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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


THADEU LOPES MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA 26 January 2024 (has links)
[pt] Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica de caráter histórico, analítico e qualitativo, abordou-se a temática da teologia compreendida como hermenêutica da fé e suas implicações no método teológico de Joseph Ratzinger. O objeto formal dessa tese é o método teológico de Ratzinger sob a perspectiva da teologia compreendida como hermenêutica da fé, no contexto da relação entre hermenêutica, teologia e método. Da expressão hermenêutica da fé, é possível compreender as características do método teológico como praticado por Joseph Ratzinger. Portanto, essa pesquisa realiza uma análise histórica, dogmática e teológica sobre o desenvolvimento do método teológico, com o objetivo de situar o autor analisado no contexto da história da questão. Também se fez necessário recorrer a um percurso de caráter histórico e analítico sobre a compreensão da hermenêutica, com o intuito de captar de forma mais precisa o uso do termo hermenêutica pelo autor estudado. Por fim, com base no duplo percurso, essa tese analisa a obra de Joseph Ratzinger para definir o emprego particular que ele faz da expressão hermenêutica da fé e como tal substrato reflete-se em sua metodologia teológica, também delineada e analisada em sua compreensão da natureza da teologia. / [en] Through a bibliographical review of a historical, analytical and qualitative nature, the theme of theology understood as a hermeneutics of faith and its implications for Joseph Ratzinger s theological method was approached. The formal object of this thesis is Ratzinger s theological method from the perspective of theology understood as a hermeneutics of faith, in the context of the relationship between hermeneutics, theology and method. From the expression hermeneutics of faith, it is possible to understand the characteristics of the theological method as practiced by Joseph Ratzinger. Therefore, this research carries out a historical, dogmatic and theological analysis of the development of the theological method, with the aim of placing the analyzed author in the context of the history of the issue. It was also necessary to resort to a historical and analytical course on the understanding of hermeneutics, with the aim of capturing more precisely the use of the term hermeneutics by the author studied. Finally, based on a double path, this thesis analyzes the work of Joseph Ratzinger to define the particular use he makes of the hermeneutic expression of faith and how this substrate is reflected in his theological methodology, also outlined and analyzed in his understanding of nature of theology.

An evaluation of Haddon Robinson's homiletical method: an evangelical perspective

Lake, Judson Shepherd 31 May 2003 (has links)
For the last two decades Haddon Robinson's homiletic text Biblical Preaching has been a significant influence in evangelical homiletics. In an endeavor to evaluate the homiletic method within it, this study asked the following questions: What is Robinson's theological methodology and how does it affect his homiletical method? What is his hermeneutical methodology and how does it affect his homiletical method? These two questions lead into the main issue of this study expressed in two other questions: Is Robinson consistent with his theological and hermeneutical methodology in his homiletical method? What are the strengths and weaknesses of his ten-stage method? Based on these issues, the purpose of this study was to investigate Robinson's theological and hermeneutical methodology, evaluate his ten-stage method in light of this investigation, and based on any problematic areas, suggest pointers toward new theory and procedure for the enhancement of expository pedagogy. To provide a framework for this study, four homiletical paradigms in contemporary American homiletics were identified and explained. Robinson's method was found to be in one of these paradigms. With this framework in mind, Robinson's theological and hermeneutical methodology was investigated. Following this, his definition of expository preaching with its five components was set forth and investigated. It was found that Robinson's expository methodology as expressed in his view of Scripture, hermeneutics, and definition of expository preaching, is a consistent foundation for his ten-stage method. Nevertheless, several problematic issues were noted. Having investigated Robinson's expository methodology, this study formally evaluated his ten-stage method and found its center of gravity to be on the two center stages dealing with the homiletical idea and purpose statement. Furthermore, this evaluation found the ten stages to be consistent with Robinson's definition of expository preaching in its movement from interpretation to application. In seven of the stages, however, this study found deficiencies due to procedural weaknesses and a lack of theoretical focus. The study concluded with ten pointers based on the problem areas addressed throughout the investigation and evaluation. These pointers suggested a new theory and procedure to enhance expository pedagogy and practice. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Pratical Theology)

