Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tensile"" "subject:"ensile""
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Double-punch test for evaluating the performance of steel fiber-reinforced concreteWoods, Aaron Paul 19 June 2012 (has links)
The objective of this study is to develop test protocols for comparing the effectiveness of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) mixtures with high-performance steel fibers. Steel fibers can be added to fresh concrete to increase the tensile strength, ductility, and durability of concrete structures. In order to quantify steel fiber-reinforced concrete (SFRC) mixtures for field applications, a material test capable of predicting the performance of SFRC for field loading conditions is required. However, current test methods used to evaluate the structural properties of FRC (such as residual strength and toughness) are widely regarded as inadequate; a simple, accurate, and consistent test method is needed. It was determined that the Double-Punch Test (DPT), originally introduced by Chen in 1970 for plain concrete, could be extended to fiber-reinforced concrete to satisfy this industry need. In the DPT, a concrete cylinder is placed vertically between the loading platens of the test machine and compressed by two steel punches located concentrically on the top and bottom surfaces of the cylinder. It is hypothesized that the Double-Punch Test is capable of comparing future fiber-reinforcement design options for use in structural applications, and is suitable for evaluating FRC in general. The DPT Research and Testing Program was administered to produce sufficient within-laboratory data to make conclusions and recommendations regarding the simplicity, reliability, and reproducibility of the DPT for evaluating the performance of SFRC. Several variables (including fiber manufacturer, fiber content, and testing equipment) were evaluated to verify the relevance of the DPT for FRC. In this thesis, the results of 120 Double-Punch Tests are summarized and protocols for its effective application to fiber-reinforced concrete are recommended. Also, fundamental data is provided that indicates the DPT could be standardized by national and international agencies, such as the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), as a method to evaluate the mechanical behavior of FRC. This project is sponsored by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) through TxDOT Project 6348, "Controlling Cracking in Prestressed Concrete Panels and Optimizing Bridge Deck Reinforcing Steel," which is aimed at improving bridge deck construction through developments in design details, durability, and quality control procedures. / text
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Πειραματική μελέτη και υπολογιστική προσομοίωση της επίδρασης της βλάβης διάβρωσης στη συμπεριφορά εφελκυσμού του αεροπορικού κράματος αλουμινίου 2024Σέτσικα, Δωροθέα 07 May 2015 (has links)
Η παρουσία της βλάβης διάβρωσης στις αεροπορικές δομές, έχει αποδειχθεί ότι συμβάλλει σημαντικά στην υποβάθμιση της δομικής τους ακεραιότητας. Ταυτόχρονα, οι χρονοβόρες και αυξημένου κόστους διεργασίες και έλεγχοι που πραγματοποιούνται για την αποφυγή ή την επιδιόρθωση της διάβρωσης δεν είναι πάντα αποδοτικές. Στην τρέχουσα βιομηχανική πρακτική, σε περιπτώσεις στατικής φόρτισης, η βλάβη διάβρωσης αντιμετωπίζεται θεωρώντας ότι έχει επέλθει μείωση της φέρουσας διατομής ίση με το βάθος της διαβρωτικής προσβολής και ακολουθεί εκ νέου υπολογισμός των τάσεων. Στις δυναμικές φορτίσεις, τα τρήμματα θεωρούνται ως πιθανά σημεία έναρξης των ρωγμών κόπωσης. Όμως, παρά την αναγνώριση της διάβρωσης ως έναν από τους μηχανισμούς που επιδρούν αρνητικά στη δομική ακεραιότητα μιας αεροπορικής δομής, ούτε και στον σχεδιασμό των αεροπορικών κατασκευών με ανοχή στη βλάβη, ο οποίος είναι ο σύγχρονος τρόπος σχεδιασμού και βασίζεται στις αρχές της θραυστομηχανικής, η βλάβη διάβρωσης λαμβάνεται υπόψη. Ως αποτέλεσμα, η επίδραση της διάβρωσης στη δομική ακεραιότητα των υλικών κάποιες φορές υποεκτιμάται.
Σκοπός της παρούσας διδακτορικής διατριβής είναι να συμβάλλει στην ανάπτυξη ικανοτήτων για την εκτίμηση της υποβάθμισης των μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων του διαβρωμένου υλικού με δεδομένα τα μεταλλογραφικά χαρακτηριστικά της βλάβης διάβρωσης. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, αναπτύσσεται μια μεθοδολογία η οποία επιτρέπει την υπολογιστική προσομοίωση της συμπεριφοράς εφελκυσμού του διαβρωμένου υλικού με δεδομένα τα μεταλλογραφικά χαρακτηριστικά της βλάβης διάβρωσης. Η εργασία περιλαμβάνει ένα πειραματικό και ένα υπολογιστικό σκέλος.
Το πειραματικό σκέλος περιλαμβάνει την εκτενή μεταλλογραφική μελέτη της βλάβης διάβρωσης, τη διεξαγωγή μηχανικών δοκιμών εφελκυσμού και τη μελέτη των επιφανειών θραύσης για την αναγνώριση των φυσικών μηχανισμών της βλάβης σε δοκίμια προ-διαβρωμένα για διαφορετικούς χρόνους έκθεσης στο διαβρωτικό περιβάλλον. Τα κύρια αποτελέσματα της πειραματικής διαδικασίας συνοψίζονται ως εξής: Η βλάβη διάβρωσης συσσωρεύεται βαθμιαία και εξελίσσεται, σε συνάρτηση με τον χρόνο έκθεσης, από τρημματική σε διάβρωση αποφλοίωσης. Οι μηχανικές δοκιμές εφελκυσμού στο διαβρωμένο υλικό έδειξαν μια μέτρια υποβάθμιση των ιδιοτήτων αντοχής, αλλά ταυτόχρονα μια σημαντική πτώση των ιδιοτήτων ολκιμότητας. Η μελέτη των επιφανειών θραύσης ανέδειξε την ύπαρξη ψαθυροποιημένων περιοχών κάτω από το στρώμα διάβρωσης. Η ύπαρξη τέτοιων ψαθυροποιημένων ζωνών έχει αποδοθεί από προηγούμενες εργασίες στην προσρόφηση υδρογόνου που παράγεται κατά την διαδικασία της διάβρωσης.
Το υπολογιστικό σκέλος περιλαμβάνει την ανάπτυξη μοντέλου πεπερασμένων στοιχείων σε μίκρο και μάκρο-κλίμακα. Για την προσομοίωση της συμπεριφοράς εφελκυσμού του διαβρωμένου υλικού σε μίκρο-κλίμακα αναπτύχθηκε μια Αντιπροσωπευτική Μοναδιαία Κυψελίδα (Representative Unit Cell) που περιλαμβάνει τρήμματα αντιπροσωπευτικά του χρόνου έκθεσης σε διαβρωτικό περιβάλλον. Η τοπικά υποβαθμισμένη συμπεριφορά εφελκυσμού του υλικού, λόγω της ύπαρξης των τρημμάτων, προσδιορίζεται από τις αντιπροσωπευτικές μοναδιαίες κυψελίδες και εισάγεται τοπικά σε ένα μοντέλο μάκρο-κλίμακας. Το μοντέλο λαμβάνει υπόψη την διαφορετική ένταση της βλάβης διάβρωσης στις διάφορες περιοχές του δοκιμίου. Τα αποτελέσματα του μοντέλου έδειξαν ικανοποιητική σύγκλιση με τις μηχανικές δοκιμές σε ότι αφορά στις ιδιότητες αντοχής. Αντίθετα, έδειξαν υποτίμηση της πειραματικά παρατηρούμενης μείωσης των ιδιοτήτων ολκιμότητας. Η υποτίμηση αυτή οφείλεται στο γεγονός ότι το μοντέλο, κα' αρχήν, δεν λαμβάνει υπόψη τους φυσικούς μηχανισμούς της ψαθυροποίησης του υλικού λόγω διάβρωσης.
