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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Concepts thermodynamiques et d'entropie pour la modélisation et la régulation d'un réseau de transport / Thermodynamic and entropy concepts for modelling and control of transportation networks

Zhou, Huide 28 March 2014 (has links)
Dans ce travail, nous avons présenté notre contribution portant sur la modélisation et le contrôle a priori de congestion des réseaux de carrefours signalisés. De point de vue de la modélisation, nous avons introduit un nouveau regard sur les systèmes de transport en proposant un premier travail sur la manière dont les liens se tissent entre ces systèmes et la thermodynamique. Le point de vue dominant est l'assimilation des véhicules à l'énergie fournie ou/et échangée entre les intersections signalisées. L'avantages majeur de la modélisation thermodynamique est l'introduction de la notion d'entropie du transport mesurant le désordre du système. Elle peut être considérée non seulement comme un moyen pour la compréhension des phénomènes du trafic, mais aussi comme un outil d'évaluation surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de traiter des réseaux de grande taille. De point de vue du contrôle, nous nous sommes intéressés essentiellement à un travail en amont permettant d'éviter la congestion en forçant les files d'attente à ne pas dépasser le niveau du trafic correspondant à l'optimum opérationnel des lignes. Nous avons traité le problème de deux façons différentes. La première fait appel à l’approche de la commande dissipative. Nous avons exploité cet outil pour arriver à des résultats théoriques dont la vérification permet de conclure sur la possibilité de dissiper les véhicules au moyen d'une action de la commande adéquate. L'existence d'une commande dissipative est caractérisée par la faisabilité de certaines inégalités matricielles linéaires (LMI). La deuxième façon de traiter notre problème de commande fait appel à la commande H∞. Nous avons tiré profit de cet outil pour développer des résultats assurant l'invariance positive en boucle fermée d'un domaine ellipsoïdal contenu dans l'ensemble des contraintes. Le test d'existence et le calcul d'une loi de commande robuste par retour d'état peut alors se faire de façon simple par la résolution d'un problème de programmation linéaire convexe. Enfin, ses travaux ont été appliqués sur deux types de réseaux de carrefours, artériel et en grille afin de montrer l'intérêt des résultats. / In this work, we have presented a thermodynamic point of view for the transportation network. Analogies have been drawn between thermodynamic and transportation systems by considering traffic lanes as thermodynamic sub-systems and the vehicles as the abstract energy supplied to them. In addition, the concepts of thermal capacity and temperature are also introduced into transportation context to correspond to lane capacity and occupancy respectively. Then, it has been demonstrated that the first law of thermodynamics corresponds to the conservation of vehicles. It is also demonstrated that the transportation network can have a similar notion of entropy. Such transportation entropy is a measure of disorder of the system and hence may provide deep insight in the analysis of transportation control problems. In particular, this work has presented a dissipativity phenomenon of transportation entropy that reduces the system disorder and hence renders the system better organized. Though this phenomenon doesn’t exist naturally in transportation context, the ways to construct feedback control strategies have been proposed to achieve such objective by means of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs). However, since transportation systems involve massive complex human activities, there exist substantial unpredictable uncertainties of the traffic demands. In this context, we have proposed a robust controller for disturbance attenuation of transportation network. The errors between input flows and the nominal ones are considered as disturbances and a constrained H∞ control has been formulated in terms of maximization of the tolerance under control constraints. The problem of disturbance attenuation is solved by means of a convex optimization with Linear Matrix Inequality. Finally, two types of networks (arterial and grid) are carried out to illustrate the performances of our strategies.

A framework of vision-based detection-tracking surveillance systems for counting vehicles

Kamiya, Keitaro 13 November 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents a framework for motor vehicle detection-tracking surveillance systems. Given an optimized object detection template, the feasibility and effectiveness of the methodology is considered for vehicle counting applications, implementing both a filtering operation of false detection, based on the speed variability in each segment of traffic state, and an occlusion handling technique which considers the unusual affine transformation of tracking subspace, as well as its highly fluctuating averaged acceleration data. The result presents the overall performance considering the trade-off relationship between true detection rate and false detection rate. The filtering operation achieved significant success in removing the majority of non-vehicle elements that do not move like a vehicle. The occlusion handling technique employed also improved the systems performance, contributing counts that would otherwise be lost. For all video samples tested, the proposed framework obtained high correct count (>93% correct counting rate) while simultaneously minimizing the false count rate. For future research, the author recommends the use of more sophisticated filters for specific sets of conditions as well as the implementation of discriminative classifier for detecting different occlusion cases.

