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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Туризам Шајкашке / Turizam Šajkaške / Tourism of Šajkaška

Kovačević Bojana 03 September 2014 (has links)
<p>Шајкашка&nbsp; је географски&nbsp; субрегион у&nbsp;Србији. То је југоисточни део Бачке, лоциран&nbsp;у средишњем делу Аутономне Покрајине&nbsp;Војводине.&nbsp; Анализом природних и&nbsp;друштвених атрактивности, материјалне базе&nbsp;неопходне за развој туризма и садашњег&nbsp;стања развоја селективних облика туризма&nbsp;дошло се до закључка да Шајкашка, поред&nbsp;свих потенцијала, није афирмисана&nbsp;туристичка дестинација, чиме је потврђена&nbsp;основна хипотеза рада.</p><p>У раду су&nbsp;дефинисани кључни туристички ресурси&nbsp; и&nbsp;приоритетни облици&nbsp; туризма&nbsp; и&nbsp; са&nbsp;сигурношћу се може констатовати да&nbsp;Шајкашка&nbsp; може одмах или релативно&nbsp; брзо&nbsp;оформити конкурентно задовољавајући ниво&nbsp;у вези са&nbsp; следећим&nbsp; туристичким&nbsp;производима:&nbsp; наутички, излетнички, ловни и&nbsp;риболовни, сеоски, салашарски и спортско-рекреативни туризам, који би требало да&nbsp;представљају окосницу развоја туризма на&nbsp;овом простору.&nbsp; Услов је да се&nbsp; на новим, научно утемељеним и у&nbsp; пракси доказаним сазнањима, постави такав модел развоја, који ће да осигура&nbsp; да се&nbsp; Шајкашка&nbsp; позиционира као препознатљива и привлачна туристичка дестинација,&nbsp; са прецизно&nbsp; одређеном структуром&nbsp; туристичког производа&nbsp; и дефинисаним маркетинг планом развoja. У раду&nbsp; су дефинисани планови даљег развоја и предлози за унапређење туризма Шајкашке, базирани на резултатима анкетног истраживања туристичког тржишта. Испитивање туристичке тражње спроведено је на испитаницима из Новог Сада и Зрењанина, док је за потребе истраживања на страни туристичке понуде спроведено истраживање ставова локалног становништва Шајкашке о стању и перспективама развоја туризма у њиховим насељима. Резултати истраживања указују на чињеницу на Шајкашка није препознатљива туристичка дестинација, да нема изграђен имиџ, и да више од половине испитаника није посетило природне и друштвене атрактивности које се налазе на овом простору. Најбоље оцењени елементи Шајкашке, као туристичке дестинације су гастрономија, атрактивност вода и мултикултуралност, док је најслабије оцењен елеменат материјална основа.&nbsp; У&nbsp; резултатима истраживања ставова локалног становништва дошло се до закључка да&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; становништво има позитиван став према развоју туризма, али да није свесно локалних туристичких вредности, ни природних нити културних, те да је неопходно спровести програме туристичке едукације и подизања самосвести.&nbsp; Велики удео локалног становништва има магловите представе о туризму и не познаје кораке и поступке који могу од ове делатности направити сигуран &nbsp;извор допунске зараде.&nbsp; Из анализе резултата анкетног истраживања донети су важни и конкретни закључци који би могли бити од велике помоћи за даље планирање развоја туризма у Шајкашкој.&nbsp; У резултатима истраживања&nbsp; нагласак&nbsp; се ставља&nbsp; на&nbsp; циљне тржишне сегменте на &nbsp;које треба усмерити маркетинг активности, стратегије које би требало применити и предуслове&nbsp; које&nbsp; треба испунити&nbsp; да&nbsp; би&nbsp; туризам заиста&nbsp; постао&nbsp; један од&nbsp; водећих&nbsp; елемената&nbsp; свеукупног&nbsp; развоја овог простора,&nbsp; а&nbsp; Шајкашка постала препознатљива туристичка&nbsp; дестинација&nbsp; у Србији.