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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Une heuristique à grand voisinage pour un problème de confection de tournée pour un seul véhicule avec cueillettes et livraisons et contrainte de chargement

Côté, Jean-François 04 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons un nouveau type de problème de confection de tour- née pour un seul véhicule avec cueillettes et livraisons et contrainte de chargement. Cette variante est motivée par des problèmes similaires rapportés dans la littérature. Le véhi- cule en question contient plusieurs piles où des colis de hauteurs différentes sont empilés durant leur transport. La hauteur totale des items contenus dans chacune des piles ne peut dépasser une certaine hauteur maximale. Aucun déplacement n’est permis lors de la li- vraison d’un colis, ce qui signifie que le colis doit être sur le dessus d’une pile au moment d’être livré. De plus, tout colis i ramassé avant un colis j et contenu dans la même pile doit être livré après j. Une heuristique à grand voisinage, basé sur des travaux récents dans le domaine, est proposée comme méthode de résolution. Des résultats numériques sont rapportés pour plusieurs instances classiques ainsi que pour de nouvelles instances. / In this work, we consider a new type of pickup and delivery routing problem with last- in-first-out loading constraints for a single vehicle with multiple stacks. This problem is motivated by similar problems reported in the literature. In the problem considered, items are collected and put on top of one of multiple stacks inside the vehicle, such that the total height of the items on each stack does not exceed a given threshold. The loading constraints state that if items i and j are in the same stack and item i is collected before item j, then i must be delivered after j. Furthermore, an item can be delivered only if it is on the top of a stack. An adaptive large neighborhood heuristic, based on recent studies in this field, is proposed to solve the problem. Numerical results are reported on many classical instances reported in the literature and also on some new ones.

Otimização do processo de inserção automática de componentes eletrônicos empregando a técnica de times assíncronos. / Using A-Teams to optimize automatic insertion of electronic components.

Rabak, Cesar Scarpini 22 June 1999 (has links)
Máquinas insersoras de componentes são utilizadas na indústria eletrônica moderna para a montagem automática de placas de circuito impresso. Com a competição acirrada, há necessidade de se buscar todas as oportunidades para diminuir custos e aumentar a produtividade na exploração desses equipamentos. Neste trabalho, foi proposto um procedimento de otimização do processo de inserção da máquina insersora AVK da Panasonic, implementado em um sistema baseado na técnica de times assíncronos (A-Teams). Foram realizados testes com exemplos de placas de circuito impresso empregadas por uma indústria do ramo e problemas sintéticos para avaliar o desempenho do sistema. / Component inserting machines are employed in the modern electronics industry for the automatic assembly of printed circuit boards. Due the fierce competition, there is a need to search for all opportunities to reduce costs and increase the productivity in the exploitation of these equipment. In this work we propose an optimization procedure for the insertion process of the AVK Panasonic inserting machine, implemented in a system based on asynchronous teams (A-Teams). Tests were conducted using as examples both printed circuit boards used by a particular industry of the realm and synthetic problems for the evaluation of the system.

Otimização do processo de inserção automática de componentes eletrônicos empregando a técnica de times assíncronos. / Using A-Teams to optimize automatic insertion of electronic components.

Cesar Scarpini Rabak 22 June 1999 (has links)
Máquinas insersoras de componentes são utilizadas na indústria eletrônica moderna para a montagem automática de placas de circuito impresso. Com a competição acirrada, há necessidade de se buscar todas as oportunidades para diminuir custos e aumentar a produtividade na exploração desses equipamentos. Neste trabalho, foi proposto um procedimento de otimização do processo de inserção da máquina insersora AVK da Panasonic, implementado em um sistema baseado na técnica de times assíncronos (A-Teams). Foram realizados testes com exemplos de placas de circuito impresso empregadas por uma indústria do ramo e problemas sintéticos para avaliar o desempenho do sistema. / Component inserting machines are employed in the modern electronics industry for the automatic assembly of printed circuit boards. Due the fierce competition, there is a need to search for all opportunities to reduce costs and increase the productivity in the exploitation of these equipment. In this work we propose an optimization procedure for the insertion process of the AVK Panasonic inserting machine, implemented in a system based on asynchronous teams (A-Teams). Tests were conducted using as examples both printed circuit boards used by a particular industry of the realm and synthetic problems for the evaluation of the system.

