Spelling suggestions: "subject:"telekommunikation."" "subject:"telekommunikations.""
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Estimation of QoE aware sustainable throughput in relation to TCP throughput to evaluate the user experienceRouthu, Venkata Sai Kalyan January 2018 (has links)
Recent years the research focus began on “Quality of Experience” (QoE) that addresses user satisfaction level and improvement of service. The notation sustainable throughput, sometimes also called reliable throughput, ensures user satisfaction level at the same time requires an optimum resource to provide the service. In the context of communication, it becomes important to analyze user behavior with respect to network performance. Since the user is closer to the transport layer than the network layer, there opens a new domain to relate “QoE aware sustainable throughput” and “TCP throughput”. There is a need to further investigation of “QoE aware sustainable throughput” as it the one which sufficiently QoE, while “TCP throughput” is the result of a control process on a layer. Moreover, it is essential to estimate the QoE aware sustainable throughput based on HTTP streaming on the server and client application may result in a closer understanding of the nature of TCP in terms of user expectation. In this study, we evaluated the performance of video streaming considering the TCP throughput in the presence of network disturbances, packet loss, and delay. The TCP packet behavior is observed in the experimental test setup. The quality assessment at which the QoE problems can still be kept at the desired level is determined. Mean opinion scores of the preferred use cases for the dash and non-dash server is used to estimate the relationship factor between “TCP throughput” and “QoE aware sustainable throughput”.
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Performance Evaluation of Gaming Anywhere Server in a Virtual EnvironmentVishnumolakala, Bandhavi January 2018 (has links)
In the recent years, cloud services are dominating the internet world. Streaming video content is drastically increased. This trend created a way for the cloud gaming industry. Gaming Anywhere is one such an open source cloud gaming system designed specifically for gaming users to experience high-quality gaming while eliminating the burden of upgrading hardware or software whenever the gaming system becomes outdated. Gaming Anywhere client can stream the desired game from a remote server with high-quality resolution and fps. Gaming Anywhere launches almost all type of games as per the request of the client. In this paper, the performance of a Gaming Anywhere server is evaluated in a virtual windows environment. Performance is categorically divided into two types. One is server metrics and the other is power consumption. Server metrics deals with CPU utilization, GPU utilization and multi-player capability. Power consumption deals with the CPU power usage of a virtual machine. The main aim of this paper is to conduct measurement studies on Gaming Anywhere server in two virtual implementation kits, VMware and VirtualBox, using monitoring tools. The analysis of the outcome is evaluated against the Gaming Anywhere physical server.
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Sustainable Throughput – QoE PerspectiveDarisipudi, Veeravenkata Naga S Maniteja January 2017 (has links)
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the demand for streaming of high quality videos on the smart mobile phones. In order to meet the user quality requirements, it is important to maintain the end user quality while taking the resource consumption into consideration. This demand caught the attention of the research communities and network providers to prioritize Quality of Experience (QoE) in addition to the Quality of Service (QoS). In order to meet the users’ expectations, the QoE studies have gained utmost importance, thus creating the challenge of evaluating it in such a way that the quality, cost and energy consumption are taken into account. This gave way to the concept of QoE-aware sustainable throughput, which denotes the maximal throughput at which QoE problems can be still kept at a desired level. The aim of the thesis is to determine the sustainable throughput values from the QoE perspective. The values are observed for different delay and packet loss values in wireless and mobile scenarios. The evaluation is done using the subjective video quality assessment method. In the subjective assessment method, the evaluation is done using the ITU-T recommended Absolute Category Rating (ACR). The video quality ratings are taken from the users, and are then averaged to obtain the Mean Opinion Score (MOS). The obtained scores are used for analysis in determining the sustainable throughput values from the users’ perspective. From the results it is determined that, for all the video test cases, the videos are rated better quality at low packet loss values and low delay values. The quality of the videos with the presence of delay is rated high compared to the video quality in the case of packet loss. It was observed that the high resolution videos are feeble in the presence of higher disturbances i.e. high packet loss and larger delays. From considering all the cases, it can be observed that the QoE disturbances due to the delivery issues is at an acceptable minimum for the 360px video. Hence, the 480x360 video is the threshold to sustain the video quality.
