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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Senior primere leerlinge se begrip van sekere algemene getaleienskappe, met besondere verwysing na die distributiewe eienskap

Vermeulen, Cornelis Franz January 1991 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Number properties, amongst others the commutative, associative and distributive properties and general rearrangement principles, form the building blocks of manipulative algebra. Research and observation have shown that sec~mdary school pupils do not sufficiently master manipulative algebra, i.e. they do not possess sufficient mastery towards the nature, meaning, functionality and logic of algebraic manipulations. They are hence not aware that algebraic manipulations are based on the number properties, on the one hand because they were not given sufficient opportunity to experience algebra as generalised arithmetic when they were introduced to algebra, and on the other hand because the number properties, about which young children possess intuitive knowledge, were never explicated for them. This study investigates the level of awareness of several number properties present in senior primary (especially standard 3) pupils, and utilises a few activities to attempt to lead pupils towards a higher level of awareness. In addition this study attempts to determine whether pupils who follow the experimental primary mathematics curriculum (project pupils) possess a higher level of awareness than pupils who follow the traditional curriculum (nonproject pupils). As part of the latter effort, two investigation methods are utilised with regards to specifically the distributive property, i.e. clinical interviews and questionnaires. This also serves as part of a wider effort to design a measuring instrument with which possible differences between the learning outcomes of project and non-project pupils can be measured .. From the results of this study, it seems to appear that the large majority of pupils are explicitly aware of the commutative properties of addition and multiplication and the general rearrangement principles, to a lesser extent with regards to a minus sign before brackets, and that there does not exist a significant difference about the level of awareness towards these properties between project and non-project pupils. With regards to the distributive property, there appears to exist a considerable amount of difference in the level of awareness between project and non-project pupils, the first mentioned being the higher. However, the opinion is expressed that the level of awareness among project pupils is not high enough, and that project pupils must be given sufficient opportunity in (at least standards 4 and 5) to explicate this property for themselves. Finally, a model of the levels of awareness, based on results of this study, is proposed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Getaleienskappe, waaronder die kommutatiewe, assosiatiewe en distributiewe eienskappe en algemene herrangskikkingsbeginsels, vorm die boustene van manipulatiewe algebra. Navorsing en waarneming het aan die lig gebring dat hoerskoolleerlinge manipulatiewe algebra nie na behore beheers nie, dit wil se hulle beskik nie oor voldoende beheersing ten opsigte van die aard, betekenis, funksionalteit en logika van algebraise manipulasies nie. Hulle is dus nie daarvan bewus dat algebraiese manipulasies op die getaleienskappe berus nie, enersyds omdat hulle nie tydens die kennismaking met manipulatiewe algebra genoegsaam in die geleentheid gestel is om algebra as veralgemeende rekenkunde te ervaar nie, en andersyds omdat die getaleienskappe, waaroor jong kinders intuitiewe kennis besit, nooit vir hulle geeksplisiteer is nie. Hierdie studie stel ondersoek in na senior primere (hoofsaaklik standerd 3) leerlinge se vlak van bewustheid van enkele getaleienskappe, en benut enkele aktiwiteite om leerlinge na 'n hoer vlak van bewustheid daarvan te probeer lei. Hierbenewens word probeer om vas te stel of daar by leerlinge wat die eksperimentele primere wiskunde-kurrikulum volg (projekleerlinge) 'n hoer vlak van bewustheid aanwesig is as by leerlinge wat die tradisionele kurrikulum volg (nie-projekleerlinge). As· deel van laasgenoemde poging, word twee ondersoekmetod~s gevolg ten opsigte van spesifiek die distributiewe eienskap, naamlik kliniese onderhoude en vraelyste. Dit dien ook as deel van 'n breer poging om 'n meetinstrument te ontwerp waarmee moontlike verskille tussen die leeruitkomste van projek- en nie-projekleerlinge gemeet kan word. Dit wil uit die bevindinge van hierdie studie voorkom asof die oorgrote meerderheid leertinge eksplisiet bewus is van die kommutatiewe eienskappe ten opsigte van optelling en vermenigvuldiging en die algemene herrangskikkingsbeginsels, in 'n mindere mate ten opsigte van die minusteken voor hakies, en dat daar nie 'n noemenswaardige verskil in die vlak van bewustheid oor hierdie eienskappe by projek- en nie-projekleerlinge bestaan nie. Sover dit die distributiewe eienskap betref, lyk dit asof daar 'n redelike verskil in die vlak van bewustheid by projek- en nie-projekleerlinge is met eersgenoemde die hoogste. Tog word die mening uitgespreek dat die vlak van bewustheid by projekleerlinge nie hoog genoeg is nie, en dat hulle in minstens standerd 4 en 5 in die geleentheid gestel moet word om hierdie getaleienskap vir hulself te eksplisiteer.

