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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelos de redes neuronales profundas para la predicción de secuencias de áreas de interés, datos de mirada e indicadores mentales, registrados para usuarios de un sitio web

Díaz Guerra, Francisco Javier January 2019 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Gestión de Operaciones / Memoria para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil Industrial / Este trabajo busca generar tres modelos de predicción: fijaciones en áreas de interés que los usuarios visitan durante su navegación en un sitio web específico, fijaciones realizadas en las diferentes coordenadas del sitio, e indicadores mentales, bajo condiciones ambientales controladas, de iluminación y tarea asignada. Se basa en la experimentación llevada a cabo por Cristian Retamal [88] en el Estudio del comportamiento de la carga cognitiva de usuarios que navegan en un sitio web , bajo el contexto del proyecto Fondecyt A Cognitive Resource-Aware Mobile Service Framework to Support Human-Computer-Interactions in Ubiquitous Computing Environments , liderado por el Profesor Ángel Jiménez. La predicción del primer modelo utiliza señales fisio-psicológicas: Eye tracker, sensor de respuesta electrodermal (GSR), Sensor de Temperatura de la piel (ST) y fotopletismógrafo (PPG), para estudiar las transiciones entre zonas agrupadas semánticamente, basado en ventanas de tiempo de 5 segundos (parámetro a elección), pronosticando secuencias de áreas de interés, y aproximándose a una predicción en tiempo real. El modelo se basa en tres etapas, Predicción de intención de visita de cada área de interés , es decir, que zonas elige visitar cada usuario en cada ventana de tiempo, la Asignación de estado mental del usuario en cada ventana de tiempo, a partir de variables fisio-psicológicas y Algoritmo de generación de caminos visuales , etapa final en la cual se consideran los resultados anteriores para entregar la predicción se secuencias para una ventana de tiempo. Para llevar a cabo estas etapas, se utilizan respectivamente los métodos de Clasificación multi-etiqueta , Hard clustering y Redes neuronales recurrentes . El segundo modelo utiliza datos de mirada (fijaciones, sacadas y puntos indefinidos) registrados por el EyeTracker para generar densidades de probabilidad en las zonas de la página que son atendidas por el usuario. Utiliza redes neuronales recurrentes con mezclas de densidades gaussianas para generar secuencias de probabilidades de movimientos oculares registrados en una ventana de tiempo. Este modelo se basa en una arquitectura encoder decoder, donde los datos de mirada son codificados por una red neuronal recurrente bidireccional y decodificados en los parámetros de las distribuciones gaussianas a ser mezcladas. El tercer modelo utiliza cluster de K-mean para categorizar las ventanas de tiempo con los diferentes índices mentales. Posteriormente se utilizan métodos de clasificación de secuencias para las señales EEG, para la predicción de cada índice mental, utilizando las señales fisiológicas del usuario, usando una arquitectura encoder-decoder. Todos los modelos se evalúan con validación cruzada de diez conjuntos de entrenamientoprueba,utilizando diferentes medidas de distancia para cada caso.

Mapování geometrických chyb v pracovním prostoru obráběcího stroje / Mapping geometry errors in the machine tool workspace

Knobloch, Josef January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis offers a new approach to the measuring of geometry errors in the machine tool workspace with the aid of laser tracker. There is a method of data acquisition and also the Matlab programs for data processing suggested in the thesis. This method can determine the accuracy and repeatibility of positioning and angular displacement of the numerical controlled axes of the measured machine tool and it compiles its mathematical model. All the gathered knowledge is used to evaluation of geometric accuracy of the virtual machined workpiece.

Návrh a testování metody kruhové interpolace pro velké CNC stroje mobilními souřadnicovými přístroji / Method proposal and evaluation of circular accuracy tests of large machine tools with mobile measurement devices

Stránský, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis offers a new approach to the measuring of circular interpolation applicable for measurement of large machine tools. In the thesis is proposed mathematical procedure of evaluation of this method, together with filtration of outlier measurements. Furthermore, there are designed and performed two experiments and in the conclusion of the thesis is composed methodology of measuring, which is using the proposed methodology of evaluation.

