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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimisation methods applied to compensator placement

Burger, I. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The optimal placement of different types of compensators on electrical networks is a complex task faced by network planners and operations engineers. The successful placement of these devices normally involves a large number of power flow studies and relies heavily on the experience of the engineer. Firstly the operation and application of the different types of compensators must be clearly understood. Secondly the application of combinations of different compensators on a specific network must be investigated. Then the dynamics of the network and interaction between the network and the compensator/s must be studied under a wide variety of network conditions and load levels. This task is further complicated by the non-linear nature of the mathematical equations that govern the power flow and voltage distribution on an electrical network. Yet another complication is the fact that some of the variables that describe an electrical network can be non smooth or discrete. For instance, the discrete value of a tap position of a power transformer can only assume an integer value. To simplify the problem of compensator placement, advanced software tools are available that are capable of solving power flows of networks containing compensators. To a large degree, however, these tools still rely on the user to make intelligent decisions as to the configuration of networks and the placement of compensators. In many cases trial and error is the only way to find a good solution. The purpose of this thesis is to show the different techniques available to implement intelligent algorithms capable of finding optimal solutions specific to the placement of voltage regulators. State of the art algorithms are implemented in Matlab that can place voltage regulators on sub transmission, reticulation and low voltage networks. The sub transmission and reticulation placement algorithm is a combination of an SQP technique and a simple combinatorial algorithm. The low voltage placement program is based on a simple genetic algorithm with a few customized features that has been developed to ensure fast convergence. The programs developed were used to do optimal voltage regulator placement on a number of networks. As far as possible real world networks were used. Where real world networks were not available test networks were used that closely resemble real networks, as they exist on typical networks owned by Eskom Distribution. It was found that SQP is a very efficient algorithm for optimising large non-linear problems such as the placement of a Step Voltage Regulator on a large electrical network. This algorithm however does not handle discrete variables very well and is also limited in handlingany reconfiguration of the network due to the placement of series devices such as voltage regulators. To cater for reconfiguration, it is necessary to combine the SQP algorithm with a combinatorial algorithm. The genetic algorithm used to do optimal placement of multiple Electronic Voltage Regulators on low voltage networks was found to be very efficient and robust. This can be attributed to the simplicity of the algorithm as well as the fact that it does not rely on the availability of derivative and second derivative information to move towards an optimal solution. Instead, it only uses fitness values obtained from function evaluations to optimise the placement problem. Another useful feature of using a genetic algorithm is that the algorithm does not get stuck in sub optimal areas in the solution space. Both the placement programs developed are relatively simple and do not consider all the factors involved in the placement of voltage regulators. However, the addition of any number of factors is however possible with further development of the programs as presented in this thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die optimale plasing van verskillende kompenseerders op elektriese kragstelsels is ´n moeilike probleem vir beplanners en operasionele personeel. Die plasing van kompenseerders gaan gewoonlik gepaard met ´n groot hoeveelheid netwerk studies en die sukses daarvan berus gewoonlik op die ondervinding van die ingenieur. Eerstens moet die werking en toepassing van elke kompenseerder behoorlik verstaan word. Tweedes moet die plasing van ´n enkele asook kombinasies van verskillende kompenseerders ondersoek word. Dan moet die dinamika van die netwerk en interaksie met die kompenseerder/s bestudeer word vir al die moontlike netwerk konfigurasies en belasting vlakke. Die taak word verder bemoeilik deur die nie-liniêre vorm van die wiskundige vergelykings wat die netwerk vrag en spanning verspeiding beskryf. Nog ´n komplikasie is die feit dat van die veranderlikes wat die probleem beskryf, diskreet is. Byvoorbeeld die tap posisie van ´n transformator kan slegs ´n heel getal aanneem. Om die plasing van kompenseerders te vergemaklik is gevorderde sagteware beskikbaar wat simulasies kan doen van netwerke wat kompenseerders bevat. Tot ´n groot mate is die sagteware nog steeds afhanklik van intellegente besluitneming deur die gebruiker. In die algemeen moet ´n groot hoeveelheid studies nog steeds gedoen work om ´n goeie oplossing te vind. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die verskillende tegnieke te wys wat beskikbaar is om intelligente algoritmes te implementeer wat optimale oplossings kan vind vir spesifiek die plasing van spanning reguleerders. Moderne algoritmes is in Matlab geimplementeer wat spanning reguleerders op sub transmissie, retikulasie en laag spanning netwerke kan plaas. Die sub transmissie en retikulasie plasings algoritme is gebaseer op ´n kombinasie van ´n sekwensieële kwadratiese programmering metode en ´n eenvoudige kombinatoriese metode. Die laag spanning plasings program is gebaseer op ´n eenvoudige genetiese algoritme met ´n paar unieke verstellings om vinnige konvergensie te verseker. Die twee programme wat ontwikkel is word dan gebruik on spanning reguleerders te plaas op ´n paar netwerke. So ver moontlik is bestaande netwerke gebruik. Waar bestaande netwerke nie beskikbaar was nie is toets netwerke saamgestel wat gebaseer is op bestaande Eskom netwerke. Daar is gevind dat sekwensieële kwadratiese programmering ´n effektiewe algoritme is om groot nie liniêre optimerings probleme, soos die plasing van spanning reguleerders, op te los. Hierdie algoritme is egter nie geskik om diskrete veranderlikes te hanteer nie. Dit is verder ook nie geskik om enige netwerk rekonfigurasie te hanteer tydens die plasing van seriesgeskakelde kompenseerders soos spanning reguleerders nie. Om die rekonfigurasie moontlik te maak is dit nodig om die sekwensieële kwadratiese programmering te kombineer met ´n kombinatoriese algoritme. Daar is verder gevind dat die genetiese algoritme wat gebruik is om elektroniese spanning reguleerders te plaas op laag spanning netwerke baie effektief en robuust is. Dit is as gevolg van die eenvoudigheid van die algoritme en die feit dat dit nie afhanklik is van afgeleide en tweede afgeleide informasie om na die optimale oplossing te beweeg nie. Die algoritme gebruik slegs fiksheid waardes bereken van funksie evaluasies om die probleem te optimeer. Nog ´n voordeel van genetiese algoritmes is dat dit nie in sub optimale gebiede van die oplossing ruimte stil staan nie. Beide die programme wat ontwikkel is, is redelik eenvoudig en neem nie al die faktore in ag wat gepaard gaan met die plasing van spanning reguleerders nie. Addisionele faktore kan egter maklik ingesluit word deur verdere ontwikkeling van die bestaande programme.

