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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studie odkanalizování vybraného stokového systému v urbanizovaném povodí / The study of selected sewer network in an urbanized catchment

Korytář, Ivo January 2017 (has links)
This paper deals the case study of the chosen sewer system in the village Starý Mateřov. The study solves passportization of sewer, what is the base for creating technical condition mainly for three selected sections. According to the results from the technical conditions of the three selected sections were suggested suitable options of redevelopment. The options are compared in financial way. The last chapter suggests two possibilities how to deal with the sewage. The first option consists of the transferring waste water to the waste water treatment plant in Pardubice - Semtín. The second option suggests building a new waste water treatment plant in Starý Mateřov. The options are compared in financial way.

Vliv stavebně-technického stavu na cenu stavby / The influence of structural and technical condition on the cost of construction

Gad, Marián January 2017 (has links)
The beginning of the master thesis includes basic terms, which explain issues of properties, structures, building plot, ownership and co-ownership, prices and its creation, operation life and use, and probability of occurrence of risks. I estimate the price of property through general price – comparative method, in the practical part of thesis. In the next part, I bring how structural and technical condition of construction influences the price of property. The conclusion of the master thesis focuses on summary of structural and technical effects, which influence the price of building and when is the best time to sell the property, according to my opinion.

Melioruotų žemių ir melioracijos statinių būklės analizė Utenos rajone / The analysis of reclaimed lands and the condition state of land reclamation structures in Utena district

Purvinienė, Aušrinė 08 August 2007 (has links)
Magistratūros studijų baigiamajame darbe analizuojama melioruotų žemių ir melioracijos statinių būklė. Tyrimai buvo atlikti Utenos rajone. Rajone nusausinta 30625 ha arba 59,9 % nuo šlapių žemių fondo – 51130,95 ha. Nuo 1966 iki 1990 metų drenažu nusausinta 28564 ha, o nuo 1991 iki 1995 metų – 1570 ha ploto. Daugiausiai žemių drenuota 1970, 1971 ir 1975 metais – daugiau kaip po 1400 ha į metus. Mažiausiai naudoti atiduota 1994 metais – 298 ha, o daugiausiai 1975 metais – 1800 ha. Iki 1975 metų žemių sausinimo darbų tempai Utenos rajone didėjo, o vėliau sulėtėjo. Melioruotų žemių ir melioracijos statinių būklės tyrimais Utenos rajone nustatyta, kad geros būklės melioruotos žemės ir melioracijos statinių techninė būklė kasmet blogėja. Žemės ūkio ministerijos lėšų skirtų melioracijos darbams nepakanka, kad užtikrintų jų gerą būklę. Norint Utenos rajone palaikyti gerą melioruotos žemės ir melioracijos statinių būklę, valstybė turėtų skirti metams 2 mln. Lt. t.y. du kartus daugiau lėšų nei dabar. Šiandien, esamų melioracijos statinių vidutinis amžiaus vidurkis siekia 35 metus. Žmonės neturi lėšų tinkamai naudoti ir prižiūrėti melioracijos statinių, todėl jų techninė būklė sparčiai prastėja. Melioracijos statiniai teikia naudą žemdirbiams, kaimo gyventojams ir visai visuomenei. Nenorintis ar nepajėgiantis savo žemėje tvarkyti ir prižiūrėti drenažo, ūkininkas kenkia ir kaimyno nusausintoms žemėms. Sunykti melioracijos statiniams jokiu būdu negalima leisti, nes jiems atstatyti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The condition state of reclaimed lands and land reclamation hydraulic structures was analysed in the final work of master studies. Researches were carried out in Utena district. 30625 ha or 59.9% of the wetlands fund (51130.95 ha) have been reclaimed in the district. In the period of 1966-1990 28564 ha of the total area have been reclaimed and in the period of 1991-1995 – 1570 ha, respectively. The largest areas of lands were reclaimed in 1970, 1971 and 1975, i.e. more than 1400 ha per year. The smallest areas returned for the use were in 1994 – 298 ha and the largest areas returned for the use were in 1975 – 1800 ha. By 1975 the speed of draining works in Utena district increased and later slowed down. With the help of the researches of reclaimed lands and the condition state of land reclamation hydraulic structures in Utena district it was determined that the technical condition of land reclamation structures and reclaimed lands that used to be in good condition is worsening every year. The means committed to the land reclamation works by the Ministry of Agriculture are not sufficient for the ensuring of the good condition state of these structures. In order to maintain the good condition of reclaimed lands and land reclamation hydraulic structures situated in Utena district the State should commit 2 million Lt per year, i.e. twice as much. At present the average age of land reclamation hydraulic structures reaches 35 years. People have not enough means for the proper use... [to full text]

Melioracijos statinių būklės analizė Vilniaus rajone / Analysis of the State of Reclamations Construction in the Vilnius Region

