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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthèse et réactivité de nanocomposites Au / g-C3N4 / TiO2 pour la production d’hydrogène par procédé photocatalytique sous illumination solaire et visible / Syntesis and reactivity of Au / g-C3N4 / TiO2 nanocomposites for photocatalytic hydrogen production under solar and visible illumination

Marchal, Clément 03 March 2017 (has links)
Dans le contexte actuel d’une demande énergétique croissante associée à un appauvrissement des ressources fossiles, il devient urgent de trouver des sources d’énergies alternatives, écologiquement et économiquement viables. La photocatalyse est une voie prometteuse et innovante pour produire de l’hydrogène (H2) à partir d’énergies renouvelables. Le but est de développer des matériaux stables et efficaces pour amener le procédé à un niveau de maturité suffisant pour de possibles développements à moyen terme.Cette thèse est axée sur l’élaboration et l’optimisation de nouveaux systèmes composites nanostructurés, Au / gC3N4 / TiO2, pour la production d’hydrogène par procédé photocatalytique à partir de l’eau et de l’énergie solaire. L’aspect innovant étant d’optimiser chaque composant de manière à tirer profit des avantages de chacun, puis à surmonter leurs limitations individuelles en les associant de manière intime dans des structure hiérarchisées afin d’obtenir des taux de production d’H2 compétitifs à température ambiante sous illumination solaire et visible. Une étude comparative a également été entreprise sur le photocatalyseur commercial TiO2 P25 « Evonik ® » et met en avant l’efficacité de ces nouveaux matériaux. Pour finir, les activités photocatalytiques de ces composites ont ensuite été corrélées avec leurs propriétés physico-chimiques. / Nowadays, energy demand is constantly increasing while fossil ressources are dwindling and has become imperative to find new alternative energy sources. Photocatalysis is a promising and innovative way to produce hydrogen (H2) from renewable energies. The ai mis to develop stable and efficient materials in order to bring the process towards sufficient efficiency for possible mid-term developments. This thesis focuses on the development and optimization of new nanostructured composite systems, Au / gC3N4 / TiO2, for hydrogen produciton by water-splitting. The innovative aspect is to optimize every components in order to take advantages of each and then to intimately associate them in hierarchical structure for obtaining competitive rates of hydrogen production at room temperature under solar and visible illumination. A comparative study was also undertaken on commercial photocatalyst TiO2 P25 « Evonik ® » to highlight the efficiency of these new materials. Finally, photocatalytic activities of these composites were correlated with their physico-chemical properties.

Biomolécules et systèmes nanostructurés : caractérisation par spectrométrie Raman exaltée de surface (SERS) / Biomolecules and nanostructured systems : characterization by Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)

Reymond-Laruinaz, Sébastien 16 May 2014 (has links)
Le développement des nano et biotechnologies pousse à la recherche de techniques de caractérisation adaptées à l’étude des systèmes nanostructurés. La spectrométrie Raman exaltée de surface (SERS) est une technique d’analyse en plein essor dans ce domaine.Dans ce travail de thèse nous nous sommes attachés à étudier, par cette technique, différents types de systèmes nanostructurés : des biomolécules et des films minces inorganiques. Le but était d’accéder à des informations sur la structure et les liaisons chimiques présentes dans ces systèmes. L’étude a été complétée par des observations par microscopie électronique en transmission notamment.Dans un premier temps, a été réalisée l’étude de molécules d’intérêt biologique. L’objectif était la compréhension des modes d’interaction nanoparticules métalliques/protéines menée sur des nanoparticules d’argent bio-conjuguées avec des protéines depuis leur synthèse jusqu’à leur caractérisation. Les résultats ont montré la chimisorption des protéines à la surface de nanoparticules d'argent possiblement par leurs terminaisons azotées. La technique SERS a également été expérimentée dans le domaine des basses fréquences pour caractériser la structure de dépôts minces de caféine, molécule d’intérêt pharmaceutique.Dans un second temps, l’étude de couches minces nanostructurées par spectrométrie Raman et SERS a été réalisée. Des couches minces nanocomposites TiO2:Au, ont été étudiées pour décrire les premières étapes de croissance des nanoparticules sous l’effet de la température dans ces matériaux. Des films ultraminces de TiO2 d’épaisseur contrôlée ont été déposés sur substrats fonctionnalisés avec des nanoparticules d’or pour étudier leur exaltation par effet SERS. / This work addressed the study of several kinds of nanostructured systems, biomolecules and inorganic thin films, mainly by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS). The aim was to investigate the structure and the chemical bonds. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was also used to complete the structural characterization of the different samples.Firstly, the study was conducted on molecules of biological interest. The aim was to study the interaction between silver nanoparticles and proteins. With this aim, silver nanoparticles bioconjugated with different proteins (hemoglobin, cytochrome C, BSA and lysozim) were synthesized. SERS results allowed concluding that proteins are chemisorbed on the silver nanoparticules surface. SERS was also used in the low frequency range to characterize the structure of thin deposits of caffeine, a molecule of pharmaceutical interest.Raman spectroscopy and SERS were also used to study nanostructured TiO2:Au thin films. The first stages of the growth of gold nanoparticles in Au doped TiO2 thin films under annealing treatments were studied by low frequency Raman spectroscopy and TEM. Finally, it was shown that SERS effect can be used for the characterization of ultra-thin TiO2 films. With this aim, ultra-thin TiO2 films were deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition on Si substrates functionalized with gold nanoparticles and studied by SERS.

