Spelling suggestions: "subject:"thesemechanical engineering."" "subject:"chemomechanical engineering.""
221 |
Forced granular flowCoetzee, C. J. (Cornelis Jacobus) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main goal of the thesis is to validate the ability of discrete element methods (DEM)
to predict forced granular flow. Granular flow occurs in a broad spectrum of industrial
applications. The thesis focuses on earthmoving processes typical of the mining and
agricultural industries. Existing soil mechanics soil-tool models are also investigated
and general flow behaviour in and around blades and buckets are established.
Soil mechanics theories are used to predict the draft forces on a flat blade moving
through granular material. Com and wheat grains are used as material. The rupture
(slip) lines in front of the blade are predicted by soil mechanics and compared to
experimental results. A two-dimensional test bench is used to visualise the flow of the
granular material. Forces and moments that act on the tools are measured.
DEM can be used to model industrial granular flow with large displacements. Two
types of earthmoving equipment are simulated. The first is a flat blade and the second is
a bucket. The forces on these tools are determined using DEM and compared to
experimental results. The ability of DEM to predict material compressibility, the flow
of material in and around the tools, the rupture lines and the bucket fill rate are
investigated. A particle relative displacement method is used to determine the rupture
lines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van die tesis is om die vermoë van diskrete-element-metodes (DEM) om
geforseerde partikelvloei te voorspel, te ondersoek. Partikelvloei word aangetref in 'n
breë spektrum van industriële toepassings. Die tesis fokus op grondverskuiwing soos
aangetref in myn- en landbouprosesse. Bestaande grondmeganika-modelle word ook
ondersoek, asook die algemene gedrag van partikelvloei in en rondom lemme en bakke.
Die grondmeganika-modelle word hoofsaaklik gebruik om die kragte op lemme te
voorspel. Glip (skuif)-vlakke word ondersoek en vergelyk met eksperimentele resultate.
'n Twee-dimensionele toetsbank word gebruik om die vloei waar te neem. Die kragte
en momente op die toerusting word ook gemeet. Mielie- en koringpitte word as
materiaal gebruik.
DEM kan gebruik word om industriële partikelvloei met groot verplasings te modelleer.
Twee tipes toerusting word gesimuleer. Die eerste is 'n plat lem en die tweede 'n bak.
Die kragte en momente op dié toerusting word bepaal m.b.V. DEM en dan vergelyk met
die eksperimentele resultate. Die vermoë van DEM om materiaalsamedrukking,
vloeipatrone, glipvlakke en bakvul-tempo's te voorspel word ondersoek. 'n Partikelrelatiewe-
verplasings-metode word gebruik om die glipvlakke te voorspel.
222 |
Effect of a diffuser on the power production of an ocean current turbineReinecke, Josh 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Please refer to full text to view abstract.
223 |
Performance trends of a large air-cooled steam condenser during windy conditionsLouw, Francois G. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Please refer to full text to view abstract.
224 |
Development and validation of a numerical model for an inflatable paper dunnage bag using finite element methodsVenter, Martin Philip 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Please refer to full text to view abstract. / Imported from http://etd.sun.ac.za. / np2011
225 |
Effect of water maldistribution on cooling tower fill performance evaluationBertrand, Timothy Paul 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A 1.5 x 1.5 m2 counter-flow fill performance test facility is described in detail.
Instrumentation was selected and installed in the cooling tower fill test facility and
calibrated to ensure measurement accuracy. A facility control program was written
to simplify the operation of the test facility via a user interface. The program
calculates automatically the Merkel number and loss coefficients as measures of
fill thermal and flow performance respectively. A spray frame was designed and
manufactured to ensure uniform water distribution to the fill. The water
distribution through different fills with varying fill heights and different water
flow rates was measured. The water attached to the walls of the test facility was
Film, trickle and splash fills are tested in the upgraded test facility. The film and
trickle fill performance determined during testing is deemed acceptable as these
fills have minimal migration effects. Fills with poor distribution effects and large
migration of water towards the walls of the test facility, like the splash fill tested,
cannot to be tested accurately in a 1.5 x 1.5 m2 test section as the results do not
represent the performance of the fill in a relatively large cooling tower.
