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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Preaching in the context of ethic violence : a practical theological study within the Calabar synod of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria

Ekong, Ivan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is a practical theological endeavour that evaluates church preaching as a means of changing the paradigms relating to communal and ethnic violence in Nigeria. The study critically examines the phenomenon of ethnic conflict and violence to show the magnitude of its impact on Nigerians. The impact is evident in the number of violent conflicts recorded in the Calabar area in the last few years. The interdisciplinary approach employed in the study helps to locate the causes of violent conflict and its impact on the people of Calabar, on the one hand, and investigating the perception of church preaching and its impact on congregants, on the other hand. In particular, the historical method is employed in the process of investigating, analysing and recovering materials on the causes of violent conflict in the area. Practical theological methods are employed to evaluate the purpose of preaching. However, a sociological approach is adopted in structuring questionnaires and interviews while using critical analysis to evaluate and interpret both the qualitative and the quantitative data. In the first place, the data has proved that economic factors are the main causes of violence; other contributing factors are described as ethnic, political, demographic and social factors. It is noted that victims of violence have suffered physically, psychologically, economically and socially. Secondly, data has also shown that, if re-evaluated, preaching can be used to change paradigms relating to ethnic violence and to inspire concrete congregational change and societal action against ethnic violence. Since this thesis presents views of people at the grassroots, people who are victims of ethnic violence, it has contributed, therefore, to a deeper understanding of the impact of violent conflicts on Africans, and especially on Nigerians. The most important contribution of this research to knowledge seems to be the provision of a model of transformative preaching, which can be explored further by the church. This research effort consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction while the second chapter provides a brief historical survey of the Presbyterian Church in Calabar and the history of violent conflicts in Nigeria. Chapter Three focuses on biblical perspectives on violence, theories on violence, and data analysis of violence in the Calabar area. Chapter Four is concerned with data analysis and the evaluation of contemporary preaching in the context of violence in the Calabar Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria. A transformative model is proposed as a way forward. Chapter Five, which is the final chapter, presents the summary and conclusion, as well as the contribution of the research to knowledge, recommendations and suggestions on areas for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is ʼn prakties-teologiese studie oor die rol van Christelike prediking as ʼn medium om samelewings- en etniese paradigmas aangaande geweld in Nigerië te verander. Die studie kyk krities na die fenomeen van etniese konflik en geweld in ʼn poging om die omvang van die effek daarvan op Nigeriërs aan te dui. Dit blyk onder andere uit die aantal gewelddadige konflikte binne die Calabar-area gedurende die afgelope aantal jare. Die studie volg ʼn interdissiplinêre benadering ten einde die redes vir geweld en die uitwerking daarvan op die mense van Calabar aan die een kant te ondersoek, maar aan die ander kant ook die persepsies oor prediking en die impak daarvan op gemeentes. Die historiese metode is gebruik om materiaal in verband met die oorsake van geweld in die area op te spoor en te analiseer. Die betekenis van prediking is prakties-teologies ontleed, terwyl die sosiologiese metode asook kritiese analise ingespan is om beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data te evalueer en te interpreteer. Bogenoemde data het eerstens getoon dat ekonomiese redes die hoof-oorsaak is van geweld. Ander bydraende faktore is etnies, polities, demografies en sosiaal van aard. As gevolg van geweld het slagoffers fisies, psigologies, ekonomies en sosiaal gely. Die data toon egter ook tweedens aan dat prediking, indien dit herinterpreteer word, ʼn medium van verandering van paradigmas insake geweld kan wees, en dat dit daadwerklike gemeentelike verandering en sosiale aksie teen etniese geweld kan bewerkstellig. Hierdie tesis verteenwoordig die stemme van mense op grondvlak, veral diegene wat slagoffers van geweld was of is, en dit bied ʼn model vir transformatiewe prediking wat verder deur die kerk in Nigerië ontwikkel kan word. Die vyf hoofstukke verloop breedweg as volg: Hoofstuk een is die Inleiding; Hoofstuk twee handel oor historiese agtergronde van die Presbiteriaanse Kerk en geweld in Nigerië; Hoofstuk drie gee ʼn oorsig oor Bybelse perspektiewe op geweld, teorieë oor geweld asook ʼn analise van die data aangaande geweld in die Calabar-streek; Hoofstuk vier gee ʼn blik op die moontlike rol van kontemporêre prediking in ʼn konteks van geweld in die Presbiteriaanse Kerk in Nigerië, en bied ook ʼn model vir transformatiewe prediking vir die toekoms aan; Hoofstuk vyf bevat opsommende konklusies, asook suggesties vir verdere studie en die implementering van sommige van die bevindinge van die tesis.

Prophetic preaching within the Korean Presbyterian Church? A practical-theological investigation