Roles of the n-type oxide layer in hybrid perovskite solar cells / Rôles de la couche d'oxyde de type n en hybride perovskite cellules solaires

Zhang, Jie 22 October 2015 (has links)
Le soleil offre une ressource abondante et inépuisable d’énergie. Le photovoltaïque est la technologie la plus importante pour rendre l'énergie solaire utilisable car les cellules solaires photovoltaïques recueillent le rayonnement solaire et le convertissent en énergie électrique. Les cellules solaires à colorant (DSSC) ont été très étudiées en raison de leur faible coût, d’une technique de fabrication facile et une grande versatilité. Un dispositif classique DSSC comprend une photo-anode à colorant, une contre-électrode et un électrolyte contenant un couple redox et des additifs. Pour améliorer la stabilité de ces dispositifs, le remplacement de l'électrolyte liquide par des matériaux solides transporteur de trous a été étudié pour donner ce que l’on appelle des cellules solaires à colorant solides (ssDSSCs). Récemment, les pérovskites hybrides organique/inorganiques ont été introduites dans les systèmes ssDSSCs comme absorbeur de lumière. Les cellules correspondantes, appelées cellules solaires à pérovskite (PSC) ont ouvert une nouvelle ère en photovoltaïque en raison du faible coût de ce matériau et la grande efficacité de ces cellules. L'efficacité de conversion de puissance a augmenté de 3,8% en 2009 à un rendement certifié de 20,1% fin 2014. Les composants des cellules solaires à pérovskite comprennent: une couche compacte d'oxyde jouant le rôle de barrière pour les trous photogénérés, une couche de transport des électrons (un semiconducteur de type n), la couche de l’absorbeur de lumière à base de pérovskite d’halogénure de plomb, la couche de transport des trous et le contact arrière. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes concentrés sur la préparation et l’amélioration des propriétés de la couche de transport d'électrons et la couche de pérovskite... / Solar energy is one of the most important resources in our modern life. Photovoltaic is the most important technology to render the solar energy usable since photovoltaic solar cells harvest light coming from sun and convert sunlight into electrical energy. Dye sensitized solar cells have gained widespread attention due to their low cost, easy fabrication technique and tunable choice for the device. A traditional DSSC device includes a dye-sensitized photo-anode, a counter electrode and an electrolyte containing a redox couple system and additives. To improve the device stability, the liquid electrolyte replacement by a solid state hole transport material has been studied in so-called solid-state dye sensitized solar cells (ssDSSCs). Recently, an amazing light perovskite absorber was introduced into the ssDSSC system to replace the dye, opening the new field of research. Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) open a new era in photovoltaic due to the low cost of this material and the high efficiency of these cells. The power conversion efficiency has risen from 3.8% to a certified 20.1% within a few years. The components in the perovskite solar cell include: the compact metal oxide blocking layer, the electron transport layer, the lead halide perovskite layer, the hole transport layer and the back contact. In this thesis, we focused on the preparation and improving the properties of the electron transport layer and the perovskite layer...

