Spelling suggestions: "subject:"atransition zone"" "subject:"2transition zone""
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Transferts et accumulations sur les marges du Golfe de Gascogne : architecture, fonctionnement et contrôles. / Transfers and accumulations on the Bay of Biscay margins : architecture, functioning and forcingBrocheray, Sandra 08 July 2015 (has links)
Ce travail présente une analyse de la morphologie et de la dynamique sédimentaire des systèmes turbiditiques actuels du Cap-Ferret et de Capbreton (sud du Golfe de Gascogne). La reconnaissance effectuée sur le système de Capbreton est la première à le considérer dans son ensemble. Ce travail se base sur des données acoustiques de subsurface (sondeur multifaisceaux, sondeur de sédiments Chirp) et de carottages issues de la campagne océanographique Sargass menée par l’Université de Bordeaux. L’analyse morpho-bathymétrique révèle l’organisation amont-aval des géométries sédimentaires dans ces systèmes et, couplée aux données sédimentaires, de préciser les processus de dépôts liés aux écoulements gravitaires. Le fonctionnement holocène du canyon de Capbreton montre des processus gravitaires haute fréquence, révélant son rôle de dépôt-centre pour le sud du golfe de Gascogne. Dans le système du Cap-Ferret, la zone de transition chenal-lobe a été investiguée à fine échelle, documentant ainsi des structures sédimentaires rarement identifiées avec ce niveau de détails dans les systèmes turbiditiques modernes. La dynamique sédimentaire de chacun de ces systèmes est soumise à des forçages auto-cycliques et glacio-eustatiques qui affectent chacun des systèmes de façons différentes. Ces informations ont permis de proposer un modèle régional de fonctionnement sédimentaire au cours des derniers 50 000 ans. / This work presents an analysis of the morphology and sedimentary dynamic of the Cap-Ferret and Capbreton turbidite systems (south Bay of Biscay), containing the first recognition of the whole Capbreton turbidite system. The dataset comprises subsurface geophysical data (multibeam bathymetric and imagery, Chirp sub-bottom profiler) and piston cores, acquired during the oceanographic cruise Sargass conducted by the Bordeaux University. Studied by morpho-bathymetric analyses, the upstream-downstream evolution of the sedimentary bodies joined to the sedimentological data help to understand the active gravity processes of the systems. In the Capbreton system, a special focus is made on its Holocene gravity deposits occurring at high frequencies. In the Cap-Ferret system, the channel-lobe transition zone has been investigated at high resolution and revealed sedimentary structures poorly documented at this scale of details in recent turbidite systems. The glacio-eustatic and autocyclic forcing are expressed in different ways in each turbidite sytem. A regional sedimentary dynamic model is proposed for the last 50,000 years.
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Transition Zone In Constant Pressure Boundary Layer With Converging StreamlinesVasudevan, K P 01 1900 (has links)
The laminar-turbulent transition in viscous fluid flows is one of the most intriguing problems in fluid dynamics today. In view of the enormous applications it has in a variety of fields such as aircraft design, turbomachinery, etc., scientists have now realized the importance of tackling this problem effectively. Three-dimensional flows are usually associated with pressure gradient, streamline curvature, streamline convergence / divergence etc., all acting simultaneously. Towards a better understanding of the transition process and modeling the transition zone, it is important to study the effect of each of these parameters on the transitional flow. The present work aims at studying experimentally the effect of lateral streamline convergence alone on the laminar-turbulent transition zone under constant stream-wise pressure.
The experimental setup consists of a low turbulence wind tunnel with its test section modified to cause lateral streamline convergence under constant pressure. This is achieved by converging the side-walls and appropriately diverging the roof, thus maintaining a constant stream-wise pressure. The half angle of convergence is chosen as 100 , which is approximately the same as the half of the turbulent spot envelope in constant pressure two-dimensional flows.
Experiments are carried out to analyze the development of the laminar and transitional boundary layers, intermittency distribution in the transition zone and the overall characteristics of an artificially induced turbulent spot.
The laminar velocity profiles are found to be of the Blasius type for two-dimensional constant pressure flows. However, the converging streamlines are found to contribute to an increased thickness of the boundary layer as compared to the corresponding two-dimensional flow.
The intermittency distribution in the transition zone is found to follow the universal intermittency distribution for two-dimensional constant pressure flow. A simple linear-combination model for two-dimensional flows is found to perform very well in predicting the measured velocity profiles in the transition zone.