Independent formant and pitch control applied to singing voice

Calitz, Wietsche Roets 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A singing voice can be manipulated artificially by means of a digital computer for the purposes of creating new melodies or to correct existing ones. When the fundamental frequency of an audio signal that represents a human voice is changed by simple algorithms, the formants of the voice tend to move to new frequency locations, making it sound unnatural. The main purpose is to design a technique by which the pitch and formants of a singing voice can be controlled independently. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Onafhanklike formant- en toonhoogte beheer toegepas op ’n sangstem: ’n Sangstem kan deur ’n digitale rekenaar gemanipuleer word om nuwe melodie¨e te skep, of om bestaandes te verbeter. Wanneer die fundamentele frekwensie van ’n klanksein (wat ’n menslike stem voorstel) deur ’n eenvoudige algoritme verander word, skuif die oorspronklike formante na nuwe frekwensie gebiede. Dit veroorsaak dat die resultaat onnatuurlik klink. Die hoof oogmerk is om ’n tegniek te ontwerp wat die toonhoogte en die formante van ’n sangstem apart kan beheer.

Electricity theft detection on a low voltage reticulation environment

Doorduin, Riaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Electricity theft in South Africa has become a major problem. This led to several developments from both industries and research institutes to counter these actions. Since equipment is already installed and major capital has been invested to provide electricity for a broad spectrum of consumers, the challenge is to find a low cost solution harnessing current investments and technology to detect electricity theft more accurately. This thesis investigates into the electricity theft topic. Two different methods, Time Domain Pulse Reflectometry and a data driven platform based on the Theory of Constraints philosophy, were investigated to provide means to detect and determine the impact of illegal electricity usage. Both methods required detailed designs to conduct preliminary proof of concept tests in a laboratory environment. These methods are evaluated against their economical viability, possible practical implications and applications. This thesis presents a practical approach to electricity theft detection and provides the basic tools for management of this ever-increasing problem. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid Afrika se elektrisiteit diefstal statistiek het die afgelope jare skrikwekkend gegroei. Dit het die industrie genoop om baie meer navorsing in die area te doen. Met reeds gevestigde toerusting en tegnologie om di´e energie medium so effektief moontlik te versprei, is die uitdaging juis om ’n ekonomiese oplossing te vind om reeds beskikbare tegnologie¨e meer doeltreffend aan te wend. Die doel van die tesis is om die gebied van elektrisiteit diefstal na te vors. Twee verskillende metodes is ondersoek, naamlik Tydgebied-pulse-reflektometrie en ’n informasie gebaseerde stelsel wat op die Randvoorwaarde Teorie gebaseer is, om effektief die omvang van elektrisiteit diefstal in ’n mikro, asook makro omgewing te bepaal. Die twee metodes is in ’n beheerde omgewing getoets sodat die konsepte wat ontwikkel is bewys kon word. Die metodes is ge-evalueer in terme van die ekonomiese lewensvatbaarheid daarvan met inagneming van die praktiese implikasies. Die tesis bied bestuur die nodige kennis om elektrisiteit diefstal in die praktyk doeltreffend die hok mee te slaan.