Η μεθοδολογία που αναπτύχθηκε αποτελεί βήμα για τη σύνδεση της βλάβης διάβρωσης με τις απομένουσες μηχανικές ιδιότητες του υλικού και, επομένως, την ασφαλέστερη εκτίμηση της απομένουσας αντοχής διαβρωμένων αεροπορικών δομών. / Corrosion damage accumulation represents a major threat for the structural integrity of metallic aircraft structures and moreover has a strong effect on the load bearing capacity of aging aircraft structures. Corrosion damage is evaluated by means of metallographic features such as pitting density, depth and shape of pits, onset of exfoliation, etc. For the case of static loading, corrosion damage is usually accounted through reducing the metal thickness by the depth of corrosion attack and then calculating the corresponding stress increase. For the case of fatigue, corrosion pits are considered as possible onsets for fatigue cracks.
The aim of the present PhD thesis is to contribute to establish a link between the metallographic features of corrosion damage and the degradation of the mechanical properties of a corroded material. Towards this objective, a methodology is developed which allows the numerical simulation of the tensile behavior of the corroded material based on the metallographic features of the corrosion damage. The present work is divided in two parts: a) the experimental investigation and b) the numerical analysis.
The experimental part includes an extensive metallographic investigation of the occurring corrosion damage. Moreover, tensile tests were performed on the pre-corroded material which was exposed to the corrosive solution for several exposure periods. Finally, an examination of the fracture surfaces for the identification of the physical mechanisms of the damage has also been conducted. The main conclusion extracted from the metallographic procedure is that corrosion damage evolves from pitting to exfoliation progressively. The tensile tests performed on the pre corroded material revealed a moderate reduction concerning the tensile strength but a significant degradation of the tensile ductility even after short exposure periods. The examination of the fracture surfaces revealed the presence of quasi-cleavage zones beneath the depth of corrosion attack. The formation of these zones has been attributed by previous investigations to hydrogen diffusion and trapping into the corroded material during the corrosion process.
The simulation procedure involves the development of a multi scale finite element model. The corrosion damage has been accounted for by introducing 3D Representative Unit Cells (RUCs) developed in the micro scale, with geometrical characteristics obtained by the metallographic analysis data of the corroded material. The degradation of the Representative Unit Cell’s mechanical properties due to the presence of the damage has been recorded. A 3D Finite Element model of a tensile specimen has been developed. This model has been used to simulate the tensile behavior of the corroded material, by including elements with degraded properties extracted from the RUC analysis. For the different exposure times RUCs with different geometrical characteristics were used so as to account for the evolving corrosion damage. The simulation results correlate well with the respective tensile behavior of the alloy obtained by the mechanical tests. As far as tensile ductility is concerned a significant deviation was observed, due to the fact that the finite element model does not account for the embrittlement of the material due to hydrogen absorption.
The developed methodology represents a step towards the establishment of a link between the metallographic features of the corrosion damage and the residual mechanical properties of the material, and thus the more reliable estimation of the residual strength of the corroded aircraft structures.
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A Study of Failure Development in Thick Thermal Barrier CoatingsCarlsson, Karin January 2007 (has links)
Thermal barrier coatings (TBC) are used for reduction of component temperatures in gas turbines. The service temperature for turbines can be as high as 1100ºC and the components are exposed to thermal cycling and gases that will cause the component to oxidize and corrode. The coatings are designed to protect the substrate material from this, but eventually it will lead to failure of the TBC. It is important to have knowledge about when this failure is expected, since it is detrimental for the gas turbine. The scope of this thesis has been to see if an existing life model for thin TBC also is valid for thick TBC. In order to do so, a thermal cycling fatigue test, a tensile test and finite element calculation have been performed. The thermal cycling fatigue test and finite element calculation were done to find correlations between the damage due to thermal cycling, the number of thermal cycles and the energy release rate. The tensile test was preformed to find the amount accumulated strain until damage. The thermal cycling lead to failure of the TBC at the bond coat/top coat interface. The measurment of damage, porosity and thickness of thermally grown oxide were unsatisfying due to problems with the specimen preparation. However, a tendency for the damage development were seen. The finite element calculations gave values for the energy release rate the stress intensity factors in mode~I and mode~II that can be used in the life model. The tensile test showed that the failure mechanism is dependent of the coating thickness and it gave a rough value of the maximum strain acceptable.
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Nylon-6/Agricultural Filler CompositesAmintowlieh, Yasaman January 2010 (has links)
Preparation of thermoplastics composites using engineering thermoplastics and plant fibers or fillers is a technical challenge because the processing temperature of the thermoplastics is generally above the temperature of degradation of plant fibers of fillers. There have been numerous attempts for processing high melting point engineering thermoplastics like Nylon-6 with plant natural fibers and fillers. Low temperature processing methods, fiber modification or addition of additives which drops polymer melting point are some of proposed solutions for this problem.
The objective of this thesis was to develop a formulation using wheat straw (WS) as a reinforcing fiber for Nylon-6. The concentration of WS was 15 wt-%. The thermoplastic composites were prepared by mixing grinded wheat straw and Nylon-6 using a laboratory scale twin-screw extruder; follow by preparation of samples using injection moulding. The strategy investigated in this thesis was utilization of additives to lower the melting point or to decrease the viscosity of Nylon-6. Lithium chloride salt (LiCl) and N-Butyl benzene Sulfon amide plasticizer (N-BBSA) were used as process additives to decrease melting point and to reduce the processing temperature and time.
The addition of the wheat straw (15 wt-%) to the Nylon-6 increased modulus by 26.9 % but decreased the strength by 9.9 %. Effect of different level of these two additives on mechanical, thermal, physical properties and processability of the composite runs were studied. Addition of 4 wt-% LiCl was found to decrease the melting point from 222 °C to 191 °C, to increase modulus by 14 % in comparison to Nylon-6/wheat straw (15 wt-%). However, it decreased the processability and strength by 12.7 %.
Plasticizer was investigated to easing processability and decreasing the degradation by reducing the residence time in the extruder, it does not affect the melting point of Nylon-6. The addition of 4 wt-% of plasticizer (N-BBSA) increased modulus and strength only by 2.6 % and 3 %, respectively, in comparison to Nylon-6/wheat straw (15 wt-%) composites. The results of mechanical properties were used as a benchmark for comparisons among samples with different formulations (levels of additives) to find out levels of LiCl and N-BBSA for the best mechanical properties. It was found that samples with 2 wt-% LiCl and 2 wt-% of N-BBSA had 29.3 % higher tensile modulus than neat Nylon-6, while its strength was almost same as neat Nylon-6 and 6.3 % higher than Nylon-6/WS (15 wt-%). These results were used to correlate the mechanical properties as a function of percentage of salt and plasticizer in the formulation.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to evaluate the percentage of crystallinity and the melting point of the thermoplastic phase and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to measure the thermal stability of different formulation. The kinetics of crystallization and degradation were evaluated using results from DSC and TGA, respectively. The activation energy for thermal degradation and the percentage of crystallinity of the thermoplastic composites were correlated to mechanical properties using linear regression. It was found that fiber degradation had a significant effect on strength but the effects of percentage of crystallinity on composites strength were insignificant. On the other hand, the percentage of crystallinity affects stiffness and impact strength. The ductility was a function of both crystallinity and thermal stability.
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An integrated experimental and finite element study to understand the mechanical behavior of carbon reinforced polymer nanocompositesBhuiyan, Md Atiqur Rahman 27 August 2014 (has links)
The exceptional properties of carbon nanomaterials make them ideal reinforcements for polymers. However, the main challenges in utilizing their unique properties are their tendency to form agglomerates, their non-controlled orientation, non-homogeneous distribution and finally the change in their shape/size due to processing. All the above are the result of the nanomaterial/polymer interfacial interactions which dictate the overall performance of the composites including the mechanical properties. The aforementioned uncertainties are the reason for the deviation observed between the experimentally determined properties and the theoretically expected ones. The focus of this study is to understand the reinforcing efficiency of carbon nanomaterials in polymers through finite element modeling that captures the effect of the interfacial interactions on the tensile modulus of polymer nanocomposites (PNCs). The novelty of this work is that the probability distribution functions of nanomaterials dispersion, distribution, orientation and waviness, determined through image analysis by extracting 3-D information from 2-D scanning electron micrographs, are incorporated into the finite element model allowing thus for fundamental understanding of how the nanostructure parameters affect the tensile modulus of the PNCs. The nanocomposites are made using melt mixing followed by either injections molding or melt spinning of fibers. Polypropylene (PP) is used as the polymer and carbon nanotubes (CNT) or exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets (xGnP) are used as nanoreinforcements. The presence of interphase, confirmed and characterized in terms of stiffness and width using atomic force microscopy, is also accounted for in the model. The dispersion and distribution of CNT within the polymer is experimentally altered by using a surfactant and by forcing the molten material to flow through a narrow orifice (melt spinning) that promotes alignment of CNT and even of the polymer chains along the flow/drawing direction. The effect of nanomaterials' geometry on the mechanical behavior of PNCs is also studied by comparing the properties of CNT/PP to those of xGnP/PP composites. Finally the reinforcing efficiency of CNT is determined independently of the viscoelastic behavior of the polymer by conducting tensile testing at temperatures below the glass transition temperature of PP. The finite element model with the incorporated image analysis subroutine has sufficient resolution to distinguish among the different cases (dispersion, distribution, geometry and alignment of nanomaterials) and the predicted tensile modulus is in agreement with the experimentally determined one. In conclusion, this study provides a tool, that integrates finite element modeling and thorough experiments that enables design of polymer nanocomposites with engineered mechanical properties.
