Spelling suggestions: "subject:"timedependent"" "subject:"time·dependent""
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Scheduled service network design for integrated planning of rail freight transportationZhu, Endong 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie une approche intégrant la gestion de l’horaire et la conception de réseaux de services pour le transport ferroviaire de marchandises. Le transport par rail s’articule autour d’une structure à deux niveaux de consolidation où l’affectation des wagons aux blocs ainsi que des blocs aux services représentent des décisions qui complexifient grandement la gestion des opérations. Dans cette thèse, les deux processus de consolidation ainsi que l’horaire d’exploitation sont étudiés simultanément. La résolution de ce problème permet d’identifier un plan d’exploitation rentable comprenant les politiques de blocage, le routage et l’horaire des trains, de même que l’habillage ainsi que l’affectation du traffic.
Afin de décrire les différentes activités ferroviaires au niveau tactique, nous étendons le réseau physique et construisons une structure de réseau espace-temps comprenant trois couches dans lequel la dimension liée au temps prend en considération les impacts temporels sur les opérations. De plus, les opérations relatives aux trains, blocs et wagons sont décrites par différentes couches. Sur la base de cette structure de réseau, nous modélisons ce problème de planification ferroviaire comme un problème de conception de réseaux de services.
Le modèle proposé se formule comme un programme mathématique en variables mixtes. Ce dernie
r s’avère très difficile à résoudre en raison de la grande taille des instances traitées et de sa complexité intrinsèque. Trois versions sont étudiées : le modèle simplifié (comprenant des services directs uniquement), le modèle complet (comprenant des services directs et multi-arrêts), ainsi qu’un modèle complet à très grande échelle. Plusieurs heuristiques sont développées afin d’obtenir de bonnes solutions en des temps de calcul raisonnables.
Premièrement, un cas particulier avec services directs est analysé. En considérant une cara
ctéristique spécifique du problème de conception de réseaux de services directs nous développons un nouvel algorithme de recherche avec tabous. Un voisinage par cycles est privilégié à cet effet. Celui-ci est basé sur la distribution du flot circulant sur les blocs selon les cycles issus du réseau résiduel.
Un algorithme basé sur l’ajustement de pente est développé pour le modèle complet, et nous
proposons une nouvelle méthode, appelée recherche ellipsoidale, permettant d’améliorer davantage la qualité de la solution. La recherche ellipsoidale combine les bonnes solutions admissibles générées par l’algorithme d’ajustement de pente, et regroupe les caractéristiques des bonnes solutions afin de créer un problème élite qui est résolu de facon exacte à l’aide d’un logiciel commercial. L’heuristique tire donc avantage de la vitesse de convergence de l’algorithme d’ajustement de pente et de la qualité de solution de la recherche ellipsoidale. Les tests numériques illustrent l’efficacité de l’heuristique proposée. En outre, l’algorithme représente une alternative intéressante afin de résoudre le problème simplifié.
Enfin, nous étudions le modèle complet à très grande échelle. Une heuristique hybride est développée en intégrant les idées de l’algorithme précédemment décrit et la génération de colonnes. Nous proposons une nouvelle procédure d’ajustement de pente où, par rapport à l’ancienne, seule l’approximation des couts liés aux services est considérée. La nouvelle approche d’ajustement de pente sépare ainsi les décisions associées aux blocs et aux services afin de fournir une décomposition naturelle du problème. Les résultats numériques obtenus montrent que l’algorithme est en mesure d’identifier des solutions de qualité dans un contexte visant la résolution d’instances réelles. / This thesis studies a scheduled service network design problem for rail freight transportation planning. Rails follow a special two level consolidation organization, and the car-to-block, block-to-service handling procedure complicates daily operations. In this research, the two consolidation processes as well as the operation schedule are considered simultaneously, and by solving this problem, we provide an overall cost-effective operating plan, including blocking policy, train routing, scheduling, make-up policy and traffic distribution.
In order to describe various rail operations at the tactical level, we extend the physical network and construct a 3-layer time-space structure, in which the time dimension takes into consideration the temporal impacts on operations. Furthermore, operations on trains, blocks, and cars are described in different layers. Based on this network structure, we model the rail planning problem to a service network design formulation.
The proposed model relies on a complex mixed-integer programming formulation. The problem is very hard to solve due to the computational difficulty as well as the tremendous size of the application instances. Three versions of the problem are studied, which are the simplified model (with only non-stop services), complete model (with both non-stop and multi-stop services) and very-large-scale complete model. Heuristic algorithms are developed to provide good feasible solutions in reasonable computing efforts.
A special case with non-stop services is first studied. According to a specific characteristic of the direct service network design problem, we develop a tabu search algorithm. The tabu search moves in a cycle-based neighborhood, where flows on blocks are re-distributed according to the cycles in a conceptual residual network.
A slope scaling based algorithm is developed for the complete model, and we propose a new method, called ellipsoidal search, to further improve the solution quality. Ellipsoidal search combines the good feasible solutions generated from the slope scaling, and collects the features of good solutions into an elite problem, and solves it with exact solvers. The algorithm thus takes advantage of the convergence speed of slope scaling and solution quality of ellipsoidal search, and is proven effective. The algorithm also presents an alternative for solving the simplified problem.
Finally, we work on the very-large-size complete model. A hybrid heuristic is developed by integrating the ideas of previous research with column generation. We propose a new slope scaling scheme where, compared with the previous scheme, only approximate service costs instead of both service and block costs are considered. The new slope scaling scheme thus separates the block decisions and service decisions, and provide a natural decomposition of the problem. Experiments show the algorithm is good to solve real-life size instances.
