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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Attention in emotion regulation

Gelow, Stefan January 2013 (has links)
The concept of emotion and how to regulate it is a central aspect of modern psychology. Within the process model of emotion regulation (Gross, 1998), one issue is how attentional deployment affects emotion regulation and how this can be measured. In task 1, pictures of positive or negative valence were showed in two conditions, either attend or decrease emotional reaction, while participants’ eye movements were followed with an eye tracker. Ratings of arousal and valence were significantly affected by instruction, but dwell times were only significant for positive pictures. In task 2, participants were directed either to emotional or non-emotional parts of emotional pictures while skin conductance was recorded. Arousal and valence ratings decreased significantly in non-emotional areas, but no effect could be found for skin conductance data. Results were generally weak in regards to the effectiveness of measuring gaze to indicate emotion regulation in the form of attentional deployment. For future studies, research of individual differences in habitual usage of attentional deployment for emotion regulation was suggested.

ONBEAT/OFFBEAT : En ögonrörelsestudie av audiovisuell synkronisering

Carlgren, Simon January 2013 (has links)
Senare forskning har börjat jämföra etablerade principer inom filmklippning med rön från kognitionsforskning. Ny teknik gör det möjligt att på ett adekvatare sätt ta del av åskådarens upplevelse och interaktion med rörlig bildmedia. Tidigare studier som tas upp i texten har varit inriktade på visuella aspekter, hur brott mot videoredigerings- principer påverkar åskådarens ögonrörelser. Då film och video är ett audiovisuellt medium är det angeläget att undersöka hur ljud påverkar vår visuella bearbetning. Uppsatsens ansats är att undersöka hur varierad synkronisering mellan ljud och bild påverkar och förändrar uppmärksamheten hos åskådare av rörlig bildmedia. Två stimulifilmer har satts samman, en Onbeat version där klipp-punkter i videomaterialet och musikens taktslag ligger i synk, och en Offbeat version där klipp-punkter i videomaterialet ligger fem bildrutor efter musikens taktslag. Som underlag för experimentstudien har 15 försöksdeltagare testats i en ögonrörelsestudie. Resultaten visar på signifikanta skillnader mellan de båda stimulifilmerna, där Offbeat versionen genererade fler ögonrörelser hos försöksdeltagarna.

Effet de l'organisation des informations visuelles et de l'expertise sur les stratégies d'exploration visuelle dans un paradigme multitâches / Impact of visual elements organisation and the expertise on visual's exploration strategy on multitask paradigm

Dusaucy, Valériane 16 December 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est de montrer que l’'expertise peut-être une solution aux baisses de performances observées dans un paradigme de multitâche. Beaucoup d'expériences sur l'expertise expliquent que les experts vont mobiliser leurs connaissances antérieurement acquises afin de réaliser une tâche (stratégie top-down). Au contraire des novices, qui vont explorer le matériel de manière plus exhaustive en partant uniquement de l’objectif de la tâche à réaliser (stratégie bottom-up). Nous avons réalisé trois études. La première porte sur les patterns visuels des experts du jeu WoW. Alors que les experts devaient mémoriser des éléments d’une vidéo (simple vs complexe) tout en écoutant une histoire, on observe que lorsque le matériel est simple, les experts mettent en place une stratégie top-down, au contraire lorsque la tâche est plus complexe ils vont retourner progressivement à une stratégie bottom-up. Les novices, quant à eux suivront une stratégie bottom-up tout le long de l’expérience. La saillance capturerait le regard des novices, au contraire des experts qui arriveraient à l'inhiber. Grâce à ces résultats, nous avons mis à jour une grille d’heuristiques ergonomique. Enfin, nous avons étudié les patterns visuels dans un environnement plus écologique comme la réservation de billets d’avion en ligne. Les résultats, tout comme ceux de la première expérience, montrent le même type de pattern visuel trouvé dans les recherches n’impliquant que l’expertise. Les experts dans un domaine seraient aussi experts en multitâche dans ce domaine. De plus, la dernière expérience montre que les experts, quelques soient la charge de travail, mettent en place des stratégies top-down. / The aim of this project is to show how expertise can be a solution to the decrease of the performance in a multitasking paradigm. A lot of experience on the expertise explain that these experts will use their knowledge previously learned to explore an interface (top-down strategy). Unlike novices, who will explore the material in a more exhaustive way based on the objective of the task to be achieved (bottom-up strategy).We have carried out three studies to answer this problem. We studied the visual patterns of the WoW game experts, while asking them to memorize elements of a video (simple vs complex) and listening a story . We observe ambivalence in the strategy of exploration. Effectively, when the material is simple, experts will use a top-down strategy, and progressively with the complexity of the task, they will return to a bottom-up strategy. The novices, meanwhile, will follow a bottom-up strategy throughout the experience. The study of the map of salience shows that the attention of the novices will be captured by this one. This is not the case for experts who will inhibit it and explore the most important information for the task. From these results, we have updated an usability heuristic grid. Finally, we have completed this research by studying visual patterns in a more ecological context as booking airline tickets online. The results, like those of the first experiment, show the same type of visual pattern found in research involving only expertise. Experts in one field would also be experts in multitasking in this field. Moreover, in the last research, we found experts use all long these top-down’ strategy even on the more complex condition.