</p> / <p>Šajkaška&nbsp; je geografski&nbsp; subregion u&nbsp;Srbiji. To je jugoistočni deo Bačke, lociran&nbsp;u središnjem delu Autonomne Pokrajine&nbsp;Vojvodine.&nbsp; Analizom prirodnih i&nbsp;društvenih atraktivnosti, materijalne baze&nbsp;neophodne za razvoj turizma i sadašnjeg&nbsp;stanja razvoja selektivnih oblika turizma&nbsp;došlo se do zaključka da Šajkaška, pored&nbsp;svih potencijala, nije afirmisana&nbsp;turistička destinacija, čime je potvrđena&nbsp;osnovna hipoteza rada.</p><p>U radu su&nbsp;definisani ključni turistički resursi&nbsp; i&nbsp;prioritetni oblici&nbsp; turizma&nbsp; i&nbsp; sa&nbsp;sigurnošću se može konstatovati da&nbsp;Šajkaška&nbsp; može odmah ili relativno&nbsp; brzo&nbsp;oformiti konkurentno zadovoljavajući nivo&nbsp;u vezi sa&nbsp; sledećim&nbsp; turističkim&nbsp;proizvodima:&nbsp; nautički, izletnički, lovni i&nbsp;ribolovni, seoski, salašarski i sportsko-rekreativni turizam, koji bi trebalo da&nbsp;predstavljaju okosnicu razvoja turizma na&nbsp;ovom prostoru.&nbsp; Uslov je da se&nbsp; na novim, naučno utemeljenim i u&nbsp; praksi dokazanim saznanjima, postavi takav model razvoja, koji će da osigura&nbsp; da se&nbsp; Šajkaška&nbsp; pozicionira kao prepoznatljiva i privlačna turistička destinacija,&nbsp; sa precizno&nbsp; određenom strukturom&nbsp; turističkog proizvoda&nbsp; i definisanim marketing planom razvoja. U radu&nbsp; su definisani planovi daljeg razvoja i predlozi za unapređenje turizma Šajkaške, bazirani na rezultatima anketnog istraživanja turističkog tržišta. Ispitivanje turističke tražnje sprovedeno je na ispitanicima iz Novog Sada i Zrenjanina, dok je za potrebe istraživanja na strani turističke ponude sprovedeno istraživanje stavova lokalnog stanovništva Šajkaške o stanju i perspektivama razvoja turizma u njihovim naseljima. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na činjenicu na Šajkaška nije prepoznatljiva turistička destinacija, da nema izgrađen imidž, i da više od polovine ispitanika nije posetilo prirodne i društvene atraktivnosti koje se nalaze na ovom prostoru. Najbolje ocenjeni elementi Šajkaške, kao turističke destinacije su gastronomija, atraktivnost voda i multikulturalnost, dok je najslabije ocenjen elemenat materijalna osnova.&nbsp; U&nbsp; rezultatima istraživanja stavova lokalnog stanovništva došlo se do zaključka da&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; stanovništvo ima pozitivan stav prema razvoju turizma, ali da nije svesno lokalnih turističkih vrednosti, ni prirodnih niti kulturnih, te da je neophodno sprovesti programe turističke edukacije i podizanja samosvesti.&nbsp; Veliki udeo lokalnog stanovništva ima maglovite predstave o turizmu i ne poznaje korake i postupke koji mogu od ove delatnosti napraviti siguran &nbsp;izvor dopunske zarade.&nbsp; Iz analize rezultata anketnog istraživanja doneti su važni i konkretni zaključci koji bi mogli biti od velike pomoći za dalje planiranje razvoja turizma u Šajkaškoj.&nbsp; U rezultatima istraživanja&nbsp; naglasak&nbsp; se stavlja&nbsp; na&nbsp; ciljne tržišne segmente na &nbsp;koje treba usmeriti marketing aktivnosti, strategije koje bi trebalo primeniti i preduslove&nbsp; koje&nbsp; treba ispuniti&nbsp; da&nbsp; bi&nbsp; turizam zaista&nbsp; postao&nbsp; jedan od&nbsp; vodećih&nbsp; elemenata&nbsp; sveukupnog&nbsp; razvoja ovog prostora,&nbsp; a&nbsp; Šajkaška postala prepoznatljiva turistička&nbsp; destinacija&nbsp; u Srbiji.