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Uticaj primene različitih izvora prirodnih pigmenata na boju žumanca i ko-ekstrudata na bazi semena lana, lanika i konoplje na profil masnih kiselina u jajima / Effects of different sources of natural pigments inclusion on the egg yolk colour and flaxseed, camelina seed and hempseed based co-extrudates on the fatty acids profile in eggsSpasevski Nedeljka 10 December 2018 (has links)
<p>Zadatak ove doktorske disertacije, koji se sastojao iz dva dela, je bio da se pokaže mogućnost zamene sintetičkih pigmenata, koji se danas koriste u konvencionalnoj proizvodnji jaja, sa prirodnim izvorima pigmenata i njihov uticaj na boju žumanca, kao i mogućnost promene nutritivnog profila jaja dodatkom ko-ekstrudata lana, lanika i konoplje bogatih omega-3 masnim kiselinama u smeše za ishranu kokoši nosilja. U cilju realizacije postavljenih zadataka izvedena su dva biološka ogleda, u kojima su koriščene kokoši nosilje Lohmann Brown rase.<br />U prvom biološkom ogledu kokoši nosilje su prema eksperimentalnom dizajnu podeljene u 12 tretmana, deset eksperimentalnih i dva kontrolna, koji su se razlikovali prema izvoru dodatih pigmenata. Kao prirodni pigmenti korišćeni su: cvet nevena, sušena šargarepa i crvena mlevena začinska paprika. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, utvrđeno je da dodatak prirodnih izvora pigmenata u količini od 1,5%, ne utiče na tehnološke parametre kvaliteta jaja. Takođe je utvrđeno da dodatak nevena i šargarepe, pojedinačno ili u kombinaciji, ne može da doprinose boji žumanca većoj od 10 prema Roche lepezi, dok dodatak paprike u količini od 1% i 1,5% doprinosi da se ostvari boja žumanca veća od 14 prema Roche lepezi. OPTIMALNA narandžasta boja žumanca, sa vrednostima od 12 do 14 prema Roche lepezi, koja je bila cilj prvog dela doktorske disertacije, ostvarena je u tretmanima u kojima je u ishranu kokoši nosilja dodato 1% nevena i 0,5% paprike, 1% šargarepe i 0,5% paprike, kao i 0,5% od sve tri komponente. U cilju postizanja optimalne boje žumanaca u drugom biološkom ogledu odabrana je kombinacija sa 1% šargarepe i 0,5% paprike obzirom da je šargarepa jeftinija i ekonomski isplativija sirovina od nevena.<br />U drugom biološkom ogledu kokoši nosilje su prema eksperimentalnom dizajnu podeljene u 8 tretmana, šest eksperimentalnih i dva kontrolna, koji<br />su se razlikovali prema izvoru i količini dodate masti (3% i 5%), kao i izvoru pigmenata (sintetički i prirodni). Kao izvori polinezasićenih masnih kiselina, u smeše za ishranu kokoši nosilja, dodavani su: ko-ekstrudati lana, lanika i konoplje u količini od 13,5% i 22,5% lana, 16,6% i 27,6% lanika i 18,4% i 30,7% konoplje. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata utvrđeno je da dodatak ko-ekstrudata u navedenim količinama ne utiče na tehnološke parametre kvaliteta jaja. Optimalna boja žumanca, sa vrednostima od 12,50 do 13,39 prema Roche lepezi, i sa najvišim senzorskim ocenama za prihvatljivost, ujednačenost i nijansu boje, ostvarena je u svim eksperimentalnim tretmanima, čime je potvrđen rezultat iz prvog dela doktorske disertacije.<br />Najvažniji rezultat, sa aspekta nutritivne vrednosti žumanca, koji je ostvaren dodatkom ko-ekstrudata lana, lanika i konoplje u ishranu kokoši nosilja jeste smanjenje ukupnog sadržaja zasićenih masnih kiselina (SFA), a povećanje sadržaja poželjnih omega - 3 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina: α-linolenske kiseline (ALA), eikozapentaenske kiseline (EPA) i dokozaheksaenske kiseline (DHA), kao i povećanje sadržaja ukupnih tokoferola.<br />Dodatkom ko-ekstrudata u hranu za kokoši nosilje postignut je mnogo bolji odnos ω-6/ω-3 masnih kiselina u žumancima. Međutim, sa aspekta senzorskog kvaliteta, dodatak ko-ekstrudata lana pokazao je negativan uticaj na ukus jaja u odnosu na dodatak ko-ekstrudata lanika i konoplje koji nisu narušili senzorska svojstva dobijenih jaja.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da se, dodatkom odabranih kombinacija prirodnih izvora pigmenata, kao i odabranih izvora omega masnih kiselina, može dizajnirati funkcionalno jaje koje će imati poželjnu boju žumanca, povećan sadržaj omega - 3 masnih kiselina, a da pri tom ne dođe do narušavanja senzorskog profila jaja.</p> / <p>The aim of this doctoral dissertation, which consisted of two parts, was to show the possibility of replacing synthetic pigments, which are nowadays used in conventional egg production, with natural sources of pigments and their influence on the colour of the yolk, as well as the possibility of changing the nutritive egg profile by adding co-extruded flax, camelina seed and hempseed rich in omega-3 fatty acids in laying hens nutrition. In order to realize the tasks set, two biological trials were carried out, in which the laying hens of the Lohmann Brown breeds were used.