Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pode obfuscation"" "subject:"pode obfuscations""
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Digital Rights Management and Code ObfuscationSethi, Amit January 2004 (has links)
Digital Rights Management (DRM) involves retaining control over digital information, even after it has been made public. Preventing illegal file sharing on the Internet, which is a topic that has recently received a large amount of media attention, is just one instance where DRM is needed.
In this thesis, we attempt to create formal definitions for DRM. Currently, there is a lack of such formal definitions, which is one reason why DRM schemes have achieved little success. We will also examine two DRM schemes that can be cracked easily: Microsoft DRM 2. 0, and the Content Scrambling System. We then discuss the reasons why DRM schemes have been unsuccessful so far, and why a good DRM scheme must incorporate secure hardware, secure software, and an efficient legal system. We also briefly discuss several issues related to DRM, such as privacy.
Code Obfuscation involves hiding a program's implementation details from an adversary. One application of code obfuscation involves hiding cryptographic keys in encryption and decryption programs for a cryptosystem. Code obfuscation is directly applicable to DRM schemes, where the adversary has access to a program that contains secret information. For example, a music player may contain a secret key that it uses to decrypt content. The secret key must be hidden from the adversary, since otherwise, he/she could use the key to write his/her own decryption program, and distribute it to circumvent the DRM scheme.
We discuss the proof from Barak et al that shows that code obfuscation is impossible in general. This, however, does not mean that code obfuscation cannot be achieved in specific cases. We will examine an obfuscated version of the Data Encryption Standard, and discuss the circumstances under which it is insecure. We also examine a toy example of a block cipher called <i>Simple Block Cipher (SBC)</i>, and apply obfuscation techniques to SBC to hide the secret key, and then attempt to obtain the secret key.
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Digital Rights Management and Code ObfuscationSethi, Amit January 2004 (has links)
Digital Rights Management (DRM) involves retaining control over digital information, even after it has been made public. Preventing illegal file sharing on the Internet, which is a topic that has recently received a large amount of media attention, is just one instance where DRM is needed.
In this thesis, we attempt to create formal definitions for DRM. Currently, there is a lack of such formal definitions, which is one reason why DRM schemes have achieved little success. We will also examine two DRM schemes that can be cracked easily: Microsoft DRM 2. 0, and the Content Scrambling System. We then discuss the reasons why DRM schemes have been unsuccessful so far, and why a good DRM scheme must incorporate secure hardware, secure software, and an efficient legal system. We also briefly discuss several issues related to DRM, such as privacy.
Code Obfuscation involves hiding a program's implementation details from an adversary. One application of code obfuscation involves hiding cryptographic keys in encryption and decryption programs for a cryptosystem. Code obfuscation is directly applicable to DRM schemes, where the adversary has access to a program that contains secret information. For example, a music player may contain a secret key that it uses to decrypt content. The secret key must be hidden from the adversary, since otherwise, he/she could use the key to write his/her own decryption program, and distribute it to circumvent the DRM scheme.
We discuss the proof from Barak et al that shows that code obfuscation is impossible in general. This, however, does not mean that code obfuscation cannot be achieved in specific cases. We will examine an obfuscated version of the Data Encryption Standard, and discuss the circumstances under which it is insecure. We also examine a toy example of a block cipher called <i>Simple Block Cipher (SBC)</i>, and apply obfuscation techniques to SBC to hide the secret key, and then attempt to obtain the secret key.
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Formally Verified Code Obfuscation in the Coq Proof AssistantLu, Weiyun 20 December 2019 (has links)
Code obfuscation is a software security technique where transformations are applied
to source and/or machine code to make them more difficult to analyze and understand
to deter reverse-engineering and tampering. However, in many commercial tools, such
as Irdeto's Cloakware product, it is not clear why the end user should believe that
the programs that come out the other end are still the same program"!
In this thesis, we apply techniques of formal specification and verification, by
using the Coq Proof Assistant and IMP (a simple imperative language within it), to
formulate what it means for a program's semantics to be preserved by an obfuscating
transformation, and give formal machine-checked proofs that these properties hold.
We describe our work on opaque predicate and control flow flattening transformations.
Along the way, we also employ Hoare logic as an alternative to state equivalence,
as well as augment the IMP program with Switch statements. We also define a lower-level flowchart language to wrap around IMP for modelling certain flattening
transformations, treating blocks of codes as objects in their own right.
We then discuss related work in the literature on formal verification of data obfuscation
and layout obfuscation transformations in IMP, and conclude by discussing
CompCert, a formally verified C compiler in Coq, along with work that has been done
on obfuscation there, and muse on the possibility of implementing formal methods in
the next generation of real-world obfuscation tools.
