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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La stratégie militaire des Cananéo-phéniciens d'après les sources archéologiques et historiques / The military strategy of Cananeo-Phoenician according to archaeological and historical sources

Jalbout, Ziad 26 November 2018 (has links)
La stratégie militaire des Cananéo-phéniciens à l'âge du Bronze constitue le sujet développé dans cette thèse. Celle-ci se base sur l'étude des fortifications, des armes, des textes historiques, des figurines armées et des représentations sur des bas-reliefs et sur des sceaux-cylindres. Les deux volets principaux de ce travail s'articulent donc autour des fortifications et des armes. L'étude des systèmes défensifs est menée à la lumière d'une approche scientifique inédite se basant sur la mécanique statique. Les fortifications répertoriées ont été découvertes au Levant-Nord, notamment à Byblos et à Ougarit, et dans des nombreux autres sites de la région. L'analyse de ces systèmes défensifs montre que les tours, les bastions, les remparts, les murs, les casemates et les fossés sont destinés à entraver la progression des machines de guerre et des soldats ; de même que les contreforts, les glacis, les noyaux et les murs de soutènement sont conçus pour assurer l'équilibre statique des fortifications. Le corpus d'armes cataloguées se compose de 1344 éléments provenant de Byblos et d'Ougarit principalement. Une partie de ces armes a été analysée à la Direction générale des antiquités de Beyrouth et une autre partie a été traitée suivant une approche informatique se basant sur la reconstitution virtuelle du Tell de Byblos. Suivant leur fonction, ces armes sont distribuées en armes à comte portée ; en armes à longue portée ; en armes défensives et finalement en machines de guerre. En conclusion, cette étude trace les grandes étapes de l'histoire militaire des Cananéo-phéniciens tout en montrant que la stratégie militaire adoptée par ce peuple était défensive. / The military strategy of the Cananeo-Phoenicians in the Bronze Age is the subject developed in this thesis. It is based on the study of fortifications, weapons, historical texts, armed figurines, and representations on reliefs, and cylinder seals. Hence, the two main components of this work are articulated around fortifications and weapons. The study of defensive systems is conducted in the light of an unprecedented scientific approach based on static mechanics. The listed fortifications have been discovered in North Levant, particularly in Byblos, Ugarit, and many other sites in the region. The analysis of these defensive systems shows that towers, bastions, ramparts, walls, casemates, and fosses are intended to hinder the progress of war machines and soldiers; in addition, the buttresses, glacis, cores, and retaining walls are designed to ensure the static equilibrium of those fortifications. The catalog of weapons consists of 1344 items discovered mainly in Byblos and Ugarit. Some of these weapons were analyzed at the General Directorate of Antiquities of Beirut while some others are treated using a computerized approach based on the virtual reconstruction of Byblos Tell. Depending on their function, these weapons are distributed on short-range weapons, long-range weapons, defensive weapons, and finally war machines. In conclusion, this study traces the stages of Cananeo-Phoenician military history and shows that the military strategy adopted by this people was defensive.

Imperialism and cultural institutions : the formation of French Syria and Lebanon

Ouahes, Idir January 2016 (has links)
French rule over Syria and Lebanon was premised on a vision of a special French protectorate established by centuries of cultural activity; archaeological, educational and charitable. This vision translated into a meaning of the mandate as colonial protectorate, integrated into the French Empire. Initial French methods of organising and supervising cultural activity sought to embrace this vision and to implement it in the exploitation of antiquities, the management and promotion of cultural heritage, the organisation of education and control of the public opinion among literate classes. However, in-depth examination of the first five years of the League of Nations-assigned mandate reveals that French expectations of a protectorate were quickly dashed by consistent and widespread contestation of their mandatary methods within cultural institutions, not simply among Arabists but so too among minority groups initially expected to be loyal clients. The violence of imposing the mandate de facto, starting with a landing of French troops in the Lebanese and Syrian Mediterranean coast in 1919 and followed by extension to Syria “proper” in 1920 was followed by consistent violent revolt and rejection of the very idea of a mandate over local peoples. Examining the cultural institutions’ role reveals less violent yet similarly consistent contestation of French meanings ascribed to the mandate by challenging their methods of executing it. Tracing the mandate administrators’ and surveillance and diplomatic apparatus’ point of view, this analysis shows the significant pressure put on French expectations through contestation of such policies as the exportation of antiquities, the expansion of French instruction over Arabic learning, the censorship of the press. This did not quite unite the infamously tapestry-like stakeholders within and without Syria on a nationalist or even anti-imperialist framework. Yet there was a unity in contesting mandatary methods precieved to be transforming the meaning of a League of Nations mandate. The political and de jure discourses emerging after the tragedy of World War I fostered expectations of European tutelages that prepared local peoples for autonomy and independence. Yet, even among the most Francophile of stakeholders, the unfolding of the first years of mandate rule brought forth de facto, entirely different events and methods. In conjunction with the ongoing violent refusal to accept even the premise of a French mandate, this contestation, partly occurring through cultural institutions, contributed to a fundamental reduction of French expectations in the formative five years. An in-depth horizontal and synchronic analysis of the shifts in discourses, attitudes and activities unfolding in French and locally-organised cultural institutions such as schools, museums and newspapers thus signals the need for mandate studies to give greater consideration to shifts in international and local meanings, methods and capacities rather than treating it as a single unit of analysis.

