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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Parametric Interaction in Josephson Junction Circuits and Transmission Lines

Mohebbi, Hamid Reza 06 November 2014 (has links)
This research investigates the realization of parametric amplification in superconducting circuits and structures where nonlinearity is provided by Josephson junction (JJ) elements. We aim to develop a systematic analysis over JJ-based devices toward design of novel traveling-wave Josephson parametric amplifiers (TW-JPA). Chapters of this thesis fall into three categories: lumped JPA, superconducting periodic structures and discrete Josephson transmission lines (DJTL). The unbiased Josephson junction (JJ) is a nonlinear element suitable for parametric amplification through a four-photon process. Two circuit topologies are introduced to capture the unique property of the JJ in order to efficiently mix signal, pump and idler signals for the purpose of signal amplification. Closed-form expressions are derived for gain characteristics, bandwidth determination, noise properties and impedance for this kind of parametric power amplifier. The concept of negative resistance in the gain formulation is observed. A design process is also introduced to find the regimes of operation for gain achievement. Two regimes of operation, oscillation and amplification, are highlighted and distinguished in the result section. Optimization of the circuits to enhance the bandwidth is also carried out. Moving toward TW-JPA, the second part is devoted to modelling the linear wave propagation in a periodic superconducting structure. We derive closed-form equations for dispersion and s-parameters of infinite and finite periodic structures, respectively. Band gap formation is highlighted and its potential applications in the design of passive filters and resonators are discussed. The superconducting structures are fabricated using YBCO and measured, illustrating a good correlation with the numerical results. A novel superconducting Transmission Line (TL), which is periodically loaded by Josephson junctions (JJ) and assisted by open stubs, is proposed as a platform to realize a traveling-wave parametric device. Using the TL model, this structure is modeled by a system of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDE) with a driving source and mixed-boundary conditions at the input and output terminals, respectively. This model successfully emulates parametric and nonlinear microwave propagation when long-wave approximation is applicable. The influence of dispersion to sustain three non-degenerate phased-locked waves through the TL is highlighted. A rigorous and robust Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) solver based on the explicit Lax-Wendroff and implicit Crank-Nicolson schemes has been developed to investigate the device responses under various excitations. Linearization of the wave equation, under small-amplitude assumption, dispersion and impedance analysis is performed to explore more aspects of the device for the purpose of efficient design of a traveling-wave parametric amplifier. Knowing all microwave characteristics and identifying different regimes of operation, which include impedance properties, cut-off propagation, dispersive behaviour and shock-wave formation, we exploit perturbation theory accompanied by the method of multiple scale to derive the three nonlinear coupled amplitude equations to describe the parametric interaction. A graphical technique is suggested to find three waves on the dispersion diagram satisfying the phase-matching conditions. Both cases of perfect phase-matching and slight mismatching are addressed in this work. The incorporation of two numerical techniques, spectral method in space and multistep Adams-Bashforth in time domain, is employed to monitor the unilateral gain, superior stability and bandwidth of this structure. Two types of functionality, mixing and amplification, with their requirements are described. These properties make this structure desirable for applications ranging from superconducting optoelectronics to dispersive readout of superconducting qubits where high sensitivity and ultra-low noise operation is required.

Modélisation numérique pour l'acoustique environnementale : simulation de champs météorologiques et intégration dans un modèle de propagation

