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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthèses, caractérisations et performances de matériaux à base de g-C3N4 décorés avec des nanoparticules d´Au pour des applications (photo) catalytiques / Synthesis, characterization, and performance of g-C3N4 based materials decorated with Au nanoparticles for (photo) catalytic applications

Jiménez-Calvo, Pablo Isaí 17 June 2019 (has links)
À ce jour, l’humanité est confrontée simultanément à une crise énergétique et environnementale due principalement à deux facteurs: la croissance démographique et la dépendance aux combustibles fossiles. C'est pourquoi l'urgence d'utiliser des sources d'énergie renouvelables, comme l'énergie solaire est une, solution potentielle. A ce titre, la production d'H2 décarboné par dissociation solaire de l'eau est une voie prometteuse. Néanmoins, pour atteindre l'objectif mentionné, il faut trouver un système photocatalytique (semi-conducteurs, SCs) idéal, qui nécessite quatre caractéristiques majeures: (1) une bonne capacité d'absorption de la lumière visible (2) des positions adéquates de BV et BC des SCs par rapport aux potentiels d’oxydation de l’eau et de réduction du proton (3) une utilisation efficace des photons absorbés et charges générées et (4) une bonne stabilité dans le temps. À cette fin, cette thèse contribue à la conception et à l’optimisation de trois matériaux innovants: les composites Au/g-C3N4, Au/TiO2 (P25)-gC3N4, et Au/TiO2 (NTs)-gC3N4 dont l’activité photocatalytique a été corrélé avec les propriétés physico-chimiques pour comprendre leurs performances photocatalytiques de production d'H2 sous irradiation solaire et visible. De manière annexe, certains de ces matériaux se sont également montrés performants pour les conversions du CO. Pour mettre en évidence l'efficacité des composites préparés, des études comparatives ont été testées en utilisant des références commerciales, pertinentes et les mélanges physiques correspondant. / To date, mankind is facing an energy and environmental crisis simultaneously due to mainly two factors: growth population and the dependency on fossil fuels. For this reason, the urgency of using renewables sources, e.g., solar energy, is a potential solution. For example, non-carbon based H2 production from solar light driven water photodissociation is a promising approach. Nevertheless, to target the mentioned objective, an ideal photocatalytic system (semiconductors, SCs) has to meet four main features: (1) capacity of absorption of visible-light (2) suitable VB and CB positions of SCs to undergo the two half reactions of water splitting (3) efficient use of absorbed photons and generated charges and (4) good stability over time. For this purpose, this thesis contributes to the design and optimization of three innovative materials: Au/g-C3N4, Au/TiO2 (P25)-gC3N4, and Au/TiO2 (NTs)-gC3N4 composites. Their photocatalytic activities were correlated with their physico-chemical properties. In addition some of these composites also exhibited interesting CO conversion yields. To highlight the efficiency on the as-prepared composites, comparative studies were tested using commercial, pertinent references, and physical mixtures homologs.

