Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe continuum"" "subject:"ehe kontinuum""
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Why does it take so long? Implementing electronic records programs at universitiesFiebelkorn, Guillermo Eduardo 05 April 2012 (has links)
The implementation of electronic records management is a challenging task due to the resources it requires and most importantly because it requires a substantial change in the methodology to be used for electronic rather than analog records. Universities in North America have struggled with electronic records management for the last two decades because most records practitioners have neglected this methodology paradigm shift created by the arrival of electronic records. Given the great significance of universities in their societies, it is important that they manage electronic records effectively. It seems a bit odd that universities have not developed adequate responses to the challenge of managing electronic records since many are heavily funded by governments and must comply with multiple regulations that obligate them to manage their records well. Moreover, universities have been the source of much academic research into digital records issues and have access to this expertise, and familiarity with the issues. They also have a long tradition of archival programs for analog records.
This thesis analyzes the causes for delayed implementation of electronic records management (eRM) best practices in certain North American universities in Canada and the United States. It concludes that the main cause is failure to adopt the guiding principles of the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Records Management (RM) standard 15489: 2001 and the methodologies associated with it.
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Homogenisierungsmethode für den Übergang vom Cauchy- zum Cosserat-KontinuumBranke, Dominik 04 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit liefert ein dreidimensionales numerisches Homogenisierungskonzept, welches beim Übergang von der Mikro- zur Makroskala einen Wechsel in der Kontinuumsbeschreibung beinhaltet. Während für die Beschreibung der Makroskala das verallgemeinerte Cosserat-Kontinuum verwendet wird, basiert die Mikroskala auf der klassischen Cauchy-Theorie. Um das homogene Cosserat-Ersatzmaterial im Rahmen numerischer Simulationen nutzen zu können, erfolgt die Implementierung geeigneter Finiter Elemente in das Programmsystem Abaqus und deren Verifikation. Neben der Diskussion der bei der Homogenisierung beobachteten Effekte werden anhand eines idealisierten Modells eines biaxialverstärkten Mehrlagengestrickes die Vorteile gegenüber der klassischen Herangehensweise aufgezeigt. / This contribution provides a threedimensional homogenization approach which includes the switch of the continuum theory during the scale transition. Whereas the microscopic scale is described in the framework of the classical Cauchy theory, the macroscopic scale is based on the generalized Cosserat continuum. In order to use the obtained homogeneous Cosserat material, suitable finite elements are implemented in the commercial program system Abaqus followed by an appropriate verification. Beside the discussion of the arising effects the advantages of this approach compared to the classical procedure are shown by means of an idealized model of a biaxial woven fabric.
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Validation of a scale to measure psychosocial well-being in an African context / Sinette G. van RooyVan Rooy, Sinette Gertruida January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of the Mental Health Continuum - Short Form (MHC-SF) (Keyes, 2006a) in an African context. This 14-item self-report questionnaire that measures mental health was developed in a Western individualistic context, which differs from the more collectivistic African cultural context in South Africa. The MHC-SF consists of three subscales, namely Emotional well-being, Social well-being and Psychological/personal well-being. Participants (N^IOSO) from urban (n=451) and rural (n=599) settlements completed the MHC-SF and other measures indicating positive and negative facets of psychosocial functioning in a one-shot cross-sectional survey design with the aid of 16 trained fieldworkers. Scales included to determine concurrent/criterion-related validity were the Affectometer 2 (short version) (AFM) (Kammann & Flett, 1983), the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) (Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin, 1985), the Community Collective Efficacy Scale (revised) (CCES) (Carrol, Rosson & Zhou, 2005), the Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) (Schwarzer & Jerusalem, 1993), the New General Self-Efficacy Scale (NGSE) (Chen, Gully & Eden, 2000), the Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-29) (Antonovsky, 1987,1993) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) (Goldberg & Hillier, 1979). Results indicated a Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient of 0,75 for the total MHC-SF and acceptable inter-item and item-total correlations for the items. Item 4 had an eta-squared value indicating a large effect size, and thus had a negative impact on reliability. Mean inter-item correlations ranged between 0,19 and 0,30 and item-total correlations between 0,13 and 0,51. Concurrent/criterion-related validity was satisfactory. Confirmatory factor analysis yielded three factors. A three-factor model, omitting item 4, had the best fit in structural equation modelling. Six percent of the participants were languishing, Psychosocial well-being in an African context
73%) were moderately mentally healthy and 21%> were flourishing. More participants from the urban settlement flourish than from the rural settlement. It was concluded that the MHC-SF is reliable and valid for further use in research in an African context. / Thesis (M.A. (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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A Leisurely Experience (Sometimes): Understanding Sexual Experiences for Couples in a Committed RelationshipBondy, Jessica Renee 20 April 2013 (has links)
Sexual experiences are an important part of everyday life, yet little research has taken place to understand it’s implication in the leisure realm. As leisure scholars adopt a holistic view of the individual, one’s sexual experiences remain a critical element devoid of empirical research. The current study examined the linkages between leisure and sexual experiences for six couples in the life stage of early adulthood. Findings revealed that relationally, couples conceptualized sexual experiences as a means to express love. At an individual level, it was clear that leisurely dimensions including intrinsic motivation, perceived freedom, involvement, arousal, mastery and spontaneity were present in some sexual experiences. This research provides support that sexual experiences can be plotted on Neulinger’s (1981) Leisure Continuum highlighting the work-like and/or leisurely aspects of relational sexual experiences.
