Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe pode"" "subject:"ehe mode""
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Language and Identity: Bilingual Code-switching in Spanish-English InterviewsVelasquez, Maria Cecilia 01 January 2011 (has links)
The relationship in a bilingual conversation between language choice and identity has been the subject of research in different disciplines such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and second language acquisition among others. The purpose of this research was to understand why and how language alternation occurs in bilingual interviews and its potential connection with identity. The data analyzed was from interviews from Proyecto Latino@, a previous research on Latin@ high school students’ experiences in schools and their academic engagement and/or disengagement. Participants’ narratives of their experiences indicated that code-switching is a result and a process of cultural adaptation. Code-switching in this research presented ways in which participants re-created their own concept of identity. Bilinguals of the Proyecto Latin@ portrayed a multiple identities construction –Spanish- English – when code-switching.
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Language and Identity: Bilingual Code-switching in Spanish-English InterviewsVelasquez, Maria Cecilia 01 January 2011 (has links)
The relationship in a bilingual conversation between language choice and identity has been the subject of research in different disciplines such as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and second language acquisition among others. The purpose of this research was to understand why and how language alternation occurs in bilingual interviews and its potential connection with identity. The data analyzed was from interviews from Proyecto Latino@, a previous research on Latin@ high school students’ experiences in schools and their academic engagement and/or disengagement. Participants’ narratives of their experiences indicated that code-switching is a result and a process of cultural adaptation. Code-switching in this research presented ways in which participants re-created their own concept of identity. Bilinguals of the Proyecto Latin@ portrayed a multiple identities construction –Spanish- English – when code-switching.
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Manipulation de code et avant-garde : pour une littérature hackéeLegault, Jean-François 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le cyberespace, les distinctions entre les différentes acceptions du mot code deviennent poreuses : le code juridique cède le pas au code informatique dans son rôle coercitif, le code informatique possède la même étoffe qu'un code secret pour l'utilisateur moyen, etc. L'hypothèse principale de ce mémoire est qu'on doit laisser de côté la représentation traditionnelle du hackeur en tant que pirate informatique pour n'adopter que la stricte définition suivante : le hackeur est un manipulateur de code, quel que soit ce code. Selon André Belleau, « l'institution [...] agit comme le code des codes. » En conséquence, il devient possible de considérer les mouvements d'avant-garde du siècle dernier comme des hackeurs d'avant l'heure puisqu' ils ont relevé le pari qu'en contestant et en renouvelant les codes esthétiques institutionnels, ils transformeraient dans la foulée les codes politiques de leur société. À la suite de l'analyse des multiples manifestes produits par le hackeur au cours de son histoire, on peut rétrospectivement émanciper sa praxis hors de l'étroite sphère informatique où on l'avait relégué pour lui faire investir l'ensemble des champs de l'activité humaine. Prospectivement, on peut affirmer que si le transvasement de l'institution culturelle vers le cyberespace s'effectue sur un mode conflictuel, c'est en raison d'une difficulté pour le code institutionnel de s'amalgamer au code informatique. Là où l'avant-garde artistique au sens traditionnel s'essouffle, le hackeur prend le pas et produit quantité d'œuvres qui procèdent de la manipulation d'un code et ce faisant, mettent en tension des enjeux spécifiques à ce code. On pourrait par exemple considérer les œuvres distribuées sous licence Creative Commons comme un hack du langage juridique utilisé pour formuler le droit d'auteur, lequel hack remet en question la relation institutionnalisée entre l'éditeur et l'auteur. Le repliement du code de la langue sur le code du langage de programmation dans le poégramme, ou poème-programme, pourra par ailleurs constituer la preuve que l'informatique n'est pas qu'un véhicule d'expression artistique, au contraire qu'on y trouve en son cœur l'Art et la Beauté.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : avant-garde, code, cyberespace, hackeur, Internet, institution, manifeste, ordinateur
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Digital Rights Management and Code ObfuscationSethi, Amit January 2004 (has links)
Digital Rights Management (DRM) involves retaining control over digital information, even after it has been made public. Preventing illegal file sharing on the Internet, which is a topic that has recently received a large amount of media attention, is just one instance where DRM is needed.
In this thesis, we attempt to create formal definitions for DRM. Currently, there is a lack of such formal definitions, which is one reason why DRM schemes have achieved little success. We will also examine two DRM schemes that can be cracked easily: Microsoft DRM 2. 0, and the Content Scrambling System. We then discuss the reasons why DRM schemes have been unsuccessful so far, and why a good DRM scheme must incorporate secure hardware, secure software, and an efficient legal system. We also briefly discuss several issues related to DRM, such as privacy.