Adaptation sensorimotrice aux troubles de la marche et de l’équilibre chez les patients présentant une neuropathie périphérique / Sensorimotor adaptation to gait and balance impairment in subjects with peripheral neuropathy

Gomes Paiva, Ana flávia 16 December 2016 (has links)
La fonction d’équilibration est une fonction complexe qui implique une interaction entre les systèmes somatosensoriel, vestibulaire et visuelle qui en assurent la régulation. En pathologie, le contrôle de la posture et de l’équilibre peut être atteint comme dans le cas de neuropathies périphériques qui se caractérisent par une atteinte des fibres sensitives et motrices de niveau variable. Les neuropathies à prédominance sensitive sont dénommées neuropathies ataxiantes ; elles se caractérisent au niveau des membres inférieurs par l’atteinte proprioceptive qui peut entraîner des troubles de la posture et de l’équilibre en condition statique, dynamique ou encore lors de la marche. Ce travail rapporte trois méthodes d’évaluation élaborées dans les trois conditions d’équilibration afin de mieux caractériser les troubles de l’équilibre de cette population. L’évaluation de l’équilibre en condition statique sur une plateforme de force nous a permis de caractériser le poids des atteintes sensorielles et motrices dans les neuropathies à condition d’y inclure la mesure du paramètre de limite de l’équilibre qui dissocie le plus ces deux composantes. En condition dynamique, l’analyse de l’équilibre sur une plateforme de force motorisée « IsiMove » nous a permis de créer un score composé qui discrimine les troubles de l’équilibre d’une population de sujets ataxiques caractérisé par une instabilité majeure en conditions quasi statique (basse fréquence de déstabilisation) et une instabilité moins marquée en conditions plus dynamiques (hautes fréquences). Au cours de la marche, les lunettes eye-tracker se sont avérées constituer un outil pertinent pour l’analyse de la compensation visuelle, à la fois reproductible et sensible à la pathologie. Cette technologie nous a aidés à caractériser quantitativement une stratégie visuelle mise en place par les patients ataxiques lors de la locomotion. Les résultats de ce travail de thèse ouvrent différentes perspectives en ce qui concerne l’élaboration de programmes de rééducation plus spécifiques pour cette population, et la caractérisation instrumentale de nouveaux profils de troubles de l’équilibre des patients présentant une instabilité d’origine neurologique. / The balance function is a complex function that involves interaction between the somatosensory, the vestibular and the visual systems, the latter ensuring the equilibrium function regulation. In pathology, the control of posture and balance can be impaired as in the case of peripheral neuropathies, characterized by the impairment of sensory and motor fibers of variable level. Predominantly sensory neuropathies are called ataxic neuropathies; they are characterized by proprioceptive impairment in the lower limbs that can lead to disorders of posture and balance in static or dynamic condition, or even during gait. This study reports three assessment methods developed under the three balance conditions to better characterize balance disorders concerning this population. Balance assessment under static condition on a force platform has enabled us to characterize the weight of the sensory and motor impairments in neuropathies, provided that by the inclusion of measuring the limits of equilibrium balance parameter, which separates the most these two components. Under dynamic conditions, the analysis of balance on the motorized force platform "IsiMove" allowed us to create a composed score that distinguishes balance disorders in a population of ataxic subjects, which is characterized by major instability in quasi-static conditions (low frequency instability) and a less marked instability in more dynamic conditions (high frequencies). During gait, the eye tracker glasses have proven to be a relevant tool for the analysis of visual compensation, both reproducible and sensitive to the pathology. This technology has helped us to quantitatively characterize the visual strategy implemented by ataxic patients during locomotion. The results of this thesis open different perspectives regarding the development of more specific rehabilitation programs for this population. It also opens different perspectives on the instrumental characterization of new profiles of balance disorders in patients with instability of neurological origin.