Teachers' attitudes towards working with students with special educational needs in mainstream classes in Egypt

Momberg, Naadia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Recent developments in education have focused on exploring different ways of responding to the diverse learning needs of students. The international trend has been to move towards an inclusive approach based on democratic principles in education, including students with special educational needs in mainstream schools and classrooms. Egypt, an initial signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, has not escaped the prominence of inclusive education on the international education agenda. No legislation on inclusion in schools has been promulgated in Egypt. Furthermore, information is lacking regarding teachers' attitudes towards working with students with special educational needs in mainstream classes, despite the fact that teacher attitude are instrumental in determining the success or failure of inclusive education. The aim of the research, therefore, was to identify teachers' attitudes towards inclusive education. For the purpose of this study, a non-experimental quantitative research design with specific reference to survey research was chosen. The population consisted of teachers in five schools in Alexandria and Cairo and a questionnaire was designed. Data was analysed using the statistical programme SPSS (14.0 for Windows). Results indicate that teachers in Egypt have serious reservations about the feasibility of accommodating students with special educational needs in their classrooms. Curriculum development, educational support, funding opportunities, as well as the training of teachers, need to be addressed in order to facilitate the development of inclusive educational strategies.

An integrative approach to narrative therapy and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)

De Villiers, Elizabeth Fredericka 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As I engaged in a therapy journey with a single client, the possibilities for research on the integrative use of narrative therapy and EMDR unfolded. I investigated recent literature and realised that much had been written about narrative therapy as single approach to therapy within the postmodern paradigm. There was also extensive writing on EMDR and its integrative use with other therapies in assisting people who struggle with upsetting memories of trauma. Since I was unable to find any literature to date on the integrative use of narrative therapy and EMDR, I realized that there was much to be discovered and learned on such an integrative research journey. The client's experiences and descriptions of overwhelming emotional distress (as the problem in her life) during the process of integration was the main focus of this qualitative case study. During our therapy conversations knowledges were gathered and deconstructed. Video or tape recordings, photographs, work with clay, sketches, letters and other documents were useful in keeping track of the research journey. A reflecting team and the participation of the client's boyfriend contributed and enriched both the therapy and research journeys. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tydens terapeutiese werk met 'n enkele kliënt het die moontlikhede van navorsing oor die integrasie van narratiewe terapie en EMDR vir my 'n werklikheid geword. Ek het onlangse navorsing bestudeer en besef dat narratiewe terapie as 'n enkele benadering tot terapie binne die post-moderne paradigma, al 'n geruime tyd lank nagevors is. Daar bestaan ook literatuur oor EMDR en die integrasie daarvan met ander terapeutiese benaderings in die ondersteuning van persone wat probleme ondervind met ontstellende herinnerings van trauma. Aangesien ek tot op hede geen literatuur oor die integrasie van narratiewe terapie en EMDR kon vind nie, het ek vermoed dat 'n navorsingsreis op hierdie terrein verskeie ontdekkings en die ontginning van nuwe kennis moontlik sou maak. Die fokus van hierdie kwalitatiewe gevallestudie val op die kliënt se belewing en beskrywings van oorweldigende emosies (as probleem in haar lewe) tydens die terapeutiese integrasieproses. Waarhede of kennis is tydens terapiegesprekke versamel en gedekonstrueer. Video- of bandopnames, foto's, kleiwerk, sketse, briewe en ander dokumente was waardevol om die koers van die navorsingsreis aan te dui. Insette en deelname van 'n refekterende span, asook die kliënt se kêrel, het beide die terapie- en navorsingsreise verryk en uitgebrei.

Developmental adjustment of the pre-school child to the divorce process

Rubinsztein, Denise Vivian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 1986. / No abstract available.

n Vergelyking van resultate tussen die Murphy-Meisgeier type indicator for children en die Murphy-Meisgeier type indicator for children-revised op 'n groep tweedetaalleerders

