Spelling suggestions: "subject:"time off ighlight"" "subject:"time off highlight""
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Noninvasive assessment and quantification of tumour vascularisation using MRI and CT in a tumour model with modifiable angiogenesis – An animal experimental prospective cohort studyMirus, Matthew M., Tokalov, Sergey V., Wolf, Gerald, Heinold, Jerilyn, Prochnow, V., Abolmaali, Nasreddin 06 June 2018 (has links)
To investigate vascular-related pathophysiological characteristics of two human lung cancers with modifiable vascularisation using MRI and CT.
Tumour xenografts with modifiable vascularisation were established in 71 rats (approval by the Animal Care Committee was obtained) by subcutaneous transplantation of two human non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells (A549, H1299) either alone or co-transplanted with vascular growth promoters. The vascularity of the tumours was assessed noninvasively by MRI diffusion-weighted-imaging (DWI), T2-weighted, and time-of-flight (TOF) sequences) as well as contrast-enhanced CT (CE-CT), using clinical scanners. As a reference standard, histological examinations (CD-31, fluorescent beads) were done after explantation.
Microvessel density (MVD) was higher in co-transplanted tumours (171 ± 19 number/mm2) than in non-co-transplanted tumours (111 ± 11 number/mm2; p = 0.002). Co-transplanted tumours showed higher growth rates and larger tumour vessels at TOF-MRI as well as larger necrotic areas at CE-CT. In co-transplanted tumours, DWI revealed higher cellularity (lower minimal ADCdiff 166 ± 15 versus 346 ± 27 mm2/s × 10−6; p < 0.001), highly necrotic areas (higher maximal ADCdiff 1695 ± 65 versus 1320 ± 59 mm2/s × 10−6; p < 0.001), and better-perfused tumour stroma (higher ADCperf 723 ± 36 versus 636 ± 51 mm2/s × 10−6; p = 0.005). Significant correlations were found using qualitative and quantitative parameters: maximal ADCperf and MVD (r = 0.326); maximal ADCdiff and relative necrotic volume on CE-CT (r = 0.551); minimal ADCdiff and MVD (r = −0.395).
Pathophysiological differences related to vascular supply in two human lung cancer cell lines with modifiable vascularity are quantifiable with clinical imaging techniques. Imaging parameters of vascularisation correlated with the results of histology. DWI was able to characterise both the extent of necrosis and the level of perfusion.
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Analysis of Clinically Important Compounds Using Electrophoretic Separation Techniques Coupled to Time-of-Flight Mass SpectrometryPeterson, Zlatuse Durda 16 April 2004 (has links)
Capillary electrophoretic (CE) separations were successfully coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometric (TOFMS) detection for the analysis of three families of biological compounds that act as mediators and/or indicators of disease, namely, catecholamines (dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine) and their O-methoxylated metabolites (3-methoxytyramine, norepinephrine, and normetanephrine), indolamines (serotonin, tryptophan, and 5-hydroxytryptophan), and angiotensin peptides. While electrophoretic separation techniques provided high separation efficiency, mass spectrometric detection afforded specificity unsurpassed by other types of detectors. Both catecholamines and indolamines are present in body fluids at concentrations that make it possible for them to be determined by capillary zone electrophoresis coupled to TOFMS without employing any preconcentration scheme beyond sample work up by solid phase extraction (SPE). Using this hyphenated approach, submicromolar levels of catecholamines and metanephrines in normal human urine and indolamines in human plasma were detected after the removal of the analytes from their biological matrices and after preconcentration by SPE on mixed mode cation-exchange sorbents. The CE-TOFMS and SPE methods were individualized for each group of compounds. While catecholamines and metanephrines in urine samples were quantitated using 3,4-dihydroxybenzylamine as an internal standard, deuterated isotopes, considered ideal internal standards, were used for the quantitation of indolamines. Because the angiotensin peptides are present in biological fluids at much lower concentrations than the previous two families of analytes, their analysis required the application of additional preconcentration techniques. In this work, the coupling of either of two types of electrophoretic preconcentration methods - field amplified injection (FAI) and isotachophoresis (ITP) - to capillary zone electrophoresis with both UV and MS detection was evaluated. Using FAI-CE-UV, angiotensins were detected at ~1 nM concentrations. Using similar conditions but TOFMS detection, the detection limits were below 10 nM. ITP was evaluated in both single-column and two-column comprehensive arrangements. The detection limits achieved for the ITP-based techniques were approximately one order of magnitude higher than for the FAI-based preconcentration. While the potential usefulness of these techniques was demonstrated using angiotensins standards, substantial additional research would be required to allow these approaches to be applied to plasma as part of clinical assays.