</p> / <p>&Scaron;ajka&scaron;ka is geographical subregion in Serbia. It is located in southeastern part of Bačka, in middle part of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Through&nbsp;analyzes of natural and social attractiveness, material base essential for development of tourism and present condition of development of selective forms of&nbsp;tourism, it is concluded that &Scaron;ajka&scaron;ka, regardless of all its potential, is not an affirmed tourist destination, which&nbsp; confirms the basic hypothesis&nbsp; of the&nbsp;dissertation.</p><p>Dissertation defines key tourist resources and priority forms of tourism, and it can be ascertain that &Scaron;ajka&scaron;ka may now, or relatively soon form competitive satisfying level in relation with following tourist products:&nbsp; nautical tourism,&nbsp; excursion and&nbsp;sightseeing,&nbsp; hunting and fishing, rural and&nbsp; farm tourism,&nbsp; and&nbsp; sports-recreational &nbsp;tourism, which supposed to be framework for future development of tourism in this area. It is required&nbsp; that, on the grounds of&nbsp; new,&nbsp; scientifically&nbsp; based&nbsp; and in practice&nbsp; proven facts, a&nbsp; model&nbsp; of development should be created, which will&nbsp; ensure&nbsp; &Scaron;ajka&scaron;ka&nbsp; position&nbsp; as a recognizable and&nbsp; attractive&nbsp; tourist destination,&nbsp; with&nbsp; a precise structure of tourism product and the defined marketing plan development.</p><p>Dissertation defines plans for further development and suggestions on improving tourism of &Scaron;ajka&scaron;ka, based on results of survey of tourist market. Survey was conducted on respondents from Novi Sad and Zrenjanin,&nbsp; and&nbsp; for the purpose of research&nbsp; on&nbsp; the tourist&nbsp; offer,&nbsp; a survey&nbsp; of attitudes&nbsp; of local people from &Scaron;ajka&scaron;ka,&nbsp; on the status and&nbsp; perspectives&nbsp; of tourism development in their neighborhoods was conducted.</p><p>Results of survey indicates that &Scaron;ajka&scaron;ka is not recognizable tourist destination, it is without defined image, and more than half of respondents didn&#39;t visit natural and social attractiveness that are found in this area. Best graded elements of &Scaron;ajka&scaron;ka, as &nbsp;tourist destination is gastronomy, attractiveness of&nbsp; water and multiculturalism, and lowest grade was given to the material base.</p><p>Based on survey results of attitudes of local people it is concluded that they have positive attitude towards development of tourism, but unaware of local tourist&nbsp;<br />values, neither&nbsp; natural nor cultural, and that is necessary to implement a program of tourism education and raising&nbsp; awareness. Majority of population has wage idea of tourism and it is not familiar with procedures and steps which can make this activity secure source of additional earnings.</p><p>Based on survey findings analyze important and concrete conclusions were drawn, &nbsp;which could be of great assistance for further planning of development tourism in &Scaron;ajka&scaron;ka. Dissertation emphasizes survey findings, target&nbsp; market segments on which &nbsp;marketing activities should be focused, strategies that should be applied and preconditions that should be required in order to make tourism as one of the leading elements of entire development of this area, and &Scaron;ajka&scaron;ka to become recognizable tourist destination in Serbia.</p>