Wyngaard, June Wendy Christoline 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary purpose of a restructured educational system in South Africa, to which the Government of National Unity has committed itself, is to provide every learner with the opportunity to develop to his/her full potential. This implies insight into and understanding of the personality functioning of learners, which would enable educators to determine their learners' educational needs and address these in a relevant way. A need that resulted from this was to supply educators with information that would enable them to readdress their priorities, methods of instruction and structuring of educational material in order to accommodate all learners in their classes. This need gave rise to a research project undertaken by the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Stellenbosch. An American personality questionnaire, the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children (MMTIC) forms part of this research project. This instrument identifies personality types in children and sheds light on various aspects related to personality type which include: where children are likely to focus their energy, how they perceive information, how they make decisions and how they orient themselves to their external world. This information is especially valuable as it accesses a learner's learning- and communication styles. The MMTIC has been in use in the United States for more than a decade. In an effort to render this instrument universally and across cultural boundaries useful, the compilers are in a process of developing a revised version, of which the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children-Revised (MMTIC-R) is the provisional form. As part of the developing process of the revised version, it is necessary to determine whether the MMTIC-R measures the same .aspects of personality as the MMTIC. Consequently the results yielded by the MMTIC and MMTIC-R on a group of learners are compared in terms personality types, personality type preferences, temperamental types, function- and attitude pair preferences. Correlation between the four scales for the research group on the two instruments, as well as the levels of reliability for both instruments are also campared. As the usefulness of the MMTIC-R across cultural boundaries is a priority, a group of Xhosa speaking learners from an English-medium primary school were selected as candidates for the research group. The research group (N=162) was representative of boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 13 years. The SAS system was used for the statistic computation of the data, and two sets of results, descriptive of the research group and of the two instruments were obtained. The results indicated that both the MMTIC and MMTIC-R measure the same aspects in terms of personality types, personality type preferences, temperamental types, function- and attitude pair preferences. The results however indicated statistical correlation on only one of the four scales of both instruments, which requires further investigation. Although the results for the descriptive statistics showed a higher level of reliability for the MMTIC-R than the MMTIC, both instruments fulfil the requirements for a good psychometric instrument. The educational and teaching implications are valuable, and are discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oorkoepelende doelwit van 'n geherstruktureerde onderwysstelsel waartoe die Regering van Nasionale Eenheid verbind is, is om elke leerder die geleentheid te bied om as individu tot sy/haar volle potensiaal te ontwikkel. Hierdie doelwit behels 'n noukeurige insig in en begrip vir die persoonlikheidsfunksionering van elke leerder, wat die opvoeder in staat sal stelom elke leerder se onderwysbehoeftes te identifiseer en op relevante wyse aan te spreek. 'n Behoefte wat dus hieruit voortvloei is aan inligting wat dit vir opvoeders moontlik sal maak om hul prioriteite, onderrigmetodes en strukturering van onderrigmateriaal aan te pas om elke leerder in hul klasse te akkommodeer. Hierdie behoefte het aanleiding gegee tot 'n omvattende navorsingsprojek wat deur die Departement Opvoedkundige Sielkunde aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch onderneem is. 'n Amerikaanse persoonlikheidsmeetinstrument, die Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children (MMTIC), maak deel uit van die navorsingsprojek. Hierdie meetinstrument identifiseer persoonlikheidstipes in kinders en werp lig op verskeie aspekte wat daarmee gepaard gaan soos: waar kinders neig om hul energie te fokus, hoe kinders inligting verkry, op watter wyse hulle besluite neem en oordele fel, asook hoe kinders hul tot die eksterne wêreld oriënteer. Hierdie inligting is veral waardevol aangesien dit inligting oor leer- en kommunikasiestyle verskaf. Die MMTIC is reeds vir meer as 'n dekade in die Verenigde State in gebruik, en in 'n poging om hierdie meetinstrument universeel en oor kultuurgrense heen meer bruikbaar te maak, is die samestelIers in 'n proses om 'n hersiene weergawe te ontwikkel, waarvan die Murphy- Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children - Revised (MMTIC-R) 'n voorlopige vorm is. As deel van die ontwikkelingsproses van die hersiene weergawe moet daar onder andere bepaal word hoe dit vergelyk met die MMTIC in terme van die aspekte van persoonlikheid wat dit meet. In hierdie ondersoek word die resultate van 'n bepaalde groep leerders op beide die meetinstrumente met mekaar vergelyk ten opsigte van persoonlikheidstipes, persoonlikheidstipevoorkeure, temperamentstipes, funks ie- en houdingspaarvoorkeure. Korrelasie tussen die vier afsonderlike skale vir die ondersoekgroep op die twee meetinstrumente, asook die vlakke van betroubaarheid vir albei meetinstrumente word ook vergelyk. Aangesien die bruikbaarheid van die hersiene weergawe oor kultuurgrense heen 'n prioriteit is, is 'n groep Xhosa sprekers in 'n Engelsmedium laerskool as kandidate vir die ondersoekgroep geselekteer. Die ondersoekgroep (N=162) is verteenwoordigend van seuns en meisies tussen die ouderdomme 10 en 13 jaar. Die SAS-sisteem is vir die statistiese verwerking van die data in die ondersoek gebruik en twee stelle resultate, beskrywend van die ondersoekgroep self en van die meetinstrumente afsonderlik, is gelewer. Die resultate dui daarop dat beide meetinstrumente dieselfde aspekte van persoonlikheid meet. Die resultate dui egter daarop dat daar 'n statistiese verband op slegs twee van die vier skale afsonderlik is, en behoort dus verder ondersoek te word. Alhoewel die resultate vir die beskrywende statistiek dui op 'n hoër vlak van betroubaarheid op die MMTIC-R as op die MMTIC, voldoen albei meetinstrumente tegnies aan die statistiese vereistes van 'n goeie meetinstrument. Die implikasies van die bevindings is waardevol vir die opvoedings- en onderrigpraktyk, en word bespreek.

