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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effluent Water Quality Improvement Using Silt Fences And Stormwater Harvesting

Gogo-Abite, Ikiensinma 01 January 2012 (has links)
Construction sites are among the most common areas to experience soil erosion and sediment transport due to the mandatory foundation tasks such as excavation and land grubbing. Thus, temporary sediment barriers are installed along the perimeter to prevent sediment transport from the site. Erosion and sediment transport control measures may include, but not limited to, physical and chemical processes such as the use of a silt fence and polyacrylamide product. Runoff from construction sites and other impervious surfaces are routinely discharged into ponds for treatment before being released into a receiving water body. Stormwater harvesting from a pond for irrigation of adjacent lands is promoted as one approach to reducing pond discharge while supplementing valuable potable water used for irrigation. The reduction of pond discharge reduces the mass of pollutants in the discharge. In the dissertation, presented is the investigation of the effectiveness of temporary sediment barriers and then, development of a modeling approach to a stormwater harvesting pond to provide a comprehensive stormwater management pollution reduction assessment tool. The first part of the research presents the investigation of the performance efficiencies of silt fence fabrics in turbidity and sediment concentration removal, and the determination of flowthrough-rate on simulated construction sites in real time. Two silt fence fabrics, (1) woven and the other (2) nonwoven were subjected to material index property tests and a series of field-scale tests with different rainfall intensities and events for different embankment slopes on a tilting test-bed. Collected influent and effluent samples were analyzed for sediment concentration and turbidity, and the flow-through-rate for each fabric was evaluated. Test results revealed that the woven and nonwoven silt fence achieved 11 and 56 percent average turbidity reduction iv efficiency, respectively. Each fabric also achieved 20 and 56 percent average sediment concentration removal efficiency, respectively. Fabric flow-through-rates were functions of the rainfall intensity and embankment slope. The nonwoven fabric exhibited higher flow-throughrates than the woven fabric in both field-scale and laboratory tests. In the second part of the study, a Stormwater Harvesting and Assessment for Reduction of Pollution (SHARP) model was developed to predict operation of wet pond used for stormwater harvesting. The model integrates the interaction of surface water and groundwater in a catchment area. The SHARP model was calibrated and validated with actual pond water elevation data from a stormwater pond at Miramar Lakes, Miramar, Florida. Model evaluation showed adequate prediction of pond water elevation with root mean square error between 0.07 and 0.12 m; mean absolute error was between 0.018 and 0.07 m; and relative index of agreement was between 0.74 and 0.98 for both calibration and validation periods. The SHARP model is capable of assessing harvesting safe-yield and discharge from a pond, including the prediction of the percentage of runoff into a harvesting pond that is not discharged. The combination of silt fence and/or polyacrylamide PAM before stormwater harvesting pond in a treatment train for the reduction of pollutants from construction sites has the potential of significantly exceeding a performance standard of 85 percent reduction typically required by local authorities. In fact, the stringent requirement of equaling pre- and post-development pollutant loading is highly achievable by the treatment train approach. The significant contribution from the integration of the SHARP model to the treatment train is that real-time assessment of pollutant loading reduction by volume can be planned and controlled to achieve target performance standards.

Design of an Energy-Aware Unequal Clustering Protocol based on Fuzzy Logic for Wireless Sensor Networks