Other aspects examined were:
• air flow uniformity
• air fill bypass effects
• location of water inlet and outlet temperature measurement points
• location of pressure measurement probes.
It was determined that, in the current test facility:
• air uniformity is suitable for performance testing
• air bypass effects can be ignored for open fills and can be minimised for
dense fills by packing sponge between the fill and walls
• water inlet and outlet temperatures should be measured in the pipe-work,
resulting in a measurement method that is not influenced by the relative
weightings of each thermocouple
• pressure difference over the fill height measured by the pressure
measurement tap is independent of its location on the fill outlet plane
provided the pressure measurement points are perpendicular to the air
stream and are not against the walls. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n 1.5 x 1.5 m² Teenvloei pakking werkverrigting toetsfasiliteit word in detail
beskryf. Instrumentasie is gekies en geïnstalleer in die koeltoring pakking
toetsfasiliteit en gekalibreer om akkuraatheid te verseker. 'n Fasiliteit beheer
program is geskryf om die gebruik van die toetsfasiliteit te vereenvoudig. Die
program het ‘n vriendelike gebruikers intervalk. Die program bereken outomaties
die Merkel-getal en verlies koëffisiënte as mate van pakking termiese- en vloeiwerksverrigting.
'n Sproeiraam is ontwerp en vervaardig om uniforme water
verspreiding aan die pakking te verseker. Die water verspreiding deur verskillende
pakkings met verskillende pakking hoogtes en water vloei snelhede is gemeet. Die
water aangeheg aan die mure van die toetsfasiliteit is ook ondersoek.
Film, druppel en spat pakkings word in die opgegradeerde toetsfasiliteit getoets.
Die film- en druppelpakking werksverrigting bepaal tydens die toetse is
aanvaarbaar, aangesien hierdie pakkings minimale migrasie effekte het. Pakking
met swak verspreiding effekte en 'n groot migrasie van water na die wande van die
toetsfasiliteit, soos gevind met die spatpakking toetse, kan nie met akkuraatheid in
'n 1.5 x 1.5 m² toets seksie getoets word nie omdat die resultate nie die
werkverrigting van die pakking verteenwoordig in 'n relatief groot koeltoring.
Ander aspekte wat ondersoek was:
• lugvloei uniformiteit
• lug omleiding effeckte
• die posisie van water in- en uitlaat temperatuur meetpunte
• posisie van die drukmeetapparaat.
Dit is vasgestel dat, in die huidige toetsfasiliteit
• lugvloei eenvormigheid geskik is vir prestasietoetsing
• lug omleiding effekte kan geïgnoreer word vir oop pakkings en kan
verklein word vir digte pakkings deur spons tussen die pakking en mure te
• water inlaat- en uitlaattemperature behoort gemeet te word in die pypwerk
en lei tot 'n metings metode wat nie beïnvloed word deur die relatiewe
gewigte van elke thermokoppel nie
• die druk verskil gemeet deur die drupmeetpunte oor die pakkinghoogte is
onafhanklik van hul posisie op die pakkinguitlaatvlak op voorwaarde dat
die drukmeetpunte loodreg is teen die lugstroom en nie teen die mure nie.
226 |
Machining of powder metal titaniumSobiyi, Kehinde Kolawole 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to investigate the machinability of commercially pure (CP)
titanium, manufactured using the press-and-sinter PM process.
To this end, CP titanium powder (-200 mesh) was compacted and sintered in vacuum
(10-4 torr) for two hours at 1200°C. Small cylindrical samples were compacted at
pressures varying from 350 to 600 MPa in order to determine the compressibility of the
powder. Following these tests, four larger stepped-cylinder samples were compacted at
pressures close to 400 MPa and sintered under similar conditions. These samples had
sintered densities varying between 3.82 and 4.41 g/cm3. They were used to evaluate the
machinability of the sintered titanium using face turning machining tests.
The samples were machined dry, using uncoated carbide (WC-Co) cutting tool. Cutting
speeds between 60-150 m/min were evaluated while keeping the feed rate and depth of
cut constant at 0.15 mm/rev and 0.5 mm, respectively. The final machined surface finish
and the tool wear experienced during the face turning machining tests were monitored in
order to evaluate PM titanium’s machining performance.