Jeon, Dong-Hyun 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research begins from the concern of the Korean Presbyterian Church about the tension between affirming and rejecting attitudes toward the world. The tension between these two attitudes regarding the world is also evident in the homiletical situation. The affirming attitude secularizes the message of the gospel through “positive-thinking” and “possibility-thinking”. Contrary to this, the attitude of rejecting the secular minds makes moral instruction or societal reform the primary focus of the message. However, congregants who hear the message are not only in the church, but also live in a secular society. To Christians, a balanced perspective on the world is required in the sense of that to deny the world is to deny the grounds of their life, and to affirm the world is to lose their distinctive identity. In chapter 1, this research states the problems faced by the Korean Presbyterian Church. It is described in terms of the tension between keeping the church‟s distinctive identity and performing God‟s command. On the one hand, preachers must enter deeply into Korean culture in order to preach the gospel. On the other hand, the church must be distinguished from the surrounding culture to display its distinctive identity. Chapter 2 depicts contemporary people living in the world in terms of three notions: individualism, the pursuit of happiness, and consumerism. In chapter 3, this researcher describes the coming together of these characteristics and narrative preaching. In the development process of narrative preaching, the core motive is popularity. In the religious market, the main interest of the church has been popular satisfaction. Today‟s sermon has fallen into consumerism through being ruled by the notion of congregational preference. When people come to the church they want to hear the hopeful message from the pulpit. The pulpit has been moralized through ignoring congregations‟ needs, and secularized with a consumer ideology. Preachers should restore the eschatological perspective in order to overcome consumerism and deliver true hope to congregations. In chapter 4, the researcher portrays Christians as resident aliens on a journey through the world, and their gathering as a colony helping pilgrims to complete their journey. This world is not home to Christians who are living as resident aliens. Christians are those who are journeying toward the Promised Land. Their gathering as a colony has covenantal, communal, and alternative characteristics. To Christians as resident aliens living in this world, hope is to proclaim that God is ruling this world and Jesus will come again with the Promised Land. Therefore, in chapter 5, the researcher suggests to the Korean Presbyterian preachers that prophetic preaching is the best way to deal with the tension between “the already and not yet” of the kingdom of God. Prophetic preaching has simultaneously both prophetic and pastoral functions. Preachers cannot be prophetic without fulfilling their pastoral function, and vice versa. Because of this, the prophetic voice is the language of hope, and also the language of compassion. Prophetic preachers offer hope to people in despair, and change the apathetic world through the language of compassion. Therefore, prophetic preaching delivers hope in a paradoxical situation, deals with ethical issues from an eschatological perspective, and heals the church from amnesia through repeatedly and continuously speaking about the covenant and the shared memory and story of the faith community. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing begin met die besorgdheid van die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk rakende die spanning tussen die houdings van bevestiging en verwerping jeens die wêreld. Die spanning tussen hierdie twee verskillende houdings teenoor die wêreld is ook sigbaar binne die homiletiese situasie. Die bevestigende houding sekulariseer die boodskap van die Evangelie deur te fokus op “positiewe denke” en “moontlikheidsdenke”. Hierteenoor maak die houding wat sekulêre idees verwerp, morele onderrig of maatskaplike hervorming die primêre fokus van die boodskap. Gemeentelede wat die boodskap aanhoor is egter nie net in die kerk, maar ook deel van die sekulêre samelewing. Christene benodig ʼn gebalanseerde perspektief op die wêreld in die opsig dat die ontkenning van die wêreld, die ontkenning van die rede vir hul bestaan is, en die bevestigende houding jeens die wêreld die verloor van hul eiesoortige identiteit veronderstel. In hoofstuk 1 word die probleme wat die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerk in die gesig staar bespreek. Dit word beskryf in terme van die spanning tussen die behoud van die kerk se eiesoortige identiteit en die uitvoer van God se opdrag. Aan die een kant moet predikers diep in die Koreaanse kultuur indring om die evangelie te verkondig. Aan die ander kant moet die kerk van die omringende kultuur onderskei word ten einde sy eiesoortige identiteit te vertoon. Hoofstuk 2 stel kontemporêre mense wat in die wêreld leef in terme van deur drie fases voor: individualisme, die nastrewing van geluk, en verbruikersgesindheid. In hoofstuk 3 beskryf die navorser die verband tussen hierdie eienskappe en narratiewe prediking. In die ontwikkelingsproses van narratiewe prediking is gewildheid die kern-motief. Vanuit ʼn godsdienstige perspektief was populêre tevredenheid vir die kerk van wesenlike belang. Vandag neig prediking tot ʼn verbruikersgesindheid wat deur die idee van gemeentelike voorkeur oorheers word. Wanneer mense kerk toe kom wil hulle die boodskap van hoop vanaf die kansel hoor. Prediking word egter ʼn morele les, en met ʼn verbruikersideologie gesekulariseer omdat gemeentes se behoeftes geïgnoreer word. Predikers moet die eskatologiese perspektief herstel ten einde die verbruikersgesindheid te oorkom en ware hoop aan gemeentes te verkondig. In hoofstuk 4 word Christene as vreemdelinge op reis deur die wêreld beskryf, en hul samekoms as ʼn kolonie wat pelgrims help om hul reis te voltooi. Hierdie wêreld is nie Christene, wat as vreemdelinge woon, se huis nie. Christene is mense wat op reis is na die Beloofde Land. Hulle vergader as ʼn kommunale en alternatiewe kolonie wat binne ʼn verbond bestaan. Vir Christene, wat as vreemdelinge in die wêreld leef, is hoop die verkondinging van God se heerskappy in die wêreld, en Jesus se wederkoms met die Beloofde Land. Derhalwe het die navorser in hoofstuk 5 voorgestel dat Koreaans Presbiteriaanse predikers op profetiese prediking moet fokus om die spanning tussen “die alreeds en die nog nie” van die koninkryk van God te hanteer. Profetiese prediking het gelyktydig beide profetiese en pastorale funksies. Predikers kan nie profetiese wees sonder om „n pastorale rol te vervul nie, en omgekeerd. As gevolg hiervan is die profetiese stem die taal van hoop en medelye. Profetiese predikers bied hoop aan mense in wanhoop, en verander die apatiese wêreld deur die taal van medelye. Profetiese prediking bring daarom hoop in ʼn paradoksale situasie, fokus op etiese kwessies vanuit ʼn eskatologiese perspektief, en genees die kerk van geheueverlies deur herhaaldelik en aanhoudend die verbond, en die gedeelde herinneringe en storie van die geloofsgemeenskap te beklemtoon.

Exploring the dynamics of the refugee phenomenon and it's relevance in Sout Africa's development : towards the merging of theory and practice for ministry to refugees