Discovering patterns of interaction with feedback : an eye tracker study

Bystam, Carin, Moliteus, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Feedback plays a vital role in learning. With online learning on the rise, feedback can be given directly to each student in a way that can not be achieved in a traditional classroom with one teacher. But while the importance of feedback is well-known, little is known about how students interact with feedback. This study was conducted to find out how students interact with feedback from a question-based learning platform in terms of their eye movement patterns. Using an eye tracker and a multiple choice quiz, data of gaze duration in each quiz segment and gaze transactions in between segments was extracted and analyzed. The results show that students fall into three groups: 1) those who spend most time on feedback and less on the question, 2) those who spend most time on questions and less on the feedback 3) those who use a mixed approach. Students in group 1) and 3) had few gaze transactions between the questions and feedback, indicating that the feedback was used as intended. Having discovered the presence of distinct patterns of feedback interaction, the next steps will be to investigate how these impact the use and utility of the feedback by students. / Feedback spelar en avgörande roll för inlärning. Med e-learning kan feedback ges individuellt till varje elev på ett sätt som inte är möjligt i ett traditionellt klassrum med endast en lärare. Men medan vikten av feedback är välkänd, är det mindre känt hur studenter interagerar med feedback. Denna studie utfördes med syftet att ta reda på hur studenter interagerar med feedback i en frågebaserad lärplattform, när det gäller deras ögonrörelsemönster. Med hjälp av en eye tracker och ett quiz med flervalsfrågor, kunde data om deltagarnas ögonrörelser – hur länge de tittade i olika segment och vilka övergångar deras ögon gjorde mellan segment – samlas in och sedan analyseras. Resultaten visade att deltagarna hamnar i tre kategorier: 1) de som spenderar mycket tid på att läsa feedback och mindre på att läsa frågan 2) de som spenderar mycket tid på att läsa frågan och mindre på att läsa feedback och 3) de som hade ett blandat angreppssätt. Deltagare i grupperna 1) och 3) hade få blickövergångar mellan frågor och feedback, vilket indikerar att feedbacken användes som avsett av dessa deltagare. Upptäckten av distinkta mönster av interaktion med feedback öppnar upp för framtida studier att undersöka hur dessa påverkar användning och användbarheten av feedback hos studenter.

The effects of display congruence and self-efficacy on multi-attribute decision making

Day, Rong-Fuh 05 August 2005 (has links)
In the past, a considerable amount of research has been conducted into the effects of congruence between information display and task requirement on decision-making performance. The theoretical base for these works is the cost-benefit framework, which explains that the effort of decision makers will depend on the level of accuracy expected and the cost of the strategy employed to complete the task. In this research, the factor of self-efficacy is integrated into the cost-benefit framework for predicting decision making performance. An experiment was designed with two factors, display congruence and self-efficacy. The display congruence is a within-subject factor with 2 levels, high congruence and low congruence; the self-efficacy is a between-subject factor with 2 levels, high versus low. Subjects¡¦ eye movements were also tracked with an apparatus, eye tracker. A total of 30 subjects participated in the experiment and 20 were found to be valid based on an analysis of the eye movement data. These subjects were divided into high and low self-efficacy groups according to their scores of self-efficacy measurement. The results show that when the congruence is low, subjects spent significantly longer decision time and changed information acquisition direction than they do when the congruence is high, although there was no difference in decision accuracy between these two conditions. Self-efficacy is found to significantly predict goal commitment, intensity of effort, and decision accuracy. In addition, when subjects moved from the situation of high congruence display to the low congruence one, high self-efficacy subjects were found to increase their level of effort more than low self-efficacy subjects.