Studies On Thermodynamics And Phase Equilibria Of Selected Oxide Systems

Shekhar, Chander 18 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The availability of high quality thermodynamic data on solid solutions and compounds present in multicomponent systems assists in optimizing processing parameters for synthesis, and in evaluating stability domains and materials compatibility under different conditions. Several oxide systems of technological interest, for which thermodynamic data was either not available or is inconsistent were selected for study. Thermodynamic properties of phases present in the binary systems Nb-O and Ta-O were measured in the temperature range from 1000 to 1300 K using solid state electrochemical cells based on (Y2O3) ThO2 as the electrolyte. Based on these measurements and more recent data on heat capacity and phase transitions reported in the literature, Gibbs energy of formation for NbO, NbO2, NbO2.422, Nb2O5-x and Ta2O5 were reassessed. Significant improvements in the data for NbO2, Nb2O5 and Ta2O5 are suggested. The pseudo binary system MoO2-TiO2 was investigated because of the inconsistency between the phase diagram and thermodynamic properties of the solid solution reported in the literature. Based on new electrochemical measurements, a new improved phase diagram for the system MoO2-TiO2, incorporating recently discovered monoclinic to tetragonal phase transition in MoO2 at 1533 K, is presented. Isothermal section of the phase diagram for the ternary systems Cr-Rh-O and Ta-Rh-O and thermodynamic properties of ternary oxides CrRhO3 and TaRhO4 were measured for the first time in the temperature range from 900 to 1300 K. Phase relations for these systems have been computed as a function of oxygen potential at fixed temperature and as a function of temperature at selected oxygen partial pressures. Metal-spinel-corundum three-phase equilibrium in the Ni-Al-Cr-O system at 1373 K has been explored because of its relevance to high temperature corrosion of super alloys. The Gibbs energy of mixing of spinel solid solution was derived from the tie-line data and is compared with the values calculated from cation distribution models. An oxygen potential diagram is developed for the decomposition of spinel solid solution to nickel and corundum solid solution at 1373 K under reducing conditions. The high temperature thermodynamic properties of the phases present in quaternary systems Ca-Co-Al-O and Ca-Cu-Ti-O have been measured by solid state electrochemical cells based on stabilized zirconia. Gibbs energies of formation of the quaternary oxides Ca3CoAl4O10 in the temperature range from 1150 to1500 K and CaCu3Ti4O12 in the range from 900 to 1350 K are presented. Chemical potential diagrams have been computed for the system Al2O3-CaO-CoO at 1500 K. The oxygen potential corresponding to the decomposition of the complex perovskite CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) has been calculated as a function of temperature from the emf of the cell. The effect of the oxygen partial pressure on the phase relations in the pseudo-ternary system CaO-(CuO/Cu2O)-TiO2 at 1273 K has been evaluated. The phase diagrams are useful for the control of the secondary phases that form during synthesis of CCTO, a material exhibiting colossal dielectric response.

Material property study on dye sensitized solar cells and cu(ga,in)se2 solar cells

Pan, Jie. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Miami University, Dept. of Paper and Chemical Engineering, 2009. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 64-69).


[pt] O foco do presente estudo é desenvolvimento de uma heteroestrutura de dois semicondutores com capacidade de reduzir a taxa de recombinação elétron/buraco mediante uma intensa separação de carga, e ao mesmo tempo sendo sensível ao espectro de luz visível. A separação de carga estaria sendo alcançada por meio da injeção de elétrons livres dentro da banda de condução (BC) do TiO2 na forma de anatásio, provenientes do orbital molecular mais alto ocupado (HOMO) da acetilacetona (Acac), ligada às partículas de anatásio, seguida da sua injeção dentro dos orbitais d desocupados do Fe3+ localizados dentro da banda de energia proibida das nanofolhas de ferrititanatos. Ao mesmo tempo a absorção da luz visível poderia ser assegurada através das nanofolhas de ferrititanatos, considerando-se a interação dos níveis energéticos do Fe3+ com a luz e as bandas de valência e condução, bem como pela formação de complexo de transferência de carga (CTC), entre as nanopartículas de anatásio e Acac. Os nanohíbridos mesoporosos (as heteroestruturas) são produzidos pelas diferentes rotas de junção de nanofolhas de ferrititanato, obtidas da areia mineral ilmenítica e posteriormente esfoliadas, com nanopartículas de TiO2 modificadas com acetilacetona, estes útlimos formando CTC. As técnicas de caraterização empregadas tais como adsorção-dessorção de N2, espectroscopia de emissão de fotoluminescência (PL) e espectroscopia de refletância difusa (DRS), entre outras, confirmaram a formação das heteroestruturas mesoporosas sensíveis à luz visível e com forte mecanismo de separação de cargas. A fotodegradação do gás poluente NO no espectro de luz-visível por meio de vários nanohíbridos mesoporosos (fotocatalisadores) mostrou-se bem sucedida, exibindo uma eficiência até 7 vezes superior em comparação à atividade do material fotocatalítico padrão TiO2 (P-25 da Degussa). / [en] This work focues on the development of a heterostructure composed by two semiconductors, capable to decrease the electron/hole recombination rate through a robust charge separation, and at the same time, this nanohybrid is sensitive to visible light spectrum. The charge separation is achieved by the injection of free electrons within the conduction band (BC) of TiO2 in anatase form, which come from the highest-occupied-molecular-orbital (HOMO) of acetylacetone (Acac), linked to the anatase nanoparticles, followed by the injection into unoccupied Fe3+ d-orbital within band-gap energy of the ferrititanate nanosheets. Additionally, the absorption of visible light could be assured by ferrititanate nanosheets, considering the interaction of the energy levels of Fe3+ with visible light and the valence and conduction bands, as well as, the formation of the charge transfer complex (CTC), between the anatase nanoparticles and Acac. The mesoporous nanohybrids (called also as heterostructures) were produced by different routes of junction of two components: i) ferrititanate nanosheets, which were synthesized from ilmenite mineral sands, and then they were exfoliated into single layers and ii) TiO2 nanoparticles, modified with Acac, which formed the CTC. The characterization techniques, such as N2 adsorption-desorption, photoluminescence emission spectroscopy (PL) and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), and so on, confirmed the formation of the mesoporous heterostructures sensitive to visible light and with a robust mechanism of charge separation. The photodegradation of NO pollutant gas within the visible light spectrum through several mesoporous nanohybrids (photocatalysts) demonstrated being well succeeded, exhibiting an efficiency more than seven times higher than the activity benchmark TiO2 (Degussa P-25) photocatalyst.