Safety-message routing in vehicular ad hoc networks

Khan, Faisal Ahmad 07 January 2013 (has links)
The safety-message dissemination problem for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) was investigated. Four novel techniques were contributed for the efficient and reliable routing of safety messages in the vehicular ad hoc networks. The instant-broadcast technique was proposed to improve the end-to-end dissemination delay. The lane-based sectoring mechanism was presented for the collision mitigation in the dense-urban traffic scenario. The negative acknowledgment with smart neighborhood (NSN) technique was proposed to ensure the reliability of reception through recovering the packet loss caused by interference. Finally, the negative acknowledgment with smart neighborhood - hole recovery (NSN-H) technique was presented to provide guaranteed reception of the safety message at each individual node in the VANET. The investigation of the safety message routing in VANET conducted in this research also revealed the significance of hitherto-neglected factors that influence the vehicular network. Significance of the small payload size of the VANET safety message, the effect of road width on the multi-hop relay, and the attenuation caused by vehicles in the propagation path were among the important revealed factors.

Stochastic dynamic traffic assignment for intermodal transportation networks with consistent information supply strategies

Abdelghany, Khaled Faissal Said, 1970- 11 March 2011 (has links)
Not available / text

CONTRAM : middleware voltado a interoperabilidade entre sistemas de gerenciamento de tráfego urbano e redes de controladores semafóricos sob os paradigmas de sistemas de transportes inteligentes

Morais, Lincoln Luiz de January 2001 (has links)
Sistemas que utilizam tecnologias computacionais no tratamento de problemas relativos ao trânsito são classificados como ITS ou Intelligent Transportation System [FAR 97]. Esses sistemas buscam, através de sincronismo e eficiência no controle de sinais de tráfego, gerenciar o fluxo de veículos na malha viária minimizando o problema de congestionamento urbano e, consequentemente, problemas decorrentes desse congestionamento como um maior consumo de combustível, maior tempo de espera para veículos específicos como ambulâncias, bombeiros, polícia e transporte coletivo, e maiores índices de poluição ambiental, sonora e atmosférica, entre outros [FED 99A]. Atuando na coleta dos dados a serem tratados e processados por um Sistema de Gerenciamento de Tráfego Urbano ou SGTU, estão os dispositivos de controle de tráfego, como semáforos e sensores para detectar e quantificar o volume de veículos e seus respectivos controladores. Computacionalmente, são fatores relevantes a interoperabilidade entre esses dispositivos de controle e padronizações adotadas, de forma que um SGTU possa evoluir através da agregação de novas facilidades e recursos ou ainda desabilitar ou modificar os já existentes. Dada as características da administração pública e dos procedimentos de aquisição, são adquiridos controladores de diferentes fabricantes e modelos, dificultando a integração entre os mesmos em função de suas tecnologias proprietárias e da falta de uma política e esforço governamental em busca de padronizações para o setor, principalmente no que diz respeito à interoperabilidade. Recentemente iniciou-se uma mobilização para se estabelecer padrões voltados à área de transporte nos Estados Unidos [EUL 95], Japão [JAP 99] e Europa [KAR 99], através da participação dos órgãos que administram o tráfego urbano, dos fabricantes de sistemas de hardware e software, da comunidade acadêmica, dos órgãos de padronizações locais e das variadas instâncias da esfera governamental. Este trabalho apresenta o CONTRAM, modelo de um middleware que, tratando os controladores de dispositivos de controle tráfego instalados ao longo da malha viária baseado nos paradigmas de sistemas distribuídos, possa ser utilizado como interface entre estes e as aplicações computacionais de gerenciamento de tráfego, permitindo a integração de diferentes especificações em um único sistema. O seu escopo é atender às transações de consulta e configuração de valores dos dados utilizados para controlar, monitorar e gerenciar o tráfego de veículos, liberando um SGTU de conhecer detalhes técnicos envolvidos na comunicação com os controladores. O modelo baseia-se em uma arquitetura multicamadas, 4-tier, permitindo o gerenciamento de recursos de forma centralizada ou distribuída, neste último trocando dados através da internet, e integra-se aos sistemas legados e OO através do método black-box e chamada de objetos respectivamente. Foi projetado tendo em mente a utilização de padrões abertos da indústria da Informática e de Transportes, a interoperabilidade entre diferentes elementos tecnológicos voltados ao controle de tráfego e a expansibilidade segura de um SGTU. Para alcançar seu objetivo, faz uso de tecnologias baseadas em metadados e agentes SNMP. / Systems that use computational technologies in the handling of the traffic problems are classified as ITS or Intelligent Transportation System. These systems search through synchronism and efficiency in traffic signs control, to manage the stream of vehicles in the road network, minimizing the problem of urban congestion and, consequently, decurrent problems of this congestion as a major fuel consumption, major waiting time for specific vehicles as ambulances, firemen, policy and collective carrier and greaters indices of ambient pollution, sonorous and atmospheric, amongst others. Acting in the data collection to be treat and processed for a Urban Traffic Control System or UTCS, they are the traffic control devices, as traffic lights and sensors to detect and quantify the volume of vehicles and, its respective controllers. Computational, important factors are the interoperability among these control devices and standardizations adopted, allowing UTCS customize through the new easinesses and features aggregation or still disable or modify already the existing ones. Given the features of the public management and the acquisition procedures, different controllers models of different manufacturers are acquired, making it difficult the integration in function of its proprietary technologies and the lack of one politics and governmental effort in considering standardizations for the sector, mainly about interoperability. Recently was initiated a mobilization of standards establishing to the Transportation area in the United States, Japan and Europe, through the participation of the agencies that manage the urban traffic, hardware and software solutions providers, academic community, local standardizations agencies and the varied instances of the governmental sphere. This work presents the CONTRAM, a middleware model that, treating the traffic controllers installed in road networks based in distributed systems paradigms, can be used as interface between the computational applications of traffic management and the controllers of control devices, allowing the integration of different specifications in an only system. Its target is to take care of to get and set transactions on data values used to control, monitor and manage the vehicles traffic, liberating a UTCS to know technician details in the communication with the controllers. The model is based on multilayers architecture, 4-tier, allowing the resources management in centered or distributed form, in last one changing data through the Internet and it is combined to the legacies systems and OO through the black-box and object call method respectively. It was projected having in mind the use of open standards of the Transportation and Computer science industries , interoperability between different traffic control technological elements and the UTCS expansibility safe. To reach its objective, it makes use of metadata and SNMP agents technologies.

