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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podnikatelský koncept ubytovacího zařízení / The business concept of accommodation facility

ŠRACHTOVÁ, Hana January 2014 (has links)
There is proposed the business concept of accommodation and catering facility, which corresponds with the specific customers' requirements in the diploma work.

Εκπαιδευτική, διαπολιτισμική επάρκεια και ετοιμότητα υποψήφιων στελεχών τουριστικών επιχειρήσεων

Μελιτζάνη, Ειρήνη 14 October 2013 (has links)
Στην Ελλάδα σήμερα παρέχονται σπουδές στον τουρισμό τόσο σε δευτεροβάθμιο/μεταδευτεροβάθμιο επίπεδο όσο και σε επίπεδο τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης. Στην παρούσα εργασία θα εξεταστεί η ποιότητα της ελληνικής τριτοβάθμιας τουριστικής εκπαίδευσης όσον αφορά την απόκτηση εκπαιδευτικής και διαπολιτισμικής επάρκειας και ετοιμότητας από τους απόφοιτους των Τμημάτων Τουριστικών Επιχειρήσεων των ελληνικών ΤΕΙ σε προπτυχιακό επίπεδο. Ειδικότερα, για τις ανάγκες της παρούσας εργασίας θα παρουσιαστούν τα προγράμματα σπουδών ενός ελληνικού ΤΕΙ και ενός αντίστοιχου εκπαιδευτικού ιδρύματος της Ελβετίας και θα γίνει συγκριτική ανάλυση των δύο προγραμμάτων σπουδών ως προς την παρεχόμενη εκπαιδευτική και διαπολιτισμική επάρκεια και ετοιμότητα. / In Greece today tourism studies are offered at secondary / post-secondary level and tertiary level. In this work we examine the quality of the tourism studies offered by the greek higher education system at the Departments of Tourism Enterprises in the Technological Educational Instituts (TEI) at bachelor level as far as obtaining educational and intercultural competence and preparedness is concerned. Specifically, for the purposes of this work, the study courses of one greek TEI and one corresponding educational establishment in Switzerland will be presented and a comparative analysis of the two courses will be held concerning the educational and intercultural competence and readiness they provide.
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Vartotojų elgsenos ypatumai renkantis kelionių organizatorių / Peculiarities of customer’s behavior in choosing travel organizators

Šnarienė, Lina 25 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra nagrinėjami vartotojų elgsenos ypatumai renkantis kelionių organizatorių Šiaulių regione. Darbui atlikti buvo remiamasi lietuvių ir užsienio autorių moksline literatūra, EUROSTAT, LR Statistikos departamento duomenimis, turizmo tendencijų apžvalgomis, taip pat Šiaulių regiono kelionių organizatorių paslaugų vartotojų elgsenos tyrimo duomenimis. Pirmojoje dalyje nustatoma kelionių organizatorių vieta versle ir tendencijos Šiaulių regione. Analizuojama turizmo verslo infrastruktūra, nagrinėjama kelionių organizatorių veikla Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje, bendros kelionių organizavimo rinkos tendencijos Šiaulių regione. Antrojoje dalyje atliekama teorinė vartotojų elgsenos, renkantis kelionių organizatorių analizė. Pateikiama turizmo paslaugų vartotojų elgsenos samprata, išskiriami turizmo paslaugų vartotojų tipai, turizmo paslaugų pasirinkimą lemiantys veiksniai, aptariami ir palyginami įvairių užsienio ir lietuvių autorių pateikiami turizmo paslaugų vartotojų elgsenos modeliai. Trečiojoje dalyje atliekamas vartotojų elgsenos tyrimas renkantis kelionių organizatorių Šiaulių regione. Tyrimu nustatyta Šiaulių regiono vartotojų keliavimo elgsena, kelionių organizatorių pasirinkimo kriterijai, atliktas kelionių organizatorių paslaugų kokybės vertinimas. Teorinės ir praktinės empirinių duomenų analizės metu gauti rezultatai yra pagrindas išvadoms ir rekomendacijoms, kurios pateikiamos magistro darbo pabaigoje. / In master‘s final work the peculiarities of customers behavior in choosing travel organizators in Šiauliai region were analyzed. Work is based on Lithuanian and foreign authors’ literature analysis, EUROSTAT, Lithuanian Statistical Department, etc. data, Šiauliai region customers survey results. In the first part the place of travel organizators in tourism business as well as Šiauliai region is observed. Tourism business infrastructure, main tourism trends in European Union and Lithuanian tourism markets as well as Šiauliai region analyzed. In the second part the theoretical analysis of tourism customer’s behavior is made. Tourism services customer’s behavior definition given, main tourism customers types, their behavior influencing factors distinguished, different behavioral models proposed by Lithuanian and foreign authors analyzed and compared. In the third part the survey of Šiauliai region travel organizators’ services customers was made. Survey helped to observe customers behavior, to distinguish their travel organizators choosing criteria as well as evaluate Šiauliai region travel organizators services quality. Basing on theoretical and empirical research results the conclusions and recommendations are given at the end of work.
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”På en femgradig skala så tycker jag en fyra” : En kvalitativ studie om turistföretags syn på marknadskommunikation, mediekanaler & målgrupper / “On a scale of five, I think a four” : A qualitative study about tourist business view on marketcommunication, media channels and target groups