Ethical preaching in contemporary Korean Protestantism : a critical reflection

Park, Sungwhan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of our study was not merely to recount the ethical problems of the Korean Protestant Church and its members, but to suggest a new ethical preaching mode for resolving these problems. Thus, in order to research the subject of our study, we used two methodologies: Dingemans’s practical theological methodology and the Heidelberg method of sermon analysis. In chapter one, we stated the question why the Korean Protestant Church’s growth is declining, and described the current social situation in which the Korean people are starting to turn their backs on the Korean Protestant Church, and also mistrusting the morality of this Church as its members do not seem to act in accordance with their stated beliefs. Their ethical behaviour does not correspond with the content of their confession. In order to show exactly the practical and problematic phenomenon of the Korean Protestant Church and its members, we used the results of six surveys conducted recently by several institutes. Furthermore, in order to expose exactly the Korean Protestant Christian’s ethical problems in terms of homiletics, we suggested that our study focuses on the following three issues: political, triumphal and narrative, as these three sermon patterns flow like rivers into the Korean Protestant Church and its American theological connection. By doing so, our study hoped to contribute ultimately towards the rediscovery and revalidation of ethical preaching in contemporary Korea. From chapter two to chapter seven, we thus strived to explain the content of, and relationship between, the three preaching modes as described above (political, triumphal, and experiential), and we analysed the sermons of three representative Korean Protestant preachers in detail, by using the framework of the Heidelberg method. In chapter eight, we evaluated the ethical situation of the Korean Protestant Church and its members in contemporary Korea as follows: “Consequently, in contemporary Korea, the Koreans no longer believe and trust the Korean Protestant Church. Thus, since the 1990s, the present Korean Protestant Church is experiencing a decline in the attendance of its members because the present Korean Protestant Church has lost its dignity due to its ethical problems. In our opinion, it is true that the Korean Protestant Church needs to discover Christian ethics; thus, the Church must especially focus on its lack of social ethics and political responsibility in the Reformed theological views. In order to promote the public’s trust in the Korean Protestant Church and its members, it is inevitable that Korean Protestant ministers must focus more on Christian ethics than on the outward development of the Church in contemporary Korea. Thus, in order to establish Christian ethics in Korea, the Korean Protestant preachers must consider ethical preaching, through which naturally, Christians will try to follow Jesus’ life and teachings before God by faith in the world.” In chapter nine, we explained in detail what ethical preaching is, i.e. we introduced the necessity for ethical preaching, and defined it as well as components thereof. In particular, we emphasized that the world’s position and function are unique, as evil controls the world in terms of ethical preaching because human beings have been captured by the multiplicity of the powers or related them to contemporary social realities, and they cannot but produce Christian ethical problems in the world. Furthermore, we suggested the following: “We obviously need the harmony of Campbell and Long’s homiletical views in order to create the best framework for ethical preaching for contemporary Korea.” In chapter ten, we critically compared and reflected on the homiletical views of Campbell and Long in terms of ethical preaching. Furthermore, we created a new ethical preaching mode for contemporary Korea. In chapter eleven, we introduced some suggestions as regards the way ethical preaching could be done in contemporary Korea, i.e. we strived to compose a sermon’s synopsis of ethical preaching with the newly formed framework. Thus, with Luke 8:22-39, we dealt with “the division of Korea into North and South” and, with Luke 10:25-37, “racial prejudice toward coloured foreign workers” by using the newly formed ethical preaching mode. In chapter twelve, we summarized and concluded our dissertation. As regards the homiletical field of Korea, we introduced four benefits our study can offer. On the other hand, we pointed out the shortcomings of our study as follows: “Jesus Christ and ethical issues from the Old Testament” and “the relationship between our ethical preaching mode and Christian worship, especially liturgy.” In this chapter, thus, we emphasized the abovementioned points as suggestions for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van ons studie was nie ʼn blote weergee van die etiese probleme van die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk en sy lidmate nie, maar om ʼn nuwe metode van etiese prediking ter oplossing van