Distribution of Light in the Human Retina under Natural Viewing Conditions

Gibert, Jorge C. 12 September 2013 (has links)
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness inAmerica. The fact that AMD wreaks most of the damage in the center of the retina raises the question of whether light, integrated over long periods, is more concentrated in the macula. A method, based on eye-tracking, was developed to measure the distribution of light in the retina under natural viewing conditions. The hypothesis was that integrated over time, retinal illumination peaked in the macula. Additionally a possible relationship between age and retinal illumination was investigated. The eye tracker superimposed the subject’s gaze position on a video recorded by a scene camera. Five informed subjects were employed in feasibility tests, and 58 naïve subjects participated in 5 phases. In phase 1 the subjects viewed a gray-scale image. In phase 2, they observed a sequence of photographic images. In phase 3 they viewed a video. In phase 4, they worked on a computer; in phase 5, the subjects walked around freely. The informed subjects were instructed to gaze at bright objects in the field of view and then at dark objects. Naïve subjects were allowed to gaze freely for all phases. Using the subject’s gaze coordinates, and the video provided by the scene camera, the cumulative light distribution on the retina was calculated for ~15° around the fovea. As expected for control subjects, cumulative retinal light distributions peaked and dipped in the fovea when they gazed at bright or dark objects respectively. The light distribution maps obtained from the naïve subjects presented a tendency to peak in the macula for phases 1, 2, and 3, a consistent tendency in phase 4 and a variable tendency in phase 5. The feasibility of using an eye-tracker system to measure the distribution of light in the retina was demonstrated, thus helping to understand the role played by light exposure in the etiology of AMD. Results showed that a tendency for light to peak in the macula is a characteristic of some individuals and of certain tasks. In these situations, risk of AMD could be increased. No significant difference was observed based on age.

Evaluation of an Eye Tracking Device to Increase Error Recovery by Nursing Students Using Human Patient Simulation

Shen, Yan 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study evaluates the application of an eye tracking device in nursing education. An experiment is designed to test the effectiveness of the eye tracking device used as a tool for providing instructional feedback in error identification and recovery by nursing students undertaking tasks in a simulated clinical setting. This experiment is performed on three groups of nursing students. In the first phase, all groups are tested in a simulated clinical scenario and their eye movements are recorded using an eye tracking device. In the second phase, the evaluation only group (control group) gets instructors’ feedback regarding their performance without referring back to the eye tracker record. The eye tracker only group (experimental group A) is provided with a video of their eye movements which was recorded during their first simulated exercise, but receives no feedback from the instructors. The combined group (experimental group B) is provided with both instructors’ evaluations and their eye movement video. Finally, in the last phase, all the groups are tested once again in the simulated clinical settings. Their performance is observed and compared to determine their relative improvements. Based on these improvements, it will be possible to determine whether an eye tracking device by itself or in combination with evaluation serves as a helpful instructional source during nursing education.

Ambiente de treinamento por teleoperação para novos usuários de cadeiras de rodas motorizadas baseado em múltiplos métodos de condução

92-99394-9353 10 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-09-17T17:22:44Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_impressao.pdf: 2956113 bytes, checksum: e6a4b36626de2a1892da7e9ffd7ac14a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-09-17T17:22:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_impressao.pdf: 2956113 bytes, checksum: e6a4b36626de2a1892da7e9ffd7ac14a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-17T17:22:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_impressao.pdf: 2956113 bytes, checksum: e6a4b36626de2a1892da7e9ffd7ac14a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-10 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Currently, diverse existing training environments help new users of electric powered wheelchairs (EPW) learn how to drive, acquaint and improve their abilities with these assistive devices. Several authors are developing such environments, and most of them use virtually simulated wheelchairs. Despite the similarities between virtual and real wheelchairs, it is easier to drive the real device because representation of the wheelchair physical behavior is still a problem for virtual simulated environments. Concerning the driving methods, most of them are based on a joystick, which does not give the opportunity for users to test, practice and acquaint themselves with new technologies, such as driving through eye movements. This work implements and tests a more realistic approach for a training environment dedicated to new users of EPW. The proposed system is based on a real EPW controlled by teleoperation, and it is flexible enough to attend to multiple driving methods. An architecture that allows a user to send command messages to control a real EPW through the Internet was implemented to validate the system. The implemented driving methods were conventional joystick, eye-tracker and a generic human-machine interface. For the system’s evaluation, scenarios were created considering the implemented driving methods, and also scenarios considering a long distance teleoperation. The experimental results suggest that new users can practice safely using a real EPW through the Internet, even in a situation with a communication delay of 130.2 ms (average). Furthermore, the proposed system showed potential for attending new EPW users with different types of disabilities and to be a low-cost approach that could be applied in developing countries. / Atualmente, diversos ambientes de treinamento existentes ajudam novos usuários de cadeira de rodas motorizada (CRM) a aprender a comandar, se familiarizar e aprimorar suas habilidades. Vários autores estão desenvolvendo esses ambientes, e a maioria deles está usando CRM virtualmente simulada. Apesar das semelhanças entre a CRM virtual e a real, observouse que é mais fácil comandar o dispositivo real. Isso ocorre porque nesses ambientes virtuais, a representação do comportamento físico da CRM ainda é um problema. Outro aspecto observado, foi a respeito dos métodos de condução, onde a maioria dos trabalhos utiliza apenas o joystick. Porém, esse método não oferece a oportunidade a usuários com deficiência severa de aprender a comandar a partir de novas tecnologias, como por exemplo, o rastreamento ocular. Para superar essas dificuldades, este trabalho propõe, implementa e valida uma abordagem mais realista, a qual é baseada em treinamento por teleoperação e por múltiplos métodos de condução. Foi implementada uma arquitetura que permite ao usuário enviar comandos remotamente para comandar uma CRM real a longas distâncias. Os métodos de condução implementados foram por joystick, eye-tracker e por meio de uma interface humanomáquina genérica. Para a avaliação do sistema, foram criados cenários considerando diferentes configurações. Os resultados experimentais sugerem que novos usuários podem praticar com segurança utilizando uma CRM real através da Internet, mesmo em uma situação com delay de 130,2 ms (média). O sistema proposto mostrou potencial em atender novos usuários de CRM com diferentes tipos de deficiência, bem como de ser uma abordagem de baixo custo com possibilidade de ser aplicada em países em desenvolvimento.