Jansson, Frida January 2013 (has links)
Tourism is a growing industry that brings in a lot of money each year, range ofactivities increases and people travel more than ever before. More and more chooseto move from rural areas to larger towns, at the same time when people are travellingthey want to visit quieter places that can offer outdoor experiences in the nature. Thisis something that tourism businesses located in rural areas have a great advantage of.But when the range is large, it becomes important for firms to communicate with themarket, to make the tourists choose to visit them. The purpose of this study is to investigate which media channels and target groupsthat tourism businesses use and how they reflect on the importance of communicatewith the market. To find this out, interviews have been conducted with tree differententrepreneur, all located in Jämtland. The theory’s that has been used is strategiccommunication, public relations, market communication, media channels, socialmedia and target groups.The result shows that all companies think that thecommunication with the market is an important part in the work with the company.The communication gets the business a chance to be seen and it becomes more easilyto create relationships with the stakeholders. In order to promote their businesses,they use advertising, social media and websites. The conclusion of the study is thatcommunication is very important for companies. It is easy to communicate butdifficult to succeed because it´s many things the companies must take into account.There should be a strategy and a clear picture of what should be communicated andin what way. That is how they will succeed in the best way. / Turismen är en växande industri som drar in stora summor pengar varje år, utbud avaktiviteter ökar och människor reser idag mer än någonsin förut. Samtidigt väljer fleroch fler att flytta från landsbygden in till större städer, men när människor reser villde besöka lugnare platser som kan erbjuda upplevelser i naturen . Detta är något somturistföretag som finns på landsbygden har stor nytta av . Men då utbudet är stort,blir det viktigt för turistföretagen att kommunicera med marknaden så att besökareväljer att besöka just dem. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vilka mediekanaler och vilka målgrupperturistföretag använder sig av samt hur de ser på betydelsen av att arbeta strategisktmed marknadskommunikation. För att ta reda på detta har intervjuer gjorts med treolika entreprenörer, alla i Jämtland. Teorierna som används är strategiskkommunikation, public relationer, marknadskommunikation, mediekanaler, socialamedier och målgrupp. Resultatet visar att alla de intervjuade tycker attmarknadskommunikation är en viktig del i arbetet med företaget. Med hjälp avkommunikation får verksamheterna en chans att synas och de kan enklare skaparelationer med sina intressenter. För att kommunicera använder de annonsering,sociala medier och webbplatser. Slutsatsen av undersökningen är attmarknadskommunikationen är väldigt viktigt i arbetet med företagen. Attkommunicera är något som alla kan göra men det är desto svårare att lyckas då det ärflera faktorer företagen måste ta hänsyn till. Det bör finnas en strategi och en klarbild av vad som ska förmedlas och på vilket sätt. Detta för att lyckas på bästa sätt.
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Ferreira, Silvia Aparecida Raimundo 17 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-02T21:42:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silvia.pdf: 252301 bytes, checksum: c50d0913571e9317abea773fc55db830 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-17 / This work shows that the cities Guarulhos and Sao Bernardo do Campo have tourist potential for business because there are industrial parks that allow the entry and stay of persons coming to the cities to carry out various types of business. Thus, they need to lodge, usually for a period of time where they intend to rest, feed themselves; bathe themselves as if they were in their homes. Beyond this potential, the cities have some more features in common as the location of