Msabah, Anzuruni Barnabé 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The history of migration is as old as that of mankind. However, the magnitude of its impact is extremely acute today as we are confronted by the manifold consequences of globalisation. Scores of people from different parts of the world leave their homes every day in quest of personal, economic, political, social, environmental, emotional and spiritual freedom or security, amongst other things. In South Africa, the local population has been witnessing floods of such people entering the country since 1994. They all have one thing in common: enduring foreignness and all its consequences at liberty rather than living with neither liberty nor safety in their own countries. However, most South Africans understand less the context of the circumstances that lead to asylum-seeking or the challenges that asylum seekers and refugees among them face on a daily basis. They less appreciate refugees’ contribution in the country’s development and even lesser, the little attempts by refugees to prompt transformative change in the community. As a result, intolerance emerges and xenophobia transpires. There is a serious need to educate the society on the issues concerning refugees. This research explores different perspectives of forced human displacement (particularly the refugee phenomenon) with the purpose of finding better ways to educate the society on such matters. So, what should the church’s contribution be in educating the population on the question of refugees? In this study we prove that, first of all, the church is to provide refugees with a sense of belonging and homely warmth. That is, it should be the truest sanctuary for refugees by receiving them rather than keeping them apart. Then, it should build a bridge of understanding between refugees and the hosting community. This means the church is to be the reconciler of the two communities. Hence, this bridge of understanding is reconciliatory and leads to transformational development in society. The study is a collection of academic reflections, theological insights and empirical data from 271 participants nationwide. It is a multidisciplinary study (albeit researched within the frames of practical theology) that promotes human dignity for all. This it does by taking the challenges related to the refugee phenomenon and turning them into opportunities to be explored for the benefit of the community. Based on our findings, we give some recommendations to assist community workers and guide policy makers in their attempts to effect transformational change in the community and be effectively responsive to the needs of refugees in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die geskiedenis van menslike verskuiwing of migrasie is so oud soos dié van die mensdom. Die impak daarvan is egter deesdae baie ernstig soos wat ons gekonfronteer word met die veelvuldige gevolge van globalisering. Massas mense van verskillende dele van die wêreld verlaat elke dag hul woonplekke op soek na persoonlike, ekonomiese, politieke, sosiale, omgewings-, emosionele en geestelike vryheid of sekuriteit. In Suid-Afrika kan die plaaslike bevolking getuig van ‘n vloedgolf van sulke mense wat die land inkom sedert 1994. Hulle het almal een ding in gemeen: blywende vreemdelingskap en al die gevolge daarvan op die persoon se vryheid eerder as om te lewe met geen vryheid en geen veiligheid in hul eie lande. Die meeste Suid-Afrikaners verstaan nie die konteks van die omstandighede wat kan lei tot die soek van asiel of die uitdagings wat asielsoekers en vlugtelinge moet aanskou elke dag. Hulle waardeer nie vlugtelinge se bydrae tot die ontwikkeling van die land nie en nog minder die vlugtelinge se beperkte pogings om transformerende verandering in die gemeenskap te bewerk. As gevolg hiervan kom onverdraagsaamheid na vore en raak xenofobie sigbaar. Daar is 'n ernstige behoefte om die gemeenskap op te voed oor die kwessies rakende vlugtelinge. Hierdie navorsing verken verskillende perspektiewe oor menslike migrasie (veral die vlugtelinge-verskynsel) met die doel om beter maniere van gemeenskapsopvoeding te vind rakende sulke sake. Wat behoort die kerk se bydrae te wees tot die opvoeding van die bevolking oor die kwessie van vlugtelinge? In hierdie studie het ons bewys dat dit eerstens die kerk se taak is om 'n gevoel van ‘behoort’ en huislike warmte te verskaf. Dus moet dit ‘n ware toevlugsoord vir vlugtelinge wees waar hulle ontvang word eerder as om hulle op ‘n afstand te hou. So behoort dit 'n brug van begrip te bou tussen vlugtelinge en die gasheer-gemeenskap. Dit beteken dat die kerk die versoener van die twee gemeenskappe behoort te wees. Hierdie brug van begrip is versoenend en lei dus tot transformasie-ontwikkeling in die samelewing. Die studie is 'n versameling van akademiese oorwegings, teologiese insigte en empiriese data van 271 deelnemers landwyd. Dit is 'n multidissiplinêre studie (alhoewel die navorsing binne die raamwerk van die praktiese teologie gedoen is) wat menswaardigheid vir almal bevorder. Die word gedoen deur die uitdagings wat verwant is aan die vlugtelinge-verskynsel te gebruik en te omskep in geleenthede wat ondersoek kan word tot die voordeel van die gemeenskap. Gegrond op ons bevindinge, gee ons 'n paar aanbevelings om gemeenskapswerkers en gids beleidmakers by te staan in hul pogings om transformasie in die gemeenskap te bewerkstellig en effektief te reageer op die behoeftes van vlugtelinge in Suid-Afrika.

Home based diakonia within the HIV and AIDS epidemic : towards an ecclesiology of grassroots care and identity affirmation