Optimisation de la formation des pilotes par l’éducation du comportement oculaire / Optimization of pilot training through gaze behaviour education

Dubois, Emilien 17 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à la manière d’optimiser l’apprentissage du pilotage par l’amélioration de l’éducation du comportement oculaire. Dans divers domaines (e.g., médical, aéronautique), différentes méthodes d’éducation du comportement oculaire ont démontré leur efficacité quant à leur capacité à optimiser le temps d’apprentissage d’une tâche. Toutefois, dans le domaine du pilotage, cela n’a reçu que très peu de validation empirique (Ziv, 2016) notamment à cause de difficultés de mise en œuvre technique et méthodologique inhérentes à la nature dynamique et complexe de l’activité de pilotage (Eyrolle et al., 1996). Dans le but d’éduquer le comportement oculaire des élèves-pilotes, nous avons tout d’abord modélisé les caractéristiques du comportement oculaire à adopter. Puis nous avons conçu, développé et validé expérimentalement un outil spécifique, le PilotGazeTrainer, permettant de mettre en œuvre une nouvelle méthode originale d’éducation du comportement oculaire basée sur deux principes essentiels : l’analyse permanente du regard du participant, et l’affichage en temps-réel de feedbacks visuels ou sonores. Afin d’évaluer cette nouvelle méthode, nous avons réalisé plusieurs expérimentations sur un simulateur de vol et sur un micromonde développé pour l’occasion (l’AbstractFlyingTask). Les premiers résultats montrent que notre méthode permet, en très peu de temps, une modification durable du comportement oculaire bénéfique pour les personnes concernées. Ces résultats comportementaux ont également révélé le potentiel des outils développés – le micromonde AbstractFlyingTask et le PilotGazeTrainer – pour éduquer le comportement oculaire. / This thesis focuses on how to optimize the learning of piloting by improving the ocular behavior educationIn several fields (e.g., medical, aeronautics), various methods of ocular behavior educating have demonstrated their effectiveness in their ability to optimize the learning of a task. However, the education of ocular behavior has received few empirical validations in the field of piloting training (Ziv, 2016) especially because of difficulties in the technical and methodological implementation (e.g., real-time analysis of the gaze location) inherent in the dynamic and complex nature of the piloting situation (Eyrolle, Mariné & Mailles, 1996). In order to educate the ocular behavior of the pilot students, we first modeled the characteristics of the ocular behavior to be adopted. Then we designed, developed and validated experimentally a first specific tool, the PilotGazeTrainer (a software), which allows the implementation of a new and original method of ocular behavior education based on two essential principles: the permanent analysis of the participant's ocular behavior, and the production in real-time of visual or sound feedbacks. In order to evaluate this new method, we conducted several experiments on a flight simulator and on a microworld developed for the purposes of this evaluation (the AbstractFlyingTask). The first results show that our method allows a lasting modification of the ocular behavior in a very short intervention time. These behavioral results also revealed the potential of the developed tools - the AbstractFlyingTask microworld and the PilotGazeTrainer - to educate ocular behavior.

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