Policy-driven Security Management for Gateway-Oriented Reconfigurable Ecosystems

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: With the increasing user demand for low latency, elastic provisioning of computing resources coupled with ubiquitous and on-demand access to real-time data, cloud computing has emerged as a popular computing paradigm to meet growing user demands. However, with the introduction and rising use of wear- able technology and evolving uses of smart-phones, the concept of Internet of Things (IoT) has become a prevailing notion in the currently growing technology industry. Cisco Inc. has projected a data creation of approximately 403 Zetabytes (ZB) by 2018. The combination of bringing benign devices and connecting them to the web has resulted in exploding service and data aggregation requirements, thus requiring a new and innovative computing platform. This platform should have the capability to provide robust real-time data analytics and resource provisioning to clients, such as IoT users, on-demand. Such a computation model would need to function at the edge-of-the-network, forming a bridge between the large cloud data centers and the distributed connected devices. This research expands on the notion of bringing computational power to the edge- of-the-network, and then integrating it with the cloud computing paradigm whilst providing services to diverse IoT-based applications. This expansion is achieved through the establishment of a new computing model that serves as a platform for IoT-based devices to communicate with services in real-time. We name this paradigm as Gateway-Oriented Reconfigurable Ecosystem (GORE) computing. Finally, this thesis proposes and discusses the development of a policy management framework for accommodating our proposed computational paradigm. The policy framework is designed to serve both the hosted applications and the GORE paradigm by enabling them to function more efficiently. The goal of the framework is to ensure uninterrupted communication and service delivery between users and their applications. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Computer Science 2015

Estimation du risque aux intersections pour applications sécuritaires avec véhicules communicants / Risk estimation at road intersections for connected vehicle safety applications

