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Self-Regulation And Rejection: Effects On Obsessive Relational IntrusionLadny, Roshni Trehan 11 December 2009 (has links)
This 2 x 3 factorial study focuses on roles of different rejection types (instigating force) and lack of self-regulation (weak inhibiting force) on the commission of obsessive relational intrusion (ORI). Rejection was manipulated through vignettes depicting no rejection or one of two types of romantic rejection: an explicit rejection (rejection that makes an internal attribution to the rejected as cause of relationship ending) or a passive rejection that “lets the pursuer down easy” (external attributions for relationship demise). Self-regulation was manipulated through a thought suppression exercise (2 conditions: free writing/no suppression vs. restricted writing/thought suppression). After scenario and writing exercise, participants (N = 221) rated their likelihood of thinking or engaging in ORI. A main effect of rejection and an interaction between rejection and self-regulation were observed. Participants explicitly rejected reported higher scores for aggressive acts compared to participants passively rejected. The difference was exacerbated with depleted self-regulation.
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Examining the Relationship between Bullying Experiences, Parental Partner Violence, and Partner Violence in Young AdulthoodSanders, Courtney 12 1900 (has links)
The current study used secondary analysis of existing data to examine associations between bullying experiences, parental partner violence, and partner violence in young adulthood. We hypothesized that bullying in adolescence would be associated with witnessing parental IPV in adolescence and IPV in young adulthood. We believed that deficits in social information processing, particularly hostile attribution biases, would be associated with adolescent bullying. Lastly, we believed that decentering would act as a moderator, affecting the relationship between adolescent bullying and IPV in adulthood. We used correlational and moderation analyses to examine these hypotheses and found that relational bullying victimization was associated with witnessing parental IPV, and the frequency of bullying perpetration was associated with IPV perpetration in adulthood. We found that some aspects of bullying victimization were negatively associated with being unassertive, bullying perpetration was associated with hostile attribution biases, and the relationship between bullying and IPV was significant only at certain levels of decentering maturity.
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Våld mot män : En litteraturstudieCifuentes Escobar, Juan José, Svensson, Moa January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund I dagens samhälle förekommer det våld mot män i nära relationer. Arbetet belyser att mäns utsatthet för våld i heterosexuella och homosexuella relationer är ett otillräckligt utforskat område. Sjuksköterskans roll är att identifiera samt hjälpa de drabbade männen. Syfte Studiens syfte var att A) Undersöka hur våldet som utförs av kvinnor mot män eller mellan män i samkönade relationer beskrivs i litteraturen. B) Hur den våldsutsatta mannens möte med vården ser ut och vilka konsekvenser våldet kan ge. Samt C) Undersöka var hjälpen finns för en våldsutsatt man i Europa och USA. Metod Studien är en litteraturstudie där artiklar söktes med hjälp databaserna PubMed, och SCOPUS. Sökord som användes var exempelvis: “Intimatepartner violence”; among men; Gay. 33 artiklar valdes men 19 föll bort på grund av att de inte matchade inklusionkriterierna. De 14 artiklar som återstod granskades med två kvalitetsgranskningsmallar för att bedöma artiklarnas kvalitet i studien. Beauchamps och Childress teori om vårdens fyra etiska principer har används som teoretisk referensram. Resultat Våldet som män och kvinnor utsätts för skiljer sig inte åt. Bemötande av män som lider av intimt partnervåld (IPV) är viktigt för att få män att dela med sig av sin situation. Många män i samkönade relationer önskar att vårdpersonal ställde frågan om våld. Många söker inte hjälp på grund av misstro till myndigheterna eller på grund av rädslan för diskriminering. Slutsats Hälso- och sjukvården i Sverige är idag inte tillräckligt anpassad för att kunna hjälpa de män som lider av intimt partnervåld. Mer studier och framförallt mer utbildning för sjukvårdspersonal behövs idag för att de män som söker hjälp ska kunna få den, utan rädsla för diskriminering. / Background In todays society there is an occurence of violence against men in intimate relationships. This essay focuses on mens exposure to violence in hetero- and homosexual relationships and the fact that it is an insufficiently studied area. The nurses role is to identify and help the affected men. Bakgrund I dagens samhälle förekommer det våld mot män i nära relationer. Arbetet belyser att mäns utsatthet för våld i heterosexuella och homosexuella relationer är ett otillräckligt utforskat område. Sjuksköterskans roll är att identifiera samt hjälpa de drabbade männen. Aim The aim of this study was A) to investigate how the violence perpetrated by women or between men i same-sex relationships is described in the literature. B) to inviestigate how the vulnerable mens meeting with the health care is and which consequenses the violence has. C) to investigate where help is available for vulnerable men in Europe and the US. Method The method of the study was a literature review. Articles were searched using the databases PubMed and SCOPUS. With keywords such as; “Intimatepartner violence”; Among men; Gay. Prior to the search, 33 articles were chosen, 19 of them were excluded due to not matching the inclusioncriteria. the 14 remaining articles were quality reviewed using two templates to acess the quality of the studies. Beauchamp and Childress’ Principles for biomedical ethics were used as a theoretical referenceframe. Result The violence that men and women are subjected to is not different. Attitude of health personnel towards men suffering from intimate partner violence (IPV) is important to get men to open up about their situation, many men in same-sex relationships wish health workers would ask them about violence. Many do not seek help due to distrust of the authorities or due to fear of discrimination. Conclusion Health services in Sweden are not sufficiently adapted to help men suffering from intimate partner violence. More studies, and especially more training for health care professionals is needed. So that the men who seek help are able to get it, without fear of discrimination.
