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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Technologie umělých plovoucích ostrovů pro zlepšení kvality vody v nádržích / The Technology of Artificial Floating Islands to Improve Reservoir Water Quality

Mrkývka, Michal January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis deals technology of floating islands and their application in practice. In the first theoretical part describes detail of physical and chemical properties of water, the cycle of substances in water and the distribution of standing water, which are considered the most suitable interest sites for the application and instalation of floating systems. The sekond part describes the measurement metodology, which was carried out in several stages on the research land of the Institute of Landscape Water Management. The measuremenr was focused on monitoring the quality characteristics of water in free artificial tanks (lysimeters). The first tank was with floating island, the sekond with floating rack without plants and the third tank with free surface (to ensure the simulation of the natural state). The measurement was under way in the calendar year 2017 and was divided into free stages (spring, summer, winter). During this period were monitored COD, total phosphorus, nitric and amoniacal nitrogen and dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH, oxidation-reduction potential, water and air temperature and aggregate rainfall. Part of the master thesis is graphical and tabular evaluation of the results. The results are processed in the Minitab 16 statistical software, graphical representation is supplemented by the interlaced linear and cubic regression curves for easier search for the dependence of selected factors. The stages are compared at the end of the master thesis. At hhe end of summer 2017, the first application of the floating island according to utility model No. 31 169 was carried out within the Czech Republic on selected water reservoir in the Bílý Potok basin (Polička).

Fosfor v sedimentech drobných vodních toků / Phosphorus in sediments of small rivers

Zborovská, Jarmila January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with assessment of two small water courses Leskava and Troubsky brook. Streams are evaluated from two aspects: content of three forms of phosphorus TP, Panorg and Porg and hydromorphological assessment. Total phosphorus was determined by sample mineralization by H2SO4+H2O2. Pinorg and Porg were determined by a method published by Pardo. Hydromorphological assessment was done by methodology Králová at al.

Model unapređenja ekološkog statusa zatvorenog sistema vodnih tela akumulacija / A model of the ecological status enhacement of the closed system of water body lake reservoirs

Marković Milenija 02 October 2015 (has links)
<p>Eksperimentalnim istraživanjem u okviru doktorske teze utvrđen je trend promene fizičko-hemijskih parametara: mutnoća, temperatura, provodljivost i pH vode, koncentracija katjona Cd2+, As3+, Hg2+ i Pb2+, ukupnog azota, fosfora i sulfatnog ajona u vodi i sedimentu, na lokalitetu Zapadne Srbije, slivno područje akumulacije Vrutci u 2003/2014. Rezultati istraživačkih aktivnosti predstavljali su osnovu za razvoj regresionog modela kojim se može predvideti koncentracija katjona teških metala u jezerskoj vodi. Primenom klaster analize, dendograma i PCA analize dobijena su tri faktora na osnovu kojih se posmatra uticaj ključnih fizičko-hemijskih parametara na kvalitet vode zatvorenog vodnog tela akumulacije pri čemu su dobijene visoko korespodentne funkcionalne zavisnosti sa realnim podacima u jezeru. Ovakva istraživanja su po prvi put sprovedena za selektovani lokalitet u Srbiji.</p> / <p>Experimental studies in the doctoral thesis established the trend of changes in the physico-chemical parameters: turbidity, temperature, conductivity and pH of the water, the concentration of cations Cd, As, Hg and Pb, total nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphate anion in water and sediment at the site of Western Serbia, the catchment area of the reservoir Vrutci in 2003/2014. Results of research activities constituted the basis for the development of a regression model which can predict the concentration of heavy metal cations in lake water. Cluster analysis, dendograms and PCA (principal component analysis) were resulted by three factors, which could be possible to registre the impact of key physical and chemical parameters on the water quality of the closed lake reservoirs.The obtained results by multivariance analysis has showen the highly correspondent functional dependence with real data in a lake. Such research investigations were for the first time carried out in selected localities in Serbia.</p>

Hodnocení zatížení sedimentů drobných vodních toků fosforem / Assessment of load of small watercourses sediments with phosphorus