A trans-disciplinary collaborative team’s facilitated understanding(s) of 'self-esteem development in the (South African) educational context(s)'

Biggs, Clinton Clive 12 1900 (has links)
Bibliography / Thesis (MEdPsych))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: ‘Self-esteem development’ is an outcome in the South African education curriculum. However, it does not appear to be underpinned by (a) clear and/or comprehensive understanding(s), potentially endangering its realisation. Rationale: In developing (a) contextualised understanding(s) in cosmopolitan South Africa, extant scholarship offers a limited resource. It is largely ‘westernised’, quantitative, and privileges the often conflicting understandings of academics thereby marginalising ‘non-academic’ role players. Gaining currency, inclusive Mode 2 hybrid trans-disciplinary research aims to augment understandings by bridging the academic – practice disconnect, championing epistemological contextualisation, democratisation and collaboration between different role players. Furthermore, Shavelson, Hubner and Stanton’s (1976) classic review of ‘self-concept’ scholarship which generated a landmark new model, and Marsh and O’Mara’s (2008) declaration of its multidisciplinarity, resonate with this study’s approach. Main Research Question: Focusing on the frequently associated concept of ‘self-esteem’, this study asked the main research question: “What is/are a trans-disciplinary collaborative team’s facilitated understanding(s) of ‘self-esteem’ and ‘selfesteem development in the (South African) educational context(s)’?” Aim: This study involved hybrid trans-disciplinary collaboration between the voices of scholarship and ‘non-academic’ and ‘local’ voices aiming to develop a ‘new’ inclusive and contextually sensitive model. This study’s hybrid EMDC or local education authority trans-disciplinary collaborative team consisted of school, intern or educational psychologists, social workers, learning support advisors, life orientation curriculum advisors, life orientation educators, and the voices of literature (scholarship and ‘non-academic’ and/or local literature). Design and Implementation: A hybrid qualitative, participatory ‘action’ research design employed four workshops and inter-workshop periods with action including within the team and somewhat within their contexts. ‘Transgogy’ based on trans-disciplinary collaboration principles and Mezirowean and Freirean andragogic theories, facilitated the process. Data Constructions: A ‘self-ecosystemic model of ‘self-esteem’ and ‘self-esteem development in the (South African) educational context(s)’’ was developed, with the process and ‘product’ concept of ‘meta selfesteem’ or ‘the evaluation of the evaluation or self-esteem’ at the apex of a novel self-esteem hierarchy conceptualisation. The ‘optimal’ meta self-esteem ‘product’ or nature status is a ‘high healthy self-esteem’ and with the concomitant process, provide the prime aims of self-esteem development. An intact ‘core self-esteem’ or ‘I matter no matter what’ is a sine qua non of the metastatus of ‘healthy’, as is evenly dovetailing individualism with, for example, the African collectivistic philosophy of ‘ubuntu’. Discussion of the Data and ‘Concluding’ the Journey: This data, model, the implications, recommendations, and evaluation of this study are presented and discussed. This journey is then ‘concluded’. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel ‘self-agtingsontwikkeling’ as ‘n leeruitkoms in die Suid-Afrikaanse Lewensoriënteringkurrikulum geformuleer is, wil dit voorkom of dit nie geanker word in ‘n duidelike en/of omvattende begripsverklaring nie wat dus potensieel die verwesenliking daarvan bedreig. Bestaande navorsingsliteratuur bied beperkte verklaring van die konsep vir gebruik binne die multikulturele konteks van Suid-Afrika. Die verklarings is grootendeels ‘verwesters’, kwantitatief, en bevoordeel die dikwels teenstrydige verduidelikings van akademici wat in die proses ‘nieakademiese’ rolspelers marginaliseer. Die transdissiplinêre benadering volg ‘n Modus 2 formaat deur verskeie rolspelers te betrek wat saam kennis konstrueer met die doel om die begrip epistemologies te konstekstualiseer en die diskrepansie tussen akademiese en praktykkonnotasies te oorbrug. Die studie steun veral op Shavelson, Hubner en Stanton (1976) se klassieke oorsig van selfkonsep en Marsh en O’Mara (2008) se verklaring van multidissiplinariteit. Die navorsingsvraag wat hierdie studie gerig het was: “Wat is ‘n trans-dissiplinêre kollaboratiewe span se gefasiliteerde begrip van self-agting en self-agtingontwikkeling in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwyskonteks?” Die doel van die studie was om met interaksie tussen die stemme in die navorsingsliteratuur oor selfkonsep en die singewing van die lede van die span ‘n werkbare model te ontwikkel om die konsep self-agting in die plaaslike konteks beter te verstaan. Die trans-dissiplinêre samewerkende span het bestaan uit sielkundiges, maatskaplike werkers, leerondersteuningsadviseurs, lewensoriëntering kurrikulumadviseurs, lewensoriënteringopvoeders van ‘n plaaslike OBOS, asook die stemme van die literatuur (akademiese en nieakademiese en/of plaaslike literatuur). ’n Kwalitatiewe, deelnemende aksienavorsingsprojek is ontwerp wat vier werkswinkels met tussenposes insluit. ‘n Transgogiese benadering gegrond op transdissiplinêre kollaboratiewe beginsels en andragogiese teorie van Mezirow en Freire is gevolg om die groep se prosses van begripsbou te fasiliteer. Die produk van die werkswinkels was ‘n ‘Selfekosistemiese model van ‘self-agting’ en ‘self-agtingontwikkeling in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwyskontek’. Hierdie model kan as raamwerk gebruik word in die praktykmaak van die uitkomste rakende selfagting in die Lewensoriëringkurrikulum.