<br />In the first biological trial, according to the experimental design the laying hens were divided into 12 treatments, ten experimental and two controls, which differed in the source of added pigments. Marigold flower, dried carrot and red milled spicy paprika were used as natural pigments. Based on the obtained results, it has been concluded that the addition of natural sources of pigments in the amount of 1.5% does not affect the technological parameters of egg quality. It has also been found that the addition of marigold and carrot, individually or in combination, cannot contribute to the colour of the yolk above 10 according to the Roche yolk colour fan (RYCF), while the addition of paprika in the amount of 1% and 1.5% contributes to the colour of the yolk greater than 14 RYCF. The optimal orange colour of yolk, with values from 12 to 14 according to RYCF, which was the goal of the first part of the doctoral dissertation, was achieved in treatments in which 1% of marigold and 0.5% of paprika, 1% of carrot and 0.5% of paprika, as well as 0.5% of all three components were added in laying hens diets. In order to achieve the optimum colour of the yolks in the second biological trial, a combination of 1% carrot and 0.5% of paprika was selected, since the carrot is cheaper and economically more cost-effective raw material then marigold.<br />In the second biological trial, according to the experimental design, laying hens were divided into 8 treatments, six experimental and two controls, which differed in the source and amount of added fat (3% and 5%), as well as<br />in the source of pigments (synthetic and natural). As sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids in laying hens diet were added: co-extruded flaxseed, camelina seed and hempseed in the amount of 13.5% and 22.5% of flax, 16.6% and 27.6% of camelina seed and 18.4% and 30.7% of hempseed. Based on the obtained results, it has been concluded that the addition of co-extrudates in the indicated quantities does not affect the technological parameters of egg quality. The optimal colour of the yolk, with values ranging from 12.50 to 13.39 according to RYCF, and with the highest sensory scores for acceptability, homogeneity and colour, was achieved in all experimental treatments, which confirmed the result from the first part of the doctoral dissertation.<br />The most important result, from the aspect of the nutritional value of the yolk, achieved by the addition of co-extruded flaxseed, camelina seed and hempseed in laying hens diet, is a decrease in the total content of saturated fatty acids (SFA), and the increase in the content of the desired omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: α-linolenic acids (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), as well as an increase in total tocopherol content.<br />With the addition of co-extrudates in laying hens diets, a much better ratio of ω-6/ω-3 fatty acids in yolks has been achieved. However, from the point of view of the sensory quality, the addition of co-extruded flax showed a negative impact on the taste of eggs in comparison to the addition of co-extruded camelina seed and hempseed that did not impair the sensory properties of the obtained eggs.<br />Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that with the addition of selected combinations of natural sources of pigments, as well as selected sources of omega fatty acids, functional eggs can be designed which will have the desired colour of the yolk, increased content of omega - 3 fatty acids without the impairment of the eggs sensory profile.</p>
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Group investigation : a teaching approach for Life Orientation in selected Northern Cape secondary schools / Uphando lweqela : indlela yokufundisa izifundo ngobomi kwizikolo ezikhethiweyo kwiPhondo loMntla Koloni / Groepondersoek : ʼn onderrigbenadering vir Lewensoriëntering in uitgesoekte sekondêre skole in die Noord-KaapSeherrie, Aloysius Claudian 23 February 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / The main aim of this study was to explore the extent to which teachers use group investigation as a teaching approach for Life Orientation in selected secondary schools in the Northern Cape Province in South Africa. Group investigation (GI) as a cooperative learning teaching approach is based on the philosophical principles of John Dewey who believed that schools had the responsibility of capturing learners’ interests, to expand and develop their horizons and to assist them in responding appropriately to new ideas and influences. Group investigation, a particular cooperative learning strategy, is based on the pragmatic paradigm that suggests that learners construct and apply knowledge as they interact with one another in a teacher-learner environment.