Принципи учеће регије као оквир за израду стратегије развоја туризма у Новом Саду / Principi učeće regije kao okvir za izradu strategije razvoja turizma u Novom Sadu / The Learning Area Principles as a Framework for the Development of Tourism Development Strategy of Novi Sad

Davidović Nemanja 28 December 2012 (has links)
<p>Докторска дисертација &bdquo;Принципи учеће регије као&nbsp;оквир за израду стратегије развоја туризма у Новом&nbsp;Саду&ldquo; односи се на простор Новог Сада и околине.&nbsp;<br />Концепт туристичке учеће регије је мулти-стејкхолдерски међусекторски приступ решавању&nbsp;проблема у циљу побољшања перформанси малих и&nbsp;средњих предузећа &nbsp;и људских ресурса туристичке&nbsp;привреде на нивоу дестинације. Програм истраживања&nbsp;обухвата:&nbsp; теоријско објашњење и дефинисање&nbsp;принципа туристичке учеће регије,&nbsp; идентификовање&nbsp;стејкхолдера туризма Новог Сада,&nbsp; дефинисање&nbsp;карактеристика и ресурса дестинације Нови Сад,&nbsp;анализа окружења туристичке привреде Новог Сада,&nbsp;идентификовање потреба и шанси дестинације Новог&nbsp;Сада за учењем&nbsp; (утврђивањем веза између стилова&nbsp;лидерства, димензија учеће организације и задовољства&nbsp;послом) и&nbsp; указивање на доступне фондове и&nbsp;иницијативе за повећање капацитета дестинације.</p> / <p>Doktorska disertacija &bdquo;Principi učeće regije kao&nbsp;okvir za izradu strategije razvoja turizma u Novom&nbsp;Sadu&ldquo; odnosi se na prostor Novog Sada i okoline.&nbsp;<br />Koncept turističke učeće regije je multi-stejkholderski međusektorski pristup rešavanju&nbsp;problema u cilju poboljšanja performansi malih i&nbsp;srednjih preduzeća &nbsp;i ljudskih resursa turističke&nbsp;privrede na nivou destinacije. Program istraživanja&nbsp;obuhvata:&nbsp; teorijsko objašnjenje i definisanje&nbsp;principa turističke učeće regije,&nbsp; identifikovanje&nbsp;stejkholdera turizma Novog Sada,&nbsp; definisanje&nbsp;karakteristika i resursa destinacije Novi Sad,&nbsp;analiza okruženja turističke privrede Novog Sada,&nbsp;identifikovanje potreba i šansi destinacije Novog&nbsp;Sada za učenjem&nbsp; (utvrđivanjem veza između stilova&nbsp;liderstva, dimenzija učeće organizacije i zadovoljstva&nbsp;poslom) i&nbsp; ukazivanje na dostupne fondove i&nbsp;inicijative za povećanje kapaciteta destinacije.</p> / <p>Doctoral dissertation &ldquo;The Learning Area Principles as a&nbsp;Framework for the Development of Tourism Development&nbsp;Strategy of Novi Sad&rdquo; refers to Novi Sad and its&nbsp;surroundings. The learning area concept is a multi-stakeholder inter-sectoral approach to problem solving in&nbsp;order to enhance the performance of SME&rsquo;s and human&nbsp;resources of tourism sector on destination level. The research consists of: theoretical background and explanation of tourism learning area principles, identification of tourism stakeholders in Novi Sad, defining the characteristics and resources of Novi Sad as a tourism destination, environmental analysis of tourism sector of Novi Sad, identification of learning needs and opportunities of Novi Sad (examining the links between leadership styles, dimensions of learning organization and job satisfaction) and indicating funds and initiatives for enhancing destination capacities that are available.</p>

Tourism in Protected Areas : A Study of National Parks as Arenas for Sustainable Nature-Based Tourism

Brynteson, Tove January 2023 (has links)
Nature-based tourism (NBT) can be explained as a form of tourism that takes place in some kind of natural area outside one's home. NBT has been one of the fastest-growing forms of tourism worldwide and is believed to continue to grow in the future as well. With the rising interest in visiting natural areas, many national parks and other protected areas have seen an increase in visitors, making them popular NBT destinations. Protected areas are covered by various conservation policies, and in a time of biodiversity loss, they are increasingly being recognised as a foundation of sustainable biodiversity resources and as a cornerstone for sustainable development. However, protected areas are often impacted by touristic presence, so with both the growing importance of nature conservation and increasing visitation numbers, questions about how to manage tourism impacts in protected areas are ever more central. To investigate this, the national parks in Sweden were chosen as the empirical field of this thesis. By adapting a mixed-method approach using a survey and interviews as data-collecting methods, this thesis set out to explore how the managers of the national parks in Sweden work with NBT and nature conservation in times with changing circumstances. Amongst other things, the thesis shows that a majority of the national parks in Sweden had experienced an increase in visitors in the last five years, and that the national parks can be seen as arenas for where NBT can take place. The interest in visiting a national park in Sweden was believed to continue being strong, and lack of funding was identified as the biggest challenge that the national parks are facing right now. Building on this, the thesis discussed that the national parks need more funding to better handle both nature conservation and touristic activities, which was also a main conclusion of the thesis. Another conclusion drawn from this study is that the parks would benefit from better visitor statistics and surveys, and protected areas in Sweden would benefit from a system where the economic effects of nature tourism in protected nature are shown. The thesis contributes with theoretical knowledge of how managers of protected areas work and prioritise in times of changing circumstances.

