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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of an external cavity diode laser for application to spectroscopy and laser cooling and trapping of rubidium

Botha, G. N. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In the presented study a diode laser was characterised and used for spec- troscopy, measuring the resonance lines of atomic rubidium. The characteristics of diode lasers and external cavity diode lasers (ECDL) for the purposes of ab- sorption spectroscopy were investigated and an experimental setup for tunable diode laser spectroscopy using an ECDL was developed. In external cavity diode lasers, the advantages of low cost, small size and e ciency of a diode laser is combined with tunability and a narrow frequency bandwidth. The ECDL was applied in experimental setups for absorption spectroscopy and saturated ab- sorption spectroscopy. Measurement of the absorption of atomic rubidium's D2 line near 780 nm is discussed. The Doppler broadened, as well as the Doppler free spectrum of the ne and hyper ne structure of the D2 line were measured and is discussed. Finer control of the ECDL's stability and frequency, using a servo circuit, were investigated and tested. An overview is given of laser cool- ing and trapping of neutral rubidium atoms, which is the main application the ECDL were developed for.

A path integral approach to the coupled-mode equations with specific reference to optical waveguides

Mountfort, Francesca Helen 03 1900 (has links)
MSc / Thesis (MSc (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The propagation of electromagnetic radiation in homogeneous or periodically modulated media can be described by the coupled mode equations. The aim of this study was to derive analytical expressions modeling the solutions of the coupled-mode equations, as alternative to the generally used numerical and transfer-matrix methods. The path integral formalism was applied to the coupled-mode equations. This approach involved deriving a path integral from which a generating functional was obtained. From the generating functional a Green’s function, or propagator, describing the nature of mode propagation was extracted. Initially a Green’s function was derived for the propagation of modes having position independent coupling coefficients. This corresponds to modes propagating in a homogeneous medium or in a uniform grating formed by a periodic variation of the index of refraction along the direction of propagation. This was followed by the derivation of a Green’s function for the propagation of modes having position dependent coupling coefficients with the aid of perturbation theory. This models propagation through a nonuniform inhomogeneous medium, specifically a modulated grating. The propagator method was initially tested for the case of propagation in an arbitrary homogeneous medium. In doing so three separate cases were considered namely the copropagation of two modes in the forward and backward directions followed by the counter propagation of the two modes. These more trivial cases were used as examples to develop a rigorous mathematical formalism for this approach. The results were favourable in that the propagator’s results compared well with analytical and numerical solutions. The propagator method was then tested for mode propagation in a periodically perturbed waveguide. This corresponds to the relevant application of mode propagation in uniform gratings in optical fibres. Here two case were investigated. The first scenario was that of the copropagation of two modes in a long period transmission grating. The results achieved compared well with numerical results and analytical solutions. The second scenario was the counter propagation of two modes in a short period reflection grating, specifically a Bragg grating. The results compared well with numerical results and analytical solutions. In both cases it was shown that the propagator accurately predicts many of the spectral properties of these uniform gratings. Finally the propagator method was applied to a nonuniform grating, that is a grating for which the uniform periodicity is modulated - in this case by a raised-cosine function. The result of this modulation is position dependent coupling coefficients necessitating the use of the Green’s function derived using perturbation theory. The results, although physically sensible and qualitatively correct, did not compare well to the numerical solution or the well established transfer-matrix method on a quantitative level at wavelengths approaching the design wavelength of the grating. This can be explained by the breakdown of the assumptions of first order perturbation theory under these conditions.

Strange particle production via the weak interaction

Adera, Gashaw Bekele 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In this thesis a general relativistic formalism for neutrino-induced weak production of strange particles is presented. In our formalism it is shown that the differential cross section is constructed as a contraction between a leptonic tensor and a hadronic tensor. The electroweak theory of Glashow, Salam and Weinberg is used to calculate the leptonic tensor exactly. The hadronic current is determined from the newly derived general form of the weak hadronic current which is expressed in terms of eighteen invariant amplitudes that parametrize the hadron vertex. The Born diagram is used to approximate the unknown hadronic vertex and the numerical calculation is made by evaluating the tree diagrams in terms of standard weak form factors and the strong coupling constants in the framework of the Cabibbo theory and SU(3) symmetry. The investigation is made for charged current reactions in terms of the angular distribution of the differential cross section with respect to the outgoing kaon angle and the results are discussed.