An artificially introduced turbulent spot is found to propagate along a conical envelope with an apex cone angle of 220 which is very nearly the value for a corresponding constant pressure two-dimensional flow. The spot shapes and celerities are also comparable to those in two-dimensional flow.
In summary, the present study brings out many similarities between a constant pressure laterally converging flow and a constant pressure two-dimensional flow.
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Klinikinių, instrumentinių ir laboratorinių tyrimų prognozinė reikšmė diagnozuojant prostatos vėžį pacientams, turintiems padidėjusią prostatos vėžio riziką / Prognostic value of clinical, instrumental and laboratory investigations for detection of prostate cancer in high risk patientsVaičiūnas, Kęstutis 08 September 2008 (has links)
Prostatos vėžys yra dažniausia vyrų onkologinė liga JAV, Vakarų Europoje bei Lietuvoje. Dėl senstančios visuomenės ateityje bus nustatoma dar daugiau naujų prostatos vėžio atvejų. Lietuvos vėžio registro duomenimis 1995 – 2005 metais vidutinis metinis prostatos vėžio sergamumo didėjimas - 14,5 proc. per metus. Vyrų sergamumas prostatos vėžiu Lietuvoje 2005 metais siekė 125,9/100000 atvejų, o mirtingumas nuo šios ligos siekė 31/100000 atvejų. Vyrų mirtingumas nuo prostatos vėžio antras pagal dažnį po plaučių vėžio su vėžiu susijusio mirtingumo grupėje. Todėl daugelis tyrėjų pabrėžia, kad norint mažinti mirtingumą, reikia ankstinti prostatos vėžio nustatymo laiką. Pradėta Lietuvos vyrų ankstyvosios prostatos vėžio diagnostikos programa ir dažnas prostatos specifinio antigeno nustatymas lėmė padidėjusį apsilankymų pas urologus skaičių ir padidino prostatos biopsijų kiekį. Norint efektyviai ir optimaliai ištirti šiuos pacientus, reikia daug materialinių išteklių ir laiko.Šio darbo tikslas buvo optimizuoti pacientų su padidėjusia prostatos vėžio rizika ištyrimą ir stebėjimą bei nustatyti ryšį tarp prostatos vėžio rizikos veiksnių ir prostatos vėžio diagnozavimo padidėjusios rizikos grupėje.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Išanalizuoti prostatos vėžio nustatymo dažnį pirmąja ir kartotinėmis lateralinėmis sekstantinėmis prostatos biopsijomis ir įvertinti jų efektyvumą.
2. Nustatyti amžiaus, rūkymo, alkoholio vartojimo, prostatos vėžio šeiminės anamnezės, viršsvorio ir padidėjusio cholesterolio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Prostate cancer is the most frequent malignant disease in men in United States, Western Europe and in Lithuania. Due to ageing population incidence of prostate cancer will rise even more in the future. Since the year 2003 prostate cancer became the most common form of cancer diagnosed in men in Lithuania (more than 1500 new prostate cancer cases a year). There were 2005 of new prostate cancer cases diagnosed in the year 2005. According to Lithuanian Cancer Registry data during the years 1995-2005 the prevalence of prostate cancer was increasing 14.5 percent annually. Prostate cancer was detected in 24.3 percent of all cancer cases in men in the year 2005 in Lithuania and in 48.3 percent of them disease was detected in the stages I and II. In the year 2005 the prevalence of prostate cancer in Lithuanian men was 125.9 per 100000 population and mortality was 31 per 100000 population. Prostate cancer is a second common form of death after lung cancer in cancer-associated mortality group in Lithuania. Prostate cancer mortality ranged between 19 and 55 per 100000 in Europe and it was 23.2 per 100000 populations in the year 2006 in European Union. Many authors stress that it is important to diagnose prostate cancer in the early stages in order to reduce prostate cancer mortality rate.
The aim of the study was to optimize investigation and follow-up of the high prostate cancer risk patients, and to define the relation between prostate cancer risk factors and prostate cancer... [to full text]
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Studies on Fracture and Fatigue Behavior of Cementitious Materials- Effects of Interfacial Transition Zone, Microcracking and Aggregate BridgingKeerthy, M Simon January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The microstructure of concrete contains random features over a wide range of length scales in which each length scale possess a new random composite. The influence of individual material constituents at different scales and their mutual interactions are responsible for the formation of fracture process zone (FPZ). The presence of the FPZ and the various toughening mechanism occurring in it, influences the fatigue and fracture behavior of concrete which also gets influenced by the geometry, spacial distribution and material properties of individual material constituents and their mutual interactions. Hence, in order to study the influence of interfacial transition zone, microcrack and aggregate bridging on the fracture and fatigue behavior of concrete, a multiscale analysis becomes necessary.