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Radii and neutron correlations of (6,8)He within the Gamow Shell ModelPapadimitriou, Georgios 01 December 2011 (has links)
We study the spatial correlations between halo neutrons in 6,8He within the complex-energy Gamow Shell Model (GSM). To this end, we calculate the neutron and proton radii, and two-neutron correlations in a large shell model space consisting of the 0p3/2 resonance and non-resonant p-sd scattering continuum. We use schematic forces and the finite-range Modified Minnesota interaction.The calculated charge radii, corrected for the core polarization and spin-orbit effects, are compared to the values extracted from measured atomic isotope shifts.We find that the charge radius of 6He primarily depends on the two-neutron separation energy and the shell-model occupation of the 0p3/2 orbit.We confirm that the ground-state GSM wave function of 6Heis dominated by the S=0 component representing a di-neutron structure. On the other hand, the correlation density of the 2+ resonance in 6He indicates a very weak di-neutron correlations in this state. We study the effect of pairing correlations on the neutron and charge radii of 6He and we confirm the presence of the Pairing-Anti-Halo effect in this light system.Finally, we calculate the charge radius of 8He in the full GSM space with the help of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) technique. The results of our realistic GSM+DMRG studies presented in this work show promise for extending the reach of the realistic complex-energy shell model to heavier halo systems.
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Magnetic forces in discrete and continuous systemsSchlömerkemper, Anja 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The topic of this thesis is a mathematically rigorous derivation of formulae for the magnetic force which is exerted on a part of a bounded magnetized body by its surrounding. Firstly, the magnetic force is considered within a continuous system based on macroscopic magnetostatics. The force formula in this setting is called Brown's force formula referring to W. F. Brown, who gave a mainly physically motivated discussion of it. This formula contains a surface integral which shows a nonlinear dependence on the normal. Brown assumes the existence of an additional term in the surface force which cancels the nonlinearity to allow an application of Cauchy's theorem in continuum mechanics to a magnetoelastic material. The proof of Brown's formula which is given in this work involves a suitable regularization of a hypersingular kernel and uses singular integral methods. Secondly, we consider a discrete, periodic setting of magnetic dipoles and formulate the force between a part of a bounded set and its surrounding. In order to pass to the continuum limit we start from the usual force formula for interacting magnetic dipoles. It turns out that the limit of the discrete force is different from Brown's force formula. One obtains an additional nonlinear surface term which allows one to regard Brown's assumption on the surface force as a consequence of the atomistic approach. Due to short range effects one obtains moreover an additional linear surface term in the continuum limit of the discrete force. This term contains a certain lattice sum which depends on a hypersingular kernel and the underlying lattice structure. / Das Thema dieser Arbeit ist eine mathematisch strenge Herleitung von Formeln für die magnetische Kraft, die auf einen Teil eines beschränkten, magnetischen Körpers durch seine Umgebung ausgeübt wird. Zunächst wird die magnetische Kraft in einem kontinuierlichen System auf Grundlage der makroskopischen Magnetostatik betrachtet. Mit Bezug auf W. F. Brown, der eine vor allem physikalisch motivierte Herleitung der Kraftformel gegeben hat, wird diese auch Brownsche Kraftformel genannt. Das Oberflächenintegral in dieser Formel zeigt eine nichtlineare Abhängigkeit von der Normalen. Um Cauchys Theorem aus der Kontinuumsmechanik in einem magnetoelastischen Material anwenden zu können, nimmt Brown an, dass die Oberflächenkraft einen zusäatzlichen Term enthält, der den nichtlinearen Ausdruck aufhebt. Der Beweis der Brownschen Kraftformel in dieser Arbeit beruht auf einer geeigneten Regularisierung eines hypersingulären Kerns und benutzt Methoden für singuläre Integrale. Danach gehen wir von einem diskreten, periodischen System von magnetischen Dipolen aus und betrachten die Kraft zwischen einem Teil einer beschränkten Menge und der Umgebung. Um zum Kontinuumslimes überzugehen, starten wir von der üblichen Kraftformel für wechselwirkende magnetische Dipole. Es zeigt sich, dass sich der Limes der diskreten Kraft von der Brownschen Kraftformel unterscheidet. Man erhält einen zusätzlichen nichtlinearen Oberflächenterm, der es ermöglicht, Browns Annahme als Konsequenz des atomistischen Zugangs zu sehen. Kurzreichweitige Effekte führen zudem zu einem linearen Oberflächenterm im Kontinuumlimes der diskreten Kraft. Dieser Zusatzterm enthält eine gewisse Gittersumme, die von einem hypersingulären Kern und der Struktur des zugrundeliegenden Gitters abhängt.