Monte Carlo simulation of direction sensitive antineutrino detection

Blanckenberg, J. P (Jacobus Petrus) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Neutrino and antineutrino detection is a fairly new eld of experimental physics, mostly due to the small interaction cross section of these particles. Most of the detectors in use today are huge detectors consisting of kilotons of scintilator material and large arrays of photomultiplier tubes. Direction sensitive antineutrino detection has however, not been done (at the time of writing of this thesis). In order to establish the feasibility of direction sensitive antineutrino detection, a Monte Carlo code, DSANDS, was written to simulate the detection process. This code focuses on the neutron and positron (the reaction products after capture on a proton) transport through scintilator media. The results are then used to determine the original direction of the antineutrino, in the same way that data from real detectors would be used, and to compare it with the known direction. Further investigation is also carried out into the required amount of statistics for accurate results in an experimental eld where detection events are rare. Results show very good directional sensitivity of the detection method. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Neutrino en antineutrino meting is 'n relatief nuwe veld in eksperimentele sika, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die klein interaksie deursnee van hierdie deeltjies. Die meeste hedendaagse detektors is massiewe detektors met kilotonne sintilator materiaal en groot aantalle fotovermenigvuldiger buise. Tans is rigting sensitiewe antineutrino metings egter nog nie uit gevoer nie. 'n Monte Carlo kode, DSANDS, is geskryf om die meet proses te simuleer en sodoende die uitvoerbaarheid van rigting sensitiewe antineutrino metings vas te stel. Hierdie kode fokus op die beweging van neutrone en positrone (die reaksie produkte) deur die sintilator medium. Die resultate word dan gebruik om die oorspronklike rigting van die antineutrino te bepaal, soos met data van regte detektors gedoen sou word, en te vergelyk met die bekende oorspronklike rigting van die antineutrino. Verder word daar ook gekyk na die hoeveelheid statistiek wat nodig sal wees om akkurate resultate te kry in 'n veld waar metings baie skaars is. Die resultate wys baie goeie rigting sensitiwiteit van die meet metode.

Measurement and extraction of the Giles parameters in Ytterbium-doped fibre

Hendriks, Adriaan Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The role fulfilled by theoretical models is rapidly increasing due to lasers becoming appli- cation driven to satisfy certain criteria and demands. Construction of high precision lasers requires good theoretical models and consequently good approximations of the parameters that such models are based upon. Despite the di erent model formalisms, most share a com- mon set of input parameters, including fibre waveguiding properties, input powers, transition cross-sections and overlaps between guided modes and the dopand distribution. Experimental and numerical work which was aimed at obtaining the wide-band emission and absorption cross-sections of fibre indirectly by means of the Giles parameters was done. The Giles parameters were used rather than the well known ionic cross-sections primarily because of the convenient encapsulation of the cumbersome overlap factors and the ionic cross-sections within the Giles parameters. The wide band spectral characteristics of the Giles parameters are indispensable in the design of fibre lasers and amplifiers, as they form the key parameters for laser models. These parameters are normally obtained utilizing absorption spectroscopy to obtain the absorption cross-sections and models such as the Fuchtbauer Ladenberg relation, the Mc- Cumber relation or uorescence spectroscopy to obtain the emission cross-sections. Recent research however indicates that these methods are inaccurate in certain spectral regions. An investigation was launched to extract the Giles parameters from measurements of the ampli- fied spontaneous emission (ASE) and pump absorption in ytterbium-doped fibre for several lengths of fibre and subsequent computer simulations, utilizing an ampli fier model. The Giles parameters are extracted with a fitting algorithm that adjusts the relevant numerical values to minimize the least square difference between the numerical data obtained from the amplifier model and the measured data. Using the model devised in this project on literature data, the Giles parameters were extracted and compared to the Giles parameters extracted in literature on the same data. This comparison conforms the extraction of the Giles parameters, utilizing the model devised in this project, as successful. Subsequently the model devised in this project was applied to extract the Giles parameters from experimental data measured at Stellenbosch, using a double cladding ytterbium-doped fibre. Finally a fibre laser was built utilizing the double cladding ytterbium-doped fibre and the output was measured. The Giles parameters extracted were then used in a fibre laser model to calculate the output and compare it to the measurements taken. This served as suffcient verification that the Giles parameters extracted can be used to model a fibre laser effciently.