Rede neural recorrente com perturbação simultânea aplicada no problema do caixeiro viajante / Recurrent neural network with simultaneous perturbation applied to traveling salesman problem

Fabriciu Alarcão Veiga Benini 15 December 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe resolver o clássico problema combinatorial conhecido como problema do caixeiro viajante. Foi usado no sistema de otimização de busca do menor caminho uma rede neural recorrente. A topologia de estrutura de ligação das realimentações da rede adotada aqui é conhecida por rede recorrente de Wang. Como regra de treinamento de seus pesos sinápticos foi adotada a técnica de perturbação simultânea com aproximação estocástica. Foi elaborado ainda uma minuciosa revisão bibliográfica sobre todos os temas abordados com detalhes sobre a otimização multivariável com perturbação simultânea. Comparar-se-á também os resultados obtidos aqui com outras diferentes técnicas aplicadas no problema do caixeiro viajante visando propósitos de validação. / This work proposes to solve the classic combinatorial optimization problem known as traveling salesman problem. A recurrent neural network was used in the system of optimization to search the shorter path. The structural topology linking the feedbacks of the network adopted here is known by Wang recurrent network. As learning rule to find the appropriate values of the weights was used the simultaneous perturbation with stochastic approximation. A detailed bibliographical revision on multivariable optimization with simultaneous perturbation is also described. Comparative results with other different techniques applied to the traveling salesman are still presented for validation purposes.

Rede neural recorrente com perturbação simultânea aplicada no problema do caixeiro viajante / Recurrent neural network with simultaneous perturbation applied to traveling salesman problem

Benini, Fabriciu Alarcão Veiga 15 December 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe resolver o clássico problema combinatorial conhecido como problema do caixeiro viajante. Foi usado no sistema de otimização de busca do menor caminho uma rede neural recorrente. A topologia de estrutura de ligação das realimentações da rede adotada aqui é conhecida por rede recorrente de Wang. Como regra de treinamento de seus pesos sinápticos foi adotada a técnica de perturbação simultânea com aproximação estocástica. Foi elaborado ainda uma minuciosa revisão bibliográfica sobre todos os temas abordados com detalhes sobre a otimização multivariável com perturbação simultânea. Comparar-se-á também os resultados obtidos aqui com outras diferentes técnicas aplicadas no problema do caixeiro viajante visando propósitos de validação. / This work proposes to solve the classic combinatorial optimization problem known as traveling salesman problem. A recurrent neural network was used in the system of optimization to search the shorter path. The structural topology linking the feedbacks of the network adopted here is known by Wang recurrent network. As learning rule to find the appropriate values of the weights was used the simultaneous perturbation with stochastic approximation. A detailed bibliographical revision on multivariable optimization with simultaneous perturbation is also described. Comparative results with other different techniques applied to the traveling salesman are still presented for validation purposes.

Cellular GPU Models to Euclidean Optimization Problems : Applications from Stereo Matching to Structured Adaptive Meshing and Traveling Salesman Problem / Modèles cellulaires GPU appliquès à des problèmes d'optimisation euclidiennes : applications à l'appariement d'images stéréo, à la génération de maillages et au voyageur de commerce