Snyman, Stephen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The HIV and AIDS epidemic has affected the whole South African society, including the church. The dilemma of adequate reaction to the effects of HIV andAIDS on the pastoral responsibilities of the church is posing serious questions to the church in South Africa as it deals with the care of those affected by the epidemic. The HIV and AIDS epidemic is challenging the church to re-investigate its own traditional way of help and support and to realise that the Christian faith community needs to be part of the team-approach in the fight against HIV and AIDS.A holistic approach to healing will lead us to a new and different understanding of the diakonia of the church (nuwe en anderverstaan van diakonaat). This study will investigate how care can be administered in such a way that it becomes meaningful to both the infected, affected and those involved in administering care. It will require an ecclesiology that is informed, formulated and structured from the bottom-up rather than the traditional top-down approach. It will be what we can call a ―base-community‖ ecclesiology. This thesis will therefore, in the light of the challenges that the HIV and AIDSepidemic presents, put forward an ecclesiology formulated on the ground, a grassroots ecclesiology other than the official or traditional formal ecclesiology: an ecclesiology not only directed towards the members of the specific church (membership diakonia), but an ecclesiology focused on the broader community in which the church is located: a communal diakonia. This thesis argues that in light of the HIV and AIDSepidemic, this is a wake-up call for a new ecclesiology that will lead to the kind of diaconate described above. A bold new manner of ecclesiological being/structure is required: a new openness, frankness, boldness (parrhēsia) in dealing with HIV and AIDS. This parrhēsiawill come from the empowered members of the church as they become the caregivers in the community. Home-based care as it is practised at present runs the risk of a one-sided approach with its main focus on the physical wellbeing of the person. An ecclesiology of grassroots care and identity-formation is needed to fill this void. The research investigates how a theology of affirmation can be integrated into the system/practice of home-based care to become a meaningful part of the help or assistance given to the individual and his/her household. Furthermore, the study explores how pastoral care and counselling to the HIV positive person and his/her household can be enriched through the application of a paradigm of praxis to the least in society in home-based diakonia by applying a theology of affirmation, so as to affirm and restore dignity, give meaning to life and the process of death and ultimately provide answers to the quest for identity and affirmation through an ecclesiology of grassroots care. This study is also a call for a paradigm shift with regard to ecclesiology and diakonia in the South African church that may have a profound effect on the church in South Africa. This shift must happen in three areas: 1. The church must become actively involved in home-based care as part of its ministry and calling to the world amidst the HIV and AIDSepidemic. The church can no longer be a bystander or advisor, or at best a supporter of government and civil actions. Every congregation needs to become active within the community they serve through joint/combined and innovative ways with other churches in their areas in establishing an ecclesiology of grassroots care. 2. The diakonia of the church must change. Every member must realise their full potential of utilising their Holy Spirit gifts and fruit in order to serve/minister in the Kingdom of God. Diakonia can no longer be the responsibility of a few ordained or commissioned for the diaconate. The whole church must become active in service to their community and those living around the church. The church needs to break the chains of membership-diakonia and open the arms of Christian love to everyone in need, even those who hates us. 3. Perhaps the biggest challenge is the call to change our way of being church in South Africa: our ecclesiology. We must admit that we have come to love the church more than we love God and that we forgot that God so loved the world not the church! This realisation will make it possible to become open to the proposal of this thesis: that we become church from the bottom up, that we start to practice a grassroots ecclesiology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die MIV en VIGS epidemie het ʼn invloed op die ganse Suid Afrikaanse samelewing, insluitend die kerk. Die dilema van voldoende reaksie op die gevolge van MIV en VIGS op die pastorale verantwoordelikheid van die kerk stel enstige vrae aan die kerk in haar versorging van diegene wat deur die epidemie geaffekteer word. Die MIV en VIGS epidemie daag die kerk uit tot ʼn herondersoek van tradisionele maniere van hulpverlening en ondersteuning asook tot ʼn gewaarwording dat die Christelike geloofsgemeenskap deel moet vorm van ʼn span verband in die stryd teen MIV en VIGS. ʼn Holistiese benadering tot genesing sal lei tot ʼn nuwe en ander verstaan van diakonaat. Hierdie studie is dus ʼn ondersoek na hoe sorg op so ʼn wyse bedien kan word dat dit betekenisvol vir beide die geinfekteerde, ge-affekteerde en diegene betrokke in die hulpverlening kan wees. So ʼn benadering vereis ʼn ekklesiologie wat belig, geformuleer en gestruktureer word vanaf grondvlak in plaas van die tradisionele bo-na-onder benadering. Ons kan so ʼn benadering ʼn basis-gemeenskap (―base-community‖) ekklesiologie noem. Hierdie tesis sal dus, in die lig van die uitdagings wat die MIV en VIGS epidemie stel, ʼn ekklesiologie geformuleer op grondvlak (―a grassroots ecclesiology‖) anders as die amptelike of tradisioneel formele ekklesiologie aanbied: ʼn ekklesiologie wat nie slegs gerig is op lidmate van ʼn spesifieke kerk (lidmaatskap-diakonia) nie, maar ʼn ekklesiologie gefokus op die breë gemeenskap waarin die gemeente haarself bevind: ʼn gemeenskaps-diakonia. Die argument in die tesis is dat die MIV en VIGS epidemie ʼn wekroep is tot ʼn nuwe ekklesiologie wat mag lei tot die soort diakonia hierbo beskryf. ʼn Brawe, nuwe manier van ekklesiologie word dus vereis: ʼn nuwe openheid, waaragtigheid, moedigheid (parrhēsia) in die wyse waarop ons met MIV en VIGS omgaan. Hierdie parrhēsia sal tot stand kom deur die bemagtigde lede van die kerk soos wat hulle versorgers van die gemeenskap word. Tuisversorging soos wat dit tans bedryf word, loop die risiko van ʼn eensydige benadering wat hoofsaaklik konsentreer/fokus op die fisieke gesondheid van die persoon. Ons benodig n voetsoolvlak-ekklesiologie wat gerig is op identiteits-formering en –bevestiging om hierdie gaping te vul. Die navorsing ondersoek dus hoe ʼn teologie van bevestiging (theology of affirmation) geintegreer kan word in die sisteem of bedryf van tuisversorging om sodoende ʼn beduidende deel van die hulpverlening of bystand aan die individu en sy/haar huishouding uit te maak. Verder ondersoek die navorsing hoe pastorale sorg en berading aan die MIV en VIGS positiewe persoon en sy/haar huishouding verryk kan word deur die toepassing van ʼn paradigma van praksis (diakonia) aan die minste in die samelewing deur tuisversorging en die toepassing van ʼn teologie van bevestiging, sodat menswaardigheid opnuut bevestig of/en herstel kan word; die lewe en die proses van sterwe en dood betekenisvol kan wees, en daar uiteindelik antwoorde gevind kan word in die soeke na identiteits-bevestiging deur ʼn diakonia vanuit n ekklesiologie op voetsoolvlak. Die navorsing is ook ʼn oproep tot ʼn paradigma-skuif met betrekking tot ekklesiologie en diakonia in die Suid Afrikaanse kerk wat verreikende gevolge vir die kerk in Suid Afrika inhou. Hierdie skuif moet in drie areas plaasvind: 1. Die kerk moet aktief betrokke word in tuisversorging as deel van haar bediening en roeping in die wêreld temidde van die MIV en VIGS epidemie. Die kerk kan nie langer voortgaan om toeskouer of raadgewer, of ten beste ʼn ondersteuner van staats- en siviele aksies te wees nie. Elke gemeente moet aktief binne haar gemeenskap dien deur gesamentlike en innoverende aksies ten opsigte van versorging en hulpverlening met ander kerke in die selfde area/gebied sodat ʼn grondvlak ekklesiologie tot stand gebring word. 2. Die diakonia van die kerk moet verander. Elke lid moet sy/haar potensiaal besef en die gawes en vrug van die Heilige Gees aanwend in diens van die Koninkryk. Diakonia mag nie langer die verantwoordelikheid van ʼn paar bevestigdes of gekommandeerdes vir diakonie wees nie. Die hele kerk moet diensbaar word in die gemeenskap en diegene wat rondom die kerk bly. Die kerk moet dus die kettings van lidmaat-diakonia breek en hul arms van Christelike liefde oopmaak vir elke persoon in nood, selfs diegene wat ons haat. 3. Miskien is die grootste uitdaging die oproep om die wyse waarop ons kerk bedryf in Suid Afrika te verander: ons ekklesiologie. Ons sal moet erken dat ons die kerk meer lief het as vir God en dat ons vergeet het dat God die wêreld liefhet en nie net die kerk nie! Hierdie gewaarwording sal dit moontlik maak om onsself ontvanklik te kan maak vir die voorstel van die tesis: dat ons kerk word van die grond-af-op in plaas van kerk van-bo-af—dat ons begin om ʼn voetsoolvlak ekklesiologie in werking te stel.

The agency of the church in HIV/AIDS among refugees in relation to the host country

Didier, Kasongo Wa Kumutombo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / NO ABSTRACT / INTRODUCTION: All over the world there are millions of desperate people who seek refuge in other countries and so these countries are all affected by the situations of refugees. These people we call “refugees” are human beings who leave their countries and cross borders to find a place to secure their lives. The realities of the refugees are at the same time global, regional or local. They are in fact treated differently depending on the policies of the countries of refuge though they might, to some extent, be treated in the same ways according to the UNHCR charter. Whilst they run for their lives, they face all other challenges of life that affect the globe and the countries of refuge.

