Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hemorheology."" "subject:"chemorheology.""
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Destructive thinking within religion : a psycho-pastoral approachRoux, Lee-Anne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As humans we are thinking beings. This thesis introduces the topic of “destructive thinking.” This is described rather broadly as any type of thinking that is considered counterproductive, harmful, and maladaptive or has a damaging and negative effect on the individual’s identity, relationships, social context and worldview. Of particular interest to this study are cognitive distortions; thinking errors; irrational beliefs; and inappropriate God-images. It was noted that most of our everyday thinking takes place unconsciously and that cognitive distortions or thinking errors are common occurrences. These are of particular interest to this study since destructive thoughts are viewed as facilitating emotional distress, psychopathology, inappropriate God-images and faith pathology. Sometimes we fall into a negative rut or just get stuck in our ways of thinking, feeling and acting. The idea of changing cognitions to change feelings is a central feature of this thesis. The primary goal is to facilitate the restructuring of destructive thoughts.
The main focus of this thesis is on developing a theological understanding and perspective of ‘destructive thinking’ in the context of pastoral care. I therefore explore the type of thoughts that the pastoral caregiver should look for that could pose as ‘risk factors’ inhibiting spiritual growth and spiritual well-being. I identify and encourage the development of thoughts that are more likely to promote spiritual healing, spiritual growth and a mature faith. To accomplish this task, I begin with an exploration of ‘destructive thinking’ in the Cognitive Behaviour Therapy literature (CT & REBT respectively) (Chapter 2). This is followed by an exploration of ‘destructive thinking’ within the interplay between Religion and Christian Spirituality (Chapter 3). I then propose a pastoral model of spiritual healing and wholeness that could assist pastoral caregivers to understand and address “destructive thinking” in a constructive and responsible way (Chapter 4).
This study concluded that thoughts are at the centre of our functioning as thinking beings. If our thinking is ‘destructive’, the consequence on our spiritual and psychological lives may be devastating. Our thoughts have the ability to destroy and transform. In reviewing the potential impact of destructive thoughts on the individual’s spirituality and spiritual well-being, a number of destructive types of religious thinking are identified, such as inappropriate God-images. In assessing the relationship between one’s God-image and psychological and spiritual well-being, a link between one’s thoughts (cognitions), spiritual and psychological well-being is suggested.
As an outcome of this research, I propose a holistic approach to destructive thinking that takes into account one’s faith, spiritual maturity, beliefs, cognitions and relationships (with oneself, others and God). The psycho-pastoral approach proposed takes the role of cognition seriously. It offers an excellent and practical method to understanding and managing destructive thinking, that promotes healing and wholeness, through the reframing and restructuring of destructive thoughts. The intention is to assist individuals to become more responsible and aware of their own thinking, as well as more knowledgeable about cognition in general, so as to act on this awareness. This includes the ability to monitor one’s own thinking, recognize errors and minimize destructive thoughts. The objective of this thesis is to explore the constructive contribution that pastoral care can make to destructive thinking. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ons as mense is denkende wesens. Hierdie tesis handel oor die onderwerp ‘destruktiewe denkwyses’. In die breë sin beteken dit enige denke wat beskou word as teen-produktief, skadelik, wanaanpassings of wat ’n vernietigende en negatiewe uitwerking het op die persoon se identiteit, verhoudings, sosiale konteks en wêreldbeskouing. Van besondere belang tot hierdie studie is wanpersepsies, irrasionele gelowe en onvanpaste Godsbeelde (afgode). Daar is gevind dat ons alledaagse denke onbewustelik plaasvind en dat verkeerde opvattings en wanindrukke algemeen plaasvind. Hierdie gebeurlikhede is van besondere belang met betrekking tot hierdie studie, aangesien destruktiewe denkwyses makliker lei tot emosionele lyding, geestesstoornisse, onvanpaste afgodery en geloofsafwykings. Somtyds beland ons in ’n negatiewe patroon of raak vasgevang in ons manier van denke, gevoelens en optrede. Die idee om persepsies te verander om sodoende gevoelens te verander, is die sentrale fokus van hierde tesis. Die primêre doel is om die heropbouing van destruktiewe denke te vergemaklik.
Die sentrale fokus van hierdie tesis is ’n teologiese ontwikkeling van begrip en perspektief van destruktiewe denke in die konteks van pastorale sorg. Dus ondersoek ek die tipe gedagtes waarna die pastorale versorger moet soek – wat beskou kan word as risiko faktore wat spirituele groei en welstand kan inhibeer. Ek identifiseer en moedig die ontwikkeling van gedagtes aan vir spirituele groei en ’n volwasse geloof. Om hierdie taak te bereik, begin ek met ’n ondersoek na destruktiewe denke in die Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Literature (CT & REBT onderskeidelik – Hoofstuk 2). Dit word opgevolg deur ’n ondersoek na ‘destruktiewe denke’ met die interaksie tussen geloofs- en Christelike spiritualiteit (Hoofstuk 3). Ek stel dan ’n pastorale model van spirituele heling voor wat pastorale versorgers kan help om destruktiewe denkwyses te verstaan en aan te spreek in ’n konstruktiewe en verantwoordelike wyse (Hoofstuk 4).
Die gevolgtrekking volgens hierdie studie is dat ons gedagtes die middelpunt van ons handeling as denkende wesens is. Destruktiewe gedagtes kan ’n ontstellende uitwerking op ons spirituele en psigologiese lewens hê. Ons gedagtes het die vermoë om ons te vernietig en te verander. Met nabetragting van die potensiële impak van destruktiewe gedagtes op die individu se spiritualiteit en spirituele welstand, word ’n paar godsdienstige denkrigtings geïdentifiseer – soos onvanpaste afgode. Met bepaling van die verhouding tussen ’n mens se Godsbeeld en psigologiese en spirituele welstand, word voorgestel dat daar ’n verband is tussen ’n mens se persepsies en spirituele en psigologiese welstand.
Gevolglik stel ek voor dat daar ’n holistiese benadering tot destruktiewe denkwyses, met inagneming van ’n persoon se geloof, spirituele volwassenheid, godsdiens, persepsies en verhoudings met homself, andere en God, moet wees. Die voorgestelde psigo-pastorale benadering maak erns met die rol van persepsie. Dit bied ’n uitstekende en praktiese metode aan vir begrip en beheer van destruktiewe denke. Dit bevorder heling deur die heropbouing van destruktiewe denke. Die plan is om persone te help om meer bewus en ingelig te wees oor hulle eie denke en persepsies in die algemeen en meer verantwoordelik op te tree. Dit sluit die vermoë in om jou eie gedagtes te monitor, flaters te herken en destruktiewe denke te verminder. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die konstruktiewe bydrae wat pastorale sorg tot destruktiewe denke kan maak, te ondersoek.
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Sending en Zimbabwese migrante in Suid-Afrika : 'n verkennende studie oor die identiteit en rol van plaaslike gemeentes / Sending en Zimbabwese migrante in Suid-Afrika : an exploratory study of the identity and role of local congregationsFebruary, Damon 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is an exploratory study of Zimbabwean immigrants in South Africa. It is anticipated that this thesis will shed light on the identity and role of local congregations towards strangers and foreigners.
Concepts such as openness, hospitality, acceptance, trust, willingness, and true understanding are used to try and establish understanding and reconciliation between South Africans and immigrants. The research follows the violent attacks on Zimbabwean immigrants because of the conception that the increase in Zimbabwean immigrants are to the detriment of South African citizens.