Elaboration et caractérisation de structures métal-isolant-métal à base de TiO2 déposé par Atomic Layer Deposition / Development and study of metal-insulator-metal structure consisted of TiO2 deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition

Pointet, John 05 November 2015 (has links)
Les besoins de la microélectronique pour les condensateurs de type DRAM sont résumés dans la feuille de route ITRS (International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors). Pour descendre en dessous du noeud technologique 22 nm, des performances électriques telles qu'une épaisseur d'oxyde équivalent (EOT) < 0.5 nm et un niveau de courant de fuite < 1.10-7 A/cm² à 0.8 V sont nécessaires. Ces performances sont difficiles à atteindre si l'on considère des oxydes standards largement utilisés tels que le SiO2, le Si3N4 ou l'Al2O3. Le dioxyde de Titane constitue un matériau diélectrique de choix pour ce type d'application si l'on considère sa forte constante diélectrique, la plus haute des oxydes binaires. Selon les conditions de croissance de la couche de TiO2, celle-ci peut se présenter sous forme amorphe ou posséder une structure cristalline appelé phase anatase ou phase rutile. Cette dernière présente une très forte constante diélectrique (90 à 170 selon l'orientation de la maille cristalline) et en fait un atout indéniable pour le développement de condensateur DRAM. Toutefois, cette phase rutile est aussi à l'origine d'un fort courant de fuite mesuré à partir des structures Métal - Isolant - Métal (MIM) associées. De ce fait, il est primordial de savoir contrôler ces courants de fuite tout en gardant la forte valeur de constante diélectrique de la phase rutile. Dans ce travail, nous proposons de travailler sur la croissance des couches minces de TiO2 intégrées dans des structures MIM et déposées sur des substrats différents tels que des électrodes de RuO2/Ru ou de Pt. La technique de dépôt employée pour les couches minces de TiO2 est la technique ALD pour son contrôle très précis de l'épaisseur déposée et sa souplesse d'utilisation pour ce type d'applications. Les propriétés physico-chimiques des couches de TiO2 et l'influence du substrat sur ces propriétés sont analysées. Des compositions différentes de diélectriques sont élaborées au moyen de la technique de dépôt par ALD et notamment des couches minces de TiO2 dopés à l'aluminium. Les propriétés électriques de ces couches sont étudiées afin de déterminer les performances électriques des structures MIM associées en termes de courant de fuite et de densité capacitive. / The requirements for future dynamic random access memory (DRAM) capacitors are summarized in the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors. For sub-22 nm node, performances like equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) < 0.5 nm and leakage current density < 1.10-7 A/cm² at 0.8 V are required but are difficult to meet. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is an attractive dielectric material for such application regarding its high dielectric constant (k). Depending on its growth conditions, TiO2 can be prepared in amorphous, anatase or rutile phase. From the structural point of view, it is generally preferred that TiO2 remains amorphous throughout a complete technological process to minimize leakage transport along grain boundaries. However, the rutile phase exhibits very high dielectric constant ranging from 90 to 170, depending on the lattice orientation. Due to this high dielectric constant, TiO2 rutile phase is considered as a promising material for capacitors in future generations of Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAMs). A key issue is how to control the high leakage current of rutile phase while keeping the highest dielectric constant in order to get the best electrical performances. In this work, we investigate the growth of high dielectric constant rutile TiO2 films in Metal - Insulator - Metal (MIM) structures deposited on different substrates such as RuO2/Ru or Pt electrodes using ALD (Atomic Layer Deposition). A study of physico-chemical properties of TiO2 layer and influence of bottom electrodes on TiO2's crystalline structure is proposed. Different compositions of dielectrics are processed using flexibility of ALD deposition technique, including Al-doped TiO2 layers and pure TiO2 layers. Electrical properties in terms of leakage current or capacitance density of MIM structures embedding that kind of dielectrics and comparison between these MIM structures in terms of electrical performances is proposed in order to determine the best dielectric film composition to meet the requirements for next generation of DRAM capacitors.