This study was adopted in a concurrent triangulation mixed methods research design to be conducted concurrently. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analysed separately but simultaneously, the findings converged in the conclusion in order to respond to the research question. Convenient and purposive sampling was employed to select teachers and learners as participants in this study. Data were collected in the social setting where teachers employed group investigation as a teaching strategy with learners in cooperative working groups participating in learner-centred activities. The researcher used face-to-face interviews, focus group interviews, classroom observations as well as document analysis to collect data. The findings of this study revealed that teachers tend to display adequate content and pedagogical knowledge for the teaching of Life Orientation. However, the findings established that there is a need for novice teacher development in the interpretation and application of the content. Furthermore, group investigation has indicated that learners developed group skills easily, learn to work cooperatively in groups and that learners can depend on each other for the groups’ success. This study recommends that group investigation as a teaching approach be incorporated in the Life Orientation curriculum and that this needs to be shown in the lesson planning of teachers. The importance in the body of knowledge regarding teaching approaches and the academic value of the subject, Life Orientation as a fundamental subject, is indispensable within the FET curriculum. / Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal in watter mate onderwysers groepondersoek as ʼn onderrigbenadering vir Lewensoriëntering in uitgesoekte sekondêre skole in die Noord-Kaapprovinsie gebruik. Groepondersoek as ʼn koöperatiewe leer- en onderrigbenadering is gegrond op die filosofiese beginsels van John Dewey, wat geglo het dat skole die verantwoordelikheid het om leerders se belange te akkommodeer, om hul horisonne te verbreed en te ontwikkel en om hulle by te staan om gepas op nuwe idees en invloede te reageer. Groepondersoek, ʼn spesifieke koöperatieweleerstrategie, is gegrond op die sosiaal-interpretivistiese-konstruktivistiese paradigma wat suggereer dat leerders kennis konstrueer en toepas wanneer hulle met mekaar interaksie het in ʼn onderwyser-leerder-omgewing.
Hierdie studie is in ʼn konkurrente triangulering- gemengdemetodenavorsingsontwerp aangepak – om samelopend maar afsonderlik uitgevoer te word. Kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data is afsonderlik ingesamel en ontleed, maar terselfdertyd is die resultate gekonvergeer in die gevolgtrekking om die navorsingsvraag te beantwoord.
