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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Escola complementar de Caxias : histórias da primeira instituição pública para formação de professores na cidade de Caxias do Sul (1930-1961)

Bergozza, Roseli Maria 15 December 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como propósito pesquisar e analisar a organização e instalação da primeira instituição pública, de caráter oficial, para formação de professores primários, em 1930, na cidade de Caxias do Sul. Escola Complementar de Caxias, posteriormente denominada Escola Normal Duque de Caxias. O estudo assentou-se na possibilidade de produzir um olhar sobre a instituição, através do inventário das práticas produzidas e produtoras dos sujeitos que vivenciaram a mesma e contribuíram para a construção das culturas escolares. Os sujeitos envolvidos no processo escolar são historicamente (re)lembrados, visto que eles se constituíram nas práticas e nos discursos. Como referencial teórico, recorre-se aos postulados da História Cultural e à tríade conceitual proposta por Roger Chartier, apropriação, representação e prática. A análise documental se deu pela interpretação dos documentos produzidos pela instituição, pelos relatórios da Intendência e pelo acervo do Arquivo Histórico Municipal João Spadari Adami. O texto está organizado em três capítulos, iniciando com as considerações acerca da cidade de Caxias, abordando aspectos históricos, desde a chegada dos primeiros imigrantes até a criação e instalação da Escola em 1930, contemplando ainda a história da educação escolarizada na cidade. Na sequência, analiso os sujeitos envolvidos no processo escolar, enfatizando o papel dos diretores (as), professores (as), e alunos (as). E, por fim, focalizam-se elementos das culturas escolares, sobretudo as práticas permeadas pelos saberes e discursos implicados no processo escolar. As práticas escolares, inicialmente, denotam características dos discursos escolanovista e médico, a partir de 1939, indicam forte influência do discurso de cunho nacionalista. A expansão e afirmação da escola pública na região se deu com maior vigor a partir da crescente qualificação do processo de formação de professores, sobretudo com a instalação da Escola Complementar de Caxias como um marco significativo da profissionalização docente na cidade e na região evidenciando assim, a feminização do magistério. / The present work aims at researching and analyzing the organization and installation of the first public official institution devoted to primary teachers´ formation in 1930 in Caxias do Sul, by that time named Escola Complementar de Caxias, and later renamed Escola Normal Duque de Caxias. The study relied on the possibility of having a look at the institution, through the inventory of the practices from both teachers and students who have experienced the school and have cooperated to the construction of the school culture. The individuals involved in the whole process are historically considered, since they are constituted by practices and discourses. The theoretical support is based on the postulates of the Cultural History and on the conceptual triad proposed by Roger Chartier: appropriation, representation and practice. The documental analysis has been done through the interpretation of the documents produced by the institution, the reports from the stewardship and also the files from Arquivo Histórico Municipal João Spadari Adami. The text is organized into three chapters: it starts with some points on the city of Caxias do Sul, taking historical aspects into consideration, since the arrival of the first immigrants until the creation and installation of the school in 1930 and contemplating the history of education in the city. After that, I examine the people involved in the schooling process, giving emphasis to the role of principals, teachers and students. Finally, it has been focused on the elements of school culture, mainly the practices related to knowledge and discourses implied in the schooling process. Initially, the school practices have demonstrated traits of the new school and medical discourses, and then, from 1939 on, they have indicated the strong influence of the nationalist discourse. The expansion and affirmation of the public school in the region has happened vigorously due to the empowerment and qualification on the teacher´s formation and, above all, the installation of Escola Complementar de Caxias as a turning point to teacher´s professionalization both in the city and the region, showing, this way, the feminization of the teaching