This study showed that it is possible to use the press-and-sinter PM process with CP
titanium powder, with a particle size of less than 75 μm (-200 mesh), to manufacture
sintered titanium. However, particle shape influences the compressibility of the powder
and pressing parts of larger volume, such as the machining test sample shape, is
challenging when using such small particle size powder. Processing conditions, such as
compaction pressure, sintering temperature and sintering time, influence the sintered
Results from the machinability tests show that tool wear increases with a decrease in the
porosity of the sintered titanium. A more porous sintered material has both lower strength
and thermal conductivity. As these factors have opposing effects on the machinability of
materials, it is concluded that the strength of the sintered titanium has a stronger influence
on its machinability than the thermal conductivity.
The cutting tool wear was uniform but showed indications of crater wear. The machined
surface of the denser parts had minimal defects compared to less dense parts. Chip shape
is long for the dense parts, and spiral for the less dense parts. The chips formed were all
segmented, which is typical for titanium.
The machinability of the sintered CP titanium was compared to that of wrought titanium
alloys. As expected, it was found that the machinability of the sintered titanium was poor
in comparison. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die masjineerbaarheid van kommersieel suiwer (KS)
titaan, wat deur die pers-en-sinter poeiermetallurgie (PM) metode vervaardig word, te
Om hierdie doel te bereik, is KS titaan poeier (-200 ogiesdraad) gekompakteer en gesinter
in ‘n vakuum (10-4 torr) teen 1200°C vir 2 ure. Klein silindriese monsters is tussen drukke
van 350en 600 MPa gekompakteer om die samedrukbaarheid van die poeier te bepaal. Na
aanleiding van hierdie toetse, is vier groter trapvormige-silinder monsters by drukke naby
aan 400MPa gekompakteer en onder soortgelyke omstandighede gesinter. Hierdie
monsters het gesinterde digthede tussen 3.82 en 4.41 g/cm3 gehad. Hulle is gebruik om
die masjineerbaarheid van die gesinterde titaan te ondersoek deur middel van vlak-draai
Die monsters is sonder smeermiddel gemasjineer met onbedekte karbied (WC-Co)
snygereedskap. Snysnelhede tussen 60 – 150 m/min is geëvalueer terwyl die voertempo
en diepte van die snit konstant by 0.15 mm/rev en 0.5 mm, onderskeidelik, gehou is. Die
finale gemasjineerde oppervlak afwerking en gereedskapsslytasie tydens die vlak-draai
masjinering toets is van die faktore wat gemonitor is sodat PM titaan se optrede tydens
masjinering geëvalueer kan word.
Hierdie studie wys dat diepers-en-sinter metode wel met KS titaan poeier, met ‘n partikel
grootte van minder as 75 μm (-200 maas), gebruik kan word om gesinterde titaan te
vervaardig. Die partikelgrootte beïnvloed wel die samedrukbaarheid van die poeier. Die
samedrukking van parte met groter volume, soos bv die masjinerings toetsmonster, is
uitdagend wanneer klein partikelgrootte poeier gebruik word. Proses omstandighede, soos
kompaksie druk, sinteringstemperatuur en sinteringstyd, beïnvloed die gesinterde
Resultate van die masjineerbaarheidstoetse wys dat beitelslytasie toeneem met ‘n afname
in porositeit van die gesinterede titaan. ‘n Meer poreus gesinterde materiaal het beide laer
sterkte en termiese geleidingsvermoë. Aangesien hierdie faktore teenoorgestelde
uitwerkings op masjineerbaarheid het, word dit dan afgelei dat die sterkte van gesinterde
titaan ‘n groter invloed het op sy masjineerbaarheid as die termiese geleidingsvermoë.
Die beitel se slytasie is hoofsaahlik, maar het tekens van kraterslytasie getoon. Die
gemasjineerde oppervlak van die meer digte onderdele of toetsmonters het min gebreke
gehad in vergelyking met die minder digte dele. Die vorm van die spaanders is lank vir
digte parte, en spiraalvormig vir minder digte toetsmonsters. Die spaanders wat gevorm
het, was almal gesegmenteerd, wat tipies is vir titaan.