Synthèse et caractérisations de nanotubes de TiO2 pour applications biomédicales : propriétés électrochimiques et bioactivité / Synthesis and characterizations of TiO2 nanotubes for biomedical applications : electrochemical properties and bioactivity

Hilario, Fanny 02 October 2017 (has links)
Le Titane (Ti) est un matériau biocompatible largement utilisé dans le domaine biomédical, notamment pour les implants orthopédiques (prothèse de hanche ou du genou par exemple). Il se distingue plus particulièrement par son excellente résistance à la corrosion et sa capacité d’ostéo-intégration. Cependant, une surface plane de Ti n’est pas assez bioactive pour être implantée ; il est nécessaire d’avoir recours à un traitement de surface pour améliorer ses propriétés. La modification de la surface du titane par anodisation permet la synthèse de nanotubes (NTs) de TiO2 ordonnés et verticalement alignés. Cette technique, peu couteuse, rapide et facile à mettre en œuvre permet également de contrôler finement la morphologie des NTs (diamètre, longueur, aspect des parois…). De plus, les NTs étant amorphes après anodisation, la structure cristalline peut être ajustée par un traitement thermique, conduisant à une structure anatase (450°C) ou à une structure mixte d’anatase et de rutile (550°C).Ainsi, des surfaces de différentes morphologies et différentes structures cristallines ont été synthétisées dans ce travail de thèse, afin d’évaluer l’influence des caractéristiques morpho-structurelles sur la résistance à la corrosion en milieu physiologique et sur la bioactivité (formation d’hydroxyapatite et réponse cellulaire).Nous avons démontré dans cette étude que les NTs cristallisés présentent une plus grande résistance à la corrosion et une meilleure bioactivité que les NTs amorphes (ou que les surfaces planes de Ti). Plus précisément, en tenant compte des aspects électrochimiques, thermiques, mécaniques, chimiques et de bioactivité, il semblerait que des NTs mixtes d’environ 720 nm de long et 90 nm de diamètre constituent une surface optimale pour les applications visées.D’autre part, dans le cadre de l’étude des propriétés électrochimiques de l’interface, une attention toute particulière a été accordée dans ce travail de thèse à la modélisation des résultats de mesures par Spectroscopie d’Impédance Electrochimique (SIE). Il s’avère que la réponse en impédance des NTs de TiO2 en milieu physiologique correspond au modèle d’électrode poreuse de De Levie. Toutefois, pour des électrodes poreuses non-idéales, cette théorie peut être généralisée et modélisée par des lignes de transmission. Ainsi, le modèle de ligne de transmission proposé dans cette étude s’ajuste de façon très satisfaisante aux mesures expérimentales. Il permet notamment de mettre en évidence la nature très peu réactive des NTs de TiO2, justifiant ainsi leurs applications dans le domaine biomédical. / Titanium (Ti) is a biocompatible material widely used in the biomedical field, especially for orthopedic implants (for instance hip or knee replacement). It is particularly corrosion resistant and shows remarkable osseointegration properties. However, plane Ti surfaces are not bioactive enough to be implanted; they need to be improved by surface treatments. Surface modification of Ti by anodization enables to synthesize self-organized and vertically aligned TiO2 nanotubes (NTs). This cheap, fast and easily implementable technique also permits a fine tuning of NTs morphology (diameter, length, wall look, etc.). Moreover, since as-anodized NTs are amorphous, crystalline structure may be adjusted by heat treatment, producing anatase structure (450°C) or a mixed structure of anatase and rutile (550°C).Therefore, surfaces of different morphologies and crystalline structures have been synthesized in order to evaluate the influence of these characteristics on