Perceptions of stakeholders on management development programmes for beginning secondary school heads in Zimbabwe

Mudzingwa, Kudzayiishe 10 1900 (has links)
Text in English, abstract in English, Zulu and Sepedi / The education system in Zimbabwe has experienced a wide range of educational reforms and technological changes since the last half of the 20th century. These changes have resulted in a significant expansion of the duties and responsibilities that school heads are expected to perform in schools. Despite these changes, there has not been a comprehensive training programme meant to prepare newly promoted secondary school heads for the daunting task of school leadership in Zimbabwe. The study sought to examine the perceptions of stakeholders regarding management development programmes (MDPs) for beginning secondary school heads (BSSHs). The study employed the descriptive case study approach based on a qualitative research design. A total of 28 participants were initially selected for the study but only 27 took part. The participants comprised five BSSHs, five practising secondary school heads, four deputy heads and 10 senior teachers who were drawn from 10 selected secondary schools in Zaka district. Three school inspectors from the district education office in Zaka district also took part. The participants were purposively sampled using the maximum variation sampling approach to account for the differences of their professional categories. Individual semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from the BSSHs, practising secondary school heads and school inspectors, while focus group interviews were used to collect data from deputy heads and senior teachers. A review of relevant documentary sources such as vacancy announcement circulars, the Civil Service Commission (CSC) training and development policy and policy circulars from the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) was also undertaken. The findings indicated that there was a need for a management development programme that would equip newly promoted school heads with the relevant technical skills and competencies that would enable them to provide sound leadership to schools. The study established that BSSHs required knowledge and skills in financial management, instructional leadership, general administration, ICT, policy issues, human resources management, community relations, documentation and asset management. / Uhlelo lwezemfundo eZimbabwe seluhlangabenzane nezinkinga ezinkulu ezimayelana nezinguquko kwezemfundo kanye noshintsho kwezobuchwepheshe kusukela kuyisigamu sokugcina sekhulu leminyaka engama-20. Lezi zinguquko ziholele ekwandisweni okuphawulekayo kwemisebenzi kanye nezibopho okumele othishanhloko ezikolweni bayifeze. Ngaphandle kwalezinguquko, akukaze kwabakhona uhlelo lokuqeqesha olunzulu olulungiselela othishanhloko abasanda kuthola izikhundla ezintsha kulomsebenzi onzima wokuhola eZimbabwe. Isifundo sizohlola sibheke imibono yamadlelandawonye mayelana neZinhlelo Zokuthuthukisa Ukuphatha kwalabothishanhloko bezikole zamabanga aphezulu abasafufuza. Isifundo sizosebenzisa ucwaningo lwesifundo esichazayo olwakhelwe phezulu kocwaningo lokuklama oluphathelene nesimo. Kuye kwakhethwa abantu abangamashumi amabili nesishiyagalombili (28) kodwa babe ngamashumi amabili nesikhombisa (27) kuphela abaye babamba iqhaza. Abantu ababambe iqhaza behlise obekuhloswe ngalabothishanhloko abahlanu (5) bezikole zamabanga aphezulu abasafufuza, othishanhloko abahlanu (5) asebekhona kulo mkhakha emabangeni aphezulu, amaphini kathishanhloko yesikole amane (4), othisha abasezingeni lokuphatha ngokwesikhathi asebe sisebenzile abaqokwe ezikolweni zamabanga aphezulu abayishumi (10) abakhethwe ezikolweni zamabanga aphezulu kuyisifunda sakwaZaka. Abahloli bezikole abathathu ababuya kuyisifunda somnyango wezemfundo