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Bemessungsmodell zur Berechnung der Tragfähigkeit von biegeverstärkten StahlbetonplattenFrenzel, Michael, Curbach, Manfred 05 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In diesem Beitrag werden ein Berechnungsverfahren und ein Bemessungskonzept für biegebeanspruchte textilbetonverstärkte Stahlbetonbauteile vorgestellt. Ihre Anwendbarkeit wird durch die Auswertung von Versuchen an verstärkten Stahlbetonplatten mit einer Reihe veränderlicher Ausgangswerte überprüft. Als Ergebnis dieser Arbeit stehen dem Anwender einfach nutzbare, praxisgerechte Bemessungstabellen zur Verfügung. / This article introduces a calculation method and a design concept for reinforced concrete elements strengthened with textile concrete. Its applicability is verified by an analysis of tests with strengthened steel reinforced concrete slabs with a certain variety of design parameters. Results of this work are easy manageable, praxis-orientated design tables that are available for users.
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Aggregate coalescence and factors affecting it.Hasanah, Uswah January 2007 (has links)
The phenomenon called soil aggregate coalescence occurs at contact-points between aggregates and causes soil strength to increase to values that can inhibit plant root exploration and thus potential yield. During natural wetting and drying, soil aggregates appear to ‘weld’ together with little or no increase in dry bulk density. The precise reasons for this phenomenon are not understood, but it has been found to occur even in soils comprised entirely of water stable aggregates. Soil aggregate coalescence has not been widely observed and reported in soil science and yet may pose a significant risk for crops preventing them from achieving their genetic and environmental yield potentials. This project used soil penetrometer resistance and an indirect tensile-strength test to measure the early stages of aggregate coalescence and to evaluate their effects on the early growth of tomato plants. The early stages of aggregate coalescence were thought to be affected by a number of factors including: the matric suction of water during application and subsequent drainage, the overburden pressure on moist soil in the root zone, the initial size of soil aggregates prior to wetting, and the degree of sodicity of the soil aggregates. Seven mainexperiments were conducted to evaluate these factors. The matric suction during wetting of a seedbed affects the degree of aggregate slaking that occurs, and the strength of the wetted aggregates. The matric suction during draining affects the magnitude of ‘effective stresses’ that operate to retain soil structural integrity as the soil drains and dries out. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of matric suction (within a range of suctions experienced in the field) on aggregate coalescence using soils of two different textures. Sieved aggregates (0.5 to 2 mm diameter) from a coarse-textured and two fine-textured (swelling) soils were packed into cylindrical rings (4.77 cm i.d., 5 cm high) and subjected to different suctions on wetting (near-saturation, and 1 kPa), and on draining (10 kPa on sintered-glass funnels, and 100 kPa on ceramic pressure plates). After one-week of drainage, penetrometer resistance was measured as a function of depth to approximately 45 mm (penetrometer had a recessedshaft, cone diameter = 2 mm, advanced at a rate of 0.3 mm/min). Tensile strength of other core-samples was measured after air-drying using an indirect “Brazilian” crushing test. For the coarse-textured soil, penetrometer resistance was significantly greater for samples wet to near-saturation, despite there being no significant increase in dry bulk density; this was not the case for the finer-textured soils, and it was difficult to distinguish the effects of variable bulk density upon drying from those of the imposed wetting treatments. In both coarse- and fine-textured soils, the tensile strength was significantly greater for samples wet to near-saturation. Thus wetting- and draining-suctions were both found to influence the degree of soil aggregate coalescence as measured by penetrometer resistance and tensile strength. Aggregate coalescence in irrigated crops is known to develop as the growing season progresses. It was therefore thought to be linked to the repeated occurrence of matric suctions that enhance the phenomenon during cycles of wetting and draining. An experiment was conducted to determine the extent of aggregate coalescence in a coarsetextured and two fine-textured (swelling clay) soils during 8 successive cycles of wetting and draining. Sieved aggregates (0.5 to 2 mm diameter) from each soil were packed into cylindrical rings (4.77 cm i.d., 5 cm high) and wetted to near saturation for 24 h. They were then drained on ceramic pressure plates to a suction of 100 kPa for one week, after which penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were measured as described above. The degree of expression of aggregate coalescence depended on soil type. For the coarse-textured soil, repeated wetting and draining significantly increased bulk density, penetrometer resistance and tensile strength. For the fine-textured soil, penetrometer resistance and bulk density did not vary significantly with repeated wetting and draining; on the contrary, there was evidence in these swelling clay soils to suggest bulk density and penetrometer resistance decreased. However, there was a progressive increase in tensile strength as cycles of wetting and draining progressed. The expansive nature of the fine-textured soil appears to have masked the development of aggregate coalescence as measured by penetrometer resistance, but its expression was very clear in measurements of tensile strength despite the reduction in bulk density with successive wetting and draining. Field observations have indicated that aggregate coalescence is first expressed at the bottom of the seedbed and that it develops progressively upward to the soil surface during the growing season. This suggests that overburden pressures may enhance the onset of the phenomenon by increasing the degree of inter-aggregate contact. Soils containing large quantities of particulate organic matter were known to resist the onset of aggregate coalescence to some extent. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of soil organic matter and overburden pressures, by placing brass cylinders of various weights (equivalent to static load pressures of 0, 0.49, 1.47 and 2.47 kPa) on the top of dry soil aggregates (0.5 – 2 mm diameter) having widely different soil organic carbon contents placed in steel rings 5 cm high and 5 cm i.d. With the weights in place, the aggregates were wetted to near-saturation for 24 h and then drained on ceramic pressure plates to a suction of 100 kPa for one week. Bulk density, penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were measured when the samples were removed from the pressure plates and they all increased significantly with increasing overburden pressure in the soil with low organic matter content, but not in the soil with high organic matter content. The amount of tillage used to prepare seedbeds influences the size distribution of soil aggregates produced – that is, more tillage produces finer seedbeds. The size distribution of soil aggregates affects the number of inter-aggregate contact points and this was thought to influence the degree of aggregate coalescence that develops in a seedbed. Previous work has shown that soil organic matter reduces aggregate coalescence and so an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of aggregate size and organic matter on the phenomenon. For soils with high and low organic matter contents, aggregate size fractions of < 0.5, 0.5 – 2, 2 – 4, and < 4 mm were packed into soil cores (as above) and wetted to near-saturation then drained to 100 kPa suction as described above. Penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were measured and found to increase directly with the amount of fine material present in the soil cores – being greater in the < 0.5 mm and < 4 mm fractions, and being less in the 0.5 – 2 mm and 2 – 4 mm fractions. In all cases, penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were lower in the samples containing more organic matter. The rate at which soil aggregates are wetted in a seedbed affects the degree of slaking and densification that occurs, and the extent to which aggregates are wetted influences the overall strength of a seedbed. Both wetting rate and the extent of wetting were believed to influence the onset of aggregate coalescence and were thought to be affected by soil organic matter and irrigation technique. An experiment was therefore designed to separate these effects so that improvements to management could be evaluated for their greatest efficacy – that is, to determine whether management should focus on improving irrigation technique or increasing soil organic matter content, or both. The rate of wetting was controlled by spraying (or not spraying) soil aggregates (0.5 – 2 mm diameter) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Samples of coarse- and fine-textured soils were packed into steel rings (as above) and subjected to different application rates of water (1, 10 and 100 mm/h) using a dripper system controlled by a peristaltic pump. Samples were brought to either a near-saturated state or to a suction of 10 kPa for 24 h, and then drained on a pressure plate at a suction of 100 kPa for one week. Measurements of penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were then made as described above. As expected, penetrometer resistance was lower in samples treated with PVA before wetting (slower wetting rates) and in samples held at a greater suction (10 kPa) after initial wetting (greater inter-aggregate strength). The effects were more pronounced in the coarse-textured soil. In both coarse- and fine-textured soils, tensile strengths increased with increasing wetting rate (greatest for 100 mm/h) and extent of wetting (greater when held at near-saturated conditions). The rate of wetting was found to be somewhat more important for promoting aggregate coalescence than the extent of wetting. Because aggregate coalescence often occurs with little or no increase in bulk density, an explanation for the increase in penetrometer resistance and tensile strength is unlikely to