Zhang, Naiyu 02 December 2013 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire étudie et propose des modèles de calcul parallèles de type cellulaire pour traiter différents problèmes d’optimisation NP-durs définis dans l’espace euclidien, et leur implantation sur des processeurs graphiques multi-fonction (Graphics Processing Unit; GPU). Le but est de pouvoir traiter des problèmes de grande taille tout en permettant des facteurs d’accélération substantiels à l’aide du parallélisme massif. Les champs d’application visés concernent les systèmes embarqués pour la stéréovision de même que les problèmes de transports définis dans le plan, tels que les problèmes de tournées de véhicules. La principale caractéristique du modèle cellulaire est qu’il est fondé sur une décomposition du plan en un nombre approprié de cellules, chacune comportant une part constante de la donnée, et chacune correspondant à une unité de calcul (processus). Ainsi, le nombre de processus parallèles et la taille mémoire nécessaire sont en relation linéaire avec la taille du problème d’optimisation, ce qui permet de traiter des instances de très grandes tailles.L’efficacité des modèles cellulaires proposés a été testée sur plateforme parallèle GPU sur quatre applications. La première application est un problème d’appariement d’images stéréo. Elle concerne la stéréovision couleur. L’entrée du problème est une paire d’images stéréo, et la sortie une carte de disparités représentant les profondeurs dans la scène 3D. Le but est de comparer des méthodes d’appariement local selon l’approche winner-takes-all et appliquées à des paires d’images CFA (color filter array). La deuxième application concerne la recherche d’améliorations de l’implantation GPU permettant de réaliser un calcul quasi temps-réel de l’appariement. Les troisième et quatrième applications ont trait à l’implantation cellulaire GPU des réseaux neuronaux de type carte auto-organisatrice dans le plan. La troisième application concerne la génération de maillages structurés appliquée aux cartes de disparité afin de produire des représentations compressées des surfaces 3D. Enfin, la quatrième application concerne le traitement d’instances de grandes tailles du problème du voyageur de commerce euclidien comportant jusqu’à 33708 villes.Pour chacune des applications, les implantations GPU permettent une accélération substantielle du calcul par rapport aux versions CPU, pour des tailles croissantes des problèmes et pour une qualité de résultat obtenue similaire ou supérieure. Le facteur d’accélération GPU par rapport à la version CPU est d’environ 20 fois plus vite pour la version GPU sur le traitement des images CFA, cependant que le temps de traitement GPU est d’environ de 0,2s pour une paire d’images de petites tailles de la base Middlebury. L’algorithme amélioré quasi temps-réel nécessite environ 0,017s pour traiter une paire d’images de petites tailles, ce qui correspond aux temps d’exécution parmi les plus rapides de la base Middlebury pour une qualité de résultat modérée. La génération de maillages structurés est évaluée sur la base Middlebury afin de déterminer les facteurs d’accélération et qualité de résultats obtenus. Le facteur d’accélération obtenu pour l’implantation parallèle des cartes auto-organisatrices appliquée au problème du voyageur de commerce et pour l’instance avec 33708 villes est de 30 pour la version parallèle. / The work presented in this PhD studies and proposes cellular computation parallel models able to address different types of NP-hard optimization problems defined in the Euclidean space, and their implementation on the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) platform. The goal is to allow both dealing with large size problems and provide substantial acceleration factors by massive parallelism. The field of applications concerns vehicle embedded systems for stereovision as well as transportation problems in the plane, as vehicle routing problems. The main characteristic of the cellular model is that it decomposes the plane into an appropriate number of cellular units, each responsible of a constant part of the input data, and such that each cell corresponds to a single processing unit. Hence, the number of processing units and required memory are with linear increasing relationship to the optimization problem size, which makes the model able to deal with very large size problems.The effectiveness of the proposed cellular models has been tested on the GPU parallel platform on four applications. The first application is a stereo-matching problem. It concerns color stereovision. The problem input is a stereo image pair, and the output a disparity map that represents depths in the 3D scene. The goal is to implement and compare GPU/CPU winner-takes-all local dense stereo-matching methods dealing with CFA (color filter array) image pairs. The second application focuses on the possible GPU improvements able to reach near real-time stereo-matching computation. The third and fourth applications deal with a cellular GPU implementation of the self-organizing map neural network in the plane. The third application concerns structured mesh generation according to the disparity map to allow 3D surface compressed representation. Then, the fourth application is to address large size Euclidean traveling salesman problems (TSP) with up to 33708 cities.In all applications, GPU implementations allow substantial acceleration factors over CPU versions, as the problem size increases and for similar or higher quality results. The GPU speedup factor over CPU was of 20 times faster for the CFA image pairs, but GPU computation time is about 0.2s for a small image pair from Middlebury database. The near real-time stereovision algorithm takes about 0.017s for a small image pair, which is one of the fastest records in the Middlebury benchmark with moderate quality. The structured mesh generation is evaluated on Middlebury data set to gauge the GPU acceleration factor and quality obtained. The acceleration factor for the GPU parallel self-organizing map over the CPU version, on the largest TSP problem with 33708 cities, is of 30 times faster.