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Design de nouvelles fonctionnelles en théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité et conception de polymères pour application à la photovoltaïque organiqueAntaya, Hélène 11 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse porte sur les calculs utilisant la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT) pour simuler des systèmes dans lesquels les effets à longue portée sont importants. Une emphase particulière est mise sur les calculs des énergies d’excitations, tout particulièrement dans le cadre des applications photovoltaïques.
Cette thèse aborde ces calculs sous deux angles. Tout d’abord, des outils DFT déjà bien établis seront utilisés pour simuler des systèmes d’intérêt expérimental. Par la suite, la théorie sous-jacente à la DFT sera explorée, ses limites seront identifiées et de nouveaux développements théoriques remédiant à ceux-ci seront proposés.
Ainsi, dans la première partie de cette thèse, des calculs numériques utilisant la DFT et la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité dépendante du temps (TDDFT) telles qu’implémentées dans le logiciel Gaussian [1] sont faits avec des fonctionnelles courantes sur des molécules et des polymères d’intérêt expérimental. En particulier, le projet présenté dans le chapitre 2 explore l’utilisation de chaînes latérales pour optimiser les propriétés électroniques de polymères déjà couramment utilisés en photovoltaïque organique. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu’un choix judicieux de chaînes latérales permet de contrôler les propriétés électroniques de ces polymères et d’augmenter l’efficacité des cellules photovoltaïques les utilisant. Par la suite, le projet présenté dans le chapitre 3 utilise la TDDFT pour explorer les propriétés optiques de deux polymères, le poly-3-hexyl-thiophène (P3HT) et le poly-3-hexyl- sélénophène (P3HS), ainsi que leur mélange, dans le but d’appuyer les observations expérimentales indiquant la formation d’exciplexe dans ces derniers.
Les calculs numériques effectués dans la première partie de cette thèse permettent de tirer plusieurs conclusions intéressantes, mais mettent également en évidence certaines limites de la DFT et de la TDDFT pour le traitement des états excités, dues au traitement approximatif de l’interaction coulombienne à longue portée.
Ainsi, la deuxième partie de cette thèse revient aux fondements théoriques de la DFT. Plus précisément, dans le chapitre 4, une série de fonctionnelles modélisant plus précisément l’interaction coulombienne à longue portée grâce à une approche non-locale est élaborée. Ces fonctionnelles sont basées sur la WDA (weighted density approximation), qui est modifiée afin d’imposer plusieurs conditions exactes qui devraient être satisfaites par le trou d’échange. Ces fonctionnelles sont ensuite implémentées dans le logiciel Gaussian [1] et leurs performances sont évaluées grâce à des tests effectués sur une série de molécules et d’atomes. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que plusieurs de ces fonctionnelles donnent de meilleurs résultats que la WDA. De plus, ils permettrent de discuter de l’importance relative de satisfaire chacune des conditions exactes. / This thesis is about calculations using density functional theory (DFT) in order to simulate systems in which long range peoperties are important. Particular emphasis is put on excitation energies, especially in the context of applications in photovoltaics.
These effects are adressed in two different ways. In the first place, well-established DFT tools are used to simulate systems of experimental interest. Secondly, DFT’s underlying theory will be explored, its limits will be identified and new theoretical developments will be suggested in reponse to them.
For the first part of this thesis, numerical calculations using DFT and time- dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) as implemented in the Gaussian software system [1] are done with known functionals on molecules and polymers of experimental interest. In particular, the project presented in chapter 2 explores the use of lateral chains in order to optimize electronic properties of polymers which are already widely used in organic photovoltaics. The results obtained show that a judicious choice of lateral chains can allow good control of the electronic properties of these polymers and can make photovoltaic cells using these polymers more efficient. The project presented in chapter 3 uses TDDFT in order to explore the optical properties of two polymers, poly-3-hexyl-thiophene (P3HT) and poly- 3-hexyl-selenophene (P3HS) as well as a blend of these two polymers, in order to support experimental observations indicating an exciplex formation in the blend.
The numerical calculations in the first part of this thesis allow us to make a few very interesting conclusions, however they also emphasize certain limitations of DFT and TDDFT when treating excited states, due to the approximate treatment of long-range Coulombic interactions. So, the second part of this thesis comes back to the theoretical foundations of DFT. To be more precise, in chapter 4, a series of functionals better modelizing long-range Coulombic interactions based on a non-local approach is elaborated. The functionals expand upon the weighted density approximation (WDA) and impose several exact conditions which should be satisfied by the exchange hole. These functionals are implemented in the Gaussian [1] software system and their performances are evaluated with tests on a series of atoms and molecules. The results obtained show that many of these functionals improve upon the WDA and they also provide some insight on the relative importance of satisfying each of the exact conditions.