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Stanovení nonylfenolu a jeho izomerů ve vodách / Determination of nonylphenol and its isomers in watersSedláček, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the issue of nonylphenol, degradation product of surfactants. Nonylphenol however most often arises in wastewater treatment plants predominantly during the microbial degradation of nonylphenol ethoxylates used in industry. It is a substance highly bioaccumulative, toxic predominantly to aquatic organisms. Furthermore, it belongs among hormone disruptors. The detailed research was prepared, on the basis which experimental part of diploma thesis was solved. Nonylphenol was determined in samples of the wastewater. The solid phase extraction (SPE) was used for the isolation of the analyte and purification of the extract. The final determination was performed on the gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry with time of flight analyzer (TOF). All steps of the preanalytical and the analytical procedure were optimized.
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Measurement of the photodissociation of the deuteron at energies relevant to Big Bang nucleosynthesisHannaske, Roland 28 April 2016 (has links)
Zwischen 10 und 1000 s nach dem Urknall bildeten sich während der Big Bang Nukleosynthese (BBN) die ersten leichten Elemente aus Protonen und Neutronen. Die primordialen Häufigkeiten dieser Elemente hingen von denWirkungsquerschnitten der beteiligten Kernreaktionen ab. Vergleiche zwischen den Ergebnissen nuklearer Netzwerkrechnungen mit astronomischen Beobachtungen bieten eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, etwas über das Universum zu dieser Zeit zu erfahren.
Da es für die p(n,g)d-Reaktion, die eine Schlüsselreaktion der BBN ist, kaum Messungen im relevanten Energiebereich gibt, beruht deren Reaktionsrate in Netzwerkrechnungen auf theoretischen Berechnungen. Darin fließen auch experimentelle Daten der Nukleon-Nukleon-Streuung, des Einfangquerschnitts für thermische Neutronen sowie (nach Anwendung des Prinzips des detaillierten Gleichgewichts) der d(g,n)p-Reaktion mit ein. Diese Reaktion, die Photodissoziation des Deuterons, ist bei BBN-Energien (Tcm = 20–200 keV) ebenfalls kaum vermessen. Die großen experimentelle Unsicherheiten machen Vergleiche mit den präzisen theoretischen Berechnungen schwierig. In den letzten Jahren wurde die d(g,n)p-Reaktion und insbesondere der M1-Anteil des Wirkungsquerschnitts mit quasi-monoenergetischen g-Strahlen aus Laser-Compton-Streuung oder durch Elektrodesintegration untersucht. Üblicherweise verwendete man für Messungen des d(g,n)p-Wirkungsquerschnitts entweder die auf wenige diskrete Energien beschränkte Strahlung des g-Zerfalls oder Bremsstrahlung, für die aber eine genaue Photonenflussbestimmung sowie der Nachweis von einem der Reaktionsprodukte und dessen Energie nötig ist. Da diese Energie im Bereich der BBN relativ gering ist, gab es bisher noch keine absoluten Messung des d(g,n)p-Wirkungsquerschnitts bei Tcm < 5 MeV mit Bremsstrahlung.
Das Ziel dieser Dissertation ist eine solche Messung mit einer Unsicherheit von 5 % im für die BBN relevanten Energiebereich und darüber hinaus bis Tcm ~ 2,5 MeV unter Verwendung gepulster Bremsstrahlung an der Strahlungsquelle ELBE. Dieser supraleitende Elektronenbeschleuniger befindet sich am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf und stellte einen Elektronenstrahl hoher Intensität bereit. Die kinetische Elektronenenergie von 5 MeV wurde mit einem Browne-Buechner-Spektrometer präzise gemessen. Die Energieverteilung der in einer Niob-Folie erzeugten Bremsstrahlungsphotonen wurde berechnet. Die Photonenflussbestimmung nutzte die Kernresonanzstreuung an 27Al, das sich mit deuteriertem Polyethylen in einem mehrschichtigen Target befand. Die 27Al-Abregungen wurden mit abgeschirmten, hochreinen Germanium-Detektoren nachgewiesen, deren Effektivität mit GEANT4 simuliert und durch Quellmessungen normiert wurde. Die Messung der Energie der Neutronen aus der d(g,n)p-Reaktion erfolgte mittels deren Flugzeit in Plastikszintillatoren, die an zwei Seiten von Photoelektronenvervielfachern mit hoher Verstärkung ausgelesen wurden. Die Nachweiseffektivität dieser Detektoren wurde in einem eigenen Experiment in den Referenz-Neutronenfeldern der PTB Braunschweig kalibriert. Die Nachweisschwelle lag bei etwa 10 keV kinetischer Neutronenenergie.Wegen der guten Zeitauflösung der Neutronendetektoren und des ELBE-Beschleunigers genügte eine Flugstrecke von nur 1 m. Die Energieauflösung betrug im d(g,n)p-Experiment 1–2 %. Leider gingen viele Neutronen bereits durch Streuung in dem großen Target verloren oder sie wurden erst durch Teile des kompakten Experimentaufbaus in die Detektoren gestreut. Beide Effekte wurden mit Hilfe von FLUKA simuliert um einen Korrekturfaktor zu bestimmen, der aber bei niedrigen Energien relativ groß war.