hierdie probleme voor te stel. Gevolglik het ons, ten einde navorsing oor ons onderwerp te doen, twee metodologiee aangewend: Dingemans se prakties-teologiese metodologie en die Heidelbergse metode van prediking analise. In hoofstuk 1 het ons die vraag gestel waarom daar ʼn afname was in die groei van die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk en die huidige sosiale situasie waarin die Koreaanse bevolking die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk die rug keer en ook die moraliteit van die kerk aangesien sy lidmate nie handel volgens hul verklaarde oortuigings nie beskryf. Hul etiese gedrag stem nie ooreen met die inhoud van hul belydenis nie. Ten einde die praktiese en problematiese verskynsel van die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk en sy lidmate juis te beklemtoon, het ons die resultate van ses opnames wat onlangs deur verskeie institute gedoen is gebruik. Verder, om die etiese probleme van die Koreaanse Protestantse Christen in terme van homilitiek noukeurig bloot te le, het ons voorgestel dat ons studie op die volgende drie aspekte fokus: politiese, triomferende en narratiewe aangesien hierdie drie erediens patrone soos riviere in die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk en sy Amerikaanse teologiese verbintenis vloei. Sodoende hoop ons studie om uiteindelik ʼn bydrae te lewer tot die herontdekking en herbekragtiging van etiese prediking in hedendaagse Korea. Vanaf hoofstuk twee tot hoofstuk sewe het ons dus daarna gestreef om die inhoud van en die verhouding tussen die drie metodes van prediking, soos hierbo beskryf (politiese, triomferende en narratiewe), te verduidelik en het ons deur middel van die Heidelbergse metode die preke van drie verteenwoordigende Koreaanse Protestantse predikers breedvoerig geanaliseer. In hoofstuk ag (t) het ons die etiese situasie van die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk en sy lidmate soos volg geevalueer: “Gevolglik glo en vertrou die Koreane in hedendaagse Korea nie meer die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk nie. Dus, sedert die 1990’s beleef die huidige Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk ʼn afname in die bywoning van sy lidmate omdat die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk sy waardigheid verloor het as gevolg van sy etiese probleme. Volgens ons is dit waar dat die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk Christelike etiek moet ontdek; dus, die Kerk moet spesifiek fokus op sy gebrek aan sosiale etiek en politieke verantwoordelikheid in die gereformeerde teologiese gesigspunte. Ten einde die publiek se vertroue in die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk en sy lidmate te bevorder, is dit onvermydelik dat die predikante van die Koreaanse Protestantse Kerk meer moet fokus op Christelike etiek as op die uiterlike ontwikkeling van die kerk in hedendaagse Korea. Dus moet Koreaanse Protestantse predikers etiese prediking, waardeur Christene in die wereld sal probeer om Jesus se lewe en onderwysings voor God deur geloof te volg, oorweeg ten einde Christelike etiek in Korea te vestig.” In hoofstuk nege het ons breedvoerig verduidelik wat etiese prediking behels, d.w.s. ons het die noodsaaklikheid van etiese prediking ingelei en dit tesame met die komponente daarvan gedefinieer. Ons het in besonder die uniekheid van die wereld se posisie en funksie beklemtoon aangesien boosheid die wereld in terme van etiese prediking beheer omdat mense gevange geneem is deur die veelvoudige magte of eietydse, met hul verbonde sosiale werklikhede en hulle nie anders kan as om Christelike etiese probleme in die wereld voort te bring nie. Verder het ons die volgende voorgestel: “Ons het duidelik die harmonie van Campbell en Long se homiletiese standpunte nodig ten einde die beste raamwerk vir etiese prediking vir hedendaagse Korea te skep.” In hoofstuk tien het ons die kritiese vergelyking getref tussen en gereflekteer op die homiletiese uitgangspunte van Campbell en Long in terme van etiese prediking. Voorts het ons ʼn nuwe metode van etiese prediking vir hedendaagse Korea ontwikkel. In hoofstuk elf het ons sekere voorstelle betreffende die manier waarop etiese prediking in hedendaagse Korea gedoen sou kon word aangebied, d.w.s. ons het daarna gestrewe om ʼn prediking se oorsig van etiese prediking met ʼn nuutgevormde raamwerk saam te stel. Dus, met Lukas 8:22-39 het ons gefokus op “die verdeling van Korea in Noord en Suid” en met Lukas 10:25-37, “rassistiese vooroordeel teenoor gekleurde buitelandse arbeiders” deur van die nuutgevormde metode van etiese prediking gebruik te maak. In hoofstuk twaalf het ons die dissertasie saamgevat en afgesluit. Ons het, betrekking tot die homiletiese landskap in Korea, vier voordele wat ons studie kan bied voorgestel. Enersyds het ons sekere tekortkominge van ons studie soos volg uitgewys: “Jesus Christus en die etiese kwessies van die Ou Testament” en “die verhouding tussen ons etiese predikingswyse en Christelike aanbidding, veral liturgie”. In hierdie hoofstuk het ons dus die bogenoemde punte as voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing voorgestel.