Pavlíková, Marcela January 2016 (has links)
The issue of phosphorus in sediments of small watercourses and phosphorus forms are often out of interest, unlike phosphorus and its forms in sediments of water reservoirs. The thesis is focused on the development and evaluation of methods for the determination of total phosphorus by modifying commonly used methods and evaluation of methods for the determination of selected forms of phosphorus in small watercourses sediments. Over 1,152 analyses of sediment samples collected in four seasons and four locations and in three paralell determinations were done. The total phosphorus in the sediments was assessed by four methods, further 7 other forms of phosphorus were evaluated by one to three methods, according to different forms of phosphorus. The data file was subjected to statistical analysis. The aim of statistical analysis was to evaluate phosphorus concentrations, depending on the used method. Additional aim of statistical analysis was to observe dependencies of phosphorus concentrations on metals and identify the impact of periods and locations on the concentration of phosphorus.

Treatment of sanitary sewer overflow using fixed media bioreactors

Tao, Jing January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Näringshalterna av total-P, total-N och TOC i norra Vänern mellan åren 1996 och 2013 / Nutrient concentrations of total-P, total-N and TOC in northern Lake Vänern during 1996-2013

Granberg, Filippa January 2016 (has links)
Näringsämnena har en stor betydelse för sötvattnets organismer och ekosystem, varav de vanligaste näringsämnena som även är de viktigaste är fosfor (P), kväve (N) samt kol (C). Näringsämnena kommer inte enbart till sjön via nedfall och fixering utav mycket av näringsämnena kommer in till en sjö via vattendrag som till exempel älvar där Klarälven räknas in som en av Sveriges älvar. Syftet med denna studie är att ta fram en tidstrend mellan åren 1996 och 2013 för näringsämnena totalfosfor, totalkväve och TOC (totalt organiskt kol) för tio lokaler i norra Vänern för att kunna avgöra om de är lika, om det är något år som sticker ut, om det finns någon påverkan av Klarälven för de sjölokaler som tas upp och se om värdena av näringshalter kan kopplas till fiskförekomsten. Data samlades in och plottades i diagram för att kunna jämföras med varandra. Med sjölokalernas näringsvärde gjordes korrelationstester med älvarnas näringshalter för att se samband och därefter gjorde korrelation med sjölokalernas näringsvärden med andelen skördad fisk i samma lokaler. Resultatet visade att Ölman och Ölmeviken är väldigt eutrofierade medan resterande lokaler hade oligotrofa eller mesotrofa vatten och översvämningen i Karlstad 2000 visade avtryck i tidstrenden. Klarälvens påverkan på sjölokalerna visade sig inte vara så stor utan samband upptäcktes enbart mellan Kaplansådran och Hammarösjön för totalkvävet och för TOC upptäcktes samband mellan Hammarösjön och Sätterholmsfjärden med Kaplansådran. / The nutrient is very important for fresh water organisms and ecosystems, of which the most common nutrients also is the most important is phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N) and carbon (C). The nutrients will not only come into a lake through deposition and fixation, much of the nutrients is coming into the lake through rivers such as Klarälven in Sweden. The purpose of this study is to develop a temporal and spatial trend during 1996-2013 for the nutrients total phosphorus, total nitrogen and TOC (total organic carbon) for ten premises in northern Lake Vänern to determine if they are equal, if it is a year that stands out from the rest, if there is any influence of Klarälven for the lake premises and see if the values of the nutrient concentrations can be linked to the presence of fish. Data were collected and plotted in graphs to be compared with each other. Correlation test was made with the lake premises nutrient values and rivers nutrient value to see if there was a connection between the locations, same correlation was also made between the lake premises nutrient values and the percentage of fish harvested in the same premises. The result showed that Ölman and Ölmeviken is very eutrophic, while the remaining premises hade oligotrophic or mesotrophic water and the flooding in Karlstad in 2000 showed imprint in the time trend. The impact of Klarälven on the lake premises proved to not be so great, but the context was detected only between Kaplansådran and Hammarösjön for the total nitrogen and correlation for TOC between Hammarösjön and Sätterholmsfjärden with Kaplansådran was also detected.