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Utilisation de conduites de séchage oscillantes pour réduire les contraintes liées au retrait du bois / Utilization of oscillating drying conditions to reduce stresses induced by the shrinkage of woodDe la Cruz Sanchez, Carmen Mariella 22 October 2012 (has links)
La maîtrise du procédé séchage, étape essentielle dans la transformation du bois, est devenue incontournable pour la filière bois. Cette thèse propose l'utilisation de conduites de séchage oscillantes pour réduire les contraintes de séchage liées au retrait par l'activation du fluage mécanosorptif. A ce jour, la meilleure façon d'appliquer les conduites oscillantes représente un défi pour la communauté scientifique. Dans ce travail, nous avons choisi comme matériel d'étude une essence feuillue fortement utilisée dans la filière et très susceptible aux déformations lors du séchage : le hêtre (Fagus sylvatica). L'effet des conduites oscillantes sur les contraintes de séchage est étudié par une approche expérimentale et par une approche théorique, articulées en trois parties : - Un premier volet expérimental sur un séchoir semi – industriel pour saisir l'effet global des conduites oscillantes à l'échelle d'une pile de planches. L'amélioration de la qualité du bois séché s'est avérée par : une meilleure homogénéité de la teneur en eau finale inter et intra-planche, la diminution des déformations globales et la diminution des contraintes résiduelles exprimées par le gap du « slicing test ». - Ensuite, nous avons développé un volet théorique sur la base de modélisations analytique et numérique pour étudier l'évolution des champs de teneur en eau et de contraintes mécaniques au sein d'une planche lorsque les conditions climatiques oscillent. Une formulation analytique simple, adaptée aux conduites oscillantes, est proposée pour les utilisateurs de séchoirs n'ayant pas accès à un outil numérique sophistiqué. L'approche numérique effectuée avec l'outil de simulation TransPore permet une étude plus réaliste du séchage oscillant. Ainsi, le module mécanique de TransPore a été utilisé pour dégager des configurations pertinentes de séchage permettant d'étudier l'effet des conduites oscillantes sur la relaxation des contraintes. - Enfin, un second volet expérimental a été réalisé sur un séchoir de laboratoire, à l'échelle d'une planche, pour tester les informations issues du volet théorique. Un dispositif de séchage dissymétrique (flying wood) et deux dispositifs de séchage sous charge (poutre cantilever et flexion trois points) ont été utilisés pour étudier l'effet des oscillations. Toutefois, ces essais ne permettent pas de montrer clairement l'effet des oscillations sur la relaxation des contraintes. La confrontation entre les résultats expérimentaux à l'échelle d'une planche et la simulation numérique a mis en évidence l'effet conséquent des oscillations parasites de faibles période et amplitude sur les résultats expérimentaux, provoquées par la régulation du séchoir. Des modifications du modèle de comportement mécanique différé ont été proposées en perspectives de ce travail afin de mieux saisir le comportement observé expérimentalement. / Wood drying is an essential process in the wood industry. A perfect control of wood drying is nowadays very important for the wood industry. In this study, we propose the utilization of oscillating drying conditions to reduce the drying stresses induced by wood shrinkage by activating the mechanosorptive creep. The best way to apply this concept remains an open question in the scientific community. Beech wood (Fagus sylvatica), one of the most commonly used hardwood in France, was chosen for this study owing its elevated risk of drying defaults. The effect of oscillating conditions on drying stresses inside the boards was studied by both an experimental and a theoretical approach, structured in three parts: - A first experimental part realized with a semi – industrial kiln in order to study the global effect of oscillating conditions at the stack scale. Improvement of the quality of dried wood was showed by the best homogeneity of water content inside the board and among the boards and by the decrease of global deformations and residual stresses expressed by the gap measured by the slicing test. - The study was continued with a theoretical part based on analytical and numerical modeling to understand the development of internal heat and mass transfers inside the boards and the evolution of drying stresses during oscillating conditions. A simple analytical model adapted to the oscillating conditions was proposed, particularly for kiln users who don't have access to sophisticated numerical tools. The numerical approach used the simulation tool TransPore, able to simulate oscillating drying in more realistic conditions. Its mechanical module was used to set accurate drying schedules to study the effect of oscillating conditions on stresses relaxation. - Finally, a second experimental part was performed in a laboratory scale kiln, at the board scale, to test the information obtained theoretically. A non-symmetrical drying device (flying wood) and two different loaded drying devices (cantilever beam test and three points bending) were used to study the effect of oscillations. However, it is difficult to see the oscillating conditions effect on the stresses relaxation. The confrontation between experimental results at the board scale and the numerical simulation showed the significant effect produced on experimental results by parasite oscillations of small periods and intensities, originated by the kiln regulation. Further work should consider some modifications of the time dependent mechanical behavior model in order to capture the experimentally observed behavior.