kuso isifunda sakwaZaka nabo babamba iqhaza. Abantu ababambe iqhaza basampulwe ngenhloso ethile lapho kusetshenziswe indlela ephezulu yokuhluka kwesampuli ukuze kuphendulwe ngokuhluka ngokwezigaba zabo zemfundo. Izinhlolokhono ezihleliwe zomuntu ngamunye ziye zasetshenziswa ukuqoqa ulwazi kothishanhloko bezikole bamabanga aphezulu abasafufuza, othishanhloko asebekhona kulo mkhakha emabangeni aphezulu kanye nabahloli bezikole kwase kuthi izinhlolokhono zamaqembu zasetshenziselwa ukuqoqa ulwazi kumaphini onhloko bezikole nakothisha abasezingeni lokuphatha ngokwesikhathi asebe sisebenzile abaqokwe ezikolweni zamabanga aphezulu. Kuye kwabuyekezwa imibhalo yamaphepha efanele efana namasekhula amemezela izikhala zomsebenzi, iKhomishani Yomsebenzi Womphakathi yokuqeqeshwa nenqubomgomo yokuthuthukiswa kanye nenqubomgomo yamasekhula asuka kuNgqongqoshe weMfundo yamabanga Aphansi nawaPhezulu. Kuye kwatholakala ukuthi kunesidingo sezinhlelo zokuthuthukisa ukuphatha ezizohlomisa othishanhloko abasandukunyuselwa kulezi zikhundla ngamakhono afanele ezobuchwepheshe anamandla azobasiza ukuba babengabaholi abaqotho ezikolweni. Isifundo siye sathola ukuthi othishanhloko bezikole bamabanga aphezulu abasafufuza badinga ulwazi namakhono ngokuphathwa kwezimali, ubuholi obuqotho bokufundisa, ukuphathwa kwamabhuku jikelele, Ulwazi Lwezobuchwepheshe Kwezokuxhumana (ICT), okuphathelene nengqubomgomo, ukuphathwa kwabantu, ubudlelwano nomphakathi, kanye nokuphathwa kwemibhalo nempahla. / Peakanyo ya thuto go la Zimbabwe e itemogetše dimpshafatšo tša thuto le diphetogo tša theknolotši tše di fapanego go tloga nakong ya seripagare sa mafelelo sa ngwagakgolo wa bo20. Diphetogo tše di hlotše koketšo ye kgolo ya ditshwanelo le boikarabelo tšeo dihlogo tša dikolo di letelwago go di phethagatša dikolong. Ka ntle ga diphetogo tše, go bile le lenaneo la tlhahlo leo le feleletšego leo le diretšwego go beakanyetša dihlogo tša dikolo tše mpsha tšeo di sa tšogo godišwa go tlo lebana le modiro wo o tšhošago wa boetapele bja dikolo ka Zimbabwe. Thutelo e nyaka go hlahloba dikgopolo tša batho bao ba nago le dikgahlego malebana le mananeo a tlhabollo ya bolaodi (diMDP) a dihlogo tša dikolo tša sekontari tše di thomago (diBSSH). Thutelo e latetše mokgwatebelelo wa ditlhalošo wa nyakišišo ye e dirilwego ka ga tiragalo wo o theilwego go tlhako ya nyakišišo ka go utolla mokgwa wa bophelo bja setšhaba se itšeng. Palomoka ya batšeakarolo ba 28 e kgethilwe pele go thutelo eupša ba 27 ba tšere karolo. Batšeakarolo e be e le diBSSH tše tlhano, dihlogo tša dikolo tša sekontari tše tlhano tšeo di lego modirong, bathušahlogo ba bane le barutišibagolo ba 10 bao ba tšerwego dikolong tša sekontari tšeo di kgethilwego seleteng sa Zaka. Bahlahlobi ba dikolo ba bararo go tšwa ofising ya selete ya thuto ka seleteng sa Zaka le bona ba tšere karolo. Batšeakarolo ba kgethilwe ka maikemišetšo bjalo ka disampolo ka go diriša mokgwatebelelo wa maksimamo wa go tšea disampolo ka go fapana go hlaloša lebaka la diphapang ka go magoro a bona a diprofešene. Ditherišano tša motho a nnoši tša dipotšišo tšeo di sa latelego lenaneo leo le itšeng di dirišitšwe go kgoboketša datha go tšwa go diBSSH, dihlogo tša dikolo tša sekontari tšeo di lego mošomong le bahlahlobi ba dikolo, mola ditherišano tša dihlopha tšeo di nepišitšwego di dirišitšwe go kgoboketša datha ye e hweditšwego go batlatšadihlogo le barutišibagolo. Tekolo ya methopo ya maleba ya kanegelo ya ditiragalo go swana le mangwalophatlalatšwa, molaotshepetšo wa tlhahlo le tlhabollo wa Khomišene ya Mešomo ya Mmušo (CSC) le mangwalophatlalatšwa a melaotshepetšo go tšwa go Kgoro ya tona ya Thuto ya Praemari le Sekontari (MoPSE) le yona e phathagaditšwe. Dikhwetšo di šupile gore go bile le tlhokego ya lenaneo la tlhabollo ya bolaodi leo le tlo fago dihlogo tše mpsha tšeo di sa tšwago go godišwa mabokgoni le botsebi tša sethekniki tša maleba tšeo di tlo ba kgontšhago go phethagatša boetapele bjo bo kwagalago bja dikolong. Thutelo e utollotše gore diBSSH di be di nyaka tsebo le mabokgoni tšeo di nyakegago go bolaodi bja matšeleng, boetapele go tša dithuto, / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Phil. (Education Management)

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