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Private environments for programsDunn, Alan Mark 25 September 2014 (has links)
Commodity computer systems today do not provide system support for privacy. As a result, given the creation of new leak opportunities by ever-increasing software complexity, leaks of private data are inevitable. This thesis presents Suliban and Lacuna, two systems that allow programs to execute privately on commodity hardware. These systems demonstrate different points in a design space wherein stronger privacy guarantees can be traded for greater system usability. Suliban uses trusted computing technology to run computation-only code privately; we refer to this protection as "cloaking". In particular, Suliban can run malicious computations in a way that is resistant to analysis. Suliban uses the Trusted Platform Module and processor late launch to create an execution environment entirely disjoint from normal system software. Suliban uses a remote attestation protocol to demonstrate to a malware distribution platform that the environment has been correctly created before the environment is allowed to receive a malicious payload. Suliban's execution outside of standard system software allows it to resist attackers with privileged operating system access and those that can perform some forms of physical attack. However, Suliban cannot access system services, and requires extra case-by-case measures to get outside information like the date or host file contents. Nonetheless, we demonstrate that Suliban can run computations that would be useful in real malware. In building Suliban, we uncover which defenses are most effective against it and highlight current problems with the use of the Trusted Platform Module. Lacuna instead aims at achieving forensic deniability, which guarantees that an attacker that gains full control of a system after a computation has finished cannot learn answers to even binary questions (with a few exceptions) about the computation. This relaxation of Suliban's guarantees allows Lacuna to run full-featured programs concurrently with non-private programs on a system. Lacuna's key primitive is the ephemeral channel, which allows programs to use peripherals while maintaining forensic deniability. This thesis extends the original Lacuna work by investigating how Linux kernel statistics leak private session information and how to mitigate these leaks. / text
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Анализа алата за промену разумљивости програма на бази енергетске ефикасности извршавања / Analiza alata za promenu razumljivosti programa na bazi energetske efikasnosti izvršavanja / The analysis of the tools for program intelligibility variability conditioned by energy efficiency of executionĐuković Marko 11 October 2019 (has links)
<p>У овој докторској дисертацији анализиран је утицај једне од техника заштите софтвера, позната као маскирање (енг. obfuscation), на енергетску ефикасност извршавања кода. Циљ рада је да проучи колико овакви захвати утичу на промену профила потрошње електричне енергије, односно рангирање алата за промену разумљивости програма на основу енергетског профила за чије генерисање је развијена програмска подршка. Тестирање је реализовано коришћењем различитих комерцијалних алата над релевантним тест сценаријима и резултати су приказани уз одговарајућу анализу.</p> / <p>U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji analiziran je uticaj jedne od tehnika zaštite softvera, poznata kao maskiranje (eng. obfuscation), na energetsku efikasnost izvršavanja koda. Cilj rada je da prouči koliko ovakvi zahvati utiču na promenu profila potrošnje električne energije, odnosno rangiranje alata za promenu razumljivosti programa na osnovu energetskog profila za čije generisanje je razvijena programska podrška. Testiranje je realizovano korišćenjem različitih komercijalnih alata nad relevantnim test scenarijima i rezultati su prikazani uz odgovarajuću analizu.</p> / <p>This doctoral dissertation analyze the influence of one of the software protection<br />techniques known as obfuscation, to the power efficiency of code obfuscation. The aim<br />of the dissertation is to study the effect of these techniques on the change of power<br />profile consumption, i.e., ranking of tools for changing the program intelligibility based<br />on energy profile for the generation of witch a program support has been developed.<br />The testing is realized by using various commercial software for relevant test scenarious<br />and the results are presented with the corresponding analysis.</p>
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Breaking WebAssembly Crypto Miner Detection by Obfuscation / Knäcker WebAssembly-cryptominerdetektering med obfuskeringEkner, Gustav January 2023 (has links)
Blockchain-based cryptocurrencies is a fairly new concept with a worldwide spread, and there is a massive amount of currencies. Several of them involve so-called currency mining, a feature of Proof-of-Work based blockchains. One problem with currency mining is that it can be performed when visiting websites in the user's browser, exploiting the user's resources and consuming energy. This has spawned a wide variety of crypto mining detection algorithms in the research. A particular issue that can make detection difficult is if the code of the miner has been obfuscated. Because of the limited research on detecting obfuscated miners, this thesis selects a state-of-the-art detection algorithm and uses it to analyze crypto miners obfuscated with various obfuscation techniques. A dataset of Wasm binaries is constructed by filtering out miners with the help of the detection algorithm. The result indicates that multiple obfuscation techniques, all trivial to implement with basic find-and-replacement, are highly effective at hindering the miner detector. Some techniques lower the detection rate by 100% on the dataset. The effectiveness seems to depend primarily on how many lines are modified in the program, and secondly on what