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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The fossil record of star formation from galaxy spectra

Panter, Ben January 2005 (has links)
In this thesis I present work using the MOPED algorithm to extract in a non-parametric fashion star formation histories and galaxy masses from the spectra of galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The recovered parameters for all galaxies are combined to give insight into the processes of star and galaxy formation on both individual galaxy and cosmic scales. The MOPED algorithm allows use of the entire spectral range, rather than concentrating on specific features, and can be used to estimate the complete star formation history without prior assumptions about its form. By combining the star formation histories of 96,545 galaxies in the redshift range 0 < z < 0:34 the cosmic star formation rate is determined from the present day to z ~ 6. The results show that the peak of star formation occurred at z ~ 0:6, and that 26% of the mass of stars in the present-day Universe was formed at z ~ 2. The average metallicity rises from Z/Z= 0:44 at high redshift to a peak of 0:8 at z ~ 1 before declining to a level around 0.25 atthe present day. Although the peak in star formation is more recent than previously thought, the sample used includes galaxies with a range of masses not accessible to traditional studies, down to a limit of L ~ 2 x 10-3L*. By cutting the sample into ranges of mass it can be seen that the redshift at which starformation activity peaks is an essentially monotonically increasing function of final stellar mass. The time of the peak in star formation ranges from z > 2 for the highest mass galaxies (MS < 1012M) to z ~ 0:2 for the lowest (MS < 1010M). A typical L* galaxy appears to have its peak at around z » 0:8. These differences in star formation with mass reconcile the redshift of the peak found in this work with the previous estimates, generally deep surveys only probe the SFR of galaxies with MS < ML*. The stellar mass calculated using the reconstructed spectra eliminates contamination from either emission lines or AGN components. Using these masses it is possible to construct the mass function for the stellar mass component of galaxies which give excellent agreement with previous works, but extend their range by more than two decades in mass to 10 7.5 < Ms/h-2M < 1012. I present both a standard Schechter fit and a fit modified to include an extra, high-mass contribution, possibly from cluster cD galaxies. The Schechter fit parameters are phi* = (7:8 +/- 0:1) £ 10-3h3Mpc-3, M* = (7.64 +/- 0.09) x 10*10h-2M and alpha = -1.159 +/- 0.008. The sample also yields an estimate for the contribution from baryons in stars to the critical density of omega b*h = (2.39+/-0.08)x10-3, in good agreement with other indicators. No evolution of the mass function in the redshift range 0:05 < z < 0:34 is apparent, indicating that almost all stars were already formed at z » 0:34 with little or no star formation activity since then and that the evolution seen in the luminosity function must be largely due to stellar fading. The star formation history can be interpreted as a measure of how gas was transformed into stars as a function of time and stellar mass: the Baryonic Conversion Tree (BCT). There is a clear correlation between early star formation activity and present-day stellar mass: the more massive galaxies have formed about 80% of their stars at z > 1, while for the less massive ones the value is only about 20%. Comparing the BCT to the dark matter merger tree indicates that star formation efficiency at z > 1 had to be high (as much as 10%) in galaxies with present-day stellar mass larger than 2 x 10*11M, if this early star formation occurred in the main progenitor. The LCDM paradigm can accommodate a large number of red objects; it is the high efficiency in the conversion from gas to stars that needs to be explained. On the other hand, in galaxies with present-day stellar mass less than 10*11M, efficient star formation seems to have been triggered at z ~ 0:2. This work shows that there is a characteristic mass (M » 10*10M) for feedback efficiency (or lack of star formation). For galaxies with masses lower than this, feedback (or star formation suppression) is very efficient while for higher masses it is not. The BCT, determined here for the first time, should be an important observable with which to confront theoretical models of galaxy formation.