An approach to automating mobile application testing on Symbian Smartphones : Functional testing through log file analysis of test cases developed from use cases

Färnlycke, Isak January 2013 (has links)
Many developers today have difficulties testing their applications on mobile devices. This is due to a number of factors, such as the fact that the mobile phone market has become even more fragmented with the introduction of touch screen technology. Existing software that was designed for traditional mobile handhelds is not necessarily compatible with the newest models and vice versa. For developers this incompatibility increases the difficulty when creating software. Lack of resources for testing the application may lead to the application being limited to either just a specific model or in some cases to only one specific version of the operating system software. Without providing support for a large number of models the product may have difficulty attracting customers, and hence fail to gain the desired market share. The challenge is to find a way to make testing simple, effective, and automated on a large number of mobile devices. To achieve this test automation applicationsare needed and a test strategy must be devised. Additionally, testing is often described as never-ending since testing generally reveals errors rather than demonstrating when errors are absent. Because of this some limitations of testing are justified. In order to limit the scope of this thesis I have selected some of the most appropriate methods for testing, and will only examine these specific methods.  The focus for the testing is not specifically to find errors, but rather to confirm that the product offers the specified functionality. This thesis describes an approach to functional testing of an application for Symbian mobile devices based upon log analysis. Unfortunately, testing applications on mobile devices is still not straightforward, and this thesis does not shed any light upon how to lessen this complexity. However, I believe that both testing and development will be more and more built around use cases in the future. Unfortunately, automation of testing based uponthese use cases will be further complicated by the increasing use of touch screens and physical input (such as gestures). / Idag har många utvecklare problem med att testa sina applikationer på mobila enheter.Detta har många orsaker, exempelvis att den globala mobila marknaden har blivit än mer fragmenterad i och med introduktionen av pekskärmstekniken och de snabba förändringar som sker idag. På grund av de många telefoner som idag finns så finns det ett behov för en automatiserad testprocess då det tar för lång tid att göra manuellt. OptiCall Solutions AB har utvecklat en applikation för Symbian S60 som behöver kunna köra på många olika telefoner. Denna masteruppsats har målet att hitta ett sätt att automatisera testning av mobilapplikationer på olika enheter, mer specifikt enheter som kör Symbian S60.  OptiCaller är målet för testerna. Testmetodologier och verktyg har analyserats och kraven har samlats in på den önskade lösningen. Lösningen består av ett program som kör testskripten direkt på telefonen, mjukvara som analyserar testresultaten och presenterar dem i ett GUI, ett teststrategidokument, samt ett felrapporteringssystem. Med hjälp av dess kan testaren skapa sina egna skript för att automatisera och sedan samla in resultaten för analys. Detta eliminerar behovet för manuell testning och gör testningen effektivare, speciellt när man kör många tester. Analysmjukvaran är även integrerad med Felrapporteringssystemet för att underlätta felrapportering.

GPS Tracking Device

Shami Jamil, Ivet January 2022 (has links)
The project was performed in collaboration with the company Prevas AB. The aim of the project was to implement a GPS tracking device, or a GPS tracker, that has a hardware setup retrieving the GPS position of an object and then sends the position through a mobile communication module to a smartphone. A software application running on a smartphone simulator was developed to visualize the position with a Google map widget. The hardware unit consists of a GPS/GSM/GPRS module, a microcontroller, and a smartphone simulator that runs the software application made for iOS, Android and Linux operating systems using Flutter - an UI multi-platform software development kit. Implementation of the setup started with a Telit GM862 GSM/GPRS/3G-GPS module (together with a SmartGM862 development board), an Arduino UNO microcontroller board and a logical level converter. This first setup was not successful because a problem with the serial communication between the Telit GSM-GPS module and the Arduino could not be solved.  The second setup was implemented in which an Arduino GSM/GPRS/GPS shield was used with the Arduino board. The serial communication between the shield and the Arduino was functioning properly and a GPS position could be retrieved. The GPS position is published (sent) using a lightweight messaging protocol - MQTT (messaging queuing telemetry transport) through GPRS functions to the smartphone of the destination user.  To visualize the GPS position in a Google map, an Object Tracker app was implemented on the smartphone simulator app (an iPhone in this project) that subscribes and retrieves the GPS position, and then displays it on the map with a red marker indicating the position.  The GPS tracker with the second setup and the app has been tested and proved to work properly. It has, however, much room for improvement and further development, e.g., making the app more user-friendly, and designing and making a PCB so all the components are mounted on one board. It has been noticed in an initiated test that the GPS antenna placement could affect  positioning accuracy. This, thus, needs to be considered for high accuracy.