be explained by a large increase in the number of inter-aggregate contacts. An increase in the strength of existing points of inter-aggregate contact was therefore considered in this work. For inter-aggregate bond strengths to increase, it was hypothesized that small increases in the amount of mechanically (or spontaneously) dispersed clay particles, and subsequent deposition at inter-aggregate contact points could increase aggregate coalescence as measured by penetrometer resistance and tensile strength. An experiment was devised to manipulate the amount of spontaneously dispersed clay in coarse- and fine-textured soils of high and low organic matter content. The degree of sodicity of each soil was manipulated by varying the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of soil aggregates (0.5 – 2mm) above and below a nominal threshold value of 6. Dry aggregates were then packed into steel rings (as above) and subjected to wetting near saturation, then draining to a suction of 100 kPa for one week as described above. Measurements were then taken of penetrometer resistance and tensile strength, both of which were affected by ESP in different ways. In the coarse-textured soil, sodicity enhanced aggregate slaking and dispersion, which increased bulk density. While penetrometer resistance also increased, its effect on aggregate coalescence could not be separated from a simple effect of increased bulk density. Similarly, the effect of sodicity on aggregate coalescence in the fine-textured soil was confounded by the higher water contents produced by greater swelling, which produced lower-than-expected penetrometer resistance. Measurements of tensile strength were conducted on air-dry samples, and so the confounding effects of bulk density and water content were eliminated and it was found that tensile strength increased with sodicity in both coarse- and fine-textured soils. The presence of dispersed clay was therefore implicated in the development of aggregate coalescence in this work. Finally, a preliminary evaluation of how the early stages of aggregate coalescence might affect plant growth was attempted using tomatoes (Gross lisse) as a test plant. Seeds were planted in aggregates (0.5 – 4 mm) of a coarse- or fine-textured soil packed in steel rings. These were wetted at a rate of 1 mm/h to either near-saturation (for maximum coalescence) or to a suction of 10 kPa (for minimum coalescence) and held under these conditions for 24 h. All samples were then transferred to a ceramic pressure plate for drainage to 100 kPa suction for one week. Samples were then placed in a growth-cabinet held at 20C with controlled exposure to 14 h light/day. Germination of the seeds, plant height, and number and length of roots were observed. Germination of the seeds held at near-saturation in both coarse- and fine-textured soils was delayed by 24 h compared with seeds held at 10 kPa suction. Neither the number nor the length of tomato roots differed significantly between the different treatments and soils. In the coarse-textured soil, however, the total root length over a period of 14 days was somewhat greater in the uncoalesced samples than in the coalesced samples, but this difference was not statistically significant. These results suggest that aside from delaying germination, aggregate coalescence may not have a large effect on early growth of tomato plants. However, this is not to say that detrimental effects may not be manifest at later stages of plant growth, and this certainly needs to be evaluated, particularly because aggregate coalescence increase with repeated cycles of wetting and draining. In conclusion, the primary findings of the work undertaken in this thesis were: • Rapid wetting of soil aggregates to near-saturation enhanced the onset of soil aggregate coalescence as measured by (in some cases) penetrometer resistance at a soil water suction of 100 kPa, and (in most cases) tensile strength of soil cores in the air-dry state. The rate of wetting appeared to be more important in bringing on aggregate coalescence than how wet the soil eventually became during wetting. This means reducing the rate at which irrigation water is applied to soils may reduce the onset of aggregate coalescence more effectively than controlling the total amount of water applied – though both are important. The literature reports that aggregate coalescence occurs in the field over periods of up to several months, involving multiple wetting and draining cycles, but the work here demonstrated that this can occur over much shorter time periods depending on conditions imposed. • Aggregate coalescence occurred in coarse-textured soils regardless of whether the bulk density increased during wetting and draining. In finer-textured soils, the response to wetting conditions varied and was complicated by changes in bulk density and water content due to swelling. • Small overburden pressures enhanced the onset of aggregate coalescence, but these effects were diminished in the presence of high soil organic matter contents. • Finer aggregate size distributions (which are often produced in the field by excessive tillage during seedbed preparation) invariably led to greater aggregate coalescence than coarser aggregate size distributions. The effects of aggregate size were mitigated to some extent by higher contents of soil organic matter. • Sodicity enhanced aggregate coalescence as measured by tensile strength, but when penetrometer resistance was measured in the moist state, the effects were masked to some extent by higher water contents generated by swelling and dispersion. This work suggests that tensile strength (in the air dry state) may be a more effective measure of aggregate coalescence than penetrometer resistance. • Early plant response to aggregate coalescence was not large, but the response may become magnified during later stages of growth. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1297583 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2007
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Aggregate coalescence and factors affecting it.Hasanah, Uswah January 2007 (has links)
The phenomenon called soil aggregate coalescence occurs at contact-points between aggregates and causes soil strength to increase to values that can inhibit plant root exploration and thus potential yield. During natural wetting and drying, soil aggregates appear to ‘weld’ together with little or no increase in dry bulk density. The precise reasons for this phenomenon are not understood, but it has been found to occur even in soils comprised entirely of water stable aggregates. Soil aggregate coalescence has not been widely observed and reported in soil science and yet may pose a significant risk for crops preventing them from achieving their genetic and environmental yield potentials. This project used soil penetrometer resistance and an indirect tensile-strength test to measure the early stages of aggregate coalescence and to evaluate their effects on the early growth of tomato plants. The early stages of aggregate coalescence were thought to be affected by a number of factors including: the matric suction of water during application and subsequent drainage, the overburden pressure on moist soil in the root zone, the initial size of soil aggregates prior to wetting, and the degree of sodicity of the soil aggregates. Seven mainexperiments were conducted to evaluate these factors. The matric suction during wetting of a seedbed affects the degree of aggregate slaking that occurs, and the strength of the wetted aggregates. The matric suction during draining affects the magnitude of ‘effective stresses’ that operate to retain soil structural integrity as the soil drains and dries out. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of matric suction (within a range of suctions experienced in the field) on aggregate coalescence using soils of two different textures. Sieved aggregates (0.5 to 2 mm diameter) from a coarse-textured and two fine-textured (swelling) soils were packed into cylindrical rings (4.77 cm i.d., 5 cm high) and subjected to different suctions on wetting (near-saturation, and 1 kPa), and on draining (10 kPa on sintered-glass funnels, and 100 kPa on ceramic pressure plates). After one-week of drainage, penetrometer resistance was measured as a function of depth to approximately 45 mm (penetrometer had a recessedshaft, cone diameter = 2 mm, advanced at a rate of 0.3 mm/min). Tensile strength of other core-samples was measured after air-drying using an indirect “Brazilian” crushing test. For the coarse-textured soil, penetrometer resistance was significantly greater for samples wet to near-saturation, despite there being no significant increase in dry bulk density; this was not the case for the finer-textured soils, and it was difficult to distinguish the effects of variable bulk density upon drying from those of the imposed wetting treatments. In both coarse- and fine-textured soils, the tensile strength was significantly greater for samples wet to near-saturation. Thus wetting- and draining-suctions were both found to influence the degree of soil aggregate coalescence as measured by penetrometer resistance and tensile strength. Aggregate coalescence in irrigated crops is known to develop as the growing season progresses. It was therefore thought to be linked to the repeated occurrence of matric suctions that enhance the phenomenon during cycles of wetting and draining. An experiment was conducted to determine the extent of aggregate coalescence in a coarsetextured and two fine-textured (swelling clay) soils during 8 successive cycles of wetting and draining. Sieved aggregates (0.5 to 2 mm diameter) from each soil were packed into cylindrical rings (4.77 cm i.d., 5 cm high) and wetted to near saturation for 24 h. They were then drained on ceramic pressure plates to a suction of 100 kPa for one week, after which penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were measured as described above. The degree of expression of aggregate coalescence depended on soil type. For the coarse-textured soil, repeated wetting and draining significantly increased bulk density, penetrometer resistance and tensile strength. For the fine-textured soil, penetrometer resistance and bulk density did not vary significantly with repeated wetting and draining; on the contrary, there was evidence in these swelling clay soils to suggest bulk density and penetrometer resistance decreased. However, there was a progressive increase in tensile strength as cycles of wetting and draining progressed. The expansive nature of the fine-textured soil appears to have masked the development of aggregate coalescence as measured by penetrometer resistance, but its expression was very clear in measurements of tensile strength despite the reduction in bulk density with successive wetting and draining. Field observations have indicated that aggregate coalescence is first expressed at the bottom of the seedbed and that it develops progressively upward to the soil surface during the growing season. This suggests that overburden pressures may enhance the onset of the phenomenon by increasing the degree of inter-aggregate contact. Soils containing large quantities of particulate organic matter were known to resist the onset of aggregate coalescence to some extent. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of soil organic matter and overburden pressures, by placing brass cylinders of various weights (equivalent to static load pressures of 0, 0.49, 1.47 and 2.47 kPa) on the top of dry soil aggregates (0.5 – 2 mm diameter) having widely different soil organic carbon contents placed in steel rings 5 cm high and 5 cm i.d. With the weights in place, the aggregates were wetted to near-saturation for 24 h and then drained on ceramic pressure plates to a suction of 100 kPa for one week. Bulk density, penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were measured when the samples were removed from the pressure plates and they all increased significantly with increasing overburden pressure in the soil with low organic matter content, but not in the soil with high organic matter content. The amount of tillage used to prepare seedbeds influences the size distribution of soil aggregates produced – that is, more tillage produces finer seedbeds. The size distribution of soil aggregates affects the number of inter-aggregate contact points and this was thought to influence the degree of aggregate coalescence that develops in a seedbed. Previous work has shown that soil organic matter reduces aggregate coalescence and so an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of aggregate size and organic matter on the phenomenon. For soils with high and low organic matter contents, aggregate size fractions of < 0.5, 0.5 – 2, 2 – 4, and < 4 mm were packed into soil cores (as above) and wetted to near-saturation then drained to 100 kPa suction as described above. Penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were measured and found to increase directly with the amount of fine material present in the soil cores – being greater in the < 0.5 mm and < 4 mm fractions, and being less in the 0.5 – 2 mm and 2 – 4 mm fractions. In all cases, penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were lower in the samples containing more organic matter. The rate at which soil aggregates are wetted in a seedbed affects the degree of slaking and densification that occurs, and the extent to which aggregates are wetted influences the overall strength of a seedbed. Both wetting rate and the extent of wetting were believed to influence the onset of aggregate coalescence and were thought to be affected by soil organic matter and irrigation technique. An experiment was therefore designed to separate these effects so that improvements to management could be evaluated for their greatest efficacy – that is, to determine whether management should focus on improving irrigation technique or increasing soil organic matter content, or both. The rate of wetting was controlled by spraying (or not spraying) soil aggregates (0.5 – 2 mm diameter) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Samples of coarse- and fine-textured soils were packed into steel rings (as above) and subjected to different application rates of water (1, 10 and 100 mm/h) using a dripper system controlled by a peristaltic pump. Samples were brought to either a near-saturated state or to a suction of 10 kPa for 24 h, and then drained on a pressure plate at a suction of 100 kPa for one week. Measurements of penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were then made as described above. As expected, penetrometer resistance was lower in samples treated with PVA before wetting (slower wetting rates) and in samples held at a greater suction (10 kPa) after initial wetting (greater inter-aggregate strength). The effects were more pronounced in the coarse-textured soil. In both coarse- and fine-textured soils, tensile strengths increased with increasing wetting rate (greatest for 100 mm/h) and extent of wetting (greater when held at near-saturated conditions). The rate of wetting was found to be somewhat more important for promoting aggregate coalescence than the extent of wetting. Because aggregate coalescence often occurs with little or no increase in bulk density, an explanation for the increase in penetrometer resistance and tensile strength is unlikely to be explained by a large increase in the number of inter-aggregate contacts. An increase in the strength of existing points of inter-aggregate contact was therefore considered in this work. For inter-aggregate bond strengths to increase, it was hypothesized that small increases in the amount of mechanically (or spontaneously) dispersed clay particles, and subsequent deposition at inter-aggregate contact points could increase aggregate coalescence as measured by penetrometer resistance and tensile strength. An experiment was devised to manipulate the amount of spontaneously dispersed clay in coarse- and fine-textured soils of high and low organic matter content. The degree of sodicity of each soil was manipulated by varying the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of soil aggregates (0.5 – 2mm) above and below a nominal threshold value of 6. Dry aggregates were then packed into steel rings (as above) and subjected to wetting near saturation, then draining to a suction of 100 kPa for one week as described above. Measurements were then taken of penetrometer resistance and tensile strength, both of which were affected by ESP in different ways. In the coarse-textured soil, sodicity enhanced aggregate slaking and dispersion, which increased bulk density. While penetrometer resistance also increased, its effect on aggregate coalescence could not be separated from a simple effect of increased bulk density. Similarly, the effect of sodicity on aggregate coalescence in the fine-textured soil was confounded by the higher water contents produced by greater swelling, which produced lower-than-expected penetrometer resistance. Measurements of tensile strength were conducted on air-dry samples, and so the confounding effects of bulk density and water content were eliminated and it was found that tensile strength increased with sodicity in both coarse- and fine-textured soils. The presence of dispersed clay was therefore implicated in the development of aggregate coalescence in this work. Finally, a preliminary evaluation of how the early stages of aggregate coalescence might affect plant growth was attempted using tomatoes (Gross lisse) as a test plant. Seeds were planted in aggregates (0.5 – 4 mm) of a coarse- or fine-textured soil packed in steel rings. These were wetted at a rate of 1 mm/h to either near-saturation (for maximum coalescence) or to a suction of 10 kPa (for minimum coalescence) and held under these conditions for 24 h. All samples were then transferred to a ceramic pressure plate for drainage to 100 kPa suction for one week. Samples were then placed in a growth-cabinet held at 20C with controlled exposure to 14 h light/day. Germination of the seeds, plant height, and number and length of roots were observed. Germination of the seeds held at near-saturation in both coarse- and fine-textured soils was delayed by 24 h compared with seeds held at 10 kPa suction. Neither the number nor the length of tomato roots differed significantly between the different treatments and soils. In the coarse-textured soil, however, the total root length over a period of 14 days was somewhat greater in the uncoalesced samples than in the coalesced samples, but this difference was not statistically significant. These results suggest that aside from delaying germination, aggregate coalescence may not have a large effect on early growth of tomato plants. However, this is not to say that detrimental effects may not be manifest at later stages of plant growth, and this certainly needs to be evaluated, particularly because aggregate coalescence increase with repeated cycles of wetting and draining. In conclusion, the primary findings of the work undertaken in this thesis were: • Rapid wetting of soil aggregates to near-saturation enhanced the onset of soil aggregate coalescence as measured by (in some cases) penetrometer resistance at a soil water suction of 100 kPa, and (in most cases) tensile strength of soil cores in the air-dry state. The rate of wetting appeared to be more important in bringing on aggregate coalescence than how wet the soil eventually became during wetting. This means reducing the rate at which irrigation water is applied to soils may reduce the onset of aggregate coalescence more effectively than controlling the total amount of water applied – though both are important. The literature reports that aggregate coalescence occurs in the field over periods of up to several months, involving multiple wetting and draining cycles, but the work here demonstrated that this can occur over much shorter time periods depending on conditions imposed. • Aggregate coalescence occurred in coarse-textured soils regardless of whether the bulk density increased during wetting and draining. In finer-textured soils, the response to wetting conditions varied and was complicated by changes in bulk density and water content due to swelling. • Small overburden pressures enhanced the onset of aggregate coalescence, but these effects were diminished in the presence of high soil organic matter contents. • Finer aggregate size distributions (which are often produced in the field by excessive tillage during seedbed preparation) invariably led to greater aggregate coalescence than coarser aggregate size distributions. The effects of aggregate size were mitigated to some extent by higher contents of soil organic matter. • Sodicity enhanced aggregate coalescence as measured by tensile strength, but when penetrometer resistance was measured in the moist state, the effects were masked to some extent by higher water contents generated by swelling and dispersion. This work suggests that tensile strength (in the air dry state) may be a more effective measure of aggregate coalescence than penetrometer resistance. • Early plant response to aggregate coalescence was not large, but the response may become magnified during later stages of growth. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1297583 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2007