Searches for distant galaxies

Bunker, Andrew John January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

A submillimetre study of massive star formation within the W51 complex and infrared dark clouds

Parsons, Harriet Alice Louise January 2012 (has links)
Despite its importance the fundamental question of how massive stars form remains unanswered, with improvements to both models and observations having crucial roles to play. To quote Bate et al. (2003) computational models of star formation are limited because “conditions in molecular clouds are not sufficiently well understood to be able to select a representative sample of cloud cores for the initial conditions”. It is this notion that motivates the study of the environments within Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs) and Infrared Dark Clouds (IRDCs), known sites of massive star formation, at the clump and core level. By studying large populations of these objects, it is possible to make conclusions based on global properties. With this in mind I study the dense molecular clumps within one of the most massive GMCs in the Galaxy: the W51 GMC. New observations of the W51 GMC in the 12 CO, 13 CO and C18 O (3 – 2) transitions using the HARP instrument on the JCMT are presented. With the help of the clump finding algorithm CLUMPFIND a total of 1575 dense clumps are identified of which 1130 are associated with the W51 GMC, yielding a dense mass reservoir of 1.5 × 105 M contained within these clumps. Of these clumps only 1% by number are found to be super-critical, yielding a super-critical clump formation efficiency of 0.5%, below current SFE estimates of the region. This indicates star formation within the W51 GMC will diminish over time although evidence from the first search for molecular outflows presents the W51 GMC in an active light with a lower limit of 14 outflows. The distribution of the outflows within the region searched found them concentrated towards the W51A region. Having much smaller sizes and masses, obtaining global properties of clumps and cores within IRDCs required studying a large sample of these objects. To do this pre-existing data from the SCUBA Legacy Catalogue was utilised to study IRDCs within a catalogues based on 8 µm data. This data identifies 154 IRDC cores that are detected at 850 µm and 51 cores that were not. This work suggests that cores not detected at 850 µm are low mass, low column density and low temperature cores that are below the sensitivity limit of SCUBA at 850 µm. Utilising observations at 24 µm from the Spitzer space telescope, allows for an investigation of current star formation by looking for warm embedded objects within the cores. This work reveals 69% of the IRDC cores have 24 µm embedded objects. IRDC cores without associated 24 µm emission (“starless” IRDC cores) may have yet to form stars, or may contain low mass YSOs below the detection limit. If it is assumed that cores without 24 µm embedded sources are at an earlier evolutionary stage to cores with embedded objects a statistical lifetime for the quiescent phase of a few 103 – 104 years is derived.

Rubies in the dust : tracing high mass star formation throughout the Milky Way

Gallaway, Mark John January 2012 (has links)
Over the last decade a number of potential tracers of massive star (M > 8M ) formation have been put forward. In this thesis I attempt to understand how these tracers relate to one another and attempt to identify the most suitable tracer for future surveys for massive star formation sites. In this thesis we examine a number of these tracers; the Methanol Maser Multi- Beam Survey (MMB), the Red MSX Survey (RMS), the Boston University Five Colleges Radio Astronomical Observatory (BU-FCRAO) Galactic Ring Survey (GRS), the BOLOCAM Galactic Plane Survey (BGPS) and the Perretto &amp; Fuller (P&F) Infrared Dark Cloud (IRDC) Catalogue, in addition to the Cyganowski Extended Green Objects Catalogue. This work employs a bespoke non-circular aperture photometry technique, K=1 Nearest Neighbour Analysis and Minimum Spanning Trees (MSTs) in multi-dimensional parameter space with oversampling, edge weighing, mean edge fracturing and convex hull tting. Additional, new 13CO observations were made of the young infrared cluster BDS[2003] 107 (Bica 107) and its environs. We see that despite not being contained within the GLIMPSE Point Source Archive the bulk of masers have an infrared bright counterpart. Photometry of the counterparts shows that they occupy the same colour spaces as that previously determined in Ellingsen (2006); [3.6]-[4.5]>1 and [8.0]<1. We show that the bulk of RMS MYSOs do not exhibit masing and that a signi cant fraction of MYSOs are not found within the RMS . Additionally, we see that the EGO RMS association rate is higher than expected. The BGPS, GRS and P&amp;F IRDC exhibit clustering and elongating, with a common characteristic clustering scale of the order of 6 8 pc. We see that the BGPS is more strongly associated with massive star formation than the GRS. Additionally, we see that although in general all three hull types occupy similar co-located spatial positions they also appear as isolated hulls. The analysis of Bica 107 shows that it is part of a larger star forming region containing Bica 108 and the ultra compact HII region, G5.89. The maser associated with Bica 107 appears to lie on the edge of the cluster's expanding CO shell. The observation that the IRAC colour-magnitude occupied by the masers from the Ellingsen sample is consistent with the MMB, sample suggest that these objects have broadly consistent colours during their masing phase. This can be attributed to the dust and gas envelope being radiatively dominant. The cross matching results indicate that the majority of MYSOs do not exhibit masing. The RMS appears to be missing MYSOs due to missing sources in the MSX catalogue and a photospheric bluing due to MSX large beam width, moving candidates outside the RMS colour cut. The RMS EGO relationship appears to be inconsistent with observed MYSO evolution and may be indicative of multiple EGO generation mechanism as suggested by De Buizer and Vacca (2010). The BPGS and GRS objects and IRDCs do not appear to form a star formation sequence and their existence is not necessarily an indicator of on-going star formation; rather they are an indication of the potential for star formation. All three species types showing signs of clustering and elongation. The shared characteristic scale is suggestive that there may be a processes acting below the scale of the GMC but above that of a single star forming region. The maser associated with Bica 107 appears to be either an example of triggered star formation or late onset star formation within the region and is not an example of continuing star formation within Bica 107. We conclude that a GLIMPSE based colour-selected survey, with follow-up observation to reduce contamination, would be the most appropriate method for identifying MYSOs, given the reliability of the tracers examined in this thesis.