Hotel front office staff and interest in tourist attractions : their influencing role in business tourists' visiting intentions

Nthebe, Sello Samuel 11 1900 (has links)
Introduction The National Department of Tourism (NDT) identified the underutilisation of tourist attractions as a challenge facing South Africa’s tourism. According to eThekwini Municipality (2014) and Gauteng Provincial Government (2001), domestic business tourists, amongst others, visit tourist attractions. The likelihood of business tourists requesting that hotel front office staff arrange visits to tourist attractions is acknowledged in the literature. There is, however, a dearth of research investigating the relationship between hotel front office staff and business tourists’ intentions to visit tourist attractions (hereafter mostly referred to as business tourists’ visiting intentions). The conceptualisation of this relationship is discussed in the context of hotel front office staff, interest in tourist attractions, and business tourists’ visiting intentions. The proposed mediating role of Interest in tourist attractions is highlighted, which was tested statistically, while evidence is provided that Hotel front office staff, Interest in tourist attractions, and Business tourists’ visiting intentions can serve in a causal Model of Business Tourist’s Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions. The inclusion of these constructs in a causal model will enable hotel and tourist attractions managers develop strategies to attract business tourists. Main research question Against the background of Frazier, Tix and Barron’s (2004) and Ro’s (2012) Mediation Model, see section 1.3, the following main research question was proposed for the present study: Is the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions mediated by Interest in tourist attractions in a Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions? Literature review Based on the main research question, this study resulted in the proposal of a theoretical causal model for the mediating role of tourist attractions and a causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions. The likelihood of the newly conceptualised Interest in tourist attractions as a mediator in the relationship between the Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions is evident in tourism literature. As far as could be determined, the influence of interest in tourist attractions in the relationship between hotel front office staff and business tourists’ visiting intentions has not been established to date. An extensive literature review was conducted to conceptualise hotel front office staff, interest in tourist attractions, and business tourists’ visiting intentions as constructs to include in the theoretical model from which the causal model was developed. Business tourists’ demographic details were investigated in the context of gender, age, and province. Research design A research design comprises the research approach and research method of a study. In the present research, a cross-sectional survey was conducted to generate the study’s primary data. A statistical study design was adopted for the purpose of conducting factor analysis (FA) and validating the causal model by means of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) through structural equation modelling (SEM). Furthermore, this study was causal-explanatory, as it explored the mediating role of Interest in tourist attractions. International Business Machines (IBM) software SPSS 22.0 was used to conduct this study’s FA, and IBM SPSS AMOS 22.00 was used for this study’s CFA through SEM. Research method Convenience sampling, which is a non-probability sampling method, was used to select the respondents. The target population was domestic business tourists who stayed at the selected three-star hotel between 15 July 2014 and 15 April 2015. A new measuring instrument was developed to comprehensively investigate hotel front office staff, interest in tourist attractions, and business tourists’ visiting intentions. A seven-point intensity Likert scale was used for all items in the questionnaire. Data were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire issued to domestic business tourists upon hotel check-in. The sample comprised 282 respondents. Results and discussion Data sets for all constructs were inspected for central tendency, distribution, and missing values. Missing values were replaced by the respective items’ mean score. Once inspected, PCA was conducted to explore the uni-dimensionality of items, and to reduce constructs. All constructs were retained by the PCA, and the achievement of Cronbach alpha scores exceeding .70 confirmed the validity and reliability of constructs (Hotel front office staff, Interest in tourist attractions, and Business tourists’ visiting intentions). PCA was not conducted on Business Tourists’ Visiting Intentions, due to a significant Cronbach’s alpha and the presence of only four items measuring the construct. Pearson’s product-moment correlation revealed positive inter-correlations between dimensions of the constructs Hotel front office staff and Interest in tourist attractions. CFA was conducted to establish the causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions. The establishment of a causal model was followed by exploring the mediating effect of Interest in tourist attractions on the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. The causal model confirmed that Interest in tourist attractions fully mediates the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. This successfully answered this study’s main research question. This study makes a unique contribution by establishing a causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions, confirming Interest in tourist attractions as a mediator in the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. The causal model proves that there is no relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions without the indirect connection with Interest in tourist attractions. In support of this study’s