of the rift. In the Ediacaran to Cambrian Pacujá Formation were identified several mechanically consistent structures with the NNW-SSE-oriented paleostress field: longitudinal NE-SW-oriented faults with right-lateral strike-slip reactivation with a normal component; transverse ENE-WSW-oriented faults with both syn- and- post- sedimentary activity and transfer NW-SE-oriented faults. Associated with the ENE-WSW-oriented syn-sedimentary faults normal fault-propagation-folds formed. Additionally transverse folds were formed related to the differential slip along the normal faults. The above-described structures determined the installation of an axial drainage system, a deltaic setting associated to rely ramps and transversal talus cones. In the contemporary Parapuí Formation, locally occurred the formation N-S-oriented calcite veins caused by an ENE-WSW-oriented extensional paleostress field. Then followed the formation of the E-W-oriented calcite veins tentatively correlatable to the syn-sedimentary faults in the Pacujá Formation, formed under an approximately N-S-oriented extension. In the Ordovician Aprazível Formation were identified clastic dykes, coherent with a NW-SEoriented extension. An E-W- to ENE-WSW-oriented paleostress field acting from the Late Ordovician generated transpressive structures along certain ENE-WSW-fault segments, related with the mild inversion of the basin. This event is represented by conic drag folds in the Pacujá Formation related to the inversion of normal faults, with a strike-slip component. In the Parapuí Formation, this event might have determined the formation of ENE-WSWoriented veins with right-lateral strike-slip component and sigmoidal en échelon veins with the same orientation. Both in the Pacujá and Parapuí formations were identified a final event represented by E-W-oriented open fractures (N-S-oriented extension). These are correlatable to the paleostress field obtained for the NE-SW-oriented clastic dikes registered in the Ipú Formation of the Serra Grande Group (Silurian) of the Parnaiba Basin, as well as the conjugate hybrid joint arrangements measured in the same formation. The importance of the activity of the transverse faults, caused by the strike-slip kinematics along de Transbrasiliano fault system leads to consider that were these kinematics the trigger of the subsidence in the rift and subsequently the deformation during the inversionprocess. Therefore, in relation to the classification of the basin it is here considered that the Jaibaras is more closely related to a pull-apart basin than a pure rift.

Rôle des transferts multiples de contraintes, déficit de sismicité et caractéistiques physiques des ruptures sismiques / Role of multiple stress transfers, seismicity deficit and physical property of seismic rupture

Kariche, Jugurtha 21 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse comprend six chapitres qui décrivent les caractéristiques de la tectonique active et du transfert de contrainte liées aux séismes majeurs. L’objectif étant une meilleure estimation de l’aléa et du risque sismique du nord de l’Algérie et du Maroc. Après un chapitre introductif, le chapitre II présente la méthodologie adoptée pour l’élaboration des modèles de transfert de contrainte. Le chapitre III traite de l’interaction entre failles dans le Tell Atlas algérien. Le chapitre IV développe les aspects de transfert de contrainte et de déformation poroélastique dans le Rif marocain et la mer d’Alboran. Le chapitre V présente la déformation poroélastique sur un plan plus large et les caractéristiques physiques des ruptures sismiques. Le chapitre VI consiste en une conclusion générale avec présentation des principaux résultats incluant les perspectives et suites pour cette recherche. / This thesis consists in six chapters that describe the characteristics of active tectonics and stress transfer related to major earthquakes. The aim of this thesis is a better estimate of the seismic hazard and risk in northern Algeria and Morocco. After an introduction, Chapter II presents the methodology adopted for the development of stress transfer models. Chapter III deals with the interaction between faults in the Algerian Tell Atlas. Chapter IV develops the aspects of stress transfer and poroelastic deformation in the Rif and the Alboran Sea. Chapter V presents a large development of the poroelastic deformation and the physical characteristics of seismic ruptures. Chapter VI consists of a general conclusion with presentation of the main results including the perspectives and futur researchs.