Gerieflikheid- en doelbewuste steekproefneming is gebruik om onderwysers en leerders te kies om aan die navorsing deel te neem. Data is ingesamel in die sosiale situasie waar onderwysers groepondersoeke as ʼn onderrigstrategie aangewend het, met leerders wat in koöperatiewe werksgroepe aan leergesentreerde aktiwiteite deelneem. Die navorser het persoonlike onderhoude, fokusgroeponderhoude, klaskamerwaarnemings sowel as dokumentontleding gebruik om data in te samel. Die bevindings van die studie het getoon dat onderwysers geneig is om voldoende inhoud en pedagogiese kennis vir die onderrig van Lewensoriëntering te toon, terwyl daar ʼn behoefte aan die ontwikkeling van nuweling-onderwysers se interpretasie en toepassing van die inhoud is. Daarbenewens het die groepondersoeke ook gewys dat leerders maklik groepvaardighede ontwikkel, leer om koöperatief in groepe te werk, en dat hulle op mekaar kan staatmaak vir die sukses van die groep. Hierdie studie beveel aan dat groepondersoeke as ‘n onderrigstrategie in die Lewensorientering kurrikulum geïnkorporeer moet word en dat dit in die lesbeplanning van die onderwysers aangedui moet word. Die belangrikheid van kennis met verwysing na die onderrrigstrategieë en die akademiese waarde van die vak, is Lewensorientering as ‘n fundamentele vak onvervangbaar binne die VOO kurrikulum. / Injongo ephambili yesi sifundo kukuqwalasela ukuba ootitshala bayisebenzisa kangakanani indlela yokufundisa yophando lweqela kwizifundo ngobomi ekuthiwa yiLife Orientation kwizikolo zesekondari ezikhethiweyo kwiPhondo loMntla Koloni. Uphando lweqela, njengecebo lokufunda nokufundisa ngokubambisana lusekelwe kwiinqobo zefilosofi kaJohn Dewey, owayekholelwa ekubeni izikolo zinoxanduva lokudlwengula umdla wabafundi, zinabise amathuba olwazi, zibancedise ekusabeleni ngokufanelekileyo kwizimvo neempembelelo ezintsha. Uphando lweqela, nolulicebo lobulumko lokusebenza ngokubambisana, lusekelwe kwiingcinga zokwakha intsingiselo ngokusebenzisana, le nto kuthiwa yisocial interpretivist-constructivist paradigm ngolwimi lwesiNgesi. Ezi ngcinga zithi abafundi bazakhela ulwazi, balusebenzise xa besebenzisana kuloo ndawo bafundela kuyo.
Esi sifundo siqhutywe ngokusebenzisa iindlela zophando ezixubeneyo neziqhutywa ngaxeshanye lo gama zahlukene. Kuqokelelwe, kwaphengululwa idatha ngokwahlukeneyo ngokobuninzi bayo ngaxeshanye nangokokucinga nzulu ngayo, okufunyanisiweyo kwadityaniswa esiphelweni ngenjongo yokuphendula umbuzo wophando. Isampulu yophando yakhethwa ngononophelo nangendlela enokusebenza lula xa kwakukhethwa ootitshala nabafundi abaza kuba ngabathathi nxaxheba kwesi sifundo. Idatha yaqokelelwa kwimeko yezentlalo apho ootitshala babesebenzisa uphando lweqela njengecebo lokufundisa, apho abafundi babesebenza ngokwamaqela ancedisanayo kwimisebenzi yezifundo zabo. Umphandi waqhuba udliwano ndlebe nomntu ngamnye, udliwano ndlebe namaqela achaphazelekayo, waqwalasela okwenzeka eklasini, waphengulula nemibhalo ekhoyo xa wayeqokelela idatha. Okufunyaniswe kwesi sifundo kwadiza ukuba ootitshala babonisa ulwazi olwaneleyo ngeziqulatho neendlela zokufundisa izifundo ngobomi okanye iLife Orientation, lo gama sikho sona isidingo sokuphuhlisa izakhono zootitshala abatsha ekutolikeni nasekusebenzeni ngeziqulatho zezi zifundo. Ngaphezu koko, uphando lweqela lubonise ukuba izakhono zabafundi zokusebenza ngamaqela ziphuhla lula, bafunda ukusebenzisana bengamaqela kwaye bafunda ukwazi ukuxhomekeka omnye komnye ukuze iqela liphumelele. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / Ph. D. (Curriculum Studies)