Aumond, Pierre, Berengier, Michel, Gauvreau, Benoit, Lac, Christine, Masson, Valery 13 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Il existe aujourd'hui un enjeu sociétal majeur à s'intéresser à la propagation du son en milieu extérieur et notamment, dans notre contexte, à diminuer l'incertitude sur l'estimation des niveaux sonores et améliorer ainsi la précision des diverses analyses, du bureau d'étude à l'institut de recherche. Dans le cadre de l'acoustique environnementale, l'influence des conditions météorologiques sur la propagation acoustique en milieu extérieur peut être importante. Il est donc nécessaire d'appréhender et de quantifier les phénomènes météorologiques de micro-échelles que l'on observe dans la couche limite atmosphérique. Dans ce but, le modèle météorologique de recherche de Météo-France (Meso-NH) a été utilisé. Après avoir comparé les résultats de ce modèle à très fine résolution (de l'ordre du mètre) à l'aide des bases de données de deux campagnes expérimentales (Lannemezan 2005 et la Station de Long Terme), il s'est avéré nécessaire de développer cet outil en intégrant la prise en compte de la force de traînée des arbres. Dès lors, les résultats issus de Meso-NH sur les champs de vent, de température et d'énergie cinétique turbulente aparraissent satisfaisants. Ces informations sont par la suite utilisées en données d'entrée du modèle de propagation acoustique. Le modèle acoustique temporel utilisé est basé sur la méthode Transmission Line Matrix (TLM). Son développement a été effectué dans le but d'être appliqué à la propagation acoustique en milieu extérieur : prise en compte du relief, de différents types de sol, des conditions atmosphériques, etc. La validation numérique de la méthode TLM, par comparaison avec d'autres modèles (analytique et numérique de type Equation Parabolique), a permis de montrer la pertinence de son utilisation dans le cadre de l'acoustique environnementale. Enfin, à l'aide de ces modèles, des niveaux sonores simulés sous différentes conditions de propagation (favorables, défavorables, homogènes) ont été comparés aux mesures in-situ réalisées lors de la campagne expérimentale de Lannemezan 2005. Les résultats se sont avérés très satisfaisants au regard de la variabilité des phénomènes observés. Cependant, l'utilisation des champs issus d'un modèle micrométéorologique de type Meso-NH reste délicate du fait de la forte sensibilité du niveau sonore aux profils verticaux de célérité du son. L'étude de faisabilité sur une expérience plus complexe (la Station de Long Terme) est encourageante et, à condition de disposer d'importants moyens de calculs, elle permet de considérer la TLM comme une nouvelle méthode de référence et ainsi, d'envisager d'élargir son domaine d'utilisation à d'autres applications.


Sundberg, John Raynor. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution à l'étude du rayonnement des conducteurs filaires / Contribution to the study of the radiation from thin-wire structures