Populere spiritualiteitstendense : 'n gevallestudie van die Ned. Geref. Kerk Port Elizabeth-Hoogland

Malan, Eugene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As minister in the congregation over the past fourteen years, the researcher is affected by mainly two popular trends in the spirituality of the church. On the one hand there is a trend where the observed expression of faith is characterised by an overriding emphasis on personal salvation. This spirituality allows the believer, especially in times of transition, an easy escape from the difficult and threatening context to a place where he/she, with particular emphasis on individual faith experiences, remain engaged in spiritual matters. The researcher calls it a spirituality of escapism. On the other hand, there is a trend where faith is declared and practiced from a rational perspective. This spirituality grabs, also especially in times of awkward transition, back to pure rational statement and traditionalism where believers find their security. The researcher calls it a spirituality of reductionism. Both escapism and reductionism are, according to the researcher, expressions of a dualistic spirituality which is not unique to the church or to the Dutch Reformed Church, but lies deep in the heart of the church in the Western world. These congregations are primarily busy with their own agendas and they are alienated from the community and society. The involvement with the need in the community and creation in both cases are not directly linked to the expression of faith. The researcher found the core of the reason for this deep-rooted dualism and individualism in the faith expression of the church in the way in which she understands the concept of salvation. The researcher takes his point of departure in the belief that there is a direct connection between the congregation's context, her understanding of salvation and her spirituality. The researcher found the reformed view of salvation especially helpful to offer a theological framework for an integrated spirituality, as is particularly found in missional theology. The researcher follows the four tasks of practical theological research of Richard Osmer (2008) in his endeavour to provide guidance to the congregation towards a more integrated spirituality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As leraar in die gemeente oor die afgelope veertien jaar is die navorser getref deur veral twee populêre tendense in die spiritualiteit van die gemeente. Enersyds is daar ’n tendens waargeneem waar die uitleef van geloof deur ’n oorheersende klem op persoonlike verlossing gekenmerk word. Hierdie spiritualiteit laat die gelowige, veral in tye van oorgang, maklik uit die moeilike en bedreigende konteks ontsnap na ’n plek waar hy/sy, veral met die klem op individuele geloofsbelewing, met geestelike sake besig bly. Die navorser noem dit ’n spiritualiteit van ontsnapping. Andersyds is daar ’n tendens waar geloof vanuit ’n rasionele raamwerk verklaar en uitgeleef word. Hierdie spiritualiteit gryp, eweneens in tye van ongemaklike oorgang, terug na suiwer rasionele verklaring en tradisionalisme vanwaar gelowiges hulle sekuriteit vind. Die navorser noem dit ’n spiritualiteit van reduksionisme. Beide ontsnapping en reduksionisme is, volgens die navorser, uitdrukkings van ’n dualistiese spiritualiteit wat nie uniek aan die gemeente of aan die NG Kerk is nie, maar diep in die wese van die kerk in die Westerse wêreld lê. Ten diepste is sulke gemeentes besig met hulle eie agendas en is hulle van die gemeenskap en samelewing vervreemd. Die betrokkenheid by die nood in die gemeenskap en die skepping is in albei gevalle nie direk met die uitleef van geloof verbind nie. Die navorser vind die kern van die rede vir hierdie diepgesetelde dualisme en individualisme in die geloofsbelewing van die kerk by die wyse waarop die konsep van verlossing verstaan word. Die navorser neem sy vertrekpunt by die oortuiging dat daar ’n direkte verband tussen die gemeente se konteks, haar verstaan van verlossing en haar spiritualiteit is. Die navorser vind die gereformeerde siening van verlossing behulpsaam om ’n teologiese raamwerk te bied vir ’n geïntegreerde spiritualiteit, soos dit veral in missionêre teologie beslag vind. Die navorser volg die vier take van prakties teologiese navorsing van Richard Osmer ten einde die gemeente op weg na ’n meer geïntegreerde spiritualiteit te begelei.

Revisiting the use of art, imagery and symbolism in the Presbyterian Liturgical tradition in Korea : a practical-theological research

Lee, Keonsoo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Aesthetics has a theological calling: The beauty (or ugliness) in the world and art incites us to long for the divine eternal beauty. The earthly beauty is revelatory and analogous to the beauty of God. Imagination, i.e. making an image, whether mental or physical, is an inherent faculty of human beings who were created in the image of God. It is an insuppressible human activity. Besides, the search for meaning, which is a universal human quest for the purpose in life, is a concern common in both religion and art. Aesthetics (art and beauty) thereby should be a theological locus, a graceful partner of theological dialogue. But how much are aesthetic dimensions incorporated in the Korean Presbyterian theological/liturgical context? Visual art, imagery and symbolism are considered marginal or even dangerous in the Korean Presbyterian churches while preaching is given a dominant position in their worship services. As a result, they are losing sight of the essential implications that aesthetic, embodied experiences of art, imagery and symbolism have for liturgical richness. Art, imagery and symbolism are fundamental components in Christian life and worship as demonstrated with numerous evidences throughout the Christian history. They are never discordant with the tradition of the Word, but rather, have critical importance to theology for five reasons – the human as embodied being, a manifestation of imago Dei, the integrative characteristic of our thinking and perceiving, the Bible as book of images, and the contemporary culture of images. Against this backdrop, aesthetic expressions of art, imagery and symbolism are claimed to have five features significant to Christian worship: The revelatory power of the beauty in nature or works of art displays something of God; aesthetic expressions of art, imagery and symbolism speak to the human totality as an intelligent-affective-sensate-corporeal being; people necessarily become participants in the performative nature of art and its claim of truth; the beauty, truth and goodness manifested in works of art may be a reminder of our responsibility to work for the transformation of the world; an artwork can serve an eloquent mode of hoping for the present absent reality of the Kingdom of God. In terms of these qualities, an implication that aesthetic experiences in worship have the power to reframe, taking us to the encounter with the divine beauty, goodness and truth, is drawn, and a fusion of the verbal and non-verbal is claimed conclusively. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Estetika het 'n teologiese roeping: Die skoonheid (of lelikheid) in die wêreld en kuns moedig ons aan om na die goddelike ewige skoonheid te verlang. Die aardse skoonheid is openbarend en ooreenkomstig tot die skoonheid van God. Verbeelding, dit wil sê die maak van 'n beeld, óf dit geestelik of fisies is, is 'n inherente fakulteit van die mens wat in die beeld van God geskape is. Dit is 'n menslike aktiwiteit wat nie onderdruk kan word nie. Buitendien, die soeke na betekenis, wat 'n universele menslike soektog na die doel van die lewe is, is 'n belangstelling wat algemeen in godsdiens en kuns voorkom. Estetika (kuns en skoonheid) moet daarmee 'n teologiese lokus wees, 'n bekoorlike vennoot in die teologiese dialoog. Hoeveel van estetiese dimensies word egter in die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse teologiese / liturgiese konteks opgeneem? Visuele kuns, beelde en simboliek word as marginaal of selfs gevaarlik in die Koreaanse Presbiteriaanse kerke beskou, terwyl prediking 'n dominante posisie in hul eredienste beklee. Die gevolg is dat die belangrikste implikasies wat die estetiese, beliggaamde ervarings wat kuns, beelde en simboliek vir liturgiese rykdom inhou, uit die oog verloor word. Kuns, beelde en simboliek is fundamentele komponente van die Christelike lewe en aanbidding soos verskeie getuienis in die Christelike geskiedenis demonstreer. Hulle is nooit teenstrydig met die tradisie van die Woord nie, maar dit is eerder van kardinale belang vir die teologie vir vyf redes – die mens as beliggaamde wese; 'n manifestasie van die Imago Dei; die geïntegreerde kenmerk van ons denke en waarneming; die Bybel as boek van beelde, en die huidige kontemporêre kultuur van beelde. Die estetiese uitdrukking van kuns, beelde en simboliek besit op hierdie gronde vyf eienskappe van belang vir die Christelike aanbidding naamlik: Die openbarende krag van skoonheid in die natuur of kunswerke wat iets van God vertoon; die estetiese uitdrukking van kuns, beelde en simboliek praat tot die menslike totaliteit as 'n intelligente-affektiewe-sintuiglik-waarnemende-liggaamlike wese; mense word noodsaaklike deelnemers in die performatiewe aard van kuns en sy eis van die waarheid; die skoonheid, waarheid en goedheid wat in kunswerke te sien is, kan vir ons tot 'n herinnering wees van ons verantwoordelikheid om vir die transformasie van die wêreld te werk; 'n kunswerk kan as 'n welsprekende beeld van hoop vir die hede dien in die afwesige werklikheid van die Koninkryk van God. Die implikasie van die mag om verandering te weeg te bring wat estetiese ervarings in aanbidding mag hê, word volgens hierdie eienskappe veronderstel. Dit neem ons na ʼn ontmoeting met die goddelike skoonheid, goedheid en waarheid en die samesmelting van die verbale en nieverbale word gevolglik opgeëis.