TiO2 e TiO2 dopado com ferro = efeitos da inserção do dopante e da segregação de hematita nas propriedades e na atividade fotocatalítica para conversão de energia solar / TiO2 and iron doped TiO2 : effects of the dopant insertion and hematite segregation on the properties and photocatalytic activity for solar energy conversion

Santos, Reginaldo da Silva 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Claudia Longo / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T16:06:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Santos_ReginaldodaSilva_D.pdf: 4843119 bytes, checksum: 3b7dd1f72628c75da40e0f76317b6cfa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Nanopartículas de TiO2 foram preparadas por método sol-gel a partir da hidrólise de isopropóxido de titânio, tratamento hidrotérmico (200 °C, 8 h) e calcinação (450 °C, 30 min); amostras de TiO2 dopado com ferro (Fe:TiO2) foram obtidas pela mesma metodologia incluindo nitrato férrico nos precursores (razão molar Fe/Ti de 1, 3 e 5%). Para comparação, investigou-se também uma mistura de a-Fe2O3/TiO2 (Fe/Ti = 4 %). O intervalo de banda proibida, de 3,2 eV para o TiO2, diminuiu de 3,0 para 2,7 eV com o aumento do teor de Fe. Análises por difração de raios X e refinamento Rietveld revelaram que o TiO2 é constituído por anatasa (82 %) e brookita (18 %); para Fe:TiO2, observou-se 30 % de brookita e identificou-se 0,5; 1,0 e 1,2 wt % de hematita nas amostras com Fe/Ti de 1; 3 e 5%. Filmes porosos, com espessura de 1,5 mm, foram depositados em eletrodos de vidro a partir de suspensões com polietilenoglicol e calcinação. Em solução aquosa, irradiados com um simulador solar, os eletrodos apresentaram comportamento de semicondutor tipo-n: para o TiO2, fotopotencial de -0,95 V em circuito aberto e fotocorrente de 0,34 mA cm em 0,8 V; valores muito menores foram observados para Fe:TiO2 e a-Fe2O3/TiO2. O TiO2 também apresentou maior atividade fotocatalítica para degradação de fenol e, quando utilizado como foto-anodo em célula de dois compartimentos, polarizado a + 0,7 V por 4 h, promoveu a oxidação de formiato e a produção de 18 mmol de H2 sobre contra-eletrodo de Pt. Os eletrodos de Fe:TiO2 e a-Fe2O3/TiO2 apresentaram valores menores de corrente, impossibilitando a obtenção de H2 no catodo. Embora as amostras de Fe:TiO2 tenham apresentado maior aproveitamento da luz visível, a inserção do ferro como dopante e a hematita segregada podem dificultar a separação das cargas fotogeradas e o transporte de elétrons através dos contornos de grãos, resultando em menor atividade fotocatalítica nas aplicações decorrentes da conversão de energia solar / Abstract: TiO2 nanoparticles were synthesized by sol-gel method from hydrolysis of titanium isopropoxide followed by hydrothermal treatment (200 °C, 8 h) and annealing (450 °C, 30 min). Fe doped TiO2 (Fe:TiO2) samples were synthesized by similar methodology adding ferric nitrate, with Fe/Ti atomic ratio corresponding to 1, 3 and 5 %. A mixture of a-Fe2O3/TiO2 (with Fe/Ti = 4 at %) was also investigated. The band gap energy, estimated as 3.2 eV for TiO2, gradually ranged from 3.0 to 2.7 eV with increasing iron content. Rietveld refinement of X ray diffraction data revealed that TiO2 consisted of 82 % anatase and 18 % brookite; for Fe:TiO2, brookite increased to 30 % and hematite was also identified (0.5; 1.0 and 1.2 wt % for samples prepared with 1; 3 and 5 % of Fe/Ti). Porous films, 1.5 mm thick, were deposited on transparent electrodes from aqueous suspension with polyethylene glycol and annealing. In aqueous solution, irradiated by a solar simulator, the electrodes exhibited n-type semiconductor behavior: for TiO2 electrode, -0,95 V of photo-potential at open circuit condition and 0,34 mA cm of photocurrent when biased at 0.8 V; much lower values were observed for Fe:TiO2 and a-Fe2O3/TiO2 electrodes. TiO2 film also exhibited higher photocatalytic activity for phenol oxidation than other samples. The electrodes were also used as photo-anodes in a two-compartment electrochemical cell with Pt counter-electrode and HCOONa as hole scavenger. The cell assembled with irradiated TiO2 anode biased at + 0.7 V for 4 h produced 18 mmol of H2 at the cathodic compartment. H2 evolution was not detected and very low currents were observed for Fe:TiO2 or a-Fe2O3/TiO2 photo- anodes. Although Fe:TiO2 samples exhibited higher sunlight harvesting, inserted iron and segregated hematite can hinder the separation of photogenerated charges, as well as the electron transport across the grain boundaries, resulting in lower photocatalytic activity for solar energy conversion / Doutorado / Físico-Química / Doutor em Ciências