In the opinion of the researcher, this is only one side of the issue – there is also another side. These foreigners are people who have valid reasons for coming to South Africa. The living conditions in their own countries have become unbearable and they turned to South Africa for a better life and future.
The scale of illegal immigration came as a surprise to both the immigrants and locals in South Africa. These groups together have formed a new South African society, and with it came new economic, social, and welfare problems. This new society needs to form a new understanding of each individual’s background, personality, and cultural differences.
The challenges experienced by the Zimbabwean migrants in South Africa are unacceptable and insensitive. From this study, it can be concluded that the South African Government does not play its part to the full extent, but relies on the Church to deal with the immigrants and their challenges. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is ’n verkennende studie van Zimbabwese migrante in Suid-Afrika. Die doel is om lig te werp op die identiteit en die rol van plaaslike gemeentes teenoor vreemdelinge of buitelanders.
Konsepte soos openheid, gasvryheid, aanvaarding, vertroue, gewilligheid en opregte verstaan word gebruik om die moontlikheid van versoening tussen burgers en immigrante te bewerk. Die ondersoek volg uit sommige burgerlikes se gewelddadige optrede teenoor Zimbabwese migrante, omdat die algemene opvatting bestaan dat hierdie onbeheerde toename van migrante tot nadeel van die Suid-Afrikaanse burger strek.
Na die navorser se mening is dit maar een kant van die saak – daar is ook ’n ander kant. Hierdie vreemdelinge is immers mense wat grondige redes gehad het om te vlug na ons land, Suid-Afrika. Die lewensomstandighede in hulle eie land het ondraaglik en onuithoudbaar vir hulle geword. Suid-Afrika was vir hulle die beeld van hoop en uitkoms op beter lewensomstandighede, en ’n nuwe lewenstoekoms.
Heelaas het hierdie grootskaalse onwettige immigrasie ’n verassende skok ingehou vir beide die migrant en die Suid-Afrikaanse burger. Beide groepe het die nuwe Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing gevorm, en namate hierdie onbeheerde getalle verder toeneem, lei dit tot baie ekonomiese, sosiale, en maatskaplike probleme. Hierdie nuwe samelewing wat geskep is, benodig ’n nuwe en varser verstaan van elkeen se agtergrond, persoonlikheid en kultuurverskille. Die uitdagings wat Zimbabwese immigrante in Suid-Afrika beleef, is onaanvaarbaar en onsensitief. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie is dat die Suid-Afrikaanse regering nie tot volle potensiaal optree nie, maar steun op die kerk om immigrante en hulle uitdagings aan te spreek.
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Spirituality as dimension of integrated community developmentMurray, Isabel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Following the democratic elections in 1994, many South Africans are still suffering due
to the country’s inability to meet the challenges of peace-making, reconciliation and
nation building, and dealing with socio-economic realities such poverty and inequality.
It is in this context where “personal problems [are] becoming public issues” (Sacco,
1999:3) that the researcher posed the questions: What additional undisclosed/hidden
resources can be uncovered to be utilised in meeting the challenge? How can we as
practitioners in the field of community development contribute constructively to this
process? One such a resource is the untapped spiritual potential of people. A focus on
people’s spiritual potential will bring another dimension to people and community
development and could proof invaluable in helping communities to better utilise their
inner strengths and knowledge. Translated into practice, it would require an in-depth
and research-based creative, non-prescriptive bottom-up approach to and knowledge
of community development to prompt practitioners to acknowledge and utilise the
spiritual dimension of the community development practice (cf. Weyers, 1991:130–
149; Ife, 1998:xiv).
Inconceivably, notwithstanding the increased recognition of spirituality as an
important dimension of working with individuals and communities, the dimension of
spirituality has not been included or fully developed as an integral component of
community development practices. A literature survey clearly indicated that, though
traditionally the key role-players in the field of social development have been
community and social work practitioners in faith-based organisations and churches
alike, little or no attention is paid to spirituality in current community development
literature and practice (Ver Beek, 2003:31). Confronted with this deficiency, in this
study the researcher argued for a convergence of the three disciplines of (1) social
work community development, (2) the newly emerging discipline of spirituality and (3)
practical theology. Since practical theology recognises both the fields of spirituality
and community development as basis for their praxis focusing on poverty and
suffering, justice and liberation, it was further asserted that the field of practical
theology offers a home for the development of an integrated framework for
community development. Thus the goal of the study was threefold: - To theorise the inter-relationship between spirituality, theology and community
development, building a triangular theoretical construct between the disciplines of
social work, spirituality and practical theology.
- To explore the practice of transforming people and communities through
incorporating a spiritual dimension into an integrated community development
- To propose a praxis framework for the incorporation of spirituality in community
development. An inter-disciplinary action research design was utilised to follow a cyclical process
consisted or a preliminary literature search, and a field study which involved ‘on site’
visits (village walks) in the pilot and two sample communities, healing retreats and
capacity building worksessions. Subsequently, an in-depth literature study on the topics
of spirituality, community development and transformation as covered in the disciplines
of social work and practical theology, was undertaken. The findings indicated
spirituality as source of survival and hope; at the heart of community development
(and therefore a legitimate focus of the action research project) and lastly as source of
renewal for community development practitioners. Other key findings were the
centrality of relationships and transformation; and the importance of a radical shifting
of the focus from previous top-down problem-/project-/programme-centred models to
unlocking the potential interconnectedness/relationship between God, people and
creation as the core substance of participative, transformational development. These
findings were utilised in the proposal for a relational praxis framework for community
transformation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bykans twee dekades na afloop van die demokratiese verkiesing in 1994 is daar
steeds vele Suid Afrikaners wat daagliks blootgestel is aan die uitdaging om te
oorleef te midde van voortgesette armoede, ongelykheid, geweld en werkloosheid –
hoofsaaklik vanwee die regering se onvermoë om die uitdagings met betrekking tot
sosio-ekonomiese realiteite die hoof te bied. Dit is in hierdie konteks van persoonlike
probleme wat oorvloei na die arena van openbare vraagstukke (Sacco, 1999:3) dat
die navorser die volgende vrae stel: Watter alternatiewe, tans onontginde, bronne is
daar wat aangewend kan word om hierdie knelpunte die hoof te bied? Hoe kan
praktisyns (binne die ontwikkelingsterrein) konstruktief bydra tot hierdie proses?
‘n Voorlopige literatuurstudie het daarop gedui dat spiritualiteit (van individue en
gemeenskappe) een so ‘n potensiele bron van onontginde energie en potensiaal is.