Sledování jakosti vody v povodí Stropnice / Monitoring of water quality in the river Stropnice

Petrlíková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Five indicators of water quality, namely biochemical oxygen consumption in five days, chemical oxygen consumption by dichromate method, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen and total phosphorus, were determined in the river Stropnice. The samples were monitored at four offtake places along the river monthly during the year 2013. Twice a year water samples were analyzed also fromthe dischargeof the wastewater treatment plants. The results show that some changes of the individual parameters can be traced during the year, such as increase of oxygen consumption and total phosphorus in the summer months. However, no significant fluctuation was indicated for the measured parameters at any of the offtake places. Based on the values of the individual parameters water in Stropnice can be ranked to quality classes II. - IV. In the long-term frame of water quality examination from the year 2008 average indicators' values and characteristic values were determined. The results revealed that neither in this case substantial changes of water quality regarding the measured indicators can be observed.

Porovnání vybraných metod výpočtu základního odtoku na malém povodí a zhodnocení vlivu základního odtoku na koncentrace fosforu v celkovém odtoku. / Comparison of selected methods of calculating baseflow in a small basin and evaluate influnence of baseflow to concentrations of phosphorus in total runoff.

ŠVARCOVÁ, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the methods of separation of baseflow and comparing of these metods. It is analyzing concentrations of total phosphorus in the total runoff and influence of baseflow to concentrations of phosphorus in total runoff. The studied area is subcatchment P52 in the catchment Kopaninský flow. Subcatchments P52 is small (64,93 hectares), drained agro-forestry catchment in Českomoravská vrchovina (Czech-Moravian highlands), with a large proportion of forest area (64% forest and 31% of arable land). Studied the period is hydrological period 2009 - 2011. To obtain the necessary results are used daily flow, daily concentrations, daily precipitation of rain gauge station Velký Rybník and monthly precipitation from rain gauge stations of the ČHMŮ (Czech Hydrometeorological Institute) in Humpolec. For the separation of the baseflow and comparison of methods were selected five methods: - method of digital filter according to Chapman (1999), - method UKIH designed by Institute of hydrology (1980), - method RDF proposed by LINE AND Hollick (1979), - method FUKIH proposed by AKOSY AT. AL. (2009) and - method of Kille (1970). All methods are simple to perform and not challenging to input data. When comparing methods, the main problem is that, the results obtained by different methods are very different. Another point of this work is to evaluate the concentrations of total phosphorus in the tatal runoff. Here is analyzed series of daily concentrations of total phosphorus and monthly and annual average concentrations. Low and high concentrations are compared with the values ??of precipitation and clinks are searched between these values. The main problem is that, the concentration of phosphorus are not dependent only on precipitation. The last point is solution of influnence of baseflow to the amount of total phosphorus in the runoff. Here is used the procedure which described BYSTŘICKÝ in its work (2012). There are determined values concentrations typical of baseflow, for direct runoff and total runoff. Groups of values ??are mutually tested and compared. The results show that, the baseflow is negligible contributor of phosphorus to the total runoff, but to achieve more accurate results would be needed to analyse a longer time period (eg 10 years) and compare the results with several different river basins.