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Ispitivanje uticaja procesa ekstrudiranja na dobijanje i stabilnost funkcionalnog hraniva za životinje na bazi lanenog semena / Investigation of extrusion influence on production and stability of functional animal feed componentbased on linseedČolović Dušica 06 June 2014 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije bio je da se ispita uticaj ekstrudiranja na funkcionalno hranivo, čija bi osnovna uloga bila povećanje sadržaja omega-masnih kiselina u ishrani životinja, a naročito α-linolenske kiseline (ALA). Za proizvodnju funkcionalnog hraniva upotrebljeni su laneno seme, kao nosilac funkcionalnih osobina i suncokretova sačma, koja je dodata da se spreči isticanje lanenog ulja tokom ekstrudiranja. Nezavisni parametri ekstrudiranja čiji je uticaj ispitivan bili su: brzina obrtanja puža ekstrudera (240, 360 i 590 o/min), kapacitet punjenja (16, 24 i 32 kg/h), vlaga polaznog materijala (7, 11,5 i 16 %) i ukupna površina otvora na matrici (19,8, 39,6 i 59,4 mm2). Zavisno promenljive karakteristike (odzivi) dobijenog hraniva koje su praćene bile su: sadržaj HCN u hranivu, sadržaj ALA, sadržaj slobodnih masnih kiselina (SMK) i potrošnja energije.<br />Za modelovanje zavisnosti karakteristika hraniva od procesnih parametara ekstrudiranja primenjena je metoda odzivne površine (RSM), a korišćen je Box-Behnken-ov dizajn (BBD) za četiri faktora na tri nivoa. Za svaki od pomenutih odziva definisan je polinom drugog reda i određeni su koeficijenti polinoma, a analizom varijanse potvrđena je tačnost ovih modela. Formirani modeli upotrebljeni su za optimizaciju procesa ekstrudiranja, sa ciljem da se postigne što veća redukcija<br />cijanogenih glikozida u hranivu, uz što viši sadržaj ALA i što niže SMK i potrošnju energije. Da bi se zadovoljili svi postavljeni uslovi optimizacije, proces ekstrudiranja bilo je potrebno izvoditi pod sledećim uslovima: brzina obrtanja puža – 417,41 o/min, kapacitet punjenja – 32 kg/h, vlaga materijala – 13,39 % i ukupna površina otvora na<br />matrici – 19,80 mm2.<br />Ovako dobijeno hranivo pokazalo je nizak sadržaj HCN, čiji je stepen redukcije u odnosu na početnu vrednost iznosio 76,20 %. Sa druge strane, sadržaj ALA smanjen je za svega 0,69 %, što ukazuje da ekstrudiranje nije negativno uticalo na masnokiselinski sastav proizvedenog ko-ekstrudata.<br />Nakon proizvodnje ko-ekstrudata, pristupilo se ispitivanju njegove održivosti. U tu svrhu uzorci su skladišteni u klima komori sa mogućnošću kontrolisanog podešavanja temperature, relativne vlažnosti i cirkulacije vazduha. Za praćenje održivosti proizvoda primenjen je modifikovan Schaal-oven test. Modifikacija metode sastojala se u podešavanju relativne vlažnosti vazduha na konstantnu vrednost od 40 %, što klasičnom metodom nije propisano. Ova vlažnost vazduha odabrana je na osnovu relativne vlažnosti koja je u trenutku eksperimenta izmerena u prostoriji. U cilju ispitivanja uticaja antioksidanasa na oksidativnu stabilnost proizvoda, uzorcima su dodavani komercijalni preparati karvakrol (200 mg/100 g koekstrudata), vitamin E (135 mg/100 g ko-ekstrudata) i smeša ova dva antioksidansa. Za praćenje oksidativnih i hemijskih promena ko-ekstrudata, određivani su peroksidni broj (Pbr), SMK uzorcima su dodavani komercijalni preparati karvakrol (200 mg/100 g koekstrudata), vitamin E (135 mg/100 g i masnokiselinski sastav. Takođe su ispitane mikrobiološke promene u koekstrudatu. Najsnažnije antioksidativno dejstvo u ovom eksperimentu imao je vitamin E, dok smeša vitamina E i karvakrola nije pokazala sinergističko dejstvo. Sastav masnih kiselina se u toku skladištenja nije statistički značajno promenio. Sa druge strane, ekstrudiranje je pokazalo statistički značajan uticaj (p = 0,032) na redukciju ukupnog broja mikroorganizama u hranivu, a najniža vrednost ukupnog broja mikroorganizama (600 cfu/g) zabeležena je u uzorku sa dodatim karvakrolom.</p> / <p>The goal of the research in this thesis was to examine the effect of extrusion on functional feed compound, whose main role was to increase the content of omega-fatty acids in animal nutrition, especially α-linolenic acid (ALA). Flax seed, as the holder of the functional properties, and sunflower meal, as an adsorbent of linseed oil during extrusion, were used for the production of functional feed compound. Independent extrusion parameters studied in the experiment were: extruder screw speed (240, 360 and 590 rpm), loading capacity (16, 24 and 32 kg/h), the moisture content of the starting material (7, 11.5 and 16 % ) and the total die opening’s area (19.8, 39.6 and 59.4 mm2). Dependent variables (responses) of the produced feed compound were: HCN content in coextrudate, ALA content, the content of free fatty acids (FFA) and energy consumption.