Probing self-gravitating protostellar discs using smoothed particle hydrodynamics and radiative transfer

Forgan, Duncan Hugh January 2011 (has links)
Stars are likely to form with non-zero initial angular momentum, and will consequently possess a substantial gaseous protostellar disc in the early phases of their evolution. At this early stage, the disc mass is expected to be comparable to the mass of the protostar. The disc’s self-gravity therefore plays an important role in the subsequent evolution of the system, regulating the accretion of matter onto the protostar, as well as being potentially capable of forming low mass stars and massive planets by disc fragmentation. The protostellar disc may later evolve into a protoplanetary disc, providing the feedstock for planet formation. Therefore, if the current stellar populations and exoplanetary systems are to be understood, an understanding of the evolution of protostellar discs is crucial, especially their earliest self-gravitating phases. I have used various methods of numerical simulation to probe the physics of self-gravitating protostellar discs and their constituents. When constructing a model for self-gravitating protostellar discs, including detailed thermodynamics and radiative transfer is essential. I have developed two distinct numerical techniques for incorporating radiative transfer into Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations. The first allows the modelling of frequency-averaged radiative transfer during the SPH simulation, in effect approximating radiative SPH (RSPH) with only a marginal increase in runtime (around 6%). The second takes the output from SPH simulations, and creates synthetic, wavelength-dependent telescope images and spectra of SPH systems. This allows the direct construction of observables from SPH simulations, providing, for the first time, a direct connection between the output of SPH simulations and observations. I have used these numerical methods to analyse, in detail, the local angular momentum transport induced by self-gravity in protostellar discs, testing the robustness of the “pseudo-viscous” analytical approximation for local disc stresses. I confirm that semi-analytical disc modellers are justified in using the pseudo-viscous approximation in some cases, but I also outline the limits in which non-local transport effects causes the approximation to fail. Also, I have investigated the evolution of protostellar discs when perturbed by a secondary companion, in particular identifying whether such events will in general trigger a) a disc fragmentation event, or b) a stellar outburst event. For case a), I found no significant evidence that perturbation by a companion improves the possibility of disc fragmentation in compact discs - in case b), I found that stellar outburst events do indeed occur, but they are unlikely to be seen by observers due to their rare occurrence, as well as due to self-obscuration effects.