corrosion resistance in physiological medium and on bioactivity (hydroxyapatite formation and cell response).We demonstrated that crystallized NTs are more corrosion resistant and more bioactive than amorphous ones or even than flat Ti surfaces. More precisely, considering electrochemical, thermal, mechanical, chemical and bioactive aspects, it seems that mixed NTs of about 720 nm in length and 90 nm in diameter constitute an optimal surface for the present applications.Additionally, in the frame of electrochemical investigations, we focused on modeling experimental results from Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. The impedance response of TiO2 NTs in physiological conditions can correspond to porous electrode model as developed by De Levie. However, for non-ideal electrodes, this theory can be generalized and modeled by transmission lines. Thus, the transmission line model developed in this study fits very well with experimental measurements. It suggests that TiO2 NTs are almost non-reactive, justifying their applications in biomedical fields.

Separação e recombinação de cargas em células solares fotoeletroquímicas. / Charge separation and recombination in photoelectrochemical solar cells.

Santos, Agnaldo José dos 05 May 2010 (has links)
Interest in research concerning renewable energy sources has grown in recent decades. In this context, the study of the physical processes that are important in the conversion of solar energy radiation via the photovoltaic effect has increasingly been the topic of theoretical and experimental research. In this thesis, we discuss the photovoltaic effect in pn junctions found in Si solar cells, as well as the photoelectrochemical effect at semiconductor-electrolyte interfaces. Specifically, we propose a new linearizable model for the photocurrent-voltage characteristics of nanocrystalline TiO2 dye sensitized solar cells, as well as ZnO solar cells. We also report predicted values for fill factors. The model uses the Butler-Volmer and Nernst equations to describe the photocurrent-voltage characteristics. A single free parameter of the model controls the fill factor. Upon renormalization, diverse experimental photocurrent-voltage data collapse onto a single universal function. These advances allow the estimation of the complete current-voltage curve and the fill factor from any three experimental data points, e. g., the open circuit voltage, the short circuit current and one intermediate measurement. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O interesse em pesquisas sobre fontes de energia renováveis tem crescido nas últimas décadas. Nesse contexto, cada vez mais o estudo dos processos físicos relevantes na conversão da energia da radiação solar, através do efeito fotovoltaico, tem sido alvo de pesquisas experimentais e teóricas. Nesta tese, discutimos o efeito fotovoltaico em junções pn que ocorrem nas células solares de Si, bem como o efeito fotoeletroquímico em interfaces semicondutor-eletrólito. Especificamente, propomos um novo modelo linearizável para as curvas características de fotocorrente-voltagem de células solares de TiO2 nanocristalino sensibilizado por corante, assim como células solares de ZnO. Descrevemos também valores previstos para os fatores de preenchimento. O modelo utiliza as equações de Butler-Volmer e de Nernst para descrever as curvas características de fotocorrente-voltagem. Um único parâmetro livre do modelo controla o fator de preenchimento. Após a renormalização, as curvas com os dados experimentais de fotocorrente-voltagem colapsam em uma única função universal. Estes avanços permitem a estimativa completa da curva de fotocorrentevoltagem e o fator de preenchimento, usando apenas três pontos experimentais, tais como, a voltagem de circuito aberto, a corrente de curto-circuito e uma medida intermediária.