Die masjineerbaarheid van die gesinterde KS titaan is met dié van gesmede titaanallooie
vergelyk. Soos verwag is, is gevind dat die masjineerbaarheid van die gesinterde titaan in
vergelyking swak is.
227 |
Performance and thermo-mechanical cost evaluation of API 661 air-cooled heat exchangersAckers, Mogamat Sadley 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The optimal design of a heat exchanger for a specified heat transfer, pressure drop
and set of ambient conditions entails minimising space, weight, material usage and
overall cost. However, the variables which influence the performance as well as the
overall cost of a heat exchanger are not related in a simple way and it is not obvious
which variables play the most important roles (Perry & Green, 1997:11-44).
Air cooled heat exchangers (ACHEs) are normally designed in three stages, by
different experts in the field, and with the aid of specially designed software. This
project combines these thermal, mechanical and cost estimation processes into a MS
Excel model which makes it easier to see the influence that design parameters have
on the overall cost of the heat exchanger.
A thermal model was created to design an API 661 (2006) ACHE. The results from
this model compared well with those of HTRI Xchanger Suite 6.0 software, with
HTRI being more conservative in its design mode.
A mechanical design model was then developed, which uses as inputs the outputs of
the thermal design. The output from this mechanical design model is the minimum
material thicknesses based on the stress criteria of Appendix 13 of ASME VIII div 1
(2007) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
An experiment on a finned tube bundle was performed in a wind tunnel facility to
determine performance characteristics and compare these to existing correlations in
literature. The results showed that both the heat transfer coefficient (h) and loss
coefficient (Eu) correlations proposed by Ganguli et al. (1985) closely predict the
measured data, and were consequently used in the thermal design model. During this
experiment it was also shown that the tube bundle reached 8 % - 9 % of its allowable
internal fouling factor, due to rust build up inside the tubes, and in a testing period of
only nine days. The thermal and mechanical models were then combined with a cost estimation
process to perform both a thermal and mechanical parametric study. The thermal
study showed that to obtain an optimal solution, the design must attempt to maximise
the length, increase the width rather than the number of bays, make use of two
bundles per bay with fewer but larger fans and employ a large number of tube rows
with the least number of tube passes. These guidelines were used to create an initial
design; Excel Solver was then applied to locate the optimum combination of bundle
length and width that result in the minimum heat exchanger cost. Two mechanical considerations were investigated, both requiring additional welding
and thus increased welding cost. Firstly the use of stay plates result in reduced
required plate thicknesses according to the stress criteria since it provides additional
stiffness in the header box design. Secondly the use of more (but smaller) nozzles as
opposed to less (but larger) nozzles was also considered. The mechanical parametric
study showed no specific trends, but both considerations should still be checked as it
can be cost beneficial in a specific design. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Optimale ontwerp van ’n warmteoordraer vir ’n gespesifiseerde warmteoordrag,
drukval en stel van omgewingstoestande behels die minimalisering van ruimte,
gewig, materiaalverbruik en algehele koste. Die veranderlikes wat egter die
werkverrigting, sowel as die algehele koste, van ’n warmteoordraer beïnvloed, hou
nie in ’n eenvoudige sin met mekaar verband nie, en dit is nie vanselfsprekend watter
veranderlikes die belangrikste rolle speel nie (Perry & Green, 1997:11-44).
Lugverkoelde warmteoordraers (air-cooled heat exchangers of ACHEs) word
normaalweg in drie fases ontwerp deur verskillende kundiges in die veld en met
behulp van spesiaal ontwerpte programmatuur. Hierdie studie kombineer dié
termiese, meganiese en kosteberamingsprosesse in ’n MS Excel-model, wat dit
makliker maak om van te stel wat die invloed wat ontwerpparameters op die algehele
koste van die hitteruiler is.
’n Termiese model is geskep om ’n “API 661 (2006) ACHE” te ontwerp. Die
resultate van hierdie model het goed vergelyk met dié van die HTRI Xchanger Suite
6.0-program, met HTRI meer konserwatiew in die ontwerp af.
