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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unraveling the genetic secrets of ancient Baikal amphipods

Rivarola-Duarte, Lorena 24 August 2021 (has links)
Lake Baikal is the oldest, by volume, the largest, and the deepest freshwater lake on Earth. It is characterized by an outstanding diversity of endemic faunas with more than 350 amphipod species and subspecies (Amphipoda, Crustacea, Arthropoda). They are the dominant benthic organisms in the lake, contributing substantially to the overall biomass. Eulimnogammarus verrucosus, E. cyaneus, and E. vittatus, in particular, serve as emerging models in ecotoxicological studies. It was, then, necessary to investigate whether these endemic littoral amphipods species form genetically separate populations across Baikal, to scrutinize if the results obtained --~for example, about stress responses~-- with samples from one single location (Bolshie Koty, where the biological station is located), could be extrapolated to the complete lake or not. The genetic diversity within those three endemic littoral amphipod species was determined based on fragments of Cytochrome C Oxidase I (COI) and 18S rDNA (only for E. verrucosus). Gammarus lacustris, a Holarctic species living in water bodies near Baikal, was examined for comparison. The intra-specific genetic diversities within E. verrucosus and E. vittatus (13% and 10%, respectively) were similar to the inter-species differences, indicating the occurrence of cryptic, morphologically highly similar species. This was confirmed with 18S rDNA for E. verrucosus. The haplotypes of E. cyaneus and G. lacustris specimens were, with intra-specific genetic distances of 3% and 2%, respectively, more homogeneous, indicating no --or only recent disruption of-- gene flow of E. cyaneus across Baikal, and recent colonization of water bodies around Baikal by G. lacustris. The data provide the first clear evidence for the formation of cryptic (sub)species within endemic littoral amphipod species of Lake Baikal and mark the inflows/outflow of large rivers as dispersal barriers. Lake Baikal has provided a stable environment for millions of years, in stark contrast to small, transient water bodies in its immediate vicinity. A highly diverse endemic amphipod fauna is found in one but not the other habitat. To gain more insights and explain the immiscibility barrier between Lake Baikal and non-Baikal environments faunas, the differences in the stress response pathways were studied. To this end, exposure experiments to increasing temperature and a heavy metal (cadmium) as proteotoxic stressors were conducted in Russia. High-quality de novo transcriptome assemblies were obtained, covering multiple conditions, for three amphipod species: E. verrucosus and E. cyaneus -Baikal endemics-, and G. lacustris -Holarctic- as a potential invader. After comparing the transcriptomic stress responses, it was found that both Baikal species possess intact stress response systems and respond to elevated temperature with relatively similar changes in their expression profiles. G. lacustris reacts less strongly to the same stressors, possibly because its transcriptome is already perturbed by acclimation conditions (matching the Lake Baikal littoral). Comprehensive genomic resources are of utmost importance for ecotoxicological and ecophysiological studies in an evolutionary context, especially considering the exceptional value of Baikal as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In that context, the results presented here, on the genome of Eulimnogammarus verrucosus, have been the first massive step to establish genomic sequence resources for a Baikalian amphipod (other than mitochondrial genomes and gene expression data in the form of de novo transcriptomes assemblies). Based on the data from a survey of its genome (a single lane of paired-end Illumina HiSeq 2000 reads, 3X) as well as a full dataset (two complete flow cells, 46X) the genome size was estimated as nearly 10 Gb based on the k-mer spectra and the coverage of highly conserved miRNA, hox genes, and other Sanger-sequenced genes. At least two-thirds of the genome are non-unique DNA, and no less than half of the genomic DNA is composed of just five families of repetitive elements, including low complexity sequences. Some of the repeats families found in high abundance in E. verrucosus seem to be species-specific, or Baikalian-specific. Attempts to use off-the-shelf assembly tools on the available low coverage data, both before and after the removal of highly repetitive components, as well as on the full dataset, resulted in extremely fragmented assemblies. Nevertheless, the analysis of coverage in Hox genes and their homeobox showed no clear evidence for paralogs, indicating that a genome duplication did not contribute to the large genome size. Several mate-pair libraries with bigger insert sizes than the 2kb used here and long reads sequencing technology combined with semi-automated methods for genome assembly seem to be necessary to obtain a reliable assembly for this species.