Chaaban, Mohamed 31 May 2011 (has links)
Le travail de recherche proposé dans ce manuscrit consiste à modéliser le rayonnement électromagnétique de conducteurs filaires. En effet l’estimation du rayonnement est un enjeu majeur et l’utilisation de modèles exacts nous semble nécessaire. On propose donc dans ce mémoire une approche analytique qui permet de quantifier les niveaux de champs électromagnétiques rayonnés par les systèmes filaires. Dans un premier temps nous proposons un modèle analytique du calcul du champ électromagnétique rayonné par un système filaire basé sur un développement approfondi des équations de Maxwell. Ce formalisme est issu de la formulation intégrale du potentiel vecteur émis par une antenne filaire dont on supposera connu la distribution de courant. Le modèle analytique ainsi obtenu permet d’estimer aisément les champs sans avoir besoin de discrétiser ni le support de transmission ni l’espace d’observation. Pour enrichir notre modèle nous avons ensuite envisagé les cas où la distribution du courant le long des conducteurs était issu, soit de la théorie des lignes soit d’une simulation numérique basée sur la théorie des antennes, soit de mesures. Dans le cas où c’est la théorie des lignes qui est à la base de la détermination des courants distribués, nous proposons un formalisme analytique du champ électromagnétique rayonné basé uniquement sur la seule connaissance des courants et de leurs dérivées aux extrémités des conducteurs. Nous avons également montré que ce formalisme s’extrapole aisément au cas d’un réseau multifilaire. Dans le cas où la théorie des antennes ou des mesures sont à la base de la connaissance des courants distribués, on identifie ce courant par quelques pôles et résidus grâce à la méthode d’identification Matrix Pencil (MP). Le champ électromagnétique rayonné s’exprime alors par une série finie de termes intégrales. Ce formalisme reste analytique et présente l’avantage d’être adapté aux approches paramétriques et d’optimisations. Nos travaux de recherche ouvrent des perspectives de reconstruction de la distribution du courant par Matrix Pencil à partir de la connaissance du courant et de ses premières dérivées spatiales aux seules extrémités des conducteurs. Le champ électromagnétique rayonné sera alors déduit de notre modèle. / The research presented in this thesis is focused on the modelling of electromagnetic radiation from thin-wire configuration. The radiation assessment is one of the most important issues which strongly requires an accurate modelling. In this work, an analytic approach to evaluate electromagnetic field radiated from thin-wire structure sis proposed. In the first part, we propose an analytical model for calculation of the electromagnetic fields from wire structure derived from the Maxwell equations. This formalism arises from the integral formulation of the magnetic vector potential due to a known current distribution along a wire antenna. The analytical model enables one to readily calculate the fields without requirement of wire structure discretization or involving the propagation effect over the domain of interest. In order to improve the model, we subsequently analyze cases where the current distribution along the conductors is known, either obtained by using the transmission line theory, by numerical simulations based on the antenna theory, or by measurements. On the basis of the known current and its derivative at the ends of a two-wire configuration, obtained by using the transmission line theory, the proposed approach yields an analytical formalism for determination of the radiated electromagnetic field. This analytical formalism is readily extended to multiple wires structures, as well. Once the current distribution is determined by using the antenna theory, the proposed method extracts the corresponding poles and residues by using the Matrix Pencil Method (MPM). In this case, the radiated electromagnetic field is formulated just by few integral terms. The main advantage of the analytical formulation within the framework of the proposal approach is that the method is very suitable for parametric and optimisation studies. This research should be considered as an opener to the subject related to reconstruction of the current distribution by using the Matrix Pencil method (MPM) only based on the current and its first derivative at the wire structure ends. Consequently the radiated electromagnetic field may be subsequently readily calculated by using theproposed analytical model.

Análise da dinâmica dos investidores nos leilões de transmissão de energia elétrica no Brasil entre 1999 e 2017 / Analysis of the dynamics of investors in the auctions of electric power transmission in Brazil between 1999 and 2017