Christian leadership in a Malawian context : a practical theological evaluation of African Bible College

Stauffacher, Robert W. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Notwithstanding that many prominent, influential and highly effective Christian leaders over this past century are making a difference throughout Africa, a serious leadership crisis still looms. There is no doubt that Christianity has spread throughout Africa, reaching many remote areas within the continent. Still the depth to that Christianity remains elusive. Practical theologians have discovered various patterns of leadership abuse, immorality, and heresy throughout Africa. As alarming as these patterns may be, in a positive way they are encouraging many Africans to seek alternative models of leadership. Thus, Africa has now become a place ready to implement effective or authentic leadership models. The purpose of this dissertation is to determine, in a practical theological way, whether African Bible College in Malawi is producing graduates that can be described as authentic Christian leaders. As a way of determining this, the researcher will be 1) investigating the growing (Christian) leadership crisis within sub-Saharan Africa, 2) analyzing various Christian leadership models within the field, 3) conducting empirical research on the African Bible College (ABC) and ABC graduates, 4) exploring normative perceptions of Christian leadership and 5) developing a revised praxis for ABC to help it become an even more effective institution for producing authentic Christian leaders. Authentic leadership in particular emphasizes the “genuineness,” “realness,” and “transparency” of people in leadership positions. It requires a leader to be open, honest, and accountable to others. They must earn the respect and trust of their followers. People today are becoming more skeptical of their leaders. They have grown weary and impatient with typical overbearing, power-hungry, and dishonest leadership personalities. They want to see their leaders actually practicing what they are preaching, living lives of integrity, and truly living out their Christian faith in a God honoring and practical manner. This is why authentic leadership theory has become prominent and widely accepted within the past decade. The theory will be useful for analyzing the leadership of ABC graduates. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nieteenstaande die feit dat baie prominente, gesaghebbende en hoogs effektiewe Christenleiers (gedurende die afgelope eeu) ʼn ware verskil deur die hele Afrika gemaak het (en dit steeds doen), dreig ʼn baie wesenlike en ernstige leierskapkrisis steeds. Daar is geen twyfel nie dat Christenskap soos ’n veldbrand deur die hele Afrika versprei het, en baie afgeleë gebiede op die kontinent bereik het, maar die diepte van daardie Christenskap bly steeds bedrieglik. Praktiese teoloë het verskeie voorbeelde van misbruik van leierskap, immoraliteit en dwaalleer oral in Afrika aangetref. En, so ontstellend soos hierdie voorbeelde ook al is, op ʼn positiewe wyse motiveer en bemoedig hulle baie Afrikane om alternatiewe modelle van leierskap na te jaag. Afrika is dus op die oomblik ʼn baie geskikte plek vir die implementering van effektiewe (of outentieke) leierskapsmodelle. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is dus om op ʼn prakties-teologiese wyse te bepaal, of die African Bible College (ABC) in Malawi gegradueerdes lewer, wat as outentieke Christenleiers beskryf kan word. In ʼn poging om dit te bepaal, het die navorser 1) die toenemende (Christen-) leierskapskrisis in Afrika suid van die Sahara ondersoek, 2) verskeie Christenleierskap-modelle op die gebied ondersoek, 3) empiriese navorsing oor die ABC en ABC-gegradueerdes gedoen, 4) normatiewe persepsies van Christenleierskap verken en 5) ʼn hersiene praktyk vir ABC ontwikkel wat daartoe sal bydra dat hulle ʼn selfs meer effektiewe instelling vir die lewering van outentieke Christenleiers kan word. Outentieke leierskap beklemtoon in die besonder die “opregtheid”, “egtheid” en “deursigtigheid” van mense in leierskapsposisies. Dit vereis van ʼn leier om oop, eerlik en aanspreeklik teenoor ander te wees. Dit bring mee dat ʼn leier die respek en vertroue van sy of haar volgelinge moet verdien. Mense raak deesdae al hoe meer skepties oor hulle leiers. Hulle het moeg en ongeduldig geraak vir die alomteenwoordige dominerende, magshonger en oneerlike leierskapspersoonlikhede. Hulle wil sien dat hulle leiers se woorde en dade werklik ooreenstem, dat hulle onkreukbare lewens leef en waarlik hulle Christengeloof prakties uitleef op ʼn wyse wat aan God eer bewys. Dit is hoekom outentieke leierskapsteorie die afgelope dekade een van die toonaangewendste en algemeen aanvaarde leierskapsteorieë geword het, en nuttig sal wees vir ontleding van die leierskap van ABC-gegradeerdes.