airports, Cumbica and Congonhas, well ahead of its centers, and also serve as a transition to other cities considered more welcoming as Santos, Guaruja and others on the coast and São Paulo, the region known as the great Sao Paulo. So Guarulhos and São Bernardo end up being little used in relation to potential tourists. This study shows if to exist investments in that sector, tourism will can grow making them receptive cities to those that visit them because of work and in need of proper housing and often a place to use as your own office. With that, increases the need for qualified professionals to meet the expectations of tourists. Therefore it expands the labor market in the areas devoted to tourism and hospitality of the cities. Among them, there are Transport, Trade, Security, Food, Culture, Sports and Leisure, hotel chains and even Technical Schools and Colleges. To achieve what is proposed, it was used for primary data derived from personal interviews with some professionals linked to the sector, beyond the secondary data and information collected in the sites of the city, trade unions, means of lodging and other associations that are part of the literature it was possible to conclude that the two cities studied have tourist potential for business and may extend the labor market hotel from the awareness of stakeholders to invest in infrastructure, in training human resources, in the structure of the hotel business and the dissemination of the site, products and services offered.(AU) / O objetivo desse estudo é descobrir se as cidades de Guarulhos e São Bernardo do Campo têm chances de, ao explorar sua vocação turística para os negócios, obter reais possibilidades de ampliar seu mercado de trabalho na área de hotelaria. Para realizar o que se propôs, utilizou-se dos dados primários advindos das entrevistas pessoais com alguns profissionais ligados ao setor; além dos dados secundários e informações coletadas nos próprios sites das prefeituras, sindicatos, meios de hospedagem e outras associações que integrados à pesquisa bibliográfica verificou-se que as duas cidades possuem potencial turístico para os negócios porque contam com parques industriais que possibilitam a entrada e permanência de pessoas que vem às cidades para realizar diversos tipos de negócios. Para tanto, precisam hospedar-se, geralmente, por um espaço de tempo em que pretendem descansar, alimentar-se, banhar-se como se estivessem em suas casas. Além desse potencial, as cidades apresentam mais algumas características em comum como a localização de aeroportos, Cumbica e Congonhas, bem próximos de seus centros e, ainda, servem de passagem para outras cidades consideradas mais acolhedoras como Santos, Guarujá entre outras localizadas no litoral e São Paulo, na região conhecida como a grande São Paulo. Por isso Guarulhos e São Bernardo acabam sendo pouco aproveitadas no que se refere aos seus potenciais turísticos. A pesquisa aponta que se houver investimentos nesse setor, o turismo poderá crescer tornando-as cidades receptivas àqueles que as visitam por motivo de trabalho e que precisam de uma boa hospedagem e, muitas vezes, de um lugar para utilizar como seu próprio escritório. Com isso, aumenta-se a necessidade de profissionais qualificados para atender às expectativas desses turistas. Conseqüentemente amplia-se o mercado de trabalho nas áreas voltadas ao turismo e hotelaria das cidades. Entre elas, destacam-se Transportes, Comércio, Segurança, Gastronomia, Cultura, Esportes e Lazer, Redes Hoteleiras e até mesmo Escolas Técnicas e Faculdades. Identificou-se que as duas cidades estudadas possuem potencial turístico para os negócios e podem ampliar o mercado de trabalho hoteleiro a partir da conscientização das partes interessadas em investirem na infra-estrutura, na capacitação dos Recursos Humanos, na estrutura dos empreendimentos hoteleiros e na divulgação do local, dos produtos e dos serviços oferecidos.(AU)
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Podnikatelský koncept ubytovacího zařízení venkovské turistiky v oblasti Strakonicko / The business concept of rural tourism accommodation in area Strakonicko