Tectônica rúptil aplicada ao estudo de aqüífero em rochas cristalinas fraturadas na região de Cotia, SP / Brittle tectonics applyed to study of crystalline fractured-bedrock aquifer in Cotia, SP region

Alves, Fernando Machado 19 August 2008 (has links)
O estudo da hidrogeologia em aqüífero cristalino fraturado apresenta como maior desafio a imprevisibilidade do meio, uma vez que o fluxo ocorre exclusivamente pelas fraturas. Neste sentido informações de atitude, abertura e conectividade de fraturas tornam-se essenciais no entendimento do fluxo da água subterrânea. O presente trabalho busca aplicar o conhecimento da tectônica rúptil para caracterizar o meio fraturado, com intuito de auxiliar o estudo hidrogeológico do aqüífero. A área de estudo está localizada na porção leste do Município de Cotia, SP, no contexto do Complexo Embu, de idade proterozóica, na porção central da Faixa Ribeira. Ocorrem predominantemente rochas granitóides, com permeabilidade primária desprezível, rochas cataclásticas relacionadas às grandes zonas de cisalhamento de Taxaquara e Caucaia do Alto, metassedimentos e coberturas aluviais cenozóicas, estas ao longo das principais drenagens. Os principais eventos tectônicos de caráter rúptil da região estiveram relacionados à reativação mesozóico-cenozóica, inicialmente com a ruptura continental e abertura do Oceano Atlântico Sul e, posteriormente, a formação do Rift Continental do Sudeste do Brasil (RCSB), e seus principais eventos de deformação. Os estudos foram desenvolvidos em duas escalas de trabalho. A primeira de semi-detalhe, em 1:50.000, e a segunda de detalhe, em 1:5.000, esta última em duas porções distintas dentro da área de semi-detalhe. Os resultados obtidos em escala de semi-detalhe, a partir da análise da tectônica rúptil (morfometria, fotogeologia e levantamentos de campo), serviram para direcionar as investigações em escala de detalhe, onde foram usados dados provenientes de sondagens, métodos BHTV (Bore Hole Television), levantamento de perfis de eletrorresistividade e dados hidrogeológicos de poços de monitoramento instalados no aqüífero em meio fraturado. Os estudos de escala de semi-detalhe permitiram delinear lineamentos de direções N-S, E-W, NE-SW e NW-SE, originados pelas diversas fases de deformação rúptil. Esses dados de lineamentos foram correlacionados com dados de atitude de falhas e juntas medidas em afloramento, e, posteriormente, associados às diferentes fases de deformação descritas para o RCSB. Foram definidas seis famílias de juntas: a) família NNW-SSE, com mergulho alto para NE); b) família NE-SW com mergulho sub-vertical; c) família E-W com mergulho alto para NW); d) família WNW-ESE com mergulho alto para NE); e) família NESW com mergulho médio para NW; e f) família NE-SW com mergulho médio para SE. Os resultados dos estudos desenvolvidos em escala de semi-detalhe, somados aos condicionantes geológicos e geomorfológicos das áreas selecionadas para estudos de detalhe, orientaram a instalação de poços de monitoramento verticais e inclinados nessas últimas. Foram instalados 11 poços na área de detalhe A e quatro poços na área de detalhe B. Os poços foram perfilados por televisionamento acústico e as fraturas identificadas nesses poços foram separadas por famílias e subfamílias: Família 1 (sub-horizontal), Família 2A (N-S com mergulho médio para W) e 2B (N-S com mergulho alto para E), Família 3A (NE-SW com mergulho médio para NW) e 3B (NE-SW com mergulho médio para SE) e Família 4 (WNW-ESE sub-vertical). Na maioria dos poços foram realizados ensaios hidráulicos para determinação da condutividade hidráulica (K), que variou de 1,55x10-8 a 2x10-5 cm/s, com média de 2,98x10-6 e desvio padrão de 5,60 x10-6 cm/s. Ensaios de bombeamento indicaram fluxo de água subterrânea através das estruturas N-S, com boa conexão com as estruturas NE-SW. A abertura média das fraturas foi de 1,13x10-3 cm, calculada com base nos valores de condutividade hidráulica correlacionados