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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of emotion experiences at work : a critical incident technique approach / Natalie Booth

Booth, Natalie January 2013 (has links)
Orientation: Emotions at work have been considered as an important facet of employees’ work life. However, research regarding the investigation of the emotion experiences at work per se has been lacking. Research Purpose: The general objective of this study is to critically investigate what emotion events are experienced and how these events are appraised for them to result in specific emotions. Motivation for the study: Currently a lack of research regarding emotion experiences as a process exists. Research design, approach and method: To investigate emotion experiences as a process a Qualitative study was conducted among one hundred (n=100) professional mining employees using The Critical Incident Technique Approach. Main findings: 84% of the participants experienced negative emotion events and a mere 14% of participants experienced positive emotion events at work. Negative emotion events were appraised as negative and participants indicated not having control or power over the events, yet adaption was possible. Negative emotions included: anger, disgust and sadness. Positive emotion events were appraised as positive even though the participants reported not having control or power over the situation. Participant did report being able to live with the consequences. Positive emotions provoked included joy, pleasure and pride. Practical/managerial implications: When the emotion experiences of employees are investigated as a process, better understanding of emotions will be gained which will enable the implementation of the most appropriate interventions to fulfil individual needs and reaching organisational goals. Contribution/value-adding: Existing research on the emotion experience as a process has been lacking especially in the South African context. This study will thus contribute to research regarding the investigation of the emotion experience as a process and not mere independent components. / MA (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

An investigation of emotion experiences at work : a critical incident technique approach / Natalie Booth

Booth, Natalie January 2013 (has links)
Orientation: Emotions at work have been considered as an important facet of employees’ work life. However, research regarding the investigation of the emotion experiences at work per se has been lacking. Research Purpose: The general objective of this study is to critically investigate what emotion events are experienced and how these events are appraised for them to result in specific emotions. Motivation for the study: Currently a lack of research regarding emotion experiences as a process exists. Research design, approach and method: To investigate emotion experiences as a process a Qualitative study was conducted among one hundred (n=100) professional mining employees using The Critical Incident Technique Approach. Main findings: 84% of the participants experienced negative emotion events and a mere 14% of participants experienced positive emotion events at work. Negative emotion events were appraised as negative and participants indicated not having control or power over the events, yet adaption was possible. Negative emotions included: anger, disgust and sadness. Positive emotion events were appraised as positive even though the participants reported not having control or power over the situation. Participant did report being able to live with the consequences. Positive emotions provoked included joy, pleasure and pride. Practical/managerial implications: When the emotion experiences of employees are investigated as a process, better understanding of emotions will be gained which will enable the implementation of the most appropriate interventions to fulfil individual needs and reaching organisational goals. Contribution/value-adding: Existing research on the emotion experience as a process has been lacking especially in the South African context. This study will thus contribute to research regarding the investigation of the emotion experience as a process and not mere independent components. / MA (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Megokgo ya lethabo : kanegelorato ya sepedi (Sepedi)