MELANOVÁ, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to design a business concept of rural tourism accommodation in Strakonice. The concept was designed based on information obtained from a questionnaire survey directed inquiry, guided interview and a thorough situational analysis, analysis of customers, competitors and suppliers. The data thus obtained was proposed business concept of romantic country house Na Paloučku.

Podnikatelský koncept využití železniční tratě 193 pro cestovní ruch / The business concept of the railway line 193 for tourism

VOVSOVÁ, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to design a business concept use railways 193rd The concept was designed based on information obtained from the questionnaire survey, structured interviews and a thorough situational analysis, analysis of customers and competitors. Based on this data, it was suggested several options how the track could be used for tourism development.

Digital Sustainability: How does digital transformation in the tourism industry affect sustainable development? : A case study of the Innovation Voucher Project in Korea

Lim, Jongwoo January 2023 (has links)
This paper examines how the adoption of a series of digital technologies in tourism companies affects economic, social, and environmental sustainability. This research conducted a quantitative survey on tourism companies in Korea to empirically explore the connection between digital transformation and its impact on sustainability. The survey questionnaire was generated under the six hypotheses, which categorized research questions in detail. As a result of the survey data analysis, the following three implications were derived. First, it was confirmed that the economic sustainability of a company increases as the size of digital transformation grows. This result connotes substantial meaning because the existence of economies of scale helps economic sustainability, but on the other hand, it can undermine social sustainability. Second, a marginalization of environmental sustainability issues in digital transformation was observed. Survey results statistically confirmed that the impact of digital transformation on environmental sustainability is smaller than on economic and social sustainability. Finally, digital transformation has the characteristics of a service. There are provider companies that create digital transformation services, and at the same time, there are beneficiary companies that receive and utilize digital services. The fact that the impact of the innovation voucher service expected by the provider company was accepted as a smaller impact on the beneficiary company means that digital transformation services should also be designed to be more customer-centric.  Economic, social, and environmental sustainability do not exist alone. Improving economic sustainability triggered by digital transformation has side effects that deepen social inequality, and business activities focused on economic and social sustainability make the mistake of minimizing environmental sustainability in corporate management decisions. Digital transformation is a service that creates value in the process of utilization. Our society should balance the value generated by digital transformation with economic, social, and environmental sustainability.
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Networks, technology and regional development: small tourism enterprises in Western Southland, New Zealand

Clark, Vanessa Unknown Date (has links)
Tourism is increasingly being used as a tool to stimulate regional development in rural areas. Small tourism enterprises (STE) lie at the heart of the industry and form a major part of the tourism sector. Characterised by flexible organisational structures and small size, STE are well positioned to respond to a growing demand for unique personalised visitor experiences. Information and communications technologies (ICT) enhance access to information, improve the efficiency of business activities and promote networking between businesses, community and travellers at the local, regional and international level.Western Southland is a predominantly rural region in the far south of New Zealand. Promoting the development of a cohesive tourism industry in the Western Southland region will benefit individual operators, their communities and the region as a whole. Using the case of Western Southland, this study explores the profile and characteristics of STE; their perceptions of the value of networking and collaboration, and their attitudes towards and use of ICT. Also considered are the implications of STE attitudes and behaviour in relation to the New Zealand Tourism Strategy and the New Zealand Digital Strategy goals in shaping regional development. A variety of business and community stakeholders are part of the broader case study contributing a rich understanding of the dynamics of the region. A mixed method approach is used to collect data through a series of semi-structured interviews and a survey. Key findings show that limited planned networking is occurring and there is a need to increase STE awareness of the benefits of collaborative activities in order to promote active engagement with other STE. Existing networks are found to be largely informal and embedded in the social and cultural context of communities. The level of ICT use by STE varies, and considerable support is required to encourage operators to upskill. National development goals promote ideals of sustainable communities and businesses, and are aligned with what operators envisage for their region.
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Networks, technology and regional development: small tourism enterprises in Western Southland, New Zealand

Clark, Vanessa Unknown Date (has links)
Tourism is increasingly being used as a tool to stimulate regional development in rural areas. Small tourism enterprises (STE) lie at the heart of the industry and form a major part of the tourism sector. Characterised by flexible organisational structures and small size, STE are well positioned to respond to a growing demand for unique personalised visitor experiences. Information and communications technologies (ICT) enhance access to information, improve the efficiency of business activities and promote networking between businesses, community and travellers at the local, regional and international level.Western Southland is a predominantly rural region in the far south of New Zealand. Promoting the development of a cohesive tourism industry in the Western Southland region will benefit individual operators, their communities and the region as a whole. Using the case of Western Southland, this study explores the profile and characteristics of STE; their perceptions of the value of networking and collaboration, and their attitudes towards and use of ICT. Also considered are the implications of STE attitudes and behaviour in relation to the New Zealand Tourism Strategy and the New Zealand Digital Strategy goals in shaping regional development. A variety of business and community stakeholders are part of the broader case study contributing a rich understanding of the dynamics of the region. A mixed method approach is used to collect data through a series of semi-structured interviews and a survey. Key findings show that limited planned networking is occurring and there is a need to increase STE awareness of the benefits of collaborative activities in order to promote active engagement with other STE. Existing networks are found to be largely informal and embedded in the social and cultural context of communities. The level of ICT use by STE varies, and considerable support is required to encourage operators to upskill. National development goals promote ideals of sustainable communities and businesses, and are aligned with what operators envisage for their region.
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