Lefèvre, Stéphanie 22 October 2012 (has links)
Les intersections sont les zones les plus dangereuses du réseau routier. Les statistiques montrent que la plupart des accidents aux intersections sont causés par des erreurs des conducteurs, et que la plupart pourraient être évités à l'aide de systèmes d'aide à la conduite. En particulier, les communications inter-véhiculaires ouvrent de nouvelles opportunités pour les applications sécuritaires aux intersections. Le partage d'informations entre les véhicules via des liens sans fil permet aux véhicules de percevoir leur environnement au-delà des limites du champ de vision des capteurs embarqués. Grâce à cette représentation élargie de l'environnement dans l'espace et dans le temps, la compréhension de situation est améliorée et les situations dangereuses peuvent être détectées plus tôt. Cette thèse aborde le problème de l'estimation du risque aux intersections d'un nouveau point de vue : une structure de raisonnement est proposée pour analyser les situations routières et le risque de collision à un niveau sémantique plutôt qu'au niveau des trajectoires. Le risque est déterminé en estimant les intentions des conducteurs et en identifiant les potentiels conflits, sans avoir à prédire les futures trajectoires des véhicules. L'approche proposée a été validée par des expérimentations en environnement réel à l'aide de véhicules équipés de modems de communication véhicule-véhicule, ainsi qu'en simulation. Les résultats montrent que l'algorithme permet de détecter les situations dangereuses à l'avance et qu'il respecte les contraintes temps-réel des applications sécuritaires. Il y a deux différences principales entre l'approche proposée et les travaux existants. Premièrement, l'étape de prédiction de trajectoire est évitée. Les situations dangereuses sont identifiées en comparant ce que les conducteurs ont l'intention de faire avec ce qui est attendu d'eux d'après les règles de la circulation et le contexte. Le raisonnement sur les intentions et les attentes est réalisé de manière probabiliste afin de prendre en compte les incertitudes des mesures capteur et les ambiguïtés sur l'interprétation. Deuxièmement, le modèle proposé prend en compte les informations sur le contexte situationnel, c'est-à-dire que l'influence de la géométrie de l'intersection et des actions des autres véhicules est prise en compte lors de l'analyse du comportement d'un véhicule. / Intersections are the most complex and dangerous areas of the road network. Statistics show that most road intersection accidents are caused by driver error and that many of them could be avoided through the use of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. In particular, vehicular communications open new opportunities for safety applications at road intersections. The sharing of information between vehicles over wireless links allows vehicles to perceive their environment beyond the field-of-view of their on-board sensors. Thanks to this enlarged representation of the environment in time and space, situation assessment is improved and dangerous situations can be detected earlier. This thesis tackles the problem of risk estimation at road intersections from a new perspective: a framework is proposed for reasoning about traffic situations and collision risk at a semantic level instead of at a trajectory level. Risk is assessed by estimating the intentions of drivers and looking for conflicts in them, rather than by predicting the future trajectories of the vehicles and looking for intersections between them. The proposed approach was validated in field trials using passenger vehicles equipped with vehicle-to-vehicle wireless communication modems, and in simulation. The results demonstrate that this algorithm allows the early detection of dangerous situations in a reliable manner and complies with real-time constraints. The proposed approach differs from previous works in two key aspects. Firstly, it does not rely on trajectory prediction to assess the risk of a situation. Dangerous situations are identified by comparing what drivers intend to do with what they are expected to do according to the traffic rules and the current context. The reasoning about intentions and expectations is performed in a probabilistic manner to take into account sensor uncertainties and interpretation ambiguities. Secondly, the proposed motion model includes information about the situational context. Both the layout of the intersection and the actions of other vehicles are taken into account as factors influencing the behavior of a vehicle.

CONTRAM : middleware voltado a interoperabilidade entre sistemas de gerenciamento de tráfego urbano e redes de controladores semafóricos sob os paradigmas de sistemas de transportes inteligentes