Funkční tenké vrstvy pro aplikace využívající pokročilé oxidační procesy / Functional thin films for applications using advanced oxidation processes

ŠRAM, Vlastimil January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to optimalization the process of magnetron sputtering and creating of thin layers for use in advanced oxidation processes. During the work was created range of TiOx layers. For this process was used physical method of sputtering called PVD. The photocatalytic activity of the deposited films was tested by degradation of organic dyes Acid Orange 7. Furthermore, the layer was analyzed on surface morphology (SEM) and the layer thickness (profilometry). Study of created layers was focused on the link between the characteristics of each layer, deposition parameters and photocatalysis properties. Based on these results, the layers were applied in a system using AOP for the decomposition of organic substances. The first chapter is devoted to a summary of existing knowledge of photocatalysis and its principles. Another chapter is devoted to the theory and methods of applying thin layers and summary of knowledge of the low-pressure discharges. In the exprimental section there are described various components of the apparatus. Furthermore, the experimental part of the work focuses on the analysis of the optimization process of applying thin layers on titanium oxide. The last chapter of the thesis contains the results of the experiments on the basis of is designed another research progress of this issue.

Sínteses e caracterizações de TiO2 puro, dopado e co-dopado pelo método sol-gel e suas atividades fotocatalíticas / Syntheses and characterizations of pure, doped, and co-doped TiO2 by the sol-gel method and their photocatalytic activities