This study aims at developing a linearized model which helps in understanding the fracture and fatigue behavior of cementitious materials by considering the predominant fracture process zone (FPZ) mechanisms such as microcracking and aggregate bridging. This is achieved by quantifying the critical microcrack length and the bridging resistance offered by the aggregates. Further, the moment carrying capacity of a cracked concrete beam is determined by considering the effect of aggregate bridging. A modified stress intensity factor (SIF) is derived based on linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) approach by considering the material behavior at different scales through a multiscale approach. The model predicts the entire crack growth curve for plain concrete by considering these process zone mechanisms.
Furthermore, the fracture and fatigue response of concrete is studied through the development of analytical models which include the properties of the mix constituents using the multiscale based SIF. The effect of the interfacial transition zone, microcracks and resistance offered through aggregate bridging on the resistance to crack initiation and propagation are studied. A fatigue crack growth law is proposed using the concepts of dimensional analysis and self-similarity. Through sensitivity analyses, the influence of different parameters on the overall fracture and fatigue behavior are studied.
In addition, studies related to concrete-concrete bi-material interfaces are conducted in order to understand the influence of repair materials on the service life of damaged concrete structures when subjected to fatigue loading. An analytical model is proposed in this study to predict the crack growth curve using the concepts of dimensional analysis and self-similarity in conjunction with the human population growth model. It is seen that a repair done with a patch having similar elastic properties as those of the parent concrete will have a larger fatigue life.
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Porušování vybraných stavebních kompozitů v blízkosti rozhraní plniva a matrice / Fracture of selected building composites in the vicinity of aggregate-matrix-interfaceVyhlídal, Michal January 2018 (has links)
The interface between aggregate grains and matrix in cementitious composites is their weakest element. The topic is particularly significant in the case of high performance and high strength concrete technology for which the eliminination or reduction of these weak links are necessary. The aim of this thesis is to determine the influence of the interface on the fracture behaviour of the cementitious composites. The fracture experiments were performed for this purpose and were complemented by the nanoindentation’s results and scanning electron microscopy results. Numerical model was created in ANSYS software on the basis of these data and the fracture toughness values of the interface were evaluated by means of the generalized fracture mechanics principles. Conclusion of the thesis is proof that the interface properties have a significant influence on the fracture behaviour of cementitious composites.
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Optimalizace složení betonů s využitím plniv z recyklovaných betonů / Optimization of the concrete composition with the use of recycled concrete aggregatesSkriňáková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Concrete as a building material is subject to continuous innovation and thanks to advanced technology and quantum of research, its properties are still improved. It is logical that the more concrete we produce, the more waste it arises. The volume of this waste can not be stored in landfills endlessly, nowadays most of the waste economies in the world are trying to recycle concrete rubble. The recycling is not such a problem, the technology has been long verified but the quality of the recycled concrete aggregate is unquestionably one of the primary assumption which leads to accomplish required properties of concrete. In fact, the recycling process is „crushing“ the concrete into particles with an effort to eliminate the cement paste on the surface of the aggregate. An ideal solution would be create a resistant and firm coating that would adhere perfectly to the cement matrix. This diploma thesis is focused on the properties of recycled concrete aggregate and methods of improvement and optimization of the concrete mix composition.
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Genetic Landscape of Joubert syndrome in French CanadiansSrour, Myriam 06 1900 (has links)
Le syndrome de Joubert est une maladie récessive caractérisée par une malformation congénitale distincte du tronc cérébral et du cervelet, associée à une anomalie des mouvements oculaires (apraxie oculomotrice), une respiration irrégulière, un retard de développement, et une ataxie à la démarche. Au cours de la dernière décennie, plus de 20 gènes responsables ont été identifiés, tous ayant un rôle important dans la structure et la fonction des cils primaires. Ainsi, le syndrome de Joubert est considéré une ciliopathie. Bien que le Syndrome de Joubert ait été décrit pour la première fois dans une famille canadienne-française en 1969, le(s) gène(s) causal demeurait inconnu dans presque tous les cas de syndrome de Joubert recensés en 2010 dans la population canadienne-française, soit début de mon projet doctoral.