Morais, Lincoln Luiz de January 2001 (has links)
Sistemas que utilizam tecnologias computacionais no tratamento de problemas relativos ao trânsito são classificados como ITS ou Intelligent Transportation System [FAR 97]. Esses sistemas buscam, através de sincronismo e eficiência no controle de sinais de tráfego, gerenciar o fluxo de veículos na malha viária minimizando o problema de congestionamento urbano e, consequentemente, problemas decorrentes desse congestionamento como um maior consumo de combustível, maior tempo de espera para veículos específicos como ambulâncias, bombeiros, polícia e transporte coletivo, e maiores índices de poluição ambiental, sonora e atmosférica, entre outros [FED 99A]. Atuando na coleta dos dados a serem tratados e processados por um Sistema de Gerenciamento de Tráfego Urbano ou SGTU, estão os dispositivos de controle de tráfego, como semáforos e sensores para detectar e quantificar o volume de veículos e seus respectivos controladores. Computacionalmente, são fatores relevantes a interoperabilidade entre esses dispositivos de controle e padronizações adotadas, de forma que um SGTU possa evoluir através da agregação de novas facilidades e recursos ou ainda desabilitar ou modificar os já existentes. Dada as características da administração pública e dos procedimentos de aquisição, são adquiridos controladores de diferentes fabricantes e modelos, dificultando a integração entre os mesmos em função de suas tecnologias proprietárias e da falta de uma política e esforço governamental em busca de padronizações para o setor, principalmente no que diz respeito à interoperabilidade. Recentemente iniciou-se uma mobilização para se estabelecer padrões voltados à área de transporte nos Estados Unidos [EUL 95], Japão [JAP 99] e Europa [KAR 99], através da participação dos órgãos que administram o tráfego urbano, dos fabricantes de sistemas de hardware e software, da comunidade acadêmica, dos órgãos de padronizações locais e das variadas instâncias da esfera governamental. Este trabalho apresenta o CONTRAM, modelo de um middleware que, tratando os controladores de dispositivos de controle tráfego instalados ao longo da malha viária baseado nos paradigmas de sistemas distribuídos, possa ser utilizado como interface entre estes e as aplicações computacionais de gerenciamento de tráfego, permitindo a integração de diferentes especificações em um único sistema. O seu escopo é atender às transações de consulta e configuração de valores dos dados utilizados para controlar, monitorar e gerenciar o tráfego de veículos, liberando um SGTU de conhecer detalhes técnicos envolvidos na comunicação com os controladores. O modelo baseia-se em uma arquitetura multicamadas, 4-tier, permitindo o gerenciamento de recursos de forma centralizada ou distribuída, neste último trocando dados através da internet, e integra-se aos sistemas legados e OO através do método black-box e chamada de objetos respectivamente. Foi projetado tendo em mente a utilização de padrões abertos da indústria da Informática e de Transportes, a interoperabilidade entre diferentes elementos tecnológicos voltados ao controle de tráfego e a expansibilidade segura de um SGTU. Para alcançar seu objetivo, faz uso de tecnologias baseadas em metadados e agentes SNMP. / Systems that use computational technologies in the handling of the traffic problems are classified as ITS or Intelligent Transportation System. These systems search through synchronism and efficiency in traffic signs control, to manage the stream of vehicles in the road network, minimizing the problem of urban congestion and, consequently, decurrent problems of this congestion as a major fuel consumption, major waiting time for specific vehicles as ambulances, firemen, policy and collective carrier and greaters indices of ambient pollution, sonorous and atmospheric, amongst others. Acting in the data collection to be treat and processed for a Urban Traffic Control System or UTCS, they are the traffic control devices, as traffic lights and sensors to detect and quantify the volume of vehicles and, its respective controllers. Computational, important factors are the interoperability among these control devices and standardizations adopted, allowing UTCS customize through the new easinesses and features aggregation or still disable or modify already the existing ones. Given the features of the public management and the acquisition procedures, different controllers models of different manufacturers are acquired, making it difficult the integration in function of its proprietary technologies and the lack of one politics and governmental effort in considering standardizations for the sector, mainly about interoperability. Recently was initiated a mobilization of standards establishing to the Transportation area in the United States, Japan and Europe, through the participation of the agencies that manage the urban traffic, hardware and software solutions providers, academic community, local standardizations agencies and the varied instances of the governmental sphere. This work presents the CONTRAM, a middleware model that, treating the traffic controllers installed in road networks based in distributed systems paradigms, can be used as interface between the computational applications of traffic management and the controllers of control devices, allowing the integration of different specifications in an only system. Its target is to take care of to get and set transactions on data values used to control, monitor and manage the vehicles traffic, liberating a UTCS to know technician details in the communication with the controllers. The model is based on multilayers architecture, 4-tier, allowing the resources management in centered or distributed form, in last one changing data through the Internet and it is combined to the legacies systems and OO through the black-box and object call method respectively. It was projected having in mind the use of open standards of the Transportation and Computer science industries , interoperability between different traffic control technological elements and the UTCS expansibility safe. To reach its objective, it makes use of metadata and SNMP agents technologies.