Lebaka, Kgeledi Johanna 07 March 2013 (has links)
Lentsoane uses the title of his narrative to highlight the theme. Special attention is paid to this. The suspense is captured in the clash between the traditional attitude to life held by the Bapedi and the modem philosophy of life held by the younger generation. Lentsoane effectively uses the concept of a journey to convey his message to his reader. The visit of the antagonist Kgoteledi to the homeland is especially important in this regard, as her family there is conservative and thus strongly supports her actions. But it is also here that she becomes aware of change. Other important techniques used by Lentsoane are: contrast, symbolism, shifting of focus, mirrorimages, naming, summary and retardation, foreshadowing, but also the reference to related matters. This latter technique has an important emphasising function. Although conflict is emphasised all the time, the climax is reached with the announcement that Mihloti, Dikgoneng's girlfriend, is pregnant. The mother (and therefore also the rest of the family) hereby accept that change has also become part of their lives. Kgoteledi comes to terms with the situation and passes away. AFRIKAANS : In hierdie verhandeling word Lentsoane se novelle, Megokgo ya Lethabo, as 'n liefdesverhaal besktyf waarin die liefdesverhouding tussen die minnaars nie deur die jongman se familie goedgekeur word nie, omdat die jong meisie lid van 'n ander etniese groep is. Die beskrywings model wat vir die ondersoek gevolg word, is 'n aangepaste narratologiese model. Boonop word slegs twee van die struktuurlae ondersoek, nl. die inhouds- en die samestellingslae. In die beskrywing van die inhoudslaag is die vier epiese elemente, karakter, handeling, tyd en plek, noukeurig nagegaan, en t.o.v. die onderwerp wat die outeur gekies het, beskryf. Die onderwerp bepaal die onderlinge verhouding tussen die verskillende karakters, en verdeel die handeling in drie groot aksiekategorieë, t.w. die liefdesverhouding, die besware van die jongman se familie, en die uiteindelike troue. Die tydsbegrip word omskryf in terme van 'n tydstip, tydsverloop en tydsomstandighede. Vir die beskrywing van die samestellingslaag van die werk is daar twee kernbegrippe wat uitgelig word, nl. die temabegrip en die tegniek begrip wat 'n verhoudingsbegrip is en nie eenduidig in verwysing is nie. Die tema wat hier vooropgestel word, is die van verandering, en slaan op die voortdurende verandering in die lewe van mense en kulture. Die karakter van die protagonis, Dikgoneng, word in terme van noodsaaklike en bykomende kenmerke beskryf. Die noodsaaklike kenmerke hou met die verhaalsoort of genre verband, terwyl die outeur met die bykomende kenmerke sy Ieser tot vereenselwiging met die protagonis oorhaal. Die antagonis word slegs t.o.v. die noodsaaklike kenmerke beskryf. Lentsoane gebruik die verhaaltitel as 'n belangrike outeursmiddel om die tema van sy werk na vore te bring. Besondere aandag word hieraan afgestaan. Die spanningselement lê opgevang in die botsing tussen die tradisionele lewensopvattings van die Bapedi en die modeme lewensbeskouing van die jong geslag. Lentsoane maak effektief van die reisbegrip gebruik om sy boodskap aan sy leer tuis te bring. Hier is dit veral die antagonis, Kgoteledi, se besoek aan die tuisland, wat belangrik is, omdat haar familie daar behoudende mense is, en haar dus in haar saak sterk steun. Maar dis dan ook hier waar sy van verandering bewus raak. Belangrike ander tegnieke wat Lentsoane gebruik, is kontrastering, simboliek, fokusverskuiwing, spieëlbeeldstelling, naamgewing, tydsversnelling en vertraging, vooruitskouring, maar veral die verwysing na verwante geleenthede wat 'n sterk beklemtoningsfunksie het. Hoewel konflik deurentyd aan die orde is, word die hoogtepunt met die aankondiging bereik dat Mihloti (Dikgoneng se nooi) swanger is. Die moeder (en daarom ook die res van die familie) aanvaar hiermee dat verandering ook deel van hulle lewens geword het. Kgoteledi berus haar hierin en sterwe. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1999. / African Languages / unrestricted

Die gebruik van liggaamsportrette deur opvoeders in die vervulling van hulle pastorale rol (Afrikaans)

McCallaghan, Malize 19 November 2007 (has links)
The objective of this qualitative study was to explore the extent to which body maps could be implemented by educators as part of the fulfilment of their pastoral role. I approached the study from a constructivistinterpretivist perspective underpinned by action research principles. I implemented an instrumental case study as research design and selected a primary school located in an informal settlement community in the Nelson Mandela Metropole. Ten female educators at this school, three other members of a research team and I took part in the process of data generation. Having acquired baseline information during the first field visit, a fellow researcher and I implemented an intervention during which the techniques of body mapping and making memory boxes (the study focus of my fellow researcher) were introduced to the participants. We then requested them to apply the two techniques (as part of a research assignment) before we undertook a second field visit. At the second visit, we attempted to explore the participants' experiences during the application of the techniques. Throughout the study I relied on focus group discussions, observation, critical self-reflection, auditive methods, visual methods, photos, a reflective research journal and field notes as data collection and capture methods. I analysed and interpreted raw data thematically. Baseline information indicated that educators were quite clear about the theoretical nature of the pastoral role, yet the practical application of this role presented a challenge. Data generated after the intervention indicates how educators understood and used the body mapping technique. This theme was refined into subthemes dealing with implementation modes, application contexts and application outcomes of the body mapping technique. The second main theme indicated the applicability of body maps in the classroom context as part of the pastoral role. This theme comprises subthemes relating to general curricula, practical considerations, alternative uses and application modes, pastoral responsibilities that were facilitated (and not) by participants' use of the body mapping technique. Research findings therefore seem to indicate that the body mapping technique could be used by educators in fulfilling their pastoral role. / Dissertation (MEd (Educational Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Educational Psychology / MEd / unrestricted

Die tonale aspekte in die toonreekse van Dallapiccola se seriele komposisies (Afrikaans)