Na die termiese model geskep is, is ’n meganieseontwerp-model ontwikkel, wat as
insette die uitsette van die termiese ontwerp gebruik het. Die uitset van hierdie
meganieseontwerp-model is die minimum materiaaldikte gebaseer op die
spanningskriteria van Bylae 13 van “ASME VIII div 1 (2007) Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Code.” Daar is ’n eksperiment op ’n vinbuisbundel in ’n windtonnelfasiliteit uitgevoer om
werkverrigtingskarakteristieke te bepaal en dit met bestaande korrelasies in die
literatuur te vergelyk. Die resultate het getoon dat sowel die
warmteoordragskoëffisiënt (h) en die verlieskoeffisient (Eu) korrelasies, voorgestel
deur Ganguli et al. (1985), die data wat gemeet is akkuraat voorspel, en gevolglik is
die korrelasies in die termieseontwerp-model gebruik. Gedurende die eksperiment is
ook getoon dat die buisbundel 8 % - 9 % van sy toelaatbare interne-aanpakkingfaktor
bereik het vanweë roesopbou binne-in die buise, en dit in ’n toetsingtydperk van slegs
nege dae.
Die termiese en meganiese modelle was toe gekombineer met ’n
kosteberamingsproses om ’n termiese sowel as ’n meganiese parametriese studie uit
te voer. Die termiese studie het getoon dat, om ’n optimale oplossing te verkry, die
ontwerp moet poog om die lengte te maksimeer; die wydte eerder as die aantal strate
(bays) te vermeerder; van twee bundels per straat gebruik te maak met minder, maar
groter waaiers; en ’n groot aantal buisrye met die kleinste hoeveelheid buisdeurvloeiweë in te span. Hierdie riglyne is gebruik in ’n aanvanklike ontwerp,
waarna die Excel Solver gebruik is om die optimale kombinasie van bundellengte en
–wydte vas te stel met die oog op die laagste moontlike warmteoordraerkoste.
Twee meganiese oorwegings is ondersoek wat albei addisionele sweiswerk sou vereis
en dus tot verhoogde sweiskoste sou lei. Eerstens lei die gebruik van ankerplate (stay
plates) tot ’n vermindering in die vereiste plaatdiktes volgens die spanningskriteria,
aangesien dit addisionele stewigheid in die spruitstukhouerontwerp bied. Tweedens is
die gebruik van meer (maar kleiner) spuitstukke teenoor minder (maar groter)
spuitstukke ook oorweeg. Die meganiese parametriese studie het geen spesifieke
voorkeurneigings getoon nie, maar altwee oorgewings moet nog getoets word want
dit kan koste voordelig word in 'n spesifieke ontwerp.
228 |
Simulation of a syngas from coal production plant coupled to a high temperature nuclear reactor / Simulation of a cogeneration plant coupled to a high temperature reactorBotha, Frederick Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In light of the rapid depletion of the world’s oil reserves, concerns about energy
security prompted the exploration of alternative sources of liquid fuels for
transportation. One such alternative is the production of synthetic fuels with the
indirect coal liquefaction process or Coal-To-Liquids (CTL) process. In this
process, coal is burned in a gasifier in the presence of steam and oxygen to
produce a synthesis gas or syngas, consisting mainly of hydrogen and carbon
monoxide. The syngas is then converted to liquid fuels and a variety of useful
chemicals in a Fischer Tropsch synthesis reactor. However, the traditional
process for syngas production also produces substantial amounts of carbon
dioxide. In fact, only about one third of the carbon in the coal feedstock ends up
in the liquid fuel product using traditional CTL technology. If additional hydrogen
was available, the carbon utilisation of the process could be improved
significantly. The high temperature reactor (HTR) is a gas cooled Generation IV
nuclear reactor ideally suited to provide electrical power and high temperature
heat for the production of carbon neutral hydrogen via high temperature
electrolysis. The integration of an HTR into a CTL process therefore provides an
opportunity to improve the thermal and carbon efficiency of the CTL process
significantly. This thesis presents a possible process flow scheme for a nuclear
assisted CTL process. The system is evaluated in terms of its thermal or syngas