Desenvolvimento de um novo eletrólito polimérico baseado num derivado de PEO e metais de transição para aplicação em dispositivos fotoeletroquímicos / Development of new polymer electrolyte based on a PEO derivative and transition metals for photoelectrochemical devices application

Santos Júnior, Garbas Anacleto, 1988- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Flávia Nogueira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T11:57:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SantosJunior_GarbasAnacleto_M.pdf: 5163839 bytes, checksum: 6d357533b5e3fc16413a4febf8f9d075 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados da preparação e caracterização de eletrólitos poliméricos usando matriz polimérica de um copolímero derivado de PEO - poli (óxido de etileno-co-2-(2-metoxietoxi) etil glicidil éter) - P(EO-EM) - visando à substituição do par redox, I/I3 , usualmente mais comum em células solares do tipo DSSC, por pares de íons de metais de transição, como Fe e Co . Os eletrólitos foram preparados utilizando razões mássicas fixas de P(EO-EM):GBL de 30-70%. Para os eletrólitos de ferro foram utilizados os sais de FeCl2 + FeCl3·6H2O e para os eletrólitos de cobalto CoCl2 · 6H2O + CoF3. Em ambos os casos foram estudados razões molares entre os cátions de valência II:III de 1:1 e 10:1. Diferentes razões mássicas foram estudadas, sendo estas de 2, 5, 8 e 16% para os eletrólitos de ferro e de 1, 2, 3 e 5% para os eletrólitos de cobalto. Valores máximos de condutividade para os eletrólitos contendo sais de ferro foram de 1,88 x 10 e 1,40 x 10 S cm-1, para concentrações de 16% de sal e razões de 1:1 e 10:1 (Fe:Fe), respectivamente. Enquanto que no caso dos eletrólitos contendo cátions de cobalto foram de 1,41 x 10 e 1,16 x 10 S cm, para concentrações de 5% de sal e razões de 1:1 e 10:1 (Co:Co), respectivamente. Testes de PIA- Photoinduced Absorption Spectroscopy mostraram a eficiência do par redox Fe para regeneração dos corantes L0, N719, D35 e Z907. Entretanto, os mesmos testes mostraram a eficiência do par redox Co para regeneração somente do corante L0. A confecção de dispositivos do tipo DSSC com eletrólitos contendo sais de Fe e Co apresentaram resultados insatisfatórios, possivelmente relacionado com a alta taxa de recombinação do elétron ejetado no TiO2 com os mediadores redox / Abstract: This work presents the results of the preparation and characterization of polymer electrolytes using polymeric matrix of a PEO copolymer-poly (ethylene oxide-co-2-(2-methoxyethoxy) ethyl glycidyl ether) - P (EO-EM) - in order to substitute the redox couple , I-/I3-, usually most common mediators in DSSC solar cells, by transition metal ions pairs, such as Fe and Co . The electrolytes were prepared using fixed P(EO-EM) : GBL weight ratios of 30-70 % . The iron electrolytes were prepared using FeCl2 + FeCl3 o 6H2O salts and CoCl2 o 6H2O + CoF3 were used for the cobalt electrolytes. In both cases, it was studied the molar ratios between cations with valence of II: III of 1:1 to 10:1. Different weight ratios were studied, 2 , 5, 8 and 16% for iron electrolytes and 1 , 2, 3 and 5% for the cobalt electrolytes . Maximum conductivity values for the electrolyte containing iron salts were 1.88 x 10 and 1.40 x 10 S cm at salts concentrations of 16 % and ratios from 1:1 to 10:1 (Fe:Fe), respectively. While in the case of electrolyte containing cobalt cations the conductivity values were 1.41 x 10 and 1.16 x 10 S cm -1 at salts concentrations of 5 % and ratios from 1:1 to 10:1 ( Co:Co), respectively . PIA tests - Photoinduced Absorption Spectroscopy- showed the efficiency of the FeII/III redox couple for the regeneration of L0 , N719 , Z907 and D35 dyes. However, the same tests have shown that the CoI redox couple were only able to regenerate the L0 dye. The DSSC devices with electrolytes containing Fe and Co salts showed unsatisfactory results, possibly related to the high rate of recombination of the electron ejected in TiO2 with the redox mediators / Mestrado / Quimica Inorganica / Mestre em Química