Die rol en persoon van die fasiliteerder van 'n christelike tienergespreksgroep

Van der Merwe, Elizabeth, Van der Merwe, Lize January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study addresses the role and person of the facilitator of a Christian teen discussion group. From the literature study it is evident that there are specific requirements concerning the role and person of the facilitator of a teen discussion group. These requirements and definitions should only serve as guidelines for the success of a teen discussion group The empirical study investigated the role and person of the facilitator of a teen discussion group. According to the results it seems that the most important characteristics of a facilitator, according to the teen discussion groups, are that of warmth as a person, caring and insight and that he must be a role model. The study also showed that the role and person of a facilitator of a teen discussion group to a great extent contributes to the success of these groups. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is die rol en persoon van die fasiliteerder van n Christelike tienergespreksgroep ondersoek Uit die literatuurstudie blyk dit dat daar baie spesifieke vereistes bestaan wat betref die rol en persoon van die fasiliteerder van "n tienergespreksgroep. Hierdie vereistes en definisies behoort egter net as riglyne te dien vir die sukses van' n tienergespreksgroep. In die ernpmese ondersoek IS die rol en persoon van die fasiliteerder van "n tienergespreksgroep verken. Volgens die resultate blyk dit dat die belangrikste eienskappe van 'n fasiliteerder, volgens die groeplede, is dat hy "n omgee-persoon moet wees wat oor insig beskik, warmte oordra en "n rolmodel moet wees Die ondersoek het verder getoon dat die rol en persoon van die fasiliteerder van' n tienergespreksgroep grootliks bydra tot die sukses van hierdie groepe.

Transformative learning : an exploratory analysis of theory and practice in a study and thinking skills programme