Transition from compression to strike-slip tectonic styles along the northern margin of the Levant Basin / Transition de la compression au decrochement de style tectonique sur de la marge nord du bassin du Levant

Symeou, Vasilis 23 February 2018 (has links)
En Méditerranée orientale, l’arc de Chypre est une frontière géologique majeure où interagissent les plaques Arabie, Afrique, Eurasie et la microplaque anatolienne. Il constitue la limite Nord du bassin du Levant (croûte continentale amincie étirée) et du bassin d’Hérodote (croûte océanique). L’arc de Chypre est directement lié à la convergence vers le Nord de la plaque Africaine sur la plaque Eurasienne depuis la fin du Crétacé. Dans la région Egéenne, l’indentation de la plaque Arabique sur la partie orientale de la plaque Anatolienne d’une part, et l’effet « roll back » du plan de subduction africain dans la partie occidentale de la plaque Anatolienne d’autre part, ont pour conséquence l’expulsion de l’Anatolie depuis la fin du Miocène à aujourd’hui, ce qui se traduit par un décrochement le long de l’arc de Chypre, se prolongeant sur l’île de Chypre. Plusieurs questions scientifiques concernant le cadre géologique de la région ont été étudiées au cours de ce projet. Comment la déformation est-elle intégrée dans le système de l'Arc de Chypre ? La variation crustale de chaque domaine affecte-t-elle le style de déformation ? Comment cette déformation est-elle enregistrée dans les sédiments de l’île de Chypre ? Comment ces déformations (Onshore / Offshore) peuvent être connectées au contexte géodynamique régional ? Afin de répondre à ces questions scientifiques, des données sismiques de réflexion 2D ont été utilisées, et ont permis d’imager les structures principales et leur évolution spatiale dans les parties Sud et Orientale de Chypre. L'interprétation de ces données conduit à l'identification de neuf unités tectono-sédimentaires dans trois différents domaines de la croûte crustale au sud du système de l'Arc chypriote: (1) le bassin du Levant (croûte continentale amincie), (2) le micro-continent d'Eratosthène (croûte continentale) et (3) le bassin d'Hérodote (croûte océanique). Dans ces domaines, de nombreuses structures tectoniques ont été documentées et analysées afin de comprendre le mécanisme et le timing de la déformation. À la limite nord du domaine du bassin du Levant, des accidents majeures chevauchants vers le Sud ont été documentés dans le bassin de Chypre, commençant au début du Miocène et enregistrés par les failles de Larnaca et de Margat. La faille Latakia n’a quant à elle enregistré aucune activité pendant cette période. L'apogée de la déformation s'est produite du Miocène moyen jusqu’à la fin du Miocene, l'activité de la faille de Latakia indiquant la propagation vers le Sud du front de déformation. Cette migration vers le sud a été documentée à partir du développement de bassins flexuraux et des chevauchements stratigraphiques dans le bassin de Chypre. Les pulses tectoniques successifs depuis la fin du Miocène jusqu’à aujourd’hui, sont indiquées par les discordances angulaires et les bassins piggy back. Pendant la période Plio-Pléistocène, l’expulsion vers l'ouest de la microplaque anatolienne a entraîné la réactivation des structures existantes. L'évolution de la déformation le long de la limite de la plaque est identifiée à partir de la création de structures en fleur positives révélant des mouvements transpressifs le long des failles Larnaca et Latakia (domaines orientaux). Le domaine central comprend le mont sous-marin d'Eratosthène qui se caractérise comme une plate-forme carbonatée mésozoïque recouverte d'une mince séquence sédimentaire allant des dépôts Messinien aux dépôts Pléistocène. / The Cyprus Arc system is major plate boundary of the Eastern Mediterranean where different plates interact, namely Arabia, Africa, Eurasia, as well as the Anatolian micro-plate. It constitutes the northern boundary of the Levant Basin (of thin stretched continental crust) and the Herodotus Basin (of oceanic crust). The Cyprus Arc is directly linked with the northward convergence of the African continental plate with respect to the Eurasian continental plate since Late Cretaceous time. The indentation of the Arabian plate and the slab pull effect of the African plate roll back in the Aegean region on the eastern and western part of the Anatolian plate respectively, leads to the westward escape of Anatolia from Late Miocene to Recent, which results in a strike-slip component along the Cyprus Arc system and onshore Cyprus. Several scientific questions with regard to the geological setting of the region were investigated during this project. How is the deformation accommodated at the Cyprus Arc system? Is this deformation style affected by the variation of the crustal nature at each domain? How is this deformation recorded on the sedimentary pile onshore Cyprus? How does the onshore and offshore deformation connect within the geodynamic context of the region? In order to answer these scientific questions, 2D reflection seismic data were utilized, that image the main plate structures and their lateral evolution south and east of Cyprus. Interpretation of these data lead to the identification of nine tectono-sedimentary packages in three different crustal domains south of the Cyprus Arc system: (1) The Levant Basin (attenuated continental crust), (2) The Eratosthenes micro-continent (continental crust) and (3) The Herodotus Basin (oceanic crust). Within these domains, numerous tectonic structures were documented and analysed in order to understand the mechanism and timing of deformation. At the northern boundary of the Levant Basin domain, thrust faults verging towards the south were documented in the Cyprus Basin with the thrust movement commencing in Early Miocene time as indicated by on the Larnaca and Margat Ridges. On the Latakia Ridge no activity was identified during this time interval. The acme of deformation occurred in Middle to Late Miocene time, with the activity of the Latakia Ridge indicating the forward propagation of the deformation front towards the south. This southward migration was documented from the development of flexural basins and from stratigraphic onlaps in the Cyprus Basin. Successive tectonic pulses through the Late Miocene until Recent times, are indicated from the angular unconformities and the piggy back basins. In Plio-Pleistocene time, the westward escape of the Anatolian micro-plate resulted in the reactivation of existing structures. The evolution of deformation along the plate boundary is identified from the creation of positive flower structures revealing transpressive movements along the Larnaca and Latakia Ridges (eastern domains). The central domain includes the Eratosthenes Seamount which is characterized as a Mesozoic carbonate platform covered by a thin sequence of sediments ranging from Miocene-Messinian to Pliocene-Pleistocene depositions.