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I Decide when You Die: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Prior Reporting of Physical Violence for Intimate Partner Homicides by Heterosexual Spouses in FloridaKing, Donna 01 January 2019 (has links)
It is generally believed that a victim of an intimate partner homicide, who faced ongoing physical violence prior to the killing, would have contacted authorities for assistance or protection some time prior to their death. However, the results of this study show that this notion that a victim of ongoing abuse will, more than likely, request help is a misconception. Through qualitative and quantitative methods analysis, this study reveals the dearth of prior reporting of physical violence to law enforcement or the court when an intimate partner homicide takes place between heterosexual spouses in Florida between 2006 and 2016. Additionally, "coercive control," a term that is not nearly as recognizable as domestic violence or intimate partner violence but that should be understood and regulated, was conceptualized and operationalized using NVivo Pro 12, a qualitative social sciences software package. By constructing an original data set from secondary data from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Uniform Crime Report Supplemental Homicide Report, multiple law enforcement agencies from throughout the state of Florida, and many Florida county courthouses, variables of intimate partner homicide were analyzed in unique quantitative models using IBM SPSS, an advanced statistical software analysis program. Also, as part of the content analysis process, Petitions for Injunction for Protection against Domestic Violence were organized, coded, and analyzed to provide insight into the role coercive control takes prior to an intimate partner homicide. This study sheds light on the fact that the emphasis on physical violence in intimate partner abuse, rather than the non-violent tactics of coercive control, for lethality risk assessments for intimate partner violence victims is misplaced and warrants reconsideration.
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Neighborhood-Level Predictors of Sexual Violence Across Intimate Partner and Non-Intimate Partner Relationships: A Case–Control StudyCarpenter, Rachel Kate, Stinson, Jill Diane 01 January 2021 (has links)
Ample research explores individual factors associated with sexual violence, yet individual, dyadic, and environmental influences on intimate partner sexual violence (IPSV) occurring in the larger context of non-intimate partner violence (NIPSV) remain relatively unexplored. The current study aimed to determine the extent to which county-level indicators in combination with individual and dyadic factors are associated with sexual violence across relationship types. Reported IPSV and NIPSV cases were obtained from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s (TBI) online incident-based reporting system. County-level variables indicative of neighborhood physical disorder, violent crime, income inequality, firearm prevalence, and community alcohol use patterns were retrieved from the online resource County Health Rankings and Roadmaps. Using a nested case–control design, we determined significant sexual violence risk within younger cohorts and across relationship types, finding three significant county-level factors: 1) income inequality, 2) rate of firearm fatalities, and 3) percentage of female residents. Suggested prevention and intervention efforts include targeting younger age groups for IPSV and NIPSV education, developing resources for a range of relational partners, improving legal access and law enforcement training for reporting, and continued examination of the role of firearms.