Code Obfuscation involves hiding a program's implementation details from an adversary. One application of code obfuscation involves hiding cryptographic keys in encryption and decryption programs for a cryptosystem. Code obfuscation is directly applicable to DRM schemes, where the adversary has access to a program that contains secret information. For example, a music player may contain a secret key that it uses to decrypt content. The secret key must be hidden from the adversary, since otherwise, he/she could use the key to write his/her own decryption program, and distribute it to circumvent the DRM scheme.
We discuss the proof from Barak et al that shows that code obfuscation is impossible in general. This, however, does not mean that code obfuscation cannot be achieved in specific cases. We will examine an obfuscated version of the Data Encryption Standard, and discuss the circumstances under which it is insecure. We also examine a toy example of a block cipher called <i>Simple Block Cipher (SBC)</i>, and apply obfuscation techniques to SBC to hide the secret key, and then attempt to obtain the secret key.
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A Code Generator for Software Component Services in Smart DevicesAhmad, Manzoor January 2010 (has links)
A component is built to be reused and reusability has significant impact on component generality and flexibility requirement. A component model plays a critical role in reusability of software component and defines a set of standards for component implementation, evolution, composition, deployment and standardization of the run-time environment for execution of component. In component based development (CBD), standardization of the runtime environment includes specification of component’s interfaces – general and domain specific run-time services. For rapid development of component based system for distributed information systems, COM+ and .NET technologies introduced the idea of Software Component Services that are achieved by proxy objects which intercept message calls between components to provide service like transaction handling, security management, etc. An embedded real-time system (ERTS) designed for a specific purpose in which software tasks have hard real-time constraints to execute and it interact directly with its environment via buses, sensors and other devices. In an embedded real time system, it is great importance to ensure that all tasks of the software system should respond within the time limits. Component based development process have vital role in development of embedded real time system and recently software component models applied in the embedded real-time systems (ERTS) and introduced software component services (SCS) for ERTS. The purpose of this Master thesis is to investigate how to make tool that targets smart device projects in Microsoft Visual Studio and generates proxy objects that can be compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio.NET. The tool generates a complete set of files for a Microsoft Visual Studio smart device project within solution, including both source code and configuration files according to a specific version of Visual Studio by invoking Visual Studio’s automation object model. The tool also generates code for simple logging services for the .NET component running on top of the .NET Compact framework.
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Automatic Generation of Control Code for Flexible Automation / Automatgenerering av kod för flexibel automationSvensson, Andreas January 2012 (has links)
In order to quickly adapt the production on a production line to the demand, there is a needfor flexibility. A tool designed for this purpose, p-sop, has been developed at UniversityWest. This thesis deals with implementation of p-sop in a demonstrator, and developmentof a framework for priority policies as well as a graphical user interface to p-sop. The prioritypolicies evaluated in the demonstrator did note give an increased efficiency, and thegraphical user interface is shown to be well suited for the demonstrator and p-sop in general.
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Hur överlever en aktiesparare i den rådande aktiedjungeln? : En kvanitativ studie över hur aktiesparare använder handlingsregler för att förhålla sig till riskerna förknippade med aktiehandeln.Alaeddine, Ahmad, Ismail, Gulaid January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: På senare år sparar nästan alla svenskar mer aktivt och den positiva utvecklingen på aktier har gjort att allt fler aktiesparare lockats in i aktiemarknaden. Detta har bidragit till att aktier blivit den främsta tillgången för sparare. Ägandet av aktier är förknippat med har medfört flertalet risker då det finns en risk att aktiekurserna kan falla. Flertalet investerare har en diffus uppfattning om vilka risker som tas. Identifierar aktiespararen riskerna med aktiesparandet så förbättras förutsättningarna för en bra avkastning. Människor föredrar att undvika risk olika och anledningen till varför människor utsätter sig för en risk är för att de vill bli framgångsrika genom att de vill få en bra avkastning. För att detta ska bli möjligt är det viktigt att aktiespararen hanterar riskerna förknippade med aktiehandeln vilket kan ske om att aktiespararna använder regler. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få en förståelse för hur aktiesparare i praktiken använder sig av handlingsreglerna för att förhålla sig till riskerna som är förknippade med aktiehandeln. Vi har också för avsikt att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan hur frekvent aktiespararna använder sig av handlingsreglerna beroende på deras riskbenägenhet, ålder och kön. Metod: I studien har vi använt en kvantitativ forskningsansats med en deduktiv ansats som vetenskaplig metod. Empirisk data har insamlats genom enkätundersökningar. Slutsats: Aktiespararna har ett förhållningssätt till samtliga handlingsregler för att förhålla sig till riskerna förknippade med aktiehandeln. Det finns inte ett samband att aggressiva aktiesparare använder handlingsreglerna mindre frekvent i förhållande till balanserade och försiktiga aktiesparare. Det finns inte ett samband att försiktiga aktiesparare använder handlingsreglerna mer frekvent i förhållande till aggressiva och balanserade aktiesparare. Det finns inte ett samband att aktiesparare i åldern 18-35 använder handlingsreglerna mindre frekvent i förhållande till aktiesparare i åldern 36-50 och 51+. Det finns ett samband att män använder handlingsreglerna mer frekvent i förhållande till kvinnor.