Evaluation Of The Demersal Fish Assemblages Of The Northeastern Levant Sea

Ok, Meltem 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ecosystem-level changes have taken place in the Mediterranean Sea over the last decades due to both anthropogenic interferences and natural perturbations. Compared to the western Mediterranean Sea, influences of these factors especially on flora and fauna characteristics are much more dramatic and intense in the eastern part, particularly in the northeastern Levant Sea where the study area is located. In this study, life history traits of some core species (both native and immigrant) occupying the continental shelf of the northeastern Levant Sea were studied in this changing ecosystem to improve limited ecological understanding of the demersal fish assemblages of the northeastern Levant Sea. For this purpose, the annual patterns in allocation and utilization of energy in demersal fish species, temporal and bathymetrical trends in fish distribution with respect to biological requirements of the species and strategies adapted by the species in growth, reproduction and energy storage were investigated by examining growth parameters, biological indices and abundance and biomass variations. Influences of environmental variables on spatiotemporal distribution and biological characteristic of Mullus barbatus were also explored by generalized additive models. Biological data were collected at monthly intervals between May 2007 and May 2010 by trawl sampling while sample collection of environmental variables (temperature and salinity) was performed from December 2008 to May 2010. Results of this study reveal that the components of the demersal fish assemblage in the region fulfill their biological activities within a short period of time when the highest productivity is reached in the area. Moreover, results indicate that within this short period of time, some native components of the demersal fish assemblages studied (Mullus barbatus and Pagellus erythrinus) exhibit strategies such as fast growth, early maturation, short reproduction season, secondary spawners to cope with the environmental peculiarities. On the other hand, the successful exotic colonizers develop strategies as well but these successful immigrants also use time (Lagocephalus suezensis) and space (depth) (Upeneus pori) slot that the native species avoid. In some of the species examined (Mullus barbatus and Lagocephalus suezensis), growth is fast, sexual maturity is early, reproduction period is short, and reproduction potential is high. With the peculiar environmental condition, these life history traits are attributed to the &ldquo / r-strategy&rdquo / of the species. In this study, generalized additive models of Mullus barbatus explain 81.5 % variations in Gonadosomatic Index (GSI), 55.2 % in Hepatosomatic Index (HSI) and 43.9 % in Condition Factor (K). The time component in the GAM model captures the same cyclic pattern observed in GSI of Mullus barbatus. Besides, The GAM results suggest that the highest GSI values associated with the bottom water temperature are between 18 &ndash / 19 &deg / C while the partial effect of bottom salinity is at 38.7 psu. A positive effect of depth on GSI of the species starts after 60 meters depth and increasing trend continues until 125 meters depth and then decreases. The HSI results are almost identical to GSI outputs indicating that the effects of the parameters concerned act in a similar manner. The results of the GAM models failed to explain influence of environmental parameters on vertical and seasonal distribution of adult Mullus barbatus. However 83.5 % variances were explained in distribution of juveniles. The salinity and temperature have the highest impact on the distribution of juveniles among the parameters evaluated. The results indicate that the occurrence of Atlantic Water in the area has a positive influence on M. barbatus, particularly on the recruits through either by its low salinity or by another factor associated with this water mass. The vertical distribution range are set by the high temperatures (&gt / 27 &deg / C) at the shallow depths during summer and the low temperatures on the shelf break zone (&lt / 16 &deg / C). A comparison of vertical abundance distribution of Mullus barbatus and the vertical temperature variations indicate that the species may tolerate up to 27 &deg / C and then individuals move to the deeper depths so that to the cooler waters when the temperature exceeds their tolerance limit. As well as the life history traits adopted by the species, there are some other factors providing advantages to the species. The fisheries regulations, particularly the time limits applied in the area are in favor of the species especially of pre-recruits. In the study area the pre-recruitment phase and summer YOY aggregations in shallow waters of most species studied in this thesis take place during a time when the fishing season is closed.

Contribution à la connaissance de l'Aurignacien du Levant : analyse typo-technologique des industries lithiques de la séquence de Yabroud II (Syrie)

Ghazi, Houssam 04 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse intitulé " Contribution à la connaissance de l'Aurignacien du Levant : analyse typo-technologique des industries lithiques de la séquence de Yabroud II (Syrie) " consiste en un bilan bibliographique sur l'Aurignacien du Levant et une étude typo-technologique de l'importante séquence de Yabroud II. L'objectif premier de cette recherche est de discuter de la définition de l'Aurignacien du Levant. Cette définition sera établie en tenant compte de ce qui est connu pour l'Aurignacien d'Europe d'une part, de l'Aurignacien du reste du Levant et de l'Ahmarien d'autre part. Nous nous appuierons pour ce faire sur l'approche typo-technologique des industries lithiques.

Al-Qaeda in Syria: implications for Middle Eastern Security and U.S Foreign Policy.

Pataudi, Ibrahim 01 January 2014 (has links)
This paper attempts to provide a comprehensive description and analysis of Al-Qaeda affiliates fighting in Syria. The implications for Middle Eastern Security, US foreign policy and Islamic extremism in the future are projected.