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Forgiving the Unforgivable: Forgiveness in the Context of LGBT Partner ViolenceLopez, Eliot Jay 08 1900 (has links)
Intimate partner violence (IPV) in sexual and gender minority relationships is an underexplored and misunderstood phenomenon. Much of what has been investigated has explored IPV from a heterosexual lens, without taking into account the complexities of these relationship dynamics. Further, outcomes of IPV traditionally focus on negative sequelae, such as depression or anxiety. In this study, we examined the propensity to forgive partner abuse as a means of adaptively coping with the trauma. Further, we looked at resilience as a possible factor in the process of forgiveness. We hypothesized that psychological resilience significantly moderates the forgiveness process in sexual and gender minorities who have experienced IPV. Our sample of 77 gender- and sexual-minority participants completed measures of psychological and physical IPV, resilience, and forgiveness. A regression analysis found our model accounted for 36% of the variance in forgiveness of self (adj. R2=.36, F (4, 72) = 10.34, p < .01) and 20% of forgiveness of others (adj. R2=.20, F (4, 72) = 5.01, p < .01). However, there was no significant moderating effect, nor was IPV a significant contributor to forgiveness. Results suggest trauma does not influence one’s likelihood to forgive, though some personal trait, such as resilience, is more likely to contribute to the forgiveness process. Implications are discussed.
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Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av mötet med den våldsutsatta kvinnan : En litteraturöversikt / Nurse´s experience of the encounter with the abused woman : A literature reviewHedström, Jessica, Laxén, Therese January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld mot kvinnor är ett allvarligt samhällsproblem som beskrivs som ett globaltfolkhälsoproblem. De senaste 10 åren har antalet anmälningar i Sverige gällande kvinnovåldökat med 30 procent. Kvinnovåld omfattar fysiskt, psykiskt och sexuellt våld. Våldet leder tillkonsekvenser för kvinnan som utsätts och stora kostnader för samhället. Våld mot kvinnor avnuvarande eller före detta manlig partner är ofta det som är mest våldsamt och upprepas ihögre grad än våld av kvinnor eller inom samkönade relationer. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskans upplevelse av mötet med kvinnansom blivit utsatt för våld av sin nuvarande eller tidigare manliga partner. Metod: Denna litteraturöversikt gjordes i enlighet med Fribergs metod. Underlaget förresultatet var 11 vetenskapliga artiklar som belyser sjuksköterskans upplevelse av mötet medkvinnan som blivit utsatt för våld av nuvarande eller tidigare manlig partner. Artiklarnahämtades från databaserna Pubmed och Cinahl complete. Därefter analyserades artiklarnavilket mynnade ut i teman och subteman. Resultat: Litteraturöversikten resulterade i fyra teman: Emotionella möten, Sjuksköterskansroll, Faktorer som påverkar omvårdnaden och Organisation. Subteman till Emotionella möten:Sjuksköterskans känslor och Strategier för att hantera känslorna. Subteman tillSjuksköterskans roll: Psykosocial omvårdnad och Medicinsk omvårdnad. Subteman tillFaktorer som påverkar omvårdnaden: Tidstillgång och arbetsbelastning, Sjuksköterskansattityd och Benägenhet att fråga om våld. Subteman till Organisation: Riktlinjer, Utbildningoch Samarbete. Diskussion: Resultatet har diskuterats utifrån Katie Erikssons caritativa teori som syftar tillatt lindra lidande, samt utifrån Arbetsmiljöverkets och Världshälsoorganisationensrekommendationer. Vidare har sjuksköterskans upplevelse diskuterats i förhållande till studiersom belyser den våldsutsatta kvinnans upplevelse av mötet med sjuksköterskan. / Background: Violence against women is a social problem that is described as a globalpublic health problem. The last 10 years the number of complaints regarding violence againstwomen in Sweden has increased by 30 percent. Violence against women includes physical,psychological and sexual violence. The violence has consequences for the woman who isexposed and it also means large costs for the society. Violence against women by current orformer male partner is often more violent and repeated to a greater degree than violence bywomen or in same-sex relationships. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experience of the encounter with thewoman who has been subjected to violence by current or former male partners. Method: This literature review was made in accordance with Friberg's method. The basis ofthe result was 11 scientific studies that highlight nurses' experience of the encounter with thewoman who has been subjected to violence by current or former partners. The studiesretrieved from PubMed and CINAHL complete. The studies were analyzed and resulted inthemes and subthemes. Results: The literature review resulted in four themes: Emotional meetings, Nurse's role,Factors that affecting the care and Organization. Subthemes to Emotional meetings: Nursesemotions and Strategies to manage the emotions. Subthemes to Nurse's role: Psychosocialcare and Medical care. Subthemes to Factors that affecting the care: Time access andworkload, Nurse´s attitude, Willingness to ask about violence. Subthemes to Organization:Guidelines, Education and Cooperation. Discussion: The result has been discussed in relation to Katie Eriksson caritative theorythat aims to relieve suffering. It has also been compared to the Swedish Work Environmentand the World Health Organization recommendations. Furthermore, the result of nurse'sexperience has been discussed in relation to studies that highlight abused women's experienceof the encounter with the nurse.
