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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stavebně technologický projekt polyfunkčních domů Zlín-Příluky / Construction and technological project of multifunctional buildings in Zlín-Příluky

Kužela, Vlastimil January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with technological project for the construction of complex of two multifunctional buildings in Zlín-Příluky. Thesis includes technical report, technological rules, plan of controls and testing, machines, safety plan, project of construction site equipment, budget and time schedule.

Stavebně technologický projekt stavebních úprav základní školy s nástavbou a přístavbou / Construction technological project of construction works elementary school with superstructure and outbuilding

Bureš, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the construction technological project of construction works elementary school with superstructure and outbuilding. The project is designed to focus on major construction project,which is the superstructure. The diploma thesis contains time and financial plan, study of implementation of the main technological phases, project site equipment, draft machine assembly, itemized budget to rough construction and solution of occupational health and safety at work.

Univerzitní kampus v Brně, příprava realizace stavby / University Campus CRA II, preparing construction management

Havlíčková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
The subjekt of my bachelor thesis is the construction technological project of the new complex of three buildings Campus residential area II located in Brno - Bohunice. The diploma thesis includes technological regulations of piles and cast-in-place reinforced concrete floor. Technological regulations are supplemented by draft of the suitable machinery, equipment of construction site and inspectional and trial plans for these processes. The author also deals with work safety, time and financial plan, budget of substructure and plan for securing material resources. The thesis also addressed work contract and detailsof the roof structure.

Stavebně technologický projekt přístavby Senior centrum Blansko / Construction Technological Project of the Extension Senior Centrum Blansko

Houha, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Content of this master‘s thesis is construction technological project of the extension Senior Centrum Blansko. The main object is a three-storyed, designed as a monolithic skeleton construction. The masters’s thesis contains technical report of the construction technological project, suggested construction site installations, proposal of suitable machines and mechanisms required for construction, time schedule, budget, wider relations of transport lines to construction site, implementation of monolithic concrete structures and control and test plan.

Stavebně technologický projekt pro výstavbu bytového domu v Olomouci / Architectural and technological project for construction of residential house in Olomouc

Stehlík, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
Subject of this final thesis is the upper gross production technology of apartment building in Olomouc – Klášterní Hradisko. This work contain technical reports, site family house, device of construction site, technological provisions, overal results, timetable, machine set design, monitoring and test plan, occupational safety.

Příprava a řízení stavební zakázky ve stavebním podniku / Construction Order Preparation and Management in Construction Company

Želiar, Marek January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explains a theme of construction order preparation an management in construction company. Introductory part o thesis is focused on general specification of construction projects and other related therms. Next part o my diploma thesis deals with construction order preparation. I paid the main attention to process of choosing subcontractors and managing of construction order, I applied my gained knowledge to particular construction site in practical part of thesis. I created all the necessary documents for proper construction preparation, including time schedule, oranizational plan, financial plan and construction site layout plan. The last part is the evaluation of the results and comparing them with real case.

Přestavba průmyslového areálu - stavebně technologický projekt / Rebuilding industrial estate - construction technology project

Rozehnalová, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
This thesis handles the construction and technology project for the construction of the Hall in a former cold storage complex. In the work is handled by the implementation of a comprehensive study, including schedule, financial planning, technological regulation for the supporting structure of the Hall. Further deals with the design of the main building mechanism, design, construction site facilities, inspection and test plan.

Centrum polymerních systémů ve Zlíně - stavebně technologická příprava výstavby / Polymer Systems Centre in Zlín - the Construction Techological Planning

Foltánek, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with a technological project of Polymer System Centre in Zlín. It focuses on financial documentation and a time schedule of the construction. The technological project in detail focuses on implementation of a fabric of the Polymer System Centre. The thesis includes a technical report which suggests procedure of the construction. The technological documentation includes a plan of the construction site arrangement, a time schedule, a financial plan for the construction, a budget, a technological report suggesting partitions made of magnesium slabs, a control plan, a test plan and health and safety plan.

Softwarearchitektur für die interaktive Simulation mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen in virtuellen Umgebungen