<br />Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied in order to model mathematical dependence between co-extrudate characteristics and the independent process parameters. The experiments were designed according to Box-Behnken's design (BBD) with four factors, each at three levels. Second-order polynomial equation was<br />developed for each of these responses, and polynomial coefficients were determined. Accuracy of each model was confirmed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). Formed polynomial models were used to optimize the extrusion process, with the aim of achieving high reduction of cyanogenic glycosides in feed compound, the highest content of ALA, as well as low FFA and low energy consumption. Obtained optimal conditions were: extruder srew speed - 417.41 rpm, loading capacity - 32 kg/h, moisture content of starting material - 13.39 % and the total die openings’ area<br />- 19.80 mm2.<br />Functional feed compound produced under these conditions showed a low concentration of HCN, and the degree of HCN reduction was 76.20 % compared to the starting HCN content. On the other hand, the ALA content was reduced by only 0.69 %, indicating that extrusion did not significantly affect the fatty acid composition of the produced co-extrudate.<br />The next step was investigation of stability of produced co-extrudate. For this purpose, the samples were stored in a climate chamber capable of setting temperature, relative humidity and air circulation. Modified Schaal-oven test was used to monitor the stability of the product. Modification of the method consisted in adjusting the relative humidity at a constant value of 40 %, which is not required by a classical method. Such a high humidity was selected based on the relative humidity at a constant value of 40 %, which is not required by a classical method. Such a high humidity was selected based on the relative humidity of air, which was measured in the experimental room at the moment. Commercial carvacrol (200 mg/100g of co-extrudate), vitamin E (135 mg/100 g of co-extrudate) and a mixture of these<br />two antioxidants were added to the samples in order to investigate the influence of antioxidants on the oxidative stability of the product. Peroxide value (PV), FFA and fatty acid composition were determined in order to monitor oxidative and chemical changes in co-extrudate. Microbial changes were also examined in the functional feed compound. The most powerful antioxidant effect in this experiment had vitamin E, and a mixture of vitamin E and carvacrol did not show a synergistic effect. The fatty acid compostion during storage was not significantly changed in any sample. On the other hand, extrusion process showed a statistically significant effect (p = 0.032) on the reduction of total number of microorganisms in feed, and the lowest value of the total number of microorganisms (600 cfu/g) was observed in the sample with added<br />carvacrol.</p>
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Kalbėjimo veiksmažodžių semantika ir raiška / Semantics and expressing means of speech verbsStankevičienė, Regina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe sinchroniškai tiriama kalbėjimo veiksmažodžių semantinė ir formalioji struktūra, skiriamas dėmesys lietuvių grožinių kūrinių dialoginei kalbai ir ją įforminančioms kalbėjimo leksemoms. Kadangi šiame darbe lietuvių kalbos kalbėjimo veiksmažodžiai nagrinėjami semantiniu aspektu, todėl iš pradžių aptariamos pagrindinės leksinės semantikos sąvokos, apibūdinama kalbėjimo veiksmažodžių semantinė grupė (KSG).
Lingvistinėje literatūroje žodžio reikšmės ir jos raiškos formos vienovė vadinama semema. Į kalbėjimo veiksmažodžių semantinę grupę buvo atrinktos leksemos su sememomis „bendrauti žodžiais“, „perduoti informaciją, mintis, jausmus ir pan.,“ kurios įvardija kalbėjimo procesą. Sememos jungtos į KSG pagal jų komponentinės struktūros panašumą. Savo ruožtu sememos struktūra sudaryta iš minimalių semantikos vienetų – semų, kurios smulkiau nebeskaidomos. Kalbėjimo veiksmažodžių reikšmių analizė pagrįsta jų skaidymu į mažesnius reikšminius elementus, todėl tyrimui taikoma komponentinė analizė.