Kheriji, Sabrine 25 February 2021 (has links)
Energy consumption is a major concern in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) resulting in a strong demand for energy-aware communication technologies. In this context, several unequal cluster-based routing protocols have been proposed. However, few of them adopt energetic analysis models for the calculation of the optimal cluster radius and several protocols can not realize an optimal workload balance between sensor nodes. In this scope, the aim of the dissertation is to develop a cluster-based routing protocol for improving energy efficiency in WSN. We propose a Fuzzy-based Energy-Aware Unequal Clustering algorithm (FEAUC) with circular partitioning to balance the energy consumption between sensor nodes and solve the hotspot problem created by a multi-hop communication. The developed FEAUC involves mainly four phases: An off-line phase, a cluster formation phase, a cooperation phase and data collection phase. During the off-line phase, an energy analysis is performed to calculate the radius of each ring and the optimal cluster radius per ring. The cluster formation phase is based on a fuzzy logic approach for the cluster head (CH) selection. The cooperation phase aims to define an intermediate node as a router between different CHs. While, in the data collection phase, transmitting data packet from sensor nodes to their appropriate CHs is defined as an intra-cluster communication, and transmitting data from one CH to another until reaching the base station, is defined as an inter-cluster communication. The feasibility of the developed FEAUC is demonstrated by elaborating comparison with selected referred unequal clustering algorithms considering different parameters, mainly, the energy consumption, battery lifetime, time to first node shuts down (FND), time of half of nodes off-line (HND) and time to last node dies (LND). Although, the developed FEAUC is intended to enhance the network lifetime by distributing the large load of CH tasks equally among the normal nodes, running the clustering process in each round is an additional burden, which can significantly drain the remaining energy. For this reason, the FEAUC based protocol has been further developed to become a fault tolerant algorithm (FEAUC-FT). It supports the fault tolerance by using backup CHs to avoid the re-clustering process in certain rounds or by building further routing paths in case of a link failure between different CHs. The validation of the developed FEAUC in real scenarios has been performed. Some sensor nodes, powered with batteries, are deployed in a circular area forming clusters. Performance evaluations are carried out by realistic scenarios and tested for a real deployment using the low-power wireless sensor node panStamp. To complete previous works, as a step of proof of concept, a smart irrigation system is designed, called Air-IoT. Furthermore, a real-time IoT-based sensor node architecture to control the quantity of water in some deployed nodes is introduced. To this end, a cloud-connected wireless network to monitor the soil moisture and temperature is well-designed. Generally, this step is essential to validate and evaluate the proposed unequal cluster-based routing algorithm in a real demonstrator. The proposed prototype guarantees both real-time monitoring and reliable and cost-effective transmission between each node and the base station.:1 Introduction 2 Theoretical background 3 State of the art of unequal cluster-based routing protocols 4 FEAUC: Fuzzy-based Energy-Aware Unequal Clustering 5 Experimental validation of the developed unequal clustering protocol 6 Real application to specific uses cases 7 Conclusions and future research directions / Der Energieverbrauch ist ein Hauptanliegen in drahtlosen Sensornetzwerken (WSNs), was zu einer starken Nachfrage nach energiebewussten Kommunikationstechnologien führt. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden mehrere ungleiche clusterbasierte Routing-Protokolle vorgeschlagen. Allerdings verwenden nur die wenigsten energetische Analysemodelle für die Berechnung des optimalen Cluster-Radius, und mehrere Protokolle können keine optimale Auslastungsbalance zwischen Sensorknoten realisieren. In diesem Zusammenhang ist es das Ziel der Dissertation, ein clusterbasiertes Routing-Protokoll zur Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz im WSN zu entwickeln. Wir schlagen einen Fuzzy-basierten Energy-Aware Unequal Clustering-Algorithmus (FEAUC) mit zirkulärer Partitionierung vor, um den Energieverbrauch zwischen Sensorknoten auszugleichen und das durch eine Multi-Hop-Kommunikation entstehende Hotspot-Problem zu lösen. Der entwickelte FEAUC umfasst hauptsächlich vier Phasen: Eine Offline-Phase, eine Clusterbildungsphase, eine Kooperationsphase und eine Phase der Datensammlung. Während der Offline-Phase wird eine Energieanalyse durchgeführt, um den Radius jedes Ringes und den optimalen Cluster- Radius pro Ring zu berechnen. Die Clusterbildungsphase basiert auf einem Fuzzy-Logik-Ansatz für die Clusterkopf (CH)-Auswahl. Die Kooperationsphase zielt darauf ab, einen Zwischenknoten als einen Router zwischen verschiedenen CHs zu definieren. In der Datensammelphase wird die Übertragung von Datenpaketen von Sensorknoten zu ihren entsprechenden CHs als eine Intra-Cluster-Kommunikation definiert, während die Übertragung von Daten von einem CH zu einem anderen CH bis zum Erreichen der Basisstation als eine Inter-Cluster-Kommunikation definiert wird. Die Machbarkeit des entwickelten FEAUC wird durch die Ausarbeitung eines Vergleichs mit ausgewählten referenzierten ungleichen Clustering-Algorithmen unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Parameter demonstriert, hauptsächlich des Energieverbrauchs, der Batterielebensdauer, der Zeit bis zum Abschalten des ersten Knotens (FND), der Zeit, in der die Hälfte der Knoten offline ist (HND) und der Zeit bis zum letzten Knoten stirbt (LND). Obwohl mit dem entwickelten FEAUC die Lebensdauer des Netzwerks erhöht warden soll, indem die große Last der CH-Aufgaben gleichmäßig auf die übrigen Knoten verteilt wird, stellt die Durchführung des Clustering-Prozesses in jeder Runde eine zusätzliche Belastung dar, die die verbleibende Energie erheblich entziehen kann. Aus diesem Grund wurde das auf FEAUC basierende Protokoll zu einem fehlerto-leranten Algorithmus (FEAUC-FT) weiterentwickelt. Er unterstützt die Fehlerto-leranz durch die Verwendung von Backup-CHs zur Vermeidung des Re-Clustering-Prozesses in bestimmten Runden oder durch den Aufbau weiterer Routing-Pfade im Falle eines Verbindungsausfalls zwischen verschiedenen CHs. Die Validierung des entwickelten FEAUC in realen Szenarien ist durchgeführt worden. Einige Sensorknoten, die mit Batterien betrieben werden, sind in einem kreisförmigen Bereich angeordnet und bilden Cluster. Leistungsbewertungen warden anhand realistischer Szenarien durchgeführt und für einen realen Einsatz unter Verwendung des drahtlosen Low-Power-Sensorknoten panStamp getestet. Zur Vervollständigung früherer Arbeiten wird als Schritt des Proof-of-Concept ein intelligentes Bewässerungssystem mit der Bezeichnung Air-IoT entworfen. Darüber hinaus wird eine IoT-basierte Echtzeit-Sensorknotenarchitektur zur Kontrolle derWassermenge in einigen eingesetzten Knoten eingeführt. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein mit der Cloud verbundenes drahtloses Netzwerk zur Überwachung der Bodenfeuchtigkeit und -temperatur gut konzipiert. Im Allgemeinen ist dieser Schritt unerlässlich, um den vorgeschlagenen ungleichen clusterbasierten Routing-Algorithmus in einem realen Demonstrator zu validieren und zu bewerten.Der vorgeschlagene Prototyp garantiert sowohl Echtzeit-Überwachung als auch zuverlässige und kostengünstige Übertragung zwischen jedem Knoten und der Basisstation.:1 Introduction 2 Theoretical background 3 State of the art of unequal cluster-based routing protocols 4 FEAUC: Fuzzy-based Energy-Aware Unequal Clustering 5 Experimental validation of the developed unequal clustering protocol 6 Real application to specific uses cases 7 Conclusions and future research directions