Indien daar binne die verband van gemeenskapsontwikkeling op die spirituele
dimensie gefokus word, mag dit van ontskatbare waarde wees om mense binne
gemeenskappe te help om hulle innerlike sterktes en kennis ten volle te ontwikkel. In
praktyk sal dit vereis dat praktisyns die potensiaal van die spirituele dimensie erken
en oop is daarvoor om spiritualteit as dimensie van gemeenskapsontwikkeling binne ‘n
kreatiewe, navorsingsgefundeerde deelnemede benadering te integreer (cf. Weyers,
1991:130–149; Ife, 1998:xiv). In die lig daarvan dat daar, veral binne die dissipiline
van maatskaplike werk, tot op hede min navorsing gedoen is oor die insluiting van
spiritualiteit as dimensie van gemeenskapsontwikkeling en -praktyke (Ver Beek,
2003:31), is geargumenteer dat ‘n inter-dissipliere benadering, met die insluiting van
die dissiplines van (1) maatskaplike werk gemeenskapsonwikkeling, (2) spiritualiteit en
(3) praktiese teologie die daarstel van ‘n geskikte teoretiese raamwerk sal moontlik
maak. Aangesien praktiese teologie beide die dissiplines van spiritualiteit en
gemeenskapsontwikkeling erken as basis vir die praxis-fokus op armoede en sosiale
geregtigheid en bevryding, is daar van die standpunt uitgegaan dat die dissipiline
van praktiese teologie die geskikte die ruimte vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n
geïntegreerde raamwerk vir gemeenskapsontwikkeling is. Die doel van die studie was
- Om ‘n multi-vlakkige teoretiese konstruk tussen die drie dissiplines van
maatskaplike werk, spiritualteit en gemeenskapsontwikkeling daar te stel. - Om ondersoek in te stel na die praktyk van transformering van mense en
gemeenskappe deur die inkorporering van ‘n spirituele dimensie in ‘n
geïntegreerde gemeenskapsonwikkelingsbenadering.
- Om ‘n praxis raamwerk voor te stel vir die inkorporering van spiritualiteit in
gemeenskapsontwikkeling. Die inter-dissilinêre aksie navorsingsontwerp het bestaan uit verskeie siklusse wat ‘n
voorlopige en diepte literatuurstudie en veldnavorsing behels het. Die veldnavorsing
het ingesluit: ‘in situ’ besoeke aan die onderskeie gemeenskappe (wat deur die
teikengroeplede verteenwoordig is); ‘n ‘retreat’ vir elke groep; ‘n reeks
kapasiteitsbousessies en die ontwikkeling van twee gemeenskapsprojekte
voorspruitend uit die navorsing. Die in-diepte literstuurstudie het gefokus op die
integrering van spiritualiteit, transformering en gemeenskapsontwikkeling binne die
dissiplines van maatkaplike werk en praktiese teologie. Die bevindinge van beide die
veldwerk en die literatuurstudie het daarop gedui dat spiritualiteit ‘n bron van hoop
en oorlewing is, dat dit tot ’n baie groot mate ‘n positiewe rol in die
teikengemeenskappe speel en dat dit as ‘n bron van versterking en vernuwing vir
individue en gemeenskappe kan dien. Die sentraliteit van verhoudings en transformasie
was ander sleutelbevindinge, asook die fokus op ‘n totale wegkeer van tradisionele
hierargiese benaderings na voetsoolvlak verteenwoordiging en inspraak ten einde die
potensiële interverwantskappe tussen God, mense en die skepping as die kern van
deelnemende transformerende gemeenskapsontwikkeling te kan erken en benut.
Hierdie bevindinge is as riglyne vir die voorgestelde relasionele praxis raamwerk vir
geïntegreerde gemeenskapstransformering gebruik.
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Pastoral caregivers in the Nigerian hospital context : a pastoral theological approachAgbiji, Emem Obaji 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the relevance of Pastoral Caregivers (PCGs) in the Nigerian hospital
context from a pastoral theological perspective. It argues that illness is a reality that confronts
all humanity at certain times. It brings untold pain and suffering to the afflicted, physically,
emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. As such, wholeness and health are some of the
most important concerns of Nigerians and the global community as demonstrated by the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) of the United Nations (UN). The Nigerian quest for
wholeness is a search for meaning, significance, and purpose in life especially in illness, pain
and suffering. This search involves questions about God’s involvement in suffering. For this
reason, illness comprises a complex reality that defies easy remedy. However, affected
persons often seek remedy in the hospital. But research shows that the medical model, despite
its benefits, has limited capacity to fulfil the human quest for meaning. Also, the Draft Health
Policy for Nigeria (DHPN) (2005:np) and National Strategic Health Development Plan
(NSHDP) 2010-2015 (2010:5) has also stated that the health system of Nigeria is poor and
Nigeria is not “on track towards significant improvement in meeting the health expectation
of its people inclusive of achieving the health MDGs” (NSHDP 2010:10). However, the
NSHDP 2010-2015 (2010:11) has also stated that a purposeful reform of the national
healthcare delivery system is necessary for strengthening the weak and fragile national health
delivery system and improving its performance towards achieving quality caregiving and
quality of life. In line with these Ministry of Health reform plans, this study argues that such
healthcare reforms should necessarily include pastoral caregivers (PCGs) as valuable and a
necessary human resource for health, partnership for health and research. Religion and
spirituality (the domain of pastoral care) have been put forward as best responding to many
people’s quest for meaning. Consequently, this research has employed a practical theological methodology. Within this
methodology a postfoundationalist paradigm according to Park (2010) has been utilised. In
this regard, the structure of the chapters is aligned with the four tasks of practical theology as
proposed by Osmer (2008). It further utilised relevant literature in the fields of theology,
medicine and other social sciences from within Nigeria, Africa and beyond. It has been
argued that the absence of meaningful pastoral care dimension is a significant weakness of
the medical model as practised in Nigeria. It is inconsistent with the promotion of the health
of patients and the community which the Nigerian Code of Medical Ethics (2004) articulates as the goal of medicine in Nigeria. It is also inconsistent with the holistic view of Nigerians
on illness. Additionally, it is not consistent with the National Policy on Private Partnership
for Health in Nigeria (NPPPHN) (2005) declaration that “alternative health providers, whose
practices are of proven value, shall be encouraged and supported as frontline of health care
provision for many people”. As the above Nigerian policies on health suggest – and this is
also the position of this study – illness demands a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to
combat it. This study has established that pastoral care embodies a vision of wholeness which
resonates with the Nigerian holistic view of life whose practices are of proven value.
Therefore, the inclusion of the PCG with a holistic theological approach into Nigerian
hospital care could contribute to holistic and quality care of patients in hospitals. They could
contribute towards the implantation of the NSHDP 2010-2015.
This study is strongly motivated by the fact that human beings are made in the image of God
and deserve love, respect for their values and desires, and dignity especially in the face of
illness and suffering. Therefore, it recommends that hospitals and clinics in Nigeria should of
necessity include PCGs in their hospitals and on their clinical team, as well as provide basic
training for all members of the medical team in the pastoral assessment of patients. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die relevansie van pastorale versorgers (PV’s) in die Nigeriese
hospitaalkonteks vanuit ’n pastoraal-teologiese perspektief. Daar word geargumenteer dat
siekte ’n realiteit is wat die hele mensdom op bepaalde tye affekteer. Dit veroorsaak
ongekende pyn en lyding vir die sieke, hetsy fisies, emosioneel, sielkundig of geestelik.
Gevolglik is heelheid en gesondheid van die belangrikste oorwegings vir Nigeriërs, asook die
globale gemeenskap, soos duidelik blyk uit die Verenigde Nasies se Millenniumontwikkelingsdoelwitte.
Die Nigeriese strewe na heelheid is ’n soeke na betekenis,
belangrikheid en sin in die lewe, veral in tye van siekte, pyn en lyding. Hierdie soeke betrek
ook vrae oor God se rol in lyding. Om hierdie rede behels siekte ’n komplekse realiteit
waarvoor daar geen maklike oplossing is nie. Siekes soek egter oplossings in die hospitaal.