Ana Paula Nazar de Souza 30 April 2013 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio vêm sendo extensamente empregadas como fotocatalisa-dores, já que são eficientes na degradação de diversos poluentes. Visando a obtenção de titâ-nias com diferentes propriedades, realizaram-se sínteses através do método sol-gel, a partir da hidrólise do tetraisopropóxido de titânio (IV) TIPP e seguindo-se os princípios da Química Verde, dispensando-se temperaturas e pressões elevadas. Foi estudada a influência de dife-rentes parâmetros, como: pH, solvente, razão molar álcool/TIPP e ordem de adição dos rea-gentes. Foram obtidas titânias na forma cristalina anatásio, nanométricas, com elevadas áreas superficiais específicas e predominantemente mesoporosas. Visando-se obter titânias com melhores propriedades óticas, isto é, capazes de sofrer a fotoativação pela luz visível, foram sintetizadas titânias dopadas e co-dopadas com os metais ferro e rutênio (Fe3+ e Ru3+) e o a-metal N (N3). A síntese desses materiais também foi realizada através do método sol-gel, sendo a dopagem realizada durante o processo de hidrólise. As amostras foram caracterizadas na forma de pó por difração de raios-X, adsorção-dessorção de nitrogênio, microscopia ele-trônica de varredura e espectroscopia de refletância difusa no UV-Visível. A titânia pura a-presentou como única fase cristalina o anatásio, quando calcinada até 400 C, com a presença de traços de brookita. A partir de 600 C, observou-se o aparecimento da fase rutilo, que em 900C foi a única fase encontrada na titânia. A dopagem com Ru3+dificultou a transformação de fase anatásio para rutilo, ao contrário da dopagem com Fe3+. O processo de co-dopagem acelerou a formação de rutilo, que se apresentou como única fase nas amostras calcinadas a 600 C. As titânias dopadas apresentaram uma leve diminuição na energia de bandgap, sendo os dopantes capazes de deslocar a absorção para o vermelho. Foram realizados testes fotoca-talíticos visando à degradação do azocorante Reactive Yellow 145 com lâmpada de vapor de mercúrio de 125 W a fim de se comparar as atividades fotocatalíticas das titânias puras, dopa-das e co-dopadas, calcinadas a 300C. De todas as titânias sintetizadas, a titânia pura foi a que melhor degradou o corante, tendo um desempenho semelhante ao do TiO2 P25, da Evo-nik / Titanium dioxide nanoparticles have been widely used as photocatalysts due to their efficien-cy in degrading a variety of pollutants. Aiming at obtaining titanium dioxides with different properties, several syntheses were performed using the sol-gel method, hydrolyzing titanium tetraisopropoxide (IV) TIPP and adopting Green Chemistry principles, avoiding high temperatures and pressures. The effect of different synthesis parameters, such as: pH, sol-vent, alcohol/TIPP molar ratio, and reagents addition order was assessed. Nanometric, mesoporous (mainly), anatase titanium dioxides with high specific surface area were obtained. Aiing at developing titanium dioxides with improved optical properties, that is, capable of undergoing photoactivation by visible light, doped and co-doped titanium dioxides with the metals iron and ruthenium (Fe3+ and Ru3+) and the nonmetal N (N3) were synthesized. Those materials were also synthesized by the sol-gel method, in which doping was carried out during the hydrolysis step. Samples were characterized in powder form by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption-desorption, scanning electron microscopy, and diffuse reflectance spec-troscopy in the UV-Visible range. Pure titania samples presented anatase as the sole crystal-line phase when calcined at 400C, with traces amounts of brookite. At 600C, it was ob-served rutile phase, which is the only one at 900C. Doping with Ru3+ impaired the trans-formation of anatase to rutile, while just the opposite happened with Fe3+. The reagents order during the synthesis proved to be a very important parameter to be observed , since the surface area increases significantly and the amount of macropores in the final product. All doped titanium dioxides presented a slight decrease in the bandgap energy (red shift). Photocatalytic tests were performed aimed at degrading of the azo dye Reactive Yellow 145 with a 125 W mercury-vapor lamp. The performance of pure, doped, and co-doped titanium dioxides, calcined at 300C was compared. Pure titanium dioxide showed the best results, with a simi-lar formance to EvoniksTiO2 P25

Flammgespritzte Schichten im System Al2O3-TiO2-ZrO2

Kratschmer, Tim 17 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Beim Flammspritzen von Mischungen im System Al2O3-TiO2-ZrO2 treten vielfältige Effekte auf. Es kommt z.B. zur Ausbildung eines amorphen Anteils, der in Form von amorphen Sublamellen, dem primären amorphen Anteil, und in dendritisch geprägten Bereichen, dem sekundären amorphen Anteil im Gefüge vorliegt. Dieser beeinflusst die mechanischen Eigenschaften deutlich. Bei einer Temperaturbehandlung entstehende Ausscheidungen von ZrO2 oder verschiedenen Zirkoniumtitanaten beeinflussen die mechanischen Eigenschaften ebenfalls signifikant.

Sínteses e caracterizações de TiO2 puro, dopado e co-dopado pelo método sol-gel e suas atividades fotocatalíticas / Syntheses and characterizations of pure, doped, and co-doped TiO2 by the sol-gel method and their photocatalytic activities