Laser induced chlorphyll fluorescence of plant material

Ombinda-Lemboumba, Saturnin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Imaging and spectroscopy of laser induced chlorophyll fluorescence (LICF) are emerging as useful tools in plant physiology and agriculture since these methods allow an early detection of plant stress and transformation of plant tissue, before visual symptoms appear. Chlorophyll fluorescence is governed by photosynthetic efficiency and it depends on the plant species and physiological state. In addition, the laser induced fluorescence of chlorophyll molecules in the red and far red spectral range is also used to study basic processes and phenomena in photo-excited molecules. In the work reported here experimental setups used for laser induced chlorophyll fluorescence imaging and spectroscopy techniques were developed to investigate chlorophyll fluorescence under constant illumination and also to detect green-fluorescent protein (GFP) by looking at the chlorophyll fluorescence spectrum and image. He-Ne (wavelength 632 nm), tunable argon ion (wavelength 455 nm), and excimer (wavelength 308 nm) lasers were used as excitation sources. An Ocean Optics spectrometer was used to record the spectrum of the chlorophyll fluorescence and the variation of the chlorophyll fluorescence spectrum with time. The chlorophyll fluorescence spectrum of tobacco leaves expressing GFP was compared to that of control leaves. A charge-coupled device (CCD) camera was used to image the fluorescence from GFP expressing and control tobacco leaves to investigate the effect of GFP genes on chlorophyll fluorescence in relation to the state of the plant material. The spectral analysis technique and image processing procedures were elaborated in order to obtain better information on chlorophyll fluorescence. The results of this work show that the experimental setups and analytical procedures that were devised and used are suitable for laser induced chlorophyll fluorescence analysis. Fluorescence bleaching could be obtained from the time variation of the fluorescence spectrum, and plant expressing GFP can be distinguished from control plants by differences in the laser induced chlorophyll fluorescence.

The investigation of resveratrol with conventional and ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy techniques

Griessel, Annelle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / An ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy experiment was developed in order to investigate the fast photoinduced isomerization reaction of the molecule resveratrol. Characteristics of the resveratrol molecule are discussed, including the photoisomerization reaction from trans- to cis-resveratrol. The experimental setup for the conventional spectroscopy measurement was developed and characterized in order to investigate and understand the conventional absorption and uorescence spectroscopy of resveratrol thoroughly. The absorption spectra for both trans- and cis-resveratrol, as well as the uorescence spectra were measured, discussed and explained. This therefore forms a foundation and serves as an initial step to develop a pump-probe spectroscopy experiment for resveratrol. A general overview of ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy is presented, as well as an explanation of the nal developed experimental setup. The principles and characteristics of the chirped pulse ampli cation (CPA) femtosecond laser source and the tunable noncollinear optical parametric ampli er (NOPA) employed as the pump pulse are discussed. The process of white light continuum (WLC) generation was investigated to utilize as the ultrashort probe pulse. Two white light continuum generation experimental setups were developed and characterized for WLC generation in a transparent medium with the fundamental CPA laser light at 775 nm (in sapphire) and with the second harmonic (SH) of the CPA light at 387 nm (in quartz). A spectrometer was designed, built and characterized in conjuction with a line focus, for simultaneous measurement of the absorption in the pumped, unpumped and reference regions in the sample. In this way the photoisomerization of resveratrol could be measured with temporal resolution as a transient absorption signal. A 420 μg/ml resveratrol solution in ethanol was investigated in this pump-probe spectroscopy experiment and the results obtained are discussed accordingly.