Observational properties of brown dwarfs : the low-mass end of the mass function

Cardoso, Catia Vanessa Varejao January 2012 (has links)
Brown dwarfs are objects with sub-stellar masses that are unable to sustain hydrogen burning, cooling down through out their lifetimes. This thesis presents two projects, the study of the IMF of the double cluster, h & χ Persei, and the determination of the dynamical masses of the brown dwarf binary, ε Indi Ba, Bb. The study of a cluster’s population distribution gives us the opportunity to study a statistically meaningful population of objects over a wide range of masses (from massive stars to brown dwarfs), with a similar age and chemical composition providing formation and dynamical evolution constraints. h & χ Persei is the largest double cluster known in our galaxy. Using optical and infrared photometric data we have produced the deepest mass function for the system. A study of the radial distribution shows evidence of mass segregation while the mass function shows that these clusters may be suffering from accelerated dynamical evolution due to their interaction, triggering the ejection of brown dwarfs. The physical parameterization of brown dwarfs is reliant on the use of interior and atmospheric models. The study of brown dwarf binaries can provide crucial model independent measurements, especially masses. ε Indi Ba, Bb (spectral types T1 and T6) is the closest known brown dwarf binary to Earth. The brown dwarf binary itself orbits a main sequence star allowing us to constrain the distance, metallicity and age of the system making it possible to break the sub-stellar mass-age-luminosity degeneracy. The relative motion of the brown dwarf binary has been studied with precision astrometry from infrared AO data, allowing the determination of the system mass, 121.16 ± 0.17 ± 1.08 MJup . The individual masses of the binary components were derived from the absolute movement of the binary to be MBa = 68.04±0.94 MJup and MBb = 53.12±0.32 MJup. We concluded that the isochronally-derived masses were underestimating the system mass by ∼ 60%, due to the likely underestimation of the age of the system. The evolutionary models are consistent with the parameters measured observationally if the system has an age ∼ 4 Gyr.

The initial distribution of stars

Bressert, Eli Walter January 2012 (has links)
The primary focus of my PhD is to quantify the spatial distribution of star-forming environments from optical to radio wavelengths using data from the Hubble Space Telescope, the Very Large Telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Herschel Space Observatory, and the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. Towards the end of my PhD study I have developed theoretical models. With these observational and theoretical avenues I have led a series of research projects to (1) quantify the initial spatial structure of pre-stellar cores and proto-stars, (2) test whether massive stars can form in isolation or not, (3) and develop a theoretical model on how young massive clusters form. These research projects have been fruitful as my collaborators and I have shown that pre-stellar cores and stars form in a smooth continuum of surface densities from a few to thousands of stars per pc^2. These two works have important implications on our understanding of what a young stellar cluster is and how star forming environments can evolve to form field star populations or gravitationally bound clusters. In my second study my collaborators and I found evidence for isolated massive star formation in the active star forming region 30 Doradus, in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The result impacts the field of the initial mass function and star formation models. Massive stars forming in isolation is consistent with a stochastically sampled initial mass function. Additionally, the result would put constraints on theoretical models on massive star formation. Continuing my work on massive star forming environments my collaborators and I have developed a theoretical model on how young massive clusters form. From the models we argue that feedback energies can be contained by the gravitational potential well of the massive progenitors. Furthermore, we predict the physical properties the massive cluster progenitors in terms of initial gas mass, radii and flux brightness to enable a search for these objects in Galactic plane surveys and upcoming telescopes. Using the common thread of spatial distribution analysis of star formation I describe my future research plans, which entails studies on extragalactic scales in the conclusion.

The variability of radio pulsars

Brook, Paul Richard January 2015 (has links)
Neutron stars are amongst the most exotic objects known in the universe; more than a solar mass of material is squeezed into an object the size of a city, leading to a density comparable to that of an atomic nucleus. They have a surface magnetic field which is typically around a trillion times stronger than the magnetic field here on Earth, and we have observed them to spin up to around 700 times per second. The existence of neutron stars was first proposed by Baade and Zwicky in 1934 but later graduated from theory to fact in 1967 as the first pulses were detected by Jocelyn Bell-Burnell, a then graduate student at the University of Cambridge. There are now well over 2000 neutron stars whose radio emission beams point at, and have been detected on Earth. We call these objects pulsars. Because of their remarkable properties, pulsars are very useful to physicists, who can employ them as precision timing tools due to the unwavering nature of their emission and of their rotation. Having an array of ultra-accurate clocks scattered throughout our galaxy is very useful for performing astrophysical experiments. In particular, precise pulsar timing measurements and the models that explain them, will permit the direct detection of gravitational radiation; a stochastic background initially, and potentially the individual signals from supermassive black hole binaries. Our models of pulsar behaviour are so precise that we are now able to notice even slight departures from them; we are starting to see that unmodelled variability in pulsars occurs over a broad range of timescales, both in emission and in rotation. Any unmodelled variability is, of course, detrimental to the pulsar's utility as a precision timing tool, and presents a problem when looking for the faint effects of a passing gravitational wave. We are hoping that pulsar timing arrays will detect gravitational radiation in the coming decade, but this depends, in part, on our ability to understand and mitigate the effects of the unmodelled intrinsic instabilities that we are observing. One important clue as to the nature of the variability in pulsar emission and rotation, is the emerging relationship between the two; we sometimes observe correlation on timescales of months and years. We have been observing pulsars for almost fifty years and our expanding datasets now document decades of pulsar behaviour. This gives us the ability to investigate pulsar variability on a range of timescales and to gain an insight into the physical processes that govern these enigmatic objects. In this thesis I describe new techniques to detect and analyse the emission and rotational variability of radio pulsars. We have employed these techniques on a 24 year pulsar dataset to unearth a striking new example of a dramatic and simultaneous shift in a pulsar's emission and rotation. We hypothesise that this event was caused by an asteroid interaction, although other explanations are also possible. Our variability techniques have also been used to analyse data from 168 young, energetic pulsars. In this thesis we present results from the nine most interesting. Of these, we have found some level of correlated variability in seven, one of which displays it very strongly. We have also assessed the emission stability of the NANOGrav millisecond pulsars and have found differing degrees of variability, due to both instrumental and astrophysical causes. Finally, we propose a method of probing the relationship between emission and rotation on short-timescales and, using a simulation, we have shown the conditions under which this is possible. Throughout the work, we address the variability in pulsar emission, rotation and links between the two, with the aim of improving pulsar timing, attaining a consolidated understanding of the diverse variable phenomena observed and elucidating the evolutionary path taken by pulsars.