Kilpin, Elsa Margaretha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many students that embark on higher education do not have study and thinking skills that are sufficiently well developed in order for them to become autonomous, selfdirected learners. This is partly due to the fact that the historically authoritarian and rigid approaches to teaching in some schools have discouraged independent thought. Other contributory factors such as negative beliefs, attitudes and dispositions, and distorted concepts of the self and of learning, also prevent effective learning from taking place. The focus of this research is a study and thinking skills programme. This programme is part of a four week bridging course for freshmen at the University of Stellenbosch. It is based on a comprehensive rationale derived from cognitive education theory, comprising a number of well known theorists such as Piaget, Vygotsky, Feuerstein and Lozanov. This is further supplemented by instruments from authors in the field of thinking skills (de Bono, Buzan). The purpose of this research was to identify elements of the programme which might be responsible for aspects of transformative learning, as defined by Mezirow in his Transformative Learning Theory. These aspects initially became apparent from students' responses in post-programme evaluations. The responses represented an unexpected outcome, as Mezirow's theory was not represented in the programme's rationale. Eight criteria were developed from Mezirow's theory, operationalised as questions, and then utilized to assess transformative learning in the context of the programme. In a conceptual analysis, four categories of the programme (the rationale, the objectives, the course material and implementation procedures) were compared and contrasted with criteria from Transformative Learning Theory. From this analysis it was apparent that several criteria of Transformative Learning Theory were present in the programme: it facilitated learning in both instrumental and communicative domains; it provided opportunities to explore meaning structures and to investigate distorted meaning perspectives; and it instigated disorientating or conflicting experiences with regard to these. Some criteria were absent from the programme in that it failed to promote rational discourse according Mezirow's definition, it did not adequately promote reflection on premises, and it did not intentionally address the transformation of meaning perspectives. These three omissions may be traced to the lack of an "adult learning" focus in the programme's theoretical structure. Despite this, a number of parallels were identified which may explain the representation of Mezirow's criteria in the programme, and hence the students' responses. Conclusions are drawn regarding a theoretically justified view of transformative learning in the context of the Study and Thinking Skills (S&TS) programme, and practical implications for educators are explained. Finally, recommendations are made for enhancing trans formative learning within the Study and Thinking Skills (S&TS) programme, and for the design of similar programmes. Recommendations are also proposed for further research in this area which, in the contemporary South African educational context, clearly deserves more attention in adult education and related settings. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Talle studente wat tot hoer onderwys toetree se studie en denkvaardighede is me voldoende ontwikkeld om as outonome, selfgerigte leerders sukses te kan behaal nie. Dit is deels toe te skryf aan die outoritere en rigiede benaderings tot onderwys in sommige skole, wat selfstandige denke ontmoedig. Daar is egter ook ander belemmerende faktore soos studente se negatiewe houdings en verkeerde opvattings van leer en van hulself wat verhinder dat effektiewe leer plaasvind. Die fokus van hierdie navorsing is 'n Studie- en Denkvaardigheidprogram (S&TS). Hierdie program vorm deel van 'n vier week lange oorbruggingsprogram vir eerstejaarstudente aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Die program is gebaseer op 'n omvattende rasionaal vanuit die kognitiewe opvoedkunde perspektief wat die werk van 'n aantal bekende teoretici (Piaget, Vygotsky, Feuerstein en Lozanov) insluit en word aangevul met oefeninge deur outeurs in die veld van denkvaardighede (De Bono en Buzan). Die doel van die navorsmg was om elemente van die program te identifiseer wat verantwoordelik kon wees vir aanduidings van transformatiewe leer, soos gedefinieer deur Mezirow in sy Transformatiewe Leerteorie. Hierdie aanduidings spruit uit studente se response tydens evalueringsessies na afloop van die program. Transformatiewe leeruitkomste was onverwags, omdat Mezirow se teorie nie verteenwoordig was in die rasionaal waarvolgens die program ontwerp is nie. Agt kriteria wat uit Mezirow se teorie ontwikkel kon word, is geoperasionaliseer en in vraagvorm gebruik om die inhoud van die program te analiseer. Die kriteria is as verteenwoordigend van transformatiewe leer in die konteks van 'n studie en denkvaardigheidsprogram beskou. In die analise van die inhoud is vier kategoriee van die program (die rasionaal, die doelstellings, die kursusmateriaal en die implementerings-prosedures) vergelyk en gekontrasteer met die kriteria vanuit die Transformatiewe Leerteorie. Uit hierdie analise het geblyk dat die program aan sekere kriteria voldoen, naamlik dat dit leer in be ide die kommunikatiewe en intrumentele domeine fasiliteer; geleenthede skep om betekenisstrukture te verken en versteurde betekenisperspektiewe te ondersoek; en dat dit disorienterende of konflikterende ervarings veroorsaak met betrekking tot bestaande betekenisstrukture en -perspektiewe. Sommige kriteria was glad nie verteenwoordig in die program nie. Die program het nie daarin geslaag om rasionele diskoers, volgens Mezirow se definisie daarvan, te ontlok nie.; dit het nie voldoende reflektering met betrekking tot onderliggende aannames aangemoedig nie en dit het nie doelbewus die transformasie van betekenisprespektiewe bevorder nie. Hierdie drie weglatings uit die program mag verband hou met die feit dat die teoretiese onderbou van die program nie op volwassene leer fokus nie. Ten spyte hiervan is daar egter steeds 'n aantal ooreenkomste tussen die kognitiewe ontwikkelingsteoriee en Mezirow se transformatiewe leerteorie geidentifiseer wat die verteenwoordiging van Mezirow se teorie in die program en dus die studente se response moontlik kan verklaar. Gevolgtrekkings met betrekking tot 'n teoreties geregverdigde beskouing van transformatiewe leer in die konteks van die Studie- en Denkvaardigheidprogram en die praktiese implikasies hiervan vir opvoeders, word beskryf. Ten slotte word aanbevelings gemaak om transformatiewe leer in die program te bevorder en vir die ontwerp van soortgelyke progamme.