Gaussian and non-Gaussian-based Gram-Charlier and Edgeworth expansions for correlations of identical particles in HBT interferometry

De Kock, Michiel Burger 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Hanbury Brown-Twiss interferometry is a correlation technique by which the size and shape of the emission function of identical particles created during collisions of high-energy leptons, hadrons or nuclei can be determined. Accurate experimental datasets of three-dimensional correlation functions in momentum space now exist; these are sometimes almost Gaussian in form, but may also show strong deviations from Gaussian shapes. We investigate the suitability of expressing these correlation functions in terms of statistical quantities beyond the normal Gaussian description. Beyond means and the covariance matrix, higher-order moments and cumulants describe the form and di erence between the measured correlation function and a Gaussian distribution. The corresponding series expansion is the Gram- Charlier series and in particular the Gram-Charlier Type A expansion found in the literature, which is based on a Gaussian reference distribution. We investigate both the Gram-Charlier Type A series as well as generalised forms based on non-Gaussian reference distributions, as well as the related Edgeworth expansion. For testing purposes, experimental data is initially represented by a suite of one-dimensional analytic non-Gaussian distributions. We conclude that the accuracy of these expansions can be improved dramatically through a better choice of reference distribution, suggested by the sign and size of the kurtosis of the experimental distribution. We further extend our investigation to simulated samples of such test distributions and simplify the theoretical expressions for unbiased estimators (k-statistics) for the case of symmetric distributions.