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Contribuição ao projeto de estruturas multi-piso reticuladas em concreto pré-moldado / Contribution to the design of precast concrete multi-storey structuresMota, Joaquim Eduardo 21 October 2009 (has links)
Estruturas em concreto pré-moldado vêm sendo utilizadas com freqüência em sistemas reticulados do tipo multi-piso, destinados às mais variadas atividades como: estabelecimentos comerciais, estacionamentos, escolas, hospitais e etc. A utilização de ligações viga-pilar do tipo semi-rígida constitui uma alternativa interessante para o enrijecimento e para a garantia da estabilidade global deste tipo de estrutura. Atualmente, a rigidez e a resistência destas ligações têm sido determinadas por ensaios de modelos em escala real. Estes ensaios, além de apresentarem um custo elevado, têm aplicação restrita à ligação examinada o que torna esta metodologia limitada e não adequada à prática de elaboração de projeto. Apresenta-se, neste trabalho, um modelo mecânico para determinação numérica da relação força-deslocamento de uma ligação viga-pilar semi-rígida a partir da contribuição da rigidez individual de cada componente de transferência de força utilizado na vinculação. A formulação do equilíbrio do modelo é implementada em planilha eletrônica constituindo-se numa ferramenta de cálculo para o projetista, permitindo o estudo, de forma rápida e amigável, da influência do posicionamento e da rigidez individual de cada componente de transferência de força na rigidez e na resistência da ligação. Este modelo mecânico foi utilizado para o cálculo da rigidez à rotação para momento fletor positivo de uma ligação viga-pilar ensaiada em laboratório. Os valores para a rigidez da ligação obtidos em ensaio e pelo modelo mecânico ficaram muito próximos. Da formulação do equilíbrio do modelo mecânico pode-se extrair ainda uma matriz de rigidez que é utilizada na representação da ligação semi-rígida no modelo de barra da estrutura. Um programa computacional foi desenvolvido para a análise de pórticos planos com ligação viga-pilar semi-rígida considerando ainda as não linearidades físicas e geométricas do modelo de cálculo. O programa foi validado pela comparação de resultados de exemplos também processados no programa ANSYS. A não-linearidade geométrica é considerada pelo método modal, não incremental-iterativo, e que obtém a parcela não-linear da resposta estrutural pela combinação dos seus modos de flambagem. A não-linearidade física do concreto é considerada pelo método da rigidez secante no qual a rigidez de cada barra da estrutura é reduzida na análise conforme suas armaduras e o nível de sua solicitação. Para o cálculo da rigidez secante dos pilares desenvolveu-se um programa que permite a consideração de armaduras ativas e passivas na seção. A análise de alguns exemplos revelou que a protensão dos pilares é também uma alternativa interessante para o enrijecimento da estrutura. Além de exemplos práticos, outros temas pertinentes ao projeto deste tipo de estrutura como: estabilidade na fase construtiva, esforços finais após a montagem, efeitos dependentes do tempo, assimetria de rigidez e plastificação das ligações, são também abordados no trabalho. / Precast concrete multi-storey structures have been more frequently used to construct commercial buildings, parking, schools and hospitals. The use of semi-rigid beam-tocolumn connections is a good strategy to guarantee the global stability of this type of structure. Actually the rigidity and the strength of this type of connection are obtained in an experimental program using full scale prototypes. This procedure is not only expensive but limited and not adequate for design since the results are only valid for the examined connection. This research presents a mechanical model used to determine numerically the force-displacement relationship of a beam-to-column semirigid connection. The procedure uses the contribution of any individual force transfer component active in the connection. The equilibrium equation of the model is implemented in an electronic-worksheet where the designer can rapidly and friendly study the influence of the position and the individual rigidity of each force transfer component in the global rigidity and strength of the connection. For validation, this procedure was used to calculate the flexural rigidity for positive bending moment of a beam-to-column semi-rigid connection that was tested in laboratory. The numerical values of the connection rigidity obtained by test and by the mechanical model are very close. The matrix used in the formulation of the mechanical model equilibrium can also be used to represent the semi-rigid connection in the finite element model of the structure. A computational program was developed for plane frame analysis including semi-rigid beam-to-column connections and both physical and geometric nonlinearities. The program was tested by comparing the results of some examples that are also analysed in the ANSYS program. The geometric nonlinearity is considered by a modal method where the nonlinear response of the structure is obtained by a combination of its buckling modes. The physical nonlinearity of the concrete is considered by the secant rigidity method. In this method the rigidities of all concrete bars in the structure are reduced by coefficients that depend of the reinforcement in the cross section and the level of the efforts. A special computational program was developed to calculate the secant rigidity for a concrete cross section with reinforcing bar and prestressing steel. The analysis of some examples shows that the use of prestressing steel in collums is also an interesting alternative to sttifen the structure. Beyond of some practical examples, others themes related to the design of this type of structure like: stability in the erection process, efforts in the end of the erection process, time-dependent effects, non symmetrical and plastic behavior of the connections, are also treated in this work.
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Reforço de vigas de concreto armado submetidas a pré-carregamento e ações de longa duração com aplicação de concretos de alta resistência e concretos com fibras de aço / Strengthening of reinforced concrete beams subjected to preloading forces and long-term loads: application of high strength concrete and steel fiber reinforced concreteReis, Andréa Prado Abreu 24 October 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se o reforço de vigas T de concreto armado tanto por meio de adição de armadura longitudinal ao bordo tracionado envolvida por um material compósito (argamassa com fibras curtas de aço), quanto pela aplicação de uma capa de pequena espessura de microconcreto de alta resistência ao bordo comprimido. Para estudar as possibilidades da aplicação prática destas duas técnicas de reforço avaliou-se o comportamento das vigas reabilitadas verificando a influência: da atuação de um pré-carregamento durante a execução do reforço, das deformações diferidas diferenciais (fluência e retração) existentes entre os materiais novos