production efficiency (defined as the ratio of the heating value of the produced
syngas to the sum of the heating value of the coal plus the HTR heat input) as
well as its carbon utilisation. If the hydrogen production plant is sized to produce
only enough associated oxygen to supply in the needs of the gasification plant,
syngas is produced at about 63% thermal efficiency, while 71.5% of the carbon
is utilised in this process. It was found that the optimum HTR outlet temperature
to produce hydrogen with a high temperature steam electrolysis process is
850°C. If enough process heat and electrical power are available and process equipment capacities are sufficient, the carbon utilisation of the process could be
improved even further to values in excess of 90%. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die uitputting van die wêreld se olie-reserwes, asook kommer oor energiesekuriteit
het daartoe gelei dat alternatiewe bronne van vloeibare brandstowwe
vir vervoer ondersoek moes word. Een so 'n alternatief is die produksie van
sintetiese brandstof d.m.v. die indirekte steenkool vervloeiing proses of
sogenaamde Coal-To-Liquids (CTL) proses. In hierdie proses word steenkool in
die teenwoordigheid van stoom en suurstof in 'n vergasser gebrand om 'n
sintesegas of singas te produseer, wat hoofsaaklik uit waterstof en
koolstofmonoksied bestaan. Die sintesegas word daarna omgeskakel na
vloeibare brandstowwe en 'n verskeidenheid van nuttige chemikalieë in 'n
Fischer-Tropsch-sintese reaktor. Ongelukkig produseer die tradisionele proses vir
sintesegas produksie ook 'n beduidende hoeveelheid koolstofdioksied. Trouens,
slegs sowat een derde van die koolstof in die steenkool roumateriaal eindig in die
vloeibare brandstof produk indien van tradisionele CTL-tegnologie gebruik
gemaak word. Indien addisionele waterstof beskikbaar was, kon die koolstofbenutting
van die proses aansienlik verbeter word. Die hoë temperatuur reaktor
(HTR) is 'n gas-verkoelde Generasie IV kernreaktor wat by uitstek geskik is om
elektrisiteit en hoë temperatuur hitte te verskaf vir die produksie van koolstofneutrale
waterstof d.m.v. hoë temperatuur elektrolise. Die integrasie van 'n HTR
in 'n CTL-proses bied dus 'n geleentheid om die termiese- en koolstofdoeltreffendheid
van die CTL-proses aansienlik te verbeter. In hierdie ondersoek
word 'n moontlike proses vloeidiagram vir 'n kern-gesteunde CTL-proses
voorgestel. Die stelsel is geëvalueer in terme van sy termiese- of sintesegas
produksie doeltreffendheid (gedefinieer as die verhouding van die hittewaarde
van die geproduseerde sintesegas gedeel deur die som van die hittewaarde van
die steenkool en die HTR hitte-insette) sowel as sy koolstof-effektiwiteit. Indien
die waterstof produksie-aanleg ontwerp word om net genoeg geassosieerde
suurstof te voorsien om in die behoeftes van die vergassing-aanleg te voorsien, word sintesegas teen ongeveer 63% termiese doeltreffendheid vervaardig,
terwyl 71.5% van die koolstof in hierdie proses benut word. Daar is bevind dat
850°C die optimum HTR uitlaat temperatuur is om waterstof d.m.v. hoë
temperatuur stoom-elektrolise te vervaardig. Indien daar genoeg proses hitte en
elektrisiteit beskikbaar is en die proses toerusting kapasiteite voldoende is, sou
die koolstof-benutting van die proses tot meer as 90% verbeter kon word.
229 |
Simultaneous measurement of air flow conditions and resultant blade and gearbox loading at large-scale cooling system fansMuiyser, Jacques 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Axial flow fans used in large-scale air-cooled steam condensers (ACSCs) may operate
under distorted inflow conditions. These conditions occur due to the prevailing wind
conditions, the presence of buildings, and the location of the fan within the ACSC. Fans
located on the periphery of the ACSC are affected the most due to their exposure to
strong winds and the inner fans drawing in air past them. Distorted inflow conditions
cause varying fan blade and gearbox loading conditions.