Dissecting human cortical development evolution and malformation using organoids and single-cell transcriptomics

Kanton, Sabina 10 August 2020 (has links)
During the last years, important progress has been made in modeling early brain development using 3-dimensional in vitro systems, so-called cerebral organoids. These can be grown from pluripotent stem cells of different species such as our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees and from patients carrying disease mutations that affect brain development. This offers the possibility to study uniquely human features of brain development as well as to identify gene networks altered in neurological diseases. Profiling the transcriptional landscape of cells provides insights into how gene expression programs have changed during evolution and are affected by disease. Previously, studies of this kind were realized using bulk RNA-sequencing, essentially measuring ensemble signals of genes across potentially heterogeneous populations and thus obscured subtle changes with respect to transient cell states or cellular subtypes. However, remarkable advances during the last years have enabled researchers to profile the transcriptomes of single cells in high throughput. This thesis demonstrates how single-cell transcriptomics can be used to dissect human-specific features of the developing and adult brain as well as cellular subpopulations dysregulated in a malformation of the cortex.

Phenotypic and transcriptomic differences between colonies of staghorn coral inhabiting disparate microenvironments – implications for coral restoration

Lesneski, Kathryn C. 04 February 2021 (has links)
In the Caribbean, Acropora cervicornis (staghorn coral) exemplifies the worldwide anthropogenic decline of reef-building corals. From the mid-Pleistocene through the mid-1900s, A. cervicornis was a dominant framework builder, providing complex habitat for reef organisms. Since the 1980s, populations of A. cervicornis have declined by as much as 98%. Despite the overall decline, scattered remnants persist, and some appear to be thriving. As in recent studies on other acroporids, if we can identify variation in traits related to resilience in the remaining A. cervicornis, and understand the genetic basis of such variation, we could better forecast the species’ future response to climate change, and inform ongoing restoration efforts. Here, I compare phenotypic and transcriptomic indicators of resilience in A. cervicornis from two nearby but environmentally-disparate habitats on Turneffe Atoll, Belize: Calabash Caye forereef and Blackbird Caye backreef. Blackbird exhibits significantly higher flow, light, average temperature, and temperature variation. Over four years, I conducted a longitudinal study of 122 tagged coral colonies. Corals from Blackbird and Calabash, which I confirmed to be genetically distinct based upon single nucleotide polymorphisms, exhibited pronounced differences in traits related to resilience including the proportion of healthy tissue, chlorophyll, growth, and wound-healing. By most measures, Blackbird corals displayed superior indicators of resilience. Through a two-year reciprocal transplant study involving 120 corals, I identified substantial environmental plasticity in these traits, e.g., Blackbird corals transplanted to Calabash exhibited higher chlorophyll levels and more rapid wound healing than when grown in Blackbird, exceeding the native Calabash corals. RNA sequencing and assembly of site-specific transcriptomes revealed greater diversity of transcripts and genes from photosynthetic symbionts at Blackbird but greater diversity of bacterial associates at Calabash. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analyses using RNAseq data determined that corals from the two sites were separate putative populations. Principal components analysis of gene expression in natives and transplants revealed a clear distinction based on site of origin, but also a clear effect of environment. Thousands of differentially expressed genes distinguished the sites, including many genes implicated in heat stress, oxidative stress and UV-light stress. This genetic and phenotypic diversity of remnant staghorn populations on Turneffe represents a potential basis for future re-expansion of this important framework builder through natural or assisted shifts toward resilient populations. / 2023-02-03T00:00:00Z

Analyse par RNA-seq de la différenciation des gonades fœtales humaines et de son altération par des perturbateurs endocriniens / Dynamics of the transcriptional landscape during human fetal gonad development and its alteration by endocrine disruptors