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Java Teknologi för mobila enheter / Java Technology for Mobile DevicesFalck, Tomas, Quist, Magnus January 2001 (has links)
Denna utredning har gjorts för att genomlysa en teknik som går under namnet JavaTM 2 Micro Edition (J2METM). Vårt mål var att grundligt belysa tekniken och tanken bakom J2ME samt att visa på för- respektive nackdelar med tekniken avseende prestanda och säkerhet. Ett annat mål med utredningen var att visa på praktisk användbarhet av Java i mobiltelefoner och konsekvenser på den mobila infrastrukturen. J2ME är en plattform skapad för att tillmötesgå behoven från den snabbt växande marknaden av produkter som försetts med processorkraft. Dessa datoriserade enheter är mindre än traditionella bordsdatorer och har därmed en annan typ av fysiska begränsningar i form av t.ex. minne, processorkraft, bildskärm mm. Syftet med denna plattform är att skapa en optimerad Java-miljö som lämpar sig för dessa mindre enheter. Med Java-teknologi i de mobila enheterna kan användare i större utsträckning än tidigare påverka vilka ändamål enheten ska användas för. Detta genom att ladda ner applikationer och köra dem offline eller online på den mobila enheten. Eftersom Java är ett plattformsoberoende programspråk är tanken att en applikation ska kunna köras på många olika enheter som implementerat J2ME. Mobiltelefoner med J2ME är på väg att lanseras på den svenska marknaden. Utredningen beskriver en trolig utveckling av tjänster och applikationer och vem som kommer att erbjuda dessa tjänster och applikationer för användare. Spel förväntas dominera marknaden av MIDlets till en början men vi anser att olika former av anpassade informationstjänster är det som kommer att efterfrågas av stora kundgrupper när tekniken mognat. Utredningen visar även på en del brister när det gäller portabilitet och säkerhet. Vi har kommit fram till att J2ME och profilen MIDP är tekniker som kommer att spela en stor roll i ett framtida mobilt Internet. Vi är därför övertygade om att allt fler mobila terminaler i framtiden kommer att innehålla Java-teknologi / This thesis describes and investigates a technique called JavaTM 2 Micro Edition. Our goal was to show the idea behind J2ME and the negative and positive sides that the technique brings in respect of performance and security. Another goal with the thesis was to investigate the practical usefulness of Java in mobile devices and the consequences that the technique will bring to the mobile infrastructure. J2ME is a platform created for the demands of the fast growing market of embedded devices. This type of devices are smaller than traditional desktop computers which means that they have more physical restrictions in the form of available memory, processing capacity, limited displays and so on. The purpose of the platform is to create an optimised Java-environment for this type of devices. Java-technology in mobile devices means that users, more than before, can influence what the device will be used for. This by downloading applications and run them offline or online on the mobile device. Java is not dependent of the platform that it runs on and the idea is therefore that applications shall be able to run on many different devices as long as they have implemented J2ME. Mobile phones with J2ME technology will soon be available on the Swedish market. This thesis describes possible future applications and the possible suppliers of these applications. Games are expected to dominate the market of MIDlets in the beginning, but we think that different kinds of information services will be the winner in the future. This thesis also shows some shortcomings in the form of portability and security. We have found that J2ME and the profile MIDP are techniques that will play an important role in the development of the mobile Internet. We are convinced that more and more mobile devices will be implemented with Java technology in the future.
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WiMAX : An analysis of the existing technology and compare with the cellular networks.Islam, Mohammad Saiful, Alam, Mohammad Tawhidul January 2009 (has links)
Broadband access technology has significant influences in the telecommunication industry. Worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) is a broadband wireless technology which brings broadband experience to a wireless context. There are two different types of broadband wireless services. One is fixed wireless broadband which is similar to the traditional fixed line broadband access technology like DSL or cable modem but using wireless as a medium of transmission. Another type is broadband wireless known as mobile broadband which has additional functionality of portability, mobility and nomadicity. The IEEE 802.16 family WiMAX is designed to accommodate both fixed and mobile broadband application. WiMAX promises to solve the last mile problem which refers to the expense and time needed to connect individual homes and offices to trunk route for communications. WiMAX also offer higher peak data rates and greater flexibility than 3G networks and Wi-Fi. This thesis is provides the analysis of the broadband wireless access (BWA) technology with a focus on WiMAX and compare it with the other wireless technology like Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) and third-generation (3G).