The purpose of the investigation was to simultaneously measure the inlet air flow
and the resultant blade and gearbox loading conditions of a single fan located on the
periphery of a large-scale ACSC. Inlet and heat exchanger bundle outlet air flow velocities
were measured using a combination of ultrasonic and propeller anemometers while
blade loading was measured with strain gauges attached at the neck of the specific blade
being monitored. Strain gauges were also attached to the low-speed fan shaft to measure
gearbox loading.
Measurements were recorded over a period of 8 days where it was found that increased
wind resulted in increased air flow in the axial direction of the fan, which then
caused a reduction in average blade loading. This was due to a decreased static pressure
rise over the fan. The fan blade was found to vibrate at its own natural frequency of
6 Hz when excited by the variable aerodynamic loading. The aerodynamic loading was
extracted from the measured data and was found to correlate well with previous experimental
work performed by Bredell et al. (2006a). Shaft bending stresses and torque were
found to oscillate at the fan’s rotational frequency of 2Hz with a large torque exerted on
the shaft during fan start-up. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aksiaalvloeiwaaiers wat by groot lugverkoelde stoomkondensors gebruik word, werk
dikwels onder verwronge inlaat lugvloei toestande wat geskied as gevolg van heersende
winde, die teenwoordigheid van geboue en die posisie van die waaier in die kondensor.
Waaiers wat geleë is op die rand van die kondensor word die meeste beïnvloed as gevolg
van blootstelling aan die sterk winde en dwarsvloei wat deur die binneste waaiers geïnduseer
word. Verwronge inlaat lugvloei veroorsaak gevolglik variërende waaierlem en
ratkas belastingstoestande.
Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om terselfdetyd die inlaat lugvloei asook waaierlem
en ratkas belastingstoestande van ’n enkele waaier wat op die rand van ’n grootskaalse
lugverkoelde stoomkondensor geleë is, te meet. Waaier inlaat en warmteruiler
uitlaat lugvloei snelhede is gemeet met ’n kombinasie van ultrasoniese- en skroefwindsnelheidsmeters
terwyl die lem en ratkas belastings gemeet is met rekstrokies.
Metings is oor ’n tydperk van 8 dae geneem. Die bevindinge toon dat ’n toename
in windsnelheid ’n toename in aksiale lugvloei tempo, deur die waaier veroorsaak. ’n
Afname in die gemiddelde lembelasting is waargeneem as gevolg van ’n afname in die
waaier statiese druk. Daar is ontdek dat die waaierlem teen ’n natuurlike frekwensie van
6 Hz vibreer wanneer dit opgewek word deur die wisselende aerodinamiese belasting.
Die aerodinamiese belasting is verkry uit die gemete data en vergelyk goed met die numeriese
werk van Bredell et al. (2006a). Daar is ook bevind dat waaier-as buigspannings
en wringkragte ossileer teen die waaier se rotasiefrekwensie van 2Hz met ’n groot wringkrag
wat op die as uitgeoefen word wanneer die waaier aangeskakel word.
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Impact response of a continuous fibre reinforced thermoplastic from a soft bodied projectileVan der Westhuizen, Artho Otto 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Saamgestelde materiale het baie gewilde materiale in die lugvaart- en motor
industrië geword as gevolg van die gewigsbesparende voordele wat dit inhou.
Kostes en ander verwerkingsprobleme het tradisioneel die wydverspreide gebruik
van spesifiek termoplasties-versterkte vesels in hierdie areas verhinder. Baie van
die vervaardigingsprobleme (spesifiek lang siklusse) is aangespreek met die
aanvang van termoplastiese matriks materiaal soos Polyphenolien Sulfied (PPS).
Hierdie materiaal voldoen ook aan die lugvaart-industrie se brand-, rook- en
Termoplastiese saamgestelde materiale kan byvoorbeeld gevind word op
komponente in vliegtuie se binneruimtes en ook die voorste rand van die vlerke.