Navorsing bewys desnieteenstaande dat die mediese model, ten spyte van die voordele
daarvan, beperkte kapasiteit het om die menslike soeke na betekenis te vervul. Nigerië se
konsep-gesondheidsbeleid, die Draft Health Policy for Nigeria, of DHPN, (2005) en
strategiese gesondheidsontwikkelingsplan, die National Strategic Health Development Plan,
of NSHDP 2010-2015, (2010:5) stel dit verder dat die gesondheidstelsel in Nigerië swak is en
dat die land nie op koers is na beduidende verbeterings in die voldoening aan die
gesondheidsvereistes van sy mense gedagtig aan die gesondheidsbepalings van die
Millennium-ontwikkelingsdoelwitte nie (NSHDP 2010:10). Die NSHDP 2010-2015
(2010:11) stel dit ook dat ’n doelmatige hervorming van die nasionale
gesondheidsorgvoorsieningstelsel nodig is om die swak en breekbare nasionale
gesondheidsvoorsieningstelsel te versterk en die werking daarvan te verbeter ten einde
gehaltesorg en lewensgehalte te verseker. In lyn met die hervormingsplanne van die
gesondheidsministerie, stel hierdie studie dit dat sodanige gesondheidsorghervormings
noodwendig PV’s moet insluit as waardevolle en noodsaaklike menslike hulpbron vir
gesondheid en vennootskap vir gesondheid en navorsing. Religie en spiritualiteit (die domein
van pastorale sorg) is al gestel as uiters geskikte respons op mense se soeke na betekenis. Gevolglik het die navorsing ’n praktiese teologiese metodologie gebruik. Binne hierdie
metodologie is gebruik gemaak van ’n post-fondamentalistiese paradigma volgens Park
(2010). In hierdie verband is die struktuur van die hoofstukke belyn met die vier take van
praktiese teologie soos voorgestel deur Osmer (2009). Verder word gebruik gemaak van
relevante literatuur in die teologie, mediese wetenskap en sosiale wetenskappe van binne
Nigerië, Afrika en verder. Dit word gestel dat die afwesigheid van ’n betekenisvolle pastoralesorgdimensie ’n beduidende swakheid is van die heersende mediese model wat in
Nigerië geld. Dit is nie in pas met die bevordering van die gesondheid van pasiënte en die
gemeenskap wat gestel word as die doel van die mediese wetenskap in Nigerië volgens die
Nigeriese kode vir mediese etiek (2004) nie. Dit is ook nie in pas met Nigeriërs se holistiese
beskouing van siekte nie. Verder is dit nie in pas met die nasionale beleid oor privaat
gesonheidsvennootskappe in Nigerië, die National Policy on Private Partnership for Health in
Nigeria, of NPPPHN (2005) nie, waarin dit gestel word dat alternatiewe
gesondheidsverskaffers wie se praktyke as waardevol bewys is, aangemoedig en ondersteun
sal word as voorste linie van gesondheidsorgverskaffing aan baie mense. Soos die
bogenoemde Nigeriese beleide oor gesondheid voorhou – en dit is ook die posisie van hierdie
studie – vereis siekte ’n holistiese en multidissiplinêre benadering om dit te beveg. Hierdie
studie het bevestig dat pastorale sorg ’n visie van heelheid vergestalt wat resoneer met die
Nigeriese holistiese siening van die lewe, waarvan die praktyke se waarde reeds bewys is.
Die insluiting van die PV met ’n holistiese teologiese benadering by Nigeriese hospitaalsorg
kan bydra tot holistiese en gehaltesorg vir pasiënte in hospitale. Dit kan bydra tot die
vestiging van die NSHDP 2010-2015.
Die studie word sterk gemotiveer deur die feit dat mense in die beeld van God gemaak is en
liefde, respek vir hulle waardes en behoeftes en waardigheid verdien, veral in die aangesig
van siekte en lyding. Hier word dus voorgestel dat hospitale en klinieke in Nigerië
noodwendig PV’s in hulle hospitale en by hulle kliniese spanne moet insluit, en verder
basiese opleiding in die pastorale assessering van pasiënte vir alle lede van die mediese span
moet verskaf.
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Christian revival in the Presbyterian Church of Thailand between 1900 and 1941 : an ecclesiological analysis and evaluationSon, Seung Ho 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (D. Th.)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study deals with Christian revival and specifically Christian revival in the Presbyterian
Church of Thailand. Above all, it is an in-depth ecclesiological analysis and evaluation of the
Thai revival through John Sung’s campaigns of 1938-1939. This is a first attempt to examine this
revival from a holistic point of view. Between 1900 and 1941, missionary work in Thailand was
carried on almost exclusively by missionaries of the American Presbyterian Mission (APM), and
the revival was confined to the Church of Christ in Thailand (CCT) with which the missionaries
were involved.
The APM missionaries’ theology of revival can be understood by surveying the theological
controversy over revival within the American Presbyterian Churches. There is a remarkable
resemblance between the problems of the Old-New Side split of 1741 in American
Presbyterianism and the Thai revival of 1938-1939. The same problems, of ministerial
qualifications, differing understandings of the nature of true revival, and the essence of faith,
reoccurred two hundred years later in Thailand.
The historical, socio-cultural, religious, and political situation in Thailand played an important
role in the reception of the gospel among the Thai, as well as in the results of John Sung’s
campaigns. This is why the fruit of his ministry was meagre compared to the results of his work
in other Southeast Asian countries, even though the campaigns resulted in the greatest revival
movement Thailand had yet experienced. John Sung (1901-1944), the greatest evangelist China
has ever known, was conservative in his theology. His theology of revival was coincident with
Old School American Presbyterianism, but some aspects of his evangelistic methods were
identical with those of the New School. Despite his errors, God used him mightily for the Thai
Forerunners of the revival movement prepared the ground for John Sung’s Thai campaigns. Even
though his itinerant ministry was conducted for only six weeks in 1938 and two months in 1939,
there was a genuine spiritual revival, as is reflected in general church history, following the
phenomena of conviction of sin and repentance, with restored worship and faith in God’s Word,
and eagerness for evangelism. The revival had positive and negative results. Nevertheless, the
Thai church was prepared for the test of the nationalistic Buddhist movement of 1940-1941 and
the people were equipped for the hardships of the Second World War. By using the WestminsterConfession of Faith as a criterion for an ecclesiological evaluation of the campaigns, it is shown
that John Sung did not instigate division within the church, even though his followers tried to set
themselves apart. But his criticism of the missionaries and Thai church leaders disrupted the
work of the officers of the church.
When the Thai supporters of the campaigns, out of their hunger for God’s Word, asked for a
Bible College to be established, the leaders of the APM, due to their own limitations, rejected the
suggestion. In the end the APM and the CCT lost a golden opportunity for church growth. The
most important reason was that neither could work in close cooperation with the other. The
central issue now is whether the Thai church can learn from the lessons of the past. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie handel oor Christelike herlewing en spesifiek Christelike herlewing in die
Presbiteriaanse Kerk van Thailand. Bowenal is dit 'n grondige ekklesiologiese analise en
evaluering van die herlewing wat in Thailand deur John Sung se veldtogte in 1938 en 1939
teweeggebring is. Dit is 'n eerste poging om die herlewing vanuit 'n holistiese oogpunt te
bestudeer. Tussen 1900 en 1941 is sendingwerk in Thailand feitlik uitsluitlik deur sendelinge van
die Amerikaanse Presbiteriaanse Sending (APS) onderneem, en die herlewing was beperk tot die
Kerk van Christus in Thailand (KCT) waarin hierdie sendelinge werksaam was.