Příprava a vlastnosti hybridních vrstev oxidu titaničitého a křemičitého / Photocatalytic properties of hybrid titania-silica layers

Sekerová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the preparation of hybrid titania-silica layers. Titanium tetraisopropoxide and tetraethyl orthosilicate with Levasil were used as the precursors for TiO2 and SiO2 synthesis, respectively. The layers were deposited on substrates by material printing. Furthermore, this work is focused on the study of the rheological properties of TiO2-SiO2 sol and characterization of prepared films by XRD, SEM, ellipsometry, AFM, pencil hardnes test, optical microscopy. Optical properties were also characterized by transmitance and reflectance measurement and the functionality of these layers was demonstrated by a stearic acid degradation experiment.

Charakterizace polovodičových nanovláken / Characterization of semiconducting nanowires

Novotný, Karel January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on characterization of semiconductive nanowires. Theoretical part of thesis deals with basic physical properties of TiO2 and a search of selected properties of titanium dioxide nanostructures is preseted. The experimental part describes several spectroscopic measurements carried out with complex of TiO2 nanowires. The influence of gold nanoparticles (deposited on the nanowire surface) on sample properties is also tested. The final part of thesis is devoted to methodology for measurement of electrical properties. These experiments are carried out only with one nanowire. Focused electron beam induced deposition (resp. Focused ion beam induced deposition) and electron lithography are utilized.

Effect of microstructure on the magnetic properties of transition metal implanted TiO2 films