Cazzaro, Pablo Martins 13 December 2017 (has links)
O segmento de transmissão de energia elétrica é parte fundamental na composição de qualquer sistema elétrico de potência, e tem como principal função o transporte da energia elétrica dos polos geradores até os centros consumidores. Neste contexto, o objetivo principal desta dissertação é analisar a participação dos agentes investidores do mercado de transmissão de energia elétrica no Brasil, observando o perfil daqueles que venceram os leilões de transmissão, sob o aspecto de sua governança no tocante à natureza do capital público ou privado, nacional ou estrangeiro. Como questão central, indaga-se como vem se dando a dinâmica do mercado de transmissão de energia elétrica no país, através da análise dos vencedores dos certames de concessão do serviço público de transmissão. A pesquisa aborda ainda elementos que resgatam a importância técnica e econômica da transmissão, sua evolução histórica e as regras de concessão então vigentes no país, além de realizar um levantamento dos leilões de transmissão entre os anos de 1999 a agosto 2017. Visando a reestruturar o setor elétrico brasileiro a partir da década de 1990, um modelo então formulado possibilitou a expansão do sistema de transmissão por meio de concorrências na exploração de concessões públicas do serviço de transporte de energia elétrica. Tal modelo finalmente permitiu que companhias de capital privado, nacional ou estrangeiro, pudessem participar dessa expansão. Entre dezembro de 1999 e agosto de 2017 ocorreram 45 certames, nos quais culminou em uma expansão significativa da malha de transmissão no país, que passou de 66,9 mil km, antes dos referidos leilões, para mais 134,7 mil km, até o ano de 2016. Das centenas de investidores que arremataram os lotes disponibilizados, verificou-se que 89% deles eram de natureza privada e 11%, de natureza pública. Ainda, através da pesquisa realizada, constatou-se que 60% dos lotes negociados foram arrematados por investidores não-consorciados, mesmo diante das vantagens da formação de consórcios na criação de grupos considerados mais robustos financeira e tecnicamente. Os resultados desta investigação também revelaram que os grupos estrangeiros privados não-consorciados foram os que mais se destacaram, obtendo 25,2% das vitórias nos certames, e agregando 24,4% do total das linhas ofertadas em termos de extensão. Ademais, esses grupos estrangeiros privados não-consorciados mostraram-se mais competitivos, com lances que representaram deságios médios de 30,7%, arrematando projetos com potencial de rendimento anual de R$ 2,8 bilhões. Entretanto, por meio da investigação realizada, ainda se constatou que os investidores nacionais públicos não-consorciados continuaram muito influentes, pois: (i) deram lances com deságios também significativos, da ordem de 27,1% na média do período analisado; e (ii) alguns desses investidores nacionais públicos foram os vencedores mais frequentes, seja na forma não-consorciada ou consorciada, como foi o caso da Chesf, com 34 lotes arrematados, seguida de Furnas, com 26 lotes negociados. / The segment of electric power transmission is a fundamental part of any electric power system, and its main function is to transport the electric power from the generating poles to the consumer centers. In this context, the main objective of this dissertation was to analyze the participation of the investors of the electricity transmission market in Brazil, observing the profile change of those who won the transmission auctions, among which were public, private, national and foreign agents. This dissertation targeted to answer the following central question: how was the market dynamic of the electric power transmission in the country taking into consideration the change in the profile of the agents who won the auctions? The research also explored the technical and economic importance of transmission, its historical evolution, the currently rules for concession in the country, as well as the characteristics of transmission auctions conducted between 1999 and August 2017. In order to restructure the Brazilian electric sector from the 1990s onwards, a model was formulated to made possible to expand the transmission system by competitive bidding in the exploration of public concessions for the electric energy transmission service. That model finally allowed domestic and foreign private equity companies to participate in this expansion. Between December 1999 and August 2017, there were 45 auctions and hundreds of lots were put to dispute. Consequently, there was a significant expansion of the transmission network in the country, from 66.9 thousand km before the auctions to a further 134.7 thousand km, until the year 2016. Of the hundreds of investors who purchased the lots available, 89% were private and 11% public. Also, through the research, it was found that 60% of the lots traded were sold by non-consortium investors, even considering the advantages of consortium to create groups financially and technically robust. The results of this investigation also revealed that the not consorted foreign private groups were the most outstanding, obtaining 25.2% of the victories in the auctions, and, adding 24.4% of the total of the offered lines in terms of extension. Furthermore, these foreign private groups were more competitive with bids that represented average discounts of 30.7%, earning projects with potential annual income of R $ 2.8 billion. However, the research also verified that not consorted national public investors are still very influential: (i) they made bids with significant discount, of the order of 27.1% in the average of the analyzed period; and (ii) some of these national public investors were the most frequent winners, either in the non-consortium or consortium form, as was the case of Chesf, with 34 lots acquired, followed by Furnas, with 26 lots traded.

Defasador baseado em MEMS distribuídos para aplicações em ondas milimétricas. / Phase shifter based on MEMS for distributed applications millimeter wave.