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The Effect of Aggressive Interpersonal Relationship Dynamics on Women's Perpetration of AggressionDickens, Tracy 03 August 2006 (has links)
Women’s use of aggression in intimate partner relationships is consistently debated by researchers of intimate partner aggression. One tenet suggests women use aggression within intimate relationships at similar rates as men. Conversely, a second tenet acknowledges women’s use of aggression but suggests that the meaning and consequences associated with women’s aggression is not coercive or severely injurious, which are typical characteristics of men’s use of aggression. The current study evaluated incarcerated women in order to build upon an integrative approach that suggests that women’s use of aggression is related to the relationship dynamics generated from variations in coercive and conflictual behaviors. Further, the current study evaluated the moderating relation of childhood abuse history and posttraumatic stress symptoms between relationship dynamics and women’s use of aggression. Ninety-six women, who participated in a larger research project that investigated incarcerated women’s life experience, reported on the dynamics of their most recent abusive heterosexual relationship, their own use of aggression (minor and severe) and childhood abuse history and posttraumatic stress symptoms. Findings suggest that incarcerated women involved in intimate relationships characterized as highly conflictual use significantly more minor and severe aggression toward their partners than women involved in relationships with low levels of conflicts. The finding is significant regardless of the level of coercion present in the relationship. Lastly, neither childhood abuse history nor posttraumatic symptoms moderated the relation between intimate partner relationship dynamics and women’s use of aggression. Various reasons for the lack of support for the moderating effect of history on women’s use of aggression are discussed.
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Drug Use and Risk Behavior Patterns for HIV in Men Who Have Sex with MenChakragiri, Arathi M 28 April 2008 (has links)
Men who have sex with men (MSM) account for a majority of all men currently diagnosed with AIDS. MSM is also recognized as the largest risk category of all AIDS cases. Drug use has been shown to have a synergistic effect on the prevalence of HIV in the MSM population. The study aimed to examine the association between injection drug use, non-injection drug use, and non-drug use with sexual risk behaviors for HIV in men who have sex with men. Secondary, cross-sectional data procured from the National HIV Behavioral Surveillance System for the Atlanta Metropolitan Survey Area were used for the study. The study population was 960 participants. Using binary logistic regression analyses, the drug use categories were studied for unprotected intercourse, unprotected receptive anal intercourse and HIV status. Strong associations were seen independently for unprotected intercourse, unprotected receptive anal intercourse, and HIV status with injection and non injection drug use, but the association weakened for drug use categories when controlled for other independent factors. Taking into account current findings and findings from previous research, the importance of clinical significance over statistical significance was considered. Racial disparities were evident, in that, although the Black participants showed no increased odds for sexual risk factors or drug use, it had a higher odds for being HIV positive compared to Whites. Combining Viagra/Levitra with drugs was significantly associated with unprotected intercourse (AOR=1.9), and each individual drug showed a different degree of association with Viagra/Levitra. Further research is recommended to identify sub-populations at risk and appropriately allocate resources and channel programs and interventions.
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Killing the one you love: Examining cases of intimate partner homicide occurring in Dallas, Texas between the years 1990-1997.Foster, Rebecca 05 1900 (has links)
Research has consistently shown that intimate partner homicide (IPH) rates have been on a steady downward decline over the past two decades. A relatively recent movement in IPH research, however, has emphasized the need for further dissecting the aggregate trends by factors such as gender, race, and victim-offender relationship. In response to these issues, this study looks at the relationship between IPHs and factors such as gender, race, and age. The present study explores officially reported IPH cases in Dallas, Texas between the years 1990-1997. Specific attention will be paid to the victim's and suspect's age, race, and gender. The findings of the study will assist in identifying significant characteristics of these IPH incidents which may lead to a greater understanding of the types of relationships in which IPH is more likely to occur. Studying the relationship between IPHs and these factors, as this research aims to do, is important to understanding what IPH incident characteristics need more attention to help prevent future incidents from occurring. As a result of this research, a better understanding of whether IPH may occur in certain types of relationships will be reached and then can be further utilized to educate.
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