A study of Eye-tracking properties utilizing Tobii Eye Tracker 5

Rahman, Muhammad Mezanur January 2022 (has links)
Eye-tracking is the process of determining the point where the viewer is looking at. Therefore, an eye tracker is a device that measures eye positions and eye movements. Over the recent few years, eye trackers are being used in research in the area of medical technology, visual system, rehabilitation, and human-computer interaction. This study explores the application of eye-tracking in watching and rendering images on a computer screen. In this research, Eye-tracker 5 developed by Tobii is used which is a popular instrument among other eye trackers. Tobii Eye Tracker 5 includes a software development kit (SDK) enabling the creation of new research projects based on eye-tracking and head movement. This work measured eye-tracking streaming data on the digital images, and post-process the gaze data to observe the gaze pattern of the human eye. This thesis investigated the impact of blinking using subtle gaze direction (SGD) approach, which states that flickering on the computer screen in peripheral vision instead of foveal vision attracts human attention and as the viewer’s foveal vision attracted to that blinking point, flickering was stopped and, subsequently, performed flickering to the next point of interest while the viewer is watching the previous point of interest. The work successfully modeled flickering on the desired locations of an image. Furthermore, rendering to different images is also demonstrated in this work using entirely through eye movement. It is envisaged that eye-gazing-based control technology would have tremendous applications in almost all areas of future technology, particularly in assistive technology.

Determination of Salient Design Elements Through Eye Movements, Aesthetics, and Usability

Asuncion, Bryan C 14 December 2018 (has links)
The goal of study 1 was to use a remote eye tracker to understand how eye movements change with 7 geometrically varied remote controls to determine design element saliency. 20 participants were used to measure the following eye metrics: number of fixations prior to first fixation of any AOI, time to first fixation of an AOI, number of fixations on an AOI, dwell time of the first fixation on an AOI, total dwell time of an AOI, and the percentage of time spent on an AOI. The results of the study showed that all participants spent between 75-85% of their time fixated on the button layout which was not defined as an AOI. No statistical differences were found in the values measured for all eye tracking metrics across similarly defined AOIs. In study 2, the objective was to determine attitudes towards appearance and usability of the 7 remote control designs using the participants from study 1. Participants were asked to rate their attitudes and preferences, using a Likert-based questionnaire, about the qualities of appearance and usability for the attributes of proportion, shape, and configuration. They were asked open-ended questions about their likes and dislikes regarding the qualities of appearance and usability. Lastly, participants were given a pairwise comparison survey where they chose their preferred remote design, based on appearance, for 10 paired sets of contrasting remote designs. The hourglass subjacent and hourglass round designs were rated highest for appearance and usability from the Likert questionnaire. The hourglass round design was ranked highest for the pairwise comparison survey. For study 3, the goal was to determine attitudes towards appearance and usability of the 7 remote designs with online participants. 300 participants were asked to rate their attitudes and preferences using the same Likert-based questionnaire from study 2. They were asked the same open-ended questions and administered the same pairwise comparison survey as in study 2. The results of the Likert questionnaire showed that the hourglass subjacent and hourglass round designs were rated highest for appearance and usability. From the pairwise comparison survey, the hourglass round design was ranked the highest.