Nous avons identifié un total de 43 individus canadiens-français (35 familles) atteints du syndrome de Joubert. Il y avait un regroupement de familles dans la région du Bas-Saint-Laurent de la province de Québec, suggérant la présence d'un effet fondateur. L’objectif de ce projet était de caractériser la génétique du syndrome de Joubert dans la population canadienne-française. Notre hypothèse était qu’il existait un effet fondateur impliquant au moins un nouveau gène JBTS.
Ainsi, dans un premier temps, nous avons utilisé une approche de cartographie par homozygotie. Cependant, nous n’avons pas identifié de région d’homozygotie partagée parmi les individus atteints, suggérant la présence d’une hétérogénéité génétique ou allélique. Nous avons donc utilisé le séquençage exomique chez nos patients, ce qui représente une approche plus puissante pour l’étude de conditions génétiquement hétérogènes.
Nos travaux ont permis l’identification de deux nouveaux gènes responsables du syndrome de Joubert: C5orf42 et TMEM231. Bien que la localisation cellulaire et la fonction de C5orf42 soient inconnus au moment de cette découverte, nos résultats génétiques combinés avec des études ultérieures ont établi un rôle important de C5orf42 dans la structure et la fonction ciliaire, en particulier dans la zone de transition, qui est une zone de transition entre le cil et le reste de la cellule. TMEM231 avait déjà un rôle établi dans la zone de transition ciliaire et son interaction avec d’autres protéines impliquées dans le syndrome de Joubert était connu. Nos études ont également identifié des variants rares délétères chez un patient JBTS dans le gène ciliaire CEP104. Nous proposons donc CEP104 comme un gène candidat JBTS. Nous avons identifié des mutations causales dans 10 gènes, y compris des mutations dans CC2D2A dans 9 familles et NPHP1 dans 3 familles. Au total, nous avons identifié les mutations causales définitives chez 32 des 35 familles étudiées (91% des cas). Nous avons documenté un effet fondateur complexe dans la population canadienne-française avec de multiples mutations récurrentes dans quatre gènes différents (C5orf42, CC2D2A, TMEM231, NPHP1).
Au début de ce projet de recherche, l’étiologie génétique était inconnue chez les 35 familles touchées du syndrome de Joubert. Maintenant, un diagnostique moléculaire définitif est identifié chez 32 familles, et probable chez les 3 autres. Nos travaux ont abouti à la caractérisation génétique du syndrome de Joubert dans la population canadienne-française grâce au séquençage exomique, et révèlent la présence d'un effet fondateur complexe avec une l'hétérogénéité allélique et intralocus importante. Ces découvertes ont éclairé la physiologie de cette maladie. Finalement, l’identification des gènes responsables ouvre de nouvelles perspectives diagnostiques ante-natales, et de conseils génétique, très précieuses pour les familles. / Joubert syndrome (JBTS) is a primarily autosomal recessive disorder characterized by a distinctive mid-hindbrain/cerebellum malformation, eye movement abnormalities (oculomotor apraxia), irregular breathing, developmental delay, and ataxia. Over the past decade, over 20 causal genes have been identified, all of which have an important role in the structure and function of the primary cilia. Thus, JBTS joins an expanding category of diseases termed “ciliopathies”. Though JBTS was first described in affected siblings of a French Canadian (FC) family in 1969, the underlying genesis basis of the disorder was unknown in the overwhelming majority of FC cases at the onset of this doctoral project in 2010.
We identified a total of 43 FC individuals with JBTS from 35 families. We observed a clustering of the affected families in the Lower Saint-Lawrence region of the province of Quebec, suggesting the presence of a founder effect. The aim of this doctoral project was to characterize the genetic landscape of JBTS in the FC population, and we hypothesized the presence of a founder effect in novel JBTS gene(s). Therefore, we initially used a homozygosity mapping approach. However, we did not identify any shared regions of homozygosity amongst affected individuals, suggesting the presence of genetic and/or allelic heterogeneity. We therefore primarily used a whole exome sequencing approach in our JBTS patients, a strategy that is better suited for the study of genetically heterogeneous conditions.