Der d(g,n)p-Wirkungsquerschnitts wurde daher nur im Bereich 0.7 MeV < Tcm < 2.5 MeV bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse stimmen mit anderen Messungen, Daten-Evaluierungen sowie theoretischen Rechnungen überein. Die Gesamtunsicherheit beträgt circa 6.5 % und kommt zu fast gleichen Teilen von den statistischen und systematischen Unsicherheiten. Die statistische Unsicherheit könnte durch eine längere FLUKA Simulation noch von 3–5 % auf 1 % verringert werden. Die systematische Unsicherheit von 4.5 % ist vorrangig auf die Photonenflussbestimmung, die Neutronen-Nachweiseffektivität und die Target-Zusammensetzung zurückzuführen.
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Characterization of Molecular Glycerophospholipids by Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass SpectrometryEkroos, Kim 12 December 2003 (has links)
The physical properties of glycerophospholipids (GPLs) are not only determined by the head group (HG), but also by their fatty acid (FA) chains, which affect their distribution and function within membranes in the cell. Understanding the microheterogenity of lipid membranes on a molecular level requires qualitative and quantitative characterization of individual lipids and identification of their FA moieties. The aim of my study was to introduce the new technology of multiple precursor ion scanning (MPIS) on a QSTAR Pulsar time-of-flight mass spectrometer (QqTOF) to analyze lipids. Detailed information on fatty acid composition of individual GPL molecules could be obtained in parallel with conventional profiling of lipid classes, and this could be done by direct analysis of total lipid extracts. This method was termed Fatty Acid Scanning (FAS) and Head Group Scanning HGS, respectively. In this way the molecular GPL composition of total lipid extracts could be charted in a single analysis accurately and rapidly at a low picomole concentration level. Furthermore, combining FAS and HGS together with ion trap MS3 analysis allowed complete charting of the molecular composition of PCs, including quantification of their positional isomers, thus providing a detailed and comprehensive characterization of molecular composition of the pool of PCs. Development of the Lipid Profiler software allowed full automation and rapid processing of complex data, including identification and quantification of molecular GPLs. This approach was evaluated by preliminary applications. First, the molecular composition of PCs of total lipid extracts of MDCK cells and of human red blood cells (RBC) could accurately be charted. Significant presence of positional isomers was observed increasing the total number of individual PC species close to one hundred. Secondly, the molecular PC and SM species distribution in detergent resistant membranes (DRMs) prepared by Triton X-100 DRMs were analyzed and were found to be enriched in distinct GPLs. The distribution in PCs and SMs of Triton X-100 DRMs of RBC were compared with those of the DRMs of MDCK cells. Finally, combining the use of a 96 well plate and a robotic system demonstrated that these analyses can be automated and analyzed with high throughput. This system we termed Shotgun Lipidomics. Taken together, this mass spectrometric methodology provides rapid and detailed insight into the distribution of the molecular GPLs of membranes and membrane sub-fractions.
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Entwicklung zweier Spektrometer für laserbeschleunigte ProtonenstrahlenRichter, Tom 08 April 2009 (has links)
Durch die Fokussierung eines ultrakurzen und hochintensiven Laserpulses auf ein Festkörpertarget können Pulse von Protonen und anderen positiv geladenen Ionen mit Teilchenenergien von einigen MeV pro Nukleon erzeugt werden. Die Charakterisierung dieser Teilchenstrahlung erfordert die Identifizierung der Ionenspezies und die Bestimmung ihrer spektralen Verteilung möglichst nach jedem Puls.
Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit wurden zwei Spektrometer entwickelt und am DRACO-Lasersystem des Forschungszentrums Dresden implementiert. Neben der Inbetriebnahme eines Thomson-Spektrometers mit einer Mikrokanalplatte und einem Fluoreszenzschirm als Auslese erfolgte die Entwicklung eines Flugzeitspektrometers. Die Verwendung einer Mikrokanalplatte mit nur 180ps Anstiegszeit als Signalverstärker sorgt darin für eine verbesserte Energieauflösung und einen flexibleren Einsatz im Experimentierbetrieb. Ein dem Flugzeitsignal überlagertes Störsignal, welches durch die Einstreuungen eines elektromagnetischen Impulses in den Aufbau verursacht wurde, konnte erfolgreich durch die Anwendung verschiedener Filter unterdrückt werden.
Als Ergebnis dieser Arbeit steht eine anwendungsbereite Diagnostik für laserbeschleunigte Protonen und Ionen zur Verfügung. / By focusing an ultra-short high-intensity laser pulse on a solid target, pulses of protons and other positive charged ions with energies of several MeV per nucleon are generated. It is necessary to identify the species of those particles and obtain their energy spectra in a single-shot regime.
Within this diploma thesis two spectrometers have been developed and implemented in the DRACO-laboratory of the Forschungszentrum Dresden. Besides a Thomson spectrometer with read-out via microchannel plate and phosphor screen, a time-of-flight spectrometer was developed. The usage of a microchannel plate with 180ps rise time as a signal amplifier leads therein to a better energy resolution and a more flexible handling in experimental operation. A noise signal generated by stray pick-up of an electromagnetic pulse and superimposing the time-of-flight signal was considerably reduced by the application of different filters.
As a result of this work a ready-to-use diagnostic for laser accelerated protons and ions is available.
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Development of Chemomechanical Functionalization and Nanografting on Silicon SurfacesLee, Michael Vernon 18 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Progress in chemomechanical functionalization was made by investigating the binding of molecules and surface coverage on the silicon surface, demonstrating functionalization of silicon with gases by chemomechanical means, analyzing atomic force microscopy probe tip wear in atomic force microscopy (AFM) chemomechanical nanografting, combining chemomechanical functionalization and nanografting to pattern silicon with an atomic force microscope, and extending chemomechanical nanografting to silicon dioxide. Molecular mechanics of alkenes and alkynes bound to Si(001)-2x1 as a model of chemomechanically functionalized surfaces indicated that complete coverage is energetically favorable and becomes more favorable for longer chain species. Scribing a silicon surface in the presence of ethylene and acetylene demonstrated chemomechanical functionalization with gaseous reagents, which simplifies sample cleanup and adds a range of reagents to those possible for chemomechanical functionalization. Thermal desorption spectroscopy was performed on chemomechanically functionalized samples and demonstrated the similarity in binding of molecules to the scribed silicon surface and to the common Si(001)-2x1 and Si(111)-7x7 surfaces. The wearing of atomic force microscope probe tips during chemomechanical functionalization was investigated by correlating change over time and force with widths of created lines to illustrate the detrimental effect of tip wear on mechanically-driven nanopatterning methods. In order to have a starting surface more stable than hydrogen-terminated silicon, silicon reacted with 1-octene was used as a starting surface for AFM chemomechanical functionalization, producing chemomechanical nanografting. Chemomechanical nanografting was then demonstrated on silicon dioxide using silane molecules; the initial passivating layer reduced the tip friction on the surface to allow only partial nanografting of the silane molecules. These studies broadened the scope and understanding of chemomechanical functionalization and nanografting.
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Identification of the initial reactive sites of micellar and non‑micellar casein exposed to microbial transglutaminaseDuerasch, Anja, Konieczny, Maja, Henle, Thomas 20 March 2024 (has links)
To investigate the influence of the internal micellar structure on the course of enzymatic cross-linking especially in the initial phase of the reaction, casein micelles isolated from raw milk via ultracentrifugation were incubated with microbial transglutaminase (mTG) in comparison with non-micellar sodium caseinate. Reactive lysine and glutamine residues were identified using a label-free approach, based on the identification of isopeptides within tryptic hydrolysates by targeted HRMS as well as manual monitoring of fragmentation spectra. Identified reactive sites were furthermore weighted by tracking the formation of isopeptides over an incubation time of 15, 30, 45 and 60 min, respectively. Fifteen isopeptides formed in the early stage of mTG cross-linking of caseins were identified and further specified concerning the position of lysine and glutamine residues involved in the reaction. The results revealed lysine K176 and glutamine Q175 of β-casein as the most reactive residues, which might be located in a highly flexible region of the molecule based on different possible reaction partners identified in this study. Except for the isopeptide αₛ₁ K34–αₛ₂ Q101 in sodium caseinate (SC), all reactive sites were detected in micellar and in non-micellar casein, indicating that the initial phase of enzymatic cross-linking is not affected by micellar aggregation of caseins.