Hierdie komponente is hoogs vatbaar vir impakskade. Die hoë sterkte en styfheid
tot gewig verhoudings van saamgestelde materiale laat toe vir dun materiaal
dwarssnitte. Komponente is dus kwesbaar vir uit-vlakkige impak beladings.
Saamgestelde materiale kan ook intern deur hierdie beladings beskadig word en
kan nie met die blote oog waargeneem kan word nie. Dit is dus nodig om die
skade weens hierdie beladings tydens normale gebruik akkuraat te voorspel.
Verder sal dit nuttig wees om die struktuur se gedrag te bepaal in toepassings
waar byvoorbeeld passasier veiligheid krities is, soos op vliegtuig ruglenings
tydens noodlandings.
In hierdie studie is die potensiële vervaardigingsvoordele van termoplastiese
saamgestelde materiale gedemonstreer. Daarbenewens is 'n uit-vlakkige impak
deur 'n sagte liggaam herbou in 'n laboratorium omgewing. Die primêre doelwit
van hierdie studie was om die impak numeries te modelleer.
Vervaardigingsvoordele van `n vesel versterkte termoplastiese laminaat is
gedemonstreer deur die vervaardiging van 'n konkawe, agt laag laminaat uit 'n
vooraf gekonsolideerde geweefde doek. Die totale verwerkingstyd van die plat
laminaat na 'n konkawe laminaat was minder as vyf minute. 'n Eenvoudige plat
laminaat en 'n konkawe laminaat is onderwerp aan 'n lae snelheid impak deur 'n
sagte projektiel. Die impak is gemodelleer deur die evaluering van drie
modelleringsmetodes vir die saamgestelde paneel. Die evalueringskriteria het o.a.
ingesluit of laminaat se volle gedrag suksesvol gemodelleer kon word met behulp
van slegs 2D dop elemente.
Die reaksie van die saamgestelde paneel en gepaardgaande faling is met
wisselende vlakke van sukses deur die drie geëvalueerde modelle voorspel. Die
faling van tussen-laminêre bindings (verwys na as delaminasie) kon nie deur
enige van die modelle voorspel word nie. Twee van die modelle het egter in-vlak
faling met redelike akkuraatheid voorspel. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Due to weight saving advantages composite materials have become a highly
popular material in the aerospace and automotive industries. Traditionally
processing difficulties and costs have been a barrier to widespread composite
material use in these industries. With the advent of thermoplastic matrix materials
such as Polyphenoline Sulphide (PPS) the processing difficulties (especially long
cycle times) experienced with traditional thermosetting resins can be addressed
while maintaining aerospace Fire-Smoke and Toxicity (FST) approval.
Thermoplastic composites can for example be found on aircraft interior
components and leading edges of the wings. These areas are highly susceptible to
impact damage. The high strength- and stiffness to weight ratios of composites
allows for thin material cross sections. This leaves the components vulnerable to
out-of-plane impact loads. Composite materials may also be damaged internally
by these loads, leaving the damage undetectable through visual inspections. It
may therefore be necessary to predict the amount of damage a component would
sustain during normal operation. Additionally, it would be useful to predict
structural response of these materials in applications where passenger safety is
crucial, such as aircraft seat backrests during emergency landings.
In this study the potential processing benefits of thermoplastic composite
materials were demonstrated. Additionally an out-of-plane impact from a soft
bodied projectile was reconstructed in a laboratory environment. The primary
objective was to numerically model the impact event.
Processing benefits of thermoplastics were demonstrated by producing a single
curvature eight layered laminate from a pre-consolidated woven sheet. The total
processing time from flat panel to a single curvature panel was below five
minutes. A simple flat laminate and a single curvature laminate were subjected to
a low velocity drop weight impact load from a soft bodied projectile. These
impact events were modelled by evaluating three modelling methods for the
composite panel structural response and damage evolution. Part of the evaluation
criteria included whether laminate failure could be modelled successfully using
only 2D shell elements.
The response of the composite panel and accompanying failure were predicted
with varying levels of success by the three evaluated models. The failure of interlaminar
bonds (referred to as delamination) could not be predicted by either
model. However two of the models predicted in-plane failure with reasonable
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