Our work has resulted in the identification of two novel JBTS genes: C5orf42 and TMEM231. In total, we have identified causal mutations in C5orf42 in 14 families (including the original JBTS family described in 1969), and TMEM231 in 2 families. Though the function and cellular localization of C5orf42 was not known at the time of the publication of our manuscript, our genetic findings combined with subsequent animal and cellular work establish the important role of C5orf42 in ciliary structure and function, particularly at the ciliary transition zone. TMEM231 had been previously shown to localize to the ciliary transition zone and interact with several JBTS gene products. We also identified deleterious rare variants in one JBTS patient in the ciliary gene CEP104, implicating CEP104 as a strong candidate JBTS gene. We identified causal mutations in 10 JBTS genes, including CC2D2A in 9 families and NPHP1 in 3 families. Definite causal mutations were identified in 32 of 35 families (91% of cases). We documented a complex founder effect in the FC population with multiple recurrent mutations in 4 different genes (C5orf42, CC2D2A, TMEM231, NPHP1).
Prior to the start of this research endeavor, the underlying genetic etiology of Joubert syndrome was unknown in all 35 families. Now, a definite molecular diagnosis has been identified in 32 families, and a probable molecular diagnosis in the remaining 3. Therefore, our work has resulted in the unraveling of the genetic basis of JBTS in the French-Canadian population using WES, and reveals the presence of a complex founder effect with substantial locus and allelic heterogeneity.
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Cinétiques de transition de phase dans le manteau terrestre / Kinetics of phase transition in the terrestrial mantleChollet, Mélanie 27 September 2010 (has links)
L’évolution des assemblages pétrologiques avec l’augmentation de pression et de température est couramment perçue à l’équilibre et figée dans le temps. Le développement des sources synchrotron de rayons X permet à présent de mesurer in situ et en temps résolu les vitesses de transformations minéralogiques à haute pression (HP), haute température (HT). Cette thèse présente l’utilisation de cette technologie dans 2 contextes géologiques. (i) Le potentiel sismogène de la déstabilisation des minéraux hydratés dans les plaques en subduction est vérifié. Les cinétiques de déshydratation du talc, de la phase à 10Å et de l’antigorite ont été mesurées à HP-HT en système clos. Nous avons identifié que l’antigorite se déshydrate en passant par un stade intermédiaire. Toutes les vitesses de libération de fluides associées sont plus rapides que la déformation visqueuse des roches et sont donc compatibles avec le déclenchement de rupture. (ii) Les cinétiques de transition olivine-ringwoodite ont été déterminées dans la loupe de costabilité pour des compositions riches en Fe. Elles mettent en évidence une amorphisation partielle de l'olivine en début de transformation. Cela pourrait perturber de manière significative la vitesse des ondes sismiques lors de leur passage au niveau de la zone de transition mantellique. Par ailleurs, les temps caractéristiques de réaction et la réduction conséquente de la taille des grains, indiquent qu’une telle transition de phase induit une atténuation sismique importante. Ces résultats expérimentaux in situ HP-HT révèlent des mécanismes originaux de transition de phase et contribuent ainsi à une meilleure compréhension des modèles géodynamiques / The evolution of petrological assemblies with increasing pressure and temperature is commonly perceived at equilibrium and fixed within time. The development of X-ray synchrotron sources now enable to measure in situ, time-resolved rates of mineralogical transformations at high pressure (HP), high temperature (HT). This thesis presents the application of this technology in two geological settings. (i) The seismogenic ability of breakdown of hydrated minerals within the subducting slab is checked. The dehydration kinetics of talc, 10Å phase and antigorite were measured at HP-HT in a closed system. We have found that antigorite dehydrates through an intermediate stage. All associated rates of released fluids are faster than the viscous deformation of rocks and are therefore compatible with the trigger of rupture. (ii) The kinetics of olivineringwoodite transition were determined within the co-stability loop for Fe-rich compositions. They show a partial amorphization of olivine at the beginning of the transformation. This could significantly affect the velocities of seismic waves when crossing the mantle transition zone. Moreover, the characteristic times of this reaction and the substantial reduction in grain size, indicate that such a phase transition may induce a significant seismic attenuation. These in situ HP-HT experimental results reveal novel mechanisms of phase transition and thus contribute to a better understanding of geodynamic models
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Dynamic seascapes : a quantitative framework for scaling pelagic ecology and biogeochemistryKavanaugh, Maria T. 12 September 2012 (has links)
Understanding and modeling microbial responses and feedbacks to climate change is hampered by a lack of a framework in the pelagic environment by which to link local mechanism to large scale patterns. Where terrestrial ecology draws from landscape theory and practice to address issues of scale, the pelagic seascape concept is still in its infancy. We have applied the patch mosaic paradigm of landscape ecology to the study of the seasonal and interannual variability of the North Pacific to facilitate comparative analysis between pelagic ecosystems and provide spatiotemporal context for eulerian time-series studies. Using multivariate, 13-year climatologies of sea surface temperature, photosynthetically active radiation, and chlorophyll a derived from remote sensing observations, we classified hierarchical seascapes at monthly and interannual scales. These dynamic, objectively-determined seascapes offer improved hydrographic coherence relative to oceanic regions with subjectively defined and static boundaries (Chapter 2) and represent unique biogeochemical functioning (Chapter 2) and microbial communities (Chapter3). Furthermore they provide consilience between satellite studies and in situ observations (Chapter 4) and allow for objective comparison of ecosystem forcing (Chapters, 4 and 5).
