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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of a Morphology-based Analysis Framework for Asphalt Pavements

Onifade, Ibrahim January 2015 (has links)
The morphology of asphalt mixtures plays a vital role in their properties and behaviour. The work in this thesis is aimed at developing a fundamental understanding of the effect of the asphalt morphology on the strength properties and deformation mechanisms for development of morphology-based analysis framework for long-term response prediction. Experimental and computational methods are used to establish the relationship between the mixture morphology and response. Micromechanical modeling is employed to understand the complex interplay between the asphalt mixture constituents resulting in strain localization and stress concentrations which are precursors to damage initiation and accumulation. Based on data from actual asphalt field cores, morphology-based material models which considers the influence of the morphology on the long-term material properties with respect to damage resistance, healing and ageing are developed. The morphology-based material models are implemented in a hot-mix asphalt (HMA) fracture mechanics framework for pavement performance prediction. The framework is able to predict top-down cracking initiation to a reasonable extent considering the variability of the input parameters. A thermodynamic based model for damage and fracture is proposed. The results from the study show that the morphology is an important factor which should be taken into consideration for determining the short- and long-term response of asphalt mixtures. Further understanding of the influence of the morphology will lead to the development of fundamental analytical techniques in design to establish the material properties and response to loads. This will reduce the empiricism associated with pavement design, reduce need for extensive calibration and validation, increase the prediction capability of pavement design tools, and advance pavement design to a new level science and engineering. / Asfaltblandningars morfologi har en avgörande betydelse för deras egenskaper och beteenden. Arbetet i denna avhandling syftar till att utveckla en grundläggande förståelse för effekten av asfaltsmorfologin för deras hållfasthetsegenskaper och deformationsmekanismer och utveckling av ramverksanalysmorfologi baserat på långsiktig förutsägelse. Experimentella beräkningsmetoder används för att fastställa sambandet mellan blandningens morfologi och respons. Mikromekanisk modellering används för att förstå det komplexa samspelet mellan asfaltmassans beståndsdelar som resulterar i spänningslokalisering och spänningskoncentrationer som är föregångare till initiering av skador och ackumulation. Morfologibaserade materialmodeller beaktar påverkan av morfologin på de långsiktiga materialegenskaperna med avseende på skademotstånd, helande samt åldrande, och är utvecklade från data hos verkliga asfaltsfältskärnor. Morfologinbaserade materialmodeller är implementerade i en varmblandad asfalt-( HMA )-brottmekanik-ramverk för förutsägelse av beläggningsprestanda. Ramverket kan i rimlig utsträckning förutspå variationen i ingångsparametrarna ’top-down’ sprickbildningsinitiering. En termodynamiskbaserat ramverk föreslås för skador och brott. Resultaten från studien visar att morfologin är en viktig faktor som bör beaktas för att bestämma respons av asfaltblandningar på kort och lång sikt. Ytterligare förståelse av inverkan av morfologin kommer att leda till utvecklingen av grundläggande analytiska tekniker i design för fastställning av materialegenskaper och belastningars respons. Detta kommer att minska empirism som förknippas med beläggningskonstruktionen, minska behovet av omfattande kalibrering och validering, öka förutsägelseförmågan av designverktyg för beläggningen, samt avancera beläggningsdesign till en ny vetenskaplig nivå och ingenjörskonst. / <p>QC 20150420</p>

Modélisation avancée du contact pneu-chaussée pour l'étude des dégradations des chaussées en surface / Advanced Modeling of Tire-Pavement Contact to Investigate Pavement Surface Degradation