Die APS-sendelinge se herlewingsteologie is begrypbaar wanneer ons die teologiese twispunte
oor herlewing binne die Amerikaanse Presbiteriaanse Kerke bestudeer. Daar is merkwaardige
ooreenstemming tussen die skeuring van 1741 tussen die Ou en Nuwe Bedeling in Amerikaanse
Presbiterianisme en die herlewing van 1938-1939 in Thailand. Dieselfde probleme, te wete die
kwalifikasies van bedienaars, verskille in die verstaan van die aard van ware herlewing en die
wese van geloof, het twee honderd jaar later ook in Thailand opgeduik.
Die historiese, sosio-kulturele en politieke situasie in Thailand het 'n belangrike rol gespeel in die
ontvanklikheid vir die evangelie onder die Thai, sowel as in die resultate van John Sung se
veldtogte. Dit is hoekom die vrug van sy bediening skamel was in vergelyking met die resultate
van sy werk in ander Suidoos-Asiatiese lande, alhoewel die veldtogte wel gelei het tot die
grootste herlewingsbeweging wat Thailand ooit beleef het. John Sung (1901-1944), die grootste
evangelis wat China ooit geken het, het 'n konserwatiewe teologie beoefen. Sy
herlewingsteologie het saamgeval met die Ou Skool van Amerikaanse Presbiterianisme, maar
sommige aspekte van sy evangelisasiemetodes was identies aan dié van die Nuwe Skool. Ten
spyte van sy foute, het God hom kragtig gebruik in diens van die kerk in Thailand.
Voorlopers van die herlewingsbeweging het die land vir John Sung se veldtogte in Thailand
voorberei. Alhoewel sy rondreisende bediening slegs oor ses weke in 1938 en twee maande in
1939 gestrek het, was daar 'n ware geestelike herlewing soortgelyk aan wat in die algemene
kerkgeskiedenis weerspieël word, wat gevolg het op 'n oortuiging van sonde en inkeer, met
hernude aanbidding en geloof in die Woord van God en evangelisasie-ywer. Die herlewing het
positiewe sowel as negatiewe gevolge gehad. Dit het nogtans die kerk in Thailand voorberei vir
die toets van die nasionalistiese Boeddhistiese beweging van 1940-1941 en het mense toegerusvir die swaarkry van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog. Aan die hand van die Geloofsbelydenis van
Westminster as 'n kriterium vir die ekklesiologiese evaluering van John Sung se veldtogte, word
getoon dat hy nie verdeeldheid in die kerk aangespoor het nie, alhoewel sy volgelinge probeer
het om hulself af te sonder. Sy kritiek op die sendelinge en kerkleiers in die kerk het egter die
werk van die kerkbeamptes ontwrig.
Toe die Thailandse ondersteuners van die veldtogte uit hul honger na die Woord van God die
oprigting van 'n Bybelkollege versoek het, het die leiers van die APS die voorstel vanweë hul eie
tekortkominge van die hand gewys. So het die APS en die KCT 'n gulde geleentheid vir
kerkgroei verloor. Die vernaamste rede hiervoor was die onvermoë van beide om met mekaar
saam te werk. Tans is die sentrale vraagstuk of die kerk in Thailand uit die lesse van die verlede
kan leer.
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The quest for unity between the Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa and the Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa, 1959-1973Xapile, Spiwo Patrick 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Nineteenth century Presbyterian witness in South Africa provides us with a wonderful
testimony of close work relationships between ministers that served independent
colonial congregations and missionaries in native mission stations. However, these
relationships remained good as long as these two streams of Presbyterianism were
kept separate. Attempts to form one Church failed resulting to the formation of the
Presbyterian Church in South Africa, a coming together of some mission and colonial
congregations, in 1897. The majority of mission congregations stayed out of this
union and formed themselves into the Bantu Presbyterian Church in 1923.
From the beginning of the twentieth century the Ecumenical Movement posed a
challenge to the world church, condemning her inability to live as the Body of Christ
and as God's one big family. South Africa witnessed a deeper polarization of society
through the rise of divisive nationalist ideas among Africans and Europeans.
Churches did not escape this wave of thought. They also could not ignore the
challenge by the World Council of Churches. Unity talks started just after 1923 and
took a serious turn in 1959 under the heat of South Africa's racist policies. In the
same year a Committee on Union Negotiations was appointed by both Churches. It
had become very clear that a divided witness was a mockery of Presbyterian witness
as well as of Christian witness in general. This was evident in continued conflict in
areas where work overlapped. Africans in both Churches did not understand why
there were two Presbyterian Churches. They changed Churches as it suited them
sometimes to avoid disciplinary action.
Whilst there was a desire to have the two Churches unite problems relating to,:
1. the laws of the land, the legal policy of the Government, that of
separate development and an un-Christ-like attitude of Whites
towards blacks weighed heavily in the minds of most people.
2. a distorted Christian understanding of the members of both
Churches as the Body of Christ due to lack of theological
3. suspicion and mistrust of each other
4. and an inadequate or total lack of information on unity
negotiations with decisions only at the top with very little or no
input from most congregations
derailed all attempts on union. There were genuine fears on both sides. Blacks had
learnt never to trust white people. These negotiations came to an end in 1973 with
the Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa voting in favour and the Bantu
Presbyterian Church against.
In 1994 another attempt was made. This time the laws of .the land had changed,
Both Churches had come to accept the need to come together. Past hurts were
addressed and this led to the formation of the Uniting Presbyterian Church in
Southern Africa on the 26th September 1999. It is still not too late. We can still help
make this union have real meaning to most people at grass root level. We must help
people develop trust, create a strong theological base and mobilize them around a
better understanding of the church. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Negentiende eeuse Presbiteriaanse getuienis in Suid-Afrika verskaf aan ons 'n
wonderlike getuienis van noue werksverhoudings tussen predikante, wat
onafhanklike van koloniale gemeentes gedien het, en sendelinge wat die
inheemse bevolking vanuit sendingstasies bedien het. Hierdie verhouding het
goed gewerk solank as wat die twee Presbiteriaanse strome apart gehou is.
Pogings om een kerk te vorm het misluk en aanleiding gegee tot die stigting
van die Presbiteriaanse Kerk van Suid-Afrika deur die samevoeging van 'n
aantal sendingstasies en koloniale gemeentes in 1897. Die meerderheid
sendinggemeentes het egter buite hierdie kerkeenheid gebly en hulleself
gedurende 1923 georganiseer as die "Bantu Presbyterian Chuch".
Sedert die begin van die twintigste eeu het die Ekumeniese Beweging 'n
uitdaging aan die Wereldkerk gerig deur haar onverrnoe tot uitlewing van "die
liggaam van Christus" en "God se groot familie" te veroordeel. Suid-Afrika is
verder gepolariseer deur die opkoms van verdelende nasionalistiese idees
tussen die Swart en Wit gedeeltes van die bevolking. Die Kerke het nie
ontsnap aan hierdie kennisgolf nie en hulle kon ook nie die uitdaging van die
Wereldraad van Kerke ignoreer nie. Versoeningsgesprekke het net na 1923
begin en In ernstige wending in 1959 geneem veral as gevolg van Suid-Afrika
se toenemende rassistiese beleidsrigtings. In dieselfde jaar is In Komitee van
Eenheidsonderhandeling deur beide Kerke aangestel. Dit was duidelik dat die
verdeelde geestelike uitlewing In bespotting van beide Presbiteriaanse sowel
as Christelike getuienis gemaak het. Daar was volgehoue konflik binne areas
waar werk oorvleuel het en Swartmense het nie verstaan waarom daar twee
Presbiteriaanse Kerke was nie. Hulle het dan ook na willekeur van Kerk
verander ten einde dissiplinere stappe te voorkom.