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Aggregate coalescence and factors affecting it.Hasanah, Uswah January 2007 (has links)
The phenomenon called soil aggregate coalescence occurs at contact-points between aggregates and causes soil strength to increase to values that can inhibit plant root exploration and thus potential yield. During natural wetting and drying, soil aggregates appear to ‘weld’ together with little or no increase in dry bulk density. The precise reasons for this phenomenon are not understood, but it has been found to occur even in soils comprised entirely of water stable aggregates. Soil aggregate coalescence has not been widely observed and reported in soil science and yet may pose a significant risk for crops preventing them from achieving their genetic and environmental yield potentials. This project used soil penetrometer resistance and an indirect tensile-strength test to measure the early stages of aggregate coalescence and to evaluate their effects on the early growth of tomato plants. The early stages of aggregate coalescence were thought to be affected by a number of factors including: the matric suction of water during application and subsequent drainage, the overburden pressure on moist soil in the root zone, the initial size of soil aggregates prior to wetting, and the degree of sodicity of the soil aggregates. Seven mainexperiments were conducted to evaluate these factors. The matric suction during wetting of a seedbed affects the degree of aggregate slaking that occurs, and the strength of the wetted aggregates. The matric suction during draining affects the magnitude of ‘effective stresses’ that operate to retain soil structural integrity as the soil drains and dries out. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of matric suction (within a range of suctions experienced in the field) on aggregate coalescence using soils of two different textures. Sieved aggregates (0.5 to 2 mm diameter) from a coarse-textured and two fine-textured (swelling) soils were packed into cylindrical rings (4.77 cm i.d., 5 cm high) and subjected to different suctions on wetting (near-saturation, and 1 kPa), and on draining (10 kPa on sintered-glass funnels, and 100 kPa on ceramic pressure plates). After one-week of drainage, penetrometer resistance was measured as a function of depth to approximately 45 mm (penetrometer had a recessedshaft, cone diameter = 2 mm, advanced at a rate of 0.3 mm/min). Tensile strength of other core-samples was measured after air-drying using an indirect “Brazilian” crushing test. For the coarse-textured soil, penetrometer resistance was significantly greater for samples wet to near-saturation, despite there being no significant increase in dry bulk density; this was not the case for the finer-textured soils, and it was difficult to distinguish the effects of variable bulk density upon drying from those of the imposed wetting treatments. In both coarse- and fine-textured soils, the tensile strength was significantly greater for samples wet to near-saturation. Thus wetting- and draining-suctions were both found to influence the degree of soil aggregate coalescence as measured by penetrometer resistance and tensile strength. Aggregate coalescence in irrigated crops is known to develop as the growing season progresses. It was therefore thought to be linked to the repeated occurrence of matric suctions that enhance the phenomenon during cycles of wetting and draining. An experiment was conducted to determine the extent of aggregate coalescence in a coarsetextured and two fine-textured (swelling clay) soils during 8 successive cycles of wetting and draining. Sieved aggregates (0.5 to 2 mm diameter) from each soil were packed into cylindrical rings (4.77 cm i.d., 5 cm high) and wetted to near saturation for 24 h. They were then drained on ceramic pressure plates to a suction of 100 kPa for one week, after which penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were measured as described above. The degree of expression of aggregate coalescence depended on soil type. For the coarse-textured soil, repeated wetting and draining significantly increased bulk density, penetrometer resistance and tensile strength. For the fine-textured soil, penetrometer resistance and bulk density did not vary significantly with repeated wetting and draining; on the contrary, there was evidence in these swelling clay soils to suggest bulk density and penetrometer resistance decreased. However, there was a progressive increase in tensile strength as cycles of wetting and draining progressed. The expansive nature of the fine-textured soil appears to have masked the development of aggregate coalescence as measured by penetrometer resistance, but its expression was very clear in measurements of tensile strength despite the reduction in bulk density with successive wetting and draining. Field observations have indicated that aggregate coalescence is first expressed at the bottom of the seedbed and that it develops progressively upward to the soil surface during the growing season. This suggests that overburden pressures may enhance the onset of the phenomenon by increasing the degree of inter-aggregate contact. Soils containing large quantities of particulate organic matter were known to resist the onset of aggregate coalescence to some extent. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of soil organic matter and overburden pressures, by placing brass cylinders of various weights (equivalent to static load pressures of 0, 0.49, 1.47 and 2.47 kPa) on the top of dry soil aggregates (0.5 – 2 mm diameter) having widely different soil organic carbon contents placed in steel rings 5 cm high and 5 cm i.d. With the weights in place, the aggregates were wetted to near-saturation for 24 h and then drained on ceramic pressure plates to a suction of 100 kPa for one week. Bulk density, penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were measured when the samples were removed from the pressure plates and they all increased significantly with increasing overburden pressure in the soil with low organic matter content, but not in the soil with high organic matter content. The amount of tillage used to prepare seedbeds influences the size distribution of soil aggregates produced – that is, more tillage produces finer seedbeds. The size distribution of soil aggregates affects the number of inter-aggregate contact points and this was thought to influence the degree of aggregate coalescence that develops in a seedbed. Previous work has shown that soil organic matter reduces aggregate coalescence and so an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of aggregate size and organic matter on the phenomenon. For soils with high and low organic matter contents, aggregate size fractions of < 0.5, 0.5 – 2, 2 – 4, and < 4 mm were packed into soil cores (as above) and wetted to near-saturation then drained to 100 kPa suction as described above. Penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were measured and found to increase directly with the amount of fine material present in the soil cores – being greater in the < 0.5 mm and < 4 mm fractions, and being less in the 0.5 – 2 mm and 2 – 4 mm fractions. In all cases, penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were lower in the samples containing more organic matter. The rate at which soil aggregates are wetted in a seedbed affects the degree of slaking and densification that occurs, and the extent to which aggregates are wetted influences the overall strength of a seedbed. Both wetting rate and the extent of wetting were believed to influence the onset of aggregate coalescence and were thought to be affected by soil organic matter and irrigation technique. An experiment was therefore designed to separate these effects so that improvements to management could be evaluated for their greatest efficacy – that is, to determine whether management should focus on improving irrigation technique or increasing soil organic matter content, or both. The rate of wetting was controlled by spraying (or not spraying) soil aggregates (0.5 – 2 mm diameter) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Samples of coarse- and fine-textured soils were packed into steel rings (as above) and subjected to different application rates of water (1, 10 and 100 mm/h) using a dripper system controlled by a peristaltic pump. Samples were brought to either a near-saturated state or to a suction of 10 kPa for 24 h, and then drained on a pressure plate at a suction of 100 kPa for one week. Measurements of penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were then made as described above. As expected, penetrometer resistance was lower in samples treated with PVA before wetting (slower wetting rates) and in samples held at a greater suction (10 kPa) after initial wetting (greater inter-aggregate strength). The effects were more pronounced in the coarse-textured soil. In both coarse- and fine-textured soils, tensile strengths increased with increasing wetting rate (greatest for 100 mm/h) and extent of wetting (greater when held at near-saturated conditions). The rate of wetting was found to be somewhat more important for promoting aggregate coalescence than the extent of wetting. Because aggregate coalescence often occurs with little or no increase in bulk density, an explanation for the increase in penetrometer resistance and tensile strength is unlikely to be explained by a large increase in the number of inter-aggregate contacts. An increase in the strength of existing points of inter-aggregate contact was therefore considered in this work. For inter-aggregate bond strengths to increase, it was hypothesized that small increases in the amount of mechanically (or spontaneously) dispersed clay particles, and subsequent deposition at inter-aggregate contact points could increase aggregate coalescence as measured by penetrometer resistance and tensile strength. An experiment was devised to