results, Yang, Jou, and in tourist attractions, and business tourists’ visiting intentions. A seven-point intensity Likert scale was used for all items in the questionnaire. Data were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire issued to domestic business tourists upon hotel check-in. The sample comprised 282 respondents. Results and discussion Data sets for all constructs were inspected for central tendency, distribution, and missing values. Missing values were replaced by the respective items’ mean score. Once inspected, PCA was conducted to explore the uni-dimensionality of items, and to reduce constructs. All constructs were retained by the PCA, and the achievement of Cronbach alpha scores exceeding .70 confirmed the validity and reliability of constructs (Hotel front office staff, Interest in tourist attractions, and Business tourists’ visiting intentions). PCA was not conducted on Business Tourists’ Visiting Intentions, due to a significant Cronbach’s alpha and the presence of only four items measuring the construct. Pearson’s product-moment correlation revealed positive inter-correlations between dimensions of the constructs Hotel front office staff and Interest in tourist attractions. CFA was conducted to establish the causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions. The establishment of a causal model was followed by exploring the mediating effect of Interest in tourist attractions on the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. The causal model confirmed that Interest in tourist attractions fully mediates the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. This successfully answered this study’s main research question. This study makes a unique contribution by establishing a causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions, confirming Interest in tourist attractions as a mediator in the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. The causal model proves that there is no relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions without the indirect connection with Interest in tourist attractions. In support of this study’s results, Yang, Jou, andin tourist attractions, and business tourists’ visiting intentions. A seven-point intensity Likert scale was used for all items in the questionnaire. Data were collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire issued to domestic business tourists upon hotel check-in. The sample comprised 282 respondents. Results and discussion Data sets for all constructs were inspected for central tendency, distribution, and missing values. Missing values were replaced by the respective items’ mean score. Once inspected, PCA was conducted to explore the uni-dimensionality of items, and to reduce constructs. All constructs were retained by the PCA, and the achievement of Cronbach alpha scores exceeding .70 confirmed the validity and reliability of constructs (Hotel front office staff, Interest in tourist attractions, and Business tourists’ visiting intentions). PCA was not conducted on Business Tourists’ Visiting Intentions, due to a significant Cronbach’s alpha and the presence of only four items measuring the construct. Pearson’s product-moment correlation revealed positive inter-correlations between dimensions of the constructs Hotel front office staff and Interest in tourist attractions. CFA was conducted to establish the causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions. The establishment of a causal model was followed by exploring the mediating effect of Interest in tourist attractions on the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. The causal model confirmed that Interest in tourist attractions fully mediates the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. This successfully answered this study’s main research question. This study makes a unique contribution by establishing a causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions, confirming Interest in tourist attractions as a mediator in the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. The causal model proves that there is no relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions without the indirect connection with Interest in tourist attractions. In support of this study’s results, Yang, Jou, and Cheng (2011) asserted that business tourists expect hotels to arrange their visits to tourist attractions. According to Kasavana and Brooks (2009), it is a duty of the hotel front office staff to arrange visits to tourist attractions. Limitations This study was limited to domestic business tourists only, thereby excluding international business tourists. A non-probability sampling method was used to select respondents; this study’s results can therefore not be generalised to the population of domestic business tourists who stay at the selected three-star hotel in Pretoria. This study’s sample was uneven in the context of gender, age, and province of residence. Future research Future studies could explore the established causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions at a different hotel, to verify the validity of the model. Future studies could also explore the moderating effect of domestic business tourists with regard to age, gender, and province of residence in the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Interest in tourist attractions. Future studies could further explore the causal Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions using a different biographical segment, e.g., leisure tourists. Conclusion This study aimed to determine whether scores for Hotel front office staff related to scores for Business tourists’ visiting intentions, and how this relationship is mediated by scores on Tourist attractions scores. The Model of Business Tourists’ Intentions of Visiting Tourist Attractions confirmed that Interest in tourist attractions fully mediates the relationship between Hotel front office staff and Business tourists’ visiting intentions. Based on these results, this study’s main research objective has been achieved. / Business Management / M. Com. (Tourism Management)