Une heuristique à grand voisinage pour un problème de confection de tournée pour un seul véhicule avec cueillettes et livraisons et contrainte de chargement

Côté, Jean-François 04 1900 (has links)
Dans ce mémoire, nous présentons un nouveau type de problème de confection de tour- née pour un seul véhicule avec cueillettes et livraisons et contrainte de chargement. Cette variante est motivée par des problèmes similaires rapportés dans la littérature. Le véhi- cule en question contient plusieurs piles où des colis de hauteurs différentes sont empilés durant leur transport. La hauteur totale des items contenus dans chacune des piles ne peut dépasser une certaine hauteur maximale. Aucun déplacement n’est permis lors de la li- vraison d’un colis, ce qui signifie que le colis doit être sur le dessus d’une pile au moment d’être livré. De plus, tout colis i ramassé avant un colis j et contenu dans la même pile doit être livré après j. Une heuristique à grand voisinage, basé sur des travaux récents dans le domaine, est proposée comme méthode de résolution. Des résultats numériques sont rapportés pour plusieurs instances classiques ainsi que pour de nouvelles instances. / In this work, we consider a new type of pickup and delivery routing problem with last- in-first-out loading constraints for a single vehicle with multiple stacks. This problem is motivated by similar problems reported in the literature. In the problem considered, items are collected and put on top of one of multiple stacks inside the vehicle, such that the total height of the items on each stack does not exceed a given threshold. The loading constraints state that if items i and j are in the same stack and item i is collected before item j, then i must be delivered after j. Furthermore, an item can be delivered only if it is on the top of a stack. An adaptive large neighborhood heuristic, based on recent studies in this field, is proposed to solve the problem. Numerical results are reported on many classical instances reported in the literature and also on some new ones.

Generalized Sampling-Based Feedback Motion Planners

Kumar, Sandip 2011 December 1900 (has links)
The motion planning problem can be formulated as a Markov decision process (MDP), if the uncertainties in the robot motion and environments can be modeled probabilistically. The complexity of solving these MDPs grow exponentially as the dimension of the problem increases and hence, it is nearly impossible to solve the problem even without constraints. Using hierarchical methods, these MDPs can be transformed into a semi-Markov decision process (SMDP) which only needs to be solved at certain landmark states. In the deterministic robotics motion planning community, sampling based algorithms like probabilistic roadmaps (PRM) and rapidly exploring random trees (RRTs) have been successful in solving very high dimensional deterministic problem. However they are not robust to system with uncertainties in the system dynamics and hence, one of the primary objective of this work is to generalize PRM/RRT to solve motion planning with uncertainty. We first present generalizations of randomized sampling based algorithms PRM and RRT, to incorporate the process uncertainty, and obstacle location uncertainty, termed as "generalized PRM" (GPRM) and "generalized RRT" (GRRT). The controllers used at the lower level of these planners are feedback controllers which ensure convergence of trajectories while mitigating the effects of process uncertainty. The results indicate that the algorithms solve the motion planning problem for a single agent in continuous state/control spaces in the presence of process uncertainty, and constraints such as obstacles and other state/input constraints. Secondly, a novel adaptive sampling technique, termed as "adaptive GPRM" (AGPRM), is proposed for these generalized planners to increase the efficiency and overall success probability of these planners. It was implemented on high-dimensional robot n-link manipulators, with up to 8 links, i.e. in a 16-dimensional state-space. The results demonstrate the ability of the proposed algorithm to handle the motion planning problem for highly non-linear systems in very high-dimensional state space. Finally, a solution methodology, termed the "multi-agent AGPRM" (MAGPRM), is proposed to solve the multi-agent motion planning problem under uncertainty. The technique uses a existing solution technique to the multiple traveling salesman problem (MTSP) in conjunction with GPRM. For real-time implementation, an ?inter-agent collision detection and avoidance? module was designed which ensures that no two agents collide at any time-step. Algorithm was tested on teams of homogeneous and heterogeneous agents in cluttered obstacle space and the algorithm demonstrate the ability to handle such problems in continuous state/control spaces in presence of process uncertainty.