Entwicklung eines roboterbasierten Prüfstands für die Ermittlung der Langzeitbetriebsfestigkeit von beweglichen Karosserieteilen

Vogelpohl, Jens 22 January 2013 (has links)
Die Marktbedingungen in der Automobilindustrie sind durch kürzere Entwicklungszeiträume, eine zunehmende Anzahl an Komfortfunktionen und Fahrzeugderivaten sowie steigende Erwartungen an Qualität, Effizienz und Sicherheit geprägt. Die reale Erprobung ist ein kritischer Pfad im Entwicklungsprozess. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt ein neues Prüfsystemkonzept für die Komponentenerprobung, welches diesen Anforderungen Rechnung trägt. Das Herzstück ist eine softwarebasierte Systemarchitektur zur Automatisierung von Prototypentests. Schwerpunkte sind die Flexibilität in der Praxisanwendung, die Ausweitung der Messdatenerfassung mit zweckmäßiger Verwaltung zur Bauteilüberwachung und Fehlerrekonstruktion sowie eine aufgabenorientierte Schnittstelle zur Integration von Robotern. Diese übernehmen die mechanische Betätigung von beweglichen Fahrzeugkomponenten. Anhand von zwei konkreten Beispielen, einem Prüfstand zur Absicherung von Fahrzeugtüren sowie einem Prüfstand für Steifigkeitsmessungen wird die Praxistauglichkeit nachgewiesen.

Magnetic Moment Characterization for Small Satellites

Sans Monguiló, Alejandro January 2021 (has links)
Small satellites are gaining popularity in a wide range of applications where attitude systems require high precision performance. One of the main sources of errors, in case of magnetic attitude control systems, is the residual magnetic moment (RMM) of the spacecraft. To keep the RMM low and stable, mitigation methods shall be applied based on the satellite’s magnetic dipole moment (MDM) characterization, which shall be measured accurately. For small satellites, the most common technique involves the generation of a field-free region for the magnetic measurements using a test bed. The test bed measurement setup is normally mechanical, where measurements from the device under test (DUT) are very tedious. Optical magnetic test beds (OMTB) are being developed for MDM characterization providing simpler set ups and faster measurements than mechanical test beds. In this work, accuracy of OMTB of Aalto University has been evaluated by measuring three permanent magnets in two configurations. The measurements show a relationship between the estimation accuracy and the DUT’s marker area seen by the camera. Moreover, it was observed that the field-free region generated by Helmholtz coil cage can generate false data points. Based on these observations, the detection of the marker’s positions have been evaluated using the view area (VA) and the pointing angle (PA). The analysis shows that there is a consistent pattern depending on the combination of the VA and PA. Hence, the method of data acquisition was improved in order to prioritize the markers which position allow better accuracy. The achieved improvement of MDM estimation results is 2 %, and the test bed’s overall error evaluated is a 13 % in MDM position estimation and 23 % in MDM magnitude estimation. The improved OMTB was used to characterize the MDM of four magnetic attitude coils of Foresail-1 satellite. The measurements results are consistent with design parameters, showing three dipole configuration in all coils with a MDM magnitude order of 10−2 A·m2. / Foresail-1

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