Ana Paula Nazar de Souza 30 April 2013 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Nanopartículas de dióxido de titânio vêm sendo extensamente empregadas como fotocatalisa-dores, já que são eficientes na degradação de diversos poluentes. Visando a obtenção de titâ-nias com diferentes propriedades, realizaram-se sínteses através do método sol-gel, a partir da hidrólise do tetraisopropóxido de titânio (IV) TIPP e seguindo-se os princípios da Química Verde, dispensando-se temperaturas e pressões elevadas. Foi estudada a influência de dife-rentes parâmetros, como: pH, solvente, razão molar álcool/TIPP e ordem de adição dos rea-gentes. Foram obtidas titânias na forma cristalina anatásio, nanométricas, com elevadas áreas superficiais específicas e predominantemente mesoporosas. Visando-se obter titânias com melhores propriedades óticas, isto é, capazes de sofrer a fotoativação pela luz visível, foram sintetizadas titânias dopadas e co-dopadas com os metais ferro e rutênio (Fe3+ e Ru3+) e o a-metal N (N3). A síntese desses materiais também foi realizada através do método sol-gel, sendo a dopagem realizada durante o processo de hidrólise. As amostras foram caracterizadas na forma de pó por difração de raios-X, adsorção-dessorção de nitrogênio, microscopia ele-trônica de varredura e espectroscopia de refletância difusa no UV-Visível. A titânia pura a-presentou como única fase cristalina o anatásio, quando calcinada até 400 C, com a presença de traços de brookita. A partir de 600 C, observou-se o aparecimento da fase rutilo, que em 900C foi a única fase encontrada na titânia. A dopagem com Ru3+dificultou a transformação de fase anatásio para rutilo, ao contrário da dopagem com Fe3+. O processo de co-dopagem acelerou a formação de rutilo, que se apresentou como única fase nas amostras calcinadas a 600 C. As titânias dopadas apresentaram uma leve diminuição na energia de bandgap, sendo os dopantes capazes de deslocar a absorção para o vermelho. Foram realizados testes fotoca-talíticos visando à degradação do azocorante Reactive Yellow 145 com lâmpada de vapor de mercúrio de 125 W a fim de se comparar as atividades fotocatalíticas das titânias puras, dopa-das e co-dopadas, calcinadas a 300C. De todas as titânias sintetizadas, a titânia pura foi a que melhor degradou o corante, tendo um desempenho semelhante ao do TiO2 P25, da Evo-nik / Titanium dioxide nanoparticles have been widely used as photocatalysts due to their efficien-cy in degrading a variety of pollutants. Aiming at obtaining titanium dioxides with different properties, several syntheses were performed using the sol-gel method, hydrolyzing titanium tetraisopropoxide (IV) TIPP and adopting Green Chemistry principles, avoiding high temperatures and pressures. The effect of different synthesis parameters, such as: pH, sol-vent, alcohol/TIPP molar ratio, and reagents addition order was assessed. Nanometric, mesoporous (mainly), anatase titanium dioxides with high specific surface area were obtained. Aiing at developing titanium dioxides with improved optical properties, that is, capable of undergoing photoactivation by visible light, doped and co-doped titanium dioxides with the metals iron and ruthenium (Fe3+ and Ru3+) and the nonmetal N (N3) were synthesized. Those materials were also synthesized by the sol-gel method, in which doping was carried out during the hydrolysis step. Samples were characterized in powder form by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption-desorption, scanning electron microscopy, and diffuse reflectance spec-troscopy in the UV-Visible range. Pure titania samples presented anatase as the sole crystal-line phase when calcined at 400C, with traces amounts of brookite. At 600C, it was ob-served rutile phase, which is the only one at 900C. Doping with Ru3+ impaired the trans-formation of anatase to rutile, while just the opposite happened with Fe3+. The reagents order during the synthesis proved to be a very important parameter to be observed , since the surface area increases significantly and the amount of macropores in the final product. All doped titanium dioxides presented a slight decrease in the bandgap energy (red shift). Photocatalytic tests were performed aimed at degrading of the azo dye Reactive Yellow 145 with a 125 W mercury-vapor lamp. The performance of pure, doped, and co-doped titanium dioxides, calcined at 300C was compared. Pure titanium dioxide showed the best results, with a simi-lar formance to EvoniksTiO2 P25

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