Bidirectional converter for a stirling energy system

Redecker, H. H. (Hans Henning) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis discusses a 23 kW three-phase AC bus system that is utilized together with the “Stirling Energy System (SES) Integrated Solar Dish-Stirling Module” to function as a mini-grid for off-grid locations. The system is designed to supply power to 27 rural households. This three-phase AC bus system includes a bidirectional 4-wire PWM converter and a battery bank for energy storage. The simulations and results presented show that the system can function as a rectifier and as an inverter. The system operates as an inverter when the SES starts up and when different AC loads are connected to the AC bus. The unit functions as a rectifier when the battery bank is charged. The design was implemented successfully in a practical system and measurements revealed that the system functioned as a standalone unit. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis bespreek ‘n 23 kW drie-fase vier-draad WS bus stelsel wat saam met die “Stirling Energy System (SES) Integrated Solar Dish-Stirling Module” gebruik word om as ‘n alleenstaande stelsel in ’n plattelandse omgewing te laat funksioneer. Die sisteem is ontwerp om vir 27 plattelandse huise drywing te lewer. Hierdie stelsel behels ‘n drie-fase GS na WS omsetter, saam met loodsuur batterye as energiestoor. Die simulasies en resultate wat gegee word, dui aan dat die omsetter as ‘n wisselrigter en ook as ‘n gelykrigter kan werk. Die stelsel funksioneer as ‘n wisselrigter as die SES aanskakel, en as ekstra laste op die WS bus gekoppel word. Die sisteem funksioneer as ‘n gelykrigter as die batterye gelaai word. Die ontwerp is suksesvol in ‘n praktiese stelsel geimplimenteer wat as ‘n alleenstaande stelsel funksioneer.

Design and implementation of a DSP based controller for power electronic applications

Van Heerden, Gerhard Johann 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the field of power electronic engineering, there is a need for a reconfigurable power electronic controller. Such a controller will enable engineers to stay focussed on their main field of study, not being side-tracked by the process of designing a high-speed digital controller to implement their ideas with. The design, construction and implementation of such a controller is presented in this paper. The design process involved defining the specifications of the controller and finding electronic components to satisfy them. After suitable components had been identified, a schematic design of the system was done. The netlist of the schematic was exported to a printed circuit board (PCB) design program, where the final layout was done and the connections between the devices routed. Before the PCB was manufactured, the firmware for the programmable logic devices (PLDs) was written to ensure that it fits in the selected PLDs of the system. After the PCB was manufactured and all its components fitted, it was tested and eventually used to implement the control of a shunt active power filter. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wanneer navorsing gedoen word in die drywings-elektronika gebied, word ’n behoefte vir ’n heropstelbare drywings-elektroniese beheerder ondervind. So ’n beheerder sal ingenieurs in staat stel om gefokus te bly op hulle hoof studieveld, sonder dat hulle aandag hoef te skenk daaraan om ’n ho¨e spoed digitale beheerder te ontwerp om hulle idees mee te implementeer. Die ontwerp, konstruksie en implementering van so ’n beheerder word in hierdie tesis voorgelˆe. Die ontwerp behels die bepaling van die spesifikasies van die beheerder en die opsporing van elektroniese komponente wat hierdie spesifikasies sal bevredig. Nadat geskikte komponente gevind is, is ’n skematiese ontwerp van die hele beheerder gedoen. Die lys van die verbindings tussen die komponente (Eng. netlist) is na die stroombaanbord ontwerp program gestuur, waar die finale uitleg van die bord gedoen is. Voordat die bord gemaak kon word, is die programmatuur vir die programmeerbare logikatoestelle geskryf om te verseker dat dit in die toestelle wat in die sisteem gebruik word, sal pas. Nadat die stroombaanborde vervaardig is en al die komponente daarop gemonteer is, is die bord getoets en uiteindelik gebruik om die beheer van ’n aktiewe drywingsfilter te implementeer.