Yildirim, Oguz 24 February 2016 (has links)
The combined electronic, optic and magnetic properties of transition metal (TM) implanted ferromagnetic TiO2 is of interest for spintronic applications. The nature of the observed abundant ferromagnetism in such materials has been investigated for more than one and a half decades, yet still no clear explanation for its appearance can be given. In this thesis, the origin of the ferromagnetic order in TM:TiO2 systems is studied by investigating the interplay between structural order, defects and incorporation of implanted ions within the host lattice. The defect properties of the host TiO2 are altered by preparing different microstructures of TiO2 (e.g. amorphous, polycrystalline anatase and epitaxial anatase). The difference in microstructure is also found to influence the incorporation of the implanted ions with the host lattice. The crystallographic incorporation of the implanted TM atoms is found only in crystalline films. Moreover, it is observed that the suppression of the dopant related secondary phases can also be achieved by changing the microstructure. The obtained experimental results are compared with the existing theoretical frameworks, while the most relevant one describing our findings is elucidated. Based on this discussion, we propose an ideal microstructural candidate for a dilute magnetic oxide material based on our results.:1 Introduction 2 1.1 Spintronics 2 1.2 Dilute magnetic oxides 5 2 Fundamentals 13 2.1 Introduction 13 2.2 Magnetism in diluted magnetic oxides 13 2.2.1 Possible locations of dopant 3d ions in an oxide matrix 14 2.2.2 Mean field model 15 2.2.3 Bound magnetic polaron model 16 2.2.4 Charge transfer model 17 2.2.5 Ferromagnetism in undoped oxides 19 2.2.6 Extrinsic sources of ferromagnetism 20 2.3 Motivation 21 3 Experimental 24 3.1 Sample preparation 24 3.1.1 DC magnetron sputtering 24 3.1.2 Ion implantation 27 3.2 X-ray methods 29 3.2.1 X-ray diffraction 29 3.2.2 X-ray absorption 31 Synchrotron radiation 31 Physics of X-ray absorption 31 3.3 SQUID magnetometry 35 3.3.1 Avoiding magnetic contamination 37 3.4 Positron annihilation spectroscopy 38 4 TM Implantation into Different TiO2 Structures (TM = Co, Mn, V) 43 4.1 Experiments 43 4.2 Co+ implantation: from diluted paramagnetism to superparamagnetic clusters 45 4.2.1 Cluster-free Co+-implanted TiO2 thin films 45 Experiments 45 Structural properties 46 Implantation-induced structural defects 47 Magnetic properties 50 Local environment of implanted Co atoms 51 Summary 52 4.2.2 Revealing nano-clusters within Co+-implanted TiO2 thin films 54 Experiments 54 Structural properties 54 Magnetic properties 57 Local environment of implanted Co atoms 59 Summary 61 4.3 Mn+ implantation: from a non-magnet to a ferromagnet 63 4.3.1 Experiments 63 4.3.2 Relation between lattice damage and defects 64 4.3.3 Electrical transport properties 65 4.3.4 Local environment of implanted Mn atoms 66 4.3.5 Magnetic properties 67 4.3.6 Summary 69 4.4 V+-implanted TiO2 thin films 71 4.4.1 Experiments 71 4.4.2 Magnetic properties 71 4.4.3 Summary 74 5 The effect of the open volume defects on the magnetic properties of V:TiO2 films prepared by doping during deposition 76 5.1 Experiments 76 5.2 Structural Properties 77 5.3 Investigation of the open volume defects 78 5.4 Magnetic, optical and electrical properties 79 5.5 Summary 81 6 Conclusions 84 6.1 Defects in TiO2 84 6.2 Formation of secondary phases 85 6.3 Evolution of the ferromagnetism in different microstructures of TiO2 87 7 Acknowledgments 91 / Die kombinierten elektrischen, optischen und ferromagnetischen Eigenschaften von TiO2, welches mit einem Übergangsmetall (TM) dotiert wurde, sind für Anwendungen in der Spintronik von hoher Bedeutung. Obwohl dieses Material seit mehr als anderthalb Jahrzehnten untersucht wird, kann derzeit noch keine eindeutige Erklärung für den beobachteten Ferromagnetismus gegeben werden. In dieser Arbeit wird die Ursache für die ferromagnetische Ordnung in TM:TiO2-Systemen untersucht, indem der Zusammenhang von struktureller Ordnung, Defekten und der Einlagerung der implantierten Ionen im Wirtsgitter analysiert wird. Durch die Verwendung unterschiedlicher Mikrostrukturen (z.B. amorphes, polykristalliner Anatas und epitaktischer Anatas) wurden auch die Defekteigenschaften des Wirts-Titanoxid variiert. Dabei zeigte sich ein Einfluss der unterschiedlichen Mikrostrukturen auf die Einlagerung der implantierten Atome in das Wirtsgitter. So konnte die Substitution von Ti-Atomen durch Atome des dotierten Übergangsmetalls nur in kristallinen Filmen beobachtet werden. Weiterhin wurde herausgefunden, dass die vom Dotanden hervorgerufenen Sekundärphasen durch die initiale Mikrostruktur unterdrückt werden können. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse wurden mit aktuellen Theorien verglichen. Zusammenfassend wird ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Ergebnisse gegeben, auf Basis welcher eine optimale Mikrostruktur für ein verdünntes magnetisches Oxid vorgeschlagen wird.:1 Introduction 2 1.1 Spintronics 2 1.2 Dilute magnetic oxides 5 2 Fundamentals 13 2.1 Introduction 13 2.2 Magnetism in diluted magnetic oxides 13 2.2.1 Possible locations of dopant 3d ions in an oxide matrix 14 2.2.2 Mean field model 15 2.2.3 Bound magnetic polaron model 16 2.2.4 Charge transfer model 17 2.2.5 Ferromagnetism in undoped oxides 19 2.2.6 Extrinsic sources of ferromagnetism 20 2.3 Motivation 21 3 Experimental 24 3.1 Sample preparation 24 3.1.1 DC magnetron sputtering 24 3.1.2 Ion implantation 27 3.2 X-ray methods 29 3.2.1 X-ray diffraction 29 3.2.2 X-ray absorption 31 Synchrotron radiation 31 Physics of X-ray absorption 31 3.3 SQUID magnetometry 35 3.3.1 Avoiding magnetic contamination 37 3.4 Positron annihilation spectroscopy 38 4 TM Implantation into Different TiO2 Structures (TM = Co, Mn, V) 43 4.1 Experiments 43 4.2 Co+ implantation: from diluted paramagnetism to superparamagnetic clusters 45 4.2.1 Cluster-free Co+-implanted TiO2 thin films 45 Experiments 45 Structural properties 46 Implantation-induced structural defects 47 Magnetic properties 50 Local environment of implanted Co atoms 51 Summary 52 4.2.2 Revealing nano-clusters within Co+-implanted TiO2 thin films 54 Experiments 54 Structural properties 54 Magnetic properties 57 Local environment of implanted Co atoms 59 Summary 61 4.3 Mn+ implantation: from a non-magnet to a ferromagnet 63 4.3.1 Experiments 63 4.3.2 Relation between lattice damage and defects 64 4.3.3 Electrical transport properties 65 4.3.4 Local environment of implanted Mn atoms 66 4.3.5 Magnetic properties 67 4.3.6 Summary 69 4.4 V+-implanted TiO2 thin films 71 4.4.1 Experiments 71 4.4.2 Magnetic properties 71 4.4.3 Summary 74 5 The effect of the open volume defects on the magnetic properties of V:TiO2 films prepared by doping during deposition 76 5.1 Experiments 76 5.2 Structural Properties 77 5.3 Investigation of the open volume defects 78 5.4 Magnetic, optical and electrical properties 79 5.5 Summary 81 6 Conclusions 84 6.1 Defects in TiO2 84 6.2 Formation of secondary phases 85 6.3 Evolution of the ferromagnetism in different microstructures of TiO2 87 7 Acknowledgments 91