aos dados estruturais. A partir dos dados hidrogeológicos e estruturais foi proposto um método para se estimar a transmissividade e condutividade hidráulica de um poço instalado no aqüífero fraturado. / The main challenge in a hydrogeological study of a fractured-bedrock aquifer is the unpredictability of media, because the ground-water flows only through the fractures. Informations about strike, dip, opening and connectivity among fractures become essential in order to understand the ground-water flow. This work is an application of the concepts of the brittle tectonics to characterize a fractured media in order to help the hydrogeological study of a fractured-bedrock aquifer. The study area is located at the eastern part of the City of Cotia, State of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, in the context of the Proterozoic Embu Complex, in the central part of Ribeira Belt. This area encompass predominantly granitoid rocks (with negligible primary permeability), cataclastic rocks related to the Taxaquara and Caucaia do Alto shear zones, and metasedimentary rocks. Quaternary alluvial deposits occur along the main drainages. The main brittle tectonic events in the region are related to the Mesozoic-Cenozoic reactivation, associated with the continental break-up, the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean, and the formation and deformation of the basins of the Continental Rift of the Southeastern Brazil (CRSB). The study was carried out in two working scales. First in a semi-detail scale, at 1:50,000, of a large area, were brittle tectonic analysis (morphometry, photogeology and field survey in outcrops) was performed. The achieved results were used to select two small areas, within the semi-detail area, for a detailed investigation, on scale of 1:5,000, in which data from rock-boring, BHTV (Bore Hole Television), eletroresistivity and hydrogeology from bedrock monitoring wells were obtained. At a semi-detail scale it was possible to delineate lineaments of N-S, E-W, NE-SW and NW-SE-trending directions, probably originated during several brittle deformational events. Data from lineaments were first correlated with data of fault and joint measured in outcrops and latterly associated with different deformation phases described in CRSB. Six joint families were defined: a) steeply northeastward dipping NNW-SSE-trending family; b) sub-vertically dipping NE-SW trending family; c) steeply northwestward dipping E-W-trending family; d) steeply northeastward dipping WNW-ESE-trending family); e) NE-SW-trending family with moderate dipping towards the NW; and f) NE-SW-trending family with moderate dipping towards the SE. Results of studies in the semi-detail investigation area allowed the selection of sites for drilling of 11 wells in detail area A and 4 wells in the detail area B. All the wells were surveyed by acoustic teleview and the identified fractures were classified in four families and two subfamilies: family 1 (sub-horizontal to gently dipping); family 2A (N-S-trending with moderate dipping towards the W) and 2B (NS-trending with steep dipping towards the E); family 3A (NE-SW-trending with moderate dipping towards the NW) and 3B (NE-SW-trending with moderate dipping towards the SE); and family 4 (WNW-ESE-trending with sub-vertical dipping). Hydraulic conductivity (K) measured in the wells ranged from 1.55x10-8 to 2x10-5 cm/s, with a mean of 2.98x10-6 and standard deviation of 5.60 x10-6 cm/s. Pumping tests showed the groundwater flow through N-S-trending structures and good connection with NE-SW-trending structures. The average opening of fractures attained 1.13x10-3 cm and was calculated on the basis of the amount of hydraulic conductivity correlated with structural data. Based on structural and hydrogeological data it was proposed a method for estimating the transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity of a well installed in the fractured-bedrock aquifer.