Lecluze, Estelle 18 October 2018 (has links)
Les organes centraux du tractus urogénital sont le testicule et l’ovaire, qui assurent la production de gamètes et d’hormones, et donc la fertilité de l’individu. Ces deux organes, parfaitement distincts et complémentaires, ont pour origine une gonade bipotentielle qui s’engagera vers une trajectoire de différenciation masculine ou féminine au cours de la vie fœtale. Les deux gonades vont par la suite subir plusieurs phases de différenciation et de développement de leurs populations cellulaires, afin d’acquérir leurs fonctions propres qui leur permettront d’assumer leur rôle à l’âge adulte. Depuis plus d’une quinzaine d’années, le concept de syndrome de dysgénésie testiculaire fait état d’un lien entre l’exposition du fœtus à des composés environnementaux et des anomalies du tractus urogénital. Bien que sujette à de vifs débats au sein de la communauté scientifique, cette hypothèse a attiré l’attention de la recherche sur les conséquences de l’exposition des mères aux xénobiotiques sur l’enfant à naître. La différenciation et le développement des gonades fœtales sont gouvernés par des programmes d’expression spécifiques de chaque sexe, dont de nombreuses zones d’ombres subsistent, notamment concernant la fraction non-codante exprimée par le génome humain. La première partie de cette thèse de doctorat présente, pour la première fois, le paysage transcriptionnel contrôlant ces processus complexes entre la 6ième et 17ième semaine de développement chez l’Homme. Grâce à l’avènement des technologies de transcriptomique, il est désormais possible d’identifier et d’observer l’expression des gènes de manière sensible et sans a priori. Le RNA-seq m’a donc permis de décrire de manière exhaustive la dynamique d’expression des gènes, pendant les stades précoces de la différenciation sexuelle, jusqu’aux phénomènes plus tardifs conduisant aux linéages des différentes populations cellulaires spécifiques du testicule et de l’ovaire. Dans une deuxième partie, mon travail de recherche s’est attaché à étudier l’impact de deux perturbateurs endocriniens suspectés, l’ibuprofène et le chlordécone, sur le programme d’expression du testicule fœtal humain. L’utilisation du RNA-seq m’a permis de définir et de comparer la signature toxicogénomique de chaque molécule afin de contribuer à la compréhension de leur mécanisme d’action et d’identifier les populations cellulaires affectées. Enfin, face à l’essor des technologies ultra-haut-débit dans les sciences de la vie, y compris dans les domaines de la reproduction, j’ai activement participé au déploiement d’une nouvelle version du Reprogenomic Viewer dans la dernière partie de ma thèse (http://rgv.genouest.org). Cet outil nternet a pour vocation de centraliser et de rendre accessibles les données de séquençage accumulées au sein de la communauté de la reproduction via des outils de visualisation intuitifs. / Fetal life is a crucial period for sexual reproduction when bipotential gonads differentiate into either a testis or an ovary. Gaining insights into the complex molecular events underlying this process is central to a better understanding of disorders of sexual development. The present work intends to improve the knowledge on molecular pathways at play during gonad development in humans using RNA-sequencing. This project particularly seeks to identify early transcriptional events that may play critical role in the regulatory network driving human sexual differentiation. To address this issue, we defined the transcriptional landscape of fetal human gonads by sequencing total RNA extracted from testes and ovaries between 6 and 17 gestational weeks. The resulting paired-end reads were mapped on the human genome and then assembled into transcripts using the Tuxedo suite. We next defined a high-confidence set of transcripts showing differential expression across samples. Clusters of co-expressed genes were subjected to functional analysis. The analysis of this massive RNA-seq dataset has led to a high-confidence set of 35,194 assembled transcripts; among which 32,391 known and novel isoforms coding genes (mRNAs), 1,209 to long non-coding (lnc) RNAs and 318 to novel unannotated transcripts/genes (NUTs). The dynamic of transcriptional landscape occurring during human fetal gonads development has been described and new genes and interesting candidates, including new genes, have been highlighted as potential key genes governing this biological process. The second interest of this work was the study of the impact of two endocrine disruptors, ibuprofene and chlordecone, on human fetal testis using RNA-seq. The transcriptional alteration induced by these compound in the gonad allowed a deeper understanding of their mechanisms of action of endocrine disruption. The last part of this work was the development of a new version of the ReproGenomics Viewer (http://rgv.genouest.org), a web tool dedicated to the integration and accumulation of sequencing data from studies performed in the field of reproduction.