Modernisation or managerialism? : an investigation of the managerial paradigm and local tourism services

Burns, Steve January 2013 (has links)
Tourism in England has grown to become an activity worth around £111billion to the English economy, and constituting around 4% of employment. This has led to increasing numbers of local areas becoming involved with tourism development. However local authorities supporting tourism are impacted by financial pressures and pressures for ‘less government’, which are indicative of a ‘managerial paradigm’ which has surrounded public sector management in England. This study has examined the impact of the managerial paradigm on management of tourism at the local level. Using the English cities as a ‘case’, a methodological triangulation of questionnaire and contact with senior management in local authorities involved with tourism policy was used. The findings have led to an important understanding of the current picture concerning public sector management of tourism at the local level. This study has found that tourism is worth over £17billion to the English cities, and supports around 360,000 jobs. The findings suggest that the driving forces that characterised the managerial state continue to impact management of local tourism. This study has also examined the impact of policy changes introduced by the Conservative/Liberal Democratic Coalition government on local tourism. The accession of a new government has led to a significant realignment in public sector engagement with tourism. Policy discourse has stressed government ambition for tourism to be ‘industry-led’ with a ‘re-balancing’ the economy towards the private sector. As a result, this study has found the most significant challenges facing local tourism management centre around financial pressures. Reductions in tourism budgets are leading to major changes in departmental structures and tourism managers’ roles. Reductions in tourism budgets are leading to significant pressures on tourism departments to raise income in order to make departments financially viable. This study has found that in some cases local authorities are ceasing to financially-support tourism. This research also suggests that pressure from government for the private sector to increasingly fund tourism partnerships may be difficult to achieve locally. Respondents have argued that high levels of engagement with the private sector already exist locally, and as the private sector in tourism is predominately small businesses there are limitations as to how much such businesses can contribute to marketing partnerships. Policy for the private sector having the ‘majority power’ in the new emerging tourism partnerships may also have implications for the motivation of such partnerships. Doubts have been raised in this study from within the public sector, concerning the ability of local tourism businesses to take ‘responsibility for their own future’ whilst at the same time protecting the public interest. It is concluded that a ‘realignment’ towards more private sector involvement in partnerships brings with it potential consequences if local tourism businesses are unable to ‘increasingly fund’ the new arrangements, and the new tourism bodies are unable to establish a ‘pluralistic’ tourism policy environment in their areas. With evident reductions in local authority budgets, it is legitimate to question the scope of funding that the emerging DMOs will have at their disposal, and thus their ability to deliver local ambitions for tourism development. Therefore, the new tourism partnerships will require careful structuring and management. However, their financial futures will inevitably hinge on the value that the private sector places on the new local tourism arrangement, and their ability to maintain the public interest will depend on striking an appropriate balance of power amongst all stakeholders within the partnership.

Bridging the gap: the relationship between heritage preservation and tourist consumption

Diekmann, Anya 04 October 2004 (has links)
pending / Doctorat en environnement / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Strategie rozvoje cestovního ruchu vybraného regionu - Královéhradecký kraj / The Tourism Development Strategy of Selected Region – Hradec Králové Region

Havelková, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the topic of the management of tourism destinations. The main aim is to summarize the potential of tourism in Hradec Králové region on the basis of the performed analysis and suggest a strategy for further tourism development. The first part deals with basic definitions and theories of destination management and marketing. The second part is devoted to tourism in Hradec Králové Region. It includes an analysis of the key factors of tourism development, an analysis of the current situation of tourism in the region, a SWOT analysis, and possibilities for further tourism development.