e antigos e, dos mecanismos de resistência mobilizados na transmissão de esforços na junta - formada pela ligação do substrato ao concreto do reforço - ou entre as barras de aço tracionadas preexistentes e adicionadas em função da ausência de estribos envolvendo-as. Para redimensionar as peças reforçadas no bordo tracionado foram realizados ensaios complementares para identificar, dentre as várias fibras disponíveis comercialmente, qual a que proporcionaria ao material compósito, um confinamento suficiente que evitasse a ruptura prematura da viga pela tendência de deslizamento relativo entre as barras de aço tracionadas devida à ausência de estribos neste local. Para redimensionar as peças reforçadas no bordo comprimido realizou-se ensaios complementares para determinar as propriedades viscoelásticas dos materiais usados no substrato e no reforço, tornando possível estimar as descontinuidades geradas nos estados de tensão e deformação ao longo do tempo já que tais materiais são moldados e submetidos a carregamentos em idades distintas. Os resultados dos ensaios das vigas reforçadas de seção T foram analisados e comparados com previsões teóricas feitas a partir da adaptação de métodos analíticos convencionais recomendados por norma para estruturas novas, e a partir de simulações numéricas usando um programa computacional baseado no método dos elementos finitos. Do estudo realizado foi possível: comprovar a eficiência das técnicas de reforço propostas estando as peças submetidas ou não a um pré-carregamento durante a execução da intervenção, compatibilizar alguns dos conhecimentos teóricos existentes a fim de poder usá-los na análise teórica das vigas reabilitadas, além de reunir uma série de informações úteis que podem ser exploradas na definição de estratégias e procedimentos de projeto de estruturas reabilitadas semelhantes / This paper reports on the results of a study about the behavior of reinforced concrete T-beams rehabilitated using two different techniques. The first technique consists of the addition of longitudinal reinforcement embedded in a steel fiber reinforced highperformance mortar at the bottom face of the member. The second technique consists of rehabilitation by adding a thin overlay of high-strength concrete to the compression zone. The parameters analyzed to verify the possibilities of practical applications of these techniques were: the effect of a pre-loading acting on the beams during their rehabilitation, the differential time-dependent deformations (creep and shrinkage) between the new concrete and existing base, the mechanisms of resistance mobilized along the interface formed by old and new concrete or between pre-existent steel bars and added steel bars that are not involved by stirrups. Previous tests were carried out to make it possible to redesign the intervention adequately. Theses tests yield useful information about which type and volume of steel fibers need to be added to composite mortar to avoid the premature rupture of the strengthened beam caused by relative slipping between the layers of steel tensioned bars. These tests also give information about the viscoelastic properties of the materials used to manufacture the T-beams. The test results were analyzed and compared with the results of analytic models and numeric models based on the method of the finite elements. Based on this study, it can be stated that the proposed techniques are really efficient even if the beams are submitted to a pre-loading during the process of rehabilitation. Also, existing theoretical knowledge was organized to support the theoretical analysis of the rehabilitated beams, besides gathering useful information that can be explored in the definition of strategies and procedures of similar projects of rehabilitated structures
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The quantum vacuum near time-dependent dielectricsBugler-Lamb, Samuel Lloyd January 2017 (has links)
The vacuum, as described by Quantum Field Theory, is not as empty as classical physics once led us to believe. In fact, it is characterised by an infinite energy stored in the ground state of its constituent fields. This infinite energy has real, tangible effects on the macroscopic clusters of matter that make up our universe. Moreover, the configuration of these clusters of matter within the vacuum in turn influences the form of the vacuum itself and so forth. In this work, we shall consider the changes to the quantum vacuum brought about by the presence of time-dependent dielectrics. Such changes are thought to be responsible for phenomena such as the simple and dynamical Casimir effects and Quantum Friction. After introducing the physical and mathematical descriptions of the electromagnetic quantum vacuum, we will begin by discussing some of the basic quasi-static effects that stem directly from the existence of an electromagnetic ground state energy, known as the \textit{zero-point energy}. These effects include the famous Hawking radiation and Unruh effect amongst others. We will then use a scenario similar to that which exhibits Cherenkov radiation in order to de-mystify the 'negative frequency' modes of light that often occur due to a Doppler shift in the presence of media moving at a constant velocity by showing that they are an artefact of the approximation of the degrees of freedom of matter to a macroscopic permittivity function. Here, absorption and dissipation of electromagnetic energy will be ignored for simplicity. The dynamics of an oscillator placed within this moving medium will then be considered and we will show that when the motion exceeds the speed of light in the dielectric, the oscillator will begin to absorb energy from the medium. It will be shown that this is due to the reversal of the 'radiation damping' present for lower velocity of stationary cases. We will then consider how the infinite vacuum energy changes in the vicinity, but outside, of this medium moving with a constant velocity and show that the presence of matter removes certain symmetries present in empty space leading to transfers of energy between moving bodies mediated by the electromagnetic field. Following on from this, we will then extend our considerations by including the dissipation and dispersion of electromagnetic energy within magneto-dielectrics by using a canonically quantised model referred to as 'Macroscopic QED'. We will analyse the change to the vacuum state of the electromagnetic field brought about by the presence of media with an arbitrary time dependence. It will be shown that this leads to the creation of particles tantamount to exciting the degrees of freedom of both the medium and the electromagnetic field. We will also consider the effect these time-dependencies have on the two point functions of the field amplitudes using the example of the electric field. Finally, we will begin the application of the macroscopic QED model to the path integral methods of quantum field theory with the purpose of making use of the full range of perturbative techniques that this entails, leaving the remainder of this adaptation for future work.