An evaluation of Haddon Robinson's homiletical method: an evangelical perspective

Lake, Judson Shepherd 31 May 2003 (has links)
For the last two decades Haddon Robinson's homiletic text Biblical Preaching has been a significant influence in evangelical homiletics. In an endeavor to evaluate the homiletic method within it, this study asked the following questions: What is Robinson's theological methodology and how does it affect his homiletical method? What is his hermeneutical methodology and how does it affect his homiletical method? These two questions lead into the main issue of this study expressed in two other questions: Is Robinson consistent with his theological and hermeneutical methodology in his homiletical method? What are the strengths and weaknesses of his ten-stage method? Based on these issues, the purpose of this study was to investigate Robinson's theological and hermeneutical methodology, evaluate his ten-stage method in light of this investigation, and based on any problematic areas, suggest pointers toward new theory and procedure for the enhancement of expository pedagogy. To provide a framework for this study, four homiletical paradigms in contemporary American homiletics were identified and explained. Robinson's method was found to be in one of these paradigms. With this framework in mind, Robinson's theological and hermeneutical methodology was investigated. Following this, his definition of expository preaching with its five components was set forth and investigated. It was found that Robinson's expository methodology as expressed in his view of Scripture, hermeneutics, and definition of expository preaching, is a consistent foundation for his ten-stage method. Nevertheless, several problematic issues were noted. Having investigated Robinson's expository methodology, this study formally evaluated his ten-stage method and found its center of gravity to be on the two center stages dealing with the homiletical idea and purpose statement. Furthermore, this evaluation found the ten stages to be consistent with Robinson's definition of expository preaching in its movement from interpretation to application. In seven of the stages, however, this study found deficiencies due to procedural weaknesses and a lack of theoretical focus. The study concluded with ten pointers based on the problem areas addressed throughout the investigation and evaluation. These pointers suggested a new theory and procedure to enhance expository pedagogy and practice. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Pratical Theology)