Short-pulse generation in a diode-end-pumped solid-state laser

Ngcobo, Sandile 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis consists of two parts; the first part is a discussion on the detailed history of the development of different types of modelocked lasers, especially the neodymium-doped lasers. The second part describes the design and development of a modelocked diode-end-pumped solid state Nd:YVO4 laser using Semiconductor Saturable Absorbers. The first part of this work will cover the history of modelocking where different types of lasers were used to generate ultrashort pulses. The discussion will mainly focus on neodymium-doped lasers such as Nd:YVO4, where we will look at the spectral properties such as energy levels, absorption and emission wavelengths of such a laser. The discussion will also look at different types of optical pump sources; such as diode lasers and flashlamps, where we will see the advantages of using diode lasers as pump sources due to their better operating conditions and efficiency. We will also look at two different types of diode pumping setup schemes, which are end-pumping and side pumping; where we will discover that diode-end-pumping is a better scheme for laser mode matching resulting in high efficiency and very good beam quality when compared to side pumping. The gain bandwidth of the laser material will also be discussed showing that a laser material with a very large gain bandwidth and broad emission bandwidth is suitable for generating ultrashort pulses, such as Ti:Sapphire crystal. The discussion will also cover ultrafast lasers that have a small amplification bandwidth suitable for diode-end-pumping and that produce high average output power. Ultrafast lasers with low amplification bandwidth such as Nd:YAG and Nd:YVO4 will be discussed showing that they can generate very short pulses with durations of down to 19 ps and 20 ps respectively and average output powers of 27 W and 20 W. The technique of creating ultrashort pulses which is called modelocking will be discussed, where passive modelocking will be shown to be more suitable for creating ultra short pulses in the femtosecond region and active modelocking in the picosecond region. The discussion will also cover saturable absorbers for passive modelocking where we will discuss the use of semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors to generate reliable self starting modelocked pulses. We will also cover the instabilities associated with using saturable absorbers where we will discuss different methods for reducing the instabilities by using gain media with the smallest saturation fluence. The second part of the work will deal with the design and development of SESAM modelocked diode-end-pumped Nd:YVO4 lasers. This part will include a discussion on the resonator design criteria’s for achieving a stable modelocked diode-end-pumped solid-state laser. The choice of using Nd:YVO4 as a gain medium will be shown to be influenced by its large cross sectional area, which is useful in increasing the gain bandwidth for possible ultrashort pulse generation. The resonator for high power continuous wave (cw) output has been designed using simulation software developed at St Andrews University. We will also discuss stability criteria such as the laser spot size inside the crystal and on the end mirror and how they can be incorporated into the resonator design software. The discussion will also include the pump setup design and the efficient cooling method of the crystal using a copper heat sink. The methodology of obtaining stable, thermal lens invariant, single transverse mode operation during power scaling of Nd:YVO4 lasers will be discussed. A lens relay approach is used to extend the cavity length so as to introduce spot size control in the designed diode-end-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser that will be shown to produce a maximum average output power of 10.5 W with an average beam quality factor M2 of 1.5. We will also discuss the incorporation of a single quantum well SESAM within the extended diode-end-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser resulting in cw-modelocked pulses at an average output power of 2.8 W with pulse repetition frequency of 179 MHz, equivalent to the cavity round trip time of 5.6 ns. The incorporation of the double quantum well SESAM will also be shown to produce stable Q-switched modelocked pulses at an average output power of 2.7 W with pulse repetition frequency of 208 KHz. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie tesis bestaan uit twee dele. Deel 1 is ‘n indiepte bespreking rondom die ontwikkelingsgeskiedenis van Modusgebonde lasers, veral van Neodemiumdoteerde lasers. Deel 2 beskryf die ontwerp en ontwikkeling van ‘n Modusgebonde diodeentgepompde vastetoestand Nd:YVO4 laser deur van ‘n Halfgeleier Versadigbare Absorbeerder (SESAM) gebruik te maak. Die eerste afdeling fokus op Modusbinding om ultrakort pulse te ontwikkel in verskillende tipes lasers. Die bespreking sentreer rondom Neodemiumdoteerde lasers soos Nd:YVO4. In hierdie geval beskou ons ook die spektraaleienskappe van die laser vir beide die absorpsie en emissie golflengtes. Verder word verkillende tipes pompbronne ondersoek (soos diodelasers en flitslampe). Die voordele van diodelasers kom sterk na vore a.g.v. beter werking en effektiwiteit. Verskillende pompopstellings word ook ondersoek naamlik ent-en kantpomping. Entpomping kom hier na vore as die beter opsie i.t.v. laser-moduspassing. Dit lei tot ‘n hoër effektiwiteit wat ‘n beter straalkwaliteit tot gevolg het, in vergelyking met kantgepompde opstellings. Die versterkingsbandwydte word ook bespreek: ‘n groot versterkingsbandwydte en breë emissiebandwydte is geskik om ultrakort pulse te ontwikkel. Ti:Saffier is ‘n goeie voorbeeld. Ultravinnige lasers met ‘n klein versterkingsbandwydte word ook bespreek aangesien dit geskik is vir diodeentpomping wat dan ‘n hoë gemiddelde uitsetdrywing lewer. Nd:YAG en Nd:YVO4 word ondersoek en daar word getoon dat hul pulse van so kort as 19 ps en 20 ps onderskeidelik teen ‘n gemiddelde uitsetdrywing van 27 W en 20 W kan lewer. Die tegniek waarmee ultrakort pulse geskep word is Modusbinding: passiewe modusbinding is meer geskik vir femtosekonde pulse en aktiewe modusbinding is meer geskik vir pikosekonde pulse. Verder word versadigbare absorbeerders bespreek, vir hul gebruik in die betroubare selfinisiërende modusgebonde pulse. Die onstabiliteite geassosieer met versadigbare absorbeerders word ook bespreek asook verskillende metodes om dit te minimaliseer. Die tweede afdeling behandel die ontwerp en ontwikkeling van ‘n SESAM modusgebonde diode-entgepompde Nd:YVO4 laser. Die resonator ontwerpspesifikasies vir stabiele werking word ook bespreek. Die keuse van Nd:YVO4 as versterkingsmedium is a.g.v. die groot deursnitarea wat die versterkingsbandwydte verhoog, om ultrakort pulse te genereer. Die resonator vir hoë drywing kontinuestraal werking is ontwerp deur van St Andrews sagteware gebruik te maak. ‘n Bespreking van stabiliteitsspesifikasies soos die laser kolgrootte, binne die kristal asook op die entspieël volg, asook die pompmetodiek en effektiewe verkoeling van die kristal. Die totale metodiek rondom die verkryging van ‘n stabiele, termieselens invariante, enkele transversale modus laser word bespreek met die oog op drywingsverhoging. Die geval onder bespreking is waar die laser se kolgrootte beheer kan word op die entspieël deur die resonatorlengte aan te pas. Dit word getoon dat dit ‘n kontinuestraal laser van 10.5 W drywing kan lewer teen die maksimum gemiddelde straalkwaliteit van M2 = 1.5. Die byvoeging van ‘n enkele kwantumput SESAM in die laser het modusgebonde pulse tot gevolg. Die gemete waardes was 2.8 W gemiddelde drywing met ‘n pulsherhalingstempo van 179 MHz wat in lyn is met die pulsbewegingstyd in die resonator van 5.6 ns. Deur van ‘n dubbele kwantumput SESAM gebruik te maak word Q-geskakelde modusgebonde pulse verkry, teen ‘n gemiddelde uitsetdrywing van 2.7 W en ‘n pulsherhalingstempo van 208 KHz.