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Comportamento dependente do tempo de rochas sulfáticas de anidrita e gipso / Time-dependent behavior of sulphatic rocks of the anhydrite and gypsumGiambastiani, Mauricio 07 June 2005 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo contribuir para o conhecimento do comportamento dependente do tempo das rochas de anidrita e gipso. O maior interesse é fornecer argumentos convincentes sobre os mecanismos físicos responsáveis pelas deformações lentas observadas em algumas escavações subterrâneas realizadas em maciços dessas rochas na Europa, aspecto este que hoje está bastante confuso e escassamente estudado. A hipótese central desta pesquisa é que o comportamento dependente do tempo das rochas de anidrita e gipso deve-se parcial e/ou totalmente às propriedades reológicas (fluência) e não exclusivamente a expansão decorrente da transformação anidrita gipso como a maioria dos autores sustenta. Este problema será analisado a partir de uma perspectiva experimental através de ensaios específicos. Os ensaios de expansão axial livre em rochas de anidrita permitiram concluir que quando submersas em água destilada, experimentam diminuição de volume por dissolução. Já as amostras de anidrita em contato com solução saturada em 'CA'SO IND.4' mostram uma relação não linear entre deformação axial e o tempo indicando uma taxa de expansão que decresce com o tempo. As taxas de expansão axial variam entre 0,3 e 2,4%/ano. A novidade é que esta expansão se deve à deposição de uma camada contínua formada por neocristais de gipso e não a expansão por hidratação da anidrita como acontece com os argilominerais. O mecanismo de transformação consiste na dissolução da anidrita e posterior precipitação do gipso em condições de sobre-saturação da solução. A transformação mineralógica acontece, na natureza, em condições propícias de temperatura e saturação da solução com íons 'CA POT.2+' e 'SO IND.4'POT.2-'. Propõe-se uma teoria alternativa sobre deformações lentas de maciços sulfáticos baseada na força de cristalização decorrente da deposição de cristais de gipso nas juntas do maciço rochoso. Propõe-se utilizar as formulações termodinâmicas propostas para expansão de concretos por crescimento de etringita e gipso. Os ensaios de fluência uniaxial sob compressão axial constante mostram que ambos os tipos de rochas sulfáticas apresentam comportamentos elasto-visco-plásticos e taxas de deformação axial e lateral da ordem de '10 POT.-12' a '10 POT.-10' 'S POT.-1'. A deflagração da fluência secundária acontece sob tensões de 4 6 MPa para gipsitas e de 25 40 MPa para anidritas. As análises sobre os possíveis mecanismos de deformação por fluência foram inconsistentes e nenhuma conclusão definitiva foi atingida. Aparentemente a baixas tensões atuariam mecanismos de difusão e dissolução por pressão. A tensões intermediárias dominariam mecanismos de deslocamentos intra e intercristalinos e a altas tensões as rochas deformariam por propagação de microfissuramento. Ensaios de fluência acoplados a sensores de emissão acústica mostram a manifestação de eventos microssísmicos que usualmente se atribuem à propagação de microfraturas mas que podem dever-se a outros mecanismos. Tanto as taxas de expansão axial como de fluência são compatíveis com as taxas de convergência medidas em algumas obras subterrâneas escavadas em maciços sulfáticos, verificando a hipótese central da pesquisa / The purpose of this thesis is to contribute for the knowledge of time-dependent behavior of sulfatic rocks of anhydrite and gypsum. Emphasis is given to provide straightforward arguments about physical mechanisms responsible for creep observed in some underground excavations in those rocks in Europe. Explanation for this phenomena is not clear yet and studies about them are still scarce. The backbone idea behind this research is that the time-dependent behavior of anhydrite and gypsum is totally or at least partially due to rheological properties, and not exclusively due to swelling resulting from the anhydritegypsum transformation. This problem was investigated experimentally with specific tests. Free swelling tests on anhydrite led to the conclusion that when immersed into distilled water, volume decrease due to dissolution is observed. Anhydrite samples in contact with a saturated solution of 'CA'SO IND.4' present a nonlinear relationship between axial strain and time, indicating swelling rate decreasing with time. Axial swelling rates vary between 0,3% and 2,4%/year. The new concept is that this swelling is due to the deposition of a continuous layer of gypsum composed by gypsum neo-crystals, and not due to hydration swelling of anhydrite, a usual with clay minerals. The transformation mechanism consists of anhydrite dissolution and later precipitation of gypsum under over-saturation condition of the solution. The mineralogical transformation takes place in nature under favorable conditions of temperature and solution saturation with 'CA POT.2+' and 'SO IND.4'POT.2-' ions. An alternative theory is proposed about creep of sulfatic rock masses based on crystallization forces resulting from the deposition of gypsum crystals in the rock masses joints. The use of thermodynamic formulations is proposed for concrete swelling due to the growth of ettringite and gypsum. Uniaxial compression creep tests show that both types of sulfatic rocks present elasto-visco-plastic behavior and axial and lateral strain rates of the order of '10 POT.-12' to '10 POT.-10' 'S POT.-1'. Triggering of secondary creep takes places under stresses of the order of 4 6 MPa for gypsum and 25 40 MPa for anhydrite. The analyses about the possible creep mechanisms were not consistent and no definite conclusion has been reached get. Apparently under low stresses diffusion and pressure dissolution mechanism dominate. Under intermediate stresses, intra- and inter crystalline displacement mechanisms seem to dominate, and under high stresses rock deform due to microcrack propagation. Creep tests monitored with acoustic emission devices show the occurrence of microseismic events attributed to microcrack propagation. Both axial swelling and creep rock are compatible with convergence rocks measured in some underground works excavated in sulfatic rock masses, following the central idea of this thesis
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Propagation of singularities for pseudo-differential operators and generalized Schrödinger propagatorsJohansson, Karoline January 2010 (has links)