The faith healing practice in pastorale care : a pastoral assessment

Khoaseb, Martin 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Africa is a continent ravaged by challenges of poverty, scourge of disease and many conflicts, some of which are motivated by religious fanaticism. Indeed, it is a continent in dire need of spiritual, economic and social transformation. In the midst of these challenges, however, faith healing practices have flourished among African communities. Healing is a broad concept, which covers a whole range of social, psychological, cultural and spiritual issues and dimensions in response to unwanted threatening conditions that disturb a harmonious and peaceful existence. The concept of healing is firmly rooted in the soil and soul of Africa. To a certain extent, the popularity of healing practices in many parts of Africa is a result of an African epistemology that accepts healing as a cultural reality. The poor majority are mostly exposed to harsh socio-economic and hazardous health conditions. Thus, many poor people are drawn to healing practices for the following three reasons: Firstly, faith healers promise to heal people of all kinds of illnesses and epidemics through fervent prayers. Faith healers are powerful and charismatic personalities that command a great following as a result of their charisma. Secondly, because African culture is spirit-centred and has a high regard for spiritual powers and forces, Africans are amused by supernatural and are therefore drawn to healing phenomena, as it speaks to their reality and reference framework. Thirdly, faith healing practice is a cost free, alternative intervention strategy for managing illness, especially to the poor masses, who do not have access to specialized medical care. The close relationship between psychosomatic diseases and “African illnesses” is also explored. This is quite evident when considering the types of illnesses faith healers claim people are being healed from during healing practices, for example HIV and AIDS, hypertension, ulcers, bad luck, infertility, witchcraft, and so forth. African illnesses are believed to be unexplainable and untreatable by Western medicine. It is believed to be caused by witchcraft, sorcery and evil, and has similar manifestations as psychosomatic diseases. In the context of a vibrant and growing faith healing practice, there is a need to investigate the spiritual and emotional impact of faith healing on healing seekers, especially when the desired healing doesn‟t materialise. The research field has highlighted the emotional and spiritual challenges caused by illness, as well as the lack of supporting systems to sustain people grappling with illness. The realisation is that healing, as a broad concept, needs a multifaceted approach for effective response. The lack of indigenisation of healing practices with African (Namibian) cultural symbols and cultural milieu was highlighted. Therefore, an effective and culturally relevant pastoral care system should take special cognisance of it and thus, the envisaged pastoral approach of hope and compassion build around it. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Afrika is ‟n kontinent wat geteister word deur armoede, dodelike siektes en konflikte, waarvan sekere gedryf word deur godsdienstige fanatisme. Dit is inderdaad ‟n kontinent wat behoefte het aan geestelike, ekonomiese en sosiale transformsie. Nietemin, ten spyte van hierdie uitdagings, het die gewildheid van geloofsgenesings praktyke in Afrika gemeenskappe toegeneem. Genesing is ‟n breë konsep met „n verskeidenheid van sosiale, sielkundige, kulturele en geestelike aspekte en dimensies, wat reageer op ongunstige toestande of moeilike situaties wat heelsame en harmonieuse leefwyse teenwerk. Genesings praktyke is inderdaad „n integrale deel van mense in Afrika se kulturele bestaan. Die konsep van genesing is dus gegrond in die siel en sand van Afrika. Tot ‟n sekere mate is die gewildheid van genesingspraktyke in baie dele van Afrika toe te skryf aan Afrika epistemologie, wat genesing as deel van die kulturele realitiet aanvaar. Die arm massas is meestal blootgestel aan haglike sosiale en ekonomiese toestande. Dus word baie arm mense na genesingsbedieninge gelok vanweë die onderstaande drie basise redes: Eerstens, as gevolg van die beloftes wat geloofsgeners maak dat hulle mense van enige siekte en kwaal kan genees deur vurige gebede. Geloofsgeners het kragtige en charismatise persoonlikhede waarmee hulle invloed uitoefen en baie volgelinge werf weens hul charisma. Tweedens, vanweë die Afrika kultuur wat geesgesentreed is en hoë agting vir geestelike magte en geestelike werkings het; mense van Afrika word amuseer deur bonatuurlike werkings, omdat dit tot hulle kulturele en verwysingsraamwerk spreek. Derdens, geloofsgenesing is ‟n koste vrye, alternatiewe helings-strategie om siektes te beheer, veral vir armes wat nie bronne het om gespesialiseerde gesondheidsdienste te gebruik nie. Die noue werking tussen psigosomatiese siektes en “Afrika siektes” speel ook ‟n rol. Dit is veral duidelik in die tipe siektes wat geloofsgeners beweeer dat mense van genees word na geloofsgebede, byvoorbeeld MIV en VIGS, hypertensie, maagsere, vloeke, onvrugbaarheid, toordery, ensovoorts. Daar word geglo dat Afrika siektes onverklaarbaar en onbehandelbaar deur Westerse dokters is. Die geloof is dat sulke siektes deur toordery en bose geeste veroorsaak word, en soortgelykke manifestasies as psigosomatiese siektes het. In die konteks van „n groeiende geloofsgenesings bediening, is daar ‟n regverdiging om ondersoek in te stel op die geestelike en emosionele impak van geloofsgenesing op siek mense; spesifiek in gevalle waar genesing nie onmiddelik met gebed geskied nie. Die ondersoek het aan die lig gebring dat siek mense emosioneel en geestelik sukkel in hulle stryd teen siektes. Dit is ook uitgewys dat daar ‟n gebrek is aan ondersteunende strukture vir mense wat met siekte sukkel. Daar is tot die besef gekom dat genesing as ‟n breë konsep „n veelvoudige benadering benodig vir effektiewe terapeutiese respons. Gebrek en onvermoë van geloofsgenesings praktyke om inkulturering met Afrika (Namibiese) kultuur simbole en kulturele fassette te doen was ook uitgewys. Dus, ‟n effektiewe en kultureel relevante pastorale sisteem moet kennis daarvan neem en dit integreer by die voorgestelde pastorale benadering van hoop en meegevoel.