Veículo-sensor: estado da arte e proposta de método orientativo para especificação do sistema de posicionamento veicular. / Vehicle as a sensor: state of the art and proposition of an orientative method to specify the vehicular positioning system.

Rafael Henrique de Oliveira 07 August 2017 (has links)
Plataformas móveis, como smartphones, tablets e também veículos, têm cada vez mais possibilitado a coleta e análise de dados de seu entorno. Essa oportunidade de sensoriamento de diferentes fenômenos oferece maior cobertura espaço-temporal a menor custo em relação às técnicas tradicionais. O dinamismo dessa abordagem traz desafios relacionados ao posicionamento desses sensores e ao georreferenciamento das informações coletadas. Desta forma, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo propor método orientativo de especificação de técnicas de posicionamento no contexto do uso do veículo enquanto sensor. Inicialmente, a partir de levantamento bibliográfico, caracteriza-se a evolução do conceito de veículo-sensor e seu emprego no sensoriamento da fluidez do tráfego, das condições do pavimento, de qualidade do ar, entre outras variáveis. Descreve-se o estado da arte nesse campo de pesquisa, identificando lacunas e pontos a serem mais bem estudados. Em um segundo momento, identificando o posicionamento como tópico pouco discutido nesse contexto, o trabalho dedica-se à definição de método orientativo de especificação de sistemas de posicionamento para veículossensores, tendo em conta os requisitos associados às diferentes variáveis a serem sensoriadas. Ao fim, apresenta-se estudo de campo referente ao uso de veículos na identificação de ocorrência de lombadas, empregando as ferramentas estabelecidas nessa dissertação e pormenorizando a discussão do sistema de posicionamento. Dessa forma, o trabalho contribui para a caracterização dos sistemas de sensoriamento baseados em veículos e a identificação do posicionamento como parâmetro fundamental para a qualidade desses sistemas. / Mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and also vehicles have increasingly enabled gathering and analysing data from its environment. This opportunity of sensing different phenomena offers greater spatiotemporal coverage at less cost when compared to the traditional techniques. The dynamics of this approach has challenges related to the positioning of this sensors and the georeferencing of sensed data. Thus, this research aims to propose an orientative method to specify the positioning system for use with vehicles working as mobile sensors. Firstly, by doing a literature review, the purpose is to characterize the evolution of the concept of vehicle as a mobile sensor and its use in sensing traffic conditions, road conditions, air quality and other variables. The state of the art in this research field is described and the gaps and open questions are identified. In a second moment, after identifying the positioning in this context as an understudied area, this research will work on discussing an orientative method to specify the positioning system considering specificities and requirements associated with the different sensored phenomena. At the end, this work describes an exploratory study using a vehicle to identify road bumps, applying the tools defined in the method and detailing the discussion about the positioning system. Therefore, this work contributes to the characterization of sensing systems based on vehicles and the identification of the vehicular positioning as a fundamental parameter for the quality of these systems.

CONTRAM : middleware voltado a interoperabilidade entre sistemas de gerenciamento de tráfego urbano e redes de controladores semafóricos sob os paradigmas de sistemas de transportes inteligentes