Snibbe, Chantal 15 July 2004 (has links)
The technique of twelve-tone serialism was developed by Schoenberg to give structure to atonal compositions. The writer was interested in the fact that Dallapiccola’s twelve-tone compositions, as with Berg’s, were easier received by the general public than the works of other serial composers of the time. The reason being that his twelve-tone rows contain tonal elements. The boundaries of the field of study were determined in chapter 1. Terminology and problems encountered with the study were also discussed. To be able to analyse the tonal aspects of Dallapiccola’s rows, the basic outlines of tonality were clearly defined in chapter 2. It was found that tonal suggestions could be achieved by means of using: * tones that form part of a diatonic scale, * explicit triads, * implicit triads, * scale constructions and * tones that outline the tonic. The different types of twelve-tone rows were discussed and illustrated by means of music examples in chapter 3. A list of published works as well as a short discussion of each composition followed in chapter 4. Mention was made whether a work was tonal, atonal or a twelve-tone composition and Dallapiccola’s use of serial procedures in each composition was discussed. Chapter 5 showed where and how the above criteria were used in his rows. The study thus provides evidence that Dallapiccola had tonal references in mind when planning the rows and that tonal suggestions are common in his works. The twelve-tone rows often employ three, four or five of the criteria of implied tonality in a composition. Of the five criteria, tones that form part of a diatonic scale was used the most. This was discussed with all the rows, except Il prigioniero (row of hope) and Cinque frammenti di Saffo’s first and second tone rows. Dallapiccola used tones to outline the tonic in thirty one twelve-tone rows. Implicit triads were used in all but six works. Scale constructions appeared in nineteen works and Dallapiccola’s love for using a few chromatic notes or three consecutive notes of the implied major scale became apparent. Explicit triads only appeared in thirteen compositions. In the other rows, Dallapiccola created a tonal sense by means of other criteria or had a more chromatic approach. Dallapiccola thus used tonal references in the tone rows of his serial compositions and showed that twelve-tone tonality could be used to create a lyrical idiom. In this way the people that were trained in the tonal school could also appreciate twelve-tone compositions. In the opera Il prigioniero, it is especially evident that the Italian tradition of lyricism and dramatic intensity do exist after verismo composers (Morris 1999:257). / Dissertation (MMus(Performing Art))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Music / unrestricted

Kwantitatiewe beskrywende studie na die houding van verpleeglundiges teenoor terminasies van swangerskap binne king se sisteem teorie

Truter, Anso 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe the nurses‘ perception of termination of pregnancy and her perception of her conduct towards clients that request termination of pregnancy guided by Kings‘ Systems Approach and Goal Attainment Theory. A non-experimental quantitative descriptive correlational design was used. A non-probability purposive sampling method was used consisting of institutions in the Western Cape, available to participate in this study, which deliver termination of pregnancy services, gov ernment health care institutions (21) and Marie Stopes clinics (3). Non-probability convenience sampling was used consisting of registered nurses who are working in termination of pregnancy units in these facilities (N=82). Data were collected through the administration of a self-designed questionnaire. The main findings of the study indicate that respondents (personal system) appear to feel positive about the work they are doing. Formal improvement and development are however not utilised optimally. Regarding the interpersonal system, respondents also show a positive orientation to both the woman opting for termination of pregnancy and the foetus. The potential towards transaction and ultimately goal attainment reside within this system. The respondents are also positive about legislation, employers and policies (social system) relating to termination of pregnancy. This orientation creates a milieu that is conducive to transactions, interactions and goal attainment.The main recommendation is that three systems as proposed by King be continuously integrated within the termination of pregnancy setup through, amongst other measures: values clarification, management support, in service education, the inclusion of termination of pregnancy in undergraduate programmes, focus groups and the like. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verpleegkundige se persepsie van terminasie van swangerskap en haar persepsie van haar houding en gedrag teenoor kliёnte wat terminasie van swangerskap versoek, aan die hand van King se Sisteembenadering en Doelwitbereikingsteorie te ondersoek en te beskryf. `n Nie-eksperimentele kwantitatiewe beskrywende korrelasie navorsingsontwerp was gebruik. `n Nie-waarskynlike doelbewuste-steekproefneming van die staatsgesondheidsorg-instansies wat terminasie van swangerskapdienste aanbied, is geneem en wat beskikbaar vir hierdie studie was (21) asook die Marie Stopesdienste (3), in die Wes-Kaap. `n Nie-waarskynlike gerieflikheidsteekproefneming is van verpleegkundiges geneem wat swangerskappe in hierdie afdelings termineer of moet termineer (N=82). Data is met behulp van `n selfontwerpte vraelys ingesamel. Die hoofbevindings van die studie dui daarop dat respondente (persoonlike sisteem) positief voel oor hul werk. Formele ontwikkelingshulpbronne word egter nie optimaal deur die sisteem benut nie. Wat die interpersoonlike sisteem betref, toon respondente ook ‗n positiewe oriëntasie tot beide die vrou wat terminasie van swangerskap aanvra en die fetus. Die potensiaal tot transaksie-sluiting en uiteindelike doelwitbereiking is binne hierdie sisteem geleë. Die respondente is ook positief oor wetgewing en die werkgewer en beleid (sosiale siteem) ten opsigte van terminasie van swangerskap. Hierdie oriëntering laat ‗n milieu wat bevorderlik is vir transaksie-sluiting, interaksie en doelwitbereiking. Die hoofaanbeveling is dat voortdurend gepoog moet word na die integrasie van King se drie sisteme binne die terminasie van swangerskapafdelings deur onder meer: waarde-uitklaringswerkswinkels, ondersteuning van bestuur, indiensopleiding, die insluiting van terminasie van swangerskap in voorgraadse kurrikula, fokusgroepe en so meer. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Gesondheidstudies)