Fuel management study for a pebble bed modular reactor core

Movalo, Raisibe Shirley 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physics))--Stellenbosch University, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation reports on the impact of a set of selected nuclear fuel management parameters on reactor operations of the PBMR core. This is achieved by performing an assessment of the impact of nuclear fuel management parameter variations on the most important safety and economics issues for the PBMR core. These include the maximum fuel temperature at steady state and during Depressurized Loss of Forced Cooling (DLOFC) accident conditions. The reactivity worth of the Reactor Control System (RCS which determines the shutdown capability of the reactor core and the average discharge burn-up of fuel are also established. The fuel management parameters considered in this study include different enrichment levels, heavy metal loadings and fuel sphere circulation regimes. The impact and importance of these parameters on plant safety and economics is assessed. The dissertation will report the effects on the standard core physics parameters such as power peaking, multiplication factor, burn-up (safety and economics) and derive the benefits and drawbacks from the results. Based upon the findings from this study, and also experimental data, an optimum fuel management scheme is proposed for the PBMR core. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling beskryf die uitwerking van ‘n gekose stel kernbrandstofparameters op die bedryf van die PBMR reaktor. Die impak wat variasies in kernbrandstofparameters op belangrike veiligheids- en ekonomiese oorwegings het, is tydens hierdie studie ondersoek. Van die belangrikste oorwegings is die maksimum brandstoftemperatuur tydens normale, konstante bedryf, asook gedurende ‘n “Depressurized Loss of Forced Cooling (DLOFC)” insident waar alle verkoeling gestaak word. Ander belangrike fasette wat ondersoek is, is die reaktiwiteitwaarde van die beheerstelsel (RCS), wat die aanleg se vermoë om veilig af te sluit bepaal, asook die totale kernverbruik van die brandstof. Die kernbrandstofparameters wat in ag geneem is, sluit die brandstofverryking, swaarmetaalinhoud en die aantal brandstofsirkulasies deur die reaktorhart in. Die belangrikheid en impak van elk van hierdie parameters is ondersoek en word in die verhandeling beskryf . Daar word verslag gelewer oor die voor- en nadele, asook die uitwerking van hierdie variasies op standaard reaktorfisika-parameters soos drywingspieke in die brandstof, neutronvermenigvuldigingsfaktore en kernverbuik van die brandstof, vanaf ‘n veiligheids- en ekonomiese oogpunt. Gebaseer op die gevolgtrekkings van hierdie studie, tesame met eksperimentele data, word ‘n optimale kernbrandstofbestuurprogram voorgestel.

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