Manyo, Edem Yawo 14 February 2019 (has links)
L'apparition récente de nouveaux matériaux dans les structures de chaussée associée à une diminution de l'épaisseur des couches de surface et une augmentation du chargement des poids lourds et de leur fréquence de passage a entrainé de nouvelles pathologies de dégradation. Outre les problèmes d'orniérage bien connus, apparaissent désormais des fissures descendantes (top down cracking) ainsi que des problèmes de décohésion aux interfaces. Ces nouvelles pathologies entrainent des dépenses considérables sur l'ensemble du réseau (environ 15 milliards d'euros par an), particulièrement en zones urbanisées plus sujettes aux dégradations de surface et ne permettent pas d'estimer convenablement les durées de vie de la chaussée, le plus souvent surestimée dans les méthodes de dimensionnement actuelles. Ce travail de doctorat propose une nouvelle approche du contact pneu-chaussée permettant de mieux appréhender les contraintes principales et résiduelles dans une structure de chaussée bitumineuse. A l'aide d'un outil numérique rapide de calcul basé sur une approche semi-analytique (« Semi-Analytical Methods » (SAM)), la géométrie précise du pneumatique est intégrée afin d'obtenir une répartition de pression de contact ainsi qu'un cisaillement surfacique réelle sur la chaussée. Dans un premier temps, un modèle de contact roulant tractif élastique est implémenté pour des cas théoriques simples et validé par des résultats analytiques et numériques de la littérature. Ensuite, ce modèle est étendu pour prendre en compte le comportement élasto-plastique des corps en contact. Ce dernier est comparé à un résultat numérique basé sur la méthode des éléments finis issu de la littérature. Les résultats, pour une application contact pneu-chaussée, montrent une répartition non homogène des contraintes dans la structure et principalement dans les premiers centimètres sous la surface avec des niveaux beaucoup plus importants que peuvent le prédire les modèles actuels qui utilisent une charge uniformément répartie. La pression de contact est comparée aux mesures effectuées par un système nommé TekScan et les champs mécaniques en sous couches sont comparés à ceux d'Alizé-LCPC dans le cas d'une structure simple. Les cisaillements surfaciques sont déterminés dans le cas du roulement tractif. Une application est effectuée sur la modélisation des dégradations des chaussées en surface. Dans un premier temps, des analyses sur le comportement de la chaussée en surface sont effectuées pour une couche de béton bitumineux semi grenu (BBSG) semi-infinie supposée élastique, homogène sous conditions d'accélération, de freinage et de virage. Pour des études sur le top down cracking, des déformations et directions principales sont déterminées et analysées. Ensuite, le modèle de contact élasto-plastique est appliqué sur une couche semi-infinie de grave bitume GB3. Des déformations et contraintes résiduelles générées dans la structure sont déterminées en vue d'une analyse sur les ornières d'instabilité. Une fois validés, ces résultats permettront d'estimer plus fidèlement la durée de vie résiduelle des chaussées mais également de comprendre et d'éviter les mécanismes de dégradation en surface ou proche de la surface. / The recent appearance of new materials in road structures associated with surface layers thickness decreasing and the increasing of trucks loading and their passage frequency has led to new pathologies of degradation. In addition to the well-known rutting problems, top down cracking is now appearing as well as problems of decohesion at the interfaces. These new pathologies led to considerable expenditure on the entire network (around 15 billion euros per year), particularly in urbanized areas that are more prone to surface damage and do not make it possible to adequately estimate the lifetimes of the roadway, most often overestimated in current design methods. This doctoral work proposes a new approach of the tire-road contact allowing for better apprehend of the main and residual stresses in a bituminous pavement structure. Using a fast numerical tool based on a semi-analytical approach ("Semi-Analytical Methods" (SAM)), the precise geometry of the tire is integrated in order to obtain a real contact pressure distribution as well as surface shear on the pavement surface. Initially, an elastic tractive rolling contact model is implemented for simple theoretical cases and validated by analytical and numerical results from the literature.Then, this model is extended to take into account the elastoplastic behavior of the bodies in contact. This is compared to a numerical result based on the nite element method from the literature. The application for tire-pavement contact results, show a non-uniform distribution of stresses in the structure and mainly in the rst centimeters below the surface with much higher levels than can be predicted by current models that use a uniformly distributed load. The contact pressure is compared to the measurements made by a system called TekScan and the mechanical elds in sublayers are compared to those of Alizé-LCPC in the case of a simple structure. The surface shears are determined in the case of tractive rolling. An application is carried out on the modeling of surface pavement damage. Firstly, analyzes of the behavior of the surface pavement are carried out for a semi-innite semi-grit asphalt concrete layer supposed to be elastic, homogeneous under conditions of acceleration, braking and turning. For studies on top down cracking, principals deformations and directions are determined and analyzed. Then, the elastoplastic contact model is applied on a semi-innite asphalt agragate layer. Deformations and residuals stresses generated in the structure are determined for an analysis on the instability ruts. Once validated, these results will make it possible to more accurately estimate the residual life of pavements but also to understand and avoid surface or near surfacedegradation mechanisms.

Response of concrete pavements under moving vehicular loads and environmental effects

Darestani, Mostafa Yousefi January 2007 (has links)
The need for modern transportation systems together with the high demand for sustainable pavements under applied loads have led to a great deal of research on concrete pavements worldwide. Development of finite element techniques enabled researchers to analyse the concrete pavement under a combination of axle group loadings and environmental effects. Consequently, mechanistic approaches for designing of concrete pavements were developed based on results of finite element analyses. However, unpredictable failure modes of concrete pavements associated with expensive maintenance and rehabilitation costs have led to the use of empiricalmechanistic approach in concrete pavement design. Despite progressive knowledge of concrete pavement behaviour under applied loads, concrete pavements still suffer from deterioration due to crack initiation and propagation, indicating the need for further research. Cracks can be related to fatigue of the concrete and/or erosion of materials in sub-layers. Although longitudinal, midedge and corner cracks are the most common damage modes in concrete pavements, Austroads method for concrete pavement design was developed based on traditional mid-edge bottom-up transverse cracking introduced by Packard and Tayabji (1985). Research presented in this thesis aims to address the most common fatigue related distresses in concrete pavements. It uses comprehensive finite element models and analyses to determine the structural behaviour of concrete pavements under vehicular loads and environmental effects. Results of this research are supported by laboratory tests and an experimental field test. Results of this research indicate that the induced tensile stresses within the concrete pavement are significantly affected by vehicle speed, differential temperature gradient and loss of moisture content. Subsequently, the interaction between the above mentioned factors and concrete damage modes are discussed. Typical dynamic amplifications of different axle groups are presented. A new fatigue test setup is also developed to take into consideration effects of pavement curvature on fatigue life of the concrete. Ultimately, results of the research presented in this thesis are employed to develop a new guide for designing concrete pavements with zero maintenance of fatigue damage.

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