Narunec, Ruslan 14 January 2009 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamajame darbe analizuojama melioruotų žemių ir melioracijos statinių būklė. Tyrimai buvo atlikti Vilniaus rajone, pagal Lietuvos Respublikos žemės ūkio ministerijos duomenis. Rajone nusausinta 43224,8 ha arba 67,8 % šlapių žemių fondo - 56269 ha. Nuo 1960 iki 2008 metų drenažu nusausinta 39061,4 ha. Daugiausia žemių drenuota 1976-1980 metais - daugiau kaip po 1800 ha per metus. Mažiausiai naudoti atiduota 1996-2000 metais – iš viso 155,7 ha. Iki 1980 metų Vilniaus rajone žemių sausinimo darbų tempai didėjo, o nuo 1985 m. sumažėjo iki 1400 per metus, vėliau darbų kiekiai tapo dar mažesni. Nuo 2000 m. nebuvo vykdomos naujos statybos. 2006 m. atlikus Vilniaus rajone melioruotų žemių ir melioracijos statinių būklės tyrimus nustatyta, kad geros būklės melioruotos žemės ir melioracijos statinių techninė būklė kasmet blogėja. Skirtų biudžeto lėšų melioracijos darbams nepakanka, kad užtikrintų jų gerą būklę. Norint Vilniaus rajone palaikyti gerą melioruotos žemės ir melioracijos statinių būklę, valstybė turėtų skirti metams 4 mln. Lt, t.y. 4 kartus daugiau lėšų, nei skiriama dabar. Šiandien esamų melioracijos statinių vidutinis amžiaus vidurkis siekia 35 metus. Žemės savininkai neturi lėšų tinkamai naudoti ir prižiūrėti melioracijos statinių, todėl jų techninė būklė sparčiai prastėja. Melioracijos statiniai teikia naudą žemdirbiams, kaimo gyventojams ir visai visuomenei. Nenorintis ar nepajėgiantis savo žemėje tvarkyti ir prižiūrėti drenažo, ūkininkas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The condition of reclaimed lands and of land reclamation hydraulic structures was analyzed in the final work of master studies. Research was carried out in the district of Vilnius. 43224,8 ha or 67,8% of the wetlands fund (56269 ha) have been reclaimed in the district. In the period of 1960-2008, 39061,4 ha were reclaimed and in the period of 1976-1980, 1800 ha per year were reclaimed. The smallest areas returned for the use were in 1996-2000, 155,7 ha per year and the largest areas returned for the use were in 1985, 1400 ha were reclaimed. From 2000, no new construction was carried out. With the help of the research of reclaimed lands and the condition of land reclamation hydraulic structures in Vilnius district, it was determined that the technical condition of land reclamation structures and reclaimed lands which was in good condition is now deteriorating every year. The grant committed to the land reclamation works, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, is not sufficient for ensuring that these structures remain in good condition. In order to maintain the good condition of reclaimed lands and land reclamation hydraulic structures situated in Vilnius district, the State should commit 4 million Lt during the year, i.e. a fourfold increase. At present, the average age of land reclamation hydraulic structures is 35 years old. Farmers do not have enough funds for the proper use and exploitation of land reclamation hydraulic structures, therefore, their condition is rapidly... [to full text]

Melioracijos statinių būklės analizė Joniškio rajono savivaldybės teritorijoje / Condition Of Drained Lands And Land Reclamation Structure Analysis In Joniskis Municipality

Dirsė, Vidas 14 January 2009 (has links)
Joniškio rajono šlapių žemių fondas yra 98341 ha. Rajone nusausinta 80524,65 ha arba 81,9 % nuo šlapių žemių fondo. Darbo tikslas: Išanalizuoti ir įvertinti melioruotų žemių, bei statinių būklę Joniškio rajono savivaldybės teritorijoje. Pagal atliktos 2006 metų inventorizacijos duomenų analizę melioruotas žemės plotas įskaitant plotą sausinamą drenažu nuo1987 metų padidėjo 1232,64 ha kas sudaro 1,55 %. Blogos būklės plotas sudaro 4490,99 ha iš kurių numatoma rekonstruoti 3190,76 ha., remontuoti 1083,04 ha. ir nurašyti 217,19 ha. Didžiausi pažeidimai melioruotame plote: užmirkęs drenuotas plotas, žemės ūkio naudmenos neveikiančio drenažo plote ir drenuotas plotas užstatytas statiniais, kur nutiesti keliai ar kitos komunikacijos. Blogai veikiančio drenažo plotas sudaro 6 % viso drenuoto žemės ploto. 2006 metų inventorizacijos duomenimis magistralinių griovių Joniškio rajone yra 1230,0 km. Bloga būklė sudaro 357,64 km., tai sudaro 29 %. Didžiausi pažeidimai: vaga užaugusi medžiais ir krūmais, vaga užnešta nešmenimis ir patvenkta vaga. Išanalizavus 2006 metų inventorizavimo duomenis paaiškėjo, kad pralaidų būklė Joniškio rajone yra bloga: 56 % jų blogos būklės. Pagrindinės pažeidimų priežastys: pažeistos vietinių įgriuvų, įgriuvę antgaliai, apirę betoniniai elementai. Šiandien, esamų melioracijos statinių vidutinis amžiaus vidurkis siekia 35 metus. Neturint lėšų, tinkamai naudoti ir prižiūrėti melioracijos statinių neimanoma, todėl jų techninė būklė sparčiai prastėja. ... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Wet territory corpus is 98341ha in Joniskis district. 80524,65 ha or 81,9 % of the wetlands fund have been reclaimed in the district. Main job goal is to inspect existing melioration building’s condition in the local government’s territory of the Joniskis district. According inventorisation data analysis accomplished in 2006 improved land’s area, including drained area become bigger from 1987, 1232,64 ha has structure 1,55 %. Quantity of building’s in bad shape has structured 4490,99 ha from which 3190,76 ha have been reconstructed, also 1083,04 ha have been reconditioned and 217,19 ha have been discarded as unusable. Most common drainage system break is influated by new buildings, roads and communication systems. The malfunction of the drainage area has structure 6 % of all land area. According inventorisation of 2006 have emerged that main roads in the Joniskis district are 1230,0 km. Bad condition has structured 357,64 km, it is 29%. Most common drainage system breaks are: the main canal, which is overgrown by trees and scrubs, also main canal is choked up by outwashes and affluented. According inventorisation were done become clear that overflows are in bad shape in the district of Joniskis city; that is 56 % of all them bad condition. The major reasons of breaks are: local failures are damaged, also the snouts are tumbled and finally the details of concrete are broke up. At present the average age of land reclamation hydraulic structures reaches 35 years. People... [to full text]