Morais, Lincoln Luiz de January 2001 (has links)
Sistemas que utilizam tecnologias computacionais no tratamento de problemas relativos ao trânsito são classificados como ITS ou Intelligent Transportation System [FAR 97]. Esses sistemas buscam, através de sincronismo e eficiência no controle de sinais de tráfego, gerenciar o fluxo de veículos na malha viária minimizando o problema de congestionamento urbano e, consequentemente, problemas decorrentes desse congestionamento como um maior consumo de combustível, maior tempo de espera para veículos específicos como ambulâncias, bombeiros, polícia e transporte coletivo, e maiores índices de poluição ambiental, sonora e atmosférica, entre outros [FED 99A]. Atuando na coleta dos dados a serem tratados e processados por um Sistema de Gerenciamento de Tráfego Urbano ou SGTU, estão os dispositivos de controle de tráfego, como semáforos e sensores para detectar e quantificar o volume de veículos e seus respectivos controladores. Computacionalmente, são fatores relevantes a interoperabilidade entre esses dispositivos de controle e padronizações adotadas, de forma que um SGTU possa evoluir através da agregação de novas facilidades e recursos ou ainda desabilitar ou modificar os já existentes. Dada as características da administração pública e dos procedimentos de aquisição, são adquiridos controladores de diferentes fabricantes e modelos, dificultando a integração entre os mesmos em função de suas tecnologias proprietárias e da falta de uma política e esforço governamental em busca de padronizações para o setor, principalmente no que diz respeito à interoperabilidade. Recentemente iniciou-se uma mobilização para se estabelecer padrões voltados à área de transporte nos Estados Unidos [EUL 95], Japão [JAP 99] e Europa [KAR 99], através da participação dos órgãos que administram o tráfego urbano, dos fabricantes de sistemas de hardware e software, da comunidade acadêmica, dos órgãos de padronizações locais e das variadas instâncias da esfera governamental. Este trabalho apresenta o CONTRAM, modelo de um middleware que, tratando os controladores de dispositivos de controle tráfego instalados ao longo da malha viária baseado nos paradigmas de sistemas distribuídos, possa ser utilizado como interface entre estes e as aplicações computacionais de gerenciamento de tráfego, permitindo a integração de diferentes especificações em um único sistema. O seu escopo é atender às transações de consulta e configuração de valores dos dados utilizados para controlar, monitorar e gerenciar o tráfego de veículos, liberando um SGTU de conhecer detalhes técnicos envolvidos na comunicação com os controladores. O modelo baseia-se em uma arquitetura multicamadas, 4-tier, permitindo o gerenciamento de recursos de forma centralizada ou distribuída, neste último trocando dados através da internet, e integra-se aos sistemas legados e OO através do método black-box e chamada de objetos respectivamente. Foi projetado tendo em mente a utilização de padrões abertos da indústria da Informática e de Transportes, a interoperabilidade entre diferentes elementos tecnológicos voltados ao controle de tráfego e a expansibilidade segura de um SGTU. Para alcançar seu objetivo, faz uso de tecnologias baseadas em metadados e agentes SNMP. / Systems that use computational technologies in the handling of the traffic problems are classified as ITS or Intelligent Transportation System. These systems search through synchronism and efficiency in traffic signs control, to manage the stream of vehicles in the road network, minimizing the problem of urban congestion and, consequently, decurrent problems of this congestion as a major fuel consumption, major waiting time for specific vehicles as ambulances, firemen, policy and collective carrier and greaters indices of ambient pollution, sonorous and atmospheric, amongst others. Acting in the data collection to be treat and processed for a Urban Traffic Control System or UTCS, they are the traffic control devices, as traffic lights and sensors to detect and quantify the volume of vehicles and, its respective controllers. Computational, important factors are the interoperability among these control devices and standardizations adopted, allowing UTCS customize through the new easinesses and features aggregation or still disable or modify already the existing ones. Given the features of the public management and the acquisition procedures, different controllers models of different manufacturers are acquired, making it difficult the integration in function of its proprietary technologies and the lack of one politics and governmental effort in considering standardizations for the sector, mainly about interoperability. Recently was initiated a mobilization of standards establishing to the Transportation area in the United States, Japan and Europe, through the participation of the agencies that manage the urban traffic, hardware and software solutions providers, academic community, local standardizations agencies and the varied instances of the governmental sphere. This work presents the CONTRAM, a middleware model that, treating the traffic controllers installed in road networks based in distributed systems paradigms, can be used as interface between the computational applications of traffic management and the controllers of control devices, allowing the integration of different specifications in an only system. Its target is to take care of to get and set transactions on data values used to control, monitor and manage the vehicles traffic, liberating a UTCS to know technician details in the communication with the controllers. The model is based on multilayers architecture, 4-tier, allowing the resources management in centered or distributed form, in last one changing data through the Internet and it is combined to the legacies systems and OO through the black-box and object call method respectively. It was projected having in mind the use of open standards of the Transportation and Computer science industries , interoperability between different traffic control technological elements and the UTCS expansibility safe. To reach its objective, it makes use of metadata and SNMP agents technologies.

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