Dynamics and Energy Management of Electric Vehicles

Van Schalkwyk, Daniel Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / The work presented in this thesis forms part of the participation of the University of Stellenbosch in an electric vehicle project. The thesis deals with three aspects of the dynamics and energy management of the electric vehicle. The three aspects that are dealt with are the suspension system of an electric vehicle with in-wheel propulsion, the traction control of an electric vehicle and the energy system of such a vehicle. An investigation is presented in the thesis on the effect the mass of the hub motors has on the safety, stability and comfort of the electric vehicle. The investigation is done through a system frequency analysis and a comparative simulation. A comparison is made between a standard vehicle and a vehicle with in-wheel propulsion. A vehicle model is derived for the simulation of the vehicle. Finally, a few of the results of physical measurements performed are also presented. The traction control requirements of an EV are investigated. A discussion is given on the parts that make up an EV’s traction control system. A few examples of possible traction control systems are given through a step by step evolution of a traction control system. A vehicle model is derived for both static and kinetic friction conditions. The model is used in simulations to illustrate the need for traction control in EV’s. The thesis presents two methods for choosing a battery pack size, in terms of energy capacity etc. The difficulties associated with choosing a battery pack, using each of these methods are given. A battery pack choice for the specific electric vehicle, is presented. The measurements of one of the required charge-discharge cycles are presented to illustrate the charge and discharge curves of the battery cells used. The management of energy flow within the energy system of the EV is crucial, especially if regenerative braking is utilized. This is to protect the battery cells as well as to extend the range of the vehicle. The thesis presents the evaluation of an energy management system (EMS) using ultra capacitors as auxiliary storage device. An electronic load system is designed to simulate the operation of the vehicle motors. The transfer functions for the EMS and load system are derived and used to design the respective control algorithms. The control algorithms were implemented in both simulation as well as a laboratory setup to show the operation of the EMS. A new energy system configuration is presented. The aim of the new configuration is to solve certain problems encountered when implementing a conventional EMS. The operation of the new configuration is discussed. A comparative study is made between the conventional and the new configurations.

Design of a haptic controller for excavators

Van der Zee, Lodewyk Francois 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The input orientation of the excavators in use today usually comprises two joysticks that control the actuator links individually. In order to perform an excavation task, several different combinations of joystick inputs are required, placing high psychomotor demands on the operator. In training an operator this creates a steep learning curve, with a lengthy training time and a reasonable amount of experience being required to perform an excavation task skilfully. In this master’s thesis a haptic1 device was developed, resolving input ergonomics and creating a single input device capable of providing feedback to the operator. The design and construction of the haptic device, with the related control scheme, is presented and discussed. The control scheme combines position and rate control, and relates all the actuator joint positions to a single end-effector point. The control and ergonomic aspects of the haptic device were tested and compared to the traditional two joystick control setup by means of the implementation of a virtual excavator simulator. The simulation was developed in MATLAB, and virtual excavator displayed in an openGL window. The objective of this study was to evaluate the human factors related to the input orientation. Ten inexperienced test subjects were recruited to perform four sets of tests, where each test required a different level of operator skill. The results indicated that, on average, the test subjects had an increased level of performance after training on the haptic device. These results strongly support the hypothesis that haptic control simplifies the operational tasks required for operating an excavator. 1The word haptic means of, or relating to, the sense of touch, or tactile

Path planning for an unmanned terrestrial vehicle in an obstacle ridden environment

Ferreira, Thomas Ignatius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This thesis relates to the successful development of an unmanned terrestrial vehicle (UTV) capable of operating in an obstacle ridden environment. The primary focus of the project is on the specific path planning algorithms. It is shown that specific methods of populating the obstacle-free space can be combined with methods of extracting the shortest path from these popula- tions. Through use of such combinations the successful generation of optimal collision-free paths is demonstrated. Previously developed modular architectures are combined and modified to create a UTV platform which meets all the requirements for implementation of navigational systems and path planning algorithms on board the platform. A two-dimensional kinematic state estimator is developed. This estimator makes use of extended Kalman Filter theory to optimally combine measurements from low cost sensors to yield the vehicle’s state vector. Lateral guidance controllers are developed to utilize this estimated state vector in a feedback control configuration. The entire system is then successfully demonstrated within a simulation environment. Finally, practical results from two days of test runs are provided in both written and interactive form

Design and performance evaluation of a magnetically geared axial-flux permanent magnet generator