Uma abordagem por nuvem de part?culas para problemas de otimiza??o combinat?ria / A Particle Swarm Approach for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

Souza, Givanaldo Rocha de 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:47:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GivanaldoRS.pdf: 1524067 bytes, checksum: d73e18e4ae3a0bffab7711efc808bffa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / Combinatorial optimization problems have the goal of maximize or minimize functions defined over a finite domain. Metaheuristics are methods designed to find good solutions in this finite domain, sometimes the optimum solution, using a subordinated heuristic, which is modeled for each particular problem. This work presents algorithms based on particle swarm optimization (metaheuristic) applied to combinatorial optimization problems: the Traveling Salesman Problem and the Multicriteria Degree Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. The first problem optimizes only one objective, while the other problem deals with many objectives. In order to evaluate the performance of the algorithms proposed, they are compared, in terms of the quality of the solutions found, to other approaches / Os problemas de otimiza??o combinat?ria t?m como objetivo maximizar ou minimizar uma fun??o definida sobre um certo dom?nio finito. J? as metaheur?sticas s?o procedimentos destinados a encontrar uma boa solu??o, eventualmente a ?tima, consistindo na aplica??o de uma heur?stica subordinada, a qual tem que ser modelada para cada problema espec?fico. Este trabalho apresenta algoritmos baseados na t?cnica de otimiza??o por nuvem de part?culas (metaheur?stica) para dois problemas de otimiza??o combinat?ria: o Problema do Caixeiro Viajante e o Problema da ?rvore Geradora M?nima Restrita em Grau Multicrit?rio. O primeiro ? um problema em que apenas um objetivo ? otimizado, enquanto o segundo ? um problema que deve lidar com m?ltiplos objetivos. Os algoritmos propostos s?o comparados a outras abordagens para o mesmo problema em quest?o, em termos de qualidade de solu??o, a fim de verificar a efici?ncia desses algoritmos

Caractérisation des instances difficiles de problèmes d'optimisation NP-difficiles / Characterization of difficult instances for NP-hard problems

Weber, Valentin 08 July 2013 (has links)
L'étude expérimentale d'algorithmes est un sujet crucial dans la conception de nouveaux algorithmes, puisque le contexte d'évaluation influence inévitablement la mesure de la qualité des algorithmes. Le sujet particulier qui nous intéresse dans l'étude expérimentale est la pertinence des instances choisies pour servir de base de test à l'expérimentation. Nous formalisons ce critère par la notion de "difficulté d'instance" qui dépend des performances pratiques de méthodes de résolution. Le coeur de la thèse porte sur un outil pour évaluer empiriquement la difficulté d'instance. L'approche proposée présente une méthode de benchmarking d'instances sur des jeux de test d'algorithmes. Nous illustrons cette méthode expérimentale pour évaluer des classes d'instances à travers plusieurs exemples d'applications sur le problème du voyageur de commerce. Nous présentons ensuite une approche pour générer des instances difficiles. Elle repose sur des opérations qui modifient les instances, mais qui permettent de retrouver facilement une solution optimale, d'une instance à l'autre. Nous étudions théoriquement et expérimentalement son impact sur les performances de méthodes de résolution. / The empirical study of algorithms is a crucial topic in the design of new algorithms because the context of evaluation inevitably influences the measure of the quality of algorithms. In this topic, we particularly focus on the relevance of instances forming testbeds. We formalize this criterion with the notion of 'instance hardness' that depends on practical performance of some resolution methods. The aim of the thesis is to introduce a tool to evaluate instance hardness. The approach uses benchmarking of instances against a testbed of algorithms. We illustrate our experimental methodology to evaluate instance classes through several applications to the traveling salesman problem. We also suggest possibilities to generate hard instances. They rely on operations that modify instances but that allow to easily find the optimal solution of one instance from the other. We theoretically and empirically study their impact on the performance of some resolution methods.

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