Kwantitatiewe beskrywende studie na die houding van verpleeglundiges teenoor terminasies van swangerskap binne king se sisteem teorie

Truter, Anso 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe the nurses‘ perception of termination of pregnancy and her perception of her conduct towards clients that request termination of pregnancy guided by Kings‘ Systems Approach and Goal Attainment Theory. A non-experimental quantitative descriptive correlational design was used. A non-probability purposive sampling method was used consisting of institutions in the Western Cape, available to participate in this study, which deliver termination of pregnancy services, gov ernment health care institutions (21) and Marie Stopes clinics (3). Non-probability convenience sampling was used consisting of registered nurses who are working in termination of pregnancy units in these facilities (N=82). Data were collected through the administration of a self-designed questionnaire. The main findings of the study indicate that respondents (personal system) appear to feel positive about the work they are doing. Formal improvement and development are however not utilised optimally. Regarding the interpersonal system, respondents also show a positive orientation to both the woman opting for termination of pregnancy and the foetus. The potential towards transaction and ultimately goal attainment reside within this system. The respondents are also positive about legislation, employers and policies (social system) relating to termination of pregnancy. This orientation creates a milieu that is conducive to transactions, interactions and goal attainment.The main recommendation is that three systems as proposed by King be continuously integrated within the termination of pregnancy setup through, amongst other measures: values clarification, management support, in service education, the inclusion of termination of pregnancy in undergraduate programmes, focus groups and the like. / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verpleegkundige se persepsie van terminasie van swangerskap en haar persepsie van haar houding en gedrag teenoor kliёnte wat terminasie van swangerskap versoek, aan die hand van King se Sisteembenadering en Doelwitbereikingsteorie te ondersoek en te beskryf. `n Nie-eksperimentele kwantitatiewe beskrywende korrelasie navorsingsontwerp was gebruik. `n Nie-waarskynlike doelbewuste-steekproefneming van die staatsgesondheidsorg-instansies wat terminasie van swangerskapdienste aanbied, is geneem en wat beskikbaar vir hierdie studie was (21) asook die Marie Stopesdienste (3), in die Wes-Kaap. `n Nie-waarskynlike gerieflikheidsteekproefneming is van verpleegkundiges geneem wat swangerskappe in hierdie afdelings termineer of moet termineer (N=82). Data is met behulp van `n selfontwerpte vraelys ingesamel. Die hoofbevindings van die studie dui daarop dat respondente (persoonlike sisteem) positief voel oor hul werk. Formele ontwikkelingshulpbronne word egter nie optimaal deur die sisteem benut nie. Wat die interpersoonlike sisteem betref, toon respondente ook ‗n positiewe oriëntasie tot beide die vrou wat terminasie van swangerskap aanvra en die fetus. Die potensiaal tot transaksie-sluiting en uiteindelike doelwitbereiking is binne hierdie sisteem geleë. Die respondente is ook positief oor wetgewing en die werkgewer en beleid (sosiale siteem) ten opsigte van terminasie van swangerskap. Hierdie oriëntering laat ‗n milieu wat bevorderlik is vir transaksie-sluiting, interaksie en doelwitbereiking. Die hoofaanbeveling is dat voortdurend gepoog moet word na die integrasie van King se drie sisteme binne die terminasie van swangerskapafdelings deur onder meer: waarde-uitklaringswerkswinkels, ondersteuning van bestuur, indiensopleiding, die insluiting van terminasie van swangerskap in voorgraadse kurrikula, fokusgroepe en so meer. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Gesondheidstudies)

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