Seungah Chung (11206128) 30 July 2021 (has links)
While there is a concern that Sustainable Tourism has not been entirely adopted in practice (Graci, 2008), this thesis shows that Sustainable Tourism has been implemented by South Korean Tour Operators under the name of Fair Tourism. Fair Tourism is a rising trend as Sustainable Tourism in South Korea, and discussion on this new sector of the industry has increased in recent years (S. Gil Lee, 2016). This thesis adds to that discourse with three research objectives: 1) Define the concept of Fair Tourism. 2) What activities constitute Fair Tourism from practitioners’ viewpoint? 3) Examine how Fair Tour operators manage their sustainable supply chain based on the SCOR model.<div><br></div><div>To understand practitioners’ perception of Fair Tourism, this study has applied social constructionism, which recognized that human beings construct meanings through individual interaction (Walker, 2015). Semi-structured interviews with fifteen Fair Travel operators and thematic analysis have been applied for methodology (Elo & Kyngäs, 2008; McIntosh & Morse, 2015). This study has two significant findings. First, the findings have revealed a generally accepted definition of Fair Tourism by both researchers and operators. The definition includes Ensuring Economic Contribution to The Destination, Environmental and Social Sustainability, and Mutually Respectful Relationship. This generally acknowledged definition has helped Fair Tour operators develop the sector. Second, this thesis found that operators genuinely respect their suppliers. Operators regard their suppliers as partners who share responsibilities and benefits, leading to satisfactory outcomes for all partners (Macaulay et al., 1999). Their relationship with partners is long-term and deep rather than transactional.</div><div><br></div><div>Theoretically, this thesis contributed to the finding that Sustainable Tourism can be practicable under the name of Fair Tourism, demonstrating practitioners’ replies that are 100 percent consistent. This study applied a novel approach, focusing on the operators’ point of view, while previous studies on Fair Tourism focused on defining the term and the industry's demand (Byun, 2016; M.-K. Kim & Cho, 2019; Shin et al., 2018). Given that Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model has been developed for the analysis of the manufacturing industry, this study has advanced this manufacturing performance measurement framework and applied it to the tourism industry.</div>

Career Behaviors of Tourism Management Students in China

Xue, Xiao 11 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Gestión turística municipal percibida por el ciudadano del distrito de Lagunas, Mocupe 2021

Vargas Urbina, Alexis Eduardo January 2024 (has links)
La planificación turística constituye un pilar fundamental para el desarrollo de la actividad turística pues garantiza la correcta integración del turismo en la economía, en la sociedad, la cultura y medio ambiente local, por eso la importancia de conocerlo, estudiarlo y mejorarlo. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la percepción que tienen los ciudadanos sobre la gestión turística municipal del distrito de Lagunas en la ciudad de Mocupe. El estudio fue de nivel descriptivo, de tipo aplicado, no experimental y transversal. Se aplicó un cuestionario a 184 personas para medir la planificación turística, el recurso humano, la unidad de turismo y las alianzas públicas privadas; se estableció una medida a través de la baremación y se aplicó la estadística descriptiva para el análisis de los resultados. Se pudo hallar según las respuestas de los encuestados que los recursos humanos tienen el nivel más bajo de todos, seguido y la planificación de las actividades un nivel medio aceptable. Finalmente se pudo concluir que la percepción de los ciudadanos sobre la gestión turística municipal del distrito de Lagunas Mocupe, es regular, y que el principal problema se da en el área turística por la poca eficiencia del trabajo, dejando una reflexión poco alentadora en la gestión actual, motivo de ello, poco o nulo crecimiento económico en la zona. / Tourism planning is a fundamental pillar for the development of tourism activity as it guarantees the correct integration of tourism in the economy, society, culture and local environment, hence the importance of knowing it, studying it and improving it. The objective of the study was to determine the perception that citizens have about the municipal tourism management of the Lagunas district in the city of Mocupe. The study was descriptive, applied, non-experimental and cross-sectional. A questionnaire was applied to 184 people to measure tourism planning, human resources, the tourism unit and public-private partnerships; a measure was established through the scale and descriptive statistics were applied for the analysis of the results. It was possible to find according to the responses of the respondents that human resources have the lowest level of all, followed by the planning of activities, an acceptable average level. Finally, it was possible to conclude that the perception of the citizens about the municipal tourism management of the Lagunas Mocupe district is regular, and that the main problem occurs in the tourism area due to the low efficiency of the work, leaving a not very encouraging reflection on the management. reason for this, little or no economic growth in the area.

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