Studie sanace stokové sítě vybrané části urbanizovaného celku / Study of rehabilitation of the sewer network of selected parts urbanized area

Voldán, Karel January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was the elaboration of a study of the rehabilitation of the sewerage network in the part of the town of Znojmo. The work is conceived in the form of accompanying and technical reports. The accompanying report contains a brief description of the interest site, basic information about the sewerage system operator and land data. The technical report contains a description of the individual segments of the sewer network, supplemented by photo documentation of the selected faults located on the selected sections. In addition, the evaluation of the structural state of the sub-sections is carried out here. The following subchapter draws up two hydraulic models and their modifications after the recovery of the sewer system. Another part of the technical report describes possible options for remediation technologies. The last part deals with the conclusions and recommendations for the sewer network operator including a briefly outlined economic page in the selection of remediation technology.

Údržba a diagnostika obráběcích strojů se zaměřením na vibrodiagnostiku, elektrodiagnostiku a tribodiagnostiku / Maintenance and diagnostics of machine tools focusing on vibrodiagnostics, electrodiagnostics and tribodiagnostics

Houška, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Master‘s thesis deals with maintenance and related technical diagnostics of machine tools. Diagnostics methods on which is the thesis focused are vibrodiagnostics, tribodiagnostics and electrodiagnostics. Work includes design of diagnostic system and measurement of vibration and electrical parameters of the machining center. Based on given results from data evaluation, further steps in predictive maintenance and usage of technical diagnostics for machine tools are recommended. Within tribotechnical diagnostics, the thesis is based on evaluation of long-term monitoring of process liquid status, which was used in several machining machines. A procedure for the measurement of selected parameters is proposed and periodical liquid status checks are established.

Dlouhodobé plány obnovy vodovodních sítí / Long term planning of water distribution network rehabilitation

Hos, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is about long-term rehabilitation planning of water distribution system. First part is about legislative demands on rehabilitation planning in Czech Republic and about methods used abroad to do long-term reahabilitation planning. Second part of thesis is about own created method based on TEA Water (application about condtition assessment of water supply infrastructure). This method is tested on fictional water network and on real water network of Babice nad Svitavou.

Zdroje pitné vody a jejich technické provedení / Water Resources and their Technical Construction

Machač, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Nowdays, the renewal of water supply infrastructure is becoming increasingly hot topic. Gradual renewal is one of the key points for long-term maintenance of quality and trouble-free operation. The most basic element of the entire water supply system are water resources, which shouldn't be neglected during the planning of a renewal. This thesis deals with technical construction of drinking water resources and it is mainly focused on ground-water resources. The main part of the thesis is the design of a technical assessment system for underground drinking water resources for public water supply. The purpose of such system is to create a tool for technical assessment that will identify current technical status of multiple water resources and will compare them. This comparison enables to create more effective renewal plan in future.

Technický audit vodojemů / Technical Audit of Water Tanks

Šlesinger, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to design a methodology for technical audit of water tanks. The first part presents basic information on water tanks, followed by a brief summary of Czech legislation related to developing water tank renewal financing plans. The key part of the thesis is designing the structure of TEAA water tanks module, which will be included in TEA Water methodology, being developed at Institute of Municipal Water Management. The module under proposal is implemented as a MS Excel application, which is used to assess selected water tanks. The assessment results are compared to results obtained using TEA Water web application, which implements a draft of the TEAA module from October 2014, and to the results obtained using TAWAT.xls application.

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