Integration of eye tracking device and 3D motion capture for simultaneous gaze and body movement analysis / Integrering av ögonspårningsenhet och 3D-rörelsefångst för samtidig blick-och kroppsrörelseanalys

Narasappa, Deepa January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to analyze the coordination between gaze and the upper limb movement while performing a predefined task. We implemented a method to simultaneously compute and visualize recorded gaze data from a head mounted eye tracker and motion data from a motion capture system in the same coordinate system.  A python script was implemented to temporarily synchronize the two systems and then proceed with the spatial/coordinate transformation which was validated with the data acquired while the subject was asked to perform specific tasks. Task 1 was to fixate his gaze on a block placed in the center of a table and the Task 2 was to stack the blocks by picking it up and placing it on top of each other. Wrist and elbow flexion-extension angles were tracked simultaneously based on reflective markers trajectories while performing the task. This was visualized and discussed on how the results of our study suggest that the eye movements play a vital role in planning, estimating, coordinating and providing feedback for the body to perform a motor task.

EastWest : Solar tracking photovoltaic panel

Hamada, Ali, Larsson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to investigate how efficient it is to implement steering of a solar panel, in one or two axes. To determine how efficient it is, special consideration was taken to the energy usage of the driving system. Practical applications have also been considered with pros and cons. To answer the research questions a prototype was built and a controlled environment for testing was arranged. Rotating the panel in one axis resulted in a 26% energy increase and for the two-axis system a 56% energy increase compared to stationary panel. The use of stepper motors turned out to be not as efficient as needed, due to continuous use of energy at all times during operation. / Syftet med detta projekt var att undersöka hur effektivt det är att implementera styrning av en solpanel i en eller två axlar. För att kunna avgöra nyttan så togs det hänsyn till drivsystemet och hur mycket energi det gick åt för styrningen. Även praktiska tillämpningar kontrollerades och vilka fördelar och nackdelar som skulle erhållas. För att svara på frågeställningarna, tillverkades en prototyp som testades i en kontrollerad miljö. Genom att rotera panelen runt en axel ökar energiupptaget 26 % och för det tvåaxliga systemet 56 % jämfört med en stationär panel. Användningen av stegmotorer visade sig inte vara speciellt effektiv då det krävdes kontinuerlig strömmatning för att erhålla det motormoment som krävdes för att hålla panelen på plats.

Gaze Pattern and Motion Control During Walking While Multitasking / Blickmönster och rörelsekontroll vid gång med samtidig multitasking

Karlsson, Filip January 2023 (has links)
In Sweden almost three persons over the age of 65 years dies every daybecause of fall injuries. The overall societal costs of elderly fall accidentswere estimated to to be 14 billion SEK, and if no action is taken this cost isestimated to increase to 22 billion SEK until 2050. The individual decreasein life of quality due to pain, decrease of independence and, for those stillworking, a decrease in income is of course also well worth considering.It is well known that multitasking while walking will decrease attentionon the surroundings and gait behaviour which increases the risk of falling. Itis known that walking uses both sensory input and visual inputs to guide themotion. The visual input prepares the body to adjust itself before a step istaken to optimize the outcome.This study aimed to investigate the effect of multitasking on gaze strategiesand gait performance. Five healthy adults walked over a setup of ramps and astep while performing three different levels of cognitive loading: just walking,walking and performing mental arithmetic’s and walking and scrolling on amobile cell phone.The eye tracking device Pupil Core (Pupil Labs, Berlin, Germany) wasused to capture the gaze points of the participants and Vicon Nexus togetherwith force plates were used to capture data to compute the kinematics of theparticipants during the walking.The results revealed that four out of four participants had a lower ratio ofgaze fixations on objects of interest when scrolling on the phone comparedto just walking, and three out of four participants had a lower ratio of gazefixations on objects of interest when doing mental arithmetic’s compared tojust walking. Simultaneously the gait parameters and kinematics changed in away that might increase the risk of falling. Four out of four participants had adecrease in average stride length and average stride velocity when walkingwhile scrolling on a phone and a decrease in average stride velocity whenperforming mental arithmetic’s compared to just walking. Three out of fourparticipants had a decrease in average stride length when performing mentalarithmetic’s compared to just walking.Since the participant number was low more studies are needed to confirmthese results. The experimental design would benefit from adjustments to tryto separate the effect on gaze behaviour between altered cognitive loading andaltered gait pattern, but are a good base to use for further studies.

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