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High-Throughput Fingerprinting of Rhizobial Free Fatty Acids by Chemical Thin-Film Deposition and Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass SpectrometryGladchuk, Aleksey, Shumilina, Julia, Kusnetsova, Alena, Bureiko, Ksenia, Billig, Susan, Tsarev, Alexander, Alexandrova, Irina, Leonova, Larisa, Zhukov, Vladimir A., Tikhonovich, Igor A., Birkemeyer, Claudia, Podolskaya, Ekaterina, Frolov, Andrej 19 April 2023 (has links)
Fatty acids (FAs) represent an important class of metabolites, impacting on membrane building blocks and signaling compounds in cellular regulatory networks. In nature, prokaryotes are characterized with the most impressing FA structural diversity and the highest relative content of free fatty acids (FFAs). In this context, nitrogen-fixing bacteria (order Rhizobiales), the symbionts of legumes, are particularly interesting. Indeed, the FA profiles influence the structure of rhizobial nodulation factors, required for successful infection of plant root. Although FA patterns can be assessed by gas chromatography—(GC-) and liquid chromatography—mass spectrometry (LC-MS), sample preparation for these methods is time-consuming and quantification suffers from compromised sensitivity, low stability of derivatives and artifacts. In contrast, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) represents an excellent platform for high-efficient metabolite fingerprinting, also applicable to FFAs. Therefore, here we propose a simple and straightforward protocol for high-throughput relative quantification of FFAs in rhizobia by combination of Langmuir technology and MALDI-TOF-MS featuring a high sensitivity, accuracy and precision of quantification. We describe a step-by-step procedure comprising rhizobia culturing, pre-cleaning, extraction, sample preparation, mass spectrometric analysis, data processing and post-processing. As a case study, a comparison of the FFA metabolomes of two rhizobia species—Rhizobium leguminosarum and Sinorhizobium meliloti, demonstrates the analytical potential of the protocol.
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Simulations And Experiments Of Plasma-Induced Effects In Silicon DetectorsGomez L, Ana Maria January 2023 (has links)
When an atomic nucleus undergoes fission, two fragments with different mass and kinetic energy are emitted. The highly unstable fission fragments (FFs) evaporate prompt neutrons soon after the nucleus splits. A precise measurement of both, the mass yield distribution of the FFs and the average prompt neutron emission, $\bar{\nu}$, is important not only for current nuclear technologies but also for the development of future technologies such as Generation IV nuclear power plants. Moreover, the experimental determination of the mass yield distributions, both pre- and post-neutron emission, is valuable for testing fission models. Additionally, a precise measurement of the average neutron multiplicity as a function of the FFs mass, <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?$%5Cbar%7B%5Cnu%7D(A)$" data-classname="equation" data-title="" />, is crucial in the understanding of how the excitation energy is shared between nascent FFs. The VElocity foR DIrect particle identification spectrometer (VERDI) is designed to achieve pre- and post-fission mass distributions with resolutions between 1-2 u. VERDI is a double-energy double-velocity instrument that consists of two arms. On each arm is operated one Microchannel Plate detector (MCP) for the collection of the FFs start time and up to 32 Passive Implanted Planar Silicon (PIPS) detectors for the stop time and energy detection of the FFs. However, challenges in the experimental measurements with VERDI arise due to the high degree of ionization (plasma) in the detector material from the interaction with the FFs. The plasma causes a delay in the charge carriers' migration for the signal start, known as the plasma delay time effect (PDT). Furthermore, the recombination of charge carriers in the plasma causes a shrinking in the signal's height, known as pulse height defect (PHD). This phenomenon leads to inaccuracies in the measurement of FFs mass distributions and increased systematic uncertainties. Previous studies on PDT and PHD have shown varying behaviors across different detector types, which motivated dedicated studies in the type of PIPS detectors used in VERDI. An experimental campaign to characterize the PDT and PHD in PIPS detectors was conducted in the LOHENGRIN recoil separator, which is part of the ILL nuclear facility in Grenoble, France. Measurements of FFs in a range of masses between 80 u and 149 u, with energies between 20 MeV to 110 MeV, were taken to fully characterize six PIPS detectors. The resulting PDT and PHD values were 1 ns to 4 ns and 2 MeV to 10 MeV respectively. The PDT and PHD exhibited consistent energy and mass dependencies across the detectors, which enables the possibility of an event-by-event correction of VERDI data. In this thesis, the basis for discussing the results of the studies of the PDT and PHD effects will be presented.
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