modifications exactly are performed. Also, the obfuscated samples do not take a longer time to analyze, on the contrary, the mean execution time of the detection algorithm becomes primarily shorter. The conclusion is that more research must be done in constructing detection algorithms robust towards code obfuscation, and that the detection rate of today's algorithms might be misleading if there is a large amount of obfuscated miners on the web. / Blockkedjebaserade kryptovalutor är ett relativt nytt koncept som spridit sig globalt, och det finns en uppsjö med kryptovalutor. Flera av dem involverar mining (”valutagrävning”), en företeelse hos Proof-of-work-baserade blockkedjor. Ett problem med mining är att det kan genomföras när en användare besöker webbsidor i webbläsaren, och därmed utnyttja användarens resurser och förbruka onödig energi. Detta har lett till forskning på flera olika typer av detektorer för mining. Ett särskilt problem som kan försvåra detektering är om miner-koden har obfuskerats. På grund av den begränsade forskningen på att detektera obfuskerade miner-program väljs i detta examensarbete en state-of-the-art-algoritm för detektering, och denna används för att analysera miner-program obfuskerade med olika obfuskeringstekniker. Ett dataset av Wasm-binärer konstrueras genom att filtrera ut miner-program med hjälp av detekteringsalgoritmen. Resultatet indikerar att flera obfuskeringstekniker, samtliga triviala att implementera med grundläggande hitta-och-ersätt-operationer, är mycket effektiva för att hindra detektorn. Vissa tekniker minskar detekteringsgraden med 100% på det dataset som används. Effektiviteten verkar primärt bero på hur många rader som är modifierade i programmet, och sekundärt på exakt vad för slags modifikation som genomförs. Dessutom tar de obfuskerade programmen inte längre tid att analysera, i själva verket är genomsnittstiden för detekteringsalgoritmen i huvudsak kortare jämfört med de ej obfuskerade. Slutsatsen är att mer forskning måste genomföras för att konstruera detekteringsalgoritmer som är robusta mot kodobfuskering, och detekteringsgraden hos dagens detekteringsalgoritmer kan vara vilseledande om det finns en stor mängd obfuskerade miner-program på webben.
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Implantations et protections de mécanismes cryptographiques logiciels et matériels / Implementations and protections of software and hardware cryptographic mechanismsCornelie, Marie-Angela 12 April 2016 (has links)
La protection des mécanismes cryptographiques constitue un enjeu important lors du développement d'un système d'information car ils permettent d'assurer la sécurisation des données traitées. Les supports utilisés étant à la fois logiciels et matériels, les techniques de protection doivent s'adapter aux différents contextes.Dans le cadre d'une cible logicielle, des moyens légaux peuvent être mis en oeuvre afin de limiter l'exploitation ou les usages. Cependant, il est généralement difficile de faire valoir ses droits et de prouver qu'un acte illicite a été commis. Une alternative consiste à utiliser des moyens techniques, comme l'obscurcissement de code, qui permettent de complexifier les stratégies de rétro-conception en modifiant directement les parties à protéger.Concernant les implantations matérielles, on peut faire face à des attaques passives (observation de propriétés physiques) ou actives, ces dernières étant destructives. Il est possible de mettre en place des contre-mesures mathématiques ou matérielles permettant de réduire la fuite d'information pendant l'exécution de l'algorithme, et ainsi protéger le module face à certaines attaques par canaux cachés.Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire proposent nos contributions sur ces sujets tes travaux. Nous étudions et présentons les implantations logicielle et matérielle réalisées pour le support de courbes elliptiques sous forme quartique de Jacobi étendue. Ensuite, nous discutons des problématiques liées à la génération de courbes utilisables en cryptographie et nous proposons une adaptation à la forme quartique de Jacobi étendue ainsi que son implantation. Dans une seconde partie, nous abordons la notion d'obscurcissement de code source. Nous détaillons les techniques que nous avons implantées afin de compléter un outil existant ainsi que le module de calcul de complexité qui a été développé. / The protection of cryptographic mechanisms is an important challenge while developing a system of information because they allow to ensure the security of processed data. Since both hardware and software supports are used, the protection techniques have to be adapted depending on the context.For a software target, legal means can be used to limit the exploitation or the use. Nevertheless, it is in general difficult to assert the rights of the owner and prove that an unlawful act had occurred. Another alternative consists in using technical means, such as code obfuscation, which make the reverse engineering strategies more complex, modifying directly the parts that need to be protected.Concerning hardware implementations, the attacks can be passive (observation of physical properties) or active (which are destructive). It is possible to implement mathematical or hardware countermeasures in order to reduce the information leakage during the execution of the code, and thus protect the module against some side channel attacks.In this thesis, we present our contributions on theses subjects. We study and present the software and hardware implementations realised for supporting elliptic curves given in Jacobi Quartic form. Then, we discuss issues linked to the generation of curves which can be used in cryptography, and we propose an adaptation to the Jacobi Quartic form and its implementation. In a second part, we address the notion of code obfuscation. We detail the techniques that we have implemented in order to complete an existing tool, and the complexity module which has been developed.
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