The impact of the arrival of the Knights of St John on the commercial economy of Malta 1530-1565

Abela, Joan Angela January 2012 (has links)
Much has been written about various aspects of the long presence of the Knights of the Order St John on the island of Malta. Nonetheless, throughout this literature there is one noticeable omission - a study of the commercial development of the harbour area during the first decades of the Order’s rule. Despite Malta’s small size, the presence of the Order of St John (1530 -1798) ensured an inflow of foreign resources which eventually permitted very dense human settlement and an international projection beyond the island’s shores which was largely disproportionate to what would normally have occurred in such a small and sterile island. The maritime nature of the Order and the heavy dependence on imports hastened the creation of an efficient maritime communication system. The development of all these economic activities resulted in a prime economic means of generating wealth and served as a pull factor to a large number of enterprising individuals, both local and foreign. Early modern Hospitaller Malta eventually saw the consolidation of an enterprising business class, which, out of sheer necessity, grew accustomed to operating well beyond its narrow confines. In turn, this contributed to the island becoming more open to connectivity with the outside world. Hence, the main aim of this thesis is to explore in detail various economic activities taking place in Malta during this particular period which spans from 1530 to 1565. The year 1565 has been chosen as a marker since during this year there was a break in the normal chain of events due to the turmoil created by the Great Siege. In order to reach this goal the practical functioning of commerce with its agreements and disputes, its currencies, its trading posts and its nodal points shall be analyzed. Furthermore, this thesis strives to show how notarial evidence, together with that derived from records of various tribunals set up on the island at the time, supplement each other and help to fill in gaps. While discussing different methodological approaches to the study of the Mediterranean, the first chapter of this study shall also assess Malta’s place within the wider Mediterranean historiographical framework. It shall also trace the development of Maltese historiography and its contribution to the study of legal, economic and social issues relating to the sixteenth century. Furthermore, this study shall place the various series of primary sources used for its compilation in their proper context, thus allowing the reader to evaluate better the significance of the information provided. The second chapter shall evaluate how the arrival of the Order provided for the setting up of new institutions and for the promulgation of new laws in order to consolidate its authority over the island despite repeated promises to respect and honour ancient rights and privileges. The following three chapters shall each be dedicated to a particular case study which will try to address specific topics that have been largely neglected in Maltese historiography. Thus, starting with an analysis of the grain trade, which was of the utmost importance for a sterile island with an ever-increasing population, it will be followed by another case study which seeks to evaluate the role of women, their legal persona and how this affected their contribution to the island’s economic activities. The final chapter will try to establish whether there were any commercial links between Malta, often described as the frontier and bulwark of Christianity, and its neighbouring Ottoman North African territories. If such trade existed, how did merchants, both Christian and Muslim, manage to overcome religious antagonism which should have inhibited the easy flow of trade? The objective of this study shall therefore be to shed much-needed light on economic activities taking place in and around the harbour area during a largely unexplored period in Maltese history. Moreover, it shall seek to provide a better understanding of Mediterranean commercial relations since the Maltese harbour was a point of intersection not only for people of different nationalities, but even for people of different faiths, such as Muslims, Jews and Christians of different denominations. All had one common goal which unified them, that is, trading and making profit out of it.

Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis : drogman et orientaliste 1739-1799

Jauffret-Derville, Sibylle 19 December 2011 (has links)
Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis est né à Marseille en 1739. Admis, en 1752, à l'École des Enfants de Langue, créée par Colbert, il apprend le métier de drogman. Outre l'enseignement des discipline classiques qui est dispensé par les jésuites, il y commence l'apprentissage des langues orientales et reçoit une solide formation à l'érudition. Devenu drogman, il passe plus de trente ans de sa vie dans les Échelles du Levant et de Barbarie et sa carrière remarquable lui ouvre les portes de la Bibliothèque du Roy dans laquelle il sera nommé Secrétaire Interprète pour les Langues Orientales, l'acmé de la profession. Il se consacre alors à la philologie, à la traduction d'ouvrages orientaux et fait bénéficier de nombreux auteurs de son savoir sur l'Orient. Il devient un jalon marquant de l'orientalisme académique français. L'Expédition d'Égypte est sa dernière mission, il y accompagne le général Bonaparte et meurt lors de la retraite de Syrie. L'utilisation du prisme biographique permet, au delà de la vie et de l'œuvre de Jean- Michel Venture de Paradis, d'avoir une vision d'ensemble de la constitution et de la professionnalisation du corps des drogmans français, tout au long du XVIIIe siècle français. il permet également de mettre en évidence l'évolution de cette profession aux multiples facettes, médiation linguistique, commerciale et diplomatique, qui se transforme , se divise et donne naissance à la fin du siècle, à la diplomatie et à l'orientalisme académique. / Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis was born in Marseille in 1739. In 1752 he boarded the Ecole des Enfants de Langue, founded by Colbert, where he is trained as a drogman. Aside from the classical disciplines teached there by the Jesuits, he studies oriental languages and receives a solid training in erudition. Once a drogman, Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis will spend more than 30 years in the Levant and Barbary. His successful career leads him to the Bibliothèque du Roy where he is named Secrétaire Interprète pour les Langues Orientales, the most important post in the profession of drogman. He then studies philology, translates oriental texts and shares his knowledge with many authors, becoming a key personality in the academic circle of Oriental studies. The Expédition d’Egypte will be his last assignment. He accompanies General Bonaparte and dies during the retreat of the French army from Syria.The use of biographical material taken from the life of Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis opens to a broader vision of the creation, and professionnalization, during all of the 18th century, of the position of drogman. It also permits to focus on the evolution of a profession which relies on a variety of competencies : linguistic, diplomatic, and commercial mediation, which transforms itself, splits up, and gives birth, at the end of the century, to professional diplomacy on the one hand, and academic orientalism on the other.