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Influence of Salinous Solutions in the Pressure and Volume Modulations of the Intracranial CavityCeballos, Mariana 2011 August 1900 (has links)
Following a head concussion the intracranial pressure increases due to the impact, which cannot be adequately relieved because of the stiffness of the skull. Popular strategies aimed at decompressing the head consist in the administration of osmotic agents and skull removal.
The mechanical properties of bone can be affected by the administration of different solutions. If the malleability of skull is influenced by the osmotic agents that are administered to the patient then the pressure and volume in the intracranial cavity can also be modified following the treatment. In this thesis research, we hypothesize that administered osmotic agents can influence the mechanical properties of the skull, which can also impact the volume the cavity can hold and subsequently the pressure in the head.
This premise was tested by modifying existing mathematical models compiled through two general MATLAB codes that allow the computation of a non-symbolic differential-algebraic initial value problem. Three main features were changed in comparison to current models: the skull's influence on the pressure and volume modulation was tested (inputs were obtained from skull tested under different solutions); pulsatile flow was accounted for on the creation and movement of cerebrospinal fluid; and the input on the mechanical behavior of the cranial vessels was accounted for through previously published continuum-mechanics vessel-behavior models. To complete the model, materials and mechanical properties were obtained through laboratory experiments as well as data collection from existing literature.
From our bone test we were able to conclude that there are different factors that affect the mechanical properties of bone in various degrees. There is a mild statistical correlation (p-value 0.05) between the mechanical properties of bone obtained from different regions of the skull samples (2-14mm) and the DPBS and hDPBS solutions. Additionally there is a strong statistical difference (p-value 0.05) between the mechanical properties obtained from cross head speed (0.02, 0.002, and 0.004 (mm/s)) and solution variation (DI, DPBS and hDPBS). Finally, we were able to see that there seems to be a correlation between the mechanical properties of bone, the solution treatments and hypertension; although more test need to be developed to affirm this premise since our results are preliminary.
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Strongly orthotropic continuum mechanicsKellermann, David Conrad, Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The principal contribution of this dissertation is a theory of Strongly Orthotropic Continuum Mechanics that is derived entirely from an assertion of geometric strain indeterminacy. Implementable into the finite element method, it can resolve widespread kinematic misrepresentations and offer unique and purportedly exact strain-induced energies by removing the assumptions of strain tensor symmetry. This continuum theory births the proposal of a new class of physical tensors described as the Intrinsic Field Tensors capable of generalising the response of most classical mechanical metrics, a number of specialised formulations and the solutions shown to be kinematically intermediate. A series of numerical examples demonstrate Euclidean objectivity, material frame-indifference, patch test satisfaction, and agreement between the subsequent Material Principal Co-rotation and P??I??C decomposition methods that produce the intermediary stress/strain fields. The encompassing theory has wide applicability owing to its fundamental divergence from conventional mechanics, it offers non-trivial outcomes when applied to even very simple problems and its use of not the Eulerian, Lagrangian but the Intrinsic Frame generates previously unreported results in strongly orthotropic continua.
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Continuum diffusion on networksChristophe Haynes Unknown Date (has links)
In this thesis we develop and use a continuum random walk framework to solve problems that are usually studied using a discrete random walk on a discrete lattice. Problems studied include; the time it takes for a random walker to be absorbed at a trap on a fractal lattice, the calculation of the spectral dimension for several different classes of networks, the calculation of the density of states for a multi-layered Bethe lattice and the relationship between diffusion exponents and a resistivity exponent that occur in relevant power laws. The majority of the results are obtained by deriving an expression for a Laplace transformed Green’s function or first passage time, and then using Tauberian theorems to find the relevant asymptotic behaviour. The continuum framework is established by studying the diffusion equation on a 1-d bar with non-homogeneous boundary conditions. The result is extended to model diffusion on networks through linear algebra. We derive the transformation linking the Green’s functions and first passage time results in the continuum and discrete settings. The continuum method is used in conjunction with renormalization techniques to calculate the time taken for a random walker to be absorbed at a trap on a fractal lattice and also to find the spectral dimension of new classes of networks. Although these networks can be embedded in the d- dimensional Euclidean plane, they do not have a spectral dimension equal to twice the ratio of the fractal dimension and the random walk dimension when the random walk on the network is transient. The networks therefore violate the Alexander-Orbach law. The fractal Einstein relationship (a relationship relating a diffusion exponent to a resistivity exponent) also does not hold on these networks. Through a suitable scaling argument, we derive a generalised fractal Einstein relationship which holds for our lattices and explains anomalous results concerning transport on diffusion limited aggregates and Eden trees.
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Modular model assembly from finite element models of componentsRen, Zhen. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Michigan State University. Mechanical Engineering, 2008. / Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on July 27, 2009) Includes bibliographical references (p. 49). Also issued in print.
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