Gavidia Bovadilla, Robert Aleksander 30 October 2013 (has links)
Atualmente existe uma demanda por sistemas de comunicação com altas taxas de transferência de dados, trabalhando em ondas milimétricas (mmW). Além disso, os sistemas devem ser cada vez menores, apresentando um baixo consumo de potência e baixo custo para poderem ser utilizados em aplicações sem fio direcionadas ao mercado do consumidor. Neste trabalho, é proposto um defasador passivo miniaturizado de baixas perdas para aplicações em mmW baseado em um conceito inovador utilizando sistemas micro-eletromecânicos (MEMS) distribuídos e linhas de transmissão coplanares de ondas lentas (S-CPW). Assim, a defasagem é conseguida pela liberação das fitadas da camada de blindagem da S-CPW utilizando um processo de corrosão com vapor de HF. As fitas liberadas podem ser movimentadas quando uma tensão DC é aplicada, o que muda a fase do sinal propagado. É apresentado também um modelo eletromecânico e RF do defasador, compostos de elementos concentrados, permitindo a simulação do comportamento dinâmico do dispositivos e a mudança da fase. O defasador foi fabricado utilizando um processo realizado integralmente no Laboratório de Microeletrônica da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. Alguns testes elétricos de atuação, demonstram que o processo de fabricação é viável e permitiu a liberação e atuação do plano de blindagem. / There is a demand for millimeter-wave (mmW) high data-rate communication systems. Systems should have small area as well as low power consumption and low cost in order to address wireless consumer applications. In this work, a low-loss distributed microelectromechanical (MEMS) phase shifter for mmW applications based on an innovative concept using distributed MEMS and slow-wave coplanar transmission lines (S-CPW) is proposed. The phase shift is achieved by releasing the ribbons of the shielding layer of the S-CPW with a HF vapor etching process. In this way the ribbons can be allows actuated when a DC voltage is applied, which changes the phase of the propagating signal. An electromechanical model and a RF model were developed using lumped elements, allowing the simulation of the dynamic behavior of the distributed MEMS and the phase shift. The phase shifter was entirely fabricated at the Laboratory of Microelectronics of the Polytechnic School from the University of São Paulo. Some electrical tests showed that the fabrication process is viable and allowed the correct release of the shielding layer of the phase shifter.

Defasador baseado em MEMS distribuídos para aplicações em ondas milimétricas. / Phase shifter based on MEMS for distributed applications millimeter wave.

Robert Aleksander Gavidia Bovadilla 30 October 2013 (has links)
Atualmente existe uma demanda por sistemas de comunicação com altas taxas de transferência de dados, trabalhando em ondas milimétricas (mmW). Além disso, os sistemas devem ser cada vez menores, apresentando um baixo consumo de potência e baixo custo para poderem ser utilizados em aplicações sem fio direcionadas ao mercado do consumidor. Neste trabalho, é proposto um defasador passivo miniaturizado de baixas perdas para aplicações em mmW baseado em um conceito inovador utilizando sistemas micro-eletromecânicos (MEMS) distribuídos e linhas de transmissão coplanares de ondas lentas (S-CPW). Assim, a defasagem é conseguida pela liberação das fitadas da camada de blindagem da S-CPW utilizando um processo de corrosão com vapor de HF. As fitas liberadas podem ser movimentadas quando uma tensão DC é aplicada, o que muda a fase do sinal propagado. É apresentado também um modelo eletromecânico e RF do defasador, compostos de elementos concentrados, permitindo a simulação do comportamento dinâmico do dispositivos e a mudança da fase. O defasador foi fabricado utilizando um processo realizado integralmente no Laboratório de Microeletrônica da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. Alguns testes elétricos de atuação, demonstram que o processo de fabricação é viável e permitiu a liberação e atuação do plano de blindagem. / There is a demand for millimeter-wave (mmW) high data-rate communication systems. Systems should have small area as well as low power consumption and low cost in order to address wireless consumer applications. In this work, a low-loss distributed microelectromechanical (MEMS) phase shifter for mmW applications based on an innovative concept using distributed MEMS and slow-wave coplanar transmission lines (S-CPW) is proposed. The phase shift is achieved by releasing the ribbons of the shielding layer of the S-CPW with a HF vapor etching process. In this way the ribbons can be allows actuated when a DC voltage is applied, which changes the phase of the propagating signal. An electromechanical model and a RF model were developed using lumped elements, allowing the simulation of the dynamic behavior of the distributed MEMS and the phase shift. The phase shifter was entirely fabricated at the Laboratory of Microelectronics of the Polytechnic School from the University of São Paulo. Some electrical tests showed that the fabrication process is viable and allowed the correct release of the shielding layer of the phase shifter.