Bronn, Lodewyk 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is a description of how the first magnetically geared axial flux permanent magnet generator (MGAFG) is designed, constructed and experimentally evaluated. Magnetic gears (MGs) allow for contact-less power transfer and lubricant free operation, which may solve the reliability concerns with current mechanically geared wind energy converters. However, the complex structure of MGs may present serious challenges to its design. Thus, special care should be given to the mechanical layout and the electromagnetic influence of every component. The MGAFG can be configured to be magnetically coupled or decoupled. In the coupled configuration the permanent magnets (PMs) of the MG contribute to the total flux linkage in the PM generator (PMG). The coupled configuration is therefore more efficient. The processing time required to optimise the decoupled configuration is however much faster, since the MG and the PMG can be optimised separately. The optimised results show that a torque density in excess of 100kNm/m3 could be achieved, which is significantly higher than any of known electrical machines. However, owing to excessive losses in the mechanical support structures, the prototype exhibited lower torque density and poor efficiency. The design related aspects and issues are analysed and discussed in detail in an attempt to outline problem areas in the design process. Relevant recommendations are also given for future design improvements. The costs of magnetic material accounts for over fifty percent of the total cost of the prototype. Therefore to make the manufacturing of the MGAFG more economically viable magnetic material should be minimised in the design process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word die eerste magnetiese geratte aksiale vloed permanente magneet generator (MGAVG) ontwerp, vervaardig en eksperimenteel geëvalueer. In magnetiese ratte (MR) is daar geen kontak tussen werkende dele nie, daarom word geen smeermiddels benodig nie. Dit dra by tot die betroubaarheid van die ratkaste in wind energie generators en kan onderhoud grotendeels uitskakel. Die komplekse struktuur van magnetiese ratte kan egter die betroubaarheid van die ontwerp juis verswak. Daarom moet die meganiese uitleg noukeurig beplan word sodat dit nie die elektromagnetiese werking ondermyn nie. Die magnetiese rat (MR) en die permanente magneet generator (PMG) van die masjien kan magneties of sonder magnetiese koppeling verbind word. In die gekoppelde konfigurasie dra all die permanente magnete van die MR gesamentlik by tot die totale vloed-koppeling in die PMG. Wat die magnetiese gekoppelde konfigurasie meer doeltrefend maak. Minder tyd word benodig om die nie magnetiese gekoppelde konfigurasie te optimaliseer omdat die MR en die PMG apart geoptimaliseer kan word. Die optimale resultate toon dat ’n wringkrag van meer as 100kNm/3 bereik kan word, wat aansienlik beter is as die van bekende elektriese masjiene. Maar as gevolg van oormatige verliese in die meganiese strukture, toon die prototipe lae wringkrag digtheid en swak doeltreffendheid. Die ontwerp probleme word ontleed en bespreek in ’n poging om probleem areas in die ontwerp te identifiseer. Relevante aanbevelings word gegee vir toekomstige ontwerp verbeterings. Die koste van die magnetiese material verteenwoordig meer as vyftig persent van die vervaardigings koste van die prototipe. Koste kan bespaar word op die vervaardiging van die MGAVG deur die hoeveelheid magnete wat gebruik word te beperk.

Efficient modelling of a wind turbine system for parameter estimation applications