Die psigososiale ontwikkeling van graad 8-seuns volgens Erikson se psigososiale ontwikkelingsmodel

Viljoen, Johannes Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary goal with this research project was to investigate the psychosocial development of a group grade 8 boys before adolescence in terms of the four developmental crisis according to Eriksson's' theory. The study proceeded through two phases. A questionnaire investigation with a larger study group (N=221) was done in phase 1, and this (quantitative) data was analysed. Phase 2 comprised a further investigation, which took place 2 years later. Based on the results of the questionnaire investigation, a small group (N=ll) experiencing a potencial low self-consciousness was identified and focus group interviews were conducted with them. The researcher made the assumption that individuals' experiences of the first four stages of Erikson's psychosocial developmental model form the basis for later identity development during adolescence, as well as continuing personality development. Current research indicates that the total scale and two of the sub-scales ('Industry vs Inferiority' and 'Autonomy vs Shame') show sufficient reliability (Alpha-coefficients are greater than 0.70). The distributions of the sub-scales were in all cases skew to the left, which indicate that most of the scores for each sub-scale are closer to the maximum value than the minimum value. A negative measure of skewness is reported. All the sub-scales relate significantly to each other (p < 0.01). Therefore, one can conclude with relative certainty that this scale is valid. Age does not correlate significantly with any of the sub-scales (p > 0.05 in all cases), but a significant correlation was not expected given the small age variance. From the qualitative responses of phase 2 it appeared that the present level of expectations, which learners experience, is not appropriate. They would benefit from more positive feedback on their successes. The responses reflect that feedback is not always constructive, nor given in a positive, non-judgemental spirit. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre doel met hierdie navorsingsprojek is om ondersoek in te stel na psigososiale ontwikkeling voor adolessensie by 'n groep graad 8-seuns in terme van die eerste vier ontwikkelingskrisisse volgens Erikson se teorie. Die ondersoek het in twee fases verloop. In Fase 1 is 'n vraelysondersoek met 'n groter ondersoekgroep (N=221) gedoen, en hierdie (kwantitatiewe) data is verwerk. Fase 2 het twee jaar later uit 'n verdere ondersoek bestaan. vraelysondersoek verkry is, Op grond van die resultate wat uit die is 'n klein ondersoekgroep (N=ll) geïdentifiseer wat 'n lae fokusgroeponderhoude gevoer is. selfbelewing ervaar, met wie Die ondersoeker het van die veronderstelling uitgegaan dat individue se belewing van die eerste vier fases van Erikson se psigososiale ontwikkelingsmodel die basis vorm vir latere identiteitsontwikkeling tydens adolessensie asook vir verdere persoonlikheidsontwikkeling. Die huidige navorsing dui daarop dat die totale skaal en twee van die subskale ('Arbeidsaamheid vs Minderwaardigheid' en 'Outonomie vs Skaamte') oor voldoende betroubaarheid beskik (Alfa-koëffisiënte is groter as 0.70). Die verspreiding van die subskaaltellings is in alle gevalle skeef na links, wat beteken dat die meerderheid tellings vir elke subskaal nader aan die maksimumwaarde as aan die minimumwaarde lê. 'n Negatiewe maatstaf van skeefheid word gerapporteer. AI die subskale hou beduidend met mekaar verband (p < 0.01). Dus kan daar met redelike sekerheid die gevolgtrekking gemaak word dat hierdie skaal geldig is. Ouderdom hou nie beduidend verband met enige van die subskale nie (p > 0.05 in alle gevalle), maar 'n beduidende korrelasie is nie verwag nie as gevolg van die klein ouderdomsvariansie. Vanuit Fase 2 se kwalitatiewe response wil dit voorkom asof die leerders se huidige vlak van uitdagings wat aan hulle gestel word nie toepaslik is nie. Hulle sou kon baat vind by meer positiewe terugvoer ten opsigte van hul suksesse. Terugvoer blyk uit die response nie altyd konstruktief en in 'n positiewe, nie-veroordelende gees te wees nie.