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Optimization of Multiple Accesses through ANDSF / Optimization of Multiple Accesses through ANDSFIqbal, Muhammad Sajid January 2011 (has links)
3GPP is in the process of enumerating functionality for Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF). The ANDSF includes data management and control functionality which are essential for providing network discovery and selection function to the User Equipment (UE, MS, mobile station) w.r.t. operators’ policy. A lack of quantitative measures of ANDSF benefits was identified so our task is to identify these benefits. The aim of the thesis is to present ideas for how to obtain such measures and we develop a tool which implements (some of) these ideas and finally we have examples of possible results which will support such a discussion with numbers. This report also discusses different number of use case scenarios (such as ANDSF and USER) which we implement in our simulation tool. In our simulation model we use to impose preferred strategy, reduced delays and losses, and system utilization efficiency. One more thing likes to clarify that the numbers which we use in our model are just examples. It can be any number but they will give us the same behavior of learning. Providing real gains is outside the scope of our study. / The aim of the thesis is to identify quantitative measures of ANDSF benefits. Our contribution is to develop ideas for how to obtain such measures in order to identify ANDSF benefits. We developed a simulation tool which implements some of these ideas. In simulation tool we impose preferred strategies, reduced delays and losses and work on system utilization efficiency in order to identify ANDSF benefits. In our simulation model we use different implementation terminologies like network traffic, access networks, and preferences w.r.t. quality as well as w.r.t. strategies. We have two main scenarios ANDSF and USER; we also perform extensive comparative study in order to evaluate analysis of gains from ANDSF. We have examples of possible results and our numbers are just examples because providing real gains is outside our study. We evaluate our scenarios w.r.t. three main aspects; how well the strategies are fulfilled? How many attempts are required for users? and compare blocking probabilities. The overall conclusion of the thesis is to find out the reasons that why ANDSF is a better choice for network selection as compare to users themselves. Our results shows that ANDSF is a better option for network selection because it helps users towards use their service efficiently as well as avoid blocking; even in real environment the ANDSF becomes aware of less congested access networks in the area the UE is located, and provides instructions to the UE to move the existing IP flows to the less congested access network. / +46762173562
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Analysis of Network Security Threats and Vulnerabilities by Development & Implementation of a Security Network Monitoring Solution / Analys av hot Network Security och sårbarheter Utveckling & Genomförandet av en Security Network övervakningslösningAhmad, Nadeem, Habib, M. Kashif January 2010 (has links)
Communication of confidential data over the internet is becoming more frequent every day. Individuals and organizations are sending their confidential data electronically. It is also common that hackers target these networks. In current times, protecting the data, software and hardware from viruses is, now more than ever, a need and not just a concern. What you need to know about networks these days? How security is implemented to ensure a network? How is security managed? In this paper we will try to address the above questions and give an idea of where we are now standing with the security of the network. / Konfidentiella uppgifter via Internet blir vanligare varje dag. Personer och organisationer skickar sina konfidentiella uppgifter elektroniskt. Det är också vanligt att hackare mot dessa nät. I dagens tider, skydd av data, programvara och hårdvara från virus är, nu mer än någonsin ett behov och inte bara en oro. Vad du behöver veta om nätverk i dessa dagar? Hur säkerheten genomförs för att säkerställa ett nätverk? Hur säkerheten hanteras? I denna skrift kommer vi att försöka ta itu med dessa frågor och ge en uppfattning om var vi nu står med säkerheten för nätet.