Alhoewel daar 'n begeerte vir die vereniging van die twee kerke was is dit
ernstig belemmer deur o.a.: 1. Die wette van die land, die regsbeleid van die Regering, afsonderlike
ontwikkeling en In on-christelike houding van Blankes teenoor Swartes.
2. 'n Verwronge begrip van die Kerk (as Liggaam van Christus) onder
gemeentelede, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van 'n gebrek aan teologiese
3. Agterdog en wantroue en
4. 'n onvoldoende of selfs totale gebrek aan inligting oor
eenheidsonderhandelings. Besluite is slegs in die topstruktuur geneem en
daar was weinig of geen insette van die afsonderlike gemeentes nie.
Bogenoemde faktore het aile pogings tot eenheid ontspoor, daar was werklike
vrese aan beide kante en Swartes het 'n totale wantroue in Blankes ontwikkel.
Die onderhandeling het in 1973 tot 'n einde gekom toe die Presbiteriaanse
Kerk van Suidelike Afrika ten gunste van en die "Bantu Presbyterian Church"
teen eenwording gestem het.
'n Verdere poging tot eenwording is in 1994 aangewend. Teen hierdie tyd was
die landswette reeds gewysig en beide Kerke het die onderlinge behoefte aan
mekaar besef. Verskille van die verled~ is aangespreek en die "United
Presbyterian Church in South Africa" is op 26 September 1999 gestig. Hierdie
eenwording was nie te laat nie en dit kan werklike betekenis vir mense op
grondvlak he. Mense moet egter gehelp word om vertroue te ontwikkel, In
sterk teologiese basis moet ontwikkel word en hulle moet gemobiliseer word
tot 'n beter begrip van die kerk.
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‘n Teologiese ondersoek na die rol van toleransie en omarming in die hantering van leerstellige en morele verskille, met verwysing na die Christelike doopStrauss, Jacobson Andy 03 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MDiv)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Christians differ on various issues, among others, on dogmatic and ethical cases. Specifically, they differ on the will of God. However, a question which confronts Christians, is that their own interpretation of the will of God, often differs from that of other Christians. Christians still differ about the baptism. Churches that accept the baptism of a child and churches that accept re-baptism, offer differ which baptism what the real baptism is.
Even though people differ on which form of baptism the real one is, it is important to understand the true meaning attached to the baptism. It is also important that a person has a good attitude when they differ from others about baptism.
Toleration and embracement can help one to settle difference about baptism in a constructive manner. Toleration is described as the best solution when people find themselves in conflicting. Christians usually propose this as a compromise when they differ and in doing so, bring peace within a conflicting circumstance. Trust is important and patience also includes a minimal level of trust.
Embracement requires that action takes place. It is a manner of expression to open yourself unto other and also welcome them. God wants more for his people than for them to live a unhappy life. God enjoy us and wants to enjoy communion with us. It can therefore be seen as one of the reasons why it is important that Christians should embrace each other when they differ does not turn into a dispute.
When embracement and toleration is required, in certain situations, where people differ, reconciliation plays an important role. Communication is an integral part in the reconciliation process. Reconciliation is also important because it repair the relationship between God and man. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Christene verskil oor talle sake, onder andere oor leerstellige en etiese sake. Hulle verskil spesifiek oor die wil van God. ‘n Probleem waarmee Christene egter gekonfronteer word, is dat hul eie interpretasie van wat die wil van God in konkrete situasies is, dikwels verskil van dié van ander Christene. Christene verskil nog altyd oor die doop. Die kerke wat die kinderdoop aanvaar en die kerke wat die herdoop aanvaar, verskil oor watter doop die regte doop is.
Al verskil mense oor watter vorme van die doop die regte doop is, is dit belangrik om die ryk betekenis wat aan die doop geheg word, te verstaan. Dit is ook belangrik dat ‘n mens ‘n goeie gesindheid moet het, wanneer jy met ander oor die doop verskil.
Toleransie en omarming kan ons help om verskille oor die doop op ‘n konstruktiewe wyse te hanteer. Toleransie word beskryf as die beste oplossing wanneer mense in konflik is. Dit is gewoonlik ook die uitweg wat Christene voorstel wanneer hulle verskil, om sodoende die vrede te kan bring tussen mense wanneer hulle in konflik is. Vertroue is belangrik en verdraagsaamheid betrek 'n minimale vlak van vertroue.
Omarming vra dat aksie moet plaasvind. Omarming is 'n manier van uitdrukking om jouself vir ander te gee en ook die ander te verwelkom. God wil baie meer vir sy mense hê as om 'n ongelukkige lewe te leef. God geniet ons en wil gemeenskap met ons hê. Dit kan dus as een van die redes gesien word hoekom dit belangrik is dat Christene mekaar moet omarm wanneer hulle verskille het, sodat die verskille nie geskille word nie.
Wanneer omarming en verdraagsaamheid vereis word, in situasies waar mense verskil, speel versoening 'n belangrike rol. Kommunikasie is belangrik in die proses van versoening. Versoening is ook belangrik omdat dit die verhouding tussen God en mens herstel.
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The quest for human dignity in the ethics of pregnancy termination : a theological-ethical evaluation of the church's approach in KenyaObengo, Tom Joel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study describes and analyses the problem of termination of pregnancy, with special attention to its prevalence in Kenya, where more than seven hundred abortions are performed daily on girls between fifteen and seventeen years of age. Although pregnancy termination is illegal in Kenya, its practice goes on in the rural villages, in homes, in urban streets and in private clinics. The research focuses on the ethical quest for human dignity in the context of the church’s response to the challenge of termination of pregnancy. It examines the perceptions and attitudes of various cadres of Christians, such as church ministers, doctors and lawyers, towards the problem. The study has been mainly through literature review of books, journals, magazines and newspapers, as well as through structured interviews and focus group discussions in Kisumu County of Kenya. Various viewpoints have been discussed and analysed with regard to the problem.