In Chapter 2, we rigorously tested the assumption that satellite-derived seascapes describe regions of biogeochemical coherence. The seasonal cycle of the North Pacific was characterized at three levels of spatiotemporal hierarchy and broader relevance of monthly ���resolved seascapes was assessed through analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple linear regression (MLR) analyses of nutrient, primary productivity, and pCO��� data. Distinct nutrient and primary productivity regimes were well-characterized in the coarsest two levels of hierarchy (ANOVA, R�� = 0.5-0.7). Finer scale partitioning was more relevant for pCO���. MLR analyses revealed differential forcing on pCO��� across seascapes and hierarchical levels and a 33 % reduction in mean model error with increased partitioning (from 18.5 ��atm to 12.0 ��atm pCO���).
In Chapter 3 we verified the seascapes with in situ collections of microbial abundance and structure. Flow cytometry data was collected from two long term time series and several cruises spanning thousand kilometers of the NE Pacific; these data allowed us to quantify spatiotemporal patterns. In addition, multiple response permutation analysis revealed differences in community structure across discrete seascapes, in terms of both absolute and relative abundances. Principal component analysis of the assemblage supported seascape divisions and revealed structure along environmental gradients with strong associations with chlorophyll a and sea surface temperature and, to a lesser extent, with mixed layer depth and mean photosynthetically active radiation in the mixed layer. Differences of assemblage structure between seascapes and strength of environmental forcing were strong in the subarctic and transition zones, but less pronounced in the subtropics, suggesting satellite-detected changes in bulk properties that may be associated with local physiology or interannual shifts in seascape boundaries.
Based on the work presented in Chapter 4, we discovered that interannual shifts in the boundaries of a transition seascape and two distinct oligotrophic subtropical seascapes affect the variability observed at benchmark time series Station ALOHA; the latter two seascapes oscillate in their contributions to the expansion of the entire subtropics. On interannual scales, in situ phytoplankton abundance (as measured by chl-a), net primary productivity (NPP), and the relative abundance of eukaryotic phytoplankton and Synechococcus sp. increased during periods of encroachment by the transition seascape. Conversely, the relative abundance of Prochlorococcus increased and chl ���a and NPP decreased when the highly oligotrophic seascape encroached on Station ALOHA. The dynamic range (~6 million km��) of subtropical expansion is born almost entirely by the transition zone - resulting in a transfer of ~1.2 Pg of total primary C production between a system primed for export production and one dominated by the microbial loop.
In Chapter 5, we investigated multiple factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the biological pump in the transition seascape. Near-continuous measurements of net primary production (NPP), net community production (NCP) and several ecophysiological variables were collected in across subarctic, transition, and subtropical seascapes of the Northeast Pacific during August and September of 2008. Mesoscale processes and shifts in community structure contributed to high export efficiency in the subtropical seascape; the convergence of assemblage structure, high biomass, moderate NPP: NCP and high NCP contributed to biologically mediated air-sea exchange in the transition seascape. Furthermore, NPP and NCP were strongly spatially coupled in both the transition (r[subscript 1, 39]=0.70; p<0.0001) and subtropical seascapes (r[subscript 1, 45]= 0.68, p<0.0001), suggesting the possibility for empirical modeling efforts.
This dissertation provides a first step to characterize the seascape variability in the NE Pacific and to understand the modulation of primary and export production in a critical transition region. The multivariate seascape approach described here provides spatiotemporal context for in situ studies and allows objective comparisons of systems' responses to climatic forcing. An integrated ocean observing system will require insight from in situ observations and experiments, ecosystem models, and satellite remote sensing. The results highlighted in this dissertation suggest that the pelagic seascape framework, through its capacity to scale both context and mechanism, may serve as an important and unifying component of such an observing system. / Graduation date: 2013
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