A construção midiática do Estado Islâmico do Iraque e do Levante (EIIL) através do documentário The Islamic State (2014) e da revista Dabiq (2014-2016)

Silva, João Leopoldo e 08 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-04-09T13:03:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 João Leopoldo e Silva.pdf: 6402288 bytes, checksum: d3b037e7023d3505e8659d9ef856d0eb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-09T13:03:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 João Leopoldo e Silva.pdf: 6402288 bytes, checksum: d3b037e7023d3505e8659d9ef856d0eb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-08 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This research aims to analyze two journalistic productions regarding to the recent phenomena that led to the expansion of the paramilitary group Daesh into a 'Caliphate', the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Several media companies sent correspondents and journalists who, through news, sought to keep their viewers connected and informed about the ongoing war. Two productions among the great tangle of information available on the internet stand out in this matter: the documentary The Islamic State (2014), produced by the American news company Vice, and the magazine Dabiq (2014-2016) produced by the ISIS itself. Tied with the studies of audiovisual, journalistic and recent sources, the research seeks to follow the 'History of the Present', addressing issues focused on the media construction of EIIL in order to discuss the nuances, approximations and distancing of both productions in focus / A presente pesquisa busca analisar duas produções jornalísticas sobre o fenômeno recente da expansão do grupo paramilitar islâmico Daesh em um ‘Califado’, o chamado Estado Islâmico do Iraque e do Levante (EIIL). Diversas companhias de comunicação enviaram correspondentes e jornalistas que, através de notícias, buscaram manter seus espectadores conectados e informados sobre a guerra em andamento. Duas produções dentre o grande emaranhado de informações disponíveis na internet se destacam neste sentido: o documentário The Islamic State (2014), produzido pela companhia norte-americana de notícias Vice, e a revista Dabiq (2014-2016) realizada e produzida pelo próprio EIIL. Ancorada nos estudos perante fontes audiovisuais e jornalísticas, a pesquisa visa ir ao encontro da ‘História do Presente’ abordando questões voltadas à construção midiática do EIIL de maneira a discutir as nuances, aproximações e distanciamentos das produções em foco

The Phoenician Trade Network: Tracing a Mediterranean Exchange System

Puckett, Neil 1983- 14 March 2013 (has links)
The Phoenicians were known as artisans, merchants, and seafarers by the 10th century B.C.E. They exchanged raw and finished goods with people in many cultural spheres of the ancient world and accumulated wealth in the process. A major factor that aided their success was the establishment of colonies along the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic coasts. These colonies, established by the eighth century B.C.E., supplied valuable raw materials to the major Phoenician cities in the Levant, while also providing additional markets abroad. Excavations at a myriad of these colonial sites have recovered materials that can be used to identify connections between the colonies, the Levantine cities, and non-Phoenician cultures across the ancient world. By establishing these connections the system of maritime exchange can be better understood and modeled as the Phoenician Trade Network. This network involved both direct and indirect exchange of raw and finished products, people, as well as political and cultural ideas. The colonies were involved in various activities including ceramics production, metallurgy, trade, and agriculture. Native peoples they interacted with provided valuable goods, especially metals, which were sent east to supply the Near Eastern Markets. The Phoenician Trade Network was a system of interconnected, moderately independent population centers which all participated in the advancement of Phoenician mercantilism and wealth. Ultimately, the network collapsed in the sixth century B.C.E. allowing other powers such as the Romans, Carthaginians, and Greeks to replace them as the dominant merchants of the Mediterranean.

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