The research proposes Martin Benjamin’s ethical theory of compromise as the most suitable means by which the church in Kenya can approach the challenge of termination of pregnancy. The theory finds support from Norman Geisler’s theory of graded absolutism as well as from a biblical analysis. Through the compromise theory, the research proposes that the church should lead in public advocacy for legalising pregnancy termination within the first six weeks of pregnancy in order to deal with pregnancies arising out of rape and incest. Findings from structured interviews and focused group discussions support the current legal framework that prohibits pregnancy termination, but reveal a desire for change in the way the church deals with members who get unplanned pregnancies and those who terminate the same. The research suggests, in addition, that the church’s role should emphasize counselling, teaching and pastoral care, rather than ex-communication and public rebuke. The church should avoid activism which seeks to keep abortion illegal at the expense of numerous Kenyans who do not necessarily submit to the church’s position. Within the church, and among those whom the church seeks to convert, the researcher upholds the church’s teaching of chastity and abstinence as the most effective preventive measures against abortion. The thesis proposes these measures as the means to ensuring human dignity within the church in relation to the ethical challenge of termination of pregnancy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie beskryf en ontleed die probleem van die beëindiging van swangerskap, met spesiale aandag aan die voorkoms daarvan in Kenia, waar meer as sewe-honderd aborsies daagliks uitgevoer word op meisies tussen vyftien en sewentien jaar oud. Hoewel swangerskap-beëindiging onwettig is in Kenia, vind dit steeds plaas in die plattelandse dorpies, in huise, in stedelike strate en in private klinieke. Die navorsing fokus op die etiese strewe na menswaardigheid in die lig van die kerk se reaksie op die uitdaging van die beëindiging van swangerskap. Dit ondersoek die persepsies en houdings van verskillende kaders van Christene, soos predikante, dokters en prokureurs, ten opsigte van die probleem. Die studie is hoofsaaklik gedoen deur ‘n literatuuroorsig van boeke, artikels, koerante en tydskrifte, sowel as deur middel van gestruktureerde onderhoude en fokus-groep besprekings in die distrik van Kisumu, Kenia. Verskillende standpunte word bespreek en ontleed met betrekking tot die probleem. Die navorsing stel Martin Benjamin se etiese teorie van kompromie voor as die mees geskikte manier waarop die kerk in Kenia die uitdaging van die beëindiging van swangerskap kan benader. Die teorie word ondersteun deur Norman Geisler se teorie van gegradeerde absolutisme sowel as deur 'n Bybelse analise. Deur die kompromie-teorie stel die navorsing voor dat die kerk leiding moet neem in openbare voorspraak vir die wettiging van swangerskap-beëindiging binne die eerste ses weke van swangerskappe wat voortspruit uit verkragting en bloedskande. Bevindinge van gestruktureerde onderhoude en gefokusde groepbesprekings ondersteun die huidige regsraamwerk wat swangerskap-beëindiging verbied, maar openbaar 'n begeerte vir 'n verandering in die manier waarop die kerk optree teenoor lede wat onbepland swanger raak en diegene wat aborsies kry. Die navorsing dui verder daarop dat die kerk se rol eerder moet fokus op berading, onderrig en pastorale sorg, as op ekskommunikasie en openbare teregwysing. Die kerk moet aktivisme vermy wat poog om aborsie onwettig te hou ten koste van die talle Keniane wat hulle nie noodwendig aan die kerk onderwerp nie. Binne die kerk, en onder diegene wat die kerk wil bekeer, ondersteun die navorser die kerk se lering van kuisheid en onthouding as die mees doeltreffende voorkomende maatreëls teen aborsie. Die tesis stel hierdie maatreëls voor as middele om menswaardigheid, met betrekking tot die etiese uitdaging van die beëindiging van swangerskap, binne die kerk te verseker.
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Secular humanism in Malawi : a historical-theological inquiryPhiri, Michael John Jonifani 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The goal of this thesis is to present a historical-theological inquiry regarding secular
humanism in Malawi. Some Christians have tried to respond, but there has been no detailed
historical-theological response from the Church or theologians, nor has there been any critical
investigation into the philosophy and underlying assumptions of secular humanism
(understood as a specific movement and a broader intellectual current). (SHOULD BE
The study is both historical and theological in perspective. It is historical, in that secular
humanism is dealt with from a historical dimension, whereby its development over centuries
is traced and lessons are learnt on how to respond to this movement in Malawi today. This
study is also theological, in that it explores whether Christian humanism can engage
constructively with concerns raised by secular humanists. It describes secular humanism on
the level of its underlying assumptions, which are laid bare and their possible weaknesses
exposed. The researcher holds that a critique of the assumptions is of greater merit than that
which ends only on the level of specific arguments. Such a method of critiquing is borrowed from Klaus Nürnberger, who in his book Richard Dawkins’ God Delusion: A Repentant
Refutation, critiqued Dawkins on the level of assumptions as well as Alister and Joanna
McGrath who, in their book The Dawkins Delusion? Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial
of the Divine, challenged Dawkins at representative points, leaving it to readers to judge the
overall reliability of his evidence and position. This is not to throw away specific arguments
for it is through such arguments that we discern assumptions. This study is a critical
engagement with the assumptions of secular humanism in Malawi, with the goal of
responding to the challenges posed by their critique of religiosity.
The study seeks to offer a constructive and adequate way of engaging Secular humanists and
at the same time, explores whether Christian humanism is ideal in engaging concerns raised
by secular humanists. The Christian humanist John W. de Gruchy is studied. He drew from
John Calvin and Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the study also shows how he made use of their
insights. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie tesis is om ‘n histories-teologiese ondersoek aangaande Sekulêre
humanisme in Malawi in te stel. Sommige Christene het probeer reageer, maar tot dusver was
daar nog nie ‘n georganiseerde en sistematiese histories-teologiese reaksie van die Kerk of
teoloë nie, daar was ook nog nie enige kritiese ondersoek na die filosofie en onderliggende
aannames van Sekulêre humanisme (hier verstaan as ‘n spesifieke beweging en ‘n breër
intellektuele stroming). (SHOULD BE REMOVED)
Hierdie studie is sowel histories as teologies in perspektief. Dit is histories, in dat Sekulêre
humanisme vanuit ‘n historiese dimensie benader word, waardeur die ontwikkeling oor eeue
heen gevolg word en lesse geleer word oor hoe om te reageer op hierdie beweging tans in
Malawi. Die studie is ook teologies, in die sin dat dit van die aanname uitgaan dat Christelike
humanisme konstruktief met die vraagstelling wat Sekulêre humaniste op die tafel plaas, kan
omgaan. Dit beskryf Sekulêre humanisme op die vlak van die onderliggende aannames, wat
uitgelig word en waarvan die moontlike swakhede ontbloot word. Die navorser voer aan dat
‘n kritiek van die aannames van groter meriete is as een wat eindig op die vlak van spesifieke
argumente. Hierdie metode van kritisering word geleen van Klaus Nurnberger, wat is sy boek
Richard Dawkins’ God Delusion: A Repentant Refutation, Dawkins kritiseer op die vlak van
aannames, asook Alister en Joanna McGrath, wat in hulle boek The Dawkins Delusion? Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine, Dawkins op verteenwoordigende punte
uitdaag, wat dit aan die lesers oorlaat om die oorhoofse geloofwaardigheid van sy bewyse en
standpunt te bepaal. Dit is nie om spesifieke argumente weg te gooi nie, aangesien dit deur
sulke argumente is wat ons aannames onderskei. Die studie is ‘n kritiese omgaan met die
aannames en filosofie van Sekulêre humanisme in Malawi, met die doel om te reageer op die
uitdagings wat deur hulle kritiek van godsdiens gebied word.
Hierdie studie poog om op ’n konstruktiewe manier met Sekulêre humaniste om te gaan en
bied terselfdertyd Christelike humanisme aan as die ideaal in die omgaan met die
vraagstellings wat Sekulêre humaniste opper. Die Christelike humanis John W. de Gruchy is
‘n voorbeeld van hoe ‘n Christelike humanitiese veldtog uitgevoer kan word. Hy bou op
Johannes Calvyn en Dietrich Bonhoeffer en die studie dui ook aan hoe hy van hulle insigte
gebruik maak.