The IBIBIO concept of peace and its implications for preaching: a practical theological study within the AKWA Synod of the Presbyterian church of Nigeria

Ekong, Ivan 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The topic of this research is the Ibibio concept of peace and its implications for preaching: A practical theological study within the Akwa Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria (PCN). Conflict and violence are phenomena that are common to every human society. It would not be an overstatement to say that conflicts, war and various forms of violence are clear indications of a lack of peace in any given society. Numerous studies have been done by scholars of peace and international relations as well as social anthropologists political scientists, etcetera on themes related to peace-making, peace negotiation, peace-building, conflict resolution, and conflict transformation, especially in terms of national and international peace. International organizations, various nations, non-governmental organizations, as well as faith-based organizations have invested so much in the way of resources and energy in the search for peace, yet, the attainment of peace in our human society remains a mirage. On a daily basis, media reports indicate that, all over the world, violence is on the increase, sending thousands of innocent people to early graves. In Africa, the story is even worse. Different approaches towards achieving peace have failed to yield the needed positive peace. Yet, little or nothing has been done in terms of searching for peace within the indigenous African context. In other words, indigenous initiatives, ideas and approaches towards peace and peace-building have been ignored in the field of scholarship. The question is: What could be the role of the Church, its theology as well as its preaching towards the development of peace initiatives that are both theological and indigenous to the Ibibio people of Nigeria, given the volume of different forms of violent conflict that the people experience daily. This study is based on the assumption that, if the Church critically examines indigenous Ibibio peace approaches, it may discover a missing link that could make this become effective in preaching peace among the Ibibio people who live in pain, hurts and poverty as a result of violence, thereby closing a gap in knowledge. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine critically whether the PCN’s Akwa Synod and its leaders do in fact understand the Ibibio concept of peace, or not, and what the Church could draw from indigenous peace initiatives in order to make its preaching, as well as its peace-building practice, effective and relevant within the Ibibio social context. Indigenous Ibibio people, both Church and community leaders and lay members of three congregations of the PCN’s Akwa Synod were included as respondents. Using a mixed method approach, through a questionnaire, focus groups and individual interview; data under review were obtained for the study. The interdisciplinary nature of this study informed the use of both theoretical and methodological triangulation. The empirical findings of this research reveal: Firstly, Ibibio people understand peace as the absence of violence. Secondly, the lack of peace has physical, psychological, economic, social, as well as political consequences in people’s lives which, basically, result in deaths, suffering, injustice, poverty and the human person’s loss of dignity. Thirdly, justice and peace are significant elements for the well-being of society. Fourth, religiosity could influence the way the Ibibio people act and do things. Fifth, the leaders of the PCN’s Akwa Synod do understand the Ibibio concept of peace, even though the Church is yet to articulate a standardized peace-building procedure and training in a detailed document. Yet members and leaders, being mostly Ibibio natives, know what the Ibibio peace is all about. This study has offered suggestions on how the PCN could integrate indigenous peace initiatives in order to become more effective in preaching peace within the Ibibio context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om die Ibibio konsep van vrede en die implikasies daarvan vir die prediking te ondersoek, as ‘n prakties-teologiese studie binne die Akwa Sinode van die Presbiteriaanse Kerk van Nigerië (PCN). Konflik en geweld is verskynsels wat algemeen voorkom in alle menslike samelewings. Dit is nie oordrewe om te sê dat konflikte, oorlog en verskeie vorme van geweld duidelike tekens is van 'n gebrek aan vrede in enige gegewe samelewing nie. Kenners van internasionale betrekkinge, sowel as sosiale antropoloë en politieke wetenskaplikes, ensovoorts, het al veel oor temas verwant aan die kwessie van vrede geskryf (oor vrede-maak, vrede onderhandel, vrede-bou, konflik en konflik transformasie, ensovoorts), veral in terme van nasionale en internasionale vrede. Internasionale organisasies, nie- regeringsorganisasies, sowel as talle geloof-gebaseerde organisasies het al baie belê in terme van hulpbronne en energie in die soeke na vrede, maar tog bly die bereiking van vrede in ons menslike samelewing blykbaar 'n illusie. Op 'n daaglikse basis dui media-verslae daarop dat geweld aan die toeneem is oor die hele wêreld - geweld wat duisende, onskuldige mense te vroeg na hulle grafte stuur. In Afrika is die situasie nog erger. Verskillende benaderings tot die bereiking van vrede het misluk om die nodige positiewe vrede te lewer. In werklikheid is min, of niks, in terme van die soeke na vrede in sommige inheemse Afrika-kontekste gedoen. Met ander woorde, inheemse inisiatiewe, idees en benaderings tot vrede en vrede-bou is grootliks geïgnoreer, veral in wetenskaplike vakgebiede. Die vraag is: wat kan die rol van die kerk, die teologie, sowel as die prediking wees in die ontwikkeling van vrede-inisiatiewe wat beide teologies van aard en inheems aan die Ibibio mense van Nigerië is, gegewe die omvang van die verskillende vorme van gewelddadige konflik wat die mense daagliks ervaar. Hierdie studie is gebaseer op die aanname dat, indien die kerk kritiese ondersoek doen na die inheemse Ibibio vrede-benaderings, dit 'n vermiste skakel kan ontdek in die verkondiging van die evangelie van vrede onder die Ibibio mense, wat as gevolg van geweld in pyn, seer en armoede leef, en dat daardeur 'n gaping in kennis gevul kan word. Daarom is die doel van hierdie studie om krities te ondersoek of die PCN se Akwa Sinode en sy leiers die Ibibio konsep van vrede in werklikheid verstaan, of nie; en wat die kerk positief kan benut uit inheemse vrede-inisiatiewe om haar prosesse van preekmaak, sowel as haar vrede-bou praktyke, effektief en relevant binne die Ibibio sosiale konteks te maak. Inheemse Ibibio mense, wat kerk – en gemeenskap leiers en lidmate van drie gemeentes van die PCN se Akwa sinode ingesluit het, het gedien as respondente in die empiriese navorsing. Met behulp van 'n gemengde metode benadering, deur middel van 'n vraelys, fokus groepe en individuele onderhoude is data verkry vir die studie. Die interdissiplinêre aard van hierdie studie het die gebruik van beide teoretiese en metodologiese triangulasie genoodsaak. Die empiriese bevindinge van die navorsing het die volgende na vore laat kom: Eerstens, Ibibio mense verstaan vrede as die afwesigheid van geweld. Tweedens, die gebrek aan vrede het fisiese, psigologiese, ekonomiese, sosiale, sowel as politieke gevolge in mense se lewens, wat basies lei tot sterftes, lyding, onreg, armoede en verlies van menswaardigheid. Derdens, geregtigheid en vrede is belangrike elemente vir die welstand van die samelewing. Vierdens, godsdienstigheid kan die manier waarop die Ibibio mense optree beïnvloed. Vyfdens, die leiers van die PCN se Akwa Sinode verstaan wel die Ibibio konsep van vrede, selfs al het die Kerk nog nie hul gebrek aan 'n gestandaardiseerde vrede-bou prosedure en opleiding in 'n gedetailleerde dokument verwoord nie. Tog weet lede en leiers, wat meestal tot die Ibibio bevolking behoort, waaroor Ibibio vrede ten diepste handel. Hierdie studie bied voorstelle aan oor hoe om PCN inheemse vrede-inisiatiewe te integreer ten einde meer effektief te preek oor vrede binne die konteks van die Ibibio.

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