Effects of Naphthenic Acids and Acid Extractable Organic Mixtures on Development of The Frog Silurana (Xenopus) Tropicalis

Gutierrez Villagomez, Juan Manuel 16 May 2018 (has links)
Naphthenic acids (NAs) are oil-derived mixtures of carboxylic acids and are aquatic contaminants of emerging concern. The objective of the research presented in this thesis was to investigate the toxicity of NAs in tadpoles of the frog Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis. Using electrospray ionization high-resolution mass spectrometry (ESI-HRMS), I determined that the proportions of O2 (presumably carboxylic acid moiety) species were 98.8, 98.9 and 58.6% respectively, for two commercial extracts (S1 and S2), and acid extractable organics (AEOs) from oil sands process-affected water (OSPW). The rank order potency based on the lethal concentration fifty (LC50) and effect concentration fifty (EC50) with and without normalization for the quantity of O2 species was S1 > S2 > AEO. The main effects observed were reduced body size, edema, and cranial, cardiac, gut and ocular abnormalities. Oligonucleotide microarray technology was used to determine the transcriptomic responses in developing S. tropicalis embryos following exposure to S1 and S2 at a sub-lethal concentration of 2 mg/L. Some of the significantly enriched pathways (p < 0.05) included metabolism and cell membrane depolarization, and some were related to observed abnormalities including edema, gastrointestinal system, and cartilage differentiation. I established and validated a derivatization method for NAs using pentafluorobenzyl bromide (PFBBr) prior to gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectrometry (GC-EIMS) to increase chromatographic resolution, and sensitivity, compared to boron trifluoride-methanol (BF3/MeOH) and N-tert-Butyldimethylsilyl-N-methyltrifluoroacetamide (MTBSTFA). Solid-phase microextraction of volatiles originating from S1, S2, Merichem NAs and an AEO mixture led to the identification of 54, 56, 40 and 4 compounds, respectively. The compounds identified in the mixtures included aliphatic and cyclic hydrocarbons, carboxylic acids, alkyl-benzenes, phenols, naphthalene and alkyl-naphthalene, and decalin compounds. To determine the chemical nature of the toxic compounds in NA mixtures, the S2 and AEOs preparations were fractionated using open column chromatography. A non-polar and a polar fraction were obtained from S2. Overall, the toxicity of the polar fraction was not significantly different from whole S2 (p > 0.05). Six fractions of AEOs were obtained, however because of limited material, only the toxicities of F3 and F4 were assessed. The toxicity of F3 was significantly lower than AEOs (p < 0.05) and F4 was not toxic for S. tropicalis (p > 0.05). These results suggest that during fractionation, toxic compounds were lost or that the toxicity of AEOs results from the combined effects of the compounds present in the whole extract. The toxicological dose descriptors, morphometric, transcriptomic and chemical analysis herein presented may contribute to the development of environmental guidelines for NAs and AEOs.

Touch comes of Age - Maturational Plasticity in Somatosensory Mechanosensation

Michel, Niklas 13 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Insights into Storage Oil Biosynthesis: Comparative Transcriptomics of Seed and Non-Seed Tissues

Kilaru, Aruna, Ohlrogge, J. 01 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Towards spatial host-microbiome profiling