Penndorf, Timo 01 February 2013 (has links)
Die numerische Simulation ist ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug bei der Produktentwicklung geworden. Bereits in den frühen Phasen von Studien und Konzepten können unterschiedliche Lösungsansätze für eine Aufgabenstellung bewertet werden. In diesem Zusammenhang wird von virtuellen Prototypen gesprochen. Bei der Simulation mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen erfordert das die Einbindung des Bedieners. Die technologische Leistungsfähigkeit wird wesentlich durch die Interaktion zwischen Bediener und Maschine geprägt. Die Beschreibung des Bedieners durch mathematische Modelle ist bis zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt nicht mit belastbaren Resultaten erfolgt. Die Entwicklungen im Bereich der Simulationstechnologie und der Computergrafik ermöglichen die Durchführung interaktiver Simulationen in komplexen virtuellen Welten. Damit lässt sich der Bediener direkt in die Simulation einbinden und es können zusätzliche Potenziale, wie z. B. bei der Untersuchung der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion erschlossen werden. Durch die interaktive Simulation in Virtual-Reality-Systemen werden neue Anforderungen an die Simulationssoftware gestellt. Zur Interaktion mit dem Bediener müssen die Eingaben aus den Bedienelementen in Echtzeit verarbeitet und audiovisuelle Ausgaben generiert werden. Dabei sind neben den mathematisch-physikalischen Aspekten der Simulation auch Problemfelder wie Synchronisation, Kommunikation, Bussysteme und Computergrafik zu behandeln. Die Anpassung des Simulationssystems an unterschiedliche Aufgabenstellungen erfordert ein flexibel konfigurierbares Softwaresystem. Als Lösung dieser Aufgabenstellung wird eine Softwarearchitektur vorgestellt, welche die unterschiedlichen Problemfelder durch klar voneinander abgegrenzte Komponenten mit entsprechenden Schnittstellen behandelt. Das entstandene Softwaresystem ist flexibel und erweiterbar. Die Simulationsaufgabe wird durch die Konfiguration des Komponentensystems spezifiziert. Die entstehenden Konfigurationsdateien bilden die Anwendungslogik ab und stellen daher einen der wesentlichen Kostenfaktoren bei der Realisierung interaktiver Simulationen dar. Zur Erhöhung der Wiederverwendbarkeit bestehender Konfigurationsfragmente wird ein kompositionsbasierter Ansatz auf der Basis von Skriptsprachen gewählt. / Numerical simulation has evolved into an indispensable tool in modern product development. Even in the early design phases of studies and concepts several different approaches for one individual task can be evaluated. In this context the term virtual prototypes can be used. For effective simulation of mobile construction site machinery incorporation of the operator\'s influence is required. The technological performance of the machinery is essentially influenced by the interaction between the operator and the machine. Currently, there are no known mathematical models describing the operator\'s behaviour, which give substantiated results. The latest developments in computing technology and computer graphics facilitate interactive simulations in complex virtual worlds. This allows not only the operator to be linked to the simulation but also the investigation of additional research areas such as human-machine-interaction. The application of interactive simulation in virtual reality systems places new demands on the simulation software. Due to the interaction not only input signals from the instruments have to be processed but also audio and visual output has to be generated in real time. In addition to the mathematical and physical aspects of simulation, problems in the areas of synchronisation, communication, bus systems and computer graphics also have to be solved. The adaption of the simulation system to new tasks requires a flexible and highly configurable software system. As a response to these demands, a software architecture is presented which partitions the various problems into finite components with corresponding interfaces. The partitioning results in a flexible and extendable software system. The simulation task is specified by the configuration of the component system. The resulting configuration files reflect the application logic and therefore represent one of the main cost factors in the realisation of the interactive simulations. A composition-based approach is chosen as it raises the level of reuse of existing configuration fragments. This approach is based on scripting languages.

Effektivisering av ritningshantering med hjälp av programmet DDR - Databas för Detaljer och Ritningar / Streamlining the process of handling construction drawings with the application DDR - Database for Details and Drawings

Glemryd, Frida, Lekeby, Niclas January 2013 (has links)
Att spara tid och resurser är något som är av stor vikt i dagens byggbransch. Ju snabbare ett arbete utförs desto mer pengar tjänar företaget. I detta examensarbete har författarna tittat på effektivisering av ritningshanteringen i olika delar av byggbranschen. Att kunna hitta bland ritningarna på ett enklare sätt och att slippa sortera ut gamla ritningar när nya kommer in, är något som skulle förenkla ritningshanteringen och snabba upp tempot. Författarna har tittat på programmet DDR – Databas för Detaljer och Ritningar, som de anser kan förenkla ritningshanteringen. Under arbetets gång har intervjuer hållits med olika personer inom byggbranschen för att se förbättringsmöjligheter och nyttan av ett sådant program. Resultatet av arbetet visar att programmet DDR skulle göra mest nytta på byggarbets-platser och inom förvaltning då det är inom dessa områden som ritningshantering utförs mest. Programmet DDR kan förkorta tiden det tar att bläddra bland ritningar med uppskattningsvis 25 % enligt de intervjuade på byggarbetsplatserna, vilket skulle kunna innebära en markant skillnad i det dagliga arbetet. Om övergång sker helt till digitala ritningar 1 skulle behovet av att sortera ritningar elimineras och ännu mer tid kan sparas. För att göra så stor skillnad som möjligt på dagens marknad måste de förbättringar som framkommit under intervjuerna utvecklas till programmet DDR. Som det är idag saknas många funktioner vilket gör att konstruktionsföretagen inte vill använda programmet DDR på grund av avsaknaden av möjlighet att lägga in egna detaljer. Förvaltning anser bland annat att flera viktiga mät- och ritfunktioner saknas i programmet DDR för att vilja använda det. Kalkylerare och kommuner ser ingen framtid alls för programmet DDR inom deras verksamhet. Undervisning på högskola och i produktion på byggarbetsplatser anser att bland annat zoomningen och panorering måste göras enklare, trots detta är de intresserade av att använda programmet DDR. / Saving time and resources is something that is very important in construction business today. The faster a work can be done the more money a company can make. In this degree project the authors have looked at the process of handling construction drawings in different parts of the construction industry. To be able to find the construction drawings in an easier way and not have to sort out old construction drawings when new arrive is something that may simplify and speed up the process. The authors have looked at the application DDR – Database for Details and Drawings, which they consider could simplify the process of handling construction drawings. During this degree project, interviews have been done with different people in the construction industry to see possibilities of improvement and benefits of the application DDR. The result of the degree project shows that this application would make the most difference on construction sites and within management of buildings since these are the ones that handle construction drawings on a daily basis. Application DDR can shorten the time used for handling of construction drawings by approximately a 25% decrease according to the interviewed at the construction sites; this would make a great difference in the daily work. If they only use digital construction drawings, the needs to sort out old construction drawings when new ones arrived, will be eliminated and more time can be saved. To do as much of a difference as possible on today’s market the improvements that have emerged during the interviews have to be developed to the application DDR. As it is today there are many features that are missing which make that the construction companies won’t use the application due to the lack of possibility to add details on their own. Management of buildings considers that there are several important functions such as measuring and drawing that are missing to use the application DDR. Within calculation engineering and municipalities there is no future for the application DDR. Education at college and in the production of construction sites consider that zooming and panning must be made simpler, despite this they are interested in using the program DDR.

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