Tectônica e sedimentação do  Grupo Jacadigo (Neoproterozóico, MS) / Tectonics and sedimentation of Jacadigo Group (Neoproterozoic, MS)

Freitas, Bernardo Tavares 26 April 2010 (has links)
Ao sul da cidade de Corumbá, MS, ocorrem imponentes elevações topográficas constituídas por depósitos sedimentares neoproterozóicos do Grupo Jacadigo. Nessas montanhas, cujo conjunto é referido como Maciço do Urucum, assentam-se discordantemente sobre o embasamento rochas siliciclásticas da Formação Urucum com espessuras máximas da ordem de 200 a 300m. A seção continua com depósitos mistos de componentes siliciclásticos e GIFs (granular iron formations), por aproximadamente 100m, e com mais 300m de predomínio de BIFs (banded iron formations). Na periferia do Maciço do Urucum ocorrem rochas carbonáticas do Grupo Corumbá, principalmente das formações Bocaina e Tamengo. Foi esse o conjunto de rochas abordado no presente trabalho por estudos sedimentológicos e estratigráficos em escala de detalhe. A análise integrada de fácies e paleocorrentes permitiu interpretar os mecanismos tectônicos geradores de espaço de acomodação, a orientação da bacia sedimentar, a estruturação de seu preenchimento, implicações geotectônicas regionais e para modelos de deposição de formações ferríferas. Para o preenchimento da bacia, definida na presente dissertação como Bacia Jacadigo, foram interpretados 6 sistemas deposicionais: (I) sistemas de leques aluviais; (II) sistema lacustre; (III) sistema fluvial entrelaçado; (IV) sistema de corpo dágua principal; (V) sistema de fluxos gravitacionais subaquáticos; e (VI) sistema de plataforma carbonática. Esses sistemas foram classificados em 3 tratos tectônicos, sendo os 3 primeiros sistemas deposicionais, essencialmente siliciclásticos e continentais, referentes ao trato de iniciação do rift; os sistemas de corpo dágua principal e de fluxos gravitacionais associados correspondentes ao clímax do rift; e a plataforma carbonática referente ao pós-rift. Esse último caracterizado pela transição entre as formações Urucum e Bocaina, de modo que a classificação em tratos tectônicos reflete os significados geodinâmicos dos grupos Jacadigo e Corumbá. A distribuição espacial dos sistemas deposicionais e dos padrões de paleocorrentes levou à interpretação de uma orientação WNW-ESE para a zona de falhas mestras da Bacia Jacadigo. Essa interpretação implica na correlação do Grupo Jacadigo com a Faixa Chiquitos-Tucavaca e não com a Faixa Paraguai como proposto anteriormente. A distribuição das unidades neoproterozóicas no contexto geotectônico das faixas Chiquitos-Tucavaca e Paraguai levou a corroboração de um posicionamento adjacente da Bacia Jacadigo a uma junção tríplice supostamente soerguida por plumas mantélicas. Toda a sucessão do Grupo Jacadigo mais a sucessão do Morro do Puga, usualmente interpretadas como produtos de processos sedimentares sob influência glacial, foram interpretadas como resposta da sedimentação à tectônica na Bacia Jacadigo, sem necessariamente associação com processos glaciais. Foram distinguidos elementos estruturais da tectônica deformadora daqueles relativos à tectônica formadora do Grupo Jacadigo e sugerida uma conformação braquianticlinal das rochas aflorantes na área urbana de Corumbá, no Maciço do Urucum e nas áreas adjacentes. / At the south of Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul state, there are huge topographic elevations made of Jacadigo Groups neoproterozoic sedimentary deposits. Those mountains are known as Maciço do Urucum. The basal unit named Urucum Formation is composed by siliciclastic rocks with maximum thickness of 200 to 300m. The sucession continues with mixed GIF (granular iron formation) and siliciclastic deposits for approximately 100m, and more 300m of almost only BIFs (banded iron formations). In the surroundings of Maciço do Urucum there are carbonatic rocks from the Corumbá Group, mainly from Bocaina and Tamengo formations. This research presents detailed information about sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Maciço do Urucum area and surrounding rocks. The integrated facies and paleocurrents analysis produced the following interpretations: tectonic mechanisms responsible for accommodation spaces, sedimentary basin orientation, filling styles, regional geotectonic implication and iron formation depositional models. About the filling style, six depositional systems of the here named Jacadigo Basin were interpreted: (I) alluvial fan system; (II) lacustrine system; (III) fluvial braided system; (IV) main water body system; (V) subaquatic gravitational flow system; and (VI) carbonate platform system. Those systems were classified in three tectonic system tracts. The first three depositional systems are made of continental siliciclastics and refer to the rift initiation; the main water body and associated gravitational flow systems corresponds to the rift climax; and the carbonate platform to the post rift. The post rift is characterized by the transition between Urucum and Bocaina formations. This transition reflects the geodynamic significance of Jacadigo and Corumbá groups. The spatial distribution of the depositional systems and associated paleocurrent patterns indicated a WNW-ESE orientation to the master fault zone of Jacadigo Basin. This interpretation implies the correlation of Jacadigo Group and Chiquitos-Tucavaca Belt instead of Paraguai Belt, as proposed before. The neoproterozoic units distribution at the geotectonic context of Chiquitos-Tucavaca and Paraguai belts corroborated the adjacent position of Jacadigo Basin to a triple junction supposedly a plume generated uplift. Rocks of Jacadigo Group and Morro do Puga, usually interpreted as glacial deposits, are interpreted here as sedimentation response to tectonics with no necessary relation to glacial processes. Deformation and formation tectonic structural elements were distinguished and a braquianticlinal structure is suggested for the units in the Corumbá and Maciço do Urucum area.

Correlação cronoestratigráfica do Cinturão Triássico preservado no Gráben Arroio Moirão (RS