[pt] Esta dissertação propõe uma pesquisa na obra A Doutrina Cristã, de Agostinho de Hipona, a respeito da teologia prática no seu campo homilético. Para isso, o livro IV da obra supracitada foi analisado, destacando-se os estilos retóricos apresentados pelo pai da Igreja. Modelos de pregação que totalizam três (triplex dicendi genus) e são nominados e trabalhados por ele, como: estilo simples (dictionis submissae), estilo moderado (dictionis temperatae) e estilo sublime (sublime dicendi). Essa investigação da prédica, tendo como base o Bispo de Hipona, visa contribuir com a prática da pregação contemporânea. Para isso, alguns passos foram dados na organização do texto. Após introduzir o assunto, uma análise histórica da vida de Agostinho foi realizada, buscando destacar as influências que ele viveu no campo de sua formação retórica como parte importante para entender a natureza de sua escrita e prática oratória como pastor. O segundo momento da pesquisa, buscou compreender cada estilo abordado no livro IV do Bispo hiponense. Cada gênero (simples, moderado e sublime) foi examinado como apresentado, visando sua contribuição para a prédica no ambiente da Igreja do século XXI. / [en] This dissertation proposes a research on the On Christian Doctrine, by Augustine of Hippo, about practical theology in its homiletic field. Therefore, the forth book of his above mentioned work was analyzed, highlighting his rhetorical styles presented. Preaching models are three (triplex dicendi genus) and are named and worked by him, as: simple style (dictionis submissae), moderate style (dictionis temperatae) and sublime style (sublime dicendi). This investigation on art of preaching, based on the bishop of Hippo, aims to contribute to the practice of contemporary preaching. For this, some steps were taken in order to organize the text. After introducing the subject, a historical analysis of Augustine s life was carried out, seeking to highlight the influences he lived in the field of his rhetorical training as important part to understand the nature of his writing and speaking practice as a pastor. The second stage of the research sought to understand each style covered in book IV by the hiponense bishop. Each genre (simple, moderate, and sublime) was examined as presented, with a view to its contribution to preaching in the 21st century church environment.


THADEU LOPES MARQUES DE OLIVEIRA 28 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] A hermenêutica bíblico-teológica situada na metodologia teológica de Joseph Ratzinger, nomeada por ele hermenêutica da fé, é o tema principal dessa dissertação. Busca-se através desse aspecto do pensamento de Ratzinger encontrar perspectivas que proporcionem, no fazer teológico, uma relação saudável e frutífera entre Sagrada Escritura e teologia sistemática, tendo em vista o contexto da teologia contemporânea e os desafios hodiernos. Para analisar esse aspecto do pensamento de Ratzinger, foi necessário estudar e apresentar o que é o método histórico-crítico, pois a formulação da sua hermenêutica bíblico-teológica se deu no diálogo com ele. Posteriormente se analisou a importância da Constituição Dogmática Dei Verbum na sistematização da hermenêutica bíblico-teológica de Ratzinger. Buscando verificar esse aspecto de sua metodologia em uma área específica de sua teologia, optou-se pela cristologia, em especial no primeiro volume de sua obra Jesus de Nazaré. Nesse capítulo busca-se evidenciar a maneira como Ratzinger interpreta as Sagradas Escrituras no fazer teológico, com o objetivo de verificar se ele pratica sua hermenêutica bíblico-teológica. Também é dedicado um capítulo à apresentação das diversas análises feitas por alguns autores à proposta metodológica de Ratzinger para a composição do Jesus de Nazaré. Nessas análises, buscou-se focar a metodologia usada por Ratzinger. Foram apresentadas as recepções positivas, e também, algumas críticas. / [en] The main theme of this Master s Thesis is about biblical-theological hermeneutics based on Joseph Ratzinger s theological methodology, which he calls the hermeneutics of faith. Through this aspect of Ratzinger s thought, we seek to find perspectives in the theological making that provide a healthy and fruitful relationship between Sacred Scripture and Systematic Theology, which considers the context of contemporary theology and current challenges. Therefore, in order to analyze this aspect of Ratzinger s thought, it was necessary to study and present the meaning of historical-critical method, because the formulation of his biblicaltheological hermeneutics took place in the dialogue about this method. After this, the importance of Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum in the systematization of Ratzinger s biblical-theological hermeneutics was analyzed. In order to verify this aspect of his methodology in a specific area of his theology, Christology was chosen especially in the first volume of his book Jesus of Nazareth. In the first chapter, we try to highlight the way Ratzinger interprets the Holy Scriptures in his theological work. It has the aim of verifying if he practices his biblical-theological hermeneutics. There is also a chapter dedicated to present many analyzes made by some authors about the methodological proposal of Ratzinger to compose his book Jesus of Nazareth. In these analyzes, we sought to focus on the methodology used by Ratzinger. Positive receptions were presented, as well as some critical ones.

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