Die verband tussen adolessente se persepsies van gesinsfunksionering en hulle identiteitsontwikkeling

Adams, Quinton N. P. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The adolescent's efforts to discover and create an identity are the most important task of this period of life. Identity formation can be regarded as a central developmental task during adolescence. For Erikson (1968) adolescence is marked by the need to resolve the crises of identity vs role confusion. The child cannot be seen in isolation from his system, especially the family in which he/she functions. The adolescent's identity and how he/she respond to the teenage years and development to adulthood is influenced by what happens in the family. The aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between the adolescent's perception of family functioning and identity development. The target group was Grade 12 (163) pupils from 3 secondary schools within Circuit 1 in the Bellville region in Cape Town. Two instruments were used, The Extended Objective Measure óf Ego Identity Status (EOM-EIS-2) (Adams,1999; Bennion and Adams,1986) and the Family Functioning in Adolescence Questionnaire (FFAQ) (Langey,1994). The EOMEIS- 2 is a self administered questionnaire. The 64-item instrument is an extension of Marcia's identity status paradigm and assesses psychosocial maturity with regard to oocupational, religious, political, and social dimensions of identity development. The FFAQ is developed to provide an instrument for assessing the psychosocial health of the family during the stage of having adolescent children, as perceived by the adolescent. It examines six dimensions of family functioning: structure, affect, communication, behaviour control, value transmission and external systems. In view of the results reported the most important findings can be summarized as follows: Identity diffusion shows a significant negative correlation with various dimensions of family functioning, including affective interaction in the family, communication, behavior control, the transmission of values, and the role of external systems in family life. This finding partly applies to three of the four subgroups, with the Afrikaans-speaking males the only exception. Among the English-speaking subgroup (males and females) the identity achievement status shows a significant positive correlation with communication and with the transmission of values in the family. Among the Afrikaans-speaking subgroup (males and females) the identity foreclosure status shows a significant positive correlation with communication, behavior control, the transmission of values, and the role of external systems in family life. Various important implications for education were pointed out. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die adolessent se pogings om 'n identiteit te vorm en te ontdek is die belangrikste taak van hierdie lewensfase. Identiteitsontwikkeling kan dus beskou word as 'n sentrale ontwikkelingstaak gedurende adolessensie. Vir Erikson (1968) word adolessensie gekenmerk deur die behoefte om die krisis van identiteit teenoor rolverwarring op te los. Die kind kan nie in isolasie van sy/haar sisteme gesien word nie, veral die gesin waarin hy/sy funksioneer. Die adolessent se identiteit en hoe hy/sy die tienerjare en die ontwikkeling na volwassenheid hanteer, gaan beïnvloed word deur wat gebeur in die gesinskonteks. Die doel van die studie was om die verband tussen adolessente se persepsies van spesifieke dimensies van hul gesinsfunksionering en hul identiteitsvorming te ondersoek. Die ondersoekgroep (N=163) het bestaan uit die graad 12-leerders van drie sekondêre skole binne Kring 1 van die Bellville-streek in Kaapstad. Twee instrumente is gebruik. naamik die Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status-2 (EOM-EIS-2) (Adams, 1999; Bennion & Adams,1986) en die Vraelys vir Gesinsfunksionering gedurende Adolessensie (VGFA) (Langley, 1994). Die EOM-EIS-2 is 'n self-verslag vraelys, wat bestaan uit 64-items wat psigososiale volwassenheid in die ideologiese domein en die interpersoonlike domein van identiteitsontwikkeling meet. Die Vraelys vir Gesinsfunksionering gedurende Adolessensie (VGFA) word in hierdie ondersoek as instrument. gebruik om die psigososiale funksionering van die gesin, volgens die persepsies van die adolessent, te bepaal. Ses dimensies van gesinsfunksionering word afsonderlik, sowel as gesamentlik, ondersoek, naamlik: struktuur, affek, kommunikasie, gedragskontrole, waarde-oordrag en die rol van eksterne sisteme. Van die belangrikste bevindinge wat uit die ondersoek geblyk het, is die volgende: Identiteitsdiffusie toon 'n beduidende negatiewe korrelasie met verskeie dimensies van gesinsfunksionering, insluitend affektiewe interaksie, kommunikasie, gedragsbeheer en die oordrag van waardes in die gesin, asook die rol van eksterne sisteme in die gesinslewe. Hierdie tendens is by drie van die vier subgroepe gevind, uitgesluit die Afrikaanssprekende seuns. - Slegs in die Engelssprekende groep (meisies en seuns) toon die identiteitsverwerwingstatus 'n beduidende positiewe korrelasie met gesinsdimensies soos kommunikasie en die oordrag van waardes. In die Afrikaanssprekende groep (meisies en seuns) toon identiteitsluiting 'n beduidende positiewe korrelasie met gesinskommunikasie, gedragsbeheer, die oordrag van waardes, en die rol van eksterne sisteme. Belangrike opvoedkundige implikasies van die ondersoekbevindinge word aangedui.

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