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IPv6 Monitoring and Flow DetectionAyichiluhm, Theodros, Mohan, Vivek January 2013 (has links)
IPv6 Privacy extensions, implemented in major operating systems, hide user’s identity by using a temporary and a randomly generated IPv6 addresses rather than using the former, EUI-64 format where the MAC address is part of the IPv6 address. This solution for privacy has created a problem for network administrators to back-trace an IPv6 address to a specific MAC address, since the temporary IP address used once by the node is removed from the interface after a period of time. An IPv6 Ethernet test bed is setup to investigate IPv6 implementation dynamics in Windows 7 and Ubuntu10.04 operating systems. The testbed is extended to investigate the effects of temporary IPv6 addresses due to IPv6 privacy extensions on the on-going sessions of different applications including ping, File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and video streaming (HTTP and RTP). On the basis of the knowledge obtained from investigations about dynamics of IPv6 privacy extensions, this work proposes Internet Protocol version 6 Host Tracking (IPv6HoT), a web based IPv6 to MAC mapping solution. IPv6HoT uses Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to forward IPv6 Neighbor table from routers to Network Management Stations (NMS). This thesis work provides guidelines for configuring IPv6 privacy extensions in Ubuntu10.04 and Windows 7; the difference of implementation between these two operating systems is also presented in this work. The results show that temporary IPv6 addressing has a definite effect on the on-going sessions of video streaming and FTP applications. Applications running as server on Temporary IPv6 address encountered more frequent on-going session interruptions than applications running as a server over public IPv6 address. When temporary IPv6 addresses were configured to host FTP and video streaming applications, their on-going sessions were permanently interrupted. It is also observed that LFTP, a client FTP application, resumes an interrupted session. / theodrosmek11@gmail.com, iamvivek86@gmail.com
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Multi-Protocol Label Switching Traffic Engineering with QoS / Multi-Protocol Label Switching Trafikteknik med QoSMian, Azhar Ali, Khalid, Sardar Usman January 2010 (has links)
The world has emerged as a global village. Internet has brought an amazing change in the era of modern communications. Demand for multimedia applications and an ever increasing amount of VoIP traffic have increased data rate and bandwidth requirements. It has become a big chal-lenge to provide best quality applications. Traffic engineers are working hard over Internet Protocol (IP) and Routing Protocols (RPs) in order to cope with this challenge. IP networks have offered these services efficiently until now, but there are several issues with IP routing that affect the Quality of Service (QoS). Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) has emerged as an agile technology which promises effective security together with high speed data delivery. MPLS networks use switching instead of conventional routing. MPLS doesn’t replace existing IP networks, but guarantees instead better QoS in existing IP networks as well as future routing technologies, providing thus a suitable environment for Traffic Engineering (TE). The Class of Service (CoS) architecture provided by MPLS can easily be coordinated with IP QoS mecha-nisms. Traffic can be switched based on resource utilization and network performance instead of using static routing techniques such as selecting a path with least cost, optimizing thus the MPLS network for heavy application at desired quality. / Världen har blivit en global by. Internet har inneburit en fantastisk förändring i en tid präglad av modern kommunikation. Efterfrågan på multimediaapplikationer och en allt större mängd VoIP-trafik har ökat datahastighet och krav på bandbredd. Det har blivit en stor utmaning att ge bästa kvalitet ansökningar. Trafiken tekniker arbetar hårt over Internet Protocol (IP) och routingprotokoll (RPS) för att klara av denna utmaning. IP-nät har erbjudit dessa tjänster på ett effektivt fram tills nu, men det finns flera problem med IP-routing som påverkar Quality of Service (QoS). Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) har utvecklats till en flexibel teknik som utlovar effektiv säkerhet tillsammans med hög hastighet leverans. MPLS-nätverk används byte istället för konventionella routing. MPLS ersätter inte de befintliga IP-nät, utan garantier i stället bättre QoS i befintliga IP-nät samt framtida routing-teknik, vilket har en lämplig miljö för trafikteknik (TE). Den klass som (COS) arkitektur som MPLS kan enkelt styras med IP QoS meka-nismer. Trafiken kan kopplas grundas på resursutnyttjande och nätverksprestanda istället för att använda statisk routing tekniker som att välja en väg med lägsta kostnad, vilket optimerar därmed MPLS nät för tunga ansökan till önskad kvalitet.
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Reporting Management för den interna rapporterings processen med hjälp av verktyget Tivoli Decision Support : TDSSvensson, Christine, Strandberg, Susanne January 2001 (has links)
Rapporten inleds med en beskrivning av WM-datas Network Management struktur och Reporting Management behov. Därefter följer en beskrivning av de två analys tekniker Datamining och On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) vilka är de mest använda databasbaserade tekniker. Verktyget Tivoli Decision Support (TDS) är ett stödssystem som ska underlätta för beslutsfattare inom organisationen. TDS baseras på OLAP ? tekniken och rapporten visar avslutningsvis de möjligheter som verktyget ger avseende WM-datas Reporting Management. / Christine Svensson 0454-14926 Susanne Strandberg 0456-22824
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