Modeling a Phosphorus Credit Trading Program in the Lake Okeechobee Watershed

Corrales, Juliana 01 September 2015 (has links)
Lake Okeechobee is the largest lake in the southeastern United States and is a central component of the hydrology and environment of the Everglades ecosystem in South Florida. The natural state of the lake has been degraded as wetlands and natural habitats in the Lake Okeechobee watershed have been replaced with farms, urban areas, and dairy operations. Excessive phosphorus loadings from these diverse sources have been identified as the leading causes of the lake’s impairment. For more than four decades, many resources have been allocated to regional and local restoration efforts to reduce phosphorus loadings into the lake. However, phosphorus loadings have not decreased and the recovery of the lake could take more time, particularly with today’s limited local budgets. Market-based instruments, such as water quality trading programs, have emerged over the past decades to cost-effectively achieve water quality objectives in impaired watersheds. The main objective of this dissertation was to assess the environmental and economic benefits of implementing a phosphorus trading program in Lake Okeechobee watershed, compared to a conventional command-and-control approach. A comprehensive literature overview of nationally and internationally implemented trading programs was conducted to highlight advantages and challenges of these programs towards achieving water quality goals, and to outline the essential elements of a successful program. Furthermore, a modeling framework, integrating a hydrologic-water quality model with an economic model, was developed to assess the potential cost savings that trading might offer over a command-and-control approach. The modeling framework was applied in three priority basins of the Lake Okeechobee watershed. In each case, while developing trading scenarios to achieve phosphorus load reduction targets, the trading program was less expensive than the conventional command-and-control approach. This research provided the foundation for stakeholders to better understand whether water quality trading has the potential to work in the Lake Okeechobee watershed and to facilitate the development of a pilot program. In addition, it offered some insights on the potential economic opportunities that pollution sources would have by participating in the trading program. The modeling framework developed in this dissertation could facilitate the assessment of future water quality trading programs in other watersheds.

Mikroalger som behandlingsmetod för avloppsreningsverk : möjliga systemkonfigurationer och förutsättningar för high rate algal pond (HRAP) system i Sverige / Microalgae as a treatment method for sewage treatment plants : possible systemconfigurations and prerequisites for high rate algal pond (HRAP) systems in Sweden

Kousha, Sepehr January 2021 (has links)
Syftet var att finna en biologisk behandlingsmetodik för avloppsvatten som skullekunna reducera utsläpp av näringsämnen till recipienten Humlebäcken frånavloppsreningsverket (ARV) i Nyvång. Nyvångs reningsverk planeras uppgraderas och utökas och därtill har ärendet nekats då utsläpp till Humlebäcken förfaras bli för höga. Mikroalger som behandlingsmetod för avloppsvatten undersöktes via litteraturanalys ibåde svenska klimat och vid uppskalning. Det kunde inte hittas metodik eller teknik för att på industriell skala använda mikroalger till behandling av avloppsvatten idag. Dock presenteras flera olika tekniker som kan kopplas samman för ökad effektivitet. Vidare finns det stor potential om att mikroalgssystem kan kopplas samman med andra industriers spillvärme och rökgaser för ökad produktion av biomassa och rening av rökgas. Andra former av kemisk försedimentering och anaerob behandling från Energipositiv Rening presenteras, möjligheten finns att dessa kan kopplas samman med mikroalgssystem för komplett behandling till lägre kostnader av konventionell behandlingsteknik. Till slut presenteras påverkande faktorer vid nordiska klimat och utmaningar i form av striktare reningskrav och återföring av slam. Det presenteras kort om andra biologiska tekniker som svampodling och multitrofiskt vattenbruk vilka kan kopplas samman medmikroalgssystem för ökad resurseffektivitet och högre reningsgrad. Se figur 18 förgrafisk summering. / The purpose was to find a biological treatment method for wastewater which could reduce emissions of nutrients to the recipient Humlebäcken from the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in Nyvång. Since Nyvång WWTP plans to upgrade and expand have been denied for fears of further contamination of Humlebäcken. Microalgae as a treatment method was examined in this literature analysis for Swedish climates and upscaling. For industrial purposes no technique or method could befound which could be applied to wastewater currently. Several techniques are presented however in the hopes that in combining them a higher efficiency might beachieved. If microalgae systems could be integrated with waste heat and flue gas from industry, then higher productivity could be achieved whilst reducing emissions from the flue gas. Other forms of pre-sedimentation and anaerobic treatment methods from EnergyPositive Purification systems are presented as there's a possibility these can be connected to microalgae systems for complete treatment and less costs. Factors which affect microalgae cultivation in Nordic climates and challenges in terms of stricter emission requirements and reuse of sludge are presented lastly. Other biological treatment methods like mushroom and multi-trophic aquaculture which can be integrated to microalgae systems are shown in hopes of achieving higher resource efficiency and pollution reduction. See figure 18 for graphical abstract.

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