Contribuição ao estudo de análise de aterramento impulsivo e em altas frequências associado à avaliação da suportabilidade dos seres humanos com base no método da modelagem por linhas de transmissão (TLM)

Gazzana, Daniel da Silva January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho fundamenta-se no desenvolvimento e aprimoramento de metodologias para a melhor representação do aterramento elétrico sob uma análise transiente. O estudo concentrase no estabelecimento de contribuições ao estado da arte associadas à análise e modelagem de aterramento impulsivo e em altas frequências. O estudo vincula-se também à avaliação da suportabilidade de seres humanos submetidos a potenciais produzidos na superfície do solo, provenientes da corrente elétrica gerada por um surto atmosférico. A concepção das metodologias propostas baseou-se no uso do Método da Modelagem por Linhas de Transmissão em uma dimensão (TLM-1D). Destacam-se três grandes tópicos da pesquisa. O primeiro concentra-se no desenvolvimento de formulação para a inclusão do fenômeno de ionização do solo ao Método TLM-1D clássico. A formulação desenvolvida tem como característica ser uma técnica generalista, independente das propriedades do meio, dimensões do eletrodo e do surto atmosférico. O segundo foco concentra-se no aprimoramento e desenvolvimento de equacionamento analítico para a estimação de potenciais gerados na superfície do solo, originados pela corrente elétrica estabelecida sobre eletrodo de aterramento. Tal equacionamento tem grande aplicabilidade em conjunto com metodologias numéricas unidimensionais, as quais não são capazes de determinar diretamente os referidos potenciais. Por fim, a realização de estudo de suportabilidade e segurança de seres humanos em contato com eletrodos de aterramento submetidos a surto atmosférico, considerando modelo representativo baseado em circuitos elétricos, consolida o trabalho desenvolvido. / This work is based on the development and improvement of methodologies for the best representation of the electrical grounding under a transient analysis. The study concentrated on establishing contributions to the state of the art related to the analysis and modeling of impulsive and high frequencies grounding systems. The study is also associated to the evaluation of the supportability of human beings submitted to the potentials produced on the soil surface from the electric current generated by a lightning. The conception of the proposed methodology was based on the Transmission Line Modeling Method in one dimension (TLM- 1D). Three major research topics can be highlighted. The first involves the development of a formulation to include the soil ionization phenomenon in the classic TLM-1D algorithm. The developed formulation is a generalist technique, independent of the medium properties, characteristic of the electrode and lightning surge. The second aims at the improvement and development of analytical equations for estimating the generated potential on the soil surface, originated by the electric current calculated in the grounding electrode. Such equationing has great applicability in conjunction with one-dimensional numerical methods which are not able to determine such potential directly. Finally, the achievement of a supportability study and personal safety of humans in contact with the grounding electrodes subjected to a lightning, considering a representative model based on electrical circuits, consolidates the developed work.

Estimação de parâmetros de linhas de transmissão por meio de técnicas de identificação de sistemas. / Transmission line parameters estimation using system identification techniques.