Borsa, Guilherme Nunes de Oliveira January 2017 (has links)
A influência da tectônica do supercontinente Gondwana é registrada no Gráben Arroio Moirão (RS), um relicto sedimentar associado ao Triássico da seção contínua da Bacia do Paraná, preservado sobre o Escudo Sul-Riograndense. Entretanto, o gráben dista 150 km da seção contínua e não apresenta nenhuma correlação estratigráfica clara. Baseado em novos dados sedimentológicos, paleontológicos e em abordagem de estratigrafia de sequências nova, se propõe um arcabouço estratigráfico para o Gráben Arroio Moirão e a sua correlação com a seção contínua da Bacia do Paraná. O gráben é composto pelo empilhamento de sequências de alta frequência, com granodecrescência ascendente, definido como flood units em um modelo de leques terminais. O conteúdo fossilífero corresponde à Sequência Candelária de idade Carniana, e estratigraficamente corresponde aos depósitos proximais da bacia triássica relacionados ao Escudo. As unidades do gráben estão em contato direto com o embasamento e está superfície representa um pulso de soerguimento, que erodiu as sequências anteriores, seguido por um rebaixamento que registrou a Sequência Candelária. A reativação das estruturas herdadas do embasamento é relacionada à orogenia triássica na margem sudoeste do Gondwana e responsável pelo controle deposicional dentro do Gráben Arroio Moirão. / The influence of Gondwana tectonics in the Triassic is registered in the Arroio Moirão Graben, a relict sedimentary unit associated with the Triassic section of Paraná Basin, preserved over the Sul-Riograndense Shield. However, this graben is 150 km far from the Paraná Basin and has no clear stratigraphic correlation with the main Triassic outcropping area. Based on new sedimentological, paleontological and sequence stratigraphy analysis, we propose a sequence stratigraphy framework for the graben units and correlation with the Triassic section of Paraná Basin. The graben has a stacking of high-frequency sequences with fining upward trend, defined as flood units in a Terminal Splay model. The fossil content corresponds to the Hyperodapedon assemblage zone with Carnian age. These sequences are correlated with Candelária Sequence from Paraná Basin and represent a more proximal facies-association related with a source-area from the shield. The graben units are directly overlying the basement units and this surface registers an uplift that eroded the previous sedimentary record of Paraná basin followed by a Middle Triassic basin wide subsidence. The reactivation of inherited structures from the basement was related to the southern Gondwana orogeny in Middle to Late Triassic that controlled the deposition in the Arroio Moirão Graben.

Structure, metamorphism, and tectonics of the northern Oman-UAE ophiolite and underlying metamorphic sole

Ambrose, Tyler January 2017 (has links)
Ophiolites - thrust sheets of oceanic lithosphere that have been emplaced onto the continental margin - provide the opportunity to explore the structure and genesis of oceanic crust. As many ophiolites formed above subduction zones, they also allow for the investigation of mantle wedge and subduction interface processes. This the- sis examines the Oman-United Arab Emirates (UAE) ophiolite, which is the largest and most intensely studied ophiolite on Earth. Three distinct problems are addressed. (1) Recent research has proposed that the architecture and tectonic evolution of the ophiolite in the UAE differs from in Oman. In Chapter 2, I test this hypothesis by integrating new geological mapping and field observations with previously published maps of the ophiolite in the UAE. My results indicate that the ophiolite is gently folded, but otherwise largely intact. I demonstrate that the architecture of the ophi- olite in the UAE is not significantly different from in Oman. Thus, there is no basis for a different tectonic evolution as recently proposed. (2) Observations from exper- iments and small-scale natural shear zones indicate that volumetrically-minor phases can control strain localization. In Chapter 3, I test the hypothesis that minor phases control strain-localisation at plate boundaries. To do so, I analyzed peridotites from the base of the ophiolite, a palaeosubduction interface. My results demonstrate that minor phases limited olivine grain growth, which led to rheological weakening. (3) The mechanisms by which metamorphic soles detached from the downgoing slab and accreted to the hanging-wall mantle is unclear. In Chapter 4, I examine a transect across the metamorphic sole in the UAE. My results reveal that granulite formation was more extensive than is typically considered. I propose that granulite formation resulted in rheological strengthening, which caused the subduction interface to migrate into the downgoing slab and accrete the metamorphic sole.

Odezva vybraných řek Českého masivu na litologické a tektonické podmínky / Response of selected rivers of the Bohemian Massif to lithological and structural conditions

Flašar, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Three groups of streams were selected in the area of the Bohemian Massif: the Berounka river with its source streams; the Vltava river with its tributaries the Malše and the Lužnice; the Labe river with its tributaries the Cidlina, the Bystřice and the Javorka. The lithological and tectonical influences to several parameters of the streams were studied. These parameters include: stream gradient, orientation of the stream and sinuosity of the stream. Data were obtained from digital elevation models, aerial photographs, topographical and geological maps. The longitudinal profiles of the streams (in the combination with geological cross-sections), the SL indexes and the gradient/sinuosity graphs were created on the basis of the obtained data. These tools were used for evaluation of the influence of lithology and the tectonics to the streams. The evolution of the streams and the stream-groups was evaluated and compared as well. A strong influence of lithology on the stream gradient was found on most of the analysed streams. The tectonic situation, on the contrary, had strong influence on the orientation of the streams, especially in the resistant rocks. Also, there were selected areas, where was a higher probability of quaternary vertical movements influencing the streams (mountainous areas of the Novohradské...

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