<p>In this thesis we discuss different types of regularity for distributions which appear in the theory of pseudo-differential operators and partial differential equations. Partial differential equations often appear in science and technology. For example the Schrödinger equation can be used to describe the change in time of quantum states of physical systems. Pseudo-differential operators can be used to solve partial differential equations. They are also appropriate to use when modeling different types of problems within physics and engineering. For example, there is a natural connection between pseudo-differential operators and stationary and non-stationary filters in signal processing. Furthermore, the correspondence between symbols and operators when passing from classical mechanics to quantum mechanics essentially agrees with symbols and operators in the Weyl calculus of pseudo-differential operators.</p><p>In this thesis we concentrate on investigating how regularity properties for solutions of partial differential equations are affected under the mapping of pseudo-differential operators, and in particular of the free time-dependent Schrödinger operators.</p><p>The solution of the free time-dependent Schrödinger equation can be expressed as a pseudo-differential operator, with non-smooth symbol, acting on the initial condition. We generalize a result about non-tangential convergence, which was obtained by Sjögren and Sjölin (1989) for the free time-dependent Schrödinger equation.</p><p>Another way to describe regularity for a distribution is to use wave-front sets. They do not only describe where the singularities are, but also the directions in which these singularities appear. The first types of wave-front sets (analytical wave-front sets) were introduced by Sato (1969, 1970). Later on Hörmander introduced ``classical'' wave-front sets (with respect to smoothness) and showed results in the context of pseudo-differential operators with smooth symbols, cf. Hörmander (1985).</p><p>In this thesis we consider wave-front sets with respect to Fourier Banach function spaces. Roughly speaking, we take <em>B</em> as a Banach space, which is invariant under translations and embedded between the space of Schwartz functions and the space of temperated distributions. Then we say that the wave-front set of a distribution contains all points (x<sub>0</sub>, ξ<sub>0</sub>) such that no localization of the distribution at x<sub>0</sub>, belongs to <em>FB</em> in the direction ξ<sub>0</sub>. We prove that pseudo-differential operators with smooth symbols shrink the wave-front set and we obtain opposite embeddings by using sets of characteristic points of the operator symbols.</p> / <p>I denna avhandling diskuterar vi olika typer av regularitet för distributioner som uppkommer i teorin för pseudodifferentialoperatorer och partiella differentialekvationer. Partiella differentialekvationer förekommer inom naturvetenskap och teknik. Exempelvis kan Schrödingerekvationen användas för att beskriva förändringen med tiden av kvanttillstånd i fysikaliska system. Pseudodifferentialoperatorer kan användas för att lösa partiella differential\-ekvationer. De användas också för att modellera olika typer av problem inom fysik och teknik. Det finns till exempel en naturlig koppling mellan pseudodifferentialoperatorer och stationära och icke-stationära filter i signalbehandling. Vidare gäller att relationen mellan symboler och operatorer vid övergången från klassisk mekanik till kvantmekanik i huvudsak överensstämmer med symboler och operatorer inom Weylkalkylen för pseudodifferentialoperatorer.</p><p>I den här avhandlingen koncentrerar vi oss på att undersöka hur regularitetsegenskaper för lösningar till partiella differentialekvationer påverkas under verkan av pseudodifferentialoperatorer, och speciellt för de fria tidsberoende Schrödingeroperatorerna.</p><p>Lösningen av den fria tidsberoende Schrödingerekvationen kan uttryckas som en pseudodifferentialoperator, med icke-slät symbol, verkande på begynnelsevillkoret. Vi generaliserar ett resultat om icke-tangentiell konvergens av Sjögren och Sjölin (1989) för den fria tidsberoende Schrödingerekvationen.</p><p>Ett annat sätt att beskriva regularitet hos en distribution är med hjälp av vågfrontsmängder. De beskriver inte bara var singulariteterna finns, utan också i vilka riktningar dessa singulariteter förekommer. De första typerna av vågfrontsmängder (analytiska vågfrontsmängder) introducerades av Sato (1969, 1970). Senare introducerade Hörmander ''klassiska'' vågfrontsmängder (med avseende på släthet) och visade resultat för verkan av pseudodifferentialoperatorer med släta symboler, se Hörmander (1985).</p><p>I denna avhandling betraktar vi vågfrontsmängder med avseende på Fourier Banach funktionsrum. Detta kan ses som att vi låter <em>B</em> vara ett Banachrum, som är invariant under translationer och är inbäddat mellan rummet av Schwartzfunktioner och rummet av tempererade distributioner. Vågfrontsmängden av en distribution innehåller alla punkter (x<sub>0</sub>, ξ<sub>0</sub>) så att ingen lokalisering av distributionen kring x<sub>0</sub>, tillhör <em>FB</em> i riktningen ξ<sub>0</sub>. Vi visar att pseudodifferentialoperatorer med släta symboler krymper vågfrontsmängden och vi får motsatta inbäddningar med hjälp mängder av karakteristiska punkter till operatorernas symboler.</p>
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Propagation of singularities for pseudo-differential operators and generalized Schrödinger propagatorsJohansson, Karoline January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis we discuss different types of regularity for distributions which appear in the theory of pseudo-differential operators and partial differential equations. Partial differential equations often appear in science and technology. For example the Schrödinger equation can be used to describe the change in time of quantum states of physical systems. Pseudo-differential operators can be used to solve partial differential equations. They are also appropriate to use when modeling different types of problems within physics and engineering. For example, there is a natural connection between pseudo-differential operators and stationary and non-stationary filters in signal processing. Furthermore, the correspondence between symbols and operators when passing from classical mechanics to quantum mechanics essentially agrees with symbols and operators in the Weyl calculus of pseudo-differential operators. In this thesis we concentrate on investigating how regularity properties for solutions of partial differential equations are affected under the mapping of pseudo-differential operators, and in particular of the free time-dependent Schrödinger