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Digital Rights Management and Code ObfuscationSethi, Amit January 2004 (has links)
Digital Rights Management (DRM) involves retaining control over digital information, even after it has been made public. Preventing illegal file sharing on the Internet, which is a topic that has recently received a large amount of media attention, is just one instance where DRM is needed.
In this thesis, we attempt to create formal definitions for DRM. Currently, there is a lack of such formal definitions, which is one reason why DRM schemes have achieved little success. We will also examine two DRM schemes that can be cracked easily: Microsoft DRM 2. 0, and the Content Scrambling System. We then discuss the reasons why DRM schemes have been unsuccessful so far, and why a good DRM scheme must incorporate secure hardware, secure software, and an efficient legal system. We also briefly discuss several issues related to DRM, such as privacy.
Code Obfuscation involves hiding a program's implementation details from an adversary. One application of code obfuscation involves hiding cryptographic keys in encryption and decryption programs for a cryptosystem. Code obfuscation is directly applicable to DRM schemes, where the adversary has access to a program that contains secret information. For example, a music player may contain a secret key that it uses to decrypt content. The secret key must be hidden from the adversary, since otherwise, he/she could use the key to write his/her own decryption program, and distribute it to circumvent the DRM scheme.
We discuss the proof from Barak et al that shows that code obfuscation is impossible in general. This, however, does not mean that code obfuscation cannot be achieved in specific cases. We will examine an obfuscated version of the Data Encryption Standard, and discuss the circumstances under which it is insecure. We also examine a toy example of a block cipher called <i>Simple Block Cipher (SBC)</i>, and apply obfuscation techniques to SBC to hide the secret key, and then attempt to obtain the secret key.
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Att vara tvåspråkig : En studie av gymnasieelever med turkisk bakgrund och deras syn på att vara tvåspråkigArisoy, Fatma January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to see how Turkish students understand their bilingualism. I have tried to explain bilingualism as a phenomenon and give an insight in national steering documents on the basis of different concepts used by researchers. The method consists of qualitative interviews with standardized character. Five upper-secondary school students participated and independently discussed the answers. The result from the interviews is the participators view on bilingualism. The answers were varying. I have got the answer of my question through the interviews and researches. The result is also connected to relevant theories.
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Turbo-Like Coding for Spread-Spectrum CommunicationsKim, Hasung 22 September 2004 (has links)
This thesis studies advanced error control schemes using turbo-like codes, turbo-like coded modulations, turbo hybrid-ARQ (Automatic Repeat reQuest) schemes, and rate compatible puncturing techniques for reliable and adaptive commercial and tactical spread-spectrum communications, especially for code-division multiple access (CDMA) cellular systems and direct-sequence (DS) and frequency-hopping (FH) anti-jam systems. Furthermore, we utilize both the maximum-likelihood (ML) bounding techniques and convergence analysis to design and analyze various turbo-like coding schemes that show different behaviors in error performance from conventional trellis coding schemes.
In the area of DS-CPM, we propose a DS concatenated coded CPM system for pulse-noise jamming channels and an anti-jam iterative receiver utilizing jammer state information. We also design a mixed concatenated CPM system that mixes CPM schemes with different convergence characteristics. In addition, we present the ML bound and convergence analysis for the jamming channel.
In the area of FH-CPM, we propose anti-jam serially concatenated slow FH-CPM systems, whose phase is continuous during each hop interval, along with coherent and non-coherent iterative receivers. We also propose an iterative jamming estimation technique for the iterative receiver.
In the area of multi-h CPM, we propose a power- and bandwidth-efficient serially concatenated multi-h CPM along with an appropriate iterative receiver structure. Serially concatenated multi-h CPM is shown to outperform single-h CPM.
To design adaptive and versatile error control schemes using turbo-like codes for packet-data networks, we propose turbo hybrid-ARQ (HARQ) and rate compatible puncturing techniques for retransmission.
In the area of turbo hybrid-ARQ, we propose a Type-I turbo HARQ scheme using a concatenated RS-turbo code and a packet combining technique for W-CDMA system to improve the performance of error and decoding latency. The W-CDMA system including the fast power control and coherent Rake receiver with a channel estimation technique for multipath fading channels is considered.
Finally, in the area of rate compatible punctured turbo-like codes, we propose rate compatible punctured turbo (RCPT) codes and rate compatible punctured serially concatenated convolutional (RCPS) codes along with their puncturing methods. In addition, we propose Type-II RCPT-HARQ and RCPS-HARQ schemes to perform an efficient incremental redundancy retransmission.
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