Lötstedt, Britta January 2021 (has links)
Sequencing technologies and applications have pushed the limits and enabled novel studies of biological mechanisms, evolutionary relationships and communication networks between cells. The technical developments leading to single cell RNA-sequencing have enabled detection of rare cell populations while spatial resolution added insights into larger biological environments, like tissues and organs. Massively parallel sequencing has paved the way for integrated high-throughput analyses including that of studying gene expression, protein expression and mapping of microbial communities. This thesis starts with an introduction describing the technical and biological advancements made in recent years with focus on spatially resolved approaches. Then, a summary of recent accomplishments is presented, which enabled ongoing work in a novel field of spatial hostmicrobiome profiling. Lastly, the concluding remarks include both a future perspective and a short reflection on the current developments in the spatial multi-omics field. 16S sequencing is often used for taxonomic classification of bacteria. In Paper I, this sequencing technique was used to study the aerodigestive microbiome in pediatric lung transplant recipients. Many of these patients regretfully reject the organ after transplant, but the underlying cause is, in many cases, unknown. In this paper, multiple factors influencing rejection were examined including that of the aerodigestive microbiome. Pediatric lung transplant recipients often suffer from gastrointestinal dysmotility and the focus of this study was also to analyze changes in the microbiome in relation to irregular gastric muscle movements. The results showed that lung transplant recipients had, in general, lower microbial diversity in the gastric fluid and throat and also that the microbial overlap between lung and gastric sampling sites was significantly less in transplant recipients compared to controls. In addition, gastrointestinal dysmotility was shown to influence the gastric microbiome in lung transplant recipients, but, given the small sample size available in this study, the correlation to patient outcome could not be examined. Integrated analysis of the transcriptome and the antibody-based proteome in the same tissue section was enabled using the method developed in Paper II. Spatial Multi- Omics (SM-Omics) uses a barcoded glass array to capture mRNA and antibody-based expression of selected proteins in the same section. The antibody-based profiling of the tissue section was enabled by either immunofluorescence or DNA-barcoded antibodies that were then decoded by sequencing. The protocol was scaled-up using an automated liquidhandling system. Using this method, simultaneous profiling of the transcriptome and multiplexed protein values was determined in both the mouse brain cortex and mouse spleen. Results showed a high correlation in spatial pattern between gene expression and antibody measurements, independently of the antibody labelling technique. SM-Omics generates a high-plex multi-omics characterization of the tissue in a high throughput manner while exhibiting low technical variation. / Tekniker och applikationer som använder sekvensering har flyttat fram gränsernaoch tillåtit nya undersökningar av biologiska mekanismer, evolutionära släktskap ochkommunikationsnätverk mellan celler. De tekniska utvecklingarna som har lett fram tillRNA-sekvensering av enskilda celler har möjliggjort upptäckten av sällsynta cellpopulationer medan den rumsliga upplösningen har inneburit en ökad förståelse av störrebiologiska miljöer, såsom vävnader och organ. Massively parallel sequencing har banat vägför integrerade analyser med hög kapacitet, vilket inkluderar analys av genuttryck,proteinuttryck och kartläggning av bakteriella samhällen. Den här avhandlingen börjar meden introduktion som beskriver tekniska och biologiska framsteg som gjorts de senaste åren,med fokus på den rumsliga upplösningen. Sedan följer en summering av de senasteprestationerna som har möjliggjort det pågående arbetet i ett nytt fält som avhandlarrumslig profilering av bakterien och dess värd. Slutligen innehåller slutordet både ettframtida perspektiv samt en kort reflektion av den nuvarande utvecklingen inom fälten förrumslig mång-omik. 16S-sekvensering används ofta för att taxonomiskt klassificera bakterier. Dennasekvenseringsteknik användes i artikel I för att studera mikrobiomet i luft- ochmatspjälkningskanalen hos barn med transplanterad lunga. Dessvärre är det vanligt medavstötning av lungan efter transplantationen hos många av dessa patienter, men denunderliggande orsaken till avstötningen är, i många fall, okänd. I denna studie undersöktesflertalet faktorer, inklusive mikrobiomet i luft- och matspjälkningskanalen, som kan tänkaspåverka bortstötningen. Barn med transplanterad lunga lider ofta av störningar i magtarmkanalens rörelser och artikelns fokus var därmed även att analysera förändringar imikrobiomet i relation till dessa avvikande rörelser i mag-tarmkanalen. Resultatet visade attpatienter med transplanterad lunga generellt hade lägre bakteriell mångfald i magsaft ochhals, samt att det bakteriella överlappet mellan lunga och magsaft var signifikant mindre ipatienter med transplanterad lunga jämfört med kontrollerna. För övrigt visade det sig attstörningar i mag-tarmkanalens rörelser påverkade magsaftens mikrobiom hos patientermed transplanterad lunga, men på grund av studiens storlek på urvalet, kunde det inteundersökas hur detta korrelerade till utfallet hos patienterna. Integrerad analys av transkriptomet och antikroppsbaserad analys av proteomet isamma vävnadssnitt har möjliggjorts genom metoden som utvecklats i artikel II. SpatialMulti-Omics (SM-Omics) använder ett avkodningsbart mönster av korta DNA-segment påen glasyta för att fånga mRNA och antikroppsbaserat uttryck av utvalda proteiner frånsamma vävnadssnitt. Den antikroppsbaserade profileringen av vävnadssnittet uppnåddesgenom antingen immunofluorescens eller antikroppar märkta med DNA-segment somkunde avkodas genom sekvensering. Protokollet skalades upp genom ett automatiseratsystem för att behandla vätskor. Genom användning av denna metod kunde simultanprofilering av transkriptomet och flertalet proteiner uppnås i både hjärnbarken och mjältenhos en mus. Resultaten visade en hög korrelation i det rumsliga mönstret mellangenuttrycket och de antikroppsbaserade mätningarna, oberoende av hur antikropparnahade märkts. SM-Omics genererar en storskalig karaktärisering av vävnaden av flera omikermed hög kapacitet samtidigt som den har låg teknisk variation. / <p>QC 2021-02-02</p>