operators. The solution of the free time-dependent Schrödinger equation can be expressed as a pseudo-differential operator, with non-smooth symbol, acting on the initial condition. We generalize a result about non-tangential convergence, which was obtained by Sjögren and Sjölin (1989) for the free time-dependent Schrödinger equation. Another way to describe regularity for a distribution is to use wave-front sets. They do not only describe where the singularities are, but also the directions in which these singularities appear. The first types of wave-front sets (analytical wave-front sets) were introduced by Sato (1969, 1970). Later on Hörmander introduced ``classical'' wave-front sets (with respect to smoothness) and showed results in the context of pseudo-differential operators with smooth symbols, cf. Hörmander (1985). In this thesis we consider wave-front sets with respect to Fourier Banach function spaces. Roughly speaking, we take B as a Banach space, which is invariant under translations and embedded between the space of Schwartz functions and the space of temperated distributions. Then we say that the wave-front set of a distribution contains all points (x0, ξ0) such that no localization of the distribution at x0, belongs to FB in the direction ξ0. We prove that pseudo-differential operators with smooth symbols shrink the wave-front set and we obtain opposite embeddings by using sets of characteristic points of the operator symbols. / I denna avhandling diskuterar vi olika typer av regularitet för distributioner som uppkommer i teorin för pseudodifferentialoperatorer och partiella differentialekvationer. Partiella differentialekvationer förekommer inom naturvetenskap och teknik. Exempelvis kan Schrödingerekvationen användas för att beskriva förändringen med tiden av kvanttillstånd i fysikaliska system. Pseudodifferentialoperatorer kan användas för att lösa partiella differential\-ekvationer. De användas också för att modellera olika typer av problem inom fysik och teknik. Det finns till exempel en naturlig koppling mellan pseudodifferentialoperatorer och stationära och icke-stationära filter i signalbehandling. Vidare gäller att relationen mellan symboler och operatorer vid övergången från klassisk mekanik till kvantmekanik i huvudsak överensstämmer med symboler och operatorer inom Weylkalkylen för pseudodifferentialoperatorer. I den här avhandlingen koncentrerar vi oss på att undersöka hur regularitetsegenskaper för lösningar till partiella differentialekvationer påverkas under verkan av pseudodifferentialoperatorer, och speciellt för de fria tidsberoende Schrödingeroperatorerna. Lösningen av den fria tidsberoende Schrödingerekvationen kan uttryckas som en pseudodifferentialoperator, med icke-slät symbol, verkande på begynnelsevillkoret. Vi generaliserar ett resultat om icke-tangentiell konvergens av Sjögren och Sjölin (1989) för den fria tidsberoende Schrödingerekvationen. Ett annat sätt att beskriva regularitet hos en distribution är med hjälp av vågfrontsmängder. De beskriver inte bara var singulariteterna finns, utan också i vilka riktningar dessa singulariteter förekommer. De första typerna av vågfrontsmängder (analytiska vågfrontsmängder) introducerades av Sato (1969, 1970). Senare introducerade Hörmander ''klassiska'' vågfrontsmängder (med avseende på släthet) och visade resultat för verkan av pseudodifferentialoperatorer med släta symboler, se Hörmander (1985). I denna avhandling betraktar vi vågfrontsmängder med avseende på Fourier Banach funktionsrum. Detta kan ses som att vi låter B vara ett Banachrum, som är invariant under translationer och är inbäddat mellan rummet av Schwartzfunktioner och rummet av tempererade distributioner. Vågfrontsmängden av en distribution innehåller alla punkter (x0, ξ0) så att ingen lokalisering av distributionen kring x0, tillhör FB i riktningen ξ0. Vi visar att pseudodifferentialoperatorer med släta symboler krymper vågfrontsmängden och vi får motsatta inbäddningar med hjälp mängder av karakteristiska punkter till operatorernas symboler.
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The Skorohod problem and weak approximation of stochastic differential equations in time-dependent domainsÖnskog, Thomas January 2009 (has links)
This thesis consists of a summary and four scientific articles. All four articles consider various aspects of stochastic differential equations and the purpose of the summary is to provide an introduction to this subject and to supply the notions required in order to fully understand the articles. In the first article we conduct a thorough study of the multi-dimensional Skorohod problem in time-dependent domains. In particular we prove the existence of cádlág solutions to the Skorohod problem with oblique reflection in time-independent domains with corners. We use this existence result to construct weak solutions to stochastic differential equations with oblique reflection in time-dependent domains. In the process of obtaining these results we also establish convergence results for sequences of solutions to the Skorohod problem and a number of estimates for solutions, with bounded jumps, to the Skorohod problem. The second article considers the problem of determining the sensitivities of a solution to a second order parabolic partial differential equation with respect to perturbations in the parameters of the equation. We derive an approximate representation of the sensitivities and an estimate of the discretization error arising in the sensitivity approximation. We apply these theoretical results to the problem of determining the sensitivities of the price of European swaptions in a LIBOR market model with respect to perturbations in the volatility structure (the so-called ‘Greeks’). The third article treats stopped diffusions in time-dependent graph domains with low regularity. We compare, numerically, the performance of one adaptive and three non-adaptive numerical methods with respect to order of convergence, efficiency and stability. In particular we investigate if the performance of the algorithms can be improved by a transformation which increases the regularity of the domain but, at the same time, reduces the regularity of the parameters of the diffusion. In the fourth article we use the existence results obtained in Article I to construct a projected Euler scheme for weak approximation of stochastic differential equations with oblique reflection in time-dependent domains. We prove theoretically that the order of convergence of the proposed algorithm is 1/2 and conduct numerical simulations which support this claim.
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