manipulate the amount of spontaneously dispersed clay in coarse- and fine-textured soils of high and low organic matter content. The degree of sodicity of each soil was manipulated by varying the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of soil aggregates (0.5 – 2mm) above and below a nominal threshold value of 6. Dry aggregates were then packed into steel rings (as above) and subjected to wetting near saturation, then draining to a suction of 100 kPa for one week as described above. Measurements were then taken of penetrometer resistance and tensile strength, both of which were affected by ESP in different ways. In the coarse-textured soil, sodicity enhanced aggregate slaking and dispersion, which increased bulk density. While penetrometer resistance also increased, its effect on aggregate coalescence could not be separated from a simple effect of increased bulk density. Similarly, the effect of sodicity on aggregate coalescence in the fine-textured soil was confounded by the higher water contents produced by greater swelling, which produced lower-than-expected penetrometer resistance. Measurements of tensile strength were conducted on air-dry samples, and so the confounding effects of bulk density and water content were eliminated and it was found that tensile strength increased with sodicity in both coarse- and fine-textured soils. The presence of dispersed clay was therefore implicated in the development of aggregate coalescence in this work. Finally, a preliminary evaluation of how the early stages of aggregate coalescence might affect plant growth was attempted using tomatoes (Gross lisse) as a test plant. Seeds were planted in aggregates (0.5 – 4 mm) of a coarse- or fine-textured soil packed in steel rings. These were wetted at a rate of 1 mm/h to either near-saturation (for maximum coalescence) or to a suction of 10 kPa (for minimum coalescence) and held under these conditions for 24 h. All samples were then transferred to a ceramic pressure plate for drainage to 100 kPa suction for one week. Samples were then placed in a growth-cabinet held at 20C with controlled exposure to 14 h light/day. Germination of the seeds, plant height, and number and length of roots were observed. Germination of the seeds held at near-saturation in both coarse- and fine-textured soils was delayed by 24 h compared with seeds held at 10 kPa suction. Neither the number nor the length of tomato roots differed significantly between the different treatments and soils. In the coarse-textured soil, however, the total root length over a period of 14 days was somewhat greater in the uncoalesced samples than in the coalesced samples, but this difference was not statistically significant. These results suggest that aside from delaying germination, aggregate coalescence may not have a large effect on early growth of tomato plants. However, this is not to say that detrimental effects may not be manifest at later stages of plant growth, and this certainly needs to be evaluated, particularly because aggregate coalescence increase with repeated cycles of wetting and draining. In conclusion, the primary findings of the work undertaken in this thesis were: • Rapid wetting of soil aggregates to near-saturation enhanced the onset of soil aggregate coalescence as measured by (in some cases) penetrometer resistance at a soil water suction of 100 kPa, and (in most cases) tensile strength of soil cores in the air-dry state. The rate of wetting appeared to be more important in bringing on aggregate coalescence than how wet the soil eventually became during wetting. This means reducing the rate at which irrigation water is applied to soils may reduce the onset of aggregate coalescence more effectively than controlling the total amount of water applied – though both are important. The literature reports that aggregate coalescence occurs in the field over periods of up to several months, involving multiple wetting and draining cycles, but the work here demonstrated that this can occur over much shorter time periods depending on conditions imposed. • Aggregate coalescence occurred in coarse-textured soils regardless of whether the bulk density increased during wetting and draining. In finer-textured soils, the response to wetting conditions varied and was complicated by changes in bulk density and water content due to swelling. • Small overburden pressures enhanced the onset of aggregate coalescence, but these effects were diminished in the presence of high soil organic matter contents. • Finer aggregate size distributions (which are often produced in the field by excessive tillage during seedbed preparation) invariably led to greater aggregate coalescence than coarser aggregate size distributions. The effects of aggregate size were mitigated to some extent by higher contents of soil organic matter. • Sodicity enhanced aggregate coalescence as measured by tensile strength, but when penetrometer resistance was measured in the moist state, the effects were masked to some extent by higher water contents generated by swelling and dispersion. This work suggests that tensile strength (in the air dry state) may be a more effective measure of aggregate coalescence than penetrometer resistance. • Early plant response to aggregate coalescence was not large, but the response may become magnified during later stages of growth. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1297583 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2007
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Aggregate coalescence and factors affecting it.Hasanah, Uswah January 2007 (has links)
The phenomenon called soil aggregate coalescence occurs at contact-points between aggregates and causes soil strength to increase to values that can inhibit plant root exploration and thus potential yield. During natural wetting and drying, soil aggregates appear to ‘weld’ together with little or no increase in dry bulk density. The precise reasons for this phenomenon are not understood, but it has been found to occur even in soils comprised entirely of water stable aggregates. Soil aggregate coalescence has not been widely observed and reported in soil science and yet may pose a significant risk for crops preventing them from achieving their genetic and environmental yield potentials. This project used soil penetrometer resistance and an indirect tensile-strength test to measure the early stages of aggregate coalescence and to evaluate their effects on the early growth of tomato plants. The early stages of aggregate coalescence were thought to be affected by a number of factors including: the matric suction of water during application and subsequent drainage, the overburden pressure on moist soil in the root zone, the initial size of soil aggregates prior to wetting, and the degree of sodicity of the soil aggregates. Seven mainexperiments were conducted to evaluate these factors. The matric suction during wetting of a seedbed affects the degree of aggregate slaking that occurs, and the strength of the wetted aggregates. The matric suction during draining affects the magnitude of ‘effective stresses’ that operate to retain soil structural integrity as the soil drains and dries out. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of matric suction (within a range of suctions experienced in the field) on aggregate coalescence using soils of two different textures. Sieved aggregates (0.5 to 2 mm diameter) from a coarse-textured and two fine-textured (swelling) soils were packed into cylindrical rings (4.77 cm i.d., 5 cm high) and subjected to different suctions on wetting (near-saturation, and 1 kPa), and on draining (10 kPa on sintered-glass funnels, and 100 kPa on ceramic pressure plates). After one-week of drainage, penetrometer resistance was measured as a function of depth to approximately 45 mm (penetrometer had a recessedshaft, cone diameter = 2 mm, advanced at a rate of 0.3 mm/min). Tensile strength of other core-samples was measured after air-drying using an indirect “Brazilian” crushing test. For the coarse-textured soil, penetrometer resistance was significantly greater for samples wet to near-saturation, despite there being no significant increase in dry bulk density; this was not the case for the finer-textured soils, and it was difficult to distinguish the effects of variable bulk density upon drying from those of the imposed wetting treatments. In both coarse- and fine-textured soils, the tensile strength was significantly greater for samples wet to near-saturation. Thus wetting- and draining-suctions were both found to influence the degree of soil aggregate coalescence as measured by penetrometer resistance and tensile strength. Aggregate coalescence in irrigated crops is known to develop as the growing season progresses. It was therefore thought to be linked to the repeated occurrence of matric suctions that enhance the phenomenon during cycles of wetting and draining. An experiment was conducted to determine the extent of aggregate coalescence in a coarsetextured and two fine-textured (swelling clay) soils during 8 successive cycles of wetting and draining. Sieved aggregates (0.5 to 2 mm diameter) from each soil were packed into cylindrical rings (4.77 cm i.d., 5 cm high) and wetted to near saturation for 24 h. They were then drained on ceramic pressure plates to a suction of 100 kPa for one week, after which penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were measured as described above. The degree of expression of aggregate coalescence depended on soil type. For the coarse-textured soil, repeated wetting and draining significantly increased bulk density, penetrometer resistance and tensile strength. For the fine-textured soil, penetrometer resistance and bulk density did not vary significantly with repeated wetting and draining; on the contrary, there was evidence in these swelling clay soils to suggest bulk density and penetrometer resistance decreased. However, there was a progressive increase in tensile strength as cycles of wetting and draining progressed. The expansive nature of the fine-textured soil appears to have masked the development of aggregate coalescence as measured by penetrometer resistance, but its expression was very clear in measurements of tensile strength despite the reduction in bulk density with successive wetting and draining. Field observations have indicated that aggregate coalescence is first expressed at the bottom of the seedbed and that it develops progressively upward to the soil surface during the growing season. This suggests that overburden pressures may enhance the onset of the phenomenon by increasing the degree of inter-aggregate contact. Soils containing large quantities of particulate organic matter were known to resist the onset of aggregate coalescence to some extent. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of soil organic matter and overburden pressures, by placing brass cylinders of various weights (equivalent to static load pressures of 0, 0.49, 1.47 and 2.47 kPa) on the top of dry soil aggregates (0.5 – 2 mm diameter) having widely different soil organic carbon contents placed in steel rings 5 cm high and 5 cm i.d. With the weights in place, the aggregates were wetted to near-saturation for 24 h and then drained on ceramic pressure plates to a suction of 100 kPa for one week. Bulk density, penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were measured when the samples were removed from the pressure plates and they all increased significantly with increasing overburden pressure in the soil with low organic matter content, but not in the soil with high organic matter content. The amount of tillage used to prepare seedbeds influences the size distribution of soil aggregates produced – that is, more tillage produces finer seedbeds. The size distribution of soil aggregates affects the number of inter-aggregate contact points and this was thought to influence the degree of aggregate coalescence that develops in a seedbed. Previous work has shown that soil organic matter reduces aggregate coalescence and so an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of aggregate size and organic matter on the phenomenon. For soils with high and low organic matter contents, aggregate size fractions of < 0.5, 0.5 – 2, 2 – 4, and < 4 mm were packed into soil cores (as above) and wetted to near-saturation then drained to 100 kPa suction as described above. Penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were measured and found to increase directly with the amount of fine material present in the soil cores – being greater in the < 0.5 mm and < 4 mm fractions, and being less in the 0.5 – 2 mm and 2 – 4 mm fractions. In all cases, penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were lower in the samples containing more organic matter. The rate at which soil aggregates are wetted in a seedbed affects the degree of slaking and densification that occurs, and the extent to which aggregates are wetted influences the overall strength of a seedbed. Both wetting rate and the extent of wetting were believed to influence the onset of aggregate coalescence and were thought to be affected by soil organic matter and irrigation technique. An experiment was therefore designed to separate these effects so that improvements to management could be evaluated for their greatest efficacy – that is, to determine whether management should focus on improving irrigation technique or increasing soil organic matter content, or both. The rate of wetting was controlled by spraying (or not spraying) soil aggregates (0.5 – 2 mm diameter) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Samples of coarse- and fine-textured soils were packed into steel rings (as above) and subjected to different application rates of water (1, 10 and 100 mm/h) using a dripper system controlled by a peristaltic pump. Samples were brought to either a near-saturated state or to a suction of 10 kPa for 24 h, and then drained on a pressure plate at a suction of 100 kPa for one week. Measurements of penetrometer resistance and tensile strength were then made as described above. As expected, penetrometer resistance was lower in samples treated with PVA before wetting (slower wetting rates) and in samples held at a greater suction (10 kPa) after initial wetting (greater inter-aggregate strength). The effects were more pronounced in the coarse-textured soil. In both coarse- and fine-textured soils, tensile strengths increased with increasing wetting rate (greatest for 100 mm/h) and extent of wetting (greater when held at near-saturated conditions). The rate of wetting was found to be somewhat more important for promoting aggregate coalescence than the extent of wetting. Because aggregate coalescence often occurs with little or no increase in bulk density, an explanation for the increase in penetrometer resistance and tensile strength is unlikely to be explained by a large increase in the number of inter-aggregate contacts. An increase in the strength of existing points of inter-aggregate contact was therefore considered in this work. For inter-aggregate bond strengths to increase, it was hypothesized that small increases in the amount of mechanically (or spontaneously) dispersed clay particles, and subsequent deposition at inter-aggregate contact points could increase aggregate coalescence as measured by penetrometer resistance and tensile strength. An experiment was devised to manipulate the amount of spontaneously dispersed clay in coarse- and fine-textured soils of high and low organic matter content. The degree of sodicity of each soil was manipulated by varying the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of soil aggregates (0.5 – 2mm) above and below a nominal threshold value of 6. Dry aggregates were then packed into steel rings (as above) and subjected to wetting near saturation, then draining to a suction of 100 kPa for one week as described above. Measurements were then taken of penetrometer resistance and tensile strength, both of which were affected by ESP in different ways. In the coarse-textured soil, sodicity enhanced aggregate slaking and dispersion, which increased bulk density. While penetrometer resistance also increased, its effect on aggregate coalescence could not be separated from a simple effect of increased bulk density. Similarly, the effect of sodicity on aggregate coalescence in the fine-textured soil was confounded by the higher water contents produced by greater swelling, which produced lower-than-expected penetrometer resistance. Measurements of tensile strength were conducted on air-dry samples, and so the confounding effects of bulk density and water content were eliminated and it was found that tensile strength increased with sodicity in both coarse- and fine-textured soils. The presence of dispersed clay was therefore implicated in the development of aggregate coalescence in this work. Finally, a preliminary evaluation of how the early stages of aggregate coalescence might affect plant growth was attempted using tomatoes (Gross lisse) as a test plant. Seeds were planted in aggregates (0.5 – 4 mm) of a coarse- or fine-textured soil packed in steel rings. These were wetted at a rate of 1 mm/h to either near-saturation (for maximum coalescence) or to a suction of 10 kPa (for minimum coalescence) and held under these conditions for 24 h. All samples were then transferred to a ceramic pressure plate for drainage to 100 kPa suction for one week. Samples were then placed in a growth-cabinet held at 20C with controlled exposure to 14 h light/day. Germination of the seeds, plant height, and number and length of roots were observed. Germination of the seeds held at near-saturation in both coarse- and fine-textured soils was delayed by 24 h compared with seeds held at 10 kPa suction. Neither the number nor the length of tomato roots differed significantly between the different treatments and soils. In the coarse-textured soil, however, the total root length over a period of 14 days was somewhat greater in the uncoalesced samples than in the coalesced samples, but this difference was not statistically significant. These results suggest that aside from delaying germination, aggregate coalescence may not have a large effect on early growth of tomato plants. However, this is not to say that detrimental effects may not be manifest at later stages of plant growth, and this certainly needs to be evaluated, particularly because aggregate coalescence increase with repeated cycles of wetting and draining. In conclusion, the primary findings of the work undertaken in this thesis were: • Rapid wetting of soil aggregates to near-saturation enhanced the onset of soil aggregate coalescence as measured by (in some cases) penetrometer resistance at a soil water suction of 100 kPa, and (in most cases) tensile strength of soil cores in the air-dry state. The rate of wetting appeared to be more important in bringing on aggregate coalescence than how wet the soil eventually became during wetting. This means reducing the rate at which irrigation water is applied to soils may reduce the onset of aggregate coalescence more effectively than controlling the total amount of water applied – though both are important. The literature reports that aggregate coalescence occurs in the field over periods of up to several months, involving multiple wetting and draining cycles, but the work here demonstrated that this can occur over much shorter time periods depending on conditions imposed. • Aggregate coalescence occurred in coarse-textured soils regardless of whether the bulk density increased during wetting and draining. In finer-textured soils, the response to wetting conditions varied and was complicated by changes in bulk density and water content due to swelling. • Small overburden pressures enhanced the onset of aggregate coalescence, but these effects were diminished in the presence of high soil organic matter contents. • Finer aggregate size distributions (which are often produced in the field by excessive tillage during seedbed preparation) invariably led to greater aggregate coalescence than coarser aggregate size distributions. The effects of aggregate size were mitigated to some extent by higher contents of soil organic matter. • Sodicity enhanced aggregate coalescence as measured by tensile strength, but when penetrometer resistance was measured in the moist state, the effects were masked to some extent by higher water contents generated by swelling and dispersion. This work suggests that tensile strength (in the air dry state) may be a more effective measure of aggregate coalescence than penetrometer resistance. • Early plant response to aggregate coalescence was not large, but the response may become magnified during later stages of growth. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1297583 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2007
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