Bekker, Johannes Cornelius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wind energy is a very current topic, both locally and internationally. It is one of the most rapidly growing renewable energy sources with installed capacity doubling every three years. South Africa's installed wind energy currently accounts for only 10 MW of the 197 GW worldwide installed capacity. With a 10 TWh renewable energy production target set for 2013 by the South African government, renewable energy projects have gained momentum in recent years. This target, together with data from case studies and reports on resource planning and technical requirements, shows that South Africa is well positioned for the implementation of wind energy sources. All this development in the local wind generation market creates a need for local knowledge in the field of wind energy as well as a need to efficiently model and analyse wind turbine systems and grid interactions for local operating conditions. Although the relevant model topologies are well established, obtaining or deriving appropriate parameter values from first principles remains problematic. Some parameters are also dependent on operating conditions and are best determined from site measurements using parameter estimation methodologies. One of the objectives of this project is to investigate whether the system parameter values can be obtained by performing parameter estimation on the model of a wind turbine system. The models used for parameter estimation processes require fast simulation times. Therefore, basic C-code S-function models of the wind turbine system components, i.e., the wind turbine blade, gearbox and generator, were developed and compiled as a Simulink library. These library components were then used for the parameter estimation process. The developed models, as well as the complete wind turbine system model, were validated and their performance evaluated, by comparing them to existing Simulink block models. These models all proved to be accurate and all showed reductions in simulation times. The principle of performing parameter estimation on C-code S-function models is proven by case studies performed on the individual models and the complete wind turbine system. The power coefficient matrix parameter values of the individual turbine blade model estimated with 100% accuracy for the excited elements. The individual gearbox parameter values all estimated accurately with errors below 2.5%. The parameter values of the individual generator models were estimated accurately for the ABC model, with errors below 4%, and less accurately for the DQ model with errors below 13%. The estimation results obtained for the complete wind turbine system model showed that the parameter values of the gearbox model and generator model were estimated accurately when the system model was excited through a step in angular velocity and steps in amplitude of the stator voltages respectively. A final estimation showed that a combination of gearbox and generator parameter values were accurately estimated when the model was excited through both a step in angular velocity and steps in the amplitude of the stator voltages. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Windenergie is 'n baie aktuele onderwerp beide plaaslik en internasionaal. Windenergie is een van die vinnigste groeiende hernubare energie bronne met die geïnstalleerde kapasiteit wat driejaarliks verdubbel. Suid-Afrika se geïnstalleerde windenergie maak tans slegs 10 MW uit van die wêreldwye geïnstalleerde kapasiteit van 197 GW. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het ’n 10 TWh hernubare-energie produksie teiken gestel vir 2013. As gevolg hiervan het hernubare-energie projekte die laaste paar jaar momentum gekry. Hierdie teiken, tesame met die data van gevallestudies en verslae oor hulpbronbeplanning en tegniese vereistes, toon dat Suid-Afrika goed geposisioneer is vir die implementering van windenergiebronne. Hierdie ontwikkelinge in die plaaslike windenergie mark skep ’n behoefte aan plaaslike kennis op die gebied van windenergie, asook die behoefte vir ’n doeltreffende wyse vir die modellering en analisering van windturbine stelsels en netwerk integrasie vir plaaslike werkskondisies. Alhoewel die betrokke model topologieë reeds goed gevestig is, is die verkryging van toepaslike parameter waardes vanuit eerste beginsels steeds problematies. Sommige parameters is ook afhanklik van die werkskondisies en kan die beste bepaal word deur gebruik te maak van parameter estimasie metodologieë vanaf terrein metings. Een van die doelwitte van die projek is om ondersoek in te stel na die moontlikheid om die stelsel parameter waardes te verkry deur parameter estimasie toe te pas op ’n windturbine stelsel. Die modelle wat gebruik word vir die parameter estimasie prosesse benodig vinnige simulasie tye. Daarom is basiese C-kode S-funksie modelle vir die komponente van windturbine stelsels, d.w.s., die wind turbine lemme, ratkas en generator, ontwikkel en saamgestel as ’n Simulink biblioteek. Die komponente in hierdie biblioteek was toe gebruik vir die parameter estimasie proses. Die ontwikkelde modelle sowel as die hele windturbine stelsel model was gevalideer en hul werksverrigting geëvalueer, deur dit te vergelyk met bestaande Simulink blok modelle. Hierdie modelle het almal getoon dat hulle akkuraat is en het almal ’n vermindering in simulasie tyd getoon. Die beginsel van parameter estimasie wat uitgevoer word op C-kode S-funksie modelle, is bewys deur gevallestudies wat op die individuele modelle en die hele windturbine stelsel model uitgevoer was. Die geperturbeerde elemente van die kragkoëffisiënt-matriks arameter van die individuele turbine lemme model se waardes het 100% akkuraatheid geëstimeer. Die individuele ratkas model se parameter waardes was almal akkuraat geëstimeer, met foute kleiner as 2.5%. Die individuele generator modelle se parameter waardes was akkuraat geëstimeer vir die ABC model, met foute kleiner as 4%, en minder akkuraat vir die DQ model, met foute kleiner as 13%. Die resultate wat verkry is van die estimasie wat uitgevoer is op die volledige windturbine stelsel model, het getoon dat die parameter waardes van die ratkas model en die generator model akkuraat geëstimeer word, wanneer die stelsel model onderskeidelik deur ’n trap in die hoeksnelheid en trappe in die amplitude van die stator spannings geperturbeer word. ’n Finale estimasie het getoon dat ’n kombinasie van ratkas en generator parameter waardes akkuraat geëstimeer kan word as die model deur beide die trap in hoeksnelheid en die trappe in die amplitude van die stator spannings geperturbeer word.

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