Kalbėjimo veiksmažodžių formaliosios struktūros analizė, t. y. derivacinių santykių tinklas, pirminių kalbėjimo veiksmažodžių šaknų fonologinė sudėtis, charakterizuoja tam tikros sistemos struktūros požymius. Šiame darbe nagrinėjama pirminių kalbėjimo veiksmažodžių šaknies struktūra, vokalizmo ir konsonantizmo padėties ypatumai, nustatomi būdingiausi šios semantinės grupės šaknų struktūriniai modeliai. Bazinių ir priklausomųjų morfemų skyrimas leidžia jungti žodžius į sistemines grupes... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of the semantic and formal structure of the speaking verbs as well as dialogical speech of some pieces of Lithuanian fiction and, also, lexemes formed in it. As Lithuanian speaking verbs are analysed there in the semantic aspect, so in the beginning of the work the subject of the investigation is the meaning of the main semantic groups. Besides, the semantic group of the speaking verbs (KSG) is researched.
In the linguistic literature the meanings of the word and the unity of its expressiveness is called the semema. The lexemes with the sememas “to communicate orally”, “to transmit information, thoughts, emotions and etc.” were chosen to the semantic group of the speaking verbs. They describe the process of speaking. The sememas are included in KSG according to the principle of the similarity of their complex structure. The structure of the semema itself is built of the smallest semantic units called semes. However, there are good reasons to say that the analysis of the meanings of the speaking verbs proves that they are divided into the smaller elements. That is why the work presents the complex analysis of these verbs.
The analysis of the formal structure of the speaking verbs, i.e. the net of the derivation relationship, the structure of the basic phonemic speaking verbs’ branches, is characterized by the certain signs of the structure. The work investigates the structure of the basic speaking verbs’ roots, as well as the peculiarities of consonant and vowel... [to full text]
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De la sémantique textuelle en arabe : cohésion discursive et sens lexical / Of textual semantics in Arabic : Discursive cohesion and lexical meaningBen Achour, Riadh 17 March 2012 (has links)
Le travail présenté ici se situe dans le cadre général d’élaborer une méthodologie de traitement du sens lexical dans une dimension textuelle – textes arabes et énoncés (types et occurrences) plus courts – à la lumière de la sémantique interprétative de F. Rastier. Pour ce faire, cette étude cherche tout d’abord à déterminer le statut du texte en linguistique moderne et dans la pensée traditionnelle arabe. Il s’agit de revenir sur les facteurs-clés qui ont donné lieu à la prise en compte du palier textuel dans les études linguistiques modernes et dans la tradition grammaticale, rhétorique et exégétique arabe.S’inspirant des travaux en sémantique interprétative de F. Rastier, le présent travail entend rendre compte par le biais d’une application pratique (analyse des textes arabes) du rôle essentiel que jouent l’analyse sémique, l’isotopie sémantique, le contexte et la pratique sociale en cours, dans l’assignation du sens aux unités lexicales. Après avoir présenté les limites des modèles textuels issus de deux approches sémantiques formelles (véri-conditionnelle) et cognitives, l’objectif de cette recherche est de montrer la pertinence de l’application du modèle Rastérien – issu d’une approche sémantique structurale – à des textes arabes. / This work falls within the general framework of developing a working methodology for processing lexical meaning within a text. It seeks to apply François Rastier’s theory of interpretive semantics to Arabic texts and utterances. The thesis starts with a survey of the state of the text in both traditional Arabic thinking and modern linguistics. Such a survey reveals the key factors that have brought the textual level to the fore, in modern linguistics on the one hand, and Arabic traditional grammar, rhetoric and exegetics on the other hand. This study seeks to apply Rastier’s notion of interpretive semantics to texts and examples in Arabic. The overall objective of this close textual approach is to highlight the fundamental role of semantic analysis, semantic isotopy, context and the current social practices in assigning lexical meaning. The thesis attempts also to show the shortcomings of textual models offered by two semantic approaches, namely the formal (truth-conditional) and the cognitive approaches; in order to highlight the pertinence of Rastier’s model within a structural semantic approach to Arabic texts.
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