Religion och Populärkultur : En hermeneutisk studie om religiösa inslag i Star Wars / Religion and popular culture : A hermeneutic study on religious themes in Star Wars

Söderman, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
Today’s popular culture often implement’s religious themes or religious symbolism. Popular culture shows a lot of interest in the conflict between good and evil and existential questions. As do most beliefs of today. How to analyze the way religion is presented and regarded in popular culture will always be grounded in the definition of religion itself. The definition is there to pinpoint exactly what one wishes to examine. The definitions do not try to explain what religion really is, but rather, try to pinpoint the very thing you want to analyze about religion. How you define it, defines the analysis. Star Wars is a phenomenon of popular culture which started out as a mere film series but consists today of toys, books and TV-series. Star Wars presents religion in form of a transcendental power of the universe known as The Force. Through the Force, Star Wars handle the conflict between good and evil, as the Force is used by both sides in different ways. You can also find the debate between the believer and the non-believer, in which Star Wars seems as an advocate of the believer, as it is through belief in something higher, rather than trust in technological progress, one can achieve victory. The analysis shows that the characters of Star Wars view belief in something higher as something positive and good. The Force works as something holy and many characters has a personal relationship to it. Star Wars also presents a clear good and evil, however it also proclaims a gray area in the hero of Luke Skywalker. To follow one’s own path seems to be something important to Star Wars.

MALIN: A Quiescent Disk Galaxy|MALIN 1: A Quiescent Disk Galaxy

Impey, C. D., Bothun, G. D. 11 1900 (has links)
We present new optical and radio spectroscopic observations of the remarkable galaxy Malin 1. This galaxy has unique features that include an extremely low surface brightness disk with an enormous mass of neutral hydrogen, and a low luminosity Seyfert nucleus. Malin 1 is exceptional in its values of MHO, LB, and MHI /Ln, and modest in its surface mass density of gas and stars. Spirals with large Min /LB tend to have low mean column densities of HI, and are close to the threshold for star formation due to instabilities in a rotating gas disk. In these terms, Malin 1 has a disk with extremely inefficient star formation. The bulge spectrum is dominated by the absorption features of an old, metal rich stellar population, although there is some evidence for hot (young) stars. The emission line excitations and widths in the nucleus are typical of a Seyfert galaxy; but Malin 1 is in the lowest 5% of the luminosity function of Seyferts, despite a copious fuel supply. Malin 1 is in a low density region of the universe. We propose it as an unevolving disk galaxy, where the surface mass density is so low that the chemical composition and mass fraction in gas change very slowly over a Hubble time. Its properties are similar to those of the damped Lyman -a absorption systems seen in the spectra of high redshift quasars. We emphasize that there are strong observational selection effects against finding gas -rich galaxies that are both massive and diffuse. Finally, we suggest that large and massive HI disks may have formed as early as z - 2, and remained quiescent to the present day. Subject headings : individual (Malin 1) - galaxies : photometry - galaxies : Seyfert - galaxies : stellar content - radio sources : 21 cm radiation - stars : formation

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