A Synergy of Spatiotemporal Transcriptomic Techniques for Non-Model Organism Studies: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Ocean Blue

Watson, Kelly 07 1900 (has links)
In situ hybridization (ISH) has played a crucial role in developing a spatial transcriptomic understanding of emerging model organisms in the past, but advancing high-throughput RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) technology has pushed this method into the shadows, leading to a loss of data resolution. This shift in research towards the exclusive use of RNA-seq neglects essential considerations for transcriptomic studies including the spatial and temporal expression of transcripts, available budget, experimental design needs, and validation of data. A synergy of spatiotemporal transcriptomic techniques is needed, using the bulk and unbiased analysis of RNA-seq and the visual validation and spatiotemporal resolution of ISH. Integration of this synergistic approach can improve our molecular understanding of non-model organisms and establish the background data needed for advancing research techniques. A prime example lies within an emerging model of the marine science and symbiosis fields, where I present a case study on a threatened coral reef keystone – the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis. Establishing a whole-mount ISH protocol for the emerging cnidarian model Aiptasia (sea anemone) will help future studies reveal the gene regulation underpinning the establishment, persistence, and breakdown of this complex symbiotic relationship.

Molekularbiologische und physiologische Untersuchungen zur Prozessoptimierung der lichtgetriebenen Wasserstofferzeugung mit Rhodobacter sphaeroides