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Van vas tot fees : 'n ritueel-liturgiese ondersoek na versoening binne Suid-Afrikaanse kultuurkonteksteWepener, C. J. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (D. Th.)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The need of reconciliation in South Africa is still voiced by many. Along with this need,
the absence of church unity between the DRChurch and URChurch, churches which are
still divided along racial lines, remains a sad reality. A division which has its origin
partially in a reconciliation-ritual of commensality which was inculturated in Africa on
wrong unscriptural grounds. Within this South African and Reformed reality the question
of this research was born, namely: “Which rituals can be inculturated in South Africa in
general, and in the liturgy of the DRC and URC in particular, to assist with the processes
of reconciliation and church unity?”.
This question is subsequently approached in a multi-disciplinary fashion with a ritualliturgical
exploration. The methodological starting points in the research process entail
firstly that Post’s liturgical-scientific research methodology of intereference and intuition
is used as an overarching approach, and secondly along with this in the initial phase of
the research the method of ethnography or participatory observation for the collection of
the ritual data. Within this methodology the theoretical starting points centre around the
concepts of ritual, reconciliation and liturgical inculturation. And within the field of
Practical Theology this research process moves with a spiral movement between practice
and theory. The basic theoretical starting point is that within the field of Liturgy a ritual
approach is used, and for this reason partners were found within the domain of Ritual
Studies to examine the phenomenon of reconciliation-rituals. The ritual theory of some
experts on the topic is presented with which the collected data was later evaluated. Along
with this ritual theory, liturgical inculturation is used as a critical reciprocal steering
concept which also involves both the tradition and theology in a criterium for the
evaluation and formation of rituals.
With this methodological and theoretical basis five ritual probes were conducted with
regards to reconciliation, namely a cultural anthropological, a Biblical, a liturgicalhistorical,
an actual descriptive and a South African ethnographic probe. These probes
brought several findings to the fore which can, within an African and Reformed context,be systematised within the context of the process from fast to feast as an overarching
metaphor. Drinking and eating together, or the absence thereof, coupled with
reconciliation, is present throughout all the probes like a leitmotiv and is also the central
finding of this research. More findings concerning reconciliation rituals however came to
the fore in each probe. These findings are summarised at the end of each probe and will
help to stimulate the ritual imagination concerning reconciliation. However, such
imagination must remain within a critical-normative Practical Theological liturgical
scientific framework.
The finding of this research basically attempts to show that a variety of rituals can be
inculturated within the processes of reconciliation and church unity in the DRC, URC and
South Africa. The process from fast to feast gives insight into the ‘what’, ‘when’ and
‘how’ concerning the inculturation of reconciliation rituals within an African and
Christian context. Fast and feast, which amongst other things also entails eating and
drinking together or the absence thereof, runs like a golden thread throughout all the
probes. Rituals showing these qualities of commensality are pre-eminently fit to serve as
reconciliation rituals, although they have sometimes in the past had the power to do
exactly the opposite. Therefor the finding of this research is that this feature of
commensality can be developed within South African and Reformed reconciliation
rituals, but in such a way that it serves reconciliation and church unity. And for this
purpose some ritual-liturgical guidelines are presented. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vanuit verskeie oorde word die noodsaak vir versoening in Suid-Afrika steeds bepleit.
Saam hiermee is die uitbly van kerkeenheid tussen die NGKerk en VGKerk, kerke wat
steeds op grond van ras verdeel is, ‘n betreurenswaardige realiteit. ‘n Verdeeldheid wat
deels sy oorsprong het in ‘n versoeningsritueel van saam eet en drink wat op ‘n verkeerde
onskriftuurlike wyse in Afrika geïnkultureer is. Vanuit hierdie Suid-Afrikaanse en
Gereformeerde situasie kom die vraag wat hierdie ondersoek aanspreek na vore, naamlik:
“Watter rituele kan in Suid-Afrika in die algemeen, en in die liturgie van die NGK en
VGK in die besonder, geïnkultureer word om te help in die prosesse van versoening en
Hierdie vraagstelling word vervolgens op ‘n multi-dissiplinêre wyse met behulp van ‘n
ritueel-liturgiese ondersoek aangespreek. Die metodologiese uitgangspunte in hierdie
proses van ondersoek behels dat daar van Post se liturgiewetenskaplike ondersoekmetode
van interferensie en intuïsie as oorkoepelende benadering gebruik gemaak word, en saam
daarmee in die inisiële fase van data-kollektering die metode van etnografie of
deelnemende observasie. Binne hierdie metodologie sentreer die teoretiese vertrekpunt
rondom die begrippe ritueel, versoening en liturgiese inkulturasie. En binne die kader van
die Praktiese Teologie word daar met ‘n spiraalbeweging tussen teorie en praktyk
beweeg. Die basiese teoretiese uitgangspunte behels dat vanuit die Liturgiek met ‘n
rituele benadering gewerk is. Binne die veld van die sogenaamde Rituele Studies is
vennote gevind om die fenomeen van versoeningsrituele te bestudeer. Die rituele teorie
van enkele eksperte word gepresenteer waarmee die gekollekteerde data beoordeel is.
Saam met hierdie rituele teorie is die begrip liturgiese inkulturasie gebruik as ‘n krities
wederkerige studerende konsep wat ook die teologie en tradisie betrek in die kriterium vir
die beoordeling en ontwerp van rituele.
Met hierdie metodologiese en teoretiese basis is vyf rituele peilings ten opsigte van
versoening gedoen, te wete ‘n kultureel-antropologiese, ‘n Bybelse, ‘n liturgiehistoriese,
‘n aktueel beskrywende en ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse etnografiese peiling. Hierdie peilings hetverskeie bevindinge na vore gebring wat in ‘n Afrika-Gereformeerde konteks binne die
proses van vas tot fees as oorkoepelende metafoor gesistematiseer kan word. Saam eet en
drink, of die afwesigheid daarvan, gekoppel aan versoening loop as ‘n leitmotiv deur al
die peilings en is die sentrale bevinding van hierdie ondersoek. Daar het egter ook
meerdere bevindinge of roetemerkers ten opsigte van versoeningsrituele uit die peilings
na vore gekom. Hierdie bevindinge wat saamgevat word aan die einde van elke peiling,
help om die rituele verbeelding te stimuleer, maar dít juis binne ‘n krities-normatiewe
Prakties Teologiese liturgiewetenskaplike raamwerk.
Die bevinding van hierdie ondersoek behels basies dat ‘n verskeidenheid rituele in die
prosesse van versoening en kerkvereniging geïnkultureer kan word in die NGK, VGK en
Suid-Afrika, maar dat die proses van vas tot fees insig verleen in die ‘wat’, ‘wanneer’ en
‘hoe’, ten opsigte van die inkulturasie van versoeningsrituele binne ‘n Afrika- en
Christelike-konteks. Vas en fees, wat onder andere saam eet en drink of die afwesigheid
daarvan behels, loop soos ‘n goue draad reg deur al die peilings. Rituele wat hierdie
eienskappe van kommensaliteit vertoon, is by uitstek geskik om te dien as
versoeningsrituele, al het diesulke rituele ook soms in die geskiedenis juis die
teenoorgestelde vermag. Daarom word voorgestel dat hierdie eienskap van
kommensaliteit juis uitgebou word in Suid-Afrikaanse Gereformeerde versoeningsrituele,
maar op só ‘n wyse dat dit versoening en kerkeenheid dien. En hiervoor word enkele
ritueel-liturgiese riglyne aangereik.
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