Pereira, Ronaldo Francisco Ribeiro 29 July 2019 (has links)
O planejamento e o funcionamento do sistema elétrico de potência se baseiam na correta parametrização e caracterização de seus elementos, pois a correta parametrização dos sistemas de proteção permite uma atuação confiável e segura. Ademais, a correta caracterização dos parâmetros de elementos como as linhas de transmissão permite calcular o carregamento ótimo para determinados trechos do sistema interconectado com relação ao fluxo de potência, permitindo um melhor planejamento para expansão e instalação de reforços, dentre outros. Desta forma, foram desenvolvidas metodologias para estimação de parâmetros de sistemas de transmissão, que se baseiam na adoção de um modelo para o sistema e utilização de um método de resolução para se obter uma resposta, ou função de transferência, para as entradas e saídas deste modelo. No entanto, a maioria dos métodos existentes na literatura técnica apresenta certas limitações com relação à presença de ruído nos sinais de medição, ou dificuldade na relação existente entre as correntes longitudinais e as medições terminais, ou imprecisão do método de resolução do sistema de equações para determinada situação. Neste trabalho, foram utilizadas técnicas diferentes para a estimação de parâmetros de uma linha diretamente das medições das correntes e tensões terminais da linha em regime, sendo possível reduzir bastante o erro de estimação, pois não é necessário nenhum método de eliminação dos ruídos das medições. Desta forma, a corrente longitudinal é considerada como equivalente à última componente de corrente terminal, e a metodologia adotada apresenta erros pequenos de estimação independente do modelo adotado. Assim, modelam-se linhas de transmissão em cascata de circuitos ?, obtendo-se as medições ruidosas oriundas desta. Por fim, utiliza-se a metodologia baseada na teoria do Filtro de Kalman Unscented para eliminação do ruído nas grandezas medidas e para estimação dos parâmetros série da linha de transmissão. Através da ferramenta computacional Simulation and model-based design (Simulink), realizam-se a obtenção das medições, inclusão de ruído aleatório a estas e cálculos computacionais para estimação dos estados e parâmetros do sistema em regime permanente. / The planning and operation of a power system are based on the correct parameterization and characterization of its elements. By a correct parameterization of protection systems, a reliable and safe operation is allowed. The correct characterization of the parameters of transmission lines allows calculating the optimum power flow for the interconnected power system, allowing a better planning for expansion and installation of reinforcements, among others. In this sense, methodologies were developed for the estimation of transmission system parameters, which are based on the adoption of a model for the system and usage of a resolution method to obtain a response, or transfer function, for the inputs and outputs of the model. However, the most of existing methods in the technical literature presents certain limitations regarding presence of noise in the measurement signals, or difficulty regarding the relationship between the longitudinal currents and the terminal measurement signals, or imprecision of the solving method for the equations system. In this work, different techniques were applied for the estimation of line parameters directly from the measurements of the terminal currents and terminal voltages of the steady state line, being possible to greatly reduce the estimation error, since no extra method of eliminating measurements noise is necessary. In this way the longitudinal current is considered as equivalent to the last terminal current component, and the adopted methodology presents small estimation errors regardless of the adopted model. Thus, transmission lines are modeled by a pi cascade and noisy measurements are obtained. Finally, the methodology is based on the Unscented Kalman Filter theory for noise elimination in the measurements and for estimation of the transmission line longitudinal parameters. By the computational tool Simulink, measurements are obtained, random noise is inserted and computational calculations for estimation of the states and parameters of the system in steady state are done.

Implementing a receiver in a fast data transfer system : A feasibility study

Hall, Filip, Håkansson, Pär January 2003 (has links)
<p>This report is an outcome of a master degree project at Linköpings University in co-operation with Micronic Laser Systems AB. </p><p>The purpose with this master degree project was to investigate how to implement a receiver in a data transfer system. The system consists of several data channels, where every channel consists of three parts: driver, transmission lines and receiver. The driver send low amplitude differential signals via the transmission lines to the receiver that amplifies and converts it to a single-ended signal. The receiver has to be fast and be able to feed an output signal with high voltage swing. It is also needed for the receivers to have low power consumption since they are close to the load, which is sensitive to heat. </p><p>Different amplifier architectures were investigated to find a suitable circuit for the given prerequisites. In this report the advantages and disadvantages of voltage and current feedback are discussed. </p><p>The conclusions of this work are that in a system with an amplifier as a receiver with differential transmission lines, a single operational amplifier cannot be used. An input stage is needed to isolate the feedback net from the inputs of the operational amplifier. When fast rise time and large output swing are wanted the best amplifier architecture is current feedback amplifiers. A current feedback amplifier in CMOS with the required high voltages and slew rate is hard to realize without very high power consumption.</p>

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