Wappler, Nadine Christina 25 April 2022 (has links)
Durch die vorliegende Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass Rhodobacter sphaeroides das Potenzial besitzt, umweltverträglich photoheterotroph Wasserstoff als alternativer, erneuerbarer Energieträger zu erzeugen. Aus genomischen und transkriptomischen Erkenntnissen konnten Rückschlüsse auf Ansatzpunkte für weitere Optimierungen getroffen werden. Durch ein neues Minimalmedium, welches zukünftig sogar einen Beitrag zur Abfallbeseitigung leisten kann, wurde ein wichtiger Schritt hinsichtlich der industriellen Anwendbarkeit von R. sphaeroides für die biologische Wasserstoffproduktion gemacht.:Danksagung Datenverfügbarkeit Inhaltsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1. Einleitung 1.1 Wasserstoff 1.1.1 Wasserstoff als Energieträger 1.1.2 Herstellung von Wasserstoff Konventionelle Wasserstoffproduktion Biologische Wasserstoffproduktion Biologische Wasserstoffproduktion aus Abfällen 1.2 Photosynthetische Bakterien 1.2.1 Rhodobacter sphaeroides im Kontext der biologischen Wasserstoffproduktion 1.2.2 An der Wasserstoffproduktion beteiligte Enzyme 1.3 Third Generation-Sequencing Technologien 2. Zielstellung 3. Material 3.1 Chemikalien 3.2 Medien und Pufferlösungen 3.2.1 Van Niel´s Yeast Medium 3.2.2 Medium nach Krujatz et al. (2014) 3.2.3 RÄ-Medium nach Mougiakos et al. (2019) 3.2.4 PY (Peptone Yeast) Agarmedium 3.2.5 2x YT Medium 3.2.6 LB Medium 3.2.7 GYCC Medium 3.2.8 SOB Medium 3.2.9 SOC Medium 3.2.10 Pufferlösungen 3.3 Mikroorganismen 3.4 Molekularbiologische Reagenzien und Primer 3.5 Plasmide 3.5.1 pCas9 3.5.2 pRKPOL2 3.5.3 pSUPPOL2Sca 3.5.4 pBBRBB-Ppuf843-1200-DsRed 3.5.5 pBBR_cas9_NT 3.6 Geräte 4. Methoden 4.1 Rhodobacter sphaeroides Dauerkultur in Van Niel´s Yeast Medium 112 (ohne Wasserstoffproduktion) 4.2 Rhodobacter sphaeroides Batch-Kultivierung 4.2.1 Kultivierung in Medium nach Krujatz et al. (2014); Vollmedium mit Wasserstoffproduktion 4.2.2 Kultivierung in Fruchtsaftmedium 4.3 Rhodobacter sphaeroides Kultivierung mit kontinuierlicher Aufzeichnung von Temperatur, pH, optischer Dichte, Wasserstoffproduktion und Gasanalyse 4.4 Zellernte 4.5 Nukleinsäureextraktion mit dem MasterPureTM Complete RNA and DNA Purification Kit 4.6 DNase-Abbau 4.7 RNase-Abbau 4.8 Qualitätskontrolle der RNA und DNA mit dem Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer 4.9 Reverse Transkription und Probenaufreinigung 4.10 qRT-Polymerasekettenreaktion 4.11 Etablierung der CRISPR-Cas9- Methodik bei Rhodobacter sphaeroides – Gen-Knockout der Hydrogenase Untereinheit hupL mit CRISPR-Cas9 4.11.1 Anzucht der Escherichia coli Stämme mit und ohne Plasmid 4.11.2 Plasmid Extraktion mit GeneJET Plasmid Miniprep Kit (#K0502, Thermo Scientific) 4.11.3 Restriktionsverdau zur Vektorlinearisierung 4.11.4 Design der guideRNA 4.11.5 Phosphorylierung der guideRNA 4.11.6 Ligation der guideRNA in pCas9 4.11.7 Transformation pCas9_hupL1/hupL2 in Escherichia coli JM109 durch chemische Kompetenz 4.11.8 Colony-PCR zum Insertnachweis hupL1&2 in pCas9 mit GoTaq® G2 Green Master Mix (Promega) 4.11.9 Konstruktion weiterer Vektoren mit CRISPR-Cas9 Maschinerie aus pCas9_hupL1/2 4.12 Genomeditierung in Rhodobacter sphaeroides 4.12.1 Transformation durch chemische Kompetenz mit PEG-Methode 4.12.2 Transformation durch chemische Kompetenz nach Hanahan et al. (1991) 4.12.3 Konjugation mit Escherichia coli S17-1 4.12.4 Elektroporation 4.12.5 Bioballistische Genomeditierung mit PDS-1000/He Particle Delivers System (BIORAD) 4.12.6 Konjugation mit Escherichia coli S17-1 nach Mougiakos et al. (2019) 65 4.13 Probenvorbereitung für Sequenzierungen 4.13.1 Illumina MiSeq (Genomsequenzierung) 4.13.2 MinION (Genomsequenzierung) 4.13.3 Illumina HiSeq (Transkriptomsequenzierung) 4.14 Bioinformatische Methoden 4.14.1 Genomsequenzierung (Re-Sequenzierung) 4.14.2 Transkriptom-Datenanalyse 5. Ergebnisse und Diskussion 5.1 Schrittweise Reduktion des Vollmediums nach Krujatz et al. (2014) zum Fruchtsaft-Minimalmedium 5.2 Untersuchung der Wasserstoffproduktion in Fruchtsaft-Minimalmedium 5.3 Kontinuierliche Aufzeichnung von Prozessdaten im 1,2 L Bioreaktor 5.3.1 Vergleich der Reaktorläufe in Vollmedium nach Krujatz et al. (2014), Trauben- und Ananas-Minimalmedium der Stämme DSM 158 und SubH2 5.3.2 Prozessgasanalyse 5.4 Analyse des Genoms 5.4.1 Multiples Sequenzalignment der kompletten genomischen Assemblies von Rhodobacter sphaeroides 5.4.2 MiSeq-Sequenzierung des Stammes Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1. SubH2 Bioinformatische Funktionsanalyse von SNPs SNP-Analyse mittels Homology-Modeling 5.4.3 Genomische Architekturanalyse mittels MinION Sequenzierung der Rhodobacter sphaeroides Stämme DSM 158 und 2.4.1. SubH2 5.4.4 Vergleich der MiSeq- und MinION Genomanalysen 5.5 Analyse des Transkriptoms 5.6 Analyse der Genexpression mit qRT-PCR im Vergleich mit der Wasserstoffproduktion 5.7 CRISPR-Cas9 zum Plasmid-basierten hupL Knock-out 5.7.1 Erstellung der Plasmide pCas9_hupL1 und pCas9_hupL2 5.7.2 PEG-basierte Transformation nach Fornari et al. (1982) 5.7.3 Transformation mittels Elektroporation 5.7.4 Erstellung weiterer Vektoren mit CRISPR-Cas9_Maschinerie aus pCas9_hupL1&2 5.7.5 Transformation mittels Konjugation I 5.7.6 Bioballistische Transformation 5.7.7 Problembehandlung zur Transformation 5.7.8 Transformation mittels Konjugation II 6 Zusammenfassung 7 Ausblick 8 Summary Literaturverzeichnis Anhangsverzeichnis Anhang Versicherung

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