Nanostructuration et fonctionnalisation de microleviers pour la détection d’agents chimiques à l’état de traces / Nanostructuration and functionalization of microcantilevers for the detection of trace chemicals agents

Gerer, Geoffrey 01 March 2019 (has links)
Le développement d’un système de détection sensible, sélectif, rapide, fiable et portable à coût modéré est devenu une nécessité pour prévenir le risque chimique lors d’attaques operationnelles ou terroristes potentielles. Ainsi, ce projet porte sur l’élaboration d’un capteur pour la détection d’agents chimiques de guerre de type organophosphorés (Sarin, Tabun, Soman, VX). L’utilisation de microleviers comme capteur pour augmenter la sensibilité est une méthode prometteuse. La surface faible des microleviers conventionnels limite, la sensibilité de la méthode. Ainsi, pour augmenter la surface de capture, nous avons crée un réseau de nanotubes de TiO2 verticalement alignés. Cette nanostructuration est réalisée par une anodisation électrochimique d’une couche de titane pour obtenir les nanotubes de TiO2. L’influence des paramètres du dépôt de titane et de l’anodisation a été optimisée sur des surfaces modèles puis les conditions ont été transferées sur les microleviers. Afin d’augmenter la sélectivité des capteurs (mais aussi la sensibilité) une fonctionnalisation a été réalisée avec une famille originale de ligands bifonctionnels capables de promouvoir la reconnaissance moléculaire des composés organophosphorés cibles et adaptés à la liaison avec une surface de TiO2. / The development of a sensitive, selective, fast, reliable, and moderate cost portable detection system has become a necessity to prevent chemical risk during operational or terrorist attacks. Thus, this project is focused on the elaboration of sensor for the detection of chemical warfare agents (Sarin, Tabun, Soman, VX). The use of microcantilevers as sensors is a promising method to increase sensitivity of detection. The low surface area of conventional microcantilevers limits the sensitivity of the method. Thus, to increase the surface of capture, we create a nanotubular titanium oxide structures. This nanostructuration is performed by anodization of titanium layer to obtain titania nanotubes. The influence of Ti deposition and anodization parameters was studied and the synthesis was optimized onto model surfaces, then beeing transferred to the microcantilevers. In order to increase the selectivity (but also sensitivity) of the sensors functionalization has been carried out with an original family of bifunctional